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In this article, the results of a study aimed to assess the landslide susceptibility in the Calaggio Torrent basin (Campanian Apennines, southern Italy) are presented. The landslide susceptibility has been assessed using two bivariate-statistics-based methods in a GIS environment. In the first method, widely used in the existing literature, weighting values (Wi) have been calculated for each class of the selected causal factors (lithology, land-use, slope angle and aspect) taking into account the landslide density (detachment zones + landslide body) within each class. In the second method, which is a modification of the first method, only the landslide detachment zone (LDZ) density has been taken into account to calculate the weighting values. This latter method is probably characterized by a major geomorphological coherence. In fact, differently from the landslide bodies, LDZ must necessarily occur in geoenvironmental classes prone to failure. Thus, the calculated Wi seem to be more reliable in estimating the propensity of a given class to generate failure. The thematic maps have been reclassified on the basis of the calculated Wi and then overlaid, with the purpose to produce landslide susceptibility maps. The used methods converge both in indicating that most part of the study area is characterized by a high–very high landslide susceptibility and in the location and extent of the low-susceptible areas. However, an increase of both the high–very high and moderate–high susceptible areas occurs in using the second method. Both the produced susceptibility maps have been compared with the geomorphological map, highlighting an excellent coherence which is higher using method-2. In both methods, the percentage of each susceptibility class affected by landslides increases with the degree of susceptibility, as expected. However, the percentage at issue in the lowest susceptibility class obtained using method-2, even if low, is higher than that obtained using method-1. This suggests that method-2, notwithstanding its major geomorphological coherence, probably still needs further refinements.  相似文献   

Landslide susceptibility zonation (LSZ) is necessary for disaster management and planning development activities in mountainous regions. A number of methods, viz. landslide distribution, qualitative, statistical and distribution-free analyses have been used for the LSZ studies and they are again briefly reviewed here. In this work, two methods, the Information Value (InfoVal) and the Landslide Nominal Susceptibility Factor (LNSF) methods that are based on bivariate statistical analysis have been applied for LSZ mapping in a part of the Himalayas. Relevant thematic maps representing various factors (e.g., slope, aspect, relative relief, lithology, buffer zones along thrusts, faults and lineaments, drainage density and landcover) that are related to landslide activity, have been generated using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The LSZ derived from the LNSF method, has been compared with that produced from the InfoVal method and the result shows a more realistic LSZ map from the LNSF method which appears to conform to the heterogeneity of the terrain.  相似文献   

For those working in the field of landslide prevention, the estimation of hazard levels and the consequent production of thematic maps are principal objectives. They are achieved through careful analytical studies of the characteristics of landslide prone areas, thus, providing useful information regarding possible future phenomena. Such maps represent a fundamental step in the drawing up of adequate measures of landslide hazard mitigation. However, for a complete estimation of landslide hazard, meant as the degree of probability that a landslide occurs in a given area, within a given space of time, detailed and uniformly distributed data regarding their incidence and causes are required. This information, while obtainable through laborious historical research, is usually partial, incomplete and uneven, and hence, unsatisfactory for zoning on a regional scale. In order to carry this out effectively, the utilization of spatial estimation of the relative levels of landslide hazard in the various areas was considered opportune. These areas were classified according to their levels of proneness to landslide activity without taking recurrence periods into account. Various techniques were developed in order to obtain upheaval numerical estimates. The method used in this study, which was applied in the area of Potenza, is based on techniques derived from artificial intelligence (Artificial Neural Network—ANN). This method requires the definition of appropriate thematic layers, which parameterize the area under study. These are recognized by means of specific analyses in a functional relationship to the event itself. The parameters adopted are: slope gradient, slope aspect, topographical index, topographical shape, elevation, land use and lithology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate and to compare the results of multivariate (logical regression) and bivariate (landslide susceptibility) methods in Geographical Information System (GIS) based landslide susceptibility assessment procedures. In order to achieve this goal the Asarsuyu catchment in NW Turkey was selected as a test zone because of its well-known landslide occurrences interfering with the E-5 highway mountain pass.Two methods were applied to the test zone and two separate susceptibility maps were produced. Following this a two-fold comparison scheme was implemented. Both methods were compared by the Seed Cell Area Indexes (SCAI) and by the spatial locations of the resultant susceptibility pixels.It was found that both of the methods converge in 80% of the area; however, the weighting algorithm in the bivariate technique (landslide susceptibility method) had some severe deficiencies, as the resultant hazard classes in overweighed areas did not converge with the factual landslide inventory map. The result of the multivariate technique (logical regression) was more sensitive to the different local features of the test zone and it resulted in more accurate and homogeneous susceptibility maps.  相似文献   

On 27 December 2011, a rock avalanche in the upper Val Bondasca in the southern Swiss Alps deposited 1.5–1.7 million m3 of rock debris. The following summer, debris flow activity in Val Bondasca was unusually high with four events after a 90‐year period of debris flow inactivity. This was an exceptional situation for the valley. Analysing the 2012 events, the long‐term record of meteorological conditions such as rainfall intensity and duration, in comparison with debris flow activity, suggests that the meteorological conditions in summer 2012 would not have triggered the high intensity debris flow events without additional sediment input. Consequently, the suddenly increased debris availability can be considered a major factor in these events. Interestingly, rainfall events of similar magnitude in the subsequent years 2013–2015 did not trigger additional debris flow events, indicating that debris flow initiation thresholds are increasing again, back towards pre‐rock avalanche levels. This study aims to help in understanding the so far poorly understood temporal evolution of debris flow triggering thresholds and the effect of sudden changes in sediment availability.  相似文献   

H. Yoshimatsu  S. Abe 《Landslides》2006,3(2):149-158
In spite of its small size, Japan suffers many landslide disasters due to intense rainfall and earthquakes. This article describes the distribution and topography of these landslides, and a new method of evaluating the susceptibility, the analytical hierarchic process (AHP). The method assigns scores to each factor of micro-topography of landslide-prone areas identified in aerial photographs, and assesses the susceptibility of landslide from the total score. In addition, a method of simulating sliding mass runout is briefly presented for the designating sediment-related disaster warning areas.  相似文献   

In the last decades, landslide hazard assessment has attracted many researchers' attention. A number of parameters are suggested to be responsible to quantitatively explain the mechanism of landslides; many of these parameters are very important and factual. However, some data types and models are site-specific and could not be applied to different locations. Furthermore, the data stored in continuous parameter maps are divided into a number of classes arbitrarily, depending on the vision of the expert. Basically, this division controls the result of bivariate analysis. Besides, the responsible portion of the parameter map controlling the mechanism is also weighted arbitrarily. Based on these two facts, the class boundaries put a prejudice on the produced susceptibility/hazard maps, which result in dependence on the knowledge of the user rather than being dependent on the data and the fact itself. The aim of this study is to refine the previously defined methods in a more data-dependent trend. To achieve this goal, two new concepts: seed cells and percentile maps are introduced. Seed cells are the zones that are considered to represent the best undisturbed morphological decision rules (conditions before landslide occurs) and would be achieved by adding a buffer zone to the crown and flank areas of the landslide. To quantitatively classify the input parameter maps, the data distributions of seed cells in the parameter maps are divided into a number of classes on the basis of their distribution's percentile break-points upon which the parameter maps are directly dependent on the seed cell distributions, hence to the data itself.  相似文献   

In some studies on landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM), landslide boundary and spatial shape characteristics have been expressed in the form of points or circles in the landslide inventory instead of the accurate polygon form. Different expressions of landslide boundaries and spatial shapes may lead to substantial differences in the distribution of predicted landslide susceptibility indexes (LSIs); moreover, the presence of irregular landslide boundaries and spatial shapes introduces uncertainties into the LSM. To address this issue by accurately drawing polygonal boundaries based on LSM, the uncertainty patterns of LSM modelling under two different landslide boundaries and spatial shapes, such as landslide points and circles, are compared. Within the research area of Ruijin City in China, a total of 370 landslides with accurate boundary information are obtained, and 10 environmental factors, such as slope and lithology, are selected. Then, correlation analyses between the landslide boundary shapes and selected environmental factors are performed via the frequency ratio (FR) method. Next, a support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF) based on landslide points, circles and accurate landslide polygons are constructed as point-, circle- and polygon-based SVM and RF models, respectively, to address LSM. Finally, the prediction capabilities of the above models are compared by computing their statistical accuracy using receiver operating characteristic analysis, and the uncertainties of the predicted LSIs under the above models are discussed. The results show that using polygonal surfaces with a higher reliability and accuracy to express the landslide boundary and spatial shape can provide a markedly improved LSM accuracy, compared to those based on the points and circles. Moreover, a higher degree of uncertainty of LSM modelling is present in the expression of points because there are too few grid units acting as model input variables. Additionally, the expression of the landslide boundary as circles introduces errors in measurement and is not as accurate as the polygonal boundary in most LSM modelling cases. In addition, the results under different conditions show that the polygon-based models have a higher LSM accuracy, with lower mean values and larger standard deviations compared with the point- and circle-based models. Finally, the overall LSM accuracy of the RF is superior to that of the SVM, and similar patterns of landslide boundary and spatial shape affecting the LSM modelling are reflected in the SVM and RF models.  相似文献   

A procedure for landslide risk assessment is presented. The underlying hypothesis is that statistical relationships between past landslide occurrences and conditioning variables can be used to develop landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk models. The latter require also data on past damages. Landslides occurred during the last 50 years and subsequent damages were analysed. Landslide susceptibility models were obtained by means of Spatial Data Analysis techniques and independently validated. Scenarios defined on the basis of past landslide frequency and magnitude were used to transform susceptibility into quantitative hazard models. To assess vulnerability, a detailed inventory of exposed elements (infrastructures, buildings, land resources) was carried out. Vulnerability values (0–1) were obtained by comparing damages experienced in the past by each type of element with its actual value. Quantitative risk models, with a monetary meaning, were obtained for each element by integrating landslide hazard and vulnerability models. Landslide risk models showing the expected losses for the next 50 years were thus obtained for the different scenarios. Risk values obtained are not precise predictions of future losses but rather a means to identify areas where damages are likely to be greater and require priority for mitigation actions.  相似文献   

The article deals with a tool for landslides susceptibility assessment as a function of the hydrogeological setting at different scales. The study has been applied to a test area located in Southern Italy. First, a 3D groundwater flow model was implemented for a large-scale area. The simulation of several groundwater conditions compared with the landslide activity map allows drawing a hydrogeological susceptibility map. Then, a slope scale analysis was carried out for the Cavallerizzo landslide. For this purpose, a 2D groundwater parametrical modeling was coupled with a slope stability analysis; the simulation was carried out by changing the values of the main hydrogeological parameters (recharge, groundwater supply level, etc.). The results enabled to connect the slope instability to some hydrogeological characteristics that are easy to survey and to monitor (e.g., rainfall, piezometrical level, and spring discharge), pointing out the hazard thresholds with regards to different triggering phenomena.  相似文献   

As a result of industrialization, throughout the world, cities have been growing rapidly for the last century. One typical example of these growing cities is Istanbul, the population of which is over 10 million. Due to rapid urbanization, new areas suitable for settlement and engineering structures are necessary. The Cekmece area located west of the Istanbul metropolitan area is studied, because the landslide activity is extensive in this area. The purpose of this study is to develop a model that can be used to characterize landslide susceptibility in map form using logistic regression analysis of an extensive landslide database. A database of landslide activity was constructed using both aerial-photography and field studies. About 19.2% of the selected study area is covered by deep-seated landslides. The landslides that occur in the area are primarily located in sandstones with interbedded permeable and impermeable layers such as claystone, siltstone and mudstone. About 31.95% of the total landslide area is located at this unit. To apply logistic regression analyses, a data matrix including 37 variables was constructed. The variables used in the forwards stepwise analyses are different measures of slope, aspect, elevation, stream power index (SPI), plan curvature, profile curvature, geology, geomorphology and relative permeability of lithological units. A total of 25 variables were identified as exerting strong influence on landslide occurrence, and included by the logistic regression equation. Wald statistics values indicate that lithology, SPI and slope are more important than the other parameters in the equation. Beta coefficients of the 25 variables included the logistic regression equation provide a model for landslide susceptibility in the Cekmece area. This model is used to generate a landslide susceptibility map that correctly classified 83.8% of the landslide-prone areas.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing data has significant potential use in analysis of natural hazards such as landslides. Relying on the recent advances in satellite remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper aims to map landslide susceptibility over most of the globe using a GIS-based weighted linear combination method. First, six relevant landslide-controlling factors are derived from geospatial remote sensing data and coded into a GIS system. Next, continuous susceptibility values from low to high are assigned to each of the six factors. Second, a continuous scale of a global landslide susceptibility index is derived using GIS weighted linear combination based on each factor’s relative significance to the process of landslide occurrence (e.g., slope is the most important factor, soil types and soil texture are also primary-level parameters, while elevation, land cover types, and drainage density are secondary in importance). Finally, the continuous index map is further classified into six susceptibility categories. Results show the hot spots of landslide-prone regions include the Pacific Rim, the Himalayas and South Asia, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Alps, and parts of the Middle East and Africa. India, China, Nepal, Japan, the USA, and Peru are shown to have landslide-prone areas. This first-cut global landslide susceptibility map forms a starting point to provide a global view of landslide risks and may be used in conjunction with satellite-based precipitation information to potentially detect areas with significant landslide potential due to heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is the development, application, and assessment of probability and artificial neural network methods for assessing landslide susceptibility in a chosen study area. As the basic analysis tool, a Geographic Information System (GIS) was used for spatial data management and manipulation. Landslide locations and landslide-related factors such as slope, curvature, soil texture, soil drainage, effective thickness, wood type, and wood diameter were used for analyzing landslide susceptibility. A probability method was used for calculating the rating of the relative importance of each factor class to landslide occurrence. For calculating the weight of the relative importance of each factor to landslide occurrence, an artificial neural network method was developed. Using these methods, the landslide susceptibility index (LSI) was calculated using the rating and weight, and a landslide susceptibility map was produced using the index. The results of the landslide susceptibility analysis, with and without weights, were confirmed from comparison with the landslide location data. The comparison result with weighting was better than the results without weighting. The calculated weight and rating can be used to landslide susceptibility mapping.  相似文献   

In October 1998, Hurricane Mitch triggered a large number of landslides (mainly debris flows) in Honduras and Nicaragua, resulting in a high death toll and in considerable damage to property. In recent years, a number of risk assessment methodologies have been devised to mitigate natural disasters. However, due to scarcity of funds and lack of specialised personnel few of these methodologies are accessible to developing countries. To explore the potential application of relatively simple and affordable landslide susceptibility methodologies in such countries, we focused on a region in NW Nicaragua which was among the most severely hit during the Mitch event. Our study included (1) detailed field work to produce a high-resolution inventory landslide map at 1 : 10,000 scale, and (2) a selection of the relevant instability factors from a Terrain Units Map which had previously been generated in a project for rural development. Based on the combination of these two datasets and using GIS tools we developed a comparative analysis of failure-zones and terrain factors in an attempt to classify the land into zones according to the propensity to landslides triggered by heavy rainfalls. The resulting susceptibility map was validated by using a training and a test zone, providing results comparable to those reached in studies based in more sophisticated methodologies. Thus, we provide an example of a methodology which is simple enough to be fully comprehended by non-specialised technicians and which could be of help in landslide risk mitigation through implementation of non-structural measures, such as land planning or emergency measures.  相似文献   

On December 3, 2013, a large complex landslide was triggered SW of the town of Montescaglioso (Southern Italy), causing the destruction of roads, commercial buildings and private dwellings, as well as several direct and indirect economic losses. A set of interferometric ground measurements acquired by the Cosmo-SkyMed satellite constellation and processed by means of the SqueeSAR algorithm was used to study the pre-event slope displacements in the entire Montescaglioso municipal area. Data span from January 30, 2012, to December 2, 2013, and show average line-of-sight velocities of 1–10 mm/year in the slope sector ultimately affected by the collapse. In retrospect, a time series analysis of the radar targets was performed in order to identify and characterize all the slope instabilities in proximity of the town. This was based on the setup of characteristic thresholds of displacement. The procedure permitted to locate several areas which recurrently exceeded these previously established thresholds, in consistency with the amount of precipitation. In particular, the major source of potential hazard in the area was indeed found where the December 3, 2013, landslide eventually occurred. The results of this quick data processing technique were validated through comparison with two independently developed landslide maps. This simple method, which is not supposed to diminish the importance of geomorphologic field surveys, could improve both the accuracy and the update rate of landslide susceptibility maps. Not relying on arbitrary or empirically derived approaches, it has the advantage of computing statistically based thresholds specific for each time series. By indicating the slope sectors in higher need of deeper in situ investigation, more support could be provided to administrative bodies for the processes of risk assessment and management.  相似文献   

A new method based on the chaos theory is used to assess the evolution process of a slope system. The method is applied to the Xintan landslide and the results show: (1) the slope movement is a complex process of the slope going in and out of the stable and chaotic state; (2) the method reveals the evolution process of the slope pointing to the slope failure while the observed movement shows a simple monotonic increase with time; (3) the method is not sufficiently mature to precisely predict the time of failure but it has potential for improvement with further research and more field data for analysis.  相似文献   

Ardesen is a settlement area which has been significantly damaged by frequent landslides which are caused by severe rainfalls and result in many casualties. In this study a landslide susceptibility map of Ardesen was prepared using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the help of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Digital Photogrametry Techniques (DPT). A landslide inventory, lithology–weathering, slope, aspect, land cover, shear strength, distance to the river, stream density and distance to the road thematics data layers were used to create the map. These layer maps are produced using field, laboratory and office studies, and by the use of GIS and DPT. The landslide inventory map is also required to determine the relationship between these maps and landslides using DPT. In the study field in the Hemsindere Formation there are units that have different weathering classes, and this significantly affects the shear strength of the soil. In this study, shear strength values are calculated in great detail with field and laboratory studies and an additional layer is evaluated with the help of the stability studies used to produce the landslide susceptibility map. Finally, an overlay analysis is carried out by evaluating the layers obtained according to their weight, and the landslide susceptibility map is produced. The study area was classified into five classes of relative landslide susceptibility, namely, very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. Based on this analysis, the area and percentage distribution of landslide susceptibility degrees were calculated and it was found that 28% of the region is under the threat of landslides. Furthermore, the landslide susceptibility map and the landslide inventory map were compared to determine whether the models produced are compatible with the real situation resulting in compatibility rate of 84%. The total numbers of dwellings in the study area were determined one by one using aerial photos and it was found that 30% of the houses, with a total occupancy of approximately 2,300 people, have a high or very high risk of being affected by landslides.  相似文献   

杨卓群  于军 《江苏地质》2022,46(2):207-213
收集江苏高分辨率InSAR地面沉降监测结果及兴化、淮安同期水准测量资料和基岩标同期监测资料,利用79个水准点测量数据、7个基岩标(分别选取不同时段)测量数据共98个数据样本,将InSAR技术与水准测量及基岩标测量技术的监测结果进行对比发现,监测结果一致性率为86.73%,平均差值为2.08 mm,标准差为2.50 mm,最大差值为18.64 mm,表明InSAR可进行半定量形变监测,但在高层建筑、排水管线、大坝、桥梁等需高精度形变监测的工程方面仍不能替代水准测量。  相似文献   

Shiuan Wan   《Engineering Geology》2009,108(3-4):237-251
Spatial decision support system (SDSS) is an interactive, computer-based system designed to support a user in achieving a higher effectiveness of decision-making while solving a semi-structured spatial data. Satellite Remote Sensing and Digital Elevation Modeling are providing a systematic, rational framework for advancing scientific knowledge of our SDSS of geophysical phenomena that, often lead to observe the natural hazards or resources. Taking the advantage of these, more specifically, our study focused on using these to collect and measure the landslide data on a vast area located at Shei Pa National Park, Miao Li, Taiwan. Our source data includes (1) Digital Elevation Modeling is also used to investigate the landform, and (2) remote sensing image data are also employed to analyze the vegetation conditions. In addition, the process of generating landslide susceptibility maps involved on how to effectively extract the site-condition dominant attributes and thresholds for displaying the landslide occurrence accurately. Thus, the information from landslide must be categorized and thoroughly evaluated by an Advanced Data Mining Technique — Entropy-based classification method to construct the landslide knowledge rules. The knowledge scope with regards to core factors and thresholds are solved. Then, the susceptibility hazard maps are drawn and verifications are made. On the other hand, the conventional statistical method of Logistic Regression is used for comparison.  相似文献   

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