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We present radio interferometric observations of the Algol-type binary system RZ Cassiopeiae made with the VLA and MERLIN arrays at 6 cm over an incomplete orbital cycle of the system (1.195 d). We detected RZ Cas with both instruments. The images were unresolved in both cases, with angular extents comparable to the synthesized beams. The peak flux density in the VLA image was 1.14 mJy beam−1 and in the MERLIN image it was 0.93 mJy beam−1. The derived brightness temperatures are  4.02 × 108  and  4.35 × 108 K  and the effective electron energies are 0.347 and 0.346 MeV for the MERLIN and VLA data respectively. The radio light curve shows an interesting modulation centred close to the primary eclipse which seems to correlate with ASCA SIS observations of the system. The results can be interpreted as an emitting region on the outer hemisphere of the cool component aligned along the centroid axis of the binary system.  相似文献   

Spectral scans of the coma of comet P/Crommelin 1818. I have been obtained in the wavelength range 3200–6500 Å. Strong emission features of CN(3883 Å) and C2 Swan bands (4695, 5165, and 5538 Å) have been identified. Some weak emission features of CH(3890 Å), C3(4050 Å), CN(4200 »), and C2 + CH(4358 ») were also detected. Sodium was found to be absent in this comet. An estimate of CN and C2 abundances has been made and their production rate have been derived.  相似文献   

We have detected radio emission from the remnant of V705 Cas, beginning 221 d after visual maximum. We follow the remnant from first detection while still optically thick through the turn-over to optically thin emission, and finally confirming the absence of emission due to expansion and fading by the end of 1998. While the emission is consistent with thermal bremsstrahlung, as seen in most previous novae, the small-scale structure shows two ridge-like features, which develop significantly from day 585 until our last detection on day 1544. While the development is fairly rapid, it is also much smoother than that seen in V1974 Cyg, in that we can follow individual features as they change over almost 1000 d. Our optical spectra unequivocally indicate some form of axial symmetry, as derived from the velocity structure. This is difficult to reconcile with the observed development in the radio images. We suggest a number of possible explanations.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric observations of the head of comet Bradfield (1987 s) during three nights in 1987 are presented. An estimate of the CN, C2 and C3 column densities and production rates have been made.  相似文献   

MERLIN observations of the unusually slow nova V723 Cas are presented. Nine epochs of 6-cm data between 1996 and 2001 are mapped, showing the initial expansion and brightening of the radio remnant, the development of structure and the final decline. A radio light curve is presented and fitted by the standard Hubble flow model for radio emission from novae in order to determine the values of various physical parameters for the shell. The model is consistent with the overall development of the radio emission. Assuming a distance of 2.39 (±0.38) kpc and a shell temperature of 17 000 K, the model yields values for expansion velocity of  414 ± 0.1 km s-1  and shell mass of  1.13 ± 0.04 × 10−4 M  . These values are consistent with those derived from other observations although the ejected masses are rather higher than theoretical predictions. The structure of the shell is resolved by MERLIN and shows that the assumption of spherical symmetry in the standard model is unlikely to be correct.  相似文献   

Propagation of discrete absorption components along the broad wind profiles of H and Fe II has been observed for the first time for a white hypergiant (6 Cas A2.5 Ia-0). CCD-echelle spectrometers of 6-m and 1-m telescopes of SAO RAS were used. The motion of the discrete components was traced for a period of 200 days in the 50 to 180 km s–1 interval of expansion velocity. The observed phenomenon is similar to that described for P Cygni. Corraboration of pulsations of 6 Cas has been obtained.  相似文献   

We present an outline to calculate the principal and indirect portions of the planetary disturbing function, based on the method of W. M. Smart. We truncate the Taylor expansion at the third power of eccentricity-inclination. The outline of a new method to obtain the negative powers of the mutual distance between two planets is also given, neglecting powers higher than the fourth in the eccentricity-inclination.  相似文献   

This talk focuses on the various aspects we learnt from multiband observations of GRBs both, before and during the afterglow era. A statistical analysis to estimate the probable redshifts of host galaxies using the luminosity function of GRBs compatible with both the afterglow redshift data as well as the overall population of GRBs is discussed. We then address the question whether the observed fields of GRBs with precise localizations from third Inter-Planetary Network (IPN3) contain suitable candidates for their host galaxies.  相似文献   

The period variations of TV Cassiopeiae between 1901 and 1977 are discussed in the light of the period change model proposed by Biermann and Hall. During each period decrease 4.0×10–6 M of mass is transferred from the secondary star to the primary. The average observable mass transfer rate is found to be 4.3×10–7 M yr–1. This average rate corresponds to the thermal time-scale of the mass-losing star.  相似文献   

We made photoelectric observations of the eclipsing system AZ Cas between 1975 September and 1976 December. This period corresponds to the ascending portion of the light curve, thus happily complements Tempesti's observations during the same eclipse. With these and other data we re-determined the new ephemeris Min = J.D.2442691 + 3403.6(±0.6) E, the duration of the eclipse D = 110 d, and the duration of totality d = 94 d. We found the fourth contact time to be different in different colours and the duration of the egress phase shorter than that of the ingress phase. An elementary photometric solution is presented. The sum of masses is found to be 32 M?, consistent with the spectroscopic values of Cowley et al. (1978). Their conclusion that the totality duration increases with time is, however, not confirmed.  相似文献   

The effective temperatures of the classical Cepheids RT Aur and T Vul have been determined by a comparison of their spectral scans with appropriate model atmospheres. The radii of the stars have been determined through the Wesselink method. Using these temperatures and the Wesselink radii, the luminosities of the stars have been determined. These radii estimates, including the radii of SU Cas (Joshi & Rautela 1980) andζ Gem (unpublished) fit better in the theoretical period-radius relationship given by Cogan (1978), as compared to earlier determinations of Wesselink radii. The pulsation masses and evolutionary masses of the stars have been calculated. The pulsation to evolutionary mass ratio is derived to be 0.85. Based on the effective temperatures obtained by us at different phases of the stars aθ c ? (B-V)0 relationship is found of the form, \(\begin{gathered} \theta _e = 0.274 (B - V)_0 + 0.637 \\ \pm 0.011 \pm 0.007 \\ \end{gathered} \)   相似文献   

We present results from photometric observations of the dwarf nova system HT Cas during the eruption of 1995 November. The data include the first two-colour observations of an eclipse on the rise to outburst. They show that during the rise to outburst the disc deviates significantly from steady-state models, but the inclusion of an inner-disc truncation radius of about 4 R wd and a 'flared' disc of semi-opening angle of 10° produces acceptable fits. The disc is found to have expanded at the start of the outburst to about 0.41 R L1, as compared with quiescent measurements. The accretion disc then gradually decreases in radius reaching <  0.32 R L1  during the last stages of the eruption. Quiescent eclipses were also observed prior to and after the eruption and a revised ephemeris is calculated.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic period of the short periodic Cepheid SU Cas was determined from the radial velocity measurements by ABT, GIEREN and HÄUPL. The calculated period is 1.949312 days. Radial velocity differences between measurements by GIEREN and HÄUPL are explained as velocity zero point of the used spectrographs. The zero point of the Tautenburg Coudé spectrograph was determined by measuring the radial velocity standard star ϵ Leo. The difference to the standard value was -0.7 km/s. No significant differences are found between the spectroscopic period and light curve of SU Cas in the last 35 years.  相似文献   

Observations of photons at E ≥ 550 GeV from the Crab Nebula are presented and used to assess the potential of multi-telescope systems for γ-ray astronomy.

The Whipple observatory 10 m and 8 m imaging atmospheric erenkov telescopes have been used to provide a stereoscopic view of air showers to make a more complete measurement of air shower parameters. Here we present a measurement of the spread in the arrival direction of primary γ-rays originating from a point source. The data show that the shower arrival direction can be reconstructed with an accuracy of σ = 0.°14.  相似文献   

We present new high spectral resolution X-ray observations of the colliding wind binary Vel taken with the ASCA satellite. We find two spectral components, one of which is post-shock emission from the colliding winds. Spectral variability is also seen, consistent with current notions of colliding wind phenomena.  相似文献   

Seven charge-coupled device(CCD)photometric times of light minimum of the overcontact binary BS Cas which were obtained from 2007 August to November and one CCD light curve in the R band which was observed on 2007 September 24 and October 15,are presented.It is found that the light curve of BS Cas has characteristics like a typical EW-type light variation.The light curve obtained by us is symmetric and shows total eclipses,which is very useful for determining photometric parameters with high precision.Photometric solutions were derived by using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code.It shows that BS Cas is a W-subtype overcontact binary(f = 27.5% ± 0.4%)with a mass ratio of q = 2.7188 ± 0.0040.The temperature difference between the two components is 190 K.Analysis of the O-C curve suggests that the period of AE Phe shows a long-term continuous decrease at a rate of dP/dt=-2.45 × 10-7 dyr-1.The long-time period decrease can be explained by mass transfer from the primary to the secondary.  相似文献   

Contemporary European measurements of the Milky Way supernova of 1572 (B Cas) have been analyzed to compute a modern position for the star in 1572. This work adds to that done by previous 20th‐century authors by using a new procedure and previously unused astrometry by 16th‐century European observers. Comparison is made with earlier analyses and to modern positional data on the supernova remnant (3C 10). (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

V381 Cas is a relatively bright and early-type eclipsing binary system. Several new times of its eclipses were measured as part of our long-term observational project of eccentric eclipsing binaries. Based on a current OC diagram solution, we found for the first time that its orbit is slightly eccentric (e = 0.025) and shows a very rapid apsidal advance with short period of about 20 years only. The relativistic and third body effects are negligible, being about 3% of the total apsidal motion rate.  相似文献   

Twenty-five coudé spectrograms (22 with dispersion 12 Å mm–1 and three 7 Å mm–1) of 6 Cassiopeiae (A3 Ia) have been studied. The observations were made at the Haute Provence Observatory. The results of the analysis suggest a correlation between the variations of the equivalent widths, the microturbulence and the radial velocity. The radial velocity and turbulent velocity present a rapid variation with time, even in intervals as short as about an hour. The hydrogen lines are slightly asymmetric but the strongest Feii lines are clearly asymmetric. We found that the amount of asymmetry of the strongest Feii lines (I>6) correlates with the loggf value, with the estimated laboratory intensityI, and with the equivalent widthW .The observations have been made at the Astronomical Observatory of Haute Provence (CNRS). This work has been supported by TUBITAK (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey), and partially by CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) of Italy.  相似文献   

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