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We investigate the clustering of galaxies selected in the 3.6 μm band of the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) legacy survey. The angular two-point correlation function is calculated for 11 samples with flux limits of S 3.6≥ 4–400 μJy, over an 8 deg2 field. The angular clustering strength is measured at >5σ significance at all flux limits, with amplitudes of A = (0.49–29) × 10−3 at 1°, for a power-law model, A θ−0.8. We estimate the redshift distributions of the samples using phenomological models, simulations and photometric redshifts, and so derive the spatial correlation lengths. We compare our results with the Galaxies In Cosmological Simulations (GalICS) models of galaxy evolution and with parametrized models of clustering evolution. The GalICS simulations are consistent with our angular correlation functions, but fail to match the spatial clustering inferred from the phenomological models or the photometric redshifts. We find that the uncertainties in the redshift distributions of our samples dominate the statistical errors in our estimates of the spatial clustering. At low redshifts (median z ≤ 0.5), the comoving correlation length is approximately constant,   r 0= 6.1 ± 0.5  h −1  Mpc, and then decreases with increasing redshift to a value of 2.9 ± 0.3  h −1 Mpc for the faintest sample, for which the median redshift is z ∼ 1. We suggest that this trend can be attributed to a decrease in the average galaxy and halo mass in the fainter flux-limited samples, corresponding to changes in the relative numbers of early- and late-type galaxies. However, we cannot rule out strong evolution of the correlation length over  0.5 < z < 1  .  相似文献   

We present 8.4-GHz VLA A-configuration observations of 87 sources from the mid-infrared-selected AGN sample of Rush et al. These 0.25-arcsec-resolution observations allow elongated radio structures tens of pc in size to be resolved, and enable radio components smaller than 3.5 arcsec to be isolated from diffuse galactic disc emission. When combined with previous data, matched radio observations covering 90 per cent of the sample have been collected, and these represent the largest subarcsecond–resolution radio imaging survey of a homogeneously selected sample of Seyfert galaxies to date.
We use our observations to identify five radio-loud AGN in the sample. The nature of the radio emission from Seyfert nuclei will be discussed in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

We present a 5–8 μm analysis of the Spitzer spectra of 71 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with redshift   z < 0.15  , devoted to the study of the role of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and starbursts (SBs) as the power source of the extreme infrared emission. Around ∼5 μm, an AGN is much brighter (by a factor of ≈30) than an SB of equal bolometric luminosity. This allows us to detect the presence of even faint accretion-driven cores inside ULIRGs: signatures of AGN activity are found in ∼70 per cent of our sample (50/71 sources). Through a simple analytical model, we are also able to obtain a quantitative estimate of the AGN/SB contribution to the overall energy output of each source. Although the main fraction of ULIRG luminosity is confirmed to arise from star formation events, the AGN contribution is non-negligible (∼23 per cent) and is shown to increase with luminosity. The existence of a rather heterogeneous pattern in the composition and geometrical structure of the dust among ULIRGs is newly supported by the comparison between individual absorption features and continuum extinction.  相似文献   

We have observed 23 sources from the Max-Planck Millimetre Bolometer (MAMBO) array 1200-μm survey with SCUBA at 850 μm, detecting 19 of the sources. The sources generally have low values for the ratio of 850- to 1200-μm flux. Two possible explanations for the low values are either that the sources are at very high redshifts or that the global properties of the dust in the MAMBO sources are different from the global properties of dust in low-redshift galaxies. If the former explanation is correct, we estimate that 15 of the MAMBO sources lie at   z > 3  .  相似文献   

A follow-up survey using the Submillimetre High-Angular Resolution Camera (SHARC-II) at 350 μm has been carried out to map the regions around several 850-μm-selected sources from the Submillimetre HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES). These observations probe the infrared (IR) luminosities and hence star formation rates in the largest existing, most robust sample of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs). We measure 350-μm flux densities for 24 850-μm sources, seven of which are detected at ≥2.5σ within a 10 arcsec search radius of the 850-μm positions. When results from the literature are included the total number of 350-μm flux density constraints of SHADES SMGs is 31, with 15 detections. We fit a modified blackbody to the far-IR (FIR) photometry of each SMG, and confirm that typical SMGs are dust-rich  ( M dust≃ 9 × 108 M)  , luminous  ( L FIR≃ 2 × 1012 L)  star-forming galaxies with intrinsic dust temperatures of ≃35 K and star formation rates of  ≃400 M yr−1  . We have measured the temperature distribution of SMGs and find that the underlying distribution is slightly broader than implied by the error bars, and that most SMGs are at 28 K with a few hotter. We also place new constraints on the 350-μm source counts, N 350(>25 mJy) ∼ 200–500 deg−2.  相似文献   

It has been claimed by Taylor et al. that the low-redshift end of the K – z relation for radio galaxies is too bright by about half a magnitude owing to contributions from the obscured quasar nuclei. Such a result has major implications for the use of the K -band Hubble diagram in understanding the cosmological evolution of radio galaxies. In this paper we present 1–5-μm imaging data of a nearly complete sample of low-redshift radio galaxies; this approach allows us to determine accurately the strengths of any unresolved nuclear components in the galaxies. We detect nuclear sources in five targets, whose broad-band colours are consistent with reddened quasar spectra. In all the five cases the ratio of the inferred intrinsic near-infrared luminosity to the narrow-line luminosity is typical of quasars. We find a correlation between the inferred nuclear extinction and core-to-lobe ratio, which places constraints on the geometry of the torus. We find evidence for a shift of the K – z relation to fainter magnitudes, but by a much smaller amount (∼0.1 mag) than determined by Taylor et al. Under the assumption that the nuclear sources in radio galaxies have the same intrinsic near-infrared spectra as quasars, our multiwavelength images allow us to limit any possible shift to less than 0.3 mag.  相似文献   

We present matched-resolution VLA H  i and SCUBA 850-μm maps of 20 IRAS -bright galaxies. Of the galaxies observed, two were not detected in H  i and two were detected in absorption. The H  i distributions of the galaxies have a range of morphologies. Some of the systems appear H  i deficient in the central regions which could be due to a high conversion rate of H  i into molecules or H  i absorption. In contrast to the H  i , the 850-μm emission has a smooth distribution which is concentrated towards the optical centre of each galaxy. We also find evidence for 850-μm emission extending to the periphery of the optical disc in some of the galaxies. Finally, we note that the relative lack of 850-μm emission when compared with H  i does not necessarily mean that the atomic gas and dust do not have similar mass distributions.  相似文献   

We discuss the properties of compact nuclear radio components in Seyfert galaxies from the extended 12-μm AGN sample of Rush et al. Our main results can be summarized as follows.
Type 1 and type 2 Seyferts produce compact radio components which are indistinguishable in strength and aspect, indicating that their central engines are alike, as proposed by the unification model. Infrared IRAS fluxes are more closely correlated with low-resolution radio fluxes than high-resolution radio fluxes, suggesting that they are dominated by kiloparsec-scale, extranuclear emission regions; extranuclear emission may be stronger in type 2 Seyferts. Early-type Seyfert galaxies tend to have stronger nuclear radio emission than late-type Seyfert galaxies. V-shaped extended emission-line regions, indicative of 'ionization cones', are usually found in sources with large, collimated radio outflows. Hidden broad lines are most likely to be found in sources with powerful nuclear radio sources. Type 1 and type 2 Seyferts selected by their IRAS 12-μm flux densities have well-matched properties.  相似文献   

We present a careful analysis of the point-source detection limit of the AKARI All-Sky Survey in the WIDE-S 90-μm band near the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP). Timeline analysis is used to detect IRAS ( Infrared Astronomy Satellite ) sources and then a conversion factor is derived to transform the peak timeline signal to the interpolated 90-μm flux of a source. Combined with a robust noise measurement, the point-source flux detection limit at signal-to-noise ratio  (S/N) > 5  for a single detector row is  1.1 ± 0.1 Jy  which corresponds to a point-source detection limit of the survey of ∼0.4 Jy.
Wavelet transform offers a multiscale representation of the Time Series Data ( tsd ). We calculate the continuous wavelet transform of the tsd and then search for significant wavelet coefficients considered as potential source detections. To discriminate real sources from spurious or moving objects, only sources with confirmation are selected. In our multiscale analysis, IRAS sources selected above 4σ can be identified as the only real sources at the Point Source Scales. We also investigate the correlation between the non- IRAS sources detected in timeline analysis and cirrus emission using wavelet transform and contour plots of wavelet power spectrum. It is shown that the non- IRAS sources are most likely to be caused by excessive noise over a large range of spatial scales rather than real extended structures such as cirrus clouds.  相似文献   

We explore the nature of X-ray sources with  70 μm  counterparts selected in the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE) fields: ELAIS-N1, Lockman Hole and Chandra Deep Field South, for which Chandra X-ray data are available. A total of 28 X-ray/  70 μm  sources in the redshift interval  0.5 < z < 1.3  are selected. The X-ray luminosities and the shape of the X-ray spectra show that these sources are active galactic nuclei (AGN). Modelling of the optical to far-infrared (IR) spectral energy distribution indicates that most of them (27/28) have a strong starburst component  (>50 M yr−1)  that dominates in the IR. It is found that the X-ray and IR luminosities of the sample sources are broadly correlated, consistent with a link between AGN activity and star formation. Contrary to the predictions of some models for the co-evolution of AGN and galaxies, the X-ray/  70 μm  sources in the sample are not more obscured at X-ray wavelengths compared to the overall X-ray population. It is also found that the X-ray/  70 μm  sources have lower specific star formation rates compared to the general  70 μm  population, consistent with AGN feedback moderating the star formation in the host galaxies.  相似文献   

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