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Northeast China is the largest old industrial base of China that endured persistent influence of the past planned economy system. This region has lost its leading place since the reform and opening up, and became a backward region by contrast with the coastal areas. This paper elaborates the evolutionary process of the old industrial base of Northeast China, analyses the main reasons for the decline, gives a preliminary evaluation on the revitalizing polices in recent years, and points out major long-term challenges for future revitalization. It concludes that for Northeast China, a relative declining area: 1) it is indispensable to get the long-term policy support from the central government; 2) system reform and structure adjustment are the crucial strategies, particularly the reform of the large and medium state-owned enterprises; and developing new industries is as important as upgrading traditional advantaged industries; 3) the local governments should play an indirect role, avoiding from any unnecessary intervention on economic activity; and 4) social security and investment climate must be improved simultaneously. In addition, the author stresses that the lack of knowledge on the nature of old industrial base had led to failures of the past initiatives, and revitalizing the old industrial base should be treated as a holistic regional project including economy growth, society progress and environment improvement.  相似文献   

Industrial transformation of Shenyang city   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Industrial transformation represents a unique economic phenomenon in China‘s regional economy,and old industrial city reconstruction has long been a key problem that affects state security. As a typical old indus-trial city in China, Shenyang established its heavy industrial city position in the First Five-year Plan period (1953-1957), and this industrial structure has been consolidated for a long time. After 1978, Shenyang began its long last-ing industrial reconstruction in an all-round way by 3 main initiatives including restructuring economic system, up-grading traditional industrial technology and developing high-tech industry. In the end of the 1990s, it could be i-dentified that remarkable structural changes took place in city economy at large as well as individual industrial sec-tor. According to the GDP proportion change, Shenyang is on the way to a high level industrial structure. The sec-ondary industry also engendered significant shifting as smelting and textile industry declined sharply but IT industry increased largely. Although the ratio of the heavy industry to the light industry changed periodically, the heavy in-dustrial output value most time kept a high proportion over 60% of the gross industrial output value in the past five decades. Shenyang has favorable conditions for developing equipment manufacturing industry, but it should carry out the program by establishing its leading role in urban economy plan, building “Theme Industrial Parks“, improv-ing Tiexi Industrial Zone, removing any kind of system barrier, enlarging private and other ownerships economy and improving technology, marketing and management by IT application. In response to economy globalization,Shenyang needs to expand the cooperation worldwide and improve the cohesion with surrounding cities.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The industrial location is always the focus in academic circles and any analysis on industrial location can not avoid the agglomeration mechanism formed as the result of the industrial location. The study on the industrial location has become the focus for the massive theoretical location problems about agglomeration since the 1970s, which has a great influence on the formation of the in- dustrial location. In order to make more study of its in- fluence, it is necessary to resea…  相似文献   

County-level industrial development and structure upgrade is one of the most important issues of revitalizing old industrial base of China. After the cluster analysis on GDP per capita and GDP per area of each county in Liaoning Province, this paper finds the similarity of population size, land use intensity, and economic development of each county. Location quotient reflects the specialization intensity of industries in each county, and it also reflects the spatial differences of county-level industrial development. Economic development level is higher in the southeast than in the northwest of Liaoning, and the industry driving effect on county-level economy is apparent. The main influencing factors include location, industrial foundation and economic system reform, capital input level, knowledge and technology dissemination, conditions of domestic and overseas markets, population and labor force transfer. Industrialization is an important approach to urbanization for the counties in Liaoning Province. The proportion of agriculture is much higher in the northwest than in the southeast of Liaoning, so it will be take longer time for counties in the northwest of Liaoning to make industrialization, urbanization and modernization.  相似文献   

The recession and revitalization of old industrial cities concerns urban industrial evolution and its characteristics. Based on the theory of evolutionary resilience, we developed an analytical framework for the industrial structure evolution of old industrial cities, and applied the framework to a case study in Shenyang. The following conclusions are drawn. First, since 1978, Shenyang's industrial growth capacity has shown fluctuation between ‘contraction-expansion'. As the secondary industry has a much stronger expansionary and contractionary capacity for growth, this results in lacking stability leading to industrial structure transformation. Second, since 1999, the orientation towards a high-end manufacturing industry in Shenyang has weakened, and the evolution of the new and old growth path is characterized by low-end orientation. Third, since 2007, Shenyang's industrial innovation output capacity has dropped sharply which has been significantly affected by scientific and technological personnel and enterprise-owed science and technology institutions and to a less extent by RD expenditure. We applied the resilience theory to study the industrial evolution of an old industrial city, explored new study perspectives on industrial evolution and verified the applicability of the resilience theory. This paper provides a scientific reference for understanding the recent deceleration in economic growth in the Northeast old industrial base, and for exploring new paths toward revitalization.  相似文献   

依托地理信息产业园建设的实践,通过对产业园发展的驱动力分析,详细归纳出产业园建设模式,并充分论述了各种模式的主要特点,进而提出了产业园建设和发展的支撑体系,尤其是针对产业园的现状深刻反思了产业集群的新态势.  相似文献   

(孟晓晨)RURAL-URBANLABORERS'MOBILITYANDURBANIZATIONINCHINA¥MengXiaochen(PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,PRC)Abstract:Urbanizatkin...  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONAtthebeginningofthe1950sorevenearlier,somescholarsinU.S.A.,Britain,JapanandotherWesterncountriesstabedtousesuchtermsas"industrialrelOCation"or"redistribution"anddiscussedthem(Isard,1960;Estall,1966;Clark,1983).In1990and1992,weputforwardthe"TheoryofindustrialRelocation"(Shi,1990,1992),consideringthedy'namicprocessofindustrialactivitiesinspaceandtracingresearchofindustriallocationasthemainstayofthetheory.Hereagain,inthispaper,wewilldiscuss~problemsconcerningtracingresearc…  相似文献   

The Bohai-Yellow Sea Rimland (BYSR) is situated along the coast of theBohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in the northeast of China, covering Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong provinces, and Tianjin and Beijing municipalities. It has a land area of 491,000 square kilometers, 5.1 percent of the country's total, and a population of 196 million, 17.9 percent of the total. Theregion is not only the political and cultural center, but also the most important economic center in North China. This paper analyses current status and major problems of industrial structure and distribution of BYSR. According to the national plan, the main goal in the coming decade is: by constantly improving economic structure, economic quality and efficiency, to double the gross national product(GNP), and to raise living standards to a satisfactory level. To realize this goal, agriculture, energy, transportation, some important raw material of industries, and infrastructure should be strengthened, and the engineering industry be improved to c  相似文献   

Resource-type industries are significance in national economy in the initial stage of industrialization and urbanization in developing countries including China. China is abundant in energy resources, but their distribution is uneven. The prospect of iron and steel industry from the supply of iron ore and coal as well as nonferous metallurgical industry, and chemical industry, is discussed. Processing of agricultural product is an important component of resource-type industries, and the base of light industry. The current status of light industry and different potentials in China's provinces are analysed. The author classifies all provinces into five types according to the spatial combination of minerals in China, and argues that four indicators have to be taken into account with regard to the appraisal of geographical position.  相似文献   

northeastern China is an important old industrial base in China. Mineral resources are the foundation of industry development. However, because of long-term exploitation of mineral resources in northeastern China, the mineral resources reserves decrease gradually and some mineral resources are nearly exhausted, which restricts revitalization and sustainable development of the northeast old industrial base. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of development and utilization status of mineral resources and supply and demand situation of main mineral resources in northeastern China, the authors put forward countermeasures on main mineral resources sustainable supply in northeastern China.  相似文献   

1 BACKGROUND OF STUDYChina has begun to take part in the great practice ofinternational competition and opening-up in the last 1 /5 time of 20th century. In the last two decades, Chinahas become one of the areas that have the greatest potential in industrial production, thus it has rankedsecond only to USA in the flow of international capital.By the end of 1998, the real value of FDI China hasutilized has added up to $268. I billion. China has wonworld attention as a huge market for …  相似文献   

northeastern China is an important old industrial base in China. Mineral resources are the foundation of industry development. However, because of long-term exploitation of mineral resources in northeastern China, the mineral resources reserves decrease gradually and some mineral resources are nearly exhausted, which restricts revitalization and sustainable development of the northeast old industrial base. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of development and utilization status of mineral resources and supply and demand situation of main mineral resources in northeastern China, the authors put forward countermeasures on main mineral resources sustainable supply in northeastern China.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Northeast China consists of the three provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, this region has supported the whole country with huge quantity of grain, raw materials, primary products, and heavy industrial products at the cost of environment and resources, and thereafter became an old industrial base as well as an important marketable grain base in the whole country (Zhang et al., 2004). However, since the 19…  相似文献   

lINTRODUCTIONAstotourismofdevelopingcountries,asPecialresearchfieldwasdividedfrompopuIartourismstudybysomewestemresearchers,manyspecialwordswereoftenusedsuchas"twosectors","enclaveconstrUction",j'developingscale","govemment'sin-terferenceandtheindustryroleoftourism"(MARTIN,l993;JENKIN,l982;JENKINetal.,l982,E-MANUL,l992)'AspecialattentiongiventoChinaisonlysomepoliticalanalyzingabouttourism(RICHTER,1983;HALL,l994;TREVoR,l998).AstoChineseleisurelife,recentlysomepapershadbeen…  相似文献   

随着城市建设的高速发展 ,高层、超高层建筑在原建筑物稠密区大量兴建 ,加之过量超采城市地下水 ,带来的地基与基坑变形问题越来越突出。为了防治建筑地基与基坑变形灾害 ,必须建立操作性较强的变形监测系统 ,及时作好预警、预报工作 ,使变形监测的方法、技术更加完善。  相似文献   

国家资源环境安全要素的综合评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
资源环境安全问题始终是世界各国持续发展的核心任务和基本需求。考虑到单要素和整体两大分析方法的不足 ,作者提出了一种具有针对性的要素综合分析方法。根据世界 10个人口 1亿以上国家的抽样分析表明 ,土地、水资源、矿产及生态环境的整体状态是决定国家资源环境安全的基本要素群体。与此同时 ,为了改善国家 ,特别是发展中国家的资源环境脆弱状态和提高其稳定程度 ,第一是严格控制人口增长 ;第二是努力推进本国资源环境开发的国际化进程 ;第三是增大智力投入以提高资源深化加工程度 ;第四是加大本国生态环境保护力度。  相似文献   

The common problems on tourism of developing countries have often been researched by west researchers until now, which can be concluded into special words: “two sectors”, “enclave construction”, “government’s interference”, “developing scale”, and “the industrial role of tourism” etc. In fact all the researches were done from the areas with the patronage of foreign visitors, how is the situation of domestic tourism was ignored in some points. In this paper, another developing model compared with the one with foreign visitors was presented to the readers on the case studies of countryside spas in China. Through this research, one aspect of Chinese real leisure life can be understood to some extent, and the implying that for bigger developing countries the domestic tourism can match the effect of international tourism should not be ignored at least to China. As the developing of economy, domestic tourism will finally unite with international one together, and the common problems will disappear step by step, therefore domestic tourism and international tourism of developing countries should be researched equally since now. Biography: WANG Yan-ping (1962–), male, a native of Heilongjiang Province, is a doctorate student of Chiba University of Japan. His research insterest is environmental impact assessment.  相似文献   


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