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Summary A new typhoon model named as GRAPES_TCM is applied to study the pre-landfall erratic track of Typhoon Haitang (2005), which hit China twice in mid-July by making landfall in Taiwan and Fujian provinces consecutively. The model is based on the Chinese Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System (GRAPES) and put into real-time operational test since 2004. It predicts almost correctly the pre-landfall loop and sharp turn of Haitang and its asymmetric rainfall distribution. Haitang’s erratic track is well explained by the potential vorticity (PV) theory on tropical cyclone motion, with the typhoon center moving toward the area of maximum wave-number 1 (WN1) PV tendency most of the time. Among the terms contributing to the WN1 PV tendency, the horizontal advection of PV is dominant with the diabatic heating and residual terms also being not negligible. A sensitivity experiment is carried out with removal of the Taiwan terrain to determine its importance in the erratic track of Haitang and it is found that the basic erratic feature of Haitang’s track remians unchanged although it tends to have a larger loop and a weaker northward turn, which suggests that Taiwan terrain may not be a key factor here. The sudden change of Haitang’s moving direction is always accompanied by a newly-generated or re-intensified WN1 PV center in the southern semicircle, which circles around the TC center cyclonically afterwards and weakens in the north or northwestern part. A phase-lock WN1 PV forcing related to diabatic heating is proposed to be the major contributor, the importance of which is magnified as it is in phase with the WN1 horizontal advection of PV. The intrusion of mid-level warm and dry air, as well as the existence of a low-level southwesterly jet, is considered to be the main reasons for such a phase-lock of the diabatic heating forcing on the PV tendency field that finally results in the erratic track of Haitang.  相似文献   

王萌  郑伟  李峰 《应用气象学报》2017,28(6):714-723
基于Himawari-8气象卫星数据,研究了利用归一化植被指数提取浒苔信息方法,并提出了浒苔强度和移动速度估算方法。对2016年5-7月黄海海域浒苔信息进行监测,获得了浒苔暴发的时间、地点、面积、强度、影响范围、漂移路径及移动速度。结果表明:2016年5月19日Himawari-8气象卫星首次监测到黄海海域出现浒苔信息;6月中下旬进入暴发期,浒苔面积、影响范围及强度达到最大值;7月上旬,伴随着浒苔大面积登陆青岛、烟台、威海等地,浒苔进入缓慢消亡阶段。多时次浒苔强度合成产品显示:2016年浒苔在黄海中部海域、烟台以东海域覆盖强度较大,在初始位置一带覆盖强度较小。浒苔漂移路径整体为从东南外海逐渐开始向西北近海海域靠近,日移动速度不断变化。浒苔的动态变化与水文气象环境密切相关,适宜的温度是浒苔生长和发展的基础,浒苔出现后,盛行风向是浒苔漂移方向的主要驱动力,2016年5-7月强劲的南风使浒苔一直向北漂移,并最终抵达威海,浒苔的移动与风向大致相同。  相似文献   

Landfall tropical cyclones are a major kind of severe weather affecting China. The typhoon Sepat, declassified as tropical storm after its landfalling, caused a continuous heavy rainfall event over China mainland from 19th to 25th August, 2007. The storm cyclone resided over the Hunan province for 60 hours, causing observed accumulated precipitation larger than 300 mm in a large area of the Hunan province and leading severe flood events. This event was simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with the surface layer scheme UTOPIA. The model was able to reproduce the main characteristics of the event, including the typhoon track and the rainfall field and timing. In addition, three sets of sensitivity experiments have been performed. In the first one, the effects of different land surface schemes (RUC, NOAH and UTOPIA) coupled with WRF on the precipitation, sensible and latent heat flux fields associated with the Typhoon Sepat (2007) were investigated. The second set of sensitivity experiments analyzed the role of the surface fluxes (sensible and latent heat flux) on the typhoon evolution. The third set of sensitivity experiments regarded the initialization of the soil moisture content. These experiments showed that both latent and sensible heat fluxes sustained this landfalling typhoon, maintaining the spiral structure of rain belt. Among the two fluxes, the latent heat one played a major role in determining the intensity, the track and the rainfall distribution of the typhoon. In addition, the correct initialization of the soil moisture content has reveled a fundamental parameter to be initialized in order to correctly evaluate the distribution and intensity of the rain field. The intercomparison between the three different land surface schemes coupled with WRF showed that the WRF-UTOPIA and WRF-NOAH outputs seem comparable between each other and physically most realistic than those of WRF-RUC. These analyses were helpful to understand the evolution and the development of the landfalling typhoon, and demonstrated that WRF-UTOPIA and WRF-NOAH could be considered a good tool for managing the risk evaluation connected with the occurrence of such events at regional scale.  相似文献   

陈双  何立富 《气象》2015,41(8):1042-1048
对2015年3—5月T639、ECMWF(文中简称EC)及日本数值模式中期预报产品进行了检验和对比。结果表明:三个模式对亚洲中高纬地区大尺度环流和850 hPa温度的演变和调整均具有较好的预报性能,EC模式对西风指数、850 hPa温度转折过程和变化幅度的预报略优于其他两个模式。对2015年3月31日至4月1日北方地区强沙尘暴天气过程的主要影响天气系统,三个模式预报能力相当,121 h时效都较好地预报出了地面冷高压,但强度和范围与实况有一定偏差。  相似文献   

基于中国台湾地区主持的侵台台风之飞机侦察及下投式探空仪观测实验(Dropwindsonde Observations for Typhoon Surveillance near the Taiwan Region,DOTSTAR)获得的高分辨率下投式探空仪探测资料,分析了2003年9月—2012年8月所有发生在中国台湾地区附近海域的台风型大气波导事件,遴选出一次由0920号超强台风“卢碧”引起的强台风型海上大气波导过程作为研究对象。利用欧洲中期数值预报中心(ECMWF)再分析资料(水平分辨率0.125°×0.125°),对此次波导的生成原因进行了分析;基于WRF模式比较了不同初始化方法对台风强度、尺度和周围台风型大气波导的模拟能力。结果表明,此次强台风型大气波导发生在台风环流西北侧外围的弱下沉运动区,其形成与850 hPa高度附近北方强干空气平流导致湿度随高度锐减密切相关。在数值模拟中运用台风动力初始化方法,可以有效改进台风强度、路径和尺度的模拟效果,进而有利于改善台风型大气波导尤其是波导层所在高度的模拟效果。台风外围出现的大气波导通常以悬空波导为主,模拟效果与台风螺旋雨带和内核尺度的模拟关系密切,而与台风强度和眼墙结构关系不大。中尺度数值模式WRF具有模拟台风型大气波导的能力,是研究台风型大气波导的有力手段。   相似文献   

Three experiments for the simulation of typhoon Sinlaku (2002) over the western North Pacific are performed in this study by using the Canadian Mesoscale Compressible Community (MC2) atmospheric model. The objective of these simulations is to investigate the air-sea interaction during extreme weather conditions, and to determine the sensitivity of the typhoon evolution to the sea surface temperature (SST)cooling induced by the typhoon. It is shown from the three experiments that the surface heat fluxes have a substantial influence on the slow-moving cyclone over its lifetime. When the SST in the East China coastal ocean becomes 1℃ cooler in the simulation, less latent heat and sensible heat fluxes from the underlying ocean to the cyclone tend to reduce the typhoon intensity. The cyclone is weakened by 7 hPa at the time of its peak intensity. The SST cooling also has impacts on the vertical structure of the typhoon by weakening the warm core and drying the eye wall. With a finer horizontal resolution of (1/6)°×(1/6)°, the model produces higher surface wind, and therefore more surface heat fluxes are emitted from the ocean surface to the cyclone, in the finer-resolution MC2 grid compared with the relatively lower resolution of 0.25°×0.25°MC2 grid.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料(0.25°×0.25°)、FY-2G卫星的黑体亮度温度(TBB)、双偏振雷达、加密自动站资料,对2019年台风“利奇马”引发浙江极端暴雨过程的成因进行分析,结果表明:(1)“利奇马”引发的浙江特大暴雨过程是一次深厚台风本体降水,具有范围广、总量大、局地雨强极端的特点,山脉地形对降水的增幅作用显著。(2)台风登陆前后850 hPa水汽通量、850 hPa辐合和200 hPa辐散都超过气候平均值3~4个标准差,异常强的动力抬升和水汽输送为此次极端降水提供了有利的背景条件,物理量的异常度可作为判断极端降水的重要因子。(3)活跃的西南季风和副高南部的偏东急流为“利奇马”提供了充足的水汽和能量。925 hPa水汽通量辐合大值区域与暴雨落区的形态和位置对应较好,且辐合强度的变化对降水量具有一定的指示意义。(4)登陆前后台风中心密闭云区范围大、结构紧实,其中有多个中尺度对流系统强烈发展且移动缓慢,是浙江东部沿海地区产生极端降水的主要原因。基于双偏振雷达的降水估测产品在短临预报中参考价值高。(5)中层的弱干冷空气和低层的强暖湿气流促进了对流不稳定层结的发展和维持,在地面中尺度辐合线和地形的强迫抬升下不断触发中尺度对流系统并产生“列车效应”,是此次过程中西北部山区特大暴雨产生的重要原因。  相似文献   

7909号台风螺旋云带的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李玉兰 《大气科学》1982,6(4):460-466
本文利用地球静止卫星云图配合其它资料分析台风螺旋云带,着重讨论台风螺旋云带的形成和消失过程,及螺旋云带的运动和结构等。  相似文献   

A Study of the Extratropical Transformation of Typhoon Winnie (1997)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The complicated evolutive process of how a tropical cyclone transforms into an extratropical cyclone is still an unresolved issue to date, especially one which arises in a weakly baroclinic environment. Typhoon Winnie (1997) is studied during its extratropical transformation stage of extratropical transition (ET) with observational data and numerical simulations. Results show that Winnie experienced its extratropical transformation to the south of the subtropical high without intrusion of the mid-latitude baroclinic zone. This is significantly different from previous studies. Analyses reveal that the cold air, which appeared in the north edge of Winnie circulation, resulted from the precipitation drag and cooling effect of latent heat absorption associated with the intense precipitation there. The cooling only happened below 3 km and the greatest cooling was below 1 km. With the cold air and its advection by the circulation of Winnie, a front was formed in the lower troposphere. The front above is related not only to the cooling in the lower level but also to the warming effect of latent heat release in the middle-upper levels. The different temperature variation in the vertical caused the temperature gradient over Winnie and resulted in the baroclinicity.  相似文献   

Space distribution is considered of thunderstorm activity in Northern Caucasus during 1936–2006. Area distribution is presented of numbers of days with thunderstorm and of thunderstorm duration. Time variations are analyzed of mean numbers of the days with thunderstorms and of the thunderstorm mean duration, which probably represent a part of climate changes at the area under consideration. The largest variations of thunderstorm activity occur in the western part of the Northern Caucasus, where annual number of the days with thunderstorms reaches 70. Minimum changes in the thunderstorm characteristics occur in the eastern part of the area, with annual number of the days with thunderstorms equal to 25.  相似文献   

运用自动站6 h降水资料和NCEP/NCAR的0. 25°×0. 25°再分析数据,着重分析了1513号台风"苏迪罗"及其残涡影响江苏期间强降水落区的分布特征,以及强降水落区与风场、涡散度、水汽通量散度等要素的对应关系。分析结果表明:强降水多分布在台风低层环流中心东北侧,风场围绕环流中心非对称分布造成辐合和正涡度在此处集中,进一步导致水汽在同一地区辐合,动力条件和水汽条件在同一地区叠加是强降水区位于环流中心东北侧的直接原因。单一等压面上的负散度和正涡度均可以在一定程度上指示出强降水站点位置,不同层次涡散度场的涵盖范围有所不同,三层算术平均后的涡散度较单一层次的指示性更为准确。"苏迪罗"登陆后在北上过程中接近中高纬西风带系统,环境风垂直切变逐渐增强且方向稳定,强降水落区基本位于850 h Pa至200 hPa间切变矢量的顺切变左侧,这一特征对判断登陆台风强降水落区具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

利用多普勒雷达、TBB和NCEP1×1°再分析资料,对2008年8月1日发生在苏皖中部交界处的特大暴雨过程进行了分析.结果表明:特大暴雨过程是发生在减弱后的"0808"号台风环流与增强的副热带高压相互作用的背景下,西南低空急流增强和台风环流蜕变低槽东移分别触发了两段强降水的发生,对流层中低层强水汽辐合上升激发了台风残留...  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、区域自动站资料和“葵花8号”气象卫星资料,对2016年4—9月甘肃省陇东南地区出现的43次强对流天气过程进行分析,确立了强对流云团识别指标、追踪方法及预报指标,并对2018年部分个例进行效果检验。结果表明:(1)利用卫星B13通道(10.4μm)亮温值TBB≤238 K或B08通道(6.2μm)与B13通道亮温差△TBB<0 K双阈值作为强对流云团识别指标,可以准确识别出陇东南地区的强对流天气云团;(2)利用“逆向搜索法”、“面积重叠法”及对云团重心的计算,可以对强对流云团进行准确定位、追踪及移动路径外推预报;(3)建立的强对流天气落区判别指标对该地区短时强降水及冰雹落区具有一定的预报能力。  相似文献   

采用湿Q矢量、螺旋度、湿位涡对给华东造成严重灾害的超强台风"韦帕"(0713)强降水过程进行诊断比较分析,结果表明:登陆前,上述物理量均能提前指示强降水落区,湿位涡有更多提前指示时间,螺旋度次之,湿Q矢量最少;登陆后,三者均能表征台风主体云系降水,湿位涡、螺旋度与强降水有较好对应关系,而湿Q矢量指示强降水位置偏北,但湿位涡会出现一定程度空报现象;台风深入内陆后,螺旋度预报指示明显不如湿位涡、湿Q矢量好,螺旋度指示强降水位置偏东,而湿Q矢量指示强降水范围略偏小;对台风后部强降水,湿Q矢量和螺旋度均未能预报出降水落区,而湿位涡仍有较好的预报效果。从区域平均看,螺旋度与湿Q矢量的预报指示时效小于12 h,而湿位涡超过12 h。  相似文献   

利用日本气象厅提供的西北太平洋台风最佳路径观测资料,选取东海海区为研究范围,统计处理1951—2015年台风各要素资料,研究进入东海海区的台风频数、台风登陆点位置、台风频数及登陆点位置与太平洋年代际振荡(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)及ENSO的关系、影响台风生成和移动的因素等。结果表明:1)每年的7—9月为东海海区的台风高发季,其中8月最高,登陆台风也有相似趋势。2)进入东海海域的台风频数存在较明显的年际和年代际变化趋势。当PDO处于暖位相时,台风频数较小且有上升趋势,反之亦然。El Niño年进入东海海区的台风频数较常年减少,反之亦然。Niño3.4指数与台风频数整体上为负相关关系,相关系数为-0.32且通过90%置信度检验。3)进入东海海域的台风登陆点纬度变化较大,处于24~36°N之间,且有年代际变化特征。当PDO处于暖(冷)位相时,台风登陆点偏北(偏南)且有向北(南)移动的趋势。而登陆点纬度与ENSO的关系较为复杂。4)西北太平洋副热带高压的位置和强度是引起台风频数及登陆点位置变化的主要原因之一。当PDO处于冷位相时,西北太平洋副热带高压强度偏弱,且副高中心向东向北方向移动,导致进入东海的台风频数偏多,且台风登陆点偏北,反之亦然。  相似文献   

Assimilation and Simulation of Typhoon Rusa (2002) Using the WRF System   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
Using the recently developed Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) 3DVAR and the WRF model, numerical experiments are conducted for the initialization and simulation of typhoon Rusa (2002).The observational data used in the WRF 3DVAR are conventional Global Telecommunications System (GTS) data and Korean Automatic Weather Station (AWS) surface observations. The Background Error Statistics (BES) via the National Meteorological Center (NMC) method has two different resolutions, that is, a 210-km horizontal grid space from the NCEP global model and a 10-km horizontal resolution from Korean operational forecasts. To improve the performance of the WRF simulation initialized from the WRF 3DVAR analyses, the scale-lengths used in the horizontal background error covariances via recursive filter are tuned in terms of the WRF 3DVAR control variables, streamfunction, velocity potential, unbalanced pressure and specific humidity. The experiments with respect to different background error statistics and different observational data indicate that the subsequent 24-h the WRF model forecasts of typhoon Rusa‘s track and precipitation are significantly impacted upon the initial fields. Assimilation of the AWS data with the tuned background error statistics obtains improved predictions of the typhoon track and its precipitation.  相似文献   

2015年1-5月西北太平洋上异常出现了7个热带风暴(Tropical Storms,TS),其中有5个发展成台风(Typhoons,TY),分别为气候平均态(1979-2015年)的2.5和3.6倍,亦即2015年的台风季提前展开。利用ERA-Interim再分析资料、JTWC热带气旋最佳化路径数据等资料,通过计算台风生成指数(Genesis Potential Index,GPI)和比较天气尺度和季节内振荡分量,探讨2015年台风季提前的原因。结果表明:1)2015年初异常活跃的台风活动与2015/2016年超级El Niño事件于西北太平洋上引发的海气状态异常有关。2)通过对大尺度环境场和台风潜在生成指数(GPI)的诊断分析发现,动力因子(低层涡度、垂直速度)和热力因子(与海表面温度、大气温度有关的潜在强度、中低层大气相对湿度)均对2015年1-5月台风的发生有正贡献。其中,涡度项的贡献最大,相对湿度的贡献次之。3)3~10 d天气尺度扰动和10~90 d季节内振荡在2015年1-5月也异常活跃,有利于TS和TY的生成与发展。  相似文献   

通过对暴雨(A1)、大暴雨(A2)及特大暴雨(A3)区中潜热(大尺度潜热加热和对流潜热加热)、改进的湿Q矢量(Q*)以及地形因子(地形抬升和地表摩擦)作用的计算及对比分析,定量探讨了"海棠"台风(2005)雨强差异成因。结果表明,潜热加热在整个台风登陆过程中,基本都有助于A2与A1之间雨强差异形成,且在台风登陆后约1/3时段内对A1、A2及A3之间雨强差异形成有明显贡献。对于Q*矢量强迫作用,台风登陆前,仅有助于A2与A1之间雨强差异形成,在台风登陆后,则对A1、A2及A3之间雨强差异形成贡献明显。地形因子作用在台风登陆前,仅有助于A3与A1、A2之间雨强形成差异,但在台风登陆后,则有利于A1、A2及A3之间雨强差异形成。  相似文献   

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