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This paper presents a structural analysis of the external zone of Alpine Corsica, including the autochthonous domain and overlying external nappes (Santa Lucia and Balagne nappes). Two stages of nappe emplacement are identified occurring prior to and after the deposition of the Eocene sediments which were laid down upon first generation thrust contacts but are imbricated with their composite (continental and ophiolitic) basement by second generation thrusts. Five generations of structures with regional extent have been distinguished. However, the first generation has not been recognized within the visible part of the autochthon domain.Eoalpine first generation structures, restricted to allochthonous units, and Late Eocene to Early Oligocene second generation structures were nearly contemporaneous with the two stages of thrusting. The precise significance of E-W third generation structures is poorly understood. Broadly N-S fourth generation structures resulted from Oligocene compressive tectonics (folding and local backthrusting). Finally, fifth generation structures were generated during a Miocene extensional stage.These results are partly consistent with structural features previously reported in the southern and the northern outcrops of the Schistes lustrés, i.e. the main part of the allochthonous domain. A summary of a regional tectonic evolution is thus proposed for Alpine Corsica from Eoalpine obduction to Miocene extension.  相似文献   

The direction of thrusting contemporaneous with high pressure-low temperature (HP/LT) metamorphism of the ophiolite Schistes Lustrés nappes in Cap Corse, Alpine Corsica has changed from being towards the northwest to towards the southwest during Upper Cretaceous obduction.Similar anticlockwise changes in thrusting have been observed in other regions of Alpine Corsica, Calabria and Southern Betic Cordilleras. A model is proposed for the Alpine evolution of this part of the Western Alps involving a sinistral component of transcurrent movement added to the northwest thrusting. These events have been followed by Eocene backthrusting of nappe of southern-Alpine origin in northwest Cap Corse towards the southeast with associated backfolding of the underlying Schistes Lustrés.  相似文献   

In Alpine Corsica, the Jurassic ophiolites represent remnants of oceanic lithosphere belonging to the Ligure‐Piemontese Basin located between the Europe/Corsica and Adria continental margins. In the Balagne area, a Jurassic ophiolitic sequence topped by a Late Jurassic–Late Cretaceous sedimentary cover crops out at the top of the nappe pile. The whole ophiolitic succession is affected by polyphase deformation developed under very low‐grade orogenic metamorphic conditions. The original palaeogeographic location and the emplacement mechanisms for the Balagne ophiolites are still a matter of debate and different interpretations for its history have been proposed. The deformation features of the Balagne ophiolites are outlined in order to provide constraints on their history in the framework of the geodynamic evolution of Alpine Corsica. The deformation history reconstructed for the Balagne Nappe includes five different deformation phases, from D1 to D5. The D1 phase was connected with the latest Cretaceous/Palaeocene accretion into the accretionary wedge related to an east‐dipping subduction zone followed by a Late Eocene D2 phase related to emplacement onto the Europe/Corsica continental margin. The subsequent D3 phase was characterized by sinistral strike‐slip faults and related deformations of Late Eocene–Early Oligocene age. The D4 and D5 phases were developed during the Early Oligocene–Late Miocene extensional processes connected with the collapse of the Alpine belt. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(5):384-394
In Corsica, continental units (the Lower Units) affected by high-pressure metamorphism represent the remains of the European margin deformed during the Alpine orogeny. In order to document how Alpine deformation and metamorphism changed along the European margin involved in the Alpine subduction, we selected three key areas: the Corte, Cima Pedani, and Ghisoni transects. The three transects show a broadly similar lithostratigraphy. They are characterized by a Variscan basement intruded by Permo-Carboniferous metagranitoids, and by a sedimentary cover including Mesozoic carbonates and middle to late Eocene breccias and sandstones. The three transects recorded a similar deformation history with three deformation phases. Thermo-baric estimations, instead, reveal that each unit was exhumed along an independent retrograde path within the orogenic Alpine wedge. In particular, the lowest units of the Lower Units stack were exhumed along an isothermal path, whereas those located at upper structural levels experienced progressive heating.  相似文献   

Multiple pieces of geologic evidence suggest that interfaces between contrasted lithologies exert a strong control on the fate of volatiles in subduction zones. Here we present results from a contact between serpentinites and sediments, located in Corsica and metamorphosed in the blueschist facies during the alpine orogeny. It was shown previously that carbonates in the sediments have been reduced to graphitic carbonaceous material within a 5–10-cm-thick reaction zone at the contact with serpentinites. In an effort to investigate the mechanisms governing this unusual process, bulk rock geochemical analyses incorporating a statistical analysis of compositional data are presented. Observations show that the fate of C was decoupled from that of other elements such as O, H, and large-ion lithophile elements—e.g. K, Sr, Ba...,As—that were extensively leached from the reaction zone. Notably, Na is strongly enriched in the reaction zone and structurally linked to pectolite. Reducing conditions, manifested by the depletion of O in the reaction zone compared to the bulk metasediment, were likely maintained by the presence of Fe(II) in the serpentinite. Moreover, thermodynamic calculations show that the low solubility of carbon in COH fluids at high-pressure and low-temperature conditions was the main driver for graphite precipitation synchronously with carbonate destabilization. This may have been kinetically favored by the presence of already existing graphitized carbonaceous material and phengite in the metasediment. Limited lateral flow might have contributed as well to the geochemical and petrological patterns observed in these rocks.  相似文献   

A tectonic model of Alpine Corsica is proposed based on geological studies. Its evolution starts after the Jurassic with intraoceanic subduction, followed by mid-Cretaceous subduction of the European continental margin under the oceanic segment of the Adriatic plate. After subduction of the continental crust to a depth of ≈ 150 km, slices of crustal material are buoyantly uplifted together with high-pressure oceanic rocks (ophiolites and 'schistes lustrés'). High pressure–low temperature continental gneiss units overthrust the outer segments of the European crust, while producing a normal sense motion along the upper surface of the rising crustal body. During the Eocene, the closure of the remnant Ligurian oceanic basin separating the proto Corsican belt and Adria, resulted in a second orogenic phase with the emplacement of unmetamorphosed ophiolitic nappes which overthrust the previously exhumed and eroded HP belt. This Corsican model suggests an original evolutionary path for orogenic belts when continental collision is preceded by intraoceanic subduction.  相似文献   

In Cap Corse, progressive deformation during Late Cretaceous obduction of the ophiolitic Schistes Lustrés (sensu lato) as a pile of imbricate, lens-shaped units during blueschist facies metamorphism was non-coaxial. Two zones are recognized: a lower series emplaced towards the west is overlain by a series emplaced towards the south-southwest in Cap Corse. Equivalent structures (differing only in orientation) occur in both zones. The change in thrust direction was responsible for local refolding and reorientation of previously formed structures, parallel to the new stretching direction immediately below the thrust contact between the two zones, and within localized shear zones in the underlying series.Both zones are refolded about E-overturned F2 folds trending between 350 and 025°. Local minor E-directed thrusts occur associated with the F2 folds. This second deformation of Middle Eocene age is considered to be related to the backthrusting of an overlying klippe containing gneisses of South Alpine origin, and is followed by a third Late Eocene phase of upright 060°-trending F3 folds accompanied by greenschist facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Popolasca–Francardo area of northern Corsica contains an assemblage of continental tectonic units affected by an Alpine deformation. In one of these units, Unit II, previously regarded as weakly metamorphosed, a metamorphic mineral assemblage characterized by sodic amphibole, phengite, quartz, albite and epidote has been found in an aplite dyke that cuts the dominant granitoids. Peak‐metamorphic temperature and pressure conditions of 300–370°C and 0.50–0.80 GPa, respectively, have been determined. This finding indicates that a continuous belt of continental slices, characterized by high‐pressure, low‐temperature metamorphism of Tertiary age, extends from the Tenda Massif in the north to the Corte area in the south, thus placing additional constraints on the tectonic evolution of Alpine Corsica. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present new,geological,metamorphic,geochemical and geochronological data on the East Anatolian-Lesser Caucasus ophiolites.These data are used in combination with a synthesis of previous data and numerical modelling to unravel the tectonic emplacement of ophiolites in this region.All these data allow the reconstruction of a large obducted ophiolite nappe,thrusted for>100 km and up to 250 km on the Anatolian-Armenian block.The ophiolite petrology shows three distinct magmatic series,highlighted by new isotopic and trace element data:(1)The main Early Jurassic Tholeiites(ophiolite s.s.)bear LILEenriched,subduction-modified,MORB chemical composition.Geology and petrology of the Tholeiite series substantiates a slow-spreading oceanic environment in a time spanning from the Late Triassic to the Middle-Late Jurassic.Serpentinites,gabbros and plagiogranites were exhumed by normal faults,and covered by radiolarites,while minor volumes of pillow-lava flows infilled the rift grabens.Tendency towards a subduction-modified geochemical signature suggests emplacement in a marginal basin above a subduction zone.(2)Late Early Cretaceous alkaline lavas conformably emplaced on top of the ophiolite.They have an OIB affinity.These lavas are featured by large pillow lavas interbedded a carbonate matrix.They show evidence for a large-scale OIB plume activity,which occurred prior to ophiolite obduction.(3)Early-Late Cretaceous calc-alkaline lavas and dykes.These magmatic rocks are found on top of the obducted nappe,above the post-obduction erosion level.This series shows similar Sr-Nd isotopic features as the Alkaline series,though having a clear supra-subduction affinity.They are thus interpreted to be the remelting product of a mantle previously contaminated by the OIB plume.Correlation of data from the Lesser Caucasus to western Anatolia shows a progression from back-arc to arc and fore-arc,which highlight a dissymmetry in the obducted oceanic lithosphere from East to West.The metamorphic P-T-t paths of the obduction sole lithologies define a southward propagation of the ophiolite:(1)P-T-t data from the northern Sevan-Akera suture zone(Armenia)highlight the presence and exhumation of eclogites(1.85±0.02 GPa and 590±5℃)and blueschists below the ophiolite,which are dated at ca.94 Ma by Ar-Ar on phengite.(2)Neighbouring Amasia(Armenia)garnet amphibolites indicate metamorphic peak conditions of 0.65±0.05 GPa and 600±20 C with a U-Pb on rutile age of 90.2±5.2 Ma and Ar-Ar on amphibole and phengite ages of 90.8±3.0 Ma and 90.8±1.2 Ma,respectively.These data are consistent with palaeontological dating of sediment deposits directly under(Cenomanian,i.e.>93.9 Ma)or sealing(Coniacian-Santonian,i.e.,≤89.8 Ma),the obduction.(3)At Hinis(NE Turkey)PT-t conditions on amphibolites(0.66±0.06 GPa and 660±20℃,with a U-Pb titanite age of80.0±3.2 Ma)agree with previous P-T-t data on granulites,and highlight a rapid exhumation below a top-to-the-North detachment sealed by the Early Maastrichtian unconformity(ca.70.6 Ma).Amphibolites are cross-cut by monzonites dated by U-Pb on titanite at 78.3±3.7 Ma.We propose that the HT-MP metamorphism was coeval with the monzonites,about 10 Ma after the obduction,and was triggered by the onset of subduction South of the Anatolides and by reactivation or acceleration of the subduction below the Pontides-Eurasian margin.Numerical modelling accounts for the obduction of an"old"~80 Myr oceanic lithosphere due to a significant heating of oceanic lithosphere through mantle upwelling,which increased the oceanic lithosphere buoyancy.The long-distance transport of a currently thin section of ophiolites(<1 km)onto the Anatolian continental margin is ascribed to a combination of northward mantle extensional thinning of the obducted oceanic lithosphere by the Hinis detachment at ca.80 Ma,and southward gravitational propagation of the ophiolite nappe onto its foreland basin.  相似文献   

The nature of structures detected recently on the Sun in soft X rays by I.F. Nikulin (Sternberg Astronomical Institute) and called by him “partings” is discussed. It is shown that these structures are sign-reversal lines for the normal component of the curvature vector of the magnetic lines. Equations describing these lines are derived and models of the corresponding fields calculated.  相似文献   

The Alpine belt in Corsica (France) is characterized by the occurrence of stacked tectonic slices derived from the Corsica/Europe continental margin, which outcrop between two weakly or non‐metamorphic tectonic domains: the ‘autochthonous’ domain of the Hercynian basement to the west and the Balagne Nappe (ophiolitic unit belonging to the ‘Nappes supérieures’) to the east. These slices, including basement rocks (Permian granitoids and their Palaeozoic host rocks), Late Carboniferous–Permian volcano‐sedimentary deposits, coarse‐grained polymict breccias (Volparone Breccia) and Middle Eocene siliciclastic turbidite deposits, were affected by a polyphase deformation history of Alpine age, associated with a well‐developed metamorphic recrystallization. This study provides new quantitative data about the peak of metamorphism and the retrograde P–T path in the Alpine Corsica: the tectonic slices of Volparone Breccia from the Balagne region (previously regarded as unmetamorphosed) were affected by peak metamorphism characterized by the phengite + chlorite + quartz ± albite assemblage. Using the chlorite‐phengite local equilibria method, peak metamorphic P–T conditions coherent with the low‐grade blueschist facies are estimated as 0.60 ± 0.15 GPa and 325 ± 20 °C. Moreover, the retrograde P–T path, characterized by a decrease of pressure and temperature, is evidence of the first stage of the exhumation path from the peak metamorphic conditions to greenschist facies conditions (0.35 ± 0.06 GPa and 315 ± 20 °C). The occurrence of metamorphic peak at high‐pressure/low‐temperature (HP/LT) conditions is evidence of the fact that these tectonic slices, derived from the Corsica/Europe continental margin, were deformed and metamorphosed in the Alpine subduction zone during their underplating at ~20 km of depth into the accretionary wedge and were subsequently juxtaposed against the metamorphic and non‐metamorphic oceanic units during a complex exhumation history.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):375-388
The structure of the southernmost domain of the Ossa Morena Zone in Portugal (south sector of the Iberian Autochthonous Terrane) is strongly controlled by earlier deformation events. The first two deformation events correspond to tangential strain regimes, marked by subhorizontal milonitic foliations. These events seem to be directly related with the obduction/subduction process during the Variscan ocean closure and the emplacement of the Beja-Acebuches Oceanic Terrane. In this domain (Évora-Beja Domain), the upper tectono-stratigraphic unit (Moura Phyllonitic Complex) is mainly represented by phyllites and corresponds to a strongly imbricated complex, involving several layers of autochthonous sequence (mainly rocks of a volcano-sedimentary complex), but it also includes dismembered and scattered slices of ophiolites. The widespread greenschists facies overprint an earlier high-pressure metamorphic event (blueschists in the central sector of Évora-Beja Domain and eclogites in the western sector). With regard to its geochemical signature, the Moura Phyllonitic Complex includes amphibolites ranging from N-MORB to T/P-MORB (ophiolitic slices) and mafic alkaline and peralkaline metavolcanics (autochthonous slices). At macroscopic scale, the autochthonous sequence of the Évora-Beja Domain is almost complete in the eastern region, with a stratigraphic sequence ranging from Precambrian to Silurian/Lower Devonian. Towards WSW, the Moura Phyllonitic Complex progressively become tectonically discordant on the sequence below, just near the suture, where it superposes Precambrian levels. The overall evidences (tectonic, metamorphic and geochemical) allow the conclusion that the Moura Phyllonitic Complex is an accretionary complex related with the obduction process during earlier times of the variscan ocean closure.  相似文献   

Western Europe is traversed by the Rhinegraben rift system. The stages of graben formation evolved coincidentally with the culminations of compressional folding in the Alps. Rhinegraben rifting has been controlled by mantle diapirism, but the Alpine orogeny by subduction of lithosphere. Presumably, Alpine subduction forced compensating mantle uplift in the foreland. The Middle Eocene to Oligocene crustal spreading of the Rhinegraben implies a state of stress with a maximum horizontal component parallel to the graben axis (about 20?). In the same area, the Recent average direction of maximum compressive stress is of about 320? (NW), as calculated by in-situ stress measurements, fault-plane solutions of earthquakes and Recent crustal movements. The rotation of the stress components relative to the crust of stable Europe evolved subsequent to counterclockwise rotations of microplates in the Mediterranean. A model is proposed which ascribes these rotations to alterating shear motions of the Afro-Arabian macroplates relative to stable Europe exerting a ball-bearing effect to the intervenient microplates. The postulated motions are in accord with the patterns of inhomogeneous ocean floor spreading east and west of the African plate. The stages of Alpine plate collision had induced a significant readjustment of intraplate stress conditions, and deformation in the cratonic foreland of stable Europe.  相似文献   

A review of certain late-stage textures in subaerial, submarine and lunar extrusive rocks is presented, together with a genetic classification of vesicles. The term paravesicle is introduced for hollows in lavas caused by the introduction of a gaseous phase into the lava after extrusion. Examples taken from the andesitic lavas of the Borrowdale Volcanic Series are used to illustrate the usefulness of studying such features.  相似文献   

The Pre-Betic is the most northerly of the Alpine zones forming the Betic Cordilleras of southern Spain. It consists of strongly folded and faulted Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks, the oldest of which are ferruginous and gypsiferous Triassic mudstones, followed by a predominantly carbonate facies of Cretaceous, Palaeogene and Miocene age. Although this sequence is interrupted by a number of minor unconformities, the major structures were formed during the middle or late Miocene. The highly incompetent Triassic rocks are the most strongly deformed, and form diapiric intrusions discordant to regional structural trends in the younger rocks. The latter are essentially of two facies: massive competent limestones which are deformed by relatively simple folds of large wavelength, and highly incompetent marl-limestone interbeds with complex disharmonic folds and crush belts. Faults include low-angle and high-angle thrusts, gravity slides and wrench faults. The regional tectonic strike is ENE to NE, but the diapiric intrusions mostly follow WNW and N directions. These intrusions have pushed the younger rocks aside, the result being polyphase structures of several trends.Less intense post-Miocene tectonics are mostly associated with continued diapirism and have resulted in the folding and tilting of the late Miocene to Quaternary elastic sediments.  相似文献   

J. P. Callot  X. Guichet   《Tectonophysics》2003,366(3-4):207-222
We develop two simple models for simulating the combination of magnetic sub-fabrics related to magma flow in dykes. The basic assumptions are (i) the petrofabric is representative of the flow fabric, and (ii) the petrofabric is composed of S/C-type structures related to flow. The first model consists of summing the magnetic tensors of two identical sub-fabrics, differing solely by their relative rotation. This model accounts for the possible change of the macroscopic magnetic lineation from a flow-related fabric to a lineation situated at the geometric intersection between the two sub-fabrics. Such a result is obtained in the case of oblate to highly oblate sub-fabric ellipsoids. The second model integrates the effect of very oblate grains of variable orientations into calculating the shape controlled magnetic tensor of each sub-fabric, and emphasizes the possible under-estimation of fabric superposition due to microscopic disordering. The magma fluxes along the East Greenland volcanic margin are illustrated by the flow pattern within the major dyke swarm. The magmatic flow vectors inferred from the imbrication of magnetic foliation at the dyke margins are primarily horizontal. The classic use of magnetic lineation can lead to contradictory results, giving flow vectors perpendicular to the flow directions. The magnetic lineation is situated close to the zone axis of magnetic foliation planes over a wide range of scales throughout the dyke swarm, suggesting that the contradiction may arise from the association of several textural domains at the sample scale. Forward modelling of macroscopic magnetic fabrics using the first model yields good agreement with the measured magnetic fabric of the East Greenland dykes. Our results, which are applicable to strained sedimentary rocks, highlight the possible misuse of the magnetic lineation due to combination of magnetic textures. The exchange between a microscopic lineation, i.e. mineralogical lineation, and a macroscopic lineation, i.e. intersection lineation, is particularly expected for dykes that generally bear oblate magnetic textures.  相似文献   

The Rio Magno Unit (RMU) tectonically overlies the Schistes Lustrés units in south-eastern Alpine Corsica. It is represented by an ophiolitic sequence, showing remarkable differences with respect to the commonly recognized Corsican ophiolites. This unit can be distinguished from the Schistes Lustrés by the lack of HP–LT metamorphism, reflecting its different geodynamic setting, although both were involved early in the same tectonic events. Similarly, the RMU can be distinguished from the Balagne Unit by the presence of normal-MORB basalts and the scarcity of continent-derived sedimentary input, testifying to a different oceanic palaeogeographical setting. Moreover, the petrochemical and stratigraphic features of the RMU ophiolitic sequence show close analogies with the Internal Ligurides of the Northern Apennines. The RMU represents the first record of a nonmetamorphic 'Apenninic'-type ophiolitic unit in Alpine Corsica, supporting the hypothesis that the Alpine Corsica – Northern Apennine system represents a double-vergent accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

Turbulent transport of aerosols and droplets in a random velocity field with a finite correlation time is studied. We derived a mean-field equation and an equation for the second moment for a number density of aerosols. The finite correlation time of random velocity field results in the appearance of the high-order spatial derivatives in these equations. The finite correlation time and compressibility of the velocity field can cause a depletion of turbulent diffusion and a modification of an effective mean drift velocity. The coefficient of turbulent diffusion in the vertical direction can be depleted by 25 % due to the finite correlation time of a turbulent velocity field. The latter result is in compliance with the known anisotropy of the coefficient of turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere. The effective mean drift velocity is caused by a compressibility of particles velocity field and results in formation of large-scale inhomogeneities in spatial distribution of aerosols in the vicinity of the atmospheric temperature inversion. Results obtained by Saffman (1960) for the effect of molecular diffusivity in turbulent diffusion are generalized for the case of compressible and anisotropic random velocity field. A mechanism of formation of small-scale inhomogeneities in particles spatial distribution is also discussed. This mechanism is associated with an excitation of a small-scale instability of the second moment of number density of particles. The obtained results are important in the analysis of various atmospheric phenomena, e.g., atmospheric aerosols, droplets and smog formation.  相似文献   

In Alpine Corsica (France), deeply subducted metabasalts are well preserved as lawsonite‐bearing eclogite (Law‐Ecl), occurrence of which is restricted to ~10 localities worldwide. The Corsican Law‐Ecl, consisting of omphacite + lawsonite + garnet + phengite + titanite, occurs as both single undeformed metabasaltic pillows surrounded by lawsonite blueschist (Law‐Bs), and carbonate‐bearing eclogitic veins. Law‐Bs are found as variably deformed metabasaltic pillows locally cross‐cut by eclogitic veins and consist of glaucophane + actinolite + lawsonite + garnet + phengite + titanite. Field evidence and microstructures reveal that both Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs are stable at the metamorphic peak in the lawsonite‐eclogite stability field. Isochemical phase diagrams (pseudosections) calculated for representative Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs samples indicate that both lithologies equilibrated at the same conditions of ~520 ± 20 °C and 2.3 ± 0.1 GPa. Therefore, the coexistence at the same peak metamorphic conditions of Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs implies that different portions of deeply subducted oceanic crust may store significantly different H2O contents, depending on bulk‐rock chemical composition. In addition, thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria indicates that the occurring progressive dehydration reactions, which are significantly depending on bulk‐rock chemical composition, strongly influence rock densification and eclogite formation in subducting slabs.  相似文献   

In the Lesser Caucasus and NE Anatolia, three domains are distinguished from south to north: (1) Gondwanian-derived continental terranes represented by the South Armenian Block (SAB) and the Tauride–Anatolide Platform (TAP), (2) scattered outcrops of Mesozoic ophiolites, obducted during the Upper Cretaceous times, marking the northern Neotethys suture, and (3) the Eurasian plate, represented by the Eastern Pontides and the Somkheto-Karabagh Arc. At several locations along the northern Neotethyan suture, slivers of preserved unmetamorphozed relics of now-disappeared Northern Neotethys oceanic domain (ophiolite bodies) are obducted over the northern edge of the passive SAB and TAP margins to the south. There is evidence for thrusting of the suture zone ophiolites towards the north; however, we ascribe this to retro-thrusting and accretion onto the active Eurasian margin during the latter stages of obduction. Geodynamic reconstructions of the Lesser Caucasus feature two north dipping subduction zones: (1) one under the Eurasian margin and (2) farther south, an intra-oceanic subduction leading to ophiolite emplacement above the northern margin of SAB. We extend our model for the Lesser Caucasus to NE Anatolia by proposing that the ophiolites of these zones originate from the same oceanic domain, emplaced during a common obduction event. This would correspond to the obduction of non-metamorphic oceanic domain along a lateral distance of more than 500?km and overthrust up to 80?km of passive continental margin. We infer that the missing volcanic arc, formed above the intra-oceanic subduction, was dragged under the obducting ophiolite through scaling by faulting and tectonic erosion. In this scenario part of the blueschists of Stepanavan, the garnet amphibolites of Amasia and the metamorphic arc complex of Erzincan correspond to this missing volcanic arc. Distal outcrops of this exceptional object were preserved from latter collision, concentrated along the suture zones.  相似文献   

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