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固化/稳定化(S/S)是目前比较有效的一种污泥处置技术,是通过向污泥中添加固化剂材料,与污泥发生一系列的物理化学反应,提高污泥的力学强度和稳定污泥中的重金属污染物,从而达到污泥安全处置和资源化利用的目的,因此,探索高效、低廉和低碳的S/S技术一直是该领域的重点。根据近些年来国内外学者对该领域研究所取得的成果,着重从污泥的种类、固化剂种类、主要技术指标、关键影响因素及固化/稳定化机理等几个方面总结了该课题的研究现状及进展。得到以下主要认识:污泥按来源可分为河湖污泥、市政污泥和工业污泥3大类,由于不同来源污泥成分差别很大,处置方式也不尽相同;对于污泥的S/S处理,常用的固化剂可分为无机和有机两大类,且无机固化剂占主导,目前最流行的是水泥和石灰,还包括一些工业矿渣、黏土等作为辅助材料;S/S的优劣主要通过两个关键技术指标进行评价:固化体的无侧限抗压强度及浸出毒性;污泥的固化/稳定化效果主要受初始含水率、养护时间、固化剂种类、掺入量、pH值和Eh值等因素的影响;固化剂及其产物在污泥中形成骨架,并通过物理化学作用与污泥颗粒胶结和填充大的孔隙,从而起到固化增强作用;固化剂及其产物主要通过物理包裹、沉淀和吸附作用,将污泥中的有害物质封闭在固化体内,从而达到无害化、稳定化目的。最后,针对目前污泥S/S技术研究的不足,提出了今后该课题的研究重点及方向,主要包括:改善污泥的前期脱水效率、进一步掌握固化体的变形特性、开发针对多种重金属离子的综合S/S技术、建立重金属离子固定/溶出模型和迁移模型、研发新型固化剂等。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置刍议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙小平  张丙珍  韩明 《地下水》2008,30(4):117-118
污水厂污泥是城市综合污水中污染物的成分浓缩,污泥的处理处置是污水处理的一个重要环节,就污泥的处理处置现状、方式及其发展方向作一综述。  相似文献   

关于印发《城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置及污染防治技术政策(试行)》的通知建城[2009]23号 各省、自治区、直辖市建设厅(建委,市政管委、水务局)、环保局、科技厅(委),计划单列市建委(建设局)、环保局、科技局。新疆生产建设兵团建设局、环保局、科技局:为推动城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术进步,明确城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术发展方向和技术原则,指导各地开展城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术研发和推广应用,促进工程建设和运行管理,避免二次污染,保护和改善生态环境,促进节能减排和污泥资源化利用,住房和城乡建设部、环境保护部和、、科学技术部联合制定了《城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置及污染防治技术政策(试行)》。现印发给你们,请结合本地区实际认真执行。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂污泥利用现状及潜在环境问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈军 《矿产与地质》2005,19(6):732-734
根据国家环保总局要求,在2010年前全国主要城市的污水处理率要达到70%,这将使我国的水环境得到明显改善,另一方面也带来了污泥的处置和利用问题.污泥是一种优质的有机肥料,有选择地控制使用,既可满足作物生长对养分的需要,又可培育土壤.符合污泥固废“减量化”和“资源化”的处置要求.  相似文献   

疏浚污泥的处理与处置是世界性的环保难题,资源化处理技术的研究有重要的工程应用价值。通过化学处理技术,在疏浚污泥中加入磷酸,将其中的重金属转变成难溶的金属磷酸盐固化在处理产物中,加入FeCl3试剂与水作用,改善处理后污泥的物理力学性质;通过热处理技术大大降低有机物的含量,使固体残留物无害化。研究了不同磷酸含量和不同FeCl3含量对其物理力学和热学性质的影响。试验结果表明,处理后的疏浚污泥污染物活动性降低,并有可能用作建筑材料。  相似文献   

污泥的处置及利用技术探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
查甫生  崔可锐  席培胜 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):555-558
污泥是污水处理厂污水处理的2次产物,如处理不当将会造成2次污染。随着人们环保意识的不断增强与环保力度的加大,如何有效地进行污泥的处治与处置已成为国内外环境岩土工程界函待解决的主要热点问题之一。在总结国内外相关文献资料的基础上,对国内外常用的污泥处置及利用技术进行总结与归纳,包括污泥的填埋、焚烧、农业利用、固化以及生物修复技术等,并对各种处置方法的适用性与优、缺点作出科学的分析与评价,可为污泥及污染土的处置及利用提供一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

李香兰  李蘅 《矿产与地质》2011,25(3):257-260
广西大多数金属矿山尾矿采用地表堆存方式存放,不仅对环境存在危害,而且占用土地,尾矿库也存在安全隐患.对尾矿有价金属元素进行再回收,大宗尾矿做充填建筑材料,既能够解决矿山充填骨料的来源问题,也能实现矿山固体废弃物的资源化和减量化.  相似文献   

目前,国内外城市垃圾处置的方法主要是露天堆放、卫生填埋、焚烧、堆肥。对于核废料处置以地下填埋为主。国外垃圾处置的方向是推行焚烧及热分解,残渣进行填埋处理,达到资源化、能源化、无害化。我国是一个发展中的国家,地表与地下结合处置垃圾将是今后主要处理方式。垃圾处理场地质工作研究,对于我国水资源及环境保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧发电是目前垃圾"资源化、无害化、减量化"的最好措施之一,也是解决垃圾围城、污染环境的最佳途径之一。但由于目前国内垃圾焚烧发电厂用地指标相关的研究不足,使得建设缺乏科学指导,这与垃圾焚烧发电行业蓬勃发展的形势极不适应。本文结合国家和广东省已出台的规定、标准,采用统计分析方法,建立焚烧发电厂建设用地定额指标,为规范其开发建设提供参考。  相似文献   

●水环境治理 :完成苏州河环境综合整治二期工程 ,中心城区河道基本消除黑臭 ,郊区主要河道水质恶化趋势得到遏制 ,全市污水集中处理率提高 70 %以上●大气环境治理 :全面实施天然气等清洁能源替代 ,严格控制和治理机动车尾气和扬尘污染 ,2 0 0 5年空气质量指数二级和优于二级的天数占全年比例达到 85 % - 90 %●固体废物处置与利用 :贯测“减量化、资源化、无害化”原则 ,中心城区实现生活垃圾分类收集 ,郊区基本形成生活垃圾收集系统。●绿化建设 :建成国家园林城市 ,基本形成“环、楔、廊、园、林”相结合的绿化系统 ,城市绿化覆盖率达到…  相似文献   

SKB (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB) is responsible for all handling, transport and storage of the nuclear wastes outside the Swedish nuclear power stations. According to Swedish law, SKB is responsible for an R&D-programme needed to take care of the radwastes. The programme comprises, among others, a general supportive geo-scientific R&D and the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) for more in-situ specific tasks.

Sweden is geologically located in the Fennoscandian shield which is dominated by gneisses and granitoids of Precambrian age. The Swedish reference repository concept thus considers an excavated vault at ca. 500 m depth in crystalline rocks. In this concept (KBS-3), copper canisters with high level waste will be emplaced in deposition holes from a system of tunnels. Blocks of highly compacted swelling bentonite clay are placed in the holes leaving ample space for the canisters. At the final closure of the repository, the galleries are backfilled with a mixture of sand and bentonite. This repository design aims to make the disposal system as redundant as possible. Although the KBS-3 concept is the reference concept, alternative concepts and/or repository lay-outs are also studied. The main alternative, currently under development at SKB, is disposal in boreholes with depths of 4–5 km. The geoscientific research will to a great extent be guided by the demands posed by the performance and safety assessments, as well as the constuctability issues. Some main functions of the geological barrier are fundamental for the long-term safety of a repository. These are: bedrock mechanical stability, a chemically stable environment as well as a slow and stable groundwater flux. The main time-table for the final disposal of long-lived radioactive waste in Sweden foresees the final selection of the disposal system and site during the beginning of next decade.  相似文献   

Fernald site produced over 500 million pound of uranium metal products from 1952 to 1989 resulting in a huge quantity of hazardous waste to be stored, treated and transported for final disposal. The structural integrity evaluation of specific types of waste containers used in the Fernald Closure Project are briefly presented in this paper. Metal containers of various shapes and sizes, concrete silos, gondola rail cars were successfully used for storage and disposal of low-level waste. Computer solutions were obtained using finite element analyses techniques, destructive and non-destructive tests were used to get a realistic response to complex loading conditions. Structural integrity is evaluated for concrete silos built in the fifties, unique metal containers and fiberglass rail car lid. A failure modes and effects analysis was also made for the railcar lid to identify the weak link for postulated failure mechanisms. Establishing the structural integrity was a key to the reliability of the various containment systems for a successful storage, transportation and final disposal of the low-level radioactive wastes.  相似文献   

深井地下灌注是一种有效处理工业废液的方法,随着认识的不断深入和技术的不断提高,将成为未来我国对难处理、高毒性废液实行最终处理的重要选择之一。SWIFT数值模型能够同时模拟灌注层中水流运动、热量运移、盐分运移和放射性核素运移过程,并且能够充分考虑深部灌注层高温高压等特殊地质环境。其多方面的模拟功能不但适用于深井灌注的数值模拟,还可用于海水入侵、高放射性核废料填埋的模拟分析。在美国,该数值模型已经被用于多个深井灌注项目的数值模拟。对SWIFT进行了较全面的介绍,并指出该模型使用过程中应特别注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

In this work, geographic information systems (GIS) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were used in order to identify the appropriate location for hazardous waste (HW) treatment facilities and final disposal sites in the State of Yucatan, Mexico. For HW-treatment facilities, in addition to the distance to generators and treatment facilities, geographic conditions of the site, such as vegetation, soil type, accessibility, distance to urban or rural communities, and all the boundary elements as agricultural or livestock areas, were considered in GIS and MCDA. Final disposal was taken into account only for those HW that could not be avoided or treated. In order to find the most suitable areas, the Mexican Official Norm NOM-055-SEMARNAT-2003 criteria were observed too. It was found that the most suitable zones for HW-treatment facilities were at the centre of the State, whereas the most recommended areas for HW final disposal sites were at the south.  相似文献   

For the last 15 a, SKB (the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company) has been using the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) as the main test site for the development of suitable tools and methods for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Major achievements have been made in the development of a new groundwater modelling technique. The technique described in this paper is used within the ongoing site investigations of Forsmark and Simpevarp in Sweden.  相似文献   

Belgium is considering a clay formation as a possible disposal medium for the storage of conditioned radioactive waste.The clay rheology at great depth is studied by laboratory tests and in situ experiments performed from an underground laboratory build at 223 m depth in the Boom clay formation present in the N-E part of Belgium under the nuclear site Mol-Dessel. The aim of this research consists in simulating the excavation, in unfrozen clay, of large diameter galleries to be dug for the final disposal site.A finite element program using Vyalov's creep law was chosen as a first approach. The determination of the rheological parameters was made on the basis of the available laboratory experiments. Different numerical simulations were performed in order to reproduce in situ experiments, making possible a first refinement of the parameters.A shaft and gallery excavation are now being simulated, and numerical displacements will be compared to experimental observations.  相似文献   

This paper considers various matrices that are able to incorporate components of radioactive wastes (RAW) of different origin. It is noted that attempts to develop the single phase crystalline matrix to immobilize all RAW components failed. The only single phase matrix brought to the industrial application is glass, which is able to accumulate practically all RAW components but in limited concentrations. Prospects are related with some types of ceramics for immobilization of narrow fractions of RAW or individual radionuclides (for instance, minor actinides), as well as some types of low-temperature matrices (iron-phosphate, magnesium–potassium–phosphate, and geopolymers). Approaches to choosing the technology of waste form synthesis are considered. Perspectives of application of both high-temperature (cold-crucible induction melting, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis) methods and modified cementation technologies are demonstrated. It is noted that the final isolation of RAW from the biosphere suggests their disposal in underground repositories. The most difficult technical problem is the disposal of RAW containing long-lived radionuclides. It is shown that the quantitative assessment of repository safety with allowance for their characteristics and all possible processes and phenomena is required to substantiate the safe disposal of long-lived radionuclides.  相似文献   

论述高放废物地质处置研究中的原型处置库的概念、建造目的和研究的主要内容,以及它在处置库系统性能评价中的作用。原型处置库的研究工作,可以在普通地下实验室中进行(如瑞典的魧sp觟地下实验室),也可以在特定场址地下实验室中进行(如美国尤卡山的ESF坑道),它是以往20多年前地下实验室研究中演示阶段的扩展和延伸,是高放废物地质处置研究中最终确认处置库场址的一个必不可少的研究步骤,同时也为处置库地下工程的详细设计提供最接近于当地建库实际的各类技术参数。  相似文献   

In this study, the potential for mineral precipitation reactions to occur during the excavation, disposal, backfilling and closure of a deep geological repository for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel was evaluated with the assistance of hydrogeochemical modelling. Four modelling exercises, corresponding to the main expectable geochemical scenarios in the Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ) throughout repository evolution, were carried out and the times for sealing of the discontinuities owing to mineral precipitation in each of them were evaluated and discussed. The simulations show that mineral precipitation reactions are thermodynamically feasible in most of the studied cases. The main mineral phases potentially responsible for the hydraulic sealing of the EDZ are calcite and ferric oxyhydroxides, being the estimated volumes occupied by the precipitation of calcite between one and three orders of magnitude larger than the volume of precipitating ferric phases. The estimated times for complete sealing of the EDZ may vary between several hundreds to more than 1 million years. The shortest sealing times (less than 3,000 years) are obtained for the mixture of groundwaters from the repository depth with dilute infiltration waters.  相似文献   

Qualitative geological acceptance criteria and quantitative seismological acceptance criteria for radioactive waste disposals are developed. The background material for the initiation of site selection and for its earthquake hazard assessment is discussed. The recent movements of the Earth's surface as well as the other mechanical properties of geological media, hydrological conditions of geological blocks, their groundwater chemistry, geochemical rheology, petrological analyses of rocks, etc., have to be taken into account. A new comprehensive integrated safety analysis of the final underground disposal of spent nuclear fuel has been underway in the Czech Republic since 1991. In accordance with these seismogeological acceptance criteria regions for building underground final radioactive waste disposals are singled out in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

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