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杨保 《干旱区地理》2001,24(1):67-73
依据10年际的冰芯、树轮和历史文献记录,首先进行了聚类分析,近400年来中国温度变化大体上可分为两类:第一类包括高原南部、高原西部、东北和闽台地区;第二类包括西南、华南、华中、华东、西北和华北地区。接着分析了近600年、500年和400年三种不同时间尺度上中国气温的时空分布,第一特征向量显示中国东部温度值高于西部,第二特征向量中高原南部、高原东北部与高原西部的反位相变化趋势在不同时间惊讶的EOF结果中都有表现。西南、华南区与华北、华东区在后两种时间尺度上温度变化位相相反。以上这些变化型在近40年来的年际变化中同样发生。小冰期在不同时间尺度的第一特征向量的权重系数中均有明显表现。将中国温度变化与北半球和北极进行比较,发现它们变化非常类似,且以北半球和北级滞后中国温度20年时相关相关最好。  相似文献   

青藏高原不同时段气候变化的研究综述   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
李潮流  康世昌 《地理学报》2006,16(3):337-345
综述了近年来通过冰芯、树轮、湖泊沉积等记录对青藏高原不同时段气候变化研究取得的成果.并特别着重于末次间冰期以来青藏高原的气候变化特征。在末次间冰期.青藏高原气候变化剧烈,降温迅速升温缓慢;末次冰期温度变化与格陵兰冰芯记录具有较好一致性,同时也具有高原的独特性;新仙女木事件发生时间与欧洲和格陵兰冰芯的记录基本一致;全新世总体比较温暖;近2000年来温度变化在波动中逐渐上升;近代温度有加速升高的趋势。总体上青藏高原各种尺度上的气候变化要早于我国其它地区.变化的幅度也较大。  相似文献   

中国热带西部的小冰期   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄镇国  张伟强 《热带地理》2007,27(6):489-492
中国热带以约105°E为界分为东部和西部。热带西部主要是滇南地区。按照史书记载的25个冷冬降雪年份,小冰期为1498-1896年,期间有3个寒冷阶段(1498-1550年、1694-1826年、1868-1896年)和2个相对温暖阶段。热带西部的小冰期比东部地区历时短,寒冷阶段滞后,影响范围较小。小冰期时水旱灾害频仍。小冰期的寒冷阶段与太阳黑子活动的平静期有一定的相关性。热带东、西部小冰期的差异,主要是由于东部受东亚季风影响,西部受南亚季风影响。  相似文献   

通过对处于构造活动相对稳定的青海湖湖滨地带湖岸堤的野外考察,获取了海晏湾和哈达湾两处湖岸堤的14C年龄;在地理信息系统的支持下,得到这两处岸堤的海拔高度和湖泊面积,应用水热平衡模型,估算了当时流域的降水量。200 a B.P.的青海湖湖岸堤海拔高度为3 201 m,湖泊面积为4 870 km2,流域降水量为416 mm,表明青海湖该时段小冰期气候具有比现在湿润的特征,同时,降水量估算的结果也支持了青海湖流域气候受亚洲西南季风影响的观点。  相似文献   

中国西北干旱区小冰期的湿度变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取中国西北干旱区11 条具有明确古湿度指示意义的气候记录, 结合冰芯、地层沉积、 湖泊沉积、树木年轮、河流阶地等各种研究资料和历史记载, 研究中国西北干旱区小冰期的湿 度变化。结果表明研究区小冰期(1400-1920 AD) 从整体而言处于相对湿润的阶段: 区内高大 山系降水处于较高时段- -西昆仑山古里雅冰芯积累量增大, 天山山间湖泊水位回升, 祁连山 敦德冰芯孢粉总浓度增加; 而盆地内流系统水量也出现了相应的变化- -塔里木盆地克里雅 河和塔里木河流量增大, 准噶尔盆地艾比湖水位上升, 巴丹吉林沙漠地下水补给量上升, 居延 海入湖水量增大, 湖面扩展, 青海湖盆地降水增加, 有效湿度增大, 苏干湖水体盐度降低, 入湖 水量/ 蒸发量之比升高。同时, 较高分辨率的湿度资料显示, 研究区东-南边缘地带在小冰期 内部存在次一级的干湿波动, 两个湿度较高的时期出现在16 世纪和18 世纪, 分别与小冰期内 部的两个相对温暖时期有很好的对应。中国西北相对湿润的小冰期主要是西风带强度增加和 位置南移造成该区域降水增多和全球性普遍降温导致有效湿度增大两个因素共同作用的结果, 研究区边缘地带小冰期内部冷干暖湿的配置则主要体现了夏季风的影响。  相似文献   

中国热带的小冰期及其环境效应   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
张伟强  黄镇国 《地理学报》2000,55(6):744-750
中国热带小冰期的年代和阶段划分,前人至少有6种不同意见。文中选取87个冷冬年份的雪、霜、冻害的史籍资料,并按照灾害出现地点的3个地带(亚热带南部、热带北部、热带中部),认为小冰期为1485~1897年,并可分为3个寒期即1485~1527年、1606~1767年、1835~1897年,其间为2个冷期。3个寒期从老到新越来越强。小冰期年温比现今的降幅小于0.6℃,但极端温曾降至-1℃以下。小冰期的环  相似文献   

靳建辉  李志忠 《中国沙漠》2017,37(6):1111-1120
选取福建东南沿海典型海岸沙丘——东海沙丘,运用GPR(Ground Penetrating Radar)技术探测海岸沙丘内部构造,辅助天然剖面和人工探槽观测,进行系统的年代采样与OSL(Optically Stimulated Luminescence)测年,并选择物理意义明确的粒度参数作为主要环境代用指标,获得了亚热带季风区砂质海岸带典型海岸沙丘的沉积年代和沉积结构。结果表明:(1)东海沙丘是由若干灌丛沙丘组成的横向沙丘,0~6 m主要是~0.45 ka BP以来形成的海岸风成沙丘,可以划分为~0.45 ka BP和0.22~0.12 ka BP两个阶段。(2)东海沙丘沉积过程是多因素共同作用的结果,冷干的气候环境是沙丘发育的适宜条件,入境台风频率增加可能加快了风沙的沉积过程。对比历史文献资料发现,气候异常期往往与社会动荡期、重要历史事件相对应。  相似文献   

气候不稳定性的重要发现:对国外冰芯研究进展的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦大河  李培基 《地理学报》1997,52(5):470-476
冰芯分析使气候环境变化研究取得重大进展。最近格陵兰冰盖顶部的一对冰芯证实了末次冰期出现过多次冷暖时段的快速转换。GRIP冰芯还发现未闪间冰期盛期也为冷期所打断。安第斯山注芯提示了末次冰期热带气候变化之谜。过去被广泛接受的气候稳定的间冰斯和气候多变的冰斯的结论,以及恒温式热带冰期气候运转模式都面临挑战。  相似文献   

树轮密度对气候的响应及重建研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树轮密度是重建过去气候变化的重要代用指标。过去几十年,国内外学者针对树轮密度开展了大量的研究工作,取得了丰硕的成果。论文收集了国内外有关树轮密度的研究文献,从树轮密度对气候变化的响应和气候重建等方面进行了概述。尽管树轮密度对气候变化的响应可能受到样点的地理位置、地形(如海拔、坡向等)、树种等因素的影响,但湿冷地区树轮晚材最大密度能较好地反映生长季或生长季末期温度变化;而干旱地区的早材平均密度能揭示生长季早期的降水变化。因此,目前大多数研究以重建生长季或生长季末期温度为主,也有重建降水量、海平面气压变化的案例。此外,重建方程的方差解释量存在空间和树种间的差异,但这些差异需要更多的研究工作加以验证。最长的重建序列来自于欧洲,长达2018 a;国内基于树轮密度重建的最长温度序列来自于西南地区,长达449 a。另外,树轮密度序列在对温度响应的分异性问题以及评估强火山喷发的降温效应方面还存在争议。其争议源于树轮密度与温度关系还受到其他环境变量与人为因素的影响,因此今后研究还需关注树轮密度与降水、光照等其他气候变量的关系,同时也要注重树种、海拔、实验方法等非气候因子的影响。  相似文献   

历史文献中气候信息的评价   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
本文对我国史料中所载气候信息进行了评价。结论是:①对于史料所载的某一气候事件,我们将其状态分辨取越细,所获取的信息越少;②在分析过程中,对误差要求低些,所获取的信息反而高些;③就已记录的气候事件而言,官方组织的记载所提供的气候信息最多,私人笔札次之,方志类书最次。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence and history of glacier fluctuations during the Little Ice Age (LIA) in the Canadian Rockies. Episodes of synchronous glacier advance occurred in the 12th–13th, early 18th and throughout the 19th centuries. Regional ice cover was probably greatest in the mid-19th century, although in places the early 18th century advance was more extensive. Glaciers have lost over 25% of their area in the 20th century. Selective preservation of the glacier record furnishes an incomplete chronology of events through the 14th–17th centuries. In contrast, varve sequences provide continuous, annually resolved records of sediments for at least the last millennium in some highly glacierized catchments. Such records have been used to infer glacier fluctuations. Evaluation of recent proxy climate reconstructions derived from tree-rings provides independent evidence of climate fluctuations over the last millennium. Most regional glacier advances follow periods of reduced summer temperatures, reconstructed from tree rings particularly ca. 1190–1250, 1280–1340, 1690s and the 1800s. Reconstructed periods of higher precipitation at Banff, Alberta since 1500 are 1515–1550, 1585–1610, 1660–1680 and the 1880s. Glacier advances in the early 1700s, the late 1800s and, in places, the 1950–1970s reflect both increased precipitation and reduced summer temperatures. Negative glacier mass balances from 1976 to 1995 were caused by decreased winter balances. The glacier fluctuation record does not contain a simple climate signal: it is a complex response to several interacting factors that operate at different timescales. Evaluation of climate proxies over the last millennium indicates continuous variability at several superimposed timescales, dominated by decade–century patterns. Only the 19th century shows a long interval of sustained cold summers. This suggests that simplistic concepts of climate over this period should be abandoned and replaced with more realistic records based on continuous proxy data series. The use of the term LIA should be restricted to describing a period of extended glacier cover rather than being used to define a period with specific climate conditions.  相似文献   

We present glacial geologic and chronologic data concerning the Holocene ice extent in the Stauning Alper of East Greenland. The retreat of ice from the late-glacial position back into the mountains was accomplished by at least 11 000 cal years B.P. The only recorded advance after this time occurred during the past few centuries (the Little Ice Age). Therefore, we postulate that the Little Ice Age event represents the maximum Holocene ice extent in this part of East Greenland.  相似文献   

For the heavily glaciated mountains of southern Alaska, few high-resolution, millennial-scale proxy temperature reconstructions are available for comparison with modern temperatures or with the history of glacier fluctuations. Recent catastrophic drainage of glacier-dammed Iceberg Lake, on the northern margin of the Bagley Icefield, exposed subaerial outcrops of varved lacustrine sediments that span the period 442–1998 AD. Here, an updated chronology of varve thickness measurements is used to quantitatively reconstruct melt-season temperature anomalies. From 1958 to 1998, varve thickness has a positive and marginally significant correlation with May–June temperatures at the nearest coastal measurement stations. Varve sensitivity to temperature has changed over time, however, in response to lake level changes in 1957 and earlier. I compensate for this by log-transforming the varve thickness chronology, and also by using a 400-year-long tree-ring-based temperature proxy to reconstruct melt-season temperatures at Iceberg Lake. Regression against this longer proxy record is statistically weak, but spans the full range of occupied lake levels and varve sensitivities. Reconstructed temperature anomalies have broad confidence intervals, but nominally span 1.1°C over the last 1500+ years. Maximum temperatures occurred in the late twentieth century, with a minimum in the late sixth century. The Little Ice Age is present as three cool periods between 1350 and 1850 AD with maximum cooling around 1650 AD. A Medieval Warm Period is evident from 1000 to 1100 AD, but the temperature reconstruction suggests it was less warm than recent decades—an observation supported by independent geological evidence of recent glacier retreat that is unprecedented over the period of record. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Michael G. LosoEmail:

Data on accumulation and concentration of chemical compounds recorded in an essentially unexplored area(Dome Argus)of the Indian Ocean sector of eastern Antarctica during the past 2,680 years(680 B.C. to 1999 A.D.) are presented. During the first 1, 700 years(680 B. C. to 1000 A. D.), the accumulation data shows a slightly decreasing trend, while chemical ions appear to be stable, representing a stable climatic condition. An intensive increasing trend of the accumulation occurred during the 12th to 14th century. The period from 15th to 19th century was characterized by a rapid reducing accumulation and concentrations of volatile compounds suffering post-depositional loss linked to sparse precipitation amount,which was temporally consistent with the Little Ice Age(LIA) episode. Comparison between observed accumulation rates with other eastern Antarctic ice cores show a consistent decreasing trend during LIA, while sea salt and dust-originated ions increased due to sea ice extent and intensified atmospheric transportation. Distribution of volcanic originated sulfate over the Antarctic continent show a significant change during the 15th century, coincident with the onset of the LIA. These results are important for the assessment of Antarctic continent mass balance and associated interpretation of the Dome A deep ice core records.  相似文献   

The evolution of Maladeta Glacier (Maladeta massif, central Spanish Pyrenees) since the Little Ice Age maximum is analyzed in this work. The extent of the glacier was mapped into 10 stages using morainic deposits and graphic documents. Climatic data (temperature and precipitation) were reconstructed by using dendroclimatic techniques complemented by recent instrumental records. The results thus obtained confirm the control of the above mentioned climatic factors, particularly annual temperature and winter precipitation, in the evolution of Maladeta Glacier, which has receded from an extent of 152.3 ha in 1820–1830 to 54.5 ha in 2000, a 35.7% reduction in size. The rate of ice wastage has varied during that period, defining several phases of glacial stabilization (1820–1830 to 1857; 1914–1920 to 1934–1935; 1957 to 1981), moderated glacial depletion (1901–1904 to 1914–1920; 1934–1935 to 1957) and marked glacial depletion (1857 to 1901–1904; 1981 to 2000). The evolution of Maladeta Glacier is also in keeping with trends observed from other alpine Mediterranean glaciers, which have experienced a consistent rise in their equilibrium line altitudes during the 19th and 20th centuries as well as associated and prolonged periods of negative mass balance.  相似文献   

Clastic varved sediments from Donard Lake, in the Cape Dyer region of Baffin Island, provide a 1250 yr record of decadal-to-centennial scale climate variability. Donard Lake experiences strong seasonal fluctuations in runoff and sediment fluxes due to the summer melting of the Caribou Glacier, which presently dominates its catchment. The seasonal variation in sediment supply results in the annual deposition of laminae couplets. A radiocarbon date measured on moss fragments, with a calibrated age of 860 ± 80 yrs before present (BP), is in close agreement with the age based on paired-layer counts. Together with the fabric of the laminae determined from microscope analysis, the age agreement demonstrates that the laminae couplets are annually deposited varves. Comparisons of varve thickness and average summer temperature from nearby Cape Dyer show a significant positive correlation (r= 0.57 for annual records, r = 0.82 for 3-yr averages), indicating that varve thickness reflects changes in average summer temperature. Varve thickness was used to reconstruct average summer temperatures for the past 1250 yrs, and shows abrupt shifts and large amplitude decadal-to-centennial scale variability throughout the record. The most prominent feature of the record is a period of elevated summer temperatures from 1200-1375 AD, followed by cooler conditions from 1375-1820 AD, coincident with the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

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