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深海热液区的极端环境促使热液区生物形成了独特的生存机制,即与微生物的共附生关系。本文利用高通量测序技术分析了与西南印度洋龙旂热液区神盾螺(Gigantopelta aegis)共附生微生物的种类及功能。基于16S rRNA基因 V3-V4区扩增子测序结果发现:①神盾螺共附生菌中99.99%都属于细菌域,丰度最高的是变形菌门γ-,ε-,和α-变形菌纲;②神盾螺个体Ga1和Ga3的共附生菌群落中以γ-变形菌为主,个体Ga2 中以ε-变形菌为主,表明在同一热液区生活的不同个体间其共附生菌种类也存在较大差异;③宏转录组测序结果与扩增子测序结果基本一致,即神盾螺共附生细菌中变形菌门相对丰度最高,同时发现了高丰度的硫代谢、氢代谢、甲烷代谢以及环境胁迫应答基因。神盾螺共附生微生物的研究将有助于探究深海热液喷口生物的生存和适应策略,为进一步研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

本研究利用从南海采集的4种珊瑚分离附生真菌,并通过菌株的分类鉴定及系统发育分析获得珊瑚附生可培养真菌的多样性信息.选用酵母麦芽糖琼脂培养基(YM)、马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(PDA)、马丁氏培养基(Martin)、察氏琼脂培养基(CDA)和孟加拉红培养基(RBM)等5种培养基,采用平板涂布法培养分离附生真菌,基于ITS-rRNA基因序列对真菌菌株进行鉴定和系统发育分析.从4种珊瑚上共分离获得10个属的120株真菌,分别是:青霉属(Penicillum)56株、曲霉属(Aspergillus)25株、枝顶孢属(Acremonium)2株、枝孢属(Cladosporium)5株、毕赤酵母属(Meyerozyma)14株、隔孢伏革属(Peniophora)2株、拟茎点霉属(Phomopsis)1株、裂褶菌属(Schizophyllum)1株、梗孢酵母属(Sterigmatomyces)13株、篮状菌属(Talaromyces)1株.通过对不同珊瑚品种分离获得的附生真菌的比较,发现小叶鹿角珊瑚(Acropora microphthalma)和花鹿角珊瑚(Acropora floride)上分离到的菌株多样性最高,包含6属10种.进一步的分析发现不同珊瑚样品上真菌种类分布有较大差异,隔孢伏革属和裂褶菌属真菌均分离自小叶鹿角珊瑚,梗孢酵母属和篮状菌属均分离自角孔珊瑚(Goniopora sp.),扁脑珊瑚(Platygyra sp.)上则分离到拟茎点霉属.同时还发现不同培养基分离真菌的能力不同,YM培养基分离的菌株最多,CDA培养基分离真菌的多样性最多.以上的研究结果表明,南海珊瑚上存在大量且丰富的真菌资源,可以为后续生物活性物质的开发利用提供良好的菌种资源.  相似文献   

印度洋深海热液区可培养细菌的分子鉴定与系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用MMJHS寡营养培养基从印度洋深海热液区沉积物和热液硫化物中分离获得16株细菌,通过16S rDNA序列比对和生理生化分析,对它们进行了鉴定并构建了系统发育树.结果表明,12株细菌属于γ-变型菌(γ-Gammaproteobacteria),其中6株属于盐单胞菌属(Halomonas),4株属于嗜冷杆菌属(Psychrobacter),2株属于食碱菌属(Alcanivorax);其余4株属于芽孢杆菌(Bacillus),其中1株为地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis).分离获得的16株细菌中,4株为革兰氏阳性细菌,12株为革兰氏阴性细菌;H2S反应、吲哚测定反应、M.R和V-P均呈阴性.本研究为深入认识和开发利用深海热液区微生物资源奠定了基础.  相似文献   

张柯  丁翠玲  张栋 《海洋科学》2011,35(7):26-29
对中国威海近海海域的紫贻贝、牡蛎、花蛤、毛蛤、扇贝、海兔等6种海洋贝类的附生细菌进行了分离培养,筛选得到100株细菌。从中选出45株有代表性的菌株,克隆其16SrDNA序列,进行分子鉴定。结果表明,这些细菌分布在 Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Bizionia, Brevundimonas, Cell...  相似文献   

为研究与生物膜相关的海洋细菌的多样性,在青岛近海海域,选取黏管藻、裙带菜、囊藻和浒苔4种大型海藻,分离其附生海洋细菌。使用2216E、海水R2A、TCBS和海水琼脂4种培养基平板,分离纯化得到99株海洋细菌。16SrD-NA序列分析表明,变形菌门细菌在数量、种类等方面,均占主导地位。这些菌株绝大多数为变形菌门的γ-变形菌纲(94株)和α-变形菌纲(3株),仅有1株为放线菌门,1株为厚壁菌门。其中丰度最高的3个属分别为假交替单胞菌属(Pseudoalteromonas,22株)、弧菌属(Vibrio,20株)和盐单胞菌属(Halomonas,15株),其次为食烷菌属(Alcanivorax,9株)、肠杆菌属(Enterobacter,8株)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas,7株)、气单胞菌属(Aeromonas,5株)、交替单胞菌属(Alteromonas,4株),其它9个属丰度较低。本研究为进一步探讨与生物膜相关的海洋细菌的多样性及其应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

探究了南大西洋深海沉积物中可培养放线菌的多样性,筛选药源活性次级代谢产物产生菌,为后续资源开发奠定基础.采用3种预处理方法及8种选择性培养基对南大西洋3个深海沉积物样品中的放线菌菌株进行选择性分离鉴定;利用兼并引物扩增法,选取代表菌株进行聚酮合酶(PKSⅠ、PKSⅡ)基因和非核糖体多肽合成酶(NRPS)基因的检测;以4株细菌为指示菌检测代表菌株的抑菌活性.共分离得到132株放线菌纯菌株,分布于放线菌亚纲的6个目、13个科、19个属中,其中有5个属为较新或较稀有种属,有2株为潜在新种.34株化合物合成基因检测菌中PKSⅠ基因、PKSⅡ基因呈阳性的比率均为17.64%,NRPS基因呈阳性的则为52.94%.抗枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)和抗副溶血性弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)的菌株分别有47.06%和7.82%.南大西洋深海沉积物中放线菌资源丰富,存在较多潜在新分类单元,筛选到的活性菌株可用于后续药源活性次级代谢产物的分离.  相似文献   

东太平洋海隆深海热液区沉积物古菌多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR-RFLP方法对东太平洋海隆深海热液区3个站位沉积物中的古菌多样性进行了初步研究.结果显示,从古菌16S rRNA基因文库中随机挑取的296个阳性克隆分属奇古菌门(Thaumarchaeota,47.64%)、广古菌门(Euryarchaeota,44.93%)、泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota,6.77%)和未分类古菌(0.68%),其中优势菌群为奇古菌门的亚硝化侏儒菌属(Nitrosopumilus,35.47%)和广古菌门的热原体纲(Thermoplasmata,27.03%),DHVE3、DHVE5、DHVE6、MBGB和MBGE类群在沉积物样品中也均有发现.另外,3个站位沉积物中古菌类群组成存在差异,S5-TVG1站位样品文库的97个古菌克隆分属奇古菌门(49.48%)、广古菌门(49.48%)和泉古菌门(1.03%),S14-TVG10站位样品文库的103个古菌克隆由奇古菌门(84.47%)和广古菌门(15.53%)组成,S16-TVG12站位样品文库的96个古菌克隆包括广古菌门(71.88%)、泉古菌门(19.79%)、奇古菌门(6.25%)和未分类古菌(2.08%).研究结果表明,东太平洋海隆深海热液区沉积物中古菌多样性丰富,存在着许多新的古菌菌群;不同站位古菌菌群结构以及多样性存在差异,这与其所处环境的热液活动密切相关.  相似文献   

A sediment sample was collected from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent field located at a depth of 2 951 m on the Southwest Indian Ridge. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on the prokaryotic community using polymerase chain reaction(PCR) amplification of the 16 S rRNA and nifH genes. Within the Archaea, the dominant clones were from marine benthic group E(MBGE) and marine group I(MGI) belonging to the phyla Euryarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota, respectively. More than half of the bacterial clones belonged to the Proteobacteria, and most fell within the Gammaproteobacteria. No epsilonproteobacterial sequence was observed. Additional phyla were detected including the Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Acidobacteria, Nitrospirae, Chloroflexi, Chlorobi, Chlamydiae, Verrucomicrobia, and candidate divisions OD1, OP11, WS3 and TM6, confirming their existence in hydrothermal vent environments. The detection of nifH gene suggests that biological nitrogen fixation may occur in the hydrothermal vent field of the Southwest Indian Ridge. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that only Clusters I and III NifH were present. This is consistent with the phylogenetic analysis of the microbial 16 S rRNA genes, indicating that Bacteria play the main role in nitrogen fixation in this hydrothermal vent environment.  相似文献   

以采集后适应培养0~24 h以及添加甲烷和硫化钠培养24~240 h的南海冷泉区深海贻贝(Bathymodiolus platifrons)为材料,取其鳃部,分析附生菌的多样性与适应性变化状况。共分离鉴定出贻贝附生菌270株,对菌株的16S r DNA进行聚类分析,结果表明所分离菌株主要分布在4个门,21个属,其中变形菌的数量最多且多样性高。分析发现原位新采集的贻贝鳃部附生菌的多样性较高,6 h后附生菌的多样性明显降低。分别添加甲烷和硫化钠对深海贻贝进行培养,甲烷组与碳代谢有关的假单胞菌的数量逐渐增多,且在甲烷组240 h中发现2株食烷菌属菌株。硫化钠组的芽孢杆菌属所占比例升高。此外还发现4株潜在的新种。本研究实现了深海冷泉区贻贝的实验室培养,并对贻贝鳃部附生菌群结构进行了分析,丰富了海洋极端环境微生物资源库,并为深入解析贻贝与其附生菌之间的相互作用关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采集了东南太平洋热液区DYl15-20V一$35一TVGl7站位的沉积物硫化物样品,其含有76.717%(m/m)强还原性的磁性良好的黄铁矿.以乳酸钠为电子供体,不溶性的氢氧化铁为电子受体,对该样品进行Fe¨还原细菌的定向富集培养.通过构建该茵群的16SrDNA基因文库,随机挑选82个阳性克隆子进行群落结构多样性分析.研究结果表明:82个克隆代表的6种基因型分别属于4个主要类群,其中ε一变形杆菌占有绝对优势,达到55.2%.此外其还包括厚壁菌门、β一变形杆菌和仅.变形杆菌,克隆子比例依次为27.6%、10.3%、6.9%.在富集产物中还原氢氧化铁的功能菌群主要是具有硫还原作用的ε一变形菌中的硫还原菌.  相似文献   

Macrofaunal assemblages with the prevalence of Bresiliidae shrimp and Mytilidae mussels are abundant in the hydrothermal vents along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The mussels inhabit the zone of diffuse seeps of hydrothermal fluids with temperature abnormalities up to several degrees. Shrimps inhabit an extreme biotope in the mixed interface between the seawater and the hydrothermal fluid at a temperature up to 20–30°C. We studied the mussel and shrimp assemblages in three hydrothermal vent fields: the Rainbow, Broken Spur, and Snake Pit. The species richness of the mussel assemblages in at least two regions (Broken Spur and Snake Pit) is higher as compared with the shrimps of the same hydrothermal vent fields. The fauna inhibiting the shrimp swarms lack almost any taxa specific for particular assemblages: almost all the taxa are also present in the mussel beds. The structure of the shrimp assemblage is less homogeneous as compared with that of the mussel assemblage. The population prevalence of one taxon (Copepoda) in the shrimp assemblage is most likely connected with the extreme and unstable conditions of the biotope occupied by the shrimps in the hydrothermal field. The taxonomic similarity between the mussel and shrimp assemblages within one hydrothermal vent field is higher as compared with the similarity between the mussel (or shrimp) assemblages from different fields.  相似文献   

赤狐热液区是2019年中国在南大西洋中脊23.7°S发现的一个位于拆离断层上盘的热液区.本文利用光学显微镜、电子探针、TerraSpec?Halo矿物鉴别仪和XRD粉晶衍射仪,对该区热液产物进行了矿物学和矿物成分研究.结果表明,赤狐热液区热液产物可分为硅质硫化物、硅质矿化角砾岩和碳酸盐质矿化角砾岩.这些产物均由不等量蚀...  相似文献   

Specimens of Bathymodiolus azoricus were sampled along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike and Rainbow hydrothermal fields. Individual shells (n = 51), through the weight range 0.62 to 15.70 g, were analyzed for their magnesium, strontium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and cadmium concentrations. Amongst the marine molluscs the shell of B. azoricus is confirmed as being particularly impoverished in strontium (mean 943 microg g(-1)). Trace metal concentrations in the shells decreased in the order Fe> Mn> Zn> Cu> Cd. Despite originating from trace metal rich environments mean concentrations were low (37.9, 13.2, 10.7, 1.1 and 0.7 microg g(-1), respectively). Irrespective of geographical origin magnesium, strontium and copper concentrations were primarily dictated by shell weight. In contrast cadmium concentrations were elevated in shells from the Rainbow field and ambient seawater chemistry imparted site specific chemical fingerprints to the shells with respect to the iron to manganese ratio.  相似文献   

Near the Azores Triple Junction as the Azores Plateau is approached, the ridge axis becomes shallower; its depth decreases from ca. 2400 m in the Rainbow vent field (36°13′N) to ca. 850 m in the Menez Gwen vent field (37°35′N). In this area, extensive mussel beds of the mytilid Bathymodiolus azoricus dominate the hydrothermal vent fauna, along with populations of three shrimps (Rimicaris exoculata, Mirocaris fortunata and Chorocaris chacei). The main physical and chemical characteristics of the vent habitat were studied by discrete sampling, in situ analysis and sediment trap moorings. The vent fauna is distributed along a variable band where the vent fluids and seawater mix, with R. exoculata living in the most concentrated areas and Bathymodiolus azoricus in the most diluted zones. Various non-endemic species live at the border of the vent field. The variations observed in structure and composition of the communities along the depth gradient are most likely due to changes in vent fluid toxicity (metallic and sulphide content) and suspended mineral particles, which render the fluids harsher for species living there. The main faunal differences observed between Lucky Strike and Menez Gwen hydrothermal fields are due to an impoverishment in the hydrothermal endemic species and to the penetration of bathyal species. The comparison of the three studied vent fields suggests the existence of a succession of several biogeographic islands rather than a single province.  相似文献   

大西洋中脊Logatchev热液区的地球物理场研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐勇  和转  吴招才  黎明碧 《海洋学报》2012,34(1):120-126
利用"大洋一号"首次环球科考获得的地球物理资料,通过对多波束地形和地磁异常的解译,对大西洋Logatchev热液区的地球物理场特征进行了研究,研究结果表明 Logatchev热液喷口位于裂谷东侧的滑塌体上,处于南北地磁正负高值异常中心之间的缓冲带上,新发现的磁异常区与热液喷口区具有相似的特征,推测为未来的热液矿区。区内南西西-北东东和北-南向断裂不仅控制了基底深度和隆坳结构,也控制了超基性岩和热源磁性层的分布,因此它的形成与交叉切割的拆离断层、超基性岩、海洋核杂岩和重力滑塌有关。  相似文献   

A regional geophysical traverse of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the northern South Atlantic was obtained during CIRCE cruise of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. During the traverse, four detailed surveys were made of small areas on the crest and east flank. The geomagnetic anomaly profile can be used as a time base for the interpretation of tectonic events of the ridge. The profile also suggests that the rate of sea-floor spreading in this part of the South Atlantic accelerated twice, approximately 40 and 4.5 million years ago, and decelerated at least twice, 38 and 10 million years ago. Accelerations were probably accompanied by uplift and normal faulting of the central part of the ridge, while decelerations produced subsidence with modest contraction, reflected in reverse faulting and folding. The effects of uplift are clearly present in the reflection seismic records, which are, however, not well suited to detect reverse faulting.Spreading without creation of significant relief occurred on the ridge until approximately 5 million years ago. This process produced a low relief with small rifts, strongly reminiscent of the present crestal topography of the East Pacific Rise. A markedly linear secondary relief of 100–200 m, parallel to the ridge axis, developed later by faulting of the flanks. Portions of the crust that were near the crest during periods of uplift are more intensely faulted than those that were remote at all times. The importance of the last uplift of the crest and associated faulting on the flanks is reflected by a decrease in the density of faulting away from the ridge crest.The present crestal zone is very different from the flanks and from the older crests; the relief is nearly ten times greater, transverse disturbances are common, and there is conflicting evidence regarding its age. This striking change in character indicates either a recent change in the spreading process or a recent period of strong deformation which has affected only the crestal zone.Contribution from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.  相似文献   

TheSnake Pit Hydrothermal Site lies on the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23°22′ N latitude, about 30 km south of the Kane Transform Intersection. Active ‘black smoker’ vents and a surrounding field of hydrothermal sediment occur at the crest of a laterally extensive neovolcanic ridge. It is one of the first active hydrothermal vent fields to be found on a slow-spreading ridge axis and despite significant differences in its geologic setting from those of the East Pacific Rise, has many similarities to its fast-spreading counterparts. Although preliminary reports have documented many interesting aspects of these vents and their surroundings, new data collected from the manned submersible ALVIN and the deep-towed ANGUS camera system define the regional tectonic setting as well as the local geologic environment of this fascinating area. The Snake Pit vents are located on a local peak of a volcanic constructional ridge at a depth of 3450 m, 700–800 m deeper than vents known from the East Pacific Rise, Galapagos, or Juan de Fuca spreading centers. The vent field is at least 600 m long and up to 200 m wide and is covered by a thick blanket of greenish to yellow-orange hydrothermal sediment. Both active and extinct vents are perched along the crests of steep-sided sulfide mounds that reach heights of over 40 m. High-temperature (350° C) fluids are vented from black smoker chimneys and low-temperature (226° C) fluids seep from sulphide domes and subordinate anhydrite constructions. Water temperatures, flow rates, fluid chemistries, and mineralization are strikingly similar to vents of faster spreading ridge crests; however, a somewhat distinct fauna inhabit the area.  相似文献   

The rift valley at three widely separated sites along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is characterized using geological and geophysical data. An analysis of bottom photographs and fine-scale bathymetry indicates that each study area has a unique detailed geology and structure. Spreading rates are apparently asymmetric at each site. Relationships between tectonic and volcanic structure and hydrothermal activity show that various stages in the evolution of the rift valley are most favorable for seafloor expression of hydrothermal activity. In a stage found at 26°08 N, site 1 (TAG), the rift valley is narrow, consisting of both a narrow volcanically active valley floor and inner walls with small overall slopes. High-temperature hydrothermal venting occurs along the faster spreading eastern inner wall of this U-shaped rift valley. Site 2 (16°46 N) has a narrow valley floor and wide block faulted walls and is at a stage where the rift valley is characterized by a V-shape. No neovolcanic zone is observed within the marginally faulted, predominantly sedimented floor and hydrothermal activity is not observed. The rift valley at site 3 (14°54 N), with postulated extrusive volcanic activity and a stage in valley evolution tending toward a U-shape, shows evidence of hydrothermal activity within the slightly faster spreading eastern inner wall. Evidence for tectonic activity (inward- and outward-facing faults and pervasive fissuring) exists throughout the wide inner wall. Hydrothermal activity appears to be favored within a U-shaped rift valley characterized by a narrow neovolcanic zone and secondarily faulted inner walls.  相似文献   

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