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The goal of this study was to demonstrate how the extent of denitrification, which is indirectly related to dissolved organ carbon and directly related to oxygen concentrations, can also be linked to unsaturated-zone thickness, a mappable aquifer property. Groundwater from public supply and monitoring wells in Northport on Long Island, New York state (USA), were analyzed for denitrification reaction progress using dissolved N2/Ar concentrations by membrane inlet mass spectrometry. This technique allows for discernment of small amounts of excess N2, attributable to denitrification. Results show an average 15 % of total nitrogen in the system was denitrified, significantly lower than model predictions of 35 % denitrification. The minimal denitrification is due to low dissolved organic carbon (29.3–41.1 μmol L?1) and high dissolved oxygen concentrations (58–100 % oxygen saturation) in glacial sediments with minimal solid-phase electron donors to drive denitrification. A mechanism is proposed that combines two known processes for aquifer re-aeration in unconsolidated sands with thick (>10 m) unsaturated zones. First, advective flux provides 50 % freshening of pore space oxygen in the upper 2 m due to barometric pressure changes. Then, oxygen diffusion across the water-table boundary occurs due to high volumetric air content in the unsaturated-zone catchment area.  相似文献   

The substrate composition is directly associated with the distribution of the Ribbed Mussel Geukensia demissa (=Modiolus demissus) along tidal-creek banks. Mussels were counted within a 2 dm × 5 dm microplot frame, and soil samples were collected at 5 m intervals for 320 m along Big Sheepshead Creek, near Tuckerton, New Jersey. Organic decomposition, percentage organic matter, and percentages of sand, silt, and clay were determined for each soil sample. Mussels were most frequently found in substrates characterized by low organic decomposition (Von Post >5), high organic matter content, (10–20%), and low sand content (0–20%).  相似文献   

Vitellogenin is an egg-yolk precursor protein in teleosts which is crucial to the survival of larvae. Manufactured in the liver, where pollutants are known to accumulate, and transported to the ovary by the blood, its synthesis by the liver or uptake by the gonad can be compromised by accumulation of xenobiotics. In three studies, winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) blood samples were taken to determine normal levels of vitellogenin during the reproductive cycle, and to learn how its production might be affected in degraded environments. Specifically, these studies followed the seasonal cycle of vitellogenin production in winter flounder through monthly sampling at relatively clean (Shoreham, New York) and degraded areas (Black Rock and New Haven harbors, Connecticut) in Long Island Sound; examined the relationship between parental vitellogenin levels and survival of offspring by sampling fish that had been spawned at the Milford Laboratory for a reproductive success study; and determined the effect of gross liver lesions on vitellogenin production by sampling flounder from Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, which have been reported to have a high prevalence of liver tumors. Blood vitellogenin levels were determined by measuring alkali-labile phosphate (ALP). Large fish (>30 cm) from the two degraded sites had elevated serum ALP levels relative to those from the clean area. Lowered total ovarian lipid levels in large fish from Black Rock Harbor suggested impaired vitellogenin uptake. There were no significant differences in serum ALP among the small (≤30 cm) fish from the three sampling sites. Boston Harbor flounder with gross liver lesions had lower ALP values than fish without such lesions. There were no significant differences in ALP values among the spawned fish.  相似文献   

Near-bottom hypoxia during summer months has been a documented recurring phenomenon for decades in western Long Island Sound (WLIS); this temperate estuary has also supported, until 1999, a substantial American lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery. In response to a dramatic mass die-off of lobsters that began in WLIS in the late summer of 1999, a benthic habitat survey using a sediment-profile imaging (SPI) camera was conducted in October 1999. Follow-up surveys involving SPI and simultaneous measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO), hydrogen sulfide and ammonia within 10 cm of the bottom were conducted in August, September and November 2000. The SPI images revealed black sediments at or just below the sediment-water interface at a high proportion of stations in both 1999 and 2000, suggesting strongly reducing conditions and elevated levels of sulfides and other reduced end-products in sediment pore-water. Visual redox depths were relatively shallow (less than 2 cm) and spatially variable, and benthic communities appeared to be dominated by small, surface-dwelling opportunists. In August 2000, near-bottom DO concentrations < 2 mg I−1 coincided with shallow redox depths at stations in the Western Narrows region. As DO levels increased from August to November 2000, visual redox depths remained shallow. Both sulfide and ammonia were detected in samples of bottom water taken within about 10 cm of the seafloor in all three 2000 surveys. The results suggest that anaerobic decomposition processes within the organic-rich sediments of WLIS strongly influence conditions at the sediment-water interface during late summer-early fall, the time of year that the lobster mortality event of 1999 began. Releases of reduced end-products (e.g., sulfide and ammonia) into overlying waters, combined with low DO levels and abnormally high water temperatures, represent multiple environmental stressors that may have physiologically weakened the lobsters and increased their susceptibility to deadly pathogens.  相似文献   

Age structure, recruitment, and survivorship of a Jamaica Bay, New York ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) population were studied over nine years at two shore elevations. Mussels were collected in November (following seasonal growth and recruitment) and March (to assay over-winter mortality). Larval recruits (0-class) averaged 55% of the population at the marsh edge compared with <9% at the higher elevation (6 m upshore). High larval settlement at the edge apparently depletes the larval supply available for settlement within the marsh interior. At the edge, the population generally contained 7 monotonically decreasing age classes compared to 15–20 age classes at the interior site. At the interior site, most 0-class mussels may not directly settle into existing mussel aggregations, but instead immigrate over a period of two years following settlement. The linear survivorship curve at the edge reflects 40–50% mortality every year. Over-winter mortality is sensitive to winter ice conditions. Simulations of reproductive output based on survivorship and fertility data combined suggest that mussel cohorts living in the marsh may approach the life time reproductive output of marsh edge mussels after about 15 years, a life span which is not uncommon at higher shore levels.  相似文献   

In a 3-yr study, late prespawning winter flounder were collected from various stations in Long Island Sound (three of them heavily urbanized) and spawned in the laboratory. For comparative purposes, flounder from two sites in the Boston Harbor area were similarly treated in 1987 and 1988. Of the stations in Long Island Sound, New Haven Harbor alone consistently produced low percent viable hatch and small larvae. Boston Harbor produced the smallest larvae of all sites. There were no significant station-to-station differences in lipid utilization during larval development; yolk reserves at stations showing a low percent viable hatch, small larvae, and low embryonic development rate were probably used in part for stress metabolism. No significant differences in concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls for collections from Long Island Sound were found either in livers of spawned fish, in sediments, or in eggs of winter flounder. The very low metal concentrations in winter flounder eggs showed no relation to the degree of metal contamination found at stations in Long Island Sound and Boston Harbor.  相似文献   

Sublethal abnormalities were examined in developing embryos of the winter flounder,Pseudopleuronectes americanus, as part of a study of its early reproductive success in Long Island Sound and two sites in Boston Harbor. These sites represented varying levels of anthropogenic contamination that were possibly affecting reproduction, as ascertained by chromosomal abnormalities and lowered developmental rates in the embryos. Effort was focused on examination of blastula and tail-bund embryos from field-captured females spawned at the laboratory. Abnormalities observed included evidence of cytotoxicity and chromosome damage. Embryos of fish from New Haven were usually the most aberrant, while embryos from other sites, notably Hempstead, Shoreham, and both Boston Harbor stations, showed subtle indications of abnormality.  相似文献   

Early reproductive success of hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) in Long Island Sound was measured to determine whether pollution may have adverse effects on fragile recruitment to fisheries. Clams were collected at five sites in 1987 when ready to spawn naturally, along with water from within 39 cm of the bottom. Levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), copper, and cadmium were measured in the mature gonad and were found to be generally low. Clams were spawned and the gametes were collected and cultured both in their respective site waters and in reference laboratory seawater. In both site and reference seawater, embryos of clams from the most highly industrialized area (Bridgeport) with higher contaminant levels exhibited more irregularity in chromosome numbers and greater larval abnormality, possible indicators of long-term sublethal effects. Fertilization and early meiotic success at 1 to 1 1/2 h were significantly lower (p≤0.05) for clams from Norwalk (55%) than for those from Greenwich (75%). At 48 h, mortality was lowest for Greenwich larvae and highest for Norwalk larvae in their respective site waters, but the mortality for these two sites was significantly lower than for other sites in reference water. This suggests sporadically poor environmental quality. Milford larvae also had significant mortality. Population-level significance of pollution effects on clam reproduction will depend on how contaminated the environment is over the entire reproductive season of the clams in Long Island Sound, and over how large a portion of the spawning grounds.  相似文献   

The anadromous acipenserid Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus was listed in 2012 under the U.S. Endangered Species Act as having four endangered and one threatened distinct population segment (DPS) in American waters. Anthropogenic activities outside of natal estuaries, particularly bycatch, may hinder the abilities of some populations to rebuild. Most Atlantic sturgeon are residential for their first 2–6 years within their natal estuaries, whereas older subadults and adults may migrate to non-natal estuaries and coastal locations. Previous studies demonstrated that subadults and adults aggregate during summer at locations in Long Island Sound (LIS) and its tributary, the Connecticut River; however, the population origin of these fish is unknown. Because of its geographic proximity and relatively robust population, we hypothesized that the LIS and Connecticut River aggregations were almost solely derived from the Hudson River. We used microsatellite nuclear DNA analysis at 11 loci and mitochondrial DNA control region sequence analyses to estimate the relative contributions of nine Atlantic sturgeon populations and the five DPS to these aggregations using individual-based assignment tests and mixed-stock analysis. From 64 to 73 % of specimens from LIS were estimated to be of Hudson origin. Similarly, 66–76 % of specimens from the Connecticut River were of Hudson origin. However, moderate numbers of specimens were detected from distant spawning populations in the southeastern DPS and from two populations once thought to be extirpated or nearly so, the James River (6–7.3 %), and the Delaware River (7.6–12 %). Additionally, specimens were detected from all five DPS in both the LIS and Connecticut River collections. These results highlight the difficulty of evaluating the status of individual Atlantic sturgeon populations because of the propensity of subadults and adults to migrate for extended duration to distant sites where they may be vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Enumeration data from over 2,300 ichthyoplankton samples collected during 17 yr, spanning a 32-yr interval (1951–1983), were compiled to determine interannual variations in density of sand lance larvae. Years of relatively high densities were noted during the winters of 1965–1966 and 1978–1979 and low densities in 1971–1974. A regular increase in numbers during the late 1970’s and the peak in 1978–1979 coincided with increases in population size found throughout the coastal northwest Atlantic Ocean. Densities in Long Island Sound began to decline in 1980 and this continued through 1983. In contrast, densities throughout coastal Atlantic areas during the 1980’s remained at least as high as they were 1976–1978. Interannual fluctuations in density of sand lance larvae could be partially explained by water temperatures in December. Warm Decembers were associated with low larval densities.  相似文献   

Late summer hypoxia (<3 ppm oxygen) in western Long Island Sound (WLIS) is a persistent environmental and management issue whose controlling processes are poorly understood. Measured rates of sediment and water-column oxygen consumption in the bottom water suggest that a condition of no oxygen should be attained on the time scale of 13–30 d. Observations, however, indicate the onset of hypoxia is of the order 150 d. Therefore, horizontal and/or vertical transport of oxygen into the area of hypoxia must play an important role. Hypoxia decreases benthic activity and the sediment flux of222Rn. The resulting horizontal gradient in bottom water222Rn was measured and used to estimate the effective horizontal transport rate (>5–50 m2 s?1), which is considerably slower than previous estimates. Scale analysis of the hypoxia process indicates that horizontal transport rates alone can explain the slow progression of hypoxia in XLIS but that vertical processes may also be capable of delaying the onset of hypoxia especially under conditions of weak stratification or weak intermediate layer oxygen consumption. This scale analysis indicates a delicately balanced process that is sensitive to both climatologically-driven variability in the rates of horizontal and vertical transport as well as the biologically-driven rates of oxygen consumption. An improved ability to predict and/or control hypoxia must be based on a better understanding of temporal and spacial variations in circulation, mixing, and stratification as well as the biological processes in the water column and the sediments.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of geochronological and paleomagnetic studies of the volcanogenicsedimentary sequence of Henrietta Island in the East Siberian Sea. Our 40Ar/39Ar investigations confirm existing ideas that the bottom part of the section formed in the Ediacaran (~565 Ma) and that the basalts in the top of the section formed before the middle Cambrian (~520 Ma). Calculated paleomagnetic data confirm that during the rocks formation the territory of present-day Henrietta Island was located close to the 20° latitude, which lets us adjust some information published earlier on the age and natural remanent magnetization of the dolerite dikes of the nearby Jeannette Island. The new data also let us propose that a regional tectonothermal event, probably caused by accretion-related processes, took place at the beginning of the Ordovician.  相似文献   

Acanthohaustorius bousfieldi n. sp. andA. similis n. sp. (Amphipoda: Haustoriidae) are described from the offshore bottom sands of the New York Bight and Long Island Sound regions.  相似文献   

We examined the short-term (<1 month post-storm) impact of storms [Tropical Storm (TS) Helene in 2000, Hurricane (H) Isabel in 2003, H Alex, Tropical Depression (TD) Bonnie and TS Charley in 2004] varying in their trajectory, wind and rainfall characteristics, on water column structure, nutrients, and phytoplankton biomass in North Carolina’s Neuse R. Estuary (NRE). Data are presented from two sampling programs, ModMon (biweekly) and FerryMon (measurements made every 3 min daily). Helene’s winds mixed the previously stratified water column, delivering sediment-bound nutrients to the euphotic zone, and localized freshwater input from Helene was also evident. Mean chlorophyll a concentrations in the mesohaline portion of the NRE, where N was strongly limiting before the storm (molar DIN:DIP < 1), more than doubled after the storm. Unlike with Helene, the water column was well mixed before passage of Isabel, and nutrient concentrations were high. As a result, minimal impact on phytoplankton biomass was detected despite Isabel’s high winds and significant freshwater input. In fact, conditions became less favorable for phytoplankton growth after the storm. Alex was fast moving and relatively small, but its winds were sufficient to mix the water column. Although data from ModMon suggest that chlorophyll a was only slightly higher after passage of Alex, FerryMon detected an ephemeral bloom that was missed by ModMon. Overall, these results suggest that relatively small tropical storms and hurricanes can lead to significant increases in phytoplankton biomass. However, the phytoplankton response depends on both the characteristics of a particular storm and the physical–chemical conditions of the water column before storm passage. Finally, the ephemeral bloom that developed as a result of Alex, the strong response of phytoplankton in the mesohaline portion of the estuary to nutrient inputs, and their patchiness on several other occasions suggests that storms may create “hot spots” for trophic transfer and biogeochemical dynamics in estuaries. Adaptive sampling is necessary to capture these features and to fully understand the impact of perturbations such as storms on estuarine ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

四射珊瑚似犬齿珊瑚属Caninophyllum Lewis,1929广泛发育于欧洲、亚洲和北美地区石炭纪至早二叠世,以成年期主隔壁缩短且不发育轴部构造为特征,由于该属一些种的主、对隔壁特征及轴部构造在成年期特征与原始定义不符,导致关于Caninophyllum Lewis,1929定义存在分歧。根据准噶尔盆地东北缘上石炭统石钱滩组发现的保存较完整的Caninophyllum shuangjingziense Zeng,1983与Caninophyllum yui Wang,1989个体系统发育特征,并结合模式种及原始描述,认为Caninophyllum在早期个体发育阶段,原生隔壁(轴连隔壁)便分离为主隔壁与对隔壁,成年期主隔壁整体呈现缩短趋势,对隔壁与对部其余一级隔壁等长,轴部构造不发育。  相似文献   

The capacity of coast recovering after interruption of pollution sources has been explored employing mussels as biomarkers. In an area polluted by sewage sludge in Puerto Madryn (Argentina), abnormally high cytogenetic records (micronuclei) had been detected in the mussel Mytilus edulis, even higher than those obtained in this and other mussel species (Brachydontes rodriguezi, Aulacomya atra atra, Perumytilus purpuratus) sampled from heavily polluted industrial areas, and much higher than those recorded in samples from unpolluted areas of the same region. Normal cytogenetic patterns were recovered in Puerto Madryn less than 1 year after cessation of sewage sludge discharges, without additional treatment of the affected area. This discovery opens the possibility of considering restored coastal areas for aquaculture purposes instead of endangering natural populations in virgin areas.  相似文献   

Phragmites australis has been invading Spartina-alterniflora-dominated salt marshes throughout the mid-Atlantic. Although, Phragmites has high rates of primary production, it is not known whether this species supports lower trophic levels of a marsh food web in the same manner as Spartina. Using several related photochemical and biological assays, we compared patterns of organic matter flow of plant primary production through a key salt marsh metazoan, the ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa), using a bacterial intermediate. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was derived from plants collected from a Delaware Bay salt marsh and grown in the laboratory with 14C-CO2. Bacterial utilization of plant-derived DOM measured as carbon mineralization revealed that both species provided bioavailable DOM to native salt marsh bacteria. Total carbon mineralization after 19 days was higher for Spartina treatments (36% 14CO2 ± 3 SE) compared with Phragmites treatments (29% ±2 SE; Wilcoxon–Kruskal–Wallis rank sums test, P < 0.01). Pre-exposing DOM to natural sunlight only enhanced or decreased bioavailability of the DOM to the bacterioplankton during initial measurements (e.g., 7 days or less) but these differences were not significant over the course of the incubations. Mixtures of 14C-labeled bacterioplankton (and possibly organic flocs) from 14C-DOM treatments were cleared by G. demissa at similar rates between Spartina and Phragmites treatments. Moreover, 14C assimilation efficiencies for material ingested by mussels were high for both plant sources ranging from 74% to 90% and not significantly different between plant sources. Sunlight exposure did not affect the nutritional value of the bacterioplankton DOM assemblage for mussels. There are many possible trophic and habitat differences between Spartina- and Phragmites-dominated marshes that could affect G. demissa but the fate of vascular plant dissolved organic carbon in the DOM to bacterioplankton to mussel trophic pathway appears comparable between these marsh types.  相似文献   

We analyzed interannual variability in a long-term record of chlorophyll concentration and phytoplankton species composition in the Rhode River, Maryland (USA). Over the approximately 30-year record, there was no long-term monotonic trend in phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration, though temporary directional trends related to precipitation patterns sometimes persisted for a decade before reversing. From counts on preserved samples, we estimated the dominance by different pigment-bearing groups and size classes. Diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cryptophytes comprised about 80–97% of the annual averaged class-specific biovolume. Cryptophytes dominated the first 2 years in the data set but displayed a long-term decline, after which diatoms dominated in all but four consecutive years in which there were large dinoflagellate blooms. There was a long-term increase in cells with equivalent spherical diameters from 4 to 10 μm, accompanied by declines in the proportion of cells in the 2- to 4- and 10- to 20-μm size classes. The main cause of these changes in size classes was a long-term increase in Chroomonas sp. and Apedinella radians and long-term decline in Microcystis sp. and an unidentified cryptophyte, respectively. These taxa were cosmopolitan in their seasonal and spatial distributions, and hence the long-term changes in taxa did not conform well with conceptual models based on succession of “life-forms.” The segregation of diatoms and dinoflagellates expected on the basis of “life-forms” applied to seasonal and spatial patterns. Characterizing the phytoplankton community in terms of diversity, size, and class-specific biovolume gave results that were consistent with one another and added insight to the broad-scale changes in chlorophyll concentration. Subtle changes in the size distribution of cryptophytes were not apparent from biovolume measures and would not have been apparent without microscopy. Though causes of such shifts may be difficult to identify, identifying the causes and predicting potential consequences cannot even be attempted without awareness of the phenomena.  相似文献   

Dreissena polymorpha is an exotic freshwater bivalve species which was introduced into the Great Lakes system in the fall of 1985 through the release of ballast water from European freighters. Utilizing individual growth rings of the shells, the stable isotope distribution (δ18O and δ13C) was determined for the life history of selected samples which were collected from the western basin of Lake Erie. These bivalves deposit their shell in near equilibrium with the ambient water and thus reflect any annual variation of the system in the isotopic records held within their shells. Observed values for δ18O range from -6.64 to –9.46‰ with an average value of –7.69‰ PDB, while carbon values ranged from –0.80 to –4.67‰ with an average value of –1.76‰ PDB. Dreissena polymorpha shells incorporate metals into their shells during growth. Individual shell growth increments were analyzed for Pb, Fe, Mg, Mn, Cd, Cu, and V concentrations. The shells show increased uptake of certain metals during periods of isotopic enrichment which correspond with warmer water temperatures. Since metals are incorporated into the shells, the organism may be useful as a biomonitor of metal pollution within aquatic environments. Received: 31 October 1996 · Accepted: 21 May 1997  相似文献   

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