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Faunally restricted argillaceous wackestones from the Middle Jurassic of eastern England contain evidence of early diagenetic skeletal aragonite dissolution and stabilization of the carbonate matrix, closely followed by precipitation of zoned calcite cements, and precipitation of pyrite. Distinctive cathodoluminescence and trace element trends through the authigenic calcites, their negative δ13C compositions and the location of pyrite in the paragenetic sequence indicate that calcite precipitation took place during sequential bacterial Mn, Fe and sulphate reduction. Calcite δ18O values are compatible with cementation from essentially marine pore fluids, although compositions vary owing to minor contamination with 18O-depleted ‘late’cements. Mg and Sr concentrations in the calcites are lower than those in recent marine calcite cements. This may be a result of kinetic factors associated with the shallow burial cementation microenvironments. Bicarbonate for sustained precipitation of the authigenic calcites was derived largely from aragonite remobilization, augmented by that produced through anaerobic organic matter oxidation in the metal and sulphate reduction environments. Aragonite dissolution is thought to have been induced by acidity generated during aerobic bacterial oxidation of organic matter. Distinction of post-oxic metal reduction and anoxic sulphate reduction diagenetic environments in modern carbonate sediments is uncommon outside pelagic settings, and early bacterially mediated diagenesis in modern platform carbonates is associated with extensive carbonate dissolution. High detrital Fe contents of the Jurassic sediments, and their restricted depositional environment, were probably the critical factors promoting early cementation. These precipitates constitute a unique example of calcite authigenesis in shallow water limestones during bacterial Mn and Fe reduction.  相似文献   

A field and petrographic study has been made of 34 massive beds in argillaceous limestones of open marine platform facies in the U.K. Lithologies include grainstones, packstones, wackestones and lime mudstones. The rocks are of Silurian, Carboniferous and Jurassic ages. Additional information was obtained from other limestones in the U.K., the U.S.A., Canada and continental Europe. The beds are parts of sequences composed of couplets of strata, fissile limestones alternating with hard limestones. In the fissile limestones the effects of mechanical compaction and pressure-dissolution have been concentrated, whereas in the hard limestones they are minimal or absent. Bedding planes visible in outcrop are diagenetic in origin and lie in the middle parts of the fissile limestones where compaction has been most severe. The features produced by pressure-dissolution are dissolution seams and fitted fabric: there are no stylolites. The original carbonate sediments were bioturbated and any structures produced by flowing water were destroyed. The vertical distribution of the bedding planes bears no relation to primary depositional bedding planes which are rare or absent. It is inferred that the strata which were to become the hard limestones were selectively cemented before mechanical compaction had been completed. Thenceforth, mechanical compaction and then pressure-dissolution were concentrated in the less cemented strata: these became the fissile limestones. Pressure-dissolution acted late in the diagenetic history and provided only an insignificant part, if any, of the carbonate for cementation. It is concluded that the orientation of beds (couplets) is parallel to successive sea floors and that the sediments that eventually became single beds accumulated synchronously. Similar couplets in platform limestones of the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian of the U.S.A. extend over thousands of square kilometres. The signal that controlled the initial selective cementation must have been widespread and synchronous and also syndepositional in its timing but otherwise cannot be further defined on the basis of the data so far collected. The presumed order of events was (1) accumulation of carbonate sediment, terrigenous clay and organic matter, (2) hydrodynamic reworking and bioturbation. the latter finally overprinting the former, (3) selective cementation of the more carbonate-rich strata yielding couplets, each consisting of a relatively well-cemented stratum and a poorly cemented stratum, (4) mechanical compaction concentrated in the less cemented strata, (5) pressure-dissolution concentrated in the same strata.  相似文献   

POULTON  BOTTRELL  UNDERWOOD 《Sedimentology》1998,45(5):875-887
Lower Cretaceous mudstones exposed at Speeton in North Yorkshire, UK, contain lobsters and burrows preserved in diagenetic phosphate concretions. Isotopic compositions of sulphur in both diagenetic sulphide and structural sulphate in diagenetic phosphate have been measured in an attempt to constrain diagenetic porewater chemistry. The occurrence of phosphatized and pyritized lobsters and similarly preserved burrows, allows a detailed comparison of these microenvironments with the host sediments. Host sediments are extensively bioturbated and characterized by very light sulphide isotopic compositions (mean sulphide δ34S = –48·3 ± 3‰ (1σ, n = 19)) and sulphate isotopic compositions that are lighter than Lower Cretaceous seawater sulphate (mean sulphate δ34S = +8·7 ± 3·2‰ (1σ, n = 19)). These isotopic values can be explained by the action of bioturbating macrofauna; the introduction of oxygen in ventilating seawater results in the oxidation of early formed isotopically light pyrite, resulting in porewater sulphate that is enriched in 32S. Subsequent pyrite formation via bacteriogenic reduction of isotopically light porewater sulphate leads to the formation of isotopically light pyrite, whilst residual porewater sulphate apparently remains relatively enriched in the 32S isotope. Sulphur isotopic values for the burrows are very different; sulphide isotopic compositions average –34·4 ± 0·4‰ (1σ, n = 3) and sulphate isotopic compositions average –14·4 ± 6·6‰ (1σ, n = 4). These isotopic compositions are the result of rapid development of closed system conditions in burrows, resulting in the build-up of acidity necessary for phosphate precipitation and coprecipitation of isotopically light sulphate (formed by oxidation of isotopically light sulphide surrounding the burrows). Lobster shell isotopic compositions fall between these two groups. On the basis of their isotopic compositions, some lobsters appear to have died close to the sediment–water interface, whilst others appear to have been buried (in burrows) prior to death.  相似文献   

Concretions from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation are of three types: calcareous concretions, septarian calcareous concretions and pyrite/calcite concretions and nodules, which occur within different mudstone facies. Isotopic and chemical analysis of the concretionary carbonates indicate growth in the Fe-reduction, sulphate-reduction and decarboxylation zones. The septarian concretions show a long and complex history, with early initiation of growth and development spanning several phases of burial, each often resulting in the formation of septaria. Growth apparently ceased in the transitional zone between the sulphate-reduction and the methanogenesis zones. Very early growth in the Fe-reduction zones is also seen in one sample. The non-septarian concretions began growth later within the sulphate-reduction zone and have had a simpler burial history while the pyrite/calcite concretions show carbonate cementation in the sulphate-reduction-methanogenesis transition zone. A ferroan dolomite/calcite septarian nodule with decarboxylation zone characteristics also occurs. Development of concretions appears to be indirectly controlled by the sedimentation rate and depositional environment, the latter determining the organic matter input to the sediments. Calcareous concretions predominate in swell areas and during periods of low sedimentation rate in the basins with poor organic matter preservation and deposition of calcareous mudstones. Pyrite/calcite concretions occur in organic-rich mudstones deposited under higher sedimentation rates in the basins, while the ferroan dolomite nodule grew under very high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

Authigenic gypsum was found in a gravity core, retrieved from the top of Mound Perseverance, a giant cold‐water coral mound in the Porcupine Basin, off Ireland. The occurrence of gypsum in such an environment is intriguing, because gypsum, a classic evaporitic mineral, is undersaturated with respect to sea water. Sedimentological, petrographic and isotopic evidence point to diagenetic formation of the gypsum, tied to oxidation of sedimentary sulphide minerals (i.e. pyrite). This oxidation is attributed to a phase of increased bottom currents which caused erosion and enhanced inflow of oxidizing fluids into the mound sediments. The oxidation of pyrite produced acidity, causing carbonate dissolution and subsequently leading to pore‐water oversaturation with respect to gypsum and dolomite. Calculations based on the isotopic compositions of gypsum and pyrite reveal that between 21·6% and 28·6% of the sulphate incorporated into the gypsum derived from pyrite oxidation. The dissolution of carbonate increased the porosity in the affected sediment layer but promoted lithification of the sediments at the sediment‐water interface. Thus, authigenic gypsum can serve as a signature for diagenetic oxidation events in carbonate‐rich sediments. These observations demonstrate that fluid flow, steered by environmental factors, has an important effect on the diagenesis of coral mounds.  相似文献   

The Rottnest Shelf is a narrow, wave-dominated open shelf on the passive continental margin of southwest Australia, adjacent to a hinterland of low relief and sluggish drainage. High physical energy, low nutrients in cool subtropical waters, and rapid postglacial transgression have limited carbonate productivity, restricted grain types, and reworked the transgressed surface to form only a thin ( < 1 m) blanket of carbonate and relict sediment, with little terrigenous influx. Subaerial weathering of the shelf during Late Pleistocene emergence was followed by postglacial drowning, erosional shoreface retreat, and generation of a transgressive lag deposit. Establishment of the warm temperate biota, dominated by bryozoans and calcareous red algae, resulted in bioerosion of the shelf disconformity surface and generation of hardground veneers and thin skeletal carbonate sheets. Linear topographic ridges of Pleistocene limestone partition the shelf into systems with varying physical energy, biota and sediment supply. The Holocene sediments are a shallowing-upward coastal sequence; wave-ripple cross-stratified grainstone (Inner Shelf); and bioturbated bryozoan grainstone to skeletal wackestone (Outer Shelf to Upper Continental Slope), characterised by seaward fining and increasing percentages of planktic carbonate sediment.

Given sufficient time, the Rottnest Shelf could recover from drowning, and form blanket-like skeletal carbonates. Thin ( < 1 m) lags overlying disconformities, which underlie shallowing-upward coastal and shelf sediments a few metres thick, will be generated by glacio-eustatic cycles of sedimentation (105 y duration). Thick (several tens of metres) sediment bodies, composed of wave-rippled to bioturbated skeletal carbonate sediment with a temperate biota, will be formed during longer term (1–10 My) sedimentation cycles. Such cycles have characterised passive margins during the Cenozoic. The Rottnest Shelf thus provides a facies model for temperate shelf sedimentation along passive continental margins.  相似文献   

Bryozoan and microbial carbonate build-ups occur within the Late Mississippian (mid-Viséan) Codroy Group on the Port au Port Peninsula, western Newfoundland. Build-ups formed only adjacent to a rocky, cliffed, shoreline filling narrow submerged palaeovalleys of a well-developed Late Devonian-Early Mississippian karst terrain. The nearshore setting was a stressed environment as indicated by (1) the absence of normal marine biota, such as corals, echinoderms, and calcareous algae, (2) high numbers and low species diversity of dominant taxa (bryozoans, brachiopods, and microbial communities), and (3) abundant plant-bearing siliciclastics deposited by the episodic influx of fresh-water from adjacent uplands. Build-up development was terminated by Meramec time, due to falling sea-level and seaward progradation of terrestrial sediments. Preserved structural and constructional fabrics within the build-ups include (1) thickets of bryozoans and microbial microthrombolites, structurally enhanced by probable marine Mg-calcite and aragonite cements, (2) multigeneration internal sediment, and (3) small colonies of serpulid worms and terebratulid brachiopods. Submarine cementation within the build-ups appears to have been abundant during arrested sedimentation, whereas intermound sediments (carbonates and siliciclastics) were lithified only during burial diagenesis. Shallow-burial fracturing, stylolitization, sulphide and sulphate mineralization, and precipitation of phreatic, iron-poor, calcite cement occurred during burial diagenesis. Codroy build-ups are distinct from the more common Mississippian mud mounds. Their internal characteristics and the geologic setting are more like other Late Palaeozoic and Holocene bryozoan-rich build-ups.  相似文献   

The early diagenetic chemical dissolution of skeletal carbonates has previously been documented as taking place within bioturbated, shallow water, tropical carbonate sediments. The diagenetic reactions operating within carbonate sediments that fall under the influence of iron‐rich (terrigenous) sediment input are less clearly understood. Such inputs should modify carbonate diagenetic reactions both by minimizing bacterial sulphate reduction in favour of bacterial iron reduction, and by the reaction of any pore‐water sulphide with iron oxides, thereby minimizing sulphide oxidation and associated acidity. To test this hypothesis sediment cores were taken from sites within Discovery Bay (north Jamaica), which exhibit varying levels of Fe‐rich bauxite sediment contamination. At non‐impacted sites sediments are dominated by CaCO3 (up to 99% by weight). Pore waters from the upper few centimetres of cores show evidence for active sulphate reduction (reduced SO4/Cl? ratios) and minor CaCO3 dissolution (increased Ca2+/Cl? ratios). Petrographic observations of carbonate grains (specifically Halimeda and Amphiroa) show clear morphological evidence for dissolution throughout the sediment column. In contrast, at bauxite‐impacted sites, the sediment is composed of up to 15% non‐carbonate and contains up to 6000 μg g?1 Fe. Pore waters show no evidence for sulphate reduction, but marked levels of Fe(II), suggesting that bacterial Fe(III) reduction is active. Carbonate grains show little evidence for dissolution, often exhibiting pristine surface morphologies. Samples from the deeper sections of these cores, which pre‐date bauxite influence, commonly exhibit morphological evidence for dissolution implying that this was a significant process prior to bauxite input. Previous studies have suggested that dissolution, driven by sulphate reduction and sulphide oxidation, can account for the loss of as much as 50% of primary carbonate production in localized platform environments. The finding that chemical dissolution is minor in a terrigenous‐impacted carbonate environment, therefore, has significant implications for carbonate budgets and cycling, and the preservation of carbonate grains in such sediment systems.  相似文献   

华南中二叠统栖霞组沉积了一套特殊的碳酸盐岩地层, 该套地层富含有机质和硅质结核, 是中国南方四套区域性海相烃源岩之一.在野外露头上, 灰岩-泥灰岩韵律层因为其抗风化能力不同而受到广泛关注, 其在整个华南栖霞组分布广泛.其中, 灰岩层富含各种生物碎屑, 主要包括钙藻、有孔虫和腹足, 其次还有腕足, 棘皮类和介形虫, 偶尔见苔藓虫和三叶虫.灰岩层中较好的保存了易碎的钙质藻类, 说明灰岩的胶结作用发生在成岩早期, 没有明显压实作用的痕迹.泥灰岩以粒泥生物碎屑灰岩和黑色钙质泥岩为主, 主要的生物碎屑以腕足和介形虫为主.生物碎屑都非常破碎, 壳体大都平行层面, 颗粒之间发育大量压溶缝, 说明泥灰岩层经历过强烈的成岩压实作用.基于对灰岩-泥灰岩韵律层的生屑类型和成岩现象的分析, 提出差异成岩作用来解释该套地层的形成过程: 泥灰岩层中不稳定的文石在早期成岩过程中溶蚀, 然后迁移到灰岩层中形成方解石胶结灰岩层; 随后机械压实作用和化学压实作用主要发生在泥灰岩层中; 最终灰岩-泥灰岩层由于差异成岩作用导致其抗风化能力不同而形成不同的露头特征.其中文石溶蚀发生在海水埋藏环境, 有机质的分解为其提供了动力来源, 这与栖霞期较高的原始生产力相符合.   相似文献   

Unusual textural and chemical characteristics of disseminated dolomite in Upper Jurassic shelf sediments of the North Sea have provided the basis for a proposed new interpretation of early diagenetic dolomite authigenesis in highly bioturbated marine sandstones. The dolomite is present throughout the Franklin Sandstone Formation of the Franklin and Elgin Fields as discrete, non‐ferroan, generally unzoned, subhedral to highly anhedral ‘jigsaw piece’ crystals. These are of a similar size to the detrital silicate grains and typically account for ≈5% of the rock volume. The dolomite crystals are never seen to form polycrystalline aggregates or concretions, or ever to envelop the adjacent silicate grains. They are uniformly dispersed throughout the sandstones, irrespective of detrital grain size or clay content. Dolomite authigenesis predated all the other significant diagenetic events visible in thin section. The dolomite is overgrown by late diagenetic ankerite, and bulk samples display stable isotope compositions that lie on a mixing trend between these components. Extrapolation of this trend suggests that the dolomite has near‐marine δ18O values and low, positive δ13C values. The unusual textural and chemical characteristics of this dolomite can all be reconciled if it formed in the near‐surface zone of active bioturbation. Sea water provided a plentiful reservoir of Mg and a pore fluid of regionally consistent δ18O. Labile bioclastic debris (e.g. aragonite, Mg‐calcite) supplied isotopically positive carbon to the pore fluids during shallow‐burial dissolution. Such dissolution took place in response to the ambient ‘calcite sea’ conditions, but may have been catalysed by organic matter oxidation reactions. Bioturbation not only ensured that the dissolving carbonate was dispersed throughout the sandstones, but also prohibited coalescence of the dolomite crystals and consequent cementation of the grain framework. Continued exchange of Mg2+ and Ca2+ with the sea‐water reservoir maintained a sufficient Mg/Ca ratio for dolomite (rather than calcite) to form. Irregular crystal shapes resulted from dissolution, of both the dolomite and the enclosed fine calcitic shell debris, before ankerite precipitation during deep‐burial diagenesis.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions in the Lower Carboniferous Caton Shale Formation contain diagenetic pyrite, calcite and barite in the concretion matrix or in different generations of septarian fissures. Pyrite was formed by sulphate reduction throughout the sediment before concretionary growth, then continued to form mainly in the concretion centres. The septarian calcites show a continuous isotopic trend from δ13C=?28·7‰ PDB and δ18O=?1·6‰ PDB through to δ13C=?6·9‰ PDB and δ18O=?14·6‰ PDB. This trend arises from (1) a carbonate source initially from sulphate reduction, to which was added increasing contributions of methanogenic carbonate; and (2) burial/temperature effects or the addition of isotopically light oxygen from meteoric water. The concretionary matrix carbonates must have at least partially predated the earliest septarian cements, and thus used the same carbonate sources. Consequently, their isotopic composition (δ13C=?12·0 to ?10·1‰ PDB and δ18O=?5·7 to ?5·6‰ PDB) can only result from mixing a carbonate cement derived from sulphate reduction with cements containing increasing proportions of carbonate from methanogenesis and, directly or indirectly, also from skeletal carbonate. Concretionary growth was therefore pervasive, with cements being added progressively throughout the concretion body during growth. The concretions contain barite in the concretion matrix and in septarian fissures. Barite in the earlier matrix phase has an isotopic composition (δ34S=+24·8‰ CDT and δ18O=+16·4‰ SMOW), indicating formation from near‐surface, sulphate‐depleted porewaters. Barites in the later septarian phase have unusual isotopic compositions (δ34S=+6 to +11‰ CDT and δ18O=+8 to +11‰ SMOW), which require the late addition of isotopically light sulphate to the porewaters, either from anoxic sulphide oxidation (using ferric iron) or from sulphate dissolved in meteoric water. Carbon isotope and biomarker data indicate that oil trapped within septarian fissures was derived from the maturation of kerogen in the enclosing sediments.  相似文献   

Temperate shelf carbonate sediments in the Cenozoic of New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shelf limestones are widely distributed in New Zealand Cenozoic sequences and are especially well developed in the Oligocene. Detailed field and laboratory work on several Oligocene occurrences, and reconnaissance field-work at most other sections have elucidated the major characteristics of the environment, texture, composition and diagenesis of these sediments. Several generalizations emerge which contrast with the commonly accepted characteristics of shallow marine carbonate sedimentation established from studies of tropical and subtropical deposits. The limestones are either calcarenites or, less commonly, calcilutites and, in general, these two lithologies are mutually exclusive, both in time and space. The allochems and interparticle carbonate mud (where developed) in calcarenitic limestones consist almost exclusively of fragmented skeletal material derived primarily from bryozoan, echinodermal, benthic foraminiferal, barnacle, brachiopod, bivalve and coralline red algal tests. The calcilutitic limestones consist mainly of whole and disintegrated tests of pelagic foraminifers and coccolithophorids. Non-skeletal carbonate components such as ooids, pellets and aggregates are conspicuously absent from both lithologies. Reefal structures are also absent or rare and are mainly oyster reefs. The limestones commonly contain a significant content of terrigenous material and/or glauconite and at the stratigraphic level the limestones are intimately associated with terrigenous formations. The distribution of the carbonate sediments has been governed mainly by rate of supply of river-derived terrigenous material, by subsequent dispersal patterns of this material over the shelf, and by current sorting. As a consequence of selective grain transport, bedding in the limestones is often defined by the cyclic alternation on a wide range of scales of carbonate units that are relatively enriched and relatively impoverished in terrigenous material. The primary (carbonate) mineralogy of the carbonate sediments was completely dominated by magnesium calcite and/or calcite with only small amounts of aragonite and no dolomite or associated evaporite minerals. The metastable magnesium calcite and aragonite grains were probably altered on, or close below, the shallow sea-floor. Among other factors, transformation was encouraged by the absorption of magnesium in pore waters by montmorillonitic clays and by the complete oxidation of all organic matter in the bottom sediments. Magnesium calcite grains were stabilized by texturally non-destructive incongruent dissolution, but aragonite was often dissolved without trace from the sediment, especially in grainstones. Thus submarine diagenesis has been characterized by selective dissolution phenomena. Cementation by granular and syntaxial rim orthosparite of calcite and/or ferroan calcite composition occurred mainly during shallow subsurface burial and was associated with the intergranular solution of calcitic skeletal fragments, especially at those levels in the sediment relatively enriched in terrigenous material. This lithification process has worked to accentuate and modify original litho-logic differences and sedimentary structures in the primary sediments and has produced a kind of rhythmic vertical alternation of less well cemented, microstylolitized, impure limestone beds (‘cement-donor’ beds) and well cemented, more open textured, purer limestone beds (‘cement-receptor’ beds). The New Zealand limestones formed between latitudes 60° S and 35° S under generally cool temperate to warm temperate climate conditions. Oxygen isotopes suggest that surface waters were mainly significantly cooler than 20°C, so that shelf waters may have experienced extended periods of undersaturation with respect to calcium carbonate. Generally open circulation patterns maintained near normal salinity values over the entire shelf platform. Calculated sedimentation rates for the New Zealand carbonate sediments are generally very low (< 5 cm/1000 years). Periods of more active deposition commonly alternated with longer periods of non-deposition and by-passing or erosion. It is concluded that many characteristics of the New Zealand shelf limestone occurrences are explained best by a temperate latitude model of shallow marine carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中地区深埋碳酸盐岩储层显示出极强的非均质性。如灰岩地层孔隙度极低,而含酸性气藏的白云岩储层最大孔隙度高达27%。然而,造成这些现象的原因仍然不清楚。通过岩芯、薄片、扫描电镜观察,结合流体包裹体均一温度、盐度分析,方解石、白云石的碳氧同位素测定,试图解决这一问题。前人研究认为,塔中地区碳酸盐岩优质储层分布主要受控于原始沉积条件(如高能的礁滩相)和表生溶蚀,热液活动和断裂活动也起到重要作用。然而,多期流体活动和成岩作用导致大量同生期和表生期形成的溶蚀孔洞被破坏。在某些井区(如ZG9井和TZ75井),埋藏溶蚀作用可能对优质储层形成起到重要作用。在寒武系和奥陶系岩芯中发现了大量硬石膏、重晶石、黄铁矿、沥青、方解石等,方解石交代硫酸盐,方解石具有较高的均一温度及较低的碳同位素值说明其形成与热化学硫酸盐还原作用(TSR)有关。在发生TSR的白云岩井段,储层物性较好,说明TSR可能对深埋储层的改善具有促进作用。这些认识有助于指导深层寒武系碳酸盐岩储层的进一步勘探。  相似文献   

The stable isotope geochemistry of Miocene sediments from the leeward margin of the Great Bahama Bank was examined to investigate burial diagenetic processes in periplatform carbonates. Data indicate that, in addition to differences in bulk proportions of neritic and pelagic carbonate along the slope, rhythmic variation in primary carbonate content has controlled patterns of burial diagenesis and associated geochemical signatures throughout much of the succession examined. The present study focuses on Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1006 and 1007, the most distal of five sites drilled from marginal to deep basin environments during Leg 166. These Miocene sections are characterized by their cyclic appearance, manifest as decimetre‐ to metre‐scale alternations between light‐coloured ooze/chalk/limestone and dark‐coloured marl/marlstone. The section at Site 1006 contains a high proportion of pelagic carbonate and is unlithified to a subbottom depth of ~675 m. Fluctuations in δ18O and δ13C values at this site are independent of lithological variation and reflect primary conditions. At Site 1007, located at the toe‐of‐slope and composed of a mixture of bank‐derived and pelagic carbonate, limestones are densely cemented, show little evidence of compaction and have δ18O values up to 2‰ higher than coeval sediments at Site 1006. Marlstones at Site 1007 are poorly cemented, exhibit an increase in compaction‐related features with depth and have lower and more variable δ18O values that are similar to those of coeval sediments at Site 1006. Isotopic and petrographic characteristics of limestone interbeds result from cement precipitation from cold sea water during the first ~100 m of burial. Higher proportions of insoluble materials and pelagic carbonate seem to have inhibited diagenetic alteration in adjacent marlstones; in spite of significant compaction and pressure solution during burial, original isotopic compositions appear to be best preserved in these intervals at Site 1007. The documented contrasts in petrographic and isotopic patterns illustrate the role of primary sediment composition in controlling lithification processes in periplatform carbonates and stress the importance of considering such factors when interpreting geochemical data from ancient shelf and slope limestones.  相似文献   

铁元素对海相沉积物早期成岩作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁元素是地壳中丰度最高的元素之一,在海相沉积物成岩过程中起着非常重要的作用.铁元素作为海洋初级生产力的微营养元素,影响海相沉积物中有机质的输入,其在早期成岩阶段与硫化物和磷元素的耦合关系,可以促进或者降低有机质的保存;铁元素在海相沉积物早期成岩过程中可以改变孔隙水的化学性质,影响亚稳定碳酸盐矿物的保存,导致碳酸盐沉积物...  相似文献   

In the French Southern Alps, alternating pelagic limestones and marls of Hauterivian age contain a dense network of burrows. Differences between the original and preserved forms of the burrows provide evidence of sediment deformation. (a) Total compaction, from early dewatering of sediment to deep burial compression, caused flattening of burrows parallel to bedding. Its relation to carbonate is measured, and a tentative mathematical relation is proposed, (b) Synsedimentary slumping is shown by total disordering of the bioturbation network in the displaced layers. (c) A more characterized deformation is occasionally visible only on the upper part of some limestone beds. The sliding is indicated by the dip of burrows in the same direction as the flow. (d) Similar embryonic flows occur in the middle of rare limestone beds. It is thus suggested that this can account for some of the double beds that occur in pelagic alternations of calcareous and marly beds.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rate and changes in relative sea level affect early diagenetic cementation along key stratal surfaces within the deeply buried Upper Jurassic Fulmar Formation, South Central Graben, UKCS. As a result of the bioturbated nature of the shallow marine strata, variations in ichnofabrics and cross-cutting relationships between trace fossils are important in identifying and correlating stratal surfaces. Two transgressive and two regressive surfaces/sequence boundaries were studied, using petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical techniques. Cements, including early diagenetic pyrite framboids, grain-rimming apatite, microcrystalline dolomite and ankerite, occur at, above and immediately below both transgressive and forced regressive surfaces/sequence boundaries. Breaks or subdued rates of sedimentation associated with both types of surfaces meant that the sediment package resided within early diagenetic zones for prolonged periods of time, enhancing diagenetic reactions at and below the surfaces. The distribution of ankerite, despite being a deep-burial cement, was primarily controlled by concentrations of bioclasts that are particularly abundant at transgressive surfaces. The diagenetic character of the forced regressive surfaces/sequence boundaries is more complex than that of the transgressive surfaces, both in terms of mineralogy and paragenesis. This is attributed to the superimposition of diagenetic assemblages as a result of erosion, re-sedimentation and sediment by-passing. Although the diagenetic signature of the surfaces has been modified by dissolution/replacement reactions during deep burial, early diagenetic signatures can still be distinguished.  相似文献   

Late Palaeozoic‐age strata from the Capitan Reef in west Texas show facies‐dependent heterogeneity in the sulphur isotopic composition of carbonate‐associated sulphate, which is trace sulphate incorporated into carbonate minerals that is often used to reconstruct the sulphur isotopic composition of ancient seawater. However, diagenetic pore fluid processes may influence the sulphur isotopic composition of carbonate‐associated sulphate. These processes variously modify the sulphur isotopic composition of incorporated sulphate from syndepositional seawater in shelf crest, outer shelf, shelf margin and slope depositional settings. This study used a new multicollector inductively‐coupled plasma mass spectrometry technique to determine the sulphur isotopic composition of samples of individual depositional and diagenetic textures. Carbonate rocks representing peritidal facies in the Yates and Tansill formations preserve the sulphur isotopic composition of Guadalupian seawater sulphate despite alteration of the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions by meteoric and dolomitizing diagenetic processes. However, sulphur isotopic data indicate that limestones deposited in reef and slope facies in the Capitan and Bell Canyon formations largely incorporate sulphate from anoxic marine‐phreatic pore fluids isotopically modified from seawater by microbial sulphate reduction, despite generally preserving the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of Permian seawater. Some early and all late meteoric calcite cements have carbonate‐associated sulphate with a sulphur isotopic composition distinct from that of Permian seawater. Detailed petrographic and sedimentary context for carbonate‐associated sulphate analyses will allow for improved reconstructions of ancient seawater composition and diagenetic conditions in ancient carbonate platforms. The results of this study indicate that carbonate rocks that diagenetically stabilize in high‐energy environments without pore fluid sulphate gradients can provide a robust archive of ancient seawater's sulphur isotopic composition.  相似文献   

生物扰动在现代海洋沉积物地球化学循环中起着重要作用,它影响着底栖生物群落特性、有机物分解速率、海水化学性质、沉积物氧化还原性以及营养物循环.豫西登封地区寒武系第二统朱砂洞组碳酸盐岩发育了大量以Thalassinoides主导的扰动构造,对其进行碳和氮同位素测定,可以了解扰动生物对沉积物生物地球化学循环影响.测试结果表明,潜穴充填物和围岩中δ13Ccarb值区别显著,不同扰动程度也差异明显,而δ13Corg和δ15N值差异不大,反映出生物对沉积物的扰动改造可以改变沉积物的氧化还原性及孔渗性,这一变化可能与生物扰动引起沉积物孔隙水含氧量增高导致的自生碳酸盐岩比例降低和成岩期白云岩化的增强有关.Thalassinoides造迹生物对沉积物的扰动改造不仅改变了沉积物的原始物理化学信息,促进了海水与沉积物的生物地球化学循环,而且诱导了沉积底质革命,扮演了显生宙早期生态系统工程建造者的角色.   相似文献   

The diagenesis of carbonate platform sediments is controlled by the original facies and mineralogy, climate, sea-level changes and burial history; these controls are clearly seen in the diagenesis of the Urgonian platform carbonates of SE France. Early diagenesis in the Urgonian platform included the precipitation of marine cements, dissolution of rudist shells and minor karstification. Diagenetic features produced during this phase were controlled by several falls in relative sea-level during the Barremian to mid-Aptian punctuating platform sedimentation, the original mineralogy of the sediment and the prevailing semi-arid/arid climate in the region at this time. Following a relative sea-level rise and further sedimentation, progressive burial of the platform led to minor compaction, followed by precipitation of coarse, equant, zoned to non-luminescent, calcite cement. This cement was cut by later stylolites, suggesting a relatively shallow-burial origin. Stable isotope (mean values - 7.94%δ18O and 0.36%δ13C) and trace element (mean values of Fe 334 ppm, Mn 92 ppm and Sr 213 ppm) data suggest that these cements precipitated from meteoric fluids at temperatures slightly elevated relative to depositional temperatures. A variable thickness of replacive dolomite which occurs preferentially within the shelf-margin facies of the lower part of the Urgonian post-dates mechanical fracturing and chemical compaction, but pre-dates the main phase of stylolitization. It is probable that the dolomitizing fluid was sourced by the early compaction-driven release of connate fluids held within the underlying muddy units. The burial history of these rocks suggests that calcite cementation and dolomitization took place at relatively shallow burial depths (1–1.5 km). The overall diagenetic history of the Urgonian Limestone Formation is a reflection of the pre-conditioning of the platform limestones by climate, sea level, tectonics and the shallow burial depths experienced by the platform during the later Mesozoic.  相似文献   

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