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叠前时间偏移是转换波数据处理流程中的重要技术环节.由于下行P波和上行S波对应着不同类型的传播速度和传播机理,使得转换波偏移的诸多实施环节和实现技巧均有别于常规的纵波偏移.本文就VTI介质转换波Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移实现过程中的几个关键技术环节进行研究分析,并给出了相应的实施方案.首先,依据常速假设推导了简化的转换波时间偏移振幅加权函数,在保证偏移的高效计算的同时,兼顾了成像振幅的准确性;其次,依据直射线近似假设,推导了转换波偏移的最大无假频频率计算公式,确保了算子假频的有效滤除;接下来,设计使用了依据共转换点对称的偏移孔径,保证了偏移孔径的优化选取.此外,本文还提出利用三次卷积插值进行成像网格上参数值的插值运算,以避免传统线性插值算法的非平滑性对偏移剖面中高频信息的不良影响.多个算例的应用效果证明,本文所给出的关键技术环节的实施方案可以有效的提升转换波叠前时间偏移的成像效果. 相似文献
针对传统Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移方法的一些不足,以及振幅随入射角、方位角变化(AVA/AVAZ)分析的需要,本文提出一种基于射线理论的三维叠前时间偏移角度域成像方法.它通过横向均匀介质中稳健的射线追踪建立单程波走时和传播角度的数值表,然后在此基础上估算反射波双程走时以及在界面处传播的方位角和入射角,最后基于脉冲响应叠加原理获得三维构造图像和方位\|角度域共成像点道集.与传统方法不同之处在于,上述过程均考虑了地震波在垂向变速介质中的射线弯曲效应和三维传播特征,有利于准确提取随入射角和方位角变化的振幅和时差信息.理论模型合成数据和实际地震资料测试结果展示了方法的优越性与实用性. 相似文献
Extracting accurate common image angle gathers from pre-stack depth migrations is important in the generation of any incremental uplift to the amplitude versus angle attributes and seismic inversions that can lead to significant impacts in exploration and development success. The commonly used Kirchhoff migration outputs surface common offset image gathers that require a transformation to angle gathers for amplitude versus angle analysis. The accuracy of this transformation is one of the factors that determine the robustness of the amplitude versus angle measurements. Here, we investigate the possibility of implementing an extended imaging condition, focusing on the space-lag condition, for generating subsurface reflection angle gathers within a Kirchhoff migration. The objective is to determine if exploiting the spatial local shift imaging condition can provide any increase in angle gather fidelity relative to the common offset image gathers. The same restrictions with a ray-based approach will apply using the extended imaging condition as both the offset and extended imaging condition method use travel times derived from solutions to an Eikonal equation. The aims are to offer an alternative ray-based method to generate subsurface angle gathers and to understand the impact on the amplitude versus angle response. To this end, the implementation of the space-shift imaging condition is discussed and results of three different data sets are presented. A layered three-dimensional model and a complex two-dimensional model are used to assess the space shift image gathers output from such a migration scheme and to evaluate the seismic attributes relative to the traditional surface offset common image gathers. The synthetic results show that the extended imaging condition clearly provides an uplift in the measured amplitude versus angle over the surface offset migration. The noise profile post-migration is also improved for the space-lag migration due to the double summation inside the migration. Finally, we show an example of a space-lag gather from deep marine data and compare the resultant angle gathers with those generated from an offset migration and a time-shift imaging condition Kirchhoff migration. The comparison of the real data with a well log shows that the space-lag result is a better match to the well compared to the time-lag extended imaging condition and the common offset Kirchhoff migration. Overall, the results from the synthetics and real data show that a Kirchhoff migration with an extended imaging condition is capable of generating subsurface angle gathers with an incremental improvement in amplitude versus angle fidelity and lower noise but comes at a higher computational cost. 相似文献
The current time-lapse practice is to exactly repeat well-sampled acquisition geometries to mitigate acquisition effects on the time-lapse differences. In order to relax the rigid requirements on acquisition effects, we propose simultaneous joint migration inversion as an effective time-lapse tool for reservoir monitoring, which combines a joint time-lapse data processing strategy with the joint migration inversion method. Joint migration inversion is a full-wavefield inversion method that explains the measured reflection data using a parameterization in terms of reflectivity and propagation velocity. Both the inversion process inside the imaging/inversion scheme and the extra illumination provided by including multiples in joint migration inversion makes the obtained velocity and reflectivity operator largely independent of the utilized acquisition geometry and, thereby, relaxes the strong requirement of non-repeatability during the monitoring. Because simultaneous joint migration inversion inverts for all datasets simultaneously and utilizes various constraints on the estimated reflectivities and velocity, the obtained time-lapse differences have much higher accuracy compared to inverting each dataset separately. It allows the baseline and monitor parameters to communicate with each other dynamically during inversion via a user-defined spatial weighting operator. In order to get more localized time-lapse velocity differences, we further extend the regular simultaneous joint migration inversion to a robust high-resolution simultaneous joint migration inversion process using the time-lapse reflectivity difference as an extra constraint for the velocity estimation during inversion. This constraint makes a link between the reflectivity- and the velocity difference by exploiting the relationship between them. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method with a highly realistic synthetic model based on the Grane field offshore Norway and a time-lapse field dataset from the Troll Field. 相似文献
地震射线走时的求取方法是叠前时间偏移研究的核心问题之一,也是影响计算时间域角道集角度精确性的关键因素之一.本文基于Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移,应用第一类切比雪夫多项式,对弯曲射线对称走时加以改进,引进非对称项,优化后得到切比雪夫非对称走时方程,与高精度走时进行比较和误差分析,再将该走时求取方法应用于时间域角道集的求取中,得到地下较真实的入射角.通过模型计算和实际地震资料处理证明,此种非对称走时及其角道集的求取方法具有精度高、计算量少的优点. 相似文献
地震波干涉偏移和偏移反演成像是近年来十分活跃的两个研究领域.干涉偏移提供了一个新的地震波数据成像工具,而偏移反演则提供了高逼近度地震成像.二者的共同目的是改善传统直接偏移方法的成像效果,展宽成像区域并提高成像的分辨率.本文研究干涉偏移方法和偏移反演方法对于地震成像效果的影响,探讨二者在提高成像分辨率上的异同.对于偏移反演,通过建立正则化模型,研究了预条件共轭梯度迭代正则化方法及改进措施,并通过绕射点模型数值模拟验证了该方法比直接偏移能够提高振幅的保真度和成像的分辨率.对于干涉偏移和偏移反演这两种方法,对层速度地震模型进行了数值模拟.结果表明干涉偏移和偏移反演成像方法比传统的偏移方法在成像效果上是更加有效的,因而对于实际的地震成像问题很有应用前景. 相似文献
A local plane-wave approach of generalized diffraction tomography in heterogeneous backgrounds, equivalent to Kirchhoff summation techniques when applied in seismic reflection, is re-programmed to act as repeated synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging for seismic prestack depth migration. Spotlight-mode SAR imaging quickly provides good images of the electromagnetic reflectivity of the ground via fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based signal processing. By calculating only the Green's functions connecting the aircraft to the centre of the illuminated patch, scattering structures around that centre are also recovered. SAR technology requires us to examine seismic imaging from the local point of view, where the quantity and quality of the available information at each image point are what are important, regardless of the survey geometry. When adapted to seismics, a local image of arbitrary size and sampling is obtained by FFT of seismic energy maps in the scattering wavenumber domain around each node of a pre-calculated grid of Green's functions. These local images can be used to generate a classic prestack depth-migrated section by collecting only their centres. However, the local images also provide valuable information around the centre, as in SAR. They can therefore help to pre-analyse prestack depth migration efficiently, and to perform velocity analysis at a very low cost. The FFT-based signal-processing approach allows local, efficient and automatic control of anti-aliasing, noise and resolution, including optimized Jacobian weights. Repeated local imaging could also be used to speed up migration, with interpolation between local images associated with a coarse grid of Green's functions, as an alternative to interpolation of Green's functions. The local images may, however, show distortions due to the local plane-wave approximation, and the velocity variations across their frame. Such effects, which are not necessarily a problem in SAR, should be controlled and corrected to further enhance seismic imaging. Applications to realistic models and to real data show that, despite the distortion effects, the local images can yield similar information to prestack depth migration, including common-image-point gathers for velocity analyses and AVO/AVA effects, at a much lower cost when a small target is considered. 相似文献
利用伴随算子L*,直接的偏移方法通常导致一个低分辨率或模糊的地震成像.线性化偏移反演方法需求解一个最小二乘问题.但直接的最小二乘方法的数值不稳定,为目视解译带来困难.本文建立约束正则化数学模型,研究了地震偏移反演成像问题的迭代正则化求解方法.首先对最小二乘问题施加正则化约束,接着利用梯度迭代法求解反演成像问题,特别是提出了共轭梯度方法的混合实现技巧.为了表征该方法的可实际利用性,分别对一维,二维和三维地震模型进行了数值模拟.结果表明该正则偏移反演成像方法是有效的,对于实际的地震成像问题有着良好的应用前景. 相似文献
我国琼东南盆地深水区勘探程度低,工区内只有一口刚打到研究层段黄流组顶部的探井,针对该情况,介绍了一种在无井或少井情况下利用速度谱资料进行地震反演的方法.该方法首先利用离工区较近的井进行有井反演,然后结合有井反演过程的认识,利用速度谱资料提取伪井信息进行伪波阻抗反演,并充分利用已有的地质信息来完善无井反演的结果,最后利用频谱成像技术对反演结果进行验证.结果表明,为了获取准确的伪波阻抗数据,需要准确的速度谱数据,且在构造比较平缓、能量集中、质量较好的道集提取伪井资料,并充分利用已知地震、地质信息和频谱成像分析结果,可以减小无井反演结果的多解性. 相似文献
最小二乘偏移可以消除非规则采集、带限子波等因素对偏移结果的不利影响,提高成像剖面的分辨率和照明度,但巨大的计算成本严重制约了该方法的应用前景.本文基于地震数据的局部平面波合成/分解策略,对传统Kirchhoff时间正演/偏移的计算过程进行改进,发展了一种快速的最小二乘Kirchhoff射线束叠前时间偏移方法.同需要逐道... 相似文献
地震勘探是寻找油气的重要手段之一.对于复杂构造地区,地震偏移成像成为地震资料处理流程中最重要的一环.由于叠前时间偏移尤其是Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移适应性强、计算效率高、成本低的自身特点,该方法在油气勘探中发挥着重要作用.对于该方法的成像精确性的研究有着重大的科研和工业价值.本文利用弯曲射线方法计算走时,加入保幅权函数,结合去假频技术、MPI并行技术,以SEG三维盐丘模型和某区域三维实际资料为研究对象,实现三维保幅弯曲射线Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移.将该方法偏移结果与传统的叠前时间偏移方法偏移结果进行对比分析,结果表明:本文采用的方法主要有以下两方面的优越性:第一,引入了弯曲射线计算走时,实现了弯曲射线叠前时间偏移,提高了成像的精确性;第二,引入了保幅权函数,实现了保幅叠前时间偏移,提高偏移结果的信噪比. 相似文献
本文详细讨论地下复杂介质地震成像问题.当速度模型含有强横向变化时,射线场会折叠形成多次走时,在这种情况下,文中证明在保真振幅叠前深度偏移时,应当考虑所有的到时才能得到定量的像.通过实例证明,在多次走时情况下,常规的共炮集、共检波器集都存在强的假像;由此提出共角度偏移的概念.最后,在多次走时下,讨论多次偏移算子(走时、相移、振幅等)的高效重构,给出了三维叠前深度偏移的快速算法. 相似文献
零炮检距数据在海洋地震资料处理中有很多优势和用途,然而,受海洋水平拖缆地震采集作业方式的限制,接收数据的最小炮检距一般在200 m左右,小于该炮检距的数据是无法直接获得的.通常的做法是通过对较大炮检距数据进行动校,通过外推来变相获得零炮检距(包括小炮检距)数据,其外推的精度会受到地震资料信噪比、动校正速度的精度等因素影响,并且保幅性较差.本文通过一种基于Kirchhoff真振幅偏移和反偏移串联的技术,在反偏移过程中改变观测系统,有效实现了大炮检距反射地震数据向零炮检距(包括小炮检距)数据之间的转换,且很好地保持了零炮检距(包括小炮检距)数据的振幅特性.同时,经偏移-反偏移串联处理后,有效压制了地震数据中的随机噪声,地震资料信噪比和成像精度均得到显著提高. 相似文献
Extracting true amplitude versus angle common image gathers is one of the key objectives in seismic processing and imaging. This is achievable to different degrees using different migration techniques (e.g., Kirchhoff, wavefield extrapolation, and reverse time migration techniques) and is a common tool in exploration, but the costs can vary depending on the selected migration algorithm and the desired accuracy. Here, we investigate the possibility of combining the local‐shift imaging condition, specifically the time‐shift extended imaging condition, for angle gathers with a Kirchhoff migration. The aims are not to replace the more accurate full‐wavefield migration but to offer a cheaper alternative where ray‐based methods are applicable and to use Kirchhoff time‐lag common image gathers to help bridge the gap between the traditional offset common image gathers and reverse time migration angle gathers; finally, given the higher level of summation inside the extended imaging migration, we wish to understand the impact on the amplitude versus angle response. The implementation of the time‐shift imaging condition along with the computational cost is discussed, and results of four different datasets are presented. The four example datasets, two synthetic, one land acquisition, and a marine dataset, have been migrated using a Kirchhoff offset method, a Kirchhoff time‐shift method, and, for comparison, a reverse time migration algorithm. The results show that the time‐shift imaging condition at zero time lag is equivalent to the full offset stack as expected. The output gathers are cleaner and more consistent in the time‐lag‐derived angle gathers, but the conversion from time lag to angle can be considered a post‐processing step. The main difference arises in the amplitude versus offset/angle distribution where the responses are different and dramatically so for the land data. The results from the synthetics and real data show that a Kirchhoff migration with an extended imaging condition is capable of generating subsurface angle gathers. The same disadvantages with a ray‐based approach will apply using the extended imaging condition relative to a wave equation angle gather solution. Nevertheless, using this approach allows one to explore the relationship between the velocity model and focusing of the reflected energy, to use the Radon transformation to remove noise and multiples, and to generate consistent products from a ray‐based migration and a full‐wave equation migration, which can then be interchanged depending on the process under study. 相似文献
在克希霍夫叠前时间偏移处理中,地震波走时的计算方法是决定大偏移距地震资料成像品质的重要因素.在常规的三维转换波各向异性叠前时间偏移公式中,走时的计算是基于等效单层各向异性介质的非双曲线方法.用这种方法处理的成像道集,在偏移/深度比超过一定阈值后,成像道集中的反射同相轴将出现过偏现象,这种偏移不平的同相轴将影响偏移叠加的最佳响应,使得偏移成像波组呈低频化特征,最终降低三维转换波偏移成像质量.我们采用层状介质的走时计算方法代替常规算法,并且利用了常规方法的转换波各向异性偏移速度模型.基于层状介质的算法能够提高大偏移距转换波走时计算精度,克服中浅地层大偏移距远道成像道集中反射同相轴逐渐上翘的问题.两个地区的三维转换波资料处理结果证实,基于层状各向异性介质的转换波克希霍夫叠前时间偏移方法,明显改善了反射成像剖面的连续性和分辨率,提高成像剖面构造的可解释性. 相似文献
本文通过对径向接收函数和垂直向接收函数进行低通滤波,获取了S波视速度随低通滤波参数的变化曲线,然后利用经验关系将它转换成了台站下方的S波速度结构,并以此作为接收函数反演的初始模型.理论数值实验表明:由于初始模型的S波速度值提供了有效的约束,即使Moho面深度并不准确,但反演迭代过程还是快速地向真解逼近.另外,通过给观测波形加入10%的噪声,在保持S波速度不变的情况下,分别对波速比进行5%的正负扰动(即泊松比分别扰动为0.23和0.27),反演结果仍然快速向真解收敛.对保山台记录的远震接收函数反演结果表明:用本文方法反演所得结果与测深结果较为一致.这充分说明只要S波速度值(而非泊松比)能够提供有效的约束,接收函数的反演过程对P波速度的选取并不敏感. 相似文献
随着油气勘探领域逐渐向深层、复杂型、隐蔽性油气藏转移,油气资源的勘探难度越来越大,传统反射地震勘探技术难以满足日益增长的油气勘探需求,亟需发展适合复杂地质构造的地震波偏移反演新技术.针对地球深部非均匀结构体引起的地震散射波,发展地震逆散射偏移反演理论和技术将有可能解决复杂构造成像反演的技术难题.本文回顾地震波逆散射偏移反演理论的发展历史和基本原理,以逆广义Radon变换求解线性化逆散射问题为基础,介绍逆散射理论在介质结构成像、物性参数反演、多次波衰减等方面的技术延伸,同时将其应用到合成数据和实际数据资料,探讨地震勘探逆散射方法的技术优势和应用潜力. 相似文献
走时计算的可行性在很大程度上决定了Kirchhoff积分法偏移的效果,而基于PC-Cluster的并行计算是实施叠前偏移数据计算量大的基本工具,本文针对这两个问题的研究,阐明两种旨在提高复杂情况叠前时间偏移聚焦能力的弯曲射线对称走时及非对称走时的计算方法,以及旨在提高叠前偏移计算效率的"数据并行"和"成像点并行"策略,并分别对其结果进行了对比分析. 相似文献
常规AVO多是利用CMP道集的振幅进行反演。主要有三个方面影响其精度:首先,CMP道集假设地下为水平层状介质,但是实际地下介质多为倾斜地层,地层倾角越大CMP道集的振幅所反映地下介质的位置与实际位置差距就越大。其次,NMO、DMO和反褶积等常规处理流程,都会造成振幅值失真。第三,反演所用的反射系数公式是与入射角有关的量,而欲从CMP道集得到准确的入射角与振幅之间的对应关系,则十分困难。波动方程叠前深度偏移除对复杂介质和陡倾角地层具有较强的成像能力,还可以最大限度的减少常规处理所带来的误差并使振幅归位。本文综合了保幅偏移、角度道集提取以及AVO反演等前人的工作,提出直接从炮集数据反演AVO属性的方法,以期显著减少上述三个因素对AVO反演精度的影响。 相似文献
本文针对复杂构造地区AVO技术应用的难点,在详细阐明了偏移对改善AVO分析效果的重要意义前提下,为实现在复杂构造地区有效地进行AVO研究,将叠前深度偏移引入到AVO处理中,通过偏移来改善资料的质量.在此基础上进行了揭示岩性及流体变化特征的多种参数的AVO反演,并探讨了利用多种AVO属性的综合分析来确定和解释AVO异常的方法.利用本文提出的复杂构造AVO研究思路对实际资料进行了分析,结果说明了该方法的可行性. 相似文献