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模拟退火叠前AVA同步反演方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
叠前反演技术已经成为岩性预测和流体识别的关键技术,并将在油气勘探中发挥重要作用,本文提出了模拟退火AVA同步反演方法,该方法以多个角道集地震数据体和先验纵波速度、横波速度、密度模型等为输入,综合利用地震、地质、测井等多种信息为约束,采用模拟退火全局优化方法,直接采用Knott-Zoeppritz方程求解反射系数,同步反演获得纵波阻抗、横波阻抗、纵横波速度、密度、Mu、Lambda等23种岩石弹性参数模型.其主要特点如下:1)采用Zoeppritz方程直接求解,精度高;2) 目标函数选择灵活;3)多角度提取子波;4)可获得深度域的反演结果.实际资料应用证明,该反演方法保留了地震反射振幅随偏移距不同或入射角不同而变化的特征,可有效提高储层预测和流体识别精度.实际应用表明,本方法预测结果可靠,具有较强的实用性.  相似文献   

基于弹性阻抗的储层物性参数预测方法   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
储层物性参数是储层描述的重要参数,常规的基于贝叶斯理论的储层物性参数反演方法大多是通过反演获得的弹性参数进一步转换而获得物性参数,本文提出一种基于弹性阻抗数据预测储层物性参数的反演方法.该方法主要通过建立可以表征弹性阻抗与储层物性参数之间关系的统计岩石物理模型,联合蒙特卡罗仿真模拟技术,在贝叶斯理论框架的指导下,应用期望最大化算法估计物性参数的后验概率分布,最终实现储层物性参数反演.经过模型测试和实际资料的处理,其结果表明本文提出的方法具有预测精度高,稳定性强,横向连续性好等优点.  相似文献   




Different from the stacked seismic data, pre-stack data includes abundant information about shear wave and density. Through inversing the shear wave and density information from the pre-stack data, we can determine oil-bearing properties from different incident angles. The state-of-the-art inversion methods obtain either low vertical resolution or lateral discontinuities. However, the practical reservoir generally has sharp discontinuities between different layers in vertically direction and is horizontally smooth. Towards obtaining the practical model, we present an inversion method based on the regularized amplitude-versus-incidence angle (AVA) data to estimate the piecewise-smooth model from pre-stack seismic data. This method considers subsurface stratum as a combination of two parts: a piecewise smooth part and a constant part. To fix the ill-posedness in the inversion, we adopt four terms to define the AVA inversion misfit function: the data misfit itself, a total variation regularization term acting as a sparsing operator for the piecewise constant part, a Tikhonov regularization term acting as a smoothing operator for the smooth part, and the last term to smoothly incorporate a priori information for constraining the magnitude of the estimated model. The proposed method not only can incorporate structure information and a priori model constraint, but also is able to derive into a convex objective function that can be easily minimized using iterative approach. Compared with inversion results of TV and Tikhonov regularization methods, the inverted P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity and density of the proposed method can better delineate the piecewise-smooth characteristic of strata.  相似文献   

Introduction The research on the structure and physical property of ancient hidden hill, igneous rocks and basement is relatively difficult by using seismic data only. If we combine seismic data, magneto-telluric (MT) data and geophysical data together, better results can be obtained for the above problem. A number of geophysicists at home and abroad, such as CHEN and WANG (1990), Siri-punvarapor and Egbert (2000) have tried many methods to solve the problem by the inversion of seismic da…  相似文献   

Observations of surface waves depend both on the structure traversed and the nature of the source, and therefore inversion of surface wave data can yield information about both structure and sources. The available methods for structural inversion are compared and discussed and a suggestion made for improved source inversion.  相似文献   

如何通过改进大地电磁测深(MT)反演方法来提高数据解释的精确度一直都是大地电磁测深研究领域的重要课题.本文以作者所在研究组从事的科研项目为依托,介绍了国内外主要的大地电磁反演方法.通过总结将反演方法分为定性近似反演方法、基于目标函数的线性或非线性选代反演方法和全局搜索最优反演方法三大类,并从目标函数构建、灵敏度矩阵计算...  相似文献   

3D stochastic inversion of magnetic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


It is preferable to use the three-dimensional (3D) magnetotelluric inversion, which provides volumetric geoelectric models, to handle the array input data. However, the soundings are frequently conducted on the single profiles or on the profiles that are considerably spaced apart from each other. We explore the possibilities of the 3D inversion of such data by the example of a three-layer model containing three local inhomogeneities. We previously showed that the simple processing of the data and their 1D or 2D inversion enable reconstructing the background cross section and locating all the three inhomogeneities. In the present paper, we use this information for constructing several versions of the starting model and carrying out the smoothing 3D inversion of the data. The experiments show that if the background cross section is incorporated into the starting model, the final model provided by the inversion closely reproduces the real distribution of all geoelectric parameters. At the same time, if the starting model that hosts the inhomogeneities has the form of a homogeneous half-space, the inversion is not able to reconstruct an adequate final model.


VSP资料钻前预测的关键在于高精度的波阻抗反演,本文针对VSP资料高分辨率、高信噪比以及能精确地分离出上、下行波的特点,提出了一种利用VSP资料进行井底以下钻头前方地层波阻抗反演的方法。该方法首先对VSP走廊叠加记录采用非线性迭代反演方法反演地下地层的波阻抗;通过在迭代过程中不断修改阻尼因子,以及引入预条件共轭梯度法求解方程组,增强了解的稳定性和收敛速度。理论模型与实际资料的处理结果表明该方法具有较好的效果,并在VSP资料钻前预测研究中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

It is preferable to use the three-dimensional (3D) magnetotelluric inversion, which provides volumetric geoelectric models, to handle the array input data. However, the soundings are frequently conducted on the single profiles or on the profiles that are considerably spaced apart from each other. We explore the possibilities of the 3D inversion of such data by the example of a three-layer model containing three local inhomogeneities. We previously showed that the simple processing of the data and their 1D or 2D inversion enable reconstructing the background cross section and locating all the three inhomogeneities. In the present paper, we use this information for constructing several versions of the starting model and carrying out the smoothing 3D inversion of the data. The experiments show that if the background cross section is incorporated into the starting model, the final model provided by the inversion closely reproduces the real distribution of all geoelectric parameters. At the same time, if the starting model that hosts the inhomogeneities has the form of a homogeneous half-space, the inversion is not able to reconstruct an adequate final model.  相似文献   

Moment tensor inversion of near-source broadband data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moment tensor inversion of near-source broadband data(吴忠良)(陈运泰(倪江川)(王培德)(王鸣)Momenttensorinversionofnear-sourcebroadbanddata¥Z...  相似文献   

Very low frequency electromagnetic (EM) methods using VLF transmitters have found many applications in subsurface geophysical investigations. Surface measurements involving both the vertical component of the magnetic field (VLF-EM or VLF-Z) and of the apparent resistivity (VLF-R) are increasingly common. Although extensive VLF data sets have been successfully used for mapping purposes, modelling and interpretation techniques which asess the third (i.e. depth) dimension appear limited.Given a profile of VLF-R measurements the main purpose of the present study is to demonstrate an automatic method for the construction of a resistivity cross-section. The technique used is one of a new generation of regularised inversion methods. These techniques attempt to overcome the problem of equivalence/non-uniqueness in EM sounding data by constructing the resistivity distribution with the minimum amount of structure that fits the data.VLF data represent a special case of plane-wave EM sounding in that they conform, in practice, to a single-frequency technique. This fact imposes a limitation in the amount of vertical resolution that we can expect using such data. In the case of two-dimensional modelling and inversion, resolution through the cross-section is a resultant attribute from both vertical and lateral resistivity gradients within the subsurface. In order to provide insight into the practical application of regularised inversion techniques to VLF data, both synthetic and field examples are considered. Both sets of examples are primarily concerned with VLF data applied to near-surface fault mapping where the main aim is to assess the location, dip and depth extent of conductive subsurface features.  相似文献   

倾子资料三维共轭梯度反演研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在对倾子响应和共轭梯度算法深入分析的基础上,我们实现了倾子资料三维共轭梯度反演算法.基于倾子资料的三维共轭梯度反演研究,探讨了利用倾子资料进行三维反演定量解释的方法.通过对理论模型合成数据进行反演试算,验证了所实现的倾子资料三维共轭梯度反演算法的有效性和稳定性.该反演算法可用于对大地电磁测深和地磁测深(地震地磁台站进行的三分量地磁观测)所整理出的倾子资料进行三维定量反演,获得地下三维模型的电阻率结构.  相似文献   

可控源音频大地电磁三维共轭梯度反演研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
可控源音频大地电磁法在资源勘探等领域中发挥着重要的作用.我们把有限差分数值模拟方法用于可控源音频大地电磁三维正演,结合正则化反演方案和共轭梯度反演的思路,将反演中的雅可比矩阵计算问题转为求解两次"拟正演"问题,得到模型参数的更新步长,形成反演迭代,实现了可控源音频大地电磁三维共轭梯度反演算法.该反演算法可用于对有限长度电偶源激发下采集到的可控源音频大地电磁全区(近区、过渡区和远区)视电阻率和相位资料进行三维反演定量解释,获得地下三维模型的电阻率结构.理论模型合成数据的反演算例验证了所实现的可控源音频大地电磁三维共轭梯度反演算法的有效性和稳定性.  相似文献   

Satellite missions CHAMP and GRACE dedicated to global mapping of the Earth’s gravity field yield accurate satellite-to-satellite tracking (SST) data used for recovery of global geopotential models usually in a form of a finite set of Stokes’s coefficients. The US-German Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) yields SST data in both the high-low and low-low mode. Observed satellite positions and changes in the intersatellite range can be inverted through the Newtonian equation of motion into values of the unknown geopotential. The geopotential is usually approximated in observation equations by a truncated harmonic series with unknown coefficients. An alternative approach based on integral inversion of the SST data of type GRACE into discrete values of the geopotential at a geocentric sphere is discussed in this article. In this approach, observation equations have a form of Green’s surface integrals with scalar-valued integral kernels. Despite their higher complexity, the kernel functions exhibit features typical for other integral kernels used in geodesy for inversion of gravity field data. The two approaches are discussed and compared based on their relative advantages and intended applications. The combination of heterogeneous gravity data through integral equations is also outlined in the article. panovak@kma.zcu.cz  相似文献   

Forest-height inversion using airborne double-antenna synthetic aperture radar(SAR)systems has been widely researched,leading to increasing accuracy.Polarimetric SAR Interferometry(PolInSAR)data from spaceborne single-antenna SAR systems,which are influenced by temporal decorrelation,have difficulty inverting forest height.Given the temporal decorrelation effect,the classical random volume over ground(RVoG)model has been proven to invert forest height with significant errors,using repeat-pass PolInSAR data.In consideration of this problem,the temporal decorrelation RVoG(TD-RVoG;based on the RVoG)model was proposed.In this study,an improved TD-RVoG model is presented,with a new temporal decorrelation function.Compared with TD-RVoG,the new model has fewer unknown parameters and can be applied in a three-stage inversion procedure.Validity of the new model is demonstrated by Advanced Land Observing Satellite/Phased Array type L-band SAR(ALOS/PALSAR)data.Results show that the improved TD-RVoG has better accuracy,with inversion error less than 1.5m.  相似文献   

Zohdy方法近似反演三维电阻率测深数据。正演计算采用有限单元法。反演初始模型由测量视电阻率数据给出。通过比较实测视电阻率值和预测模型计算的视电阻率值对数差来修改模型网格电阻率.为了解决任意电极距测深数据的反演,采用大、小双网格剖分。大网格反映地下电性分布情况。小网格用于实际有限元正演计算.在电阻率调整公式中加入一个迭代系数,能够加快收敛速度.并对加5%随机噪声的模型理论视电阻率测深断面数据进行反演,得到的电阻率分布与模型电阻率基本一致.  相似文献   

三维频率域航空电磁反演研究   总被引:3,自引:13,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘云鹤  殷长春 《地球物理学报》2013,56(12):4278-4287
航空电磁数据的三维解释由于数据量大需要有高效的反演算法作为支撑.本文利用两种目前主流的数值优化技术(非线性共轭梯度和有限内存的BFGS法)实现了三维频率域航空电磁反演,并进一步比较了两种方法的有效性和运算效率.在反演过程中,为了更好地反演异常体的空间位置,模型方差矩阵中的光滑系数在反演起始阶段取值较大;当数据拟合差下降趋于平缓时,再利用较小的光滑因子约束反演过程来实现聚焦和获得精确的反演结果.理论数据反演表明这两种优化策略具有相似的内存需求,但是有限内存的BFGS技术比非线性共轭梯度法在计算时间和模型反演分辨率上具有一定的优越性,因此有限内存BFGS法更适合于求解大规模三维反演问题. 模型试验进一步表明目前主流的迭代法求解技术不适合大规模航空电磁数据反演,未来移动平台多源电磁数据快速正反演可通过引入矩阵分解技术来实现.  相似文献   

Sharp boundary inversion of 2D magnetotelluric data   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We consider 2D earth models consisting of laterally variable layers. Boundaries between layers are described by their depths at a set of nodes and interpolated laterally between nodes. Conductivity within each layer is described by values at a set of nodes fixed within each layer, and is interpolated laterally within each layer. Within the set of possible models of this sort, we iteratively invert magnetotelluric data for models minimizing the lateral roughness of the layer boundaries, and the lateral roughness of conductivities within layers, for a given level of data misfit. This stabilizes the inverse problem and avoids superfluous detail. This approach allows the determination of boundary positions between geological units with sharp discontinuities in properties across boundaries, while sharing the stability features of recent smooth conductivity distribution inversions.
We compare sharp boundary inversion results with smooth conductivity distribution inversion results on a numerical example, and on inversion of field data from the Columbia River flood basalts of Washington State. In the synthetic example, where true positions and resistivities are known, sharp boundary inversion results determine both layer boundary locations and layer resistivities accurately. In inversion of Columbia flood basalt data, sharp boundary inversion recovers a model with substantially less internal variation within units, and less ambiguity in both the depth to base of the basalts and depth to resistive basement.  相似文献   

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