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曾晓梅 《气象科技》2006,34(5):595-595
NCAR的Tom Wigley发表在2006年9月14日Science杂志上的文章指出,采用双管齐下方式———减少温室气体排放和向平流层注入降温剂(硫化物)来稳定气候效果更为明显。Wigley在模式中每4年1次以相当于1991年Pintabuto火上爆发喷放的量向平流层注入硫酸盐粒子或气溶胶,并计算其造成的  相似文献   

未来甲烷排放增加对平流层水汽和全球臭氧的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用一个耦合的大气化学-气候模式(WACCM3)研究了地表甲烷排放增加对平流层水汽和全球臭氧变化的影响.结果表明,如果地表甲烷的排放量在2000年的基础上增加50%(达到政府间气候变化专门委员会A1B排放情景中2050年的值),平流层水汽体积分数将平均增加约0.8×10-6.南半球平流层甲烷转化为水汽的效率比北半球高.在北半球平流层中,1mol甲烷分子可以转化为约1.63mol的水汽分子,而在南半球1mol甲烷分子大概可以转化为约1.82mol的水汽分子.甲烷排放增加50%将使全球中低纬度地区以及北半球高纬度地区的臭氧柱总量增加1%-3%,使南半球高纬度地区臭氧柱总量增加近8%,而秋季(南半球春季)南极地区臭氧柱总量增加幅度可高达20%,南极臭氧的这种显着增加主要是由于甲烷增加造成的化学反馈所致.在北半球中高纬度地区,甲烷增加引起的臭氧变化主要与甲烷氧化导致的水汽增加有关.研究还表明,未来甲烷排放增加对臭氧的恢复作用其实与溴化物排放的减少一样重要.  相似文献   

在以赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变为依据划分平流层QBO位相的基础上,讨论了赤道低平流层纬向风QBO与对流层环流及东亚季风的关系。结果表明:强冬季风和弱夏季风对应着赤道低平流层纬向风的东风切变位相,强夏季风和弱冬季风对应着赤道低平流层西风切变位相,赤道低平流层纬向风QBO对对流层环流有一定影响,冬春季节平流层与对流层的相互作用比夏秋季节明显。  相似文献   

1979年平流层大气环流季节变化的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
田荣湘  高由禧 《高原气象》1992,11(2):170-177

在以赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变为依据划分平流层QBO位相的基础上,讨论了赤道低平流层纬向风QBO与对流层环流及东亚季风的关系.结果表明强冬季风和弱夏季风对应着赤道低平流层纬向风的东风切变位相,强夏季风和弱冬季风对应着赤道低平流层西风切变位相,赤道低平流层纬向风QBO对对流层环流有一定影响,冬春季节平流层与对流层的相互作用比夏秋季节明显.  相似文献   

田文寿  黄金龙  郄锴  王涛  徐勉 《气象科学》2020,40(5):628-638
随着大气探测技术以及计算机性能的不断提高,近年来平流层探测数据日渐丰富,中层大气模式也得到了快速发展,平流层中一些重要的物理、化学以及动力过程得以深入研究,对平流层大气环流的认识也进一步加深。本文分析了平流层准2 a振荡(Quasi-Biennial Oscillation,QBO)、平流层残余(Brewer-Dobson,BD)环流和平流层极地环流等主要的平流层大气环流系统和信号的气候态特征、形成机制、年际变率以及长期趋势等,阐述了它们的主要影响因子和过程,讨论并展望了与平流层环流有关的一些主要科学问题。  相似文献   

利用1948—2009年NCEP/NCAR逐日高度场和风场再分析资料探讨了平流层各主要层次上环流转型的年际、年代际时空演变特征。结果表明:北半球平流层冬季环流转为夏季环流的过程是高层环流转型早,低层环流转型晚,但在各层次上环流转型早晚存在着区域性差异。自新地岛到西伯利亚北部地区的环流转型最早,且该区域与北半球环流平均转型时间的年际以及年代际特征最相近。北半球平流层环流转型的气候平均时间早于东亚热带季风爆发时间,从而可能成为季风预测的前兆信号。分析还得到平流层各主要层次环流转型时间具有明显的年代际特征,环流转型时间呈现由偏晚到偏早、又从偏早到偏晚的变化特征,只是年代际转折年份在不同区域、不同层次存在差异。此外,平流层环流转型时间普遍存在准2年、准3~6年、准9~12年以及准21~24年的周期,可能与气候系统其他成员有密切联系。  相似文献   

李丁民 《大气情报》1995,15(1):9-14,16
李丁民博士现正在英国里丁大学大气科学系英国大学全球大气模拟计划中工作,主要从事平流层及O3研究,本文是他1994年7月回国时在兰州高原大气物理研究所三次学术报告的一部分,由陈伯民整理。  相似文献   

运用欧洲中心ECMWF/ERA-40的资料,分析剩余环流速度v·和W·的变化,从而获得行星波的调整对气候的长期变化的影响。结果表明:赤道气流在低纬度赤道地区由对流层顶上升至平流层中层乃至顶部,而后在中纬度地区下沉,中心位置随季节变化在赤道附近南北移动;剩余环流呈现出准两年的周期变化,剩余速度v·和W·与行星波的振幅三者表现出较好的相关性。另外,行星波波数从1波调整为2波后,平流层低层50hPa以下剩余环流增强,30hPa之上减弱;行星波波数从2波调整为1波后,平流层中层30hPa以下剩余环流减弱,20hPa以上为增强。  相似文献   

使用1979~2005年NCEP/NCAR 再分析数据,分析了北半球平流层中低层(300 hPa至10 hPa)纬向风的季节转换规律,并采用二维空间场相似性方法确定了平流层的季节过渡日期。分析表明,平流层大气环流基本为冬夏二元状态,冬夏转换具有突变性;其季节过渡在纬向是接近同步进行的,而在经向则有时间差异,无论是冬夏转换还是夏冬转换高纬都要早于低纬。在平流层中部(10~70 hPa)季节过渡是自上而向下进行的;而在平流层下部(100~200 hPa)季节过渡的上下传递关系则比较复杂,在不同的纬度带有不同的表现。在北半球热带外地区,平流层中部东风期的起止日期与相似性方法计算得到的平流层季节过渡日期之间具有较好的对应关系,在东风期之前和之后往往各存在持续10天左右的零风—弱风期。  相似文献   

根据2001~2003年期间获得的大气臭氧探空资料,揭示了北京地区上空对流层顶高度的某些变化特征及其对上对流层(UT)和下平流层(LS)区域内大气臭氧含量变化的影响.结果显示:北京地区上空对流层顶高度的平均值约11.1 km,其变化范围为7.7~14.4 km,臭氧层顶始终处在对流层顶下方约0.9 km高度处.对流层顶高度变化与臭氧总量变化之间的关系相对较弱.通常情况下,LS中的臭氧积分量明显高于UT中的相应值,并且二者呈相反的季节变化特征.北京地区上空仲夏和初秋季节第一对流层顶出现的频数明显减少,在第一对流层顶消失的情况下,LS中的臭氧积分量明显减少,而UT中的臭氧积分量明显增加,臭氧量减少最多发生在200~100 hPa层次中,而臭氧量增幅最大的层次是400~250 hPa.  相似文献   

The authors examine the distribution and varia- tion of carbon monoxide (CO) in the tropics from the sur- face to the lower stratosphere. By analyzing space-borne microwave limb sounder (MLS) measurements, measure- ments of pollution in the troposphere (MOPITT) and mod- em-era retrospective analysis for research and applications (MERRA) meteorological products, and atmospheric chemistry and climate model intercomparison project (ACCMIP) surface emission inventories, the influences of atmospheric dynamics and surface emissions are investi- gated. The results show that there are four centers of highly concentrated CO mixing ratio over tropical areas in differ- ent seasons: two in the Northern Hemisphere and another two in the Southern Hemisphere. All of these centers cor- respond to local deep convective systems and mon- soons/anticyclones. The authors suggest that both deep convections and anticyclones affect CO in the tropical tro- posphere and lower stratosphere--the former helping to transport CO from the lower to the middle troposphere (or even higher), and the dynamical uplift and isolation effects of the latter helping to build up highly concentrated CO in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Similarly, there are two annual surface emission peaks in- duced by biomass burning emissions: one from the North- ern Hemisphere and the other from the Southern Hemi- sphere. Both contribute to the highly concentrated CO mixing ratio and control the seasonal variabilities of CO in the UTLS, combining the effects of deep convections and monsoons. Results also show a relatively steady emission rate from anthropogenic sources, with a small increase mainly coming from Southeast Asia and lndia. These emis- sions can be transported to the UTLS over Tibet by the joint effort of surface horizontal winds, deep convections, and the Asian summer monsoon system.  相似文献   

青藏高原红原站平流层下部重力波观测特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张灵杰  林永辉 《气象科技》2011,39(6):768-771
利用位处青藏高原的红原探空站2008年5月垂直高分辨率的无线电探空资料分析了其上空下平流层(19~26 km)重力波的波动特性.结果表明:重力波的垂直波长主要集中在2~4 km之间,平均值约为2.9 km;水平波长主要集中在100~600 km之间,平均值约为311 km;固有频率主要集中在1.5f~3.5f(f为科氏...  相似文献   

赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变与ENSO变率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR 40a再分析资料研究了赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变与ENSO变率间的关系。结果得出,赤道低平流层纬向风的垂直切变呈现明显的准两年振荡,SOI和Nino3区SSTA的准两年周期成分与赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变分别呈现反位相和同位相关系。赤道低平流层西(东)风切变位相时,OLR、1000hPa高度,2000hPa高度和温度、850hPa温度等要素的距平分布与其在El Nino(La Nina)时段的分布相似。  相似文献   

This study produced a novel characterization of the troposphere-to-stratosphere transport(TST) over the Asian monsoon region during boreal summer,using a comprehensive analysis of 60-day backward trajectories initialized in the stratosphere.The trajectory datasets were derived from the high-resolution Lagrangian particle dispersion model(FLEXPART) simulation driven by the wind fields acquired from the National Center for Environmental Prediction(NCEP).The results indicate that the distribution of residence time(tTST) of tropopause-crossing trajectories in the lowermost stratosphere represents a horizontal signature of the Asian summer monsoon.Vertically,the distribution of tTST can be roughly separated into two layers:a consistent lower layer with tTST <5 days forming a narrow band,corresponding to a layer~3 km thick following the location of the tropopause,and an upper layer at a larger distance from the local tropopause.The maximum residence time was~20 days,especially within the Asian high anticyclone consistent with its confinement effects.In general,the overall geographical distribution of dehydration points was not coincident with the location of tropopause crossing.TST trajectories,which were initialized in the stratosphere,underwent their Lagrangian cold points mostly in the tropics and subtropics 1-4 days after the TST event;they were characterized by a wide range of temperature differences,with a mean value of 3-12 K.The vertical extent of the influence of tropospheric intrusion on the Asian monsoon region in the stratosphere exhibited a peak at~16.5-18.5 km,and the uppermost height was~21 km.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that iodine oxides, IOx, could play a significant role in the ozone destruction in the lower stratosphere. To investigate this suggestion, spectra from nine SAOZ uv-visible spectrometer balloon flights were examined for the IO absorption signature between 405 and 450 nm. IO was not detected, either at mid- or high latitude, in the morning or the evening, in summer or winter. An upper limit of 0.2 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) at 20 km and 0.1 pptv at 15 km at the 95% confidence level (2), was derived from the best measurements at 90° SZA at sunset and sunrise. Since a photochemical model shows that 70% of inorganic iodine should be in the form IO at that time, it is concluded that unless iodine chemistry is different from that assumed at the moment, the role of iodine in stratospheric ozone depletion is small.  相似文献   

A photochemical box model including a detailed heterogeneous chemistrymodule has been used to analyze in detail the effects of temperature andaerosol surface area on odd oxygen production/depletion in the lowerstratosphere at 30° S. Results show that for background aerosolloading, the hydrolysis of BrONO2 and N2O5are most important atall temperatures studied except when the temperature falls below about205 K, when ClONO2 hydrolysis becomes most important. Thisprocessing leads to removal of active nitrogen to form nitric acid andenhancement of HOx, BrOx, ClOx levels. Detailed O3 budgets asa function of temperature are presented showing how ozone loss andproduction terms vary with changes in stratospheric sulfate aerosol loadingfor the individual families. For (most) aerosol loading levels, thelargest ozone losses occurred at warmer temperatures due to the strongtemperature dependence of the NOx ozone-destroying reactions. Theexception to this occurred for the conditions representative of volcanicloading, which showed a strong increase in ozone destruction due toincreases in destruction from the ClOx and HOx families.The ozoneproduction term k[NO][HO2] did not show a strong dependence oneithertemperature or aerosol loading, due to the offsetting effect of reducedNOxand increased HOx concentrations.  相似文献   

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