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The depositional history of an ice-contact delta in Sørfjorden has been reconstructed, based on two sections, 100 and 900 m long. Five major sedimentary facies have been distinguished within the delta's foreset, and their geometry and spatial organization have been mapped in the outcrops through the use of photographs. Facies 1 comprises chaotically bedded coarse clastics; facies 2 comprises sets of high-angle clinoforms; facies 3 comprises sets of low-angle sandy clinoforms; facies 4 comprises sets of hummocky sandy clinoforms and facies 5 comprises sets of low-angle to subhorizontal sandy and muddy clinoforms. The glacier advanced at least 500 m during the formation of the foreset sequence. Six minor halts during this advance are indicated. The study puts new constraints on the history of the Younger Dryas ice advance in the region, including local palaeogeography, ice-front dynamics and fjord-fill sediment stratigraphy.  相似文献   

The sea-floor morphology of two pronounced across-fjord bedrock thresholds located at the mouths of Ofotfjorden and Tysfjorden, northern Norway, has been analysed based on swath bathymetry and seismic data. The Younger Dryas ice front was located here during the recession of one of the large palaeo-ice streams of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. The thresholds are several kilometres long and wide, rising to several hundred metres above the adjacent sea floor, and the slopes are steep, up to 25°. The Ofotfjorden threshold is draped by acoustically discontinuous to chaotic sediments partly infilling the bedrock relief. A pattern of well-developed, subglacial bedforms (e.g. crag-and-tail formations, drumlins and glacial lineations) on top of both thresholds suggests fast-flowing ice. A series of smaller transverse ridges is identified on both thresholds and probably records ice-front oscillations during the final deglaciation. The distal parts of the sediments have been remobilized by slides that occurred after glacial retreat from the thresholds. Earthquake activity due to the isostatic rebound following ice retreat from this area was the most likely triggering mechanism for the slides. The location of the ice front on a prominent bedrock threshold indicates that the basin configuration was important in locating the maximum position of the climatically induced re-advance, i.e. a topographic control on the maximum Younger Dryas position in the Ofotfjorden and Tysfjorden area is suggested.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(12-13):1463-1478
The aragonite mineralogy and geochemistry of the mollusc faunas preserved at Navan and Bearbrook, Ontario, serve as proxies of original seawater chemistry. The composite section spanning 12,980–10,980 cal yr BP includes the Younger Dryas (YD) paleoclimatic oscillation. Oxygen isotopes demonstrate the onset of cooling with the YD event, in addition to the lowering of marine values by the influx of isotopically light glacial meltwater from Lake Agassiz. Impact of cooling and dilution is reduced or eliminated with the start of the Holocene, when water temperatures and salinities for Champlain Sea (CS) seawater were 8–16 °C and 27–34 ppt, respectively. Overall, oxygen isotope values deceased to −3.5% during the YD mainly due to freshening by glacial meltwater. Carbon isotopes confirm the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration at the YD–Holocene transition. Marine strontium isotope values for the Allerød–YD–earliest Holocene range from 0.709151 (16,210 cal yr BP) to 0.709145 (12,980 cal yr BP) and 0.709142 (10,950 cal yr BP). The oceanographic changes recorded for the CS are in agreement with the evolutionary phases of Lake Agassiz and deglaciation dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The volume and direction of meltwater discharge from Lake Agassiz alternated between the Gulf of Mexico during the Allerød, via the Great Lakes through the CS to the North Atlantic during the YD, and back to the Gulf of Mexico during the early Holocene, but with diminished impact.  相似文献   

Three localities with marginal moraines deposited by former cirque glaciers are investigated in east-central southern Norway. The wet-based (erosive) cirque glaciers with aspects towards S-SW and N-NE are mapped at altitudes above 1100 m, and have a mean equilibrium-line altitude of 1275 m. With a suggested mean annual winter precipitation close to the average for the modern accumulation season (1 October-30 April) when the cirque glaciers existed, the mean air-temperature depression during the ablation season (1 May-30 September) is calculated to be 6–7°C lower than at present. The high-altitude cirques of central Rondane were still covered by ice when the low-altitude cirque glaciers developed in distal position for this massif in eastern Rondane and on isolated mountains. Hence, the cirque glaciers are suggested to have existed during the deglaciation after the Late Weichselian maximum, and most likely during the Younger Dryas (11000–10000 BP). The cirque glaciers indicate a downwasting ice-sheet surface well below an altitude of 1100 m prior to the Younger Dryas, and this supports a limited (small) vertical extent for the Late Weichselian ice sheet in this region. With the contemporaneous level for instantaneous glacierization (glaciation threshold) just below the highest elevated peaks in east-central southern Norway, this fits with the idea of a continuous downwasting of the Late Weichselian ice sheet since the 'first' nunataks appeared. The occurrence of the cirque glaciers indicates a multidomed Scandinavian ice-sheet geometry during the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

A composite stratigraphical sequence, the Fnjóskadalur Sequence, reveals ten cycles of glacier advances and formation of ice-dammed lakes in Fnjóskadalur in central North Iceland. Chemical analyses of the Skógar Tephra, with its type locality in this valley, have enabled a correlation with Ash zone I in deep sea sediments of the North Atlantic and with the Vedde Ash Bed on land in western Norway, where it is dated to 10,600 BP. The Skógar Tephra is composed of two layers, a basaltic tephra (STP-1) and a rhyolitic tephra (STP-2) erupted almost simultaneously from two different Icelandic volcanoes. The STP-1 tephra originates from the Katla volcano in South Iceland, and the öræfajökull volcano in Southeast Iceland is considered a plausible source of the STP-2 tephra. This new dating of the Skógar Tephra puts the three youngest glacier advances of the Fnjóskadalur Sequence within a 1000 year period between 10,600 and 9650 BP. The redated Late Weichselian glacial history now extracted from the Fnjóskadalur Sequence shows that glaciers in North Iceland were more extended in Younger Dryas and Preboreal times than previously assumed. This fits with the revised deglaciation pattern which has evolved in recent years.  相似文献   

There exposures in an outer end moraine ridge at Autre Okstindbredal, north Norway, are described and interpreted. The presence of perennially frozen ground is attributed to the present or very recent climate of the area and suggest the occurence of true sporadic permafrost. Several buried soil horizons including podzols are recognised within the moraine ridge sections. These are considered to be derived. It is thought that their occurance as imbricate stress is best explained by a basal freeze-in mechanism associated with marginal thrusting when the local glacier possessed a sub-polar thermal régime. This freeze-in phase is of late Neoglacial age but not necessarily associated with the widespread eighteenth century advance in Scandinavia. The soils in part date from the postglacial climatic optimum.  相似文献   

Over the past 200 years significant research effort has gone into explaining the origin of the obvious former shorelines in Glen Roy (the so-called “Parallel Roads”). The large gravel deposit at the mouth of Glen Turret has attracted similar interest, but a solution to its origin and age remains contested: the same applies to the associated gravel fans in upper Glen Roy. This paper presents the results of systematic mapping and instrumental levelling of these features and new evidence from two previously unrecorded gravel fans in the nearby Allt Chonnal valley. Interpretation of altitudinal and lithofacies data indicates that all the fans (including the one at the mouth of Glen Turret) were deposited in a series of ice-dammed lakes during the Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas). The largest gravel fans were deposited in the shallow lake heads of the 260 m, 325 m and 350 m lakes in upper Glen Roy, infilling these areas to the extent that deposition was in part subaerial. The absence of foreset bedding from the deposits is explained by the relatively shallow depth of lake waters, which inhibited development of classic Gilbert-type deltas and encouraged Hjulström-type fans. The previous assumption that gravel deposition into the 325 m and 350 m lakes was relatively limited is shown to be erroneous. The Allt Chonnal gravel fans, deposited into these lakes, have an estimated combined volume of 6,000,000 m3 deposited in about 200 years. Significant gravel deposition into these former lakes continued at least until glaciers started to retreat in Glen Roy. When glacier retreat began, gravel deposition was reduced by over 85%. This research also concludes that the glacier which deposited the Turret fan emanated from Glen Gloy, supplied not only by ice from the south but also from ice that spilled into Glen Gloy from the adjacent Great Glen. The Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) ice cap mapped in the Monadhliath Mountains was connected to the west Highland ice cap, which at the time filled the Great Glen. Regional equilibrium line altitude (ELA) estimates, based solely on the Monadhliath LLS ice cap evidence, may therefore be altitudinally too high.  相似文献   

A two-step climatic warming and oceanographic change during the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition was registered by diatom, foraminiferal, mollusc, lithologic data and sediment accumulation rates in a high resolution sediment core from the Swedish west coast. An abrupt climatic warming in the surface water of the Kattegat occurred at c . 10 200 BP, resulting in a rapid increase in sea surface water temperatures. The attenuation of meltwater discharge into the Kattegat led to an increase in sea surface salinity. Consequently, the difference in salinity through the water column diminished. This change happened within less than 80 years. The warming of bottom water in the deeper parts of the region took place a few hundred years after the surface water warming. The climatic amelioration was recorded by increased meltwater discharge and a slight increase in abundance of relatively warm diatoms around 10 600 BP at the time of the recession of the Fennoscandian ice sheet. An increase in the number of arctic/subarctic benthic foraminifera shows that the bottom water temperature during this period was still relatively low.  相似文献   

Sediments from two small lakes distal to the Tromsø–Lyngen moraine at Tromsø, northern Norway, indicate that the area was deglaciated prior to c. 11.7 14C ka BP. The earliest vegetation was dominated by calciphilous and heliophilous pioneer plants on unstable soils; this changed to a vegetation reflecting a dry continental climate until c. 10.7 14Cka BP. A phase (10.7–10.5 14Cka BP) with snow-bed communities was followed by one with a mosaic of plant communities. This was succeeded by Empetrum heaths c. 10.3 14Cka BP, then by an open forest with Betula pubescens after 10.0 14Cka BP. Ice-front oscillations in the Tromsø area are evaluated. The main part of the Younger Dryas glacial readvance, the Tromsø–Lyngen event, probably occurred between 10.7 and 10.3 14Cka BP.  相似文献   

This paper systematically reviews the glacial geomorphological evidence of the Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS; Younger Dryas) glaciation in Britain (12.9–11.7 ka). The geomorphology of sub‐regions within Scotland, England and Wales is assessed, providing the most comprehensive synthesis of this evidence to date. The contrasting nature of the evidence at the local scale is reviewed and conceptual themes common to multiple sub‐regions are examined. Advancements in glaciological theory, mapping technologies, numerical modelling and dating have been applied unevenly to localities across Britain, inhibiting a holistic understanding of the extent and dynamics of the LLS glaciation at a regional scale. The quantity and quality of evidence is highly uneven, leading to uncertainties regarding the extent of glaciation and inhibiting detailed analysis of ice dynamics and chronology. Robust dates are relatively scarce, making it difficult to confidently identify the limits of LLS glaciers and assess their synchroneity. Numerical models have allowed the glacier–climate relationships of the LLS to be assessed but have, thus far, been unable to incorporate local conditions which influenced glaciation. Recommendations for future research are made that will allow refined reconstructions of the LLS in Britain and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of glacier–climate interactions during the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

Geomorphological mapping of locally nourished glaciers was conducted in four glens in the southeastern Monadhliath Mountains, Scotland. Three glaciers are interpreted to be of Younger Dryas age based on geomorphological similarity to features in other Scottish upland areas known to have been glaciated during the Younger Dryas, and on comparison to adjacent ice‐free areas in the lower glens where landform‐sediment assemblages typically reflect peri/paraglacial readjustment during the stadial. Here we reconstruct Younger Dryas glacier termini based on moraine alignments and associated geomorphological and sedimentological evidence. An adjacent wide plateau area at high altitude may have permitted extensive ice accumulation, but no unequivocal geomorphological signature is evident. To establish upper glacier limits, a series of ice profiles are modelled. The results yield a range of realistic glacier configurations bracketed between two distinct scenarios: a valley glaciation with the glaciers' upper limit on the plateau edge, and a low‐domed icecap centred on the plateau with ice flowing radially into the lower glens. Reconstructed equilibrium‐line altitudes are 795 m a.s.l. for the valley‐glacier scenario and 894 m a.s.l. for the icecap scenario. Calculated mean ablation‐season temperatures at the ELA are 1.2°C and 0.4°C for the valley‐glacier and the icecap scenario, respectively, from which we infer mean annual precipitation rates between 323 and 520 mm a?1. Palaeoclimate results indicate a stadial climate in central Scotland 65–79% more arid than at present, comparable to that of western Norway for the stadial and to the present‐day Canadian Arctic.  相似文献   

The Getsjö area of Kolmärden is located within the Swedish terminal moraines. The pollen diagrams reflect a Younger Dryas flora. Some radiocarbon dates have been obtained from the oldest sediment with some organic matter. Diatom profiles show the Baltic Ice Lake diatom flora.  相似文献   

Erbs‐Hansen, D. R., Knudsen, K. L., Gary, A. C., Jansen, E., Gyllencreutz, R., Scao, V. & Lambeck, K. 2011: Late Younger Dryas and early Holocene palaeoenvironments in the Skagerrak, eastern North Atlantic: a multiproxy study. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00205.x. ISSN 0300‐9843 A high‐resolution study of palaeoenvironmental changes through the late Younger Dryas and early Holocene in the Skagerrak, the eastern North Atlantic, is based on multiproxy analyses of core MD99‐2286 combined with palaeowater depth modelling for the area. The late Younger Dryas was characterized by a cold ice‐distal benthic foraminiferal fauna. After the transition to the Preboreal (c. 11 650 cal. a BP) this fauna was replaced by a Cassidulina neoteretis‐dominated fauna, indicating the influence of chilled Atlantic Water at the sea floor. Persisting relatively cold bottom‐water conditions until c. 10 300 cal. a BP are presumably a result of an outflow of glacial meltwater from the Baltic area across south‐central Sweden, which led to a strong stratification of the water column at MD99‐2286, as also indicated by C. neoteretis. A short‐term peak in the C/N ratio at c. 10 200 cal. a BP is suggested to indicate input of terrestrial material, which may represent the drainage of an ice‐dammed lake in southern Norway, the Glomma event. After the last drainage route across south‐central Sweden closed, c. 10 300 cal. a BP, the meltwater influence diminished, and the Skagerrak resembled a fjord with a stable inflow of waters from the North Atlantic through the Norwegian Trench and a gradual increase in boreal species. Full interglacial conditions were established at the sea floor from c. 9250 cal. a BP. Subsequent warm stable conditions were interrupted by a short‐term cooling around 8300–8200 cal. a BP, representing the 8.2 ka event.  相似文献   

A thick alluvial sequence in central New Mexico contains the Scholle wet meadow deposit that traces upstream to a paleospring. The wet meadow sediments contain an abundant fauna of twenty-one species of freshwater and terrestrial mollusks and ten species of ostracodes. The mollusks and ostracodes are indicative of a local high alluvial water table with spring-supported perennial flow but without standing water. Pollen analysis documents shrub grassland vegetation with sedges, willow, and alder in a riparian community. Stable carbon isotopes from the wet meadow sediments have δ13C values ranging from ? 22.8 to ? 23.3‰, indicating that 80% of the organic carbon in the sediment is derived from C3 species. The wet meadow deposit is AMS dated 10,400 to 9700 14C yr BP, corresponding to 12,300 to 11,100 cal yr BP and overlapping in time with the Younger Dryas event (YD). The wet meadow became active about 500 yr after the beginning of the YD and persisted 400 yr after the YD ended. The Scholle wet meadow is the only record of perennial flow and high water table conditions in the Abo Arroyo drainage basin during the past 13 ka.  相似文献   

A well-dated δ18O record in a stalagmite from a cave in the Klamath Mountains, Oregon, with a sampling interval of 50 yr, indicates that the climate of this region cooled essentially synchronously with Younger Dryas climate change elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. The δ18O record also indicates significant century-scale temperature variability during the early Holocene. The δ13C record suggests increasing biomass over the cave through the last deglaciation, with century-scale variability but with little detectable response of vegetation to Younger Dryas cooling.  相似文献   

晚冰期新仙女木事件的研究历史及现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建民  钟巍 《冰川冻土》1994,16(4):371-379
发生于10-11ka左右的新仙女木事件是一次全球笥的气候态然变冷事件。目前的有关其成因的各种假说都不能完全解释它的形成机制。本通过对比世界各地有关此事件的地质记录,综合评判各种假说,目前关于此事件的成因尚未搞清。现有的知识表明,洋流的改变及与之相伴的随的海-气系统的重新调整。对理解此事件及与此类似的气候突发事件具指导意义。  相似文献   

The geomorphology of the south‐western and central Lake District, England is used to reconstruct the mountain palaeoglaciology pertaining to the Lateglacial and Younger Dryas. Limitations to previous ice‐mass reconstructions and consequent palaeoclimatic inferences include: (i) the use of static (steady‐state) glacier reconstructions, (ii) the assumption of a single‐stage Younger Dryas advance, (iii) greatly varying ice‐volume estimates, (iv) inexplicable spatial variations in ELA (Equilibrium Line Altitude), and (v) a lack of robust extent chronology. Here we present geomorphological mapping based on aerial photography and the NextMap Britain Digital Elevation Model, checked by ground survey. Former glacier extents were inferred and ELAs were calculated using the Balance Ratio method of Osmaston. Independently, a time‐dependant 2‐D ice‐flow model was forced by a regional ELA history that was scaled to the GRIP record. This provided a dynamic reconstruction of a mountain ice field that allowed for non‐steady‐state glacier evolution. Fluctuations in climate during the Younger Dryas resulted in multiple glacial advance positions that show agreement with the location of mapped moraines, and may further explain some of the ELA variations found in previous local and static reconstructions. Modelling based on the GRIP record predicts three phases: an initial maximum extent, a middle minor advance or stillstand, and a pronounced but less extensive final advance. The comparisons find that the reconstructions derived from geomorphological evidence are effective representations of steady‐state glacier geometries, but we do propose different extents for some glaciers and, in particular, a large former glacier in Upper Eskdale.  相似文献   

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