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Backwater tidal sloughs are commonly found at the landward boundary of estuaries. The Cache Slough complex is a backwater tidal region within the Upper Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta that includes two features that are relevant for resource managers: (1) relatively high abundance of the endangered fish, delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), which prefers turbid water and (2) a recently flooded shallow island, Liberty Island, that is a prototype for habitat restoration. We characterized the turbidity around Liberty Island by measuring suspended-sediment flux at four locations from July 2008 through December 2010. An estuarine turbidity maximum in the backwater Cache Slough complex is created by tidal asymmetry, a limited tidal excursion, and wind-wave resuspension. During the study, there was a net export of sediment, though sediment accumulates within the region from landward tidal transport during the dry season. Sediment is continually resuspended by both wind waves and flood tide currents. The suspended-sediment mass oscillates within the region until winter freshwater flow pulses flush it seaward. The hydrodynamic characteristics within the backwater region such as low freshwater flow during the dry season, flood tide dominance, and a limited tidal excursion favor sediment retention.  相似文献   

Patterns of nekton occurrence on the salt marsh surface at high tide and in an adjacent intertidal creek pool at low tide were used to investigate movements of nekton in an intertidal basin. Paired collections were made in North Inlet estuary, SC on 67 dates over 9 years. Comparisons of high- and low-tide total abundance indicated that what remained in the creek pool at low tide was representative of the nekton on the flooded marsh. Of the 64 taxa collected, the same 8 species ranked in the top 10 in both the high- and low-tide collections. Abundances of most resident species were positively correlated with the area of marsh flooded, but mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), the most abundant resident, was not. Abundances of young-of-the-year transient species were not related to the extent of tidal flooding. Some transient species used the flooded marsh but did not occupy the pool at low tide, and others found in the pool did not use the marsh. Differences in abundance, biomass, and length between the marsh and pool collections indicated differences in the tendency of species and life stages to retreat downstream of the pool to the subtidal channel. Proportionately more of the nekton that were present on the flooded marsh left the intertidal basin when large changes in temperature and salinity occurred between high and low tides. More transients left the basin following higher tides, but more residents did not. The results demonstrate a wide range of taxonomic and ontogenetic patterns among nekton using intertidal salt marsh basins and the underappreciated importance of intertidal creek pools as alternative low-tide refuges.  相似文献   

Low-relief environments like the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) have complicated hydrologic systems where surface water and groundwater processes are intimately linked yet hard to separate. Fluid exchange within these low-hydraulic-gradient systems can occur across broad spatial and temporal scales, with variable contributions to material transport and transformation. Identifying and assessing the scales at which these processes operate is essential for accurate evaluations of how these systems contribute to global biogeochemical cycles. The distribution of 222Rn and 223,224,226Ra have complex spatial patterns along the Shark River Slough estuary (SRSE), Everglades, FL. High-resolution time-series measurements of 222Rn activity, salinity, and water level were used to quantify processes affecting radon fluxes out of the mangrove forest over a tidal cycle. Based on field data, tidal pumping through an extensive network of crab burrows in the lower FCE provides the best explanation for the high radon and fluid fluxes. Burrows are irrigated during rising tides when radon and other dissolved constituents are released from the mangrove soil. Flushing efficiency of the burrows—defined as the tidal volume divided by the volume of burrows—estimated for the creek drainage area vary seasonally from 25 (wet season) to 100 % (dry season) in this study. The tidal pumping of the mangrove forest soil acts as a significant vector for exchange between the forest and the estuary. Processes that enhance exchange of O2 and other materials across the sediment-water interface could have a profound impact on the environmental response to larger scale processes such as sea level rise and climate change. Compounding the material budgets of the SRSE are additional inputs from groundwater from the Biscayne Aquifer, which were identified using radium isotopes. Quantification of the deep groundwater component is not obtainable, but isotopic data suggest a more prevalent signal in the dry season. These findings highlight the important role that both tidal- and seasonal-scale forcings play on groundwater movement in low-gradient hydrologic systems.  相似文献   

It is often presumed that salt marshes provide a predation refuge for small fishes, but predation risks have rarely been compared in intertidal and subtidal habitats, making the importance of salt marshes as a predation refuge speculative. We measured relative survival of tethered mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) in four habitats in a salt marsh?Ctidal creek system: unvegetated and vegetated intertidal areas and the subtidal creek at high and low tide. At high tide, mummichog in the intertidal zone had significantly higher survival than in the subtidal creek in June through August. Survival rates in unvegetated and vegetated intertidal habitats were not significantly different, suggesting that higher intertidal survival was due to less abundant predators compared with the creek, rather than predators being less effective in vegetation. The lower predation risk experienced by mummichog in the intertidal marsh suggests that access to intertidal habitats will be important for production of small estuarine fishes.  相似文献   

Three and a half years of hydrographic, velocity, and meteorological observations are used to examine the dynamics of upper Elkhorn Slough, a seasonally inverse, shallow, mesotidal estuary in central California. The long-term observations revealed that residual circulation in Elkhorn Slough is seasonally variable, with classic estuarine circulation in the winter and inverse estuarine circulation in the summer. The strength of this exchange flow varied both within years and between years, driven by the annual cycle of dry summers and wet winters. Subtidal circulation is a combination of both tidal and density-driven mechanisms. The subtidal magnitude and reversal of the exchange flows is controlled primarily by the density gradient despite the significant tidal energy. As the density gradient weakens, the underlying tidal processes generate vertically sheared exchange flows with the same sign as that expected for an inverse density gradient. The inverse density gradient may then further strengthen this inverse circulation. These data were collected as part of the Land/Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory and demonstrate the utility of long-term in situ measurements in a coastal system, as consideration of such a wide range of forcing conditions would not have been possible with a less comprehensive data set.  相似文献   

To quantify wave attenuation by (introduced) Spartina alterniflora vegetation at an exposed macrotidal coast in the Yangtze Estuary, China, wave parameters and water depth were measured during 13 consecutive tides at nine locations ranging from 10 m seaward to 50 m landward of the low marsh edge. During this period, the incident wave height ranged from <0.1 to 1.5 m, the maximum of which is much higher than observed in other marsh areas around the world. Our measurements and calculations showed that the wave attenuation rate per unit distance was 1 to 2 magnitudes higher over the marsh than over an adjacent mudflat. Although the elevation gradient of the marsh margin was significantly higher than that of the adjacent mudflat, more than 80% of wave attenuation was ascribed to the presence of vegetation, suggesting that shoaling effects were of minor importance. On average, waves reaching the marsh were eliminated over a distance of ∼80 m, although a marsh distance of ≥100 m was needed before the maximum height waves were fully attenuated during high tides. These attenuation distances were longer than those previously found in American salt marshes, mainly due to the macrotidal and exposed conditions at the present site. The ratio of water depth to plant height showed an inverse correlation with wave attenuation rate, indicating that plant height is a crucial factor determining the efficiency of wave attenuation. Consequently, the tall shoots of the introduced S. alterniflora makes this species much more efficient at attenuating waves than the shorter, native pioneer species in the Yangtze Estuary, and should therefore be considered as a factor in coastal management during the present era of sea-level rise and global change. We also found that wave attenuation across the salt marsh can be predicted using published models when a suitable coefficient is incorporated to account for drag, which varies in place and time due to differences in plant characteristics and abiotic conditions (i.e., bed gradient, initial water depth, and wave action).  相似文献   

Shoreline armoring is extensive in urban areas worldwide, but the ecological consequences are poorly documented. We mapped shoreline armoring along the Duwamish River estuary (Washington State, USA) and evaluated differences in temperature, invertebrates, and juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) diet between armored and unarmored intertidal habitats. Mean substrate temperatures were significantly warmer at armored sites, but water temperature similar to unarmored habitats. Epibenthic invertebrate densities were over tenfold greater on unarmored shorelines and taxa richness double that of armored locations. Taxa richness of neuston invertebrates was also higher at unarmored sites, but abundance similar. We did not detect differences in Chinook (O. tshawytscha) diet, but observed a higher proportion of benthic prey for chum (O. keta) from unarmored sites. Given that over 66% of the Duwamish shoreline is armored—similar to much of south and central Puget Sound—our results underscore the need for further ecological study to address the impacts of estuary armoring.  相似文献   

Tidal marsh (re)creation on formerly embanked land is increasingly executed along estuaries and coasts in Europe and the USA, either by restoring complete or by reduced tidal exchange. Ecosystem functioning and services are largely affected by the hydro-geomorphologic development of these areas. For natural marshes, the latter is known to be steered by feedbacks between tidal inundation and sediment accretion, allowing marshes to reach and maintain an equilibrium elevation relative to the mean sea level. However, for marsh restoration sites, these feedbacks may be disturbed depending on the restoration design. This was investigated by comparing the inundation-elevation change feedbacks in a natural versus restoration site with reduced tidal exchange in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium). This study analyzes long-term (9 years) datasets on elevation change and tidal inundation properties to disentangle the different mechanisms behind this elevation-inundation feedback. Moreover, subsequent changes in sediment properties that may affect this feedback were explored. In the restoration area with reduced tidal exchange, we found a different elevation-inundation feedback than on natural marshes, which is a positive feedback on initially high sites (i.e., sediment accretion leads to increasing inundation, hence causing accelerating sediment accretion rates) and a gradual silting up of the whole area. Furthermore, there is evidence for the presence of a relict consolidated sediment layer. Consequently, shallow subsidence is less likely to occur. Although short-term ecological development of the tidal marsh was not impeded, long-term habitat development may be affected by the differences in hydro-geomorphological interactions. An increase of inundation frequency on the initially high sites may cause inhibition of habitat succession or even reversed succession. Over time, the climax state of the restoration area may be different compared to natural marshes. Moreover, sediment-related ecosystem services, such as nutrient and carbon burial, may be positively influenced because of continuing sedimentation, although flood water storage potential will decrease with increasing elevation. Depending on the restoration goals, ecosystem trajectories and delivery of ecosystem services can be controlled by adaptive management of the tidal volume entering the restoration area.  相似文献   

长江口盐沼土壤有机质分布与矿化的空间差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在长江口崇明东滩两类植被(互花米草、土著植被)区域分别选择一条纵向剖面,在高潮滩、中潮滩及光滩取得柱状样,利用颗粒有机碳(POC)含量、碳稳定同位素组成、土壤C/N比与颗粒组成等资料,研究盐沼有机质的分布与矿化特征。结果表明,两个纵向剖面的相同高程部位柱样之间,颗粒有机碳δ13C与POC含量的深度特征均存在显著差异;两个柱样的δ13C与POC含量的平均值均相差较大。互花米草对高潮滩柱样有机质的含量与组成均产生了明显影响,对中潮滩柱样有机质组成已有一定影响;土著植被对高潮滩柱样有机质组成的影响显著。盐沼植被对土壤有机质的分布与矿化均产生了明显影响。高潮滩柱样矿化阶段不同的有机质组分混杂,中潮滩柱样有机质的组成相对简单,矿化程度较弱。柱样粘粒含量与含水量在垂向上变化频繁,盐沼原始沉积层序对柱样的物质分布特征具有本底制约。不同高程部位柱样之间,有机质的深度分布特征以及矿化程度差异显著,盐沼碳动态受到潮滩特征性动力沉积过程的显著影响。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to estimate the horizontal and vertical exchange of water in response to meteorological effects in Inohana Lake, Japan. To examine the horizontal water flow between Hamana and Inohana Lakes while monitoring horizontal and vertical exchanges of water within the lake, we determined the current velocity, salinity, and water density in the field. We performed regression analysis of the relationship between meteorological factors such as wind and rain and the horizontal water flow between the two lakes. This information was then used to construct a simple box model to estimate the average water exchange and evaluate the meteorological effect based on the average salinity and river discharge. These results revealed that the surface water-volume flux in the channel was heavily influenced by the north–south wind intensity. These findings indicate that a box model is capable of providing a good estimate of the summer-averaged water flow and the exchange rate that is influenced by wind and rain.  相似文献   

Much of North America’s tidal marsh habitat has been significantly altered by both natural and man-made processes. Thus, there is a need to understand the trophic ecology of organisms endemic to these ecosystems. We applied carbon (δ 13C) and nitrogen (δ 15N) stable isotope analysis, along with isotope mixing models, to egg yolk, liver, and muscle tissues of clapper rails (Rallus longirostris) and their likely prey items. This analysis enabled us to explore variation in trophic niche and diet composition in this important marsh bird in two northern Gulf of Mexico tidal marshes that are river and ocean-dominated. For the river-associated estuary, δ 13C and δ 15N of egg yolks, liver, and pectoral muscle tissue samples provided evidence that clapper rails maintained a similar diet during both the winter and the breeding season. A trophic link between C3 primary productivity and the clapper rail’s diet was also indicated as the δ 13C of clapper rail egg yolks related negatively with the aerial cover of C3 macrophytes. Clapper rails from the ocean-dominated estuary had a narrower trophic niche and appeared to be utilizing marine resources, particularly, based on modeling of liver stable isotope values. Variation in stable isotope values between egg yolk and liver/muscle in both systems suggests that endogenous resources are important for egg production in clapper rails. These results demonstrate that diet composition, prey source, and niche width of clapper rails can vary significantly across different estuaries and appear to be influenced by hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

Docks constructed over salt marsh can reduce vegetation production and associated ecosystem services. In Massachusetts, there is a 1:1 height-to-width ratio (H:W) dock design guideline to reduce such impacts, but this guideline’s efficacy is largely untested. To evaluate dock height effects on underlying marsh vegetation and light availability, we deployed 1.2-m-wide experimental docks set at three different heights (low (0.5:1 H:W), intermediate (1:1 H:W), and high (1.5:1 H:W)) in the high and low marsh zones in an estuary in Massachusetts, USA. We measured temperature, light, vegetation community composition, and stem characteristics under the docks and in unshaded control plots over three consecutive growing seasons. Temperature and light were lower under all docks compared with controls; both increased with dock height. Maximum stem height and nitrogen content decreased with available light. In the Spartina patens-dominated high marsh, stem density and biomass were significantly lower than controls under low and intermediate but not high docks. Spartina alterniflora, the dominant low marsh vegetation, expanded into the high marsh zone under docks. S. alterniflora aboveground biomass significantly differed among all treatments in the low marsh, while stem density was significantly reduced for low and intermediate docks relative to controls. Permit conditions and guidelines based on dock height can reduce dock impacts, but under the current guideline of 1:1 H:W, docks will still cause significant adverse impacts to vegetation. Such impacts may interfere with self-maintenance processes (by decreasing sediment capture) and make these marshes less resilient to other stressors (e.g., climate change).  相似文献   

通过长江河口高潮滩芦苇带沉积物柱状样CYLWA 1活性铁、有机质、粒度分析及磁性测量,探讨潮滩植物对沉积物铁的地球化学循环及磁性特征变化的影响。结果显示,沉积物柱状样总体上以Fe2 + 占优势,且含量随深度逐渐增加。但在亚表层 (10~ 2 0cm),由于根系的释氧作用,存在着以Fe3 + 占优势的氧化层。在 10~ 2 0cm这一氧化层,指示细颗粒磁性矿物的参数 (χfd、χARM)明显减小,而反映磁性矿物类型的参数 (BCR、SIRM/ χ)显著增大,指示了亚铁磁性矿物颗粒变粗,不完整反铁磁性矿物明显富集,这一现象反映了氧化层不完整反铁磁性矿物的相对富集  相似文献   

Measurements of O2, Fe(II), Mn(II)and HS5 in salt marshsediments in the Tagus Estuary, Portugal, made with a voltammetric microelectrode, reveal strong seasonal differences in pore water composition within the 20~cm deep root zone. In spring, oxygen was below detection limit except close to the sediment surface. Fe(II) was present below 5 cm in concentrations ranging from detection limit to 1700 M. In summer, oxygen was present in the pore water almost to the bottom of the root zone in concentrations ranging from detection limit to more than 100 M. The spatial variability was intense: O2 concentrations as high as 78 M and as low as 25 M existed within 2~mm of each other. Fe(II) was below detection limit except towards the bottom of the root zone. In late fall, oxygen was found to 8 cm depth, but in concentrations lower than in summer, and Fe(II) was present below 9 cm. Mn(II) was found at levels declining from typical values of 200 M in spring to less than 20 M in late fall. With one exception, sulfide was below the detection limit in all measurements. During periods when dissolved Fe(II) is available in the pore water at the same time as 2 is delivered by roots, iron-rich concretions can form on roots. These conditions, which lead to precipitation of iron oxide in the sediment adjacent to roots, exist in spring, when new roots infiltrate anoxic Fe(II) containing sediment. They do not exist in summer, when dissolved Fe(II) is unavailable, or in winter, when oxygen is unavailable. The seasonal redox pattern revealed by the pore water chemistry is driven by the annual cycle of growth and decay of roots.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of larval behavior in regulating transport between well-mixed, low-inflow estuaries and coastal waters in seasonally arid climates is poorly known. We determined the flux of an assemblage of benthic crustacean larvae relative to physical conditions between a shallow estuary and coastal waters on the upwelling coast of northern California (38°18′N, 123°03′W) from 29 to 31 March 2006. We detected larval behaviors that regulate transport in adjacent coastal waters and other estuaries for only two taxa in the low-inflow estuary, but they were apparent for taxa outside the estuary. Vertical mixing in the shallow estuary may have overwhelmed larvae of some species, or salinity fluctuations may have been too slight to cue tidal vertical migrations. Nevertheless, all larval stages of species that complete development in nearshore coastal waters were present in the estuary, because they remained low in the water column reducing seaward advection or they were readily exchanged between the estuary and open coast by tidal flows. Weak tidal flows and gravitational circulation at the head of the estuary reduced seaward transport during development for species that completed development nearshore, whereas larval release during nocturnal ebb tides enhanced seaward transport for species that develop offshore. Thus, nonselective tidal processes dominated larval transport for most species back and forth between the low-inflow estuary and open coastal waters, whereas in adjacent open coastal waters, larval behavior in the presence of wind-induced shear was more important in regulating migrations between adult and larval habitats along this upwelling coast.  相似文献   

长江口崇明东滩沉积物间隙水中营养盐剖面及其数学模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年410月,对长江口崇明东滩潮间带高潮滩站位沉积物间隙水中营养盐成分进行了每月一次的连续观测。结果表明,该站点间隙水中营养盐NH4+和S iO32-的浓度一般在200400μmol/L之间;NO2-+NO3-以及PO43-浓度一般在1μmol/L以下,但9月份后的3次采样得到的沉积柱表层(010 cm)NO2-+NO3-浓度则一般超过10μmol/L,甚至接近100μmol/L。沉积物中有机N含量以及受粘土矿物含量影响的蛋白石(BS i)的溶解度是决定间隙水中NH4+和S iO32-的浓度的主要因素。间隙水中S iO32-浓度和温度之间存在着显著的正相关关系(P<0.01),说明其主要是受温度影响的溶解过程的控制;而NH4+浓度与温度之间没有明显的相关关系,说明与S iO32-相比,沉积物中NH4+产出的控制因素较为复杂。我们采用了经典的早期成岩方程对NH4+和S iO32-浓度剖面进行了数学模拟,在模型中考虑了扩散作用、埋藏作用以及营养盐的代谢作用等因素。模拟结果表明,通过改变扩散项系数基本可以模拟出营养盐剖面中间浓度高、上下浓度低的总体趋势。此外,沉积速率和代谢反应速率也在不同程度上对模拟结果产生影响。   相似文献   

Many salt marshes throughout southern New England are exhibiting a trend toward submergence, as reported in this volume and other published literature. This paper provides a brief perspective on sea-level rise and the many other interacting factors that contribute to marsh submergence in this and other regions. Curtailing nutrient loading and removing or altering barriers (e.g., dams, dikes) to the delivery of suspended sediment to marshes are discussed as management or restoration techniques to consider for increasing long-term sustainability of marshes. Adaptation measures are many (e.g., thin-layer sediment application to marsh surface, facilitation of landward marsh migration, shoreline stabilization), but all require study to evaluate their potential for enhancing resilience. Research, monitoring, and dynamic modeling, coupled with appropriate management and adaptation approaches implemented at local and regional scales, will contribute to the challenge of sustaining salt marshes in an uncertain future of sea-level rise, other climate factors, and stressors associated with a developing coastal zone.  相似文献   

The importance of intertidal estuarine habitats, like salt marsh and oyster reef, has been well established, as has their ubiquitous loss along our coasts with resultant forfeiture of the ecosystem services they provide. Furthering our understanding of how these habitats are evolving in the face of anthropogenic and climate driven changes will help improve management strategies. Previous work has shown that the growth and productivity of both oyster reefs and salt marshes are strongly linked to elevation in the intertidal zone (duration of aerial exposure). We build on that research by examining the growth of marsh-fringing oyster reefs at yearly to decadal time scales and examine movement of the boundary between oyster reef and salt marsh at decadal to centennial time scales. We show that the growth of marsh-fringing reefs is strongly associated to the duration of aerial exposure, with little growth occurring below mean low water and above mean sea level. Marsh-shoreline movement, in the presence or absence of fringing oyster reefs, was reconstructed using transects of sediment cores. Carbonaceous marsh sediments sampled below the modern fringing oyster reefs indicate that marsh shorelines within Back Sound, North Carolina are predominantly in a state of transgression (landward retreat), and modern oyster-reef locations were previously occupied by salt marsh within the past two centuries. Cores fronting transgressive marsh shorelines absent fringing reefs sampled thinner and less extensive carbonaceous marsh sediment than at sites with fringing reefs. This indicates that fringing reefs are preserving carbonaceous marsh sediment from total erosion as they transgress and colonize the exposed marsh shoreline making marsh sediments more resistant to erosion. The amount of marsh sediment preservation underneath the reef scales with the reef’s relief, as reefs with the greatest relief were level with the marsh platform, preserving a maximum amount of carbonaceous sediments during transgression by buffering the marsh from erosional processes. Thus, fringing oyster reefs not only have the capacity to shelter shorelines but, if located at the ideal tidal elevation, they also keep up with accelerating sea-level rise and cap carbonaceous sediments, protecting them from erosion, as reefs develop along the marsh.  相似文献   

Elkhorn Slough is a shallow, tidally forced estuary that is directly connected to Monterey Bay. It is ebb-dominated and, due to continued erosion, the tidal prism has tripled over the past 40 years. Water level measurements at four locations are used to examine tidal and nontidal oscillations in Elkhorn Slough. The tidal response of Elkhorn Slough differs from that of Monterey Bay primarily due to the generation of a relatively large number of shallow-water tidal constituents that are due to tidal distortion caused by friction along the bottom and lateral boundaries, intertidal storage, and nonlinear advection. The shallow-water constituents range from 3 to almost 15 cycles per day (cpd) and include a rich variety of overtides and compound tides, whose amplitudes generally increase toward the head of the slough. The tidal harmonics are seasonally dependent, with lower amplitudes during the fall and winter and higher amplitudes in summer. The tidal constituents were examined using two types of spectral decomposition, the conventional power spectrum and the more recent Hilbert spectrum. Unlike the power spectrum, the Hilbert spectrum does not reveal any harmonic structure in the data. Energy associated with tidal distortion in this case appears to be broadly distributed across the spectral continuum. At least four nontidal oscillations occur in Elkhorn Slough with frequencies of 26.0, 39.7, 52.7, and 66.9 cpd. The Hilbert spectrum reveals maxima at 26, 39.7, and 66.9 cpd, but not at 52.7 cpd, suggesting that it is harmonically related to the oscillation at 26.0 cpd. The nontidal oscillations fall into the range of frequencies associated with the natural oscillations of Monterey Bay. However, evolutionary power spectra indicate that they appear to be permanent features of the system and thus are not necessarily consistent with seiche-like oscillations that are often transient and subject to damping. These oscillations could be caused by several factors including edge waves along the coast of Monterey Bay, long-period surface waves of atmospheric origin that enter the bay from offshore, or breaking internal waves in and around the Monterey Submarine Canyon. In conclusion, detailed hydrodynamic models are needed to provide a better understanding of how tidal harmonics are generated and preserved in Elkhorn Slough, and to determine the origin of the natural oscillations in Monterey Bay.  相似文献   

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