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We discuss dust formation in steady state dust driven winds around oxygen-rich AGB stars, including not only homogeneous Al2O3 and silicate grains but also heterogeneous grains consisting of an Al2O3 core and a silicate mantle. In the inner subsonic region, Al2O3 grains with radii of ∼ 0.15 μm condense first, then condensation of silicate on Al2O3 starts slightly inside the sonic point, which accelerates the gas flow into the supersonic region. Also small silicate grains, whose radii are a few tens of ?ngstroms form beyond the sonic point. The carrier of 13 μm feature observed towards oxygen-rich AGB stars is considered to be the core-mantle grains consisting of an α-Al2O3 core and a silicate mantle from the radiation transfer calculations based on the results of dust formation calculations. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We report on and discuss the detection of an emission feature at 14.98 μm from the oxygen-rich, semi-regularly pulsating Asymptotic Giant Branch star R Crateris, a feature which we suggest to be due to the 0 1 Q-branch of circumstellar CO2. We also suggest a reasonable excitation mechanism, which could explain the height, the width and the asymmetry of the feature. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The line Li I 6708 has been sought in a sample of spectra of slow-rotating Ap stars, selected on the basis of their richness in metallic lines. The problem of the determination of the atmospheric parameters T eff and log g from colour indices is discussed. More than 20 per cent of the stars show an absorption line at 6708, but the presence of this feature, among Ap stars, appears to be erratic. Its identification as Li I is discussed and the parameters needed to obtain meaningful lithium abundances are examined.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory (ESO), La Silla, Chile and at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), Saint Michel l'Observatoire, France.  相似文献   

We present new mid-IR images of AGB and post-AGB circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) obtained with the 10–20 μm imaging camera CAMIRAS mounted at the TIRGO infrared telescope (Gornergrat, Switzerland). Diffraction limited images of the sources are obtained, and extended emission for the brightest sources is detected for several arcseconds. Simple radiative transfer modelling is necessary to fit the observed data and derive the physical and chemical state of the envelope. This kind of analysis is an important test for dust formation theories, because it gives indications of dust properties along their condensation path through the envelope. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The continuum energy distributions of the luminous blue variables R127 and R110 in the outburst phase are fitted with a circumstellar envelope model.Both stars show two peaks in their continuum, one near 1250A and the other in the optical band. We suggest that their UV and optical fluxes may have different origins: the UV flux comes from the central star while the optical flux comes from an expanding circumstellar envelope. We construct a model for LBVs consisting of two LTE atmosphere models with different temperatures, and find it to be in agreement with the observed spectral energy distributions of R127 and R110.According to our numerical experiments, R127‘s continuum is composed of fluxes from a circumstellar envelope of Teff = 8000K, R = 485R⊙, and log g = 1,and from a central star of Tef = 17000K, R = 135R⊙, and log g = 2.5 with a permeating factor f = 0.5; while R110‘s continuum can be fitted by a circumstellar envelope of Teff =7000K, R = 350R⊙, and logg = 0.5, and a central star of Teff =25 000 K, R = 27R⊙, and log g 3.0 with a permeating factor f = 0.65.Both models show that the non-spherically symmetric, optically thick regions are formed surrounding the central star in the outburst phase. The light of the central star is shielded by the circumstellar envelope so that the visual brightness increases with the decrease/increase of the temperature/radius of the optically thick regions.  相似文献   

我们使用Kurucz恒星大气模型以及黑体模型对22颗Herbig Ae/Be星的紫外数据、IRAS观测数据、地面光学及近红外测光数据资料等进行了拟合计算,用能量平衡方法进行了统计分析,得出Herbig Ae/Be星的尘埃壳层为盘状的结论.  相似文献   

介绍了AGB(Asymptotic Giant Brahch)星s-过程核合成区域中子辐照量分布的最新研究结果.然后将不同AGB星s-过程核合成模型给出的太阳系中子辐照量分布与由观测约束得出的结果进行对比,分析论证了最新研究结果的可靠性.  相似文献   

采用拱星包层物质轴对称分布的模型,计算了Mira星拱星包层的物质分布和速度场分布,并通过解统计平衡方程得到了OH18cm的四条谱线的反转区.模型假定辐射压来自中心星和尘埃本身的辐射.计算中考虑了中心星的辐射、OH分子与电子的碰撞、尘埃本身的辐射和微波背景辐射等抽运机制,计算结果基本上反映了观测到的OH脉泽的径向分布和角向分布等性质.  相似文献   

ISOPHOT has been used to obtain low resolution spectra from 2.5μm to 5μm and 5.8μm to 11.6μm and multi-aperture photometry at 60μm of several evolved stars; oxygen-rich and carbon-rich (including the peculiar carbon-rich stars R CrB and RY Sgr). R CrB was observed early in the ISO mission, 3 weeks after it had been at minimum light. Another spectrum was obtained several months later. The second spectrum shows that the broad plateau (from around 6μm to 8μm) is still present but the flux density has declined from 60Jy to 50Jy. The spectrum for RY Sgr shows the same type of plateau. The multi-aperture data suggest that the dust shells are resolved around R CrB, RY Sgr, Y CVn and RS Lib. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Far-infrared mapping observations of a Mira-type AGB star R Hya were carried out with the imaging photo-polarimeter ISOPHOT. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interacting winds model (IWM) in which the shapes of elliptical Planetary Nebulae (PNe) can be explained by the asymmetric mass loss produced by a rotating AGB star. The mass loss mechanism is based on a dust driven wind calculated for stationary situations. Already for small rotation rates of the AGB star we get a significantly angle-dependent mass loss which is concentrated towards the equatorial plane. This pole to equator density variation in the space surrounding the star influences the shape of the later developed PN. We compare these theoretical shapes with observed PNe and for some objects with well known quantities our model can fit the observations quite well. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文首次提出了从观测得到的具有星周尘埃壳层的恒星的能谱分布求取星周尘埃云的消光,并由此可通过改正星周消光改正后的星际消光法求得恒星距离的方法。  相似文献   

The chemical classification of IRAS 17515-2407 has been debated for a long time. Up to now there are two contenders, oxygen-rich or carbon-rich. We believe that IRAS 17515-2407 is an oxygen-rich source: because (ⅰ) it shows the silicate self-absorbed emission; (ⅱ) in the near infrared-IRAS diagram it is located in the oxygen-rich object region and (ⅲ) particularly, it has detected SiO maser emission.  相似文献   

使用澳大利亚Parkes64m射电望远镜,在五个不同的位置上观测了OH17.72.0附近的弱OH脉泽源.发现了一个新的弱OH脉泽源,其峰值速度为52.5km/s.利用二维Gaussian拟合技术,得到了这个源的最佳拟合位置  相似文献   

The main constituents of the dust, produced around late-type carbon stars, are thought to be carbon and silicon carbide (SiC), although their exact nature is not yet well established. This subject has been addressed by several authors and good fits of a large number of IRAS sources (chosen among the carbon stars exhibiting the SiC feature at about 11.3 m) were obtained. In this work we use the same procedure on a limited number of objects, of the same type, taking into account the variability of such sources and the changes induced in their IR spectra. For this purpose, the chosen stars have been observed with a spectral resolution higher than that available for the IRAS data (/ 50), using the CGS3 instrument of the UKIRT telescope, both in the low ( / 160) and in the high ( / 500) resolution configuration. The results are discussed and some preliminary conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

The main constituents of the dust, produced around late-type carbon stars, are thought to be carbon and silicon carbide (SiC), although their exact nature is not yet well established. This subject has been addressed by several authors and good fits of a large number of IRAS sources (chosen among the carbon stars exhibiting the SiC feature at about 11.3 μm) were obtained. In this work we use the same procedure on a limited number of objects, of the same type, taking into account the variability of such sources and the changes induced in their IR spectra. For this purpose, the chosen stars have been observed with a spectral resolution higher than that available for the IRAS data (λ/Δλ ≅ 50), using the CGS3 instrument of the UKIRT telescope, both in the low (λ/Δλ ≅ 160) and in the high (λ/Δλ ≅ 500) resolution configuration. The results are discussed and some preliminary conclusions are drawn. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

$$UBVJHKLM$$ photometry for the carbon Mira star V CrB are presented. The infrared observations were carried out in the time interval 1989–2018, while the $$U$$, $$B$$, and $$V$$ data were obtained in 2001–2014. The light and color curves are analyzed. The pulsation period of V CrB has been found to be $$355\overset{\textrm{d}}{.}2$$ in the infrared $$JHKLM$$ bands and $$352^{\textrm{d}}$$ for the optical $$BV$$ band. In the $$JHK$$ bands, apart from periodic pulsations, there are distinct sinusoidal variations in the average brightness level with a characteristic period of $${\sim}8300$$ days. Color–magnitude relationships have been revealed for the infrared and optical bands. The phase curves exhibit the wavelength dependence of the brightness variability amplitude. The light curves for various bands and colors are discussed. We have constructed the model of a spherically symmetric circumstellar dust envelope that allows the observed spectral energy distribution at both maximum and minimum light to be reproduced equally well (within the model assumptions) and is consistent with the observations of V CrB by differential speckle polarimetry. The model is characterized by the following parameters: the optical depth is $$\tau_{K}=0.33$$, the inner and outer radii of the envelope are 8 and 40 000 AU, respectively. The envelope contains spherical carbon dust grains ($$3/4$$ by mass) and silicon carbide dust grains. Dust grains with a radius of 0.5 $$\mu$$m account for $$90\%$$ of the envelope mass. The remaining $$10\%$$ of the mass is accounted for by finer dust with a grain radius of 0.1 $$\mu$$m. Based on the observational data, we have estimated the bolometric flux from V CrB: $$2.6\times 10^{-7}$$ and $$5.1\times 10^{-7}$$ erg cm$${}^{-2}$$ s$${}^{-1}$$ at minimum and maximum light, respectively. The effective temperature of the star is $$T_{\textrm{max}}=3000$$ K at maximum light and $$T_{\textrm{min}}=2400$$ K at minimum light.  相似文献   

The circumstellar envelopes of carbon-rich AGB stars show a chemical complexity that is exemplified by the prototypical object IRC +10216, in which about 60 different molecules have been detected to date. Most of these species are carbon chains of the type C n H, C n H2, C n N, HC n N. We present the detection of new species (CH2CHCN, CH2CN, H2CS, CH3CCH and C3O) achieved thanks to the systematic observation of the full 3 mm window with the IRAM 30m telescope plus some ARO 12m observations. All these species, known to exist in the interstellar medium, are detected for the first time in a circumstellar envelope around an AGB star. These five molecules are most likely formed in the outer expanding envelope rather than in the stellar photosphere. A pure gas phase chemical model of the circumstellar envelope is reasonably successful in explaining the derived abundances, and additionally allows to elucidate the chemical formation routes and to predict the spatial distribution of the detected species.  相似文献   

The atmospheres and circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars are characterized by complex physical phenomena like shock waves caused by stellar pulsation or formation of molecules and dust which often lead to a heavy mass loss and have a strong influence on IR properties as observed by ISO. To allow a physical interpretation of various observations we have constructed improved dynamical model atmospheres of long-period variables. In this contribution we mainly investigate the dependence of the atmospheric structure and its variability on stellar pulsation, molecular opacities and time-dependent dust formation. IR spectra resulting from our models are discussed in detail by Loidl et al. (1997b) and compared to ISO-SWS spectra obtained by Hron et al. (1997). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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