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多棘海盘车幽门盲囊极性脂和脂肪酸组分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对多棘海盘车(Asterias amurensis)幽门盲囊中总脂、极性脂及脂仿酸组分进行了研究。结果表明,总脂含量占湿重的7.85%。磷脂中PC、PE、PS含量较高,PI和DPG含量较低。主要的脂肪酸是16:0,18:0,18:1(n=9),20:1(n=9)。20:1(n=7),20:4(n=6),20:5(n=3),22:6(n=3),占总脂肪酸的74%以上。其中以20:1(n=9)最为丰富  相似文献   

通过常规生物学测定、解剖观察和组织切片方法,对2011年6月~2012年5月采自青岛浮山湾海域的多棘海盘车(Asterias amurensis)样本进行繁殖生物学研究。结果表明:青岛近海多棘海盘车的繁殖季节为10月至次年1月;雌雄发育同步,性比为1.05∶1;根据卵巢和精巢的外观特征、组织学结构特点和性成熟系数,可将两者的发育分为Ⅰ~Ⅵ期,每个分期具有不同的性腺结构特点和配子特征;海水温度和日照长短会影响性腺发育,温度降低会刺激个体繁殖;性腺生长由消化腺提供能量,性成熟系数和消化腺指数在一周年内呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

对采自黄海的罗氏海盘车多种组织进行了海星皂甙的提取与活性研究.经理化实验、溶血试验、紫外光谱和红外光谱分析鉴定证明,提取物为海星总皂甙.罗氏海盘车的供试组织内均含有海星总皂甙,各组织的溶血性能按以下顺序依次递减:体壁、胃、生殖腺和幽门盲囊,这些组织的海星总皂甙产率分别为0.1538%,0.3038%,0.0239%和0.4160%.罗氏海盘车海星总皂甙的熔点为175℃~178℃.从砂海星、罗氏海盘车与海燕提取的海星总皂甙测试结果比较可以看出,罗氏海盘车海星总皂甙的活性最高,海燕海星总皂甙的活性最低.  相似文献   

烟台四十里湾养殖水域营养盐的分布及动态变化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1997年5、8、11月及1998年3月对烟台四十里湾养殖水域营养盐的四个航次季节调查显示该水域营养盐的时空分布主要受陆源输入、养殖和自然生物活动及海流状况的影响。氮磷硅无机营养盐结构分析表明,烟台四十里湾春夏季硅限制了硅藻的生长;秋季氮为硅藻的相对限制因子,冬末春初硅是相对限制因子。  相似文献   

条斑星鲽消化系统个体发生的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用石蜡切片技术和显微测量法,对从孵化后到变态完成(55~60d,day post hatching,dph)的条斑星鲽(Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilbert)仔稚幼鱼早期发育中消化道的结构变化进行了观察,描述了个体发育过程中的组织学结构特征。结果表明,在13~15℃,7dph的仔鱼开口时,消化道已经分化为口咽腔、食道、肠和直肠,消化器官肝脏和胰腺出现。从7dph到14~17dph(卵黄囊消失)为混合营养期,形态上肠道进一步弯曲、盘旋;功能上中肠空泡样结构和后肠嗜伊红颗粒的出现,预示着肠上皮细胞在胃功能成熟前有吸收蛋白的作用。形态学上胃以及幽门盲囊的分化出现在26~29dph,与稚鱼刚开始附底的时期相吻合。而功能性胃的分化则出现在35dph左右,与稚鱼变态期相一致。条斑星鲽作为中国新近养殖品种,关于其早期发育的报道还是空白,作者对其消化系统进行系统的研究,旨在为该鱼种的商业化养殖提供相关的科学数据,同时也为海水鱼类早期营养和发育生物学的深入研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

性类固醇激素不仅在脊椎动物性别分化、生殖、发育等过程中发挥重要作用,在部分软体动物中也参与生殖调控。本文分析了3种主要性类固醇激素(孕酮、睾酮和雌二醇)在虾夷扇贝性腺发育过程中的变化情况。首先通过组织学方法确定虾夷扇贝性腺4个发育阶段的周年分布:休止期(7—9月)、增殖期(10—12月)、生长期(1—2月)、成熟期(1—6月)。之后,采用酶联免疫吸附实验测定虾夷扇贝性腺各发育阶段中性类固醇激素的含量。结果表明,性腺中激素含量呈现孕酮>雌二醇>睾酮,它们分别约占激素总含量的60%、30%、10%;精巢中3种激素含量均呈显著正相关,但卵巢中仅孕酮和睾酮之间显著相关;研究还发现,虽然3种激素含量在性别、发育阶段之间差异均不显著,但睾酮比例和雌二醇/睾酮在生长期的精巢和卵巢之间差异显著,精巢睾酮比例高于卵巢,而卵巢的雌二醇/睾酮高于精巢。以上结果表明,性类固醇激素很可能参与虾夷扇贝生殖调控,在性腺发育、配子发生过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

以"中科红"海湾扇贝为种贝,研究了在人工促熟条件下其性腺发育各期的特点,分析了积温和性腺指数的函数关系.实验结果表明,性腺发育在生物学零度6.6℃以下时,为休止期;水温14℃,积温171℃,性腺指数8.59,发育到增殖期;水温15℃,积温216℃,性腺指数11.49,为生长期;水温17℃,积温267℃,性腺指数15.85,达到成熟期;水温21℃,积温达446℃,性腺指数达17.99,为排放期,同时也对影响性腺发育的因子等进行了讨论.  相似文献   

王静  潘鲁青  苗晶晶 《海洋科学》2007,31(12):19-23
研究了苯并(a)芘(B[a]P)、苯并(k)荧蒽(B[k]F)以及两者的混合物对栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)鳃丝和消化盲囊芳烃羟化酶(AHH)活力的影响。结果表明,多环芳烃化合物(PAHs)对栉孔扇贝鳃丝和消化盲囊AHH活力具有显著的诱导作用(P<0.05),并且呈现了明显的时间、剂量效应特征。B[a]P和B[k]F混合物处理组鳃丝和消化盲囊的AHH活力在实验期间呈现先升高后稳定趋势,B[a]P处理组则表现峰值变化,然后呈下降趋势。消化盲囊各处理组AHH活力显著高于鳃丝。作者认为可以采用消化盲囊的AHH活力来反映周围环境PAHs的污染,并应以最大饱和浓度为标准。3种PAHs中B[a]P的毒性最强,PAHs对栉孔扇贝的毒性大小与PAHs的组成有关,不能以不同种类单一PAHs毒性的总和来代表PAHs混合物的毒性。  相似文献   

实验设计1种简单的用多莫酸(DA)浸染配合饵料的方法。将0.15mL浓度为100ng/mL的DA溶液与0.1g贝类用配合饵料充分混合,在室温条件下干燥2h。所获得的DA饵料保留了所加入DA量的46.72%,同时每个饵料颗粒中大约含有0.19pg DA。将DA饵料在水中浸泡2h后,饵料中存留的DA量仍然较高(约为最初含量的50%)。用DA饵料连续7d投喂欧洲大扇贝Pecten maximus亲贝1并没有使其体内的DA含量在随后的60d内有所改变,而投喂DA饵料组和对照组在性腺发育(性腺指数GI)方面也没有显著差异。同时,投喂DA饵料也没有引起精巢、卵巢和受精卵DA含量的显著变化。在现有实验条件下,扇贝排出DA的效率可能高于吸收DA的效率;同时,扇贝结合DA的机制中可能包含细胞内的生物转化过程。  相似文献   

通过硅胶柱层析法分离得到多棘海盘车脑苷脂,并采用气相色谱质谱联用(GC-MS)及电喷雾质谱(ESI-MS)分析鉴定其结构。GC-MS分析表明,多棘海盘车脑苷脂AAC-1、AAC-2的糖基组成相同,均为葡萄糖;长链碱主要由d18∶2、d18∶3以及少量的d22∶1组成;两者结构最主要的差别在脂肪酸部分,AAC-1由C2位不含羟基的脂肪酸组成,而AAC-2则由C2位含1个羟基取代的脂肪酸组成。ESI-MS分析结果表明,AAC-1和AAC-2的分子量范围在740~850amu之间。通过GC-MS和ESI-MS结合使用,可快速推测出多棘海盘车脑苷脂基本结构及单体分子组成,对下一步的构效关系研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

To obtain baseline information on the size distribution of individuals in the population and reproductive features of sea star Asterias amurensis, monthly surveys of the population were carried out from May to December 2010 and March to May 2015 in coastal waters off Yantai, China. Spawning period was predicted by gonad and pyloric caeca indices as well as anatomical and histological methods. In the A. amurensis population, both large individuals(143 mm) and small ones(42 mm) were present in all sampling months. The population size structure was driven by the appearance of big cohorts of individuals less than 55 mm from May to August. The appearance of small individuals in all months suggested a prolonged spawning period at other sites in this bay or sea stars growing slowly because of food shortage. An arm length is a good predictor to wet body weight for A.amurensis. The development of gonad was relative slow from May to September but rapidly reached a peak of20.95 in October 2010, and then dropped remarkably, indicating its spawning lasted from October to November.The same phenomenon was found from March to May 2015, suggesting another spawning during March to May,which was also verified by the results of histologic analysis on ovary. The gonad index(GI) and pyloric caeca index(PCI) tended to show a negative relationship. Due to the poor food availability, the reproductive characteristics of sea star were most likely affected by the shellfish mariculturein Yantai coastal waters.  相似文献   

橄榄蚶的性腺发育和生殖周期研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
橄榄蚶(Estellarca olivacea)隶属于软体动物门,瓣鳃纲,列齿目,蚶科,橄榄蚶属,俗名为珠蚶,橄榄蚶生活在潮间带和潮下带水深20m左右的泥沙质海底,分布于菲律宾、日本和我国沿海[1],福建省的罗源、连江、平潭一带盛产[2],橄榄蚶滋味鲜美,常烫熟或腌渍食用,是重要的经济贝类之一近年来,由于环境污染和滥采滥捕等因素,资源已经急剧减少为了开发橄榄蚶养殖业,保护橄榄蚶资源,对其性腺发育规律及繁殖周期进行了研究,这具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

We report for the first time the presence of local populations of the starfish Odontaster penicillatus in the regions of Atacama and Antofagasta, Chile. This finding indicates an extension of the distribution limit of 500 km with respect to the last observation made in 2007 in Isla Grande de Atacama. A total of 121 specimens of O. penicillatus were recorded at depths of between 8 m and 24 m. They were associated with rocky substrate and with different species of barnacles, sponges and bryozoans. The presence of O. penicillatus expands the knowledge of the benthic biodiversity of the region, and the development of studies on its ecological importance will be promoted.  相似文献   

The northern Pacific seastar, Asterias amurensis, was first collected in southeast Tasmania in 1986. Mistaken for the endemic asteroid Uniophora granifera, its true identity was not realised until 1992. It is now a conspicuous predator in soft sediment habitats in this region, and is considered a major threat to native assemblages and commercial species. We examined the structure of soft sediment assemblages at different spatial scales in southeast Tasmania, and correlated spatial variation in community composition with seastar abundances. We found that the structure of soft sediment assemblages is highly variable at a range of spatial scales from metres to tens of kilometres. Clear differences in the composition of assemblages and abundances of major taxa were detected between areas with and without seastars and between areas with low and high seastar densities. However, the nature of these patterns suggests that they are more likely due to differences in sediment characteristics than due to impacts of the seastar. Thus, spatial differences in soft sediment assemblages might have been erroneously attributed to seastars without detailed information on important physical factors such as sediment characteristics. A second survey, using larger sampling units (1 m2) but across a more limited spatial extent, targeted bivalves and heart urchins that were identified as important prey of the seastar in observations of feeding and in experimental studies. Large-scale patterns of abundance and size structure were consistent with seastar effects anticipated from small-scale experimental and feeding studies for some, but not all, species. While the field survey ultimately provided evidence about the presence or absence of seastar impacts at large-scales, the identification of key ecological variables in experimental and feeding studies proved crucial to both the design and interpretation of patterns observed in the large-scale surveys. Overall, this work highlighted the necessity to consider multiple lines of evidence rather than relying on a single ‘inferential’ test, in the absence of pre-impact data.  相似文献   

瓷海星科是一类深海底栖海星,广泛分布于全球大洋深海中。其模式种蓝泥瓷海星(Porcellanaster ceruleus Wyville Thomson 1878)具有全球分布性与多态性。本文报道了该物种在中国海的首次记录。2015年6月6日,在向阳红10号执行的南海底栖生物调查航次中,于C19站位(10.15°N,110.03°E;水深1400m)由三角形拖网采集到海星一只,经鉴定为蓝泥瓷海星。本文提供了该样品的形态描述与细节照片,讨论了其与该种模式样品的共同形态特征及个体差异,并总结了蓝泥瓷海星的全球分布记录。该种在中国海的首次发现,进一步拓展了其地理分布范围。  相似文献   

东海三疣梭子蟹第一次卵巢发育规律的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
2004年7月至2005年4月在舟山海区定点连续采样,系统研究了东海三疣梭子蟹卵巢发育期间的卵巢指数(GSI)、肝胰腺指数(HSI)、卵巢外部特征、卵巢发育分期及其组织学的变化.结果表明:东海三疣梭子蟹生殖蜕壳和交配主要发生在9~10月,产卵主要在3~4月,卵巢发育早期不同个体间的GSI差异较大,后期则趋于同步;三疣梭子蟹卵巢发育期间,GSI显著增加,HSI呈现先上升后下降的趋势,GSI和HSI呈负相关性;根据GSI、卵巢形态特征和组织学变化等,三疣梭子蟹卵巢发育可以分为6期,Ⅰ期卵巢呈透明细带状,雌体尚未生殖蜕壳,卵巢中主要为卵原细胞(OG)和卵黄合成前的卵母细胞(PR);Ⅱ期卵巢呈乳白色,主要为卵黄合成前的卵母细胞(PR)和内源性卵黄合成期的卵母细胞(EN);Ⅲ期卵巢为淡黄色或橘黄色,主要为外源性卵黄合成期的卵母细胞(EX);Ⅳ期卵巢呈橘红色,主要为近成熟的卵母细胞(NO),卵径为200~300μm;Ⅴ期卵巢发育成熟,主要为成熟期的卵母细胞(MO);Ⅵ期卵巢呈淡橘红色,已排卵,卵巢中主要为排卵后剩余的基膜和滤泡核.  相似文献   

荔枝螺属Thais,隶属于腹足纲(Gastropoda)、骨螺科(Muricidae)。本属动物主要生活在潮间带的岩石上或石砾间。过去对荔枝螺属虽有些零星报道,但缺乏系统研究。作者通过整理分类中国科学院海洋生物标本馆收藏的骨螺科标本,共鉴定出荔枝螺属20种,其中2种在中国沿海为首次报道。  相似文献   

利用高效液相色谱OPA柱前衍生法测定扁玉螺(Nevertia didyma(Roding))肝脏、腹足,罗氏海盘车(Asterias rollestoni Bell)内脏、体壁中牛磺酸的含量.实验结果表明,100 g(湿质量)样品中牛磺酸含量分别为535.2、1 298.7、60.4、31.7 mg.  相似文献   

The depth-related distribution of seastar (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) species between 150 and 4950 m in the Porcupine Seabight and Porcupine Abyssal Plain is described. 47 species of asteroid were identified from ∼14,000 individuals collected. The bathymetric range of each species is recorded. What are considered quantitative data, from an acoustically monitored epibenthic sledge and supplementary data from otter trawls, are used to display the relative abundance of individuals within their bathymetric range. Asteroid species are found to have very narrow centres of distribution in which they are abundant, despite much wider total adult depth ranges. Centres of distribution may be skewed. This might result from competition for resources or be related to the occurrence of favourable habitats at particular depths. The bathymetric distributions of the juveniles of some species extend outside the adult depth ranges. There is a distinct pattern of zonation with two major regions of faunal change and six distinct zones. An upper slope zone ranges from 150 to ∼700 m depth, an upper bathyal zone between 700 and 1100 m, a mid-bathyal zone from 1100 to1700 m and a lower bathyal zone between 1700 and 2500 m. Below 2500 m the lower continental slope and continental rise have a characteristic asteroid fauna. The abyssal zone starts at about 2800 m. Regions of major faunal change are identified at the boundaries of both upper and mid-bathyal zones and at the transition of bathyal to abyssal fauna. Diversity is greatest at ∼1800 m, decreasing with depth to ∼2600 m before increasing again to high levels at ∼4700 m.  相似文献   

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