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Geoscience instruction in India is facing a serious crisis-instances are known of well-established university geology departments with more than a score of senior teachers having just a couple of M.Sc. students. This profound lack of demand for geoscience studies is a direct consequence of the paucity of employment opportunities for tradition-ally-trained geoscience graduates which  相似文献   

Culture provides an important perspective to understand society. It is one of the key factors that impact how people behave themselves, interact with one another, view the world; what they believe and value. Therefore, a good understanding of public disaster awareness and disaster coping is impossible without taking their culture context into consideration. Since the 1960s, cultural dimension in disaster issues and/or disaster reduction practices has been attracting increasingly attention; many empirical or theoretical explorations have been reported. This review aims to give an overview of research progresses on how culture impacts public awareness and coping of disasters, and analyze the corresponding implications for disaster research and disaster reduction practice. This review summarizes that: ①There is unanimous consensus on public awareness and coping of disaster, which are affected by their culture context. While the knowledge about the ways and degree of impact is still limited, further research is warranted. In addition, more systematic and in-depth studies conducted from cross-cultural perspectives are needed to design to further explore the origins of variance in public disaster awareness and coping, and to what extent from cultural differences. ②Research on public awareness of disaster, emergency response and recovery indicated that culture might have double-side impacts on disaster management—sometimes cultural factors such as value, norm, custom and belief might lead to people more vulnerable than the others, even could be the root causes, but they could also be the source of people’s resilience to disaster in some cases. How to identify those positive and negative impacts, then develop cultural-oriented disaster management policy is a challenge issue, which need special attention. ③There is an increasing acknowledgement that local knowledge and disaster subculture could play an important role in public disaster coping, while the lacking of the awareness of the value of local knowledge, the change of lifestyle, and the impact from external culture pose a threat to the inheritance of some local, traditional disaster coping strategies. So exploring how to conserve, protect, identify, document them, then combine them with modern science and technology should and will be the focus of relevant studies. On the bases of these summarizations, in terms of cultural dimension of natural disaster research in China, systematic and in-depth studies are needed to explore how Chinese culture affects public disaster awareness and coping, what cultural resources can be used in disaster (risk) reduction and for building and enhancing disaster resilience, and how to use them.  相似文献   

Geoconservation in England, as in Great Britain more widely, is very well established. Sites of national or international scientific importance, as determined by a systematic site assessment and selection exercise, can be protected by designation as Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Sites of local importance e.g. Local Geological Sites may also be taken into account when planning decisions are made that could have an impact on them. As a whole, the network of conserved geosites represents the key elements of our current understanding of the geology and geomorphology of England. Site selection and safeguard and management of this network are dependent on geoscience information, and in return continued geoscience fieldwork is dependent on having conserved sites available for study. Here, we review the relationship between geoconservation and geoscience, and how it has developed since the first geoconservation legislation nearly 70 years ago. We discuss the achievements, challenges and where and how this relationship needs to strengthen further to meet future needs of both geoscience and nature conservation. In a changing world, there will continue to be a need for innovative geoscience supported by effective geoconservation. Those interested in conserving England’s geological heritage will need to engage the wider geoscience community more than ever to deliver a shared vision for the natural environment.  相似文献   

Landslide impacts in Germany: A historical and socioeconomic perspective   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Landslide impacts on infrastructure and society in the Federal Republic of Germany are associated with damage costs of about US$300 million on annual average. Despite the large overall losses due to widespread landslide activity, there is a lack of historical impact assessments, not just for Germany’s low mountain areas but those of entire Central Europe as well. This paper is a collection of three case studies from Germany that seek a better understanding of landslide impacts and their economic relevance at local and regional level. The first case study investigates damage types and mitigation measures at a representative landslide site in ways that support to gain insight into historical hazard interactions with land use practices. This case history is followed by a case study dealing with fiscal cost impacts of landslide damages for an example city and the highway system of the Lower Saxon Uplands, NW Germany. In addition to a cost-burden analysis for affected public budgets, an overview of the principles of disaster financing in landslide practice is given. The third case study is focused on the conflicts of urban development in hazard areas, with an economic approach to balancing safety and public welfare interests. Each case study is based on historical data sets extracted from Germany’s national landslide database. This paper presents three different case studies that in combination are a first step towards assessing landslide impacts in integrated perspective.  相似文献   

Disaster experts around the world have continually warned governments and the public about the possibility of “worst-case” natural hazard scenarios and their overwhelming impacts. Yet, planning for the occurrence of these events has fallen far short of need. The large earthquake that occurred off the coast of Sumatra in 2004, which resulted in one of the deadliest tsunamis ever recorded, was a painful reminder that living in some of the most desirable areas of the world does have its risks. We all have enjoyed the fun of restful visits to coastal resort communities all around the world, and we rarely think about earthquakes or tsunamis interfering with this enjoyment. Yet, they take us by surprise. Before these events do occur, there should be adequate education for everyone on what actions are appropriate as well as an effective warning system to trigger the right actions.  相似文献   

The role of school-based disaster education in mitigating natural disaster has received extensive emphasis across the world. After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, the elementary and secondary schools in China have attached more importance to disaster education. However, it is unclear about the outcome up to now. Therefore, we conduct a relatively extensive survey in Beijing, Hunan, Guangdong and Sichuan recently, based on the perspectives of both students and teachers, so as to explore their attitude, gains, and expectations. The findings indicate that, first, it is the consensus that school-based disaster education should be enhanced to raise the awareness and capability of students to address disasters. Second, school-based disaster education has received overall positive outcome in recent years, although there are also 18% students expressing that their schools have not opened disaster curricula or they are unclear about that. Third, almost all the teachers argue that schools should develop disaster-related curricula, incorporate disaster education curricula into the compulsory curricula, and design special textbooks for disaster education. Finally, most teachers insist that the school-based disaster education has limited effect on students to improve their disaster prevention awareness and capability; in particular, the disaster education tends to impart knowledge for the most part but lack attractiveness and local features.  相似文献   

The Conference, ‘Engaging with Geodiversity—Why it Matters’, December 2010, addressed the wider relevance of geodiversity in Scotland. A key challenge is to integrate geodiversity within existing policy relating to the way we work and live, and therefore to inform better the decisions we make about a sustainable future for our environment. This will require partnership working among the geoscience, geoconservation and voluntary sectors at both national and local levels, not only to demonstrate convincingly the economic, social, cultural and environmental values and benefits of geodiversity, but also to deliver real outcomes for both people and nature. The key drivers that provide particular opportunities, as well as challenges, for the integration of geodiversity are the development of an ecosystem approach and how society responds to climate change. Addressing these will be crucial from a geoconservation perspective to develop a wider understanding of the essential environmental role played by geodiversity and for the protection of key sites, both from a policy perspective in delivering economic, social and environmental benefits, and from an academic perspective in ensuring support for geoscience. The key message – that geodiversity matters – must be communicated strongly to the highest levels of government, among key interest groups and at a local community level.  相似文献   

得益于计算机技术、人工智能技术、多媒体技术、传感器技术等的迅速发展,虚拟仿真在科学领域已经得到了广泛的应用并具有巨大的市场需求。在地质学中,国内外高校已经将虚拟仿真技术应用到教学中,使其打破了传统教学的时空限制。但目前虚拟仿真在该领域的应用还存在场景内容欠缺,交互感不足,细节展示不够等问题。为能够进一步拓展虚拟仿真技术在地质学中的应用思路,文章对虚拟仿真技术在多个科学学科中的应用情况进行研究,介绍了面向地学的综合型、国际化的沉浸式虚拟仿真实验室实例。综合型的地学虚拟仿真实验室的建立,将深度融合地学与虚拟仿真技术,为多学科交叉融合、国际化教学等未来的教学发展方向提供更有效的平台。  相似文献   

Surface mining and quarrying typically generate a considerable number of environmental impacts among which landscape alteration remains one of the most significant. Although landscape alteration does not directly affect public health, it may produce an adverse reaction among potential observers and compromise the use and potential growth of the surrounding territory. In order to assess the impact produced by surface excavation, some aspects of landscape modification can be objectively measured, such as the extent of the visible alteration, its shape and the chromatic contrast with the surroundings. With reference to a case study located in Sardinia, this article discusses the implementation of two different visual impact assessment methods, one defined by the EC decision 272/02 (Commission Decision 2002), the other previously proposed by the authors of the present article and based on the estimation of the impact indicator Lvi (level of visual impact). The comparison of the results proves that the method established by the EC decision leads to the underestimation of the visual impact for alterations which are significantly wider than their height. On the other hand, the implementation of the Lvi method clearly shows how the indicator is affected by the quarry’s lateral extent and suggests the possibility of calculating a global impact factor LVI to be associated to a given route, considering the variability of the visual impact with the curvilinear abscissa of the route itself.  相似文献   

Abstract. An object-relational data model is an entry point and integral part of geologic analysis system, in which we can start geologic modeling inside a database. A conceptual data model named the Geoscience (Earth Resources) Data Model 3.0 has been developed based on the conceptual design of NADM-C1.0 and EGDM 812. Such adaptation makes this data model interoperable with data models from other geoscience fields. The focus of current data model is to effectively manage multi datasets related with the study of earth resources and to create relationship among data types.
The conceptual data model for earth resources is successfully implemented physically by integrating a GIS and relational data storage. The direct link between relational database and GIS makes the database contents highly visual and spatially enabling. Database contents are fully georeferenced through different types of georeferencing systems that enables data integration, visualization and analysis of multi geoscience datasets in 2D and 3D environment. A new way of geologic analysis through visualization of virtually all kinds of geoscience datasets is proposed.
The earth resources research and industry can take benefits on this system through better data management and effective geologic visualization that in turn accelerate a better understanding of earth resources. Meanwhile wider geoscience community will benefit from better interaction and data sharing among geoscience fields for accelerating a better understanding of our complex earth.  相似文献   

充分发挥专业课程的多维度育人功能是打通基础学科高层次人才培养的关键一环。作为地质学及其相关专业的第一门专业入门课程,《普通地质学》课程主要教授学生地球科学的基本知识、基本技能和基本地质思维等专业知识,同时培养学生的专业兴趣。面对新时代高层次地学人才培养的要求,需要深入挖掘该课程的思政元素,实现教学理念从单纯的传授基础知识、激发专业兴趣到科学素养和人文素养拓展,开启《普通地质学》课程服务地学高层次人才培养的大门。充分利用“将今论古”思想和动力地质作用这两个课程核心内容,培养学生的开拓创新精神和跨学科能力,提升学生的科学素养。同时,依托地质过程的复杂性和庞大的地质时空观等课程核心内容,培养学生的工匠精神、大格局观和发展观,提升人文素养。  相似文献   

造山带与造山作用及其研究的新起点   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
当代地理科学正处于重要的发展时期。人类社会发展向地学发生了新的严峻挑战,地球科学理论自身也处在一个新的发展时期。面对社会与地学的发展及需求。作为地质科学研究最基本主要领域的造山带研究,应如何思考?本文据此在新世纪开始之际,根据社会与科学的发展,回顾和讨论了造山带、造山作用及其研究内容、发展变化和新的研究起点和任务。  相似文献   

Current students will mostly comprise the so‐called ‘Generation Y’, who have grown up with personal computer and egaming technologies. Used to a variety of digital learning environments, it is probable that, for them at least, educational egaming may provide effective learning, complementary to more traditional teaching methods. Current geoscience digital educational methods are briefly reviewed and examined through three case studies of online educational geoscience egames. These are shown to provide a consistent experience, ‘24/7’ accessibility and effective learning.  相似文献   

This paper examines environmental problems associated with Third World cities. It concentrates on environmental problems as they relate to health and living conditions, especially for lower income groups. After an outline of urban growth trends, these problems are discussed on three different geographic scales. At the regional level, the paper discusses how cities draw on a wider area for natural resources (and usually for labour) and have environmental impacts which stretch far beyond their boundaries, although the most pressing impacts tend to be on their immediate hinterland. At the city-wide level there are problems of disposing of household, human and industrial wastes and of associated problems of air and water pollution. At the level of the home or workplace there are problems of inadequate space and ventilation, inadequate infrastructure and basic services, and lack of provision for the safeguarding of human health. The final section discusses how governments might tackle the causes of these environmental problems on each of these scales.  相似文献   

数据预处理技术在地学大数据中应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
大数据时代随着数据的爆发式增长,在带来可供研究的海量数据的同时,也带来巨量的噪声和冗余数据。在地学领域,由于研究方向和技术方法手段的多样化,产生了数据量巨大和类型众多的地学数据集合。在地学信息的研究过程中,经常碰到地学信息孤岛,分图幅地学数据边界系统误差和地学文档的非结构化问题。在对地学数据进行信息的提取和挖掘之前,必须根据研究目的对地学大数据进行预处理,使冗余、复杂的大数据转为结构化、准确、可用的数据。本文以地学大数据的预处理技术为切入点,从地学数据交互标准与语义、数据调平、地质图接边和文本结构化等四个研究方面,分析阐述目前地学大数据挖掘方面存在的问题及主要的解决手段,同时也对多元数据融合在大数据中的应用进行了阐述。希望通过本文对地学大数据预处理技术的探讨,能对地学大数据的挖掘有所帮助。  相似文献   

张栋  葛良胜  吕新彪  戚冉  王卫兵  闫家盼  赵由之 《地质论评》2024,70(4):2024040018-2024040018
军事地质学以战争和和平时期军事活动实践应用为研究领域,在军事行动、作战环境、战场情报和非战争军事行动中具有重要应用价值。军事需求应用推动军事地质学向军事地球科学创新发展。军事地球科学基于地球科学交叉学科,致力于研究解决军事活动涉及的多元自然物质属性、多层空间物理特征和多系统环境挑战。总结国外军事地质学应用研究历史经验,归类军事地球科学研究的地学环境影响历史战争、地球科学对军事活动影响、地缘安全利益与资源需求、支持军事活动的地球科学技术等重点领域,建议我国军事地球科学关键问题聚焦理论方法、典型场景和全球议题,提出现代科学挑战:(1)战场地学空间情报的智能应用;(2)陌生地域特殊环境隐匿目标的遥感侦察识别技术;(3)战场侦察的法证军事地球科学;(4)军事新能源安全保障;(5)现代战争军事地球科学。综述研究成果为提升地质工作服务国防和军队现代化能力提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

关于中国大陆动力学与造山带研究的几点思考   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
根据人类社会和我国发展的新需求和当代地学的新发展,就我国大陆动力学造山带研究的学术思路、起点、科学目标和关键科学问题与主要研究内容及方法进行了分析讨论,提出了几点思考建议。面对地学 发展的挑战与机遇,制定地学前沿领域研究战略,面向全球,从我国大陆地质实际出发,充分发挥地域优势与特色,突出中国大陆动力学关键科学问题,建立持续研究基地,重点解剖,重点突破。以大陆动力学研究为突破口、源头创新,参与国际地学发展与竞争,进入世界地学先进行列,为我国从地学大国走向地学强国而努力,作为中国应有的贡献。  相似文献   

赵希刚 《铀矿地质》1997,13(4):209-217
多元地学数据信息处理及其在综合找矿中的应用,以其信息量大、多方位、立体化、快速高效等特点,近年来受到普遍重视。作者在秦岭成矿带甘肃段(西秦岭地区)约5万km2范围内,利用最新的地质、矿产、物化探、遥感等方面资料,开展金矿多元地学数据信息处理和综合分析解译,研究多元地学信息特征及其与金矿的关系和成矿地质环境,查明了深部构造和岩浆活动规律,建立三维空间的金矿找矿模型,寻找金成矿有利区。实践表明,该研究方法在金矿资源调查和分析研究区域地质构造方面有着显著的地质效果。  相似文献   

Environmental planning is an arena of policy making in which formal public deliberation is among the most extensive. At the same time, environmental disputes can also be among the most resistant to resolution, often becoming entangled in issues that some describe as “intangible”. The discourse is largely structured by regulatory frameworks, such as environmental impact assessment laws and procedures, which focus primarily on operational rights (what one can or cannot do where and when) and tangible impacts on the physical or natural environment. A comparative case study of mariculture in Hawai‘i reveals that a large measure of public concerns focused on collective choice rights (who has a right to make which decisions on behalf of whom) and the more intangible impacts to the social or cultural environment. These concerns are often nested in a historic context that has implications for the social processes that they create. The findings from this study imply a need for more structured or systematic ways to deliberate issues of collective choice rights alongside operational rights within the larger process of environmental planning.  相似文献   

三维地学模拟几个方面的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
对三维地学模拟中的三维空间数据模型,三维地学模拟技术以及三维地学模拟软件的应用3个方面的研究现状进行了总结,并指出了发展趋势与研究思路。  相似文献   

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