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The copepod Eurytemora carolleeae dominates vernal zooplankton biomass in the Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) region, where it is an important prey item for larval anadromous fish. Although there have been several zooplankton studies in the Chesapeake Bay ETM focused on spring, the importance of winter zooplankton populations for establishing these vernal conditions has not been investigated. We examined the abundance, distribution, and individual sizes of E. carolleeae in winter of 2007 and 2008 and we investigated the potential impact of varying winter conditions and rising winter temperatures on Eurytemora female carbon content, egg production rate, and generation time. We found higher abundances and larger individuals in the colder 2007 than in 2008 under similar freshwater flow conditions. Empirical estimates showed that overall zooplankton productivity was higher in 2007 than in 2008. Published recruitment indices for anadromous fish including white perch and striped bass were higher in 2007 than in 2008 in the study region. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that colder conditions resulted in larger individuals and therefore increased prey biomass available to larval fish. We further hypothesize that rising winter water temperatures will negatively impact trophic transfer of primary production to copepods and ultimately to fish.  相似文献   

Experiments in 2.2 m3, in situ mesocosm enclosures indicate that black drum, Pogonias cromis, eggs and larvae potentially can survive in the lower Chesapeake Bay at ambient microzooplankton prey levels (≈200 prey 1?1) in the absence of predators. In growth experiments, larva mean growth rates to 10 d posthatch were similar (0.17 mm d?1 and 0.18 mm d?1) when fed at prey levels of 50 prey 1?1 and 200 prey 1?1. Individual growth rates, however, were more variable at 50 prey 1?1. Mortality rates also were comparable in 50 (27% d?1) and 200 (23% d?1) prey 1?1 enclosures. In a second experiment, the predation potentials of the hydromedusa Nemopsis bachei and the lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi were estimated in relation to initial black drum egg prey density, presence of alternative <1 mm zooplankton prey, and estimated daily abundance of the jellyfish on the black drum spawning grounds. Mortality rates per medusa and ctenophore were similar (0.02–0.03 d?1), were not affected by presence of alternative prey, and were directly related to initial egg density. Results suggest that the gelatinous predators, especially the hydromedusa, could have cleared a high (≈38%) but variable fraction of the water column daily of fish eggs and yolk-sac larvae during the black drum spawning season. We hypothesize that the poor or episodic recruitment success of black drum in Chesapeake Bay results from a short spawning season that often coincides with abundance peaks of gelatinous predators and that predation on eggs and yolk-sac larvae may control recruitment.  相似文献   

The structure of the fish community associated with eelgrass beds in the lower Chesapeake Bay was studied over a 14 month period. A total of 24,182 individuals in 48 species was collected by otter trawl with Leiostomus xanthurus (spot) comprising 63% of the collection, Syngnathus fuscus (northern pipefish) 14%, Anchoa mitchilli (bay anchovy) 9%, and Bairdiella chrysoura (silver perch) 5%. The density and diversity of fishes were higher in vegetated areas compared to unvegetated areas; fishes were more abundant in night collections Fish abundance and species number increased in the spring and early summer as both water temperature and eelgrass biomass increased and decreased in the fall and winter as temperature and eelgrass biomass decreased. Gill netting revealed some of the top predators in the system, especially the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus milberti. The fish community in the Chesapeake Bay was quite different from North Carolina eelgrass fish communities. Most notable was the rarity of the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides, which may be a very important predator in the structuring of the epifaunal communities.  相似文献   

Fish diets play a critical role in our understanding of aquatic trophic dynamics and are an important component in developing ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management. Although large nektonic fishes exert top-down predator effects on the food web and typically support viable commercial and recreational fisheries, little is known about the diet of this guild. We evaluated the diets (6327 stomachs) of four nektonic predatory fishes (Pomatomus saltatrix [78–395 mm], Cynoscion regalis [91–520 mm], Morone americana [156–361 mm], and Morone saxatilis [82–785 mm]) in Delaware Bay and in the adjacent ocean. To assess ontogenetic, geographic, and interspecific variation in diets, observations from individual fish stomachs were clustered into species-size class groups, and dietary overlap was estimated using multivariate analyses. A shift in diet composition, as well as diversity, occurred along the estuarine gradient and into the adjacent ocean. Some prey were shared by most predators, including some crustaceans (dominated by Callinectes sapidus, mysids, and Palaemonetes spp.), fundulids (dominated by Fundulus heteroclitus), engraulids (dominated by Anchoa mitchilli), and clupeids (dominated by Brevoortia tyrannus). However, inter- and intra-specific variation in diet was observed as well. In particular, M. americana consumed fewer engraulids and clupeids, and many more and diverse types of invertebrates, while P. saltatrix consumed more clupeids and less invertebrates. The lack of overlap in diet between the four predators evaluated, and between size groups for each predator, supports previous evidence that these groups feed in trophic guilds defined by species and by size within a species. The highly variable diets for these predators suggest high resolution spatial data are necessary in order to quantify their most important prey and their role in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

The introduction of a non-native freshwater fish, blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus, in tributaries of Chesapeake Bay resulted in the establishment of fisheries and in the expansion of the population into brackish habitats. Blue catfish are an invasive species in the Chesapeake Bay region, and efforts are underway to limit their impacts on native communities. Key characteristics of the population (population size, survival rates) are unknown, but such knowledge is useful in understanding the impact of blue catfish in estuarine systems. We estimated population size and survival rates of blue catfish in tidal habitats of the James River subestuary. We tagged 34,252 blue catfish during July–August 2012 and 2013; information from live recaptures (n = 1177) and dead recoveries (n = 279) were used to estimate annual survival rates and population size using Barker’s Model in a Robust Design and allowing for heterogeneity in detection probabilities. The blue catfish population in the 12-km study area was estimated to be 1.6 million fish in 2013 (95% confidence interval [CI] adjusted for overdispersion: 926,307–2,914,208 fish). Annual apparent survival rate estimates were low: 0.16 (95% CI 0.10–0.24) in 2012–2013 and 0.44 (95% CI 0.31–0.58) in 2013–2014 and represent losses from the population through mortality, permanent emigration, or both. The tagged fish included individuals that were large enough to exhibit piscivory and represented size classes that are likely to colonize estuarine habitats. The large population size that we estimated was unexpected for a freshwater fish in tidal habitats and highlights the need to effectively manage such species.  相似文献   

Increasing rates of freshwater habitat loss in the Chesapeake Bay (and elsewhere) have renewed interest in the role of freshwater in population integrity for euryhaline fishes. Freshwater habitats may be important nurseries for juveniles of anadromous species. Using length?Cweight residuals and scales, we determined if body condition and growth of juvenile (<120?mm total length) white perch Morone americana (a semi-anadromous species) differed between brackish and freshwater tributaries within the Blackwater River drainage (Chesapeake Bay Watershed, U.S.A.). We then examined how monthly variation in body condition varied with monthly variation in selected environmental factors. Body condition differed between tributaries and was greater in freshwater (specific conductivity <0.45?mS) than brackish water when water temperature was greater than 9.6°C. White perch growth rates did not differ between tributaries, except for a short time during summer or early fall. Some anadromous fishes may spawn in freshwater to promote greater body condition, thereby ensuring a quality contingent of individuals for the population. With continued loss or impairment of freshwater habitat, the availability of nurseries for juvenile white perch will be reduced and reduce the number of quality juveniles recruiting to the adult population.  相似文献   

Human development has degraded Chesapeake Bay's health, resulting in an increase in the extent and severity of hypoxia (≤2 mg O2 l-1). The Bay's hypoxic zones have an adverse effect on both community structure and secondary production of macrobenthos. From 1996 to 2004, the effect of hypoxia on macrobenthic production was assessed in Chesapeake Bay and its three main tributaries (Potomac, Rappahannock, and York Rivers). Each year, in the summer (late July???early September), 25 random samples of the benthic macrofauna were collected from each system, and macrobenthic production in the polyhaline and mesohaline regions was estimated using Edgar's allometric equation. Fluctuations in macrobenthic production were significantly correlated with dissolved oxygen. Macrobenthic production was 90 % lower during hypoxia relative to normoxia. As a result, there was a biomass loss of ~7,320–13,200 metric tons C over an area of 7,720 km2, which is estimated to equate to a 20 % to 35 % displacement of the Bay's macrobenthic productivity during the summer. While higher consumers may benefit from easy access to stressed prey in some areas, the large spatial and temporal extent of seasonal hypoxia limits higher trophic level transfer, via the inhibition of macrobenthic production. Such a massive loss of macrobenthic production would be detrimental to the overall health of the Bay, as it comes at a time when epibenthic and demersal predators have high-energy demands.  相似文献   

Salt marsh habitats influenced by southern California's mixed, semi-diurnal tides are, on average, accessible to fishes less than 16% of the time. However, five species (four natives, one oxotic) and a variety of juvenile and adult size classes were collected on the marsh surface during a year-long sampling from June 1997 through June 1998 at Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge on San Diego Bay.Fundulus parvipinis andGillichthys mirabilis were the most abundant fish species using the marsh. Analyses of their guts revealed that the marsh surface provides a rich foraging area for fishes on high spring tides.F. parvipinnis with marsh access consumed six times as much food as fishes restricted to creek habitats (on a g-food g-fish?1 basis) and also fed on additional prey types. Because the salt marsh is an important foraging area for fishes, we recommend that restoration projects (especially those intended to mitigate lost fish habitat) include vegetated areas with interconnecting tidal creeks.  相似文献   

Bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) populations existed in Chesapeake Bay until 1933, when they declined dramatically due to a loss of seagrass habitat. Since then, there have been no documented populations within the Bay. However, some anecdotal observations of live bay scallops within the lower Bay suggest that restoration of the bay scallop is feasible. We therefore tested whether translocated adults of the southern bay scallop, Argopecten irradians concentricus, could survive during the reproductive season in vegetated and unvegetated habitats of the Lynnhaven River sub-estuary of lower Chesapeake Bay in the absence of predation. Manipulative field experiments evaluated survival of translocated, caged adult scallops in eelgrass Zostera marina, macroalgae Gracilaria spp., oyster shell, and rubble plots at three locations. After a 3-week experimental period, scallop survival was high in vegetated habitats, ranging from 98% in their preferred habitat, Z. marina, to 90% in Gracilaria spp. Survival in Z. marina was significantly higher than that in rubble (76%) and oyster shell (78%). These findings indicate that reproductive individuals can survive in vegetated habitats of lower Chesapeake Bay when protected from predators and that establishment of bay scallop populations within Chesapeake Bay may be viable.  相似文献   

Benthic resource utilization by, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) was studied in a restored, mangrove-rimmed impoundment (Cabbagehead Bayou) of Upper Tampa Bay, Florida, and in a nearby, natural site of unaltered tidal regime (Double Branch Bay). Diets of fish captured from August 1990 to May 1992 were determined from stomach content analysis. Simultaneously, food availability was evaluated by sampling benthic macroinvertebrates, mobile decapods, and small fish. Red drum and spotted seatrout utilized the restored habitat 1 yr after it was opened to tidal influence. Both species also were collected in the natural mangrove. Although there were noted differences in benthic assemblages between the two sites, red drum and spotted seatrout exhibited flexibility in diet, feeding on abundant and accessible prey. The high abundance of microcrustacea, such as amphipods, on detritus accumulated in the restored habitat constituted a main food resource for both fish species. Major food items in the diet of small (<200 mm) red drum were amphipods, mysids, and nereid and arenicolid polychaetes. Large (200–590 mm) red drum fed on polychaetes, xanthid crabs, palaemonid shrimp, and small fishes. Spotted seatrout preyed primarily upon mysids, shrimp, and small fishes, and to a lesser extent, upon a nereid polychaete. Our findings on fish feeding in a restored mangrove impoundment indicated that the detrital-associated benthic community is utilized by reinvading fish within a short time period, suggesting that not only habitat but food resources were augmented by the reopening of this wetland.  相似文献   

Dietary studies of fish can enhance our understanding of predator-prey interactions and provide important insights into complex marine food webs. In this study, we performed dietary analyses of three commercially important fish species in South China: Acanthopagrus latus, Pampus argenteus, and Scomberomorus commerson. Two distinct fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (mtCOI) gene, a small (130 bp) and large (300 bp) amplicon, were amplified from the DNA extracted from the gut contents in the presence of blocking primers designed to inhibit the amplification of predator-specific DNA. The amplicons from each predator species were tagged with a unique indexing bar code and sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform. Our results showed that the three fish species consumed a wide variety of prey, including jellyfish, copepods, crustaceans, and fish. Seasonal variations in prey composition and species-selective predation were observed. Our approach of combining next-generation sequencing with blocking primers greatly enhanced the speed and resolution of the dietary analyses in marine fishes and could provide novel insights into marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of declining abundances of the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in Chesapeake Bay and other estuaries has primarily focused on the role of oysters in filtration and nutrient dynamics, and as habitat for fish or fish prey. Oysters also play a key role in providing substrate for the overwintering polyp stage of the scyphomedusa sea nettle,Chrysaora quinquecirrha, which is an important consumer of zooplankton, ctenophores, and icthyoplankton. Temporal trends in sea nettle abundances in visual counts from the dock at Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, trawls conducted in the mesohaline portion of the Patuxent River, and published data from the mainstem Chesapeake Bay indicate that sea nettles declined in the mid 1980s when overfishing and increased disease mortality led to sharp decreases in oyster landings and abundance. Climate trends, previously associated with interannual variation in sea nettle abundances, do not explain the sharp decline. A potentially important consequence of declining sea nettle abundances may be an increase in their ctenophore prey (Mnemiopsis leidyi), and a resultant increase in predation on icthyoplankton and oyster larvae. Increased predation on oyster larvae by ctenophores may inhibit recovery of oyster populations and reinforce the current low abundance of oysters in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

A long-term (1948–2010) shoreward energy history of upper tidal shorelines in lower Chesapeake Bay was developed using a simple calculation of kinetic energy from corresponding wind and tide data. These data were primarily used to determine the likelihood of shoreline energy increases coincident with local sea level rise. Total annual shoreward energy ranged from 620 kJ/m of shoreline in 1950 to 17,785 kJ/m of shoreline in 2009. No clear linear trends are apparent, but mean annual energy shows an increase from 2,732 kJ/m before 1982 to 6,414 kJ/m since then. This increase in mean energy was accompanied by more numerous spikes of comparatively higher annual energy. Shoreward energy delivered to lower Chesapeake Bay’s upper tidal shorelines was enabled by an increasing amount of time per year that tidal height exceeds mean high water, accompanied by increasing heights of tidal anomalies. An index termed the Hydrologic Burden was developed that incorporates the combination of time and tidal height that demonstrates this increasing trend. Although opportunities for greater shoreward energy increased as the Hydrologic Burden increased, and even though there is evidence that greater energy was delivered to the shorelines during the latter time series, energy per hour delivery was shown not to have increased, and may have decreased, due to a steady reduction in average wind speed in lower Chesapeake Bay since the mid-1980s. Energy delivery in lower Chesapeake Bay was primarily from the northeast, and energy delivery over the time series is shown to organize symmetrically around a point between the northeast and north–northeast directions. This is evidence of a self-organizational phenomenon that transcends changes in local wind and tide dynamics.  相似文献   

Predation is likely the primary source of mortality for juvenile penaeid shrimp and, therefore, a key factor driving their population dynamics. We sampled juvenile penaeids and their potential predators in a salt marsh from July to August 2012 to examine the impact of these predators and possible size-selective predation on the shrimp population. We quantified predator impact using the frequency of occurrence (FO) index and a relative predation index (RPI) that accounts for predator abundance and the number of shrimp consumed per individual predator. Size selectivity was assessed by comparing the size distribution of shrimp in the study area to the size distribution of shrimp removed from predator stomachs. Two penaeid species, white shrimp Litopenaeus setiferus and brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus aztecus, were collected, and most (86%) were juvenile white shrimp ≤?12 mm carapace length. Spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus, which consumed relatively large shrimp, was the most important predator based on the FO index. Bay whiff Citharichthys spilopterus, which ate the smallest shrimp, was the most important predator based on the RPI. The size distribution of shrimp removed from predator stomachs differed from those collected in the study area; the smallest shrimp were disproportionally more abundant in predator stomachs. Using the RPI, we identified some potentially important predators (e.g., bay whiff) that may impact shrimp populations by consuming the smallest shrimp in estuarine nurseries. Our approach could be useful for examining predator impacts on other populations of juvenile penaeids and more generally for any prey consumed by fish predators.  相似文献   

Estuaries are productive and ecologically important ecosystems, incorporating environmental drivers from watersheds, rivers, and the coastal ocean. Climate change has potential to modify the physical properties of estuaries, with impacts on resident organisms. However, projections from general circulation models (GCMs) are generally too coarse to resolve important estuarine processes. Here, we statistically downscaled near-surface air temperature and precipitation projections to the scale of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and estuary. These variables were linked to Susquehanna River streamflow using a water balance model and finally to spatially resolved Chesapeake Bay surface temperature and salinity using statistical model trees. The low computational cost of this approach allowed rapid assessment of projected changes from four GCMs spanning a range of potential futures under a high CO2 emission scenario, for four different downscaling methods. Choice of GCM contributed strongly to the spread in projections, but choice of downscaling method was also influential in the warmest models. Models projected a ~2–5.5 °C increase in surface water temperatures in the Chesapeake Bay by the end of the century. Projections of salinity were more uncertain and spatially complex. Models showing increases in winter-spring streamflow generated freshening in the Upper Bay and tributaries, while models with decreased streamflow produced salinity increases. Changes to the Chesapeake Bay environment have implications for fish and invertebrate habitats, as well as migration, spawning phenology, recruitment, and occurrence of pathogens. Our results underline a potentially expanded role of statistical downscaling to complement dynamical approaches in assessing climate change impacts in dynamically challenging estuaries.  相似文献   

The use of tidal currents by fishes for movements to and from onshore spawning, foraging, and nursery grounds is well documented. However, fishes’ use of the water column in tidal currents frequently exceeding 1.5 m?·?s-1 is largely unknown. With growing interest in extracting energy from the tides, understanding animal use of these dynamic environments has become essential to determining environmental effects of tidal energy devices. To assess the effects of a tidal energy device on fishes, we used down-looking single-beam hydroacoustic technology to collect pre-deployment data on the presence and vertical distribution of fishes at a pilot project site and a control site in Cobscook Bay, ME. Twenty-four-hour stationary surveys were conducted in each season of 2010 and 2011. Relative fish density and vertical distribution were analyzed for variation with respect to site, year, month, and diel and tidal cycles. A seasonal pattern in fish density was apparent in both years at both sites, with maxima in spring and late fall. Fish density was generally highest near the sea floor. Diel changes in vertical distribution were frequently observed, but changes in distribution related to tidal cycle were inconsistent. Results from the project and control sites were very similar, demonstrating that the control site provides a reference for quantifying changes in fish density and vertical distribution related to the tidal device. This approach and baseline dataset will be used to compare hydroacoustic data collected at the project and control sites after device deployment.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in natural estuarine habitat of North Carolina in 1991, the widespread impact of the toxic dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida (gen. et sp. nov.), popularly called the “phantom” dinoflagellate, on North Carolina fish stocks has been established, yet little is known about its influence outside of North Carolina estuaries. Here, we document the presence of P. piscicida in Chesapeake Bay. A fish kill was observed after inoculating an aquarium containing mummichogs with sediment samples from Jenkins Creek, a brackish creek (salinity 11‰) of the Chesapeake Bay system. P. piscicida was the cause of the kill, as supported by morphological, physiological, and histological evidence. The appearance and behavior of the algae and symptoms associated with fish mortality were consistent with those previously observed in P. piscicida-associated aquaria fish kills in North Carolina. The discovery of P. piscicida in Chesapeake Bay supports the speculation that these toxic dinoflagellates have a dramatic and far-reaching impact on fish stocks in shallow, eutrophic estuaries along the eastern United States.  相似文献   

The surface of the salt marsh is an important, but largely unrecognized, site for fish reproduction and larval growth. In an attempt to determine the composition and distribution of fishes utilizing these habitats, we sampled larval and juvenile fish with plankton nets, dip nets, and traps at a variety of microhabitats (tidal and nontidal ponds and ditches and the marsh surface) in three New Jersey high marshes. Two of the three marshes had been altered for mosquito control. During April to September 1980, we collected over 2,400 larvae and juveniles. All study sites were dominated by the larvae of the resident killifishes (Fundulus heteroclitus, Cyprinodon variegatus, F. luciae, andLucania parva) and less commonlyMenidia beryllina. However, the occurrence and abundance of each species varied with microhabitat. Larval production in all three marshes peaked during June–July, but extended from May until September. In most instances juveniles of the dominant fishes had microhabitat preferences similar to the larvae. High marshes may be more important for fish production than previously recognized because they serve as nursery areas for the resident killifishes.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance and spatial distribution of eggs and early larvae of the bay anchovy,Anchoa mitchilli, and the weakfish,Cynoscion regalis, were determined from plankton collections taken during 1971–1976 in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Eggs and larvae of the bay anchovy,Anchoa mitchilli, dominated the ichthyoplankton, making up 96% of the total eggs and 88% of all larvae taken. A comparison of egg and larval densities from the lower Chesapeake Bay to existing data from other East Coast estuaries suggested that Chesapeake Bay is a major center of spawning activity for this species.Anchoa mitchilli spawning commenced in May when mean water column temperatures approached 17°C and abruptly ceased after August. Eggs and early larvae presented a continuous distribution throughout the study area during these months. Eggs and larvae of several sciaenid species, especiallyC. regalis, ranked second in numerical abundance. Larval weakfish were consistently taken in late summer of each sampling year but peak abundance and distribution was observed in August 1971. Sciaenid eggs exhibited a distinct polyhaline distribution with greatest concentrations observed at the Chesapeake Bay entrance or along the Bay eastern margin. Analysis of sciaenid egg morphometry and larval occurrence suggested spawning activity of at least four species. Additional important species represented by eggs and/or larvae in the lower Chesapeake Bay wereHypsoblennius hentzi, Gobiosoma ginsburgi, Trinectes maculatus, Symphurus plagiusa andParalichthys dentatus with the remaining species occurring infrequently.  相似文献   

During August and September 2007, the lower Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries experienced a massive bloom of Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef (>104 cells per milliliter) that persisted for over a month, was extremely patchy, and at times penetrated into the Atlantic Ocean. The onset of the bloom coincided with a period of intense rainfall and stormwater runoff after a protracted summer drought period. Genetic evidence showed this species to be distinct from many Asian strains but similar to other North American strains. Populations dominated by C. polykrikoides took up a variety of nitrogenous compounds to support their growth and were able to mobilize additional sources of organic nutrients through peptide hydrolysis. Bioassays determined that C. polykrikoides exerted a lethal affect on juvenile fish and shellfish, causing 100% mortality of juvenile fish (Cyprinodon variegates) in less than 24 h and 20% mortality in juvenile American oysters (~21 mm; Crassostrea virginica) within 72 h.  相似文献   

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