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From a comparison between the different observations of Martian methane existing today, including the new TES methane maps (Fonti and Marzo, 2010), we show that all sets of data are globally consistent with each other, and that a well definite seasonal cycle of methane has been at work for at least 10 yr. With a simple model of the balance between the loss fluxes of H and O, using up-to-date values of the escape fluxes, we show that the long-standing enigma of the imbalance between H and O escape fluxes may be solved by assuming that the missing sink of oxygen is the oxidation of methane. If no H2 is released together with CH4, a good agreement is found between the present CH4 flux and the value imposed by the balance between H and O escape fluxes, an average over the last ≈103 yr. If H2 is released together with CH4, as expected if CH4 originates in serpentinization, the average level of CH4 during the last 103 yr should have been at least ten times lower than the present one. The lack of present H2 release could suggest a long-term storage of methane in the subsurface under the form of clathrates, whereas H2 has been lost to the atmosphere shortly after being produced. We suggest that the thin layer of CO2 ice covering the permanent southern polar cap could result from the release of methane since the end of the last obliquity transition (time scale: 1 Myr), at an average rate of 0.1 Mt yr?1, consistent with the values derived from: (i) the present observations of methane (time scale: 10 yr), (ii) the estimate from the observed imbalance between the H and O escape fluxes (time scale: 1 kyr). If so, the present release of methane from subsurface clathrates would have acted at a similar rate since at least 3 Myr.  相似文献   

CH4 has been observed on Mars both by remote sensing and in situ during the past 15 yr. It could have been produced by early Mars serpentinization processes that could also explain the observed Martian remanent magnetic field. Assuming a cold early Mars, a cryosphere could trap such CH4 as clathrates in stable form at depth. The maximum storage capacity of such a clathrate cryosphere has been recently estimated to be 2 × 1019 to 2 × 1020 moles of methane. We estimate how large amounts of serpentinization‐derived CH4 stored in the cryosphere have been released into the atmosphere during the Noachian and the early Hesperian. Due to rapid clathrate dissociation and photochemical conversion of CH4 to H2, these episodes of massive CH4 release may have resulted in transient H2‐rich atmospheres, at typical levels of 10–20% in a background 1–2 bar CO2 atmosphere. The collision‐induced heating effect of H2 present in such an atmosphere has been shown to raise the surface temperature above the water freezing point. We show how local and rapid destabilization of the cryosphere can be induced by large events (such as the Hellas Basin or Tharsis bulge formation) and lead to such releases. Our results show that the early Mars cryosphere had a sufficient CH4 storage capacity to have maintained H2‐rich transient atmospheres during a total time period up to several million years or tens of million years, having potentially contributed to the formation of valley networks during the Noachian/early Hesperian.  相似文献   

The presence of methane on Mars is of great interest, since one possibility for its origin is that it derives from living microbes. However, CH4 in the martian atmosphere also could be attributable to geologic emissions released through pathways similar to those occurring on Earth. Using recent data on methane degassing of the Earth, we have estimated the relative terrestrial contributions of fossil geologic methane vs. modern methane from living methanogens, and have examined the significance that various geologic sources might have for Mars.Geologic degassing includes microbial methane (produced by ancient methanogens), thermogenic methane (from maturation of sedimentary organic matter), and subordinately geothermal and volcanic methane (mainly produced abiogenically). Our analysis suggests that ~80% of the “natural” emission to the terrestrial atmosphere originates from modern microbial activity and ~20% originates from geologic degassing, for a total CH4 emission of ~28.0×107 tonnes year?1.Estimates of methane emission on Mars range from 12.6×101 to 57.0×104 tonnes year?1 and are 3–6 orders of magnitude lower than that estimated for Earth. Nevertheless, the recently detected martian, Northern-Summer-2003 CH4 plume could be compared with methane expulsion from large mud volcanoes or from the integrated emission of a few hundred gas seeps, such as many of those located in Europe, USA, Mid-East or Asia. Methane could also be released by diffuse microseepage from martian soil, even if macro-seeps or mud volcanoes were lacking or inactive. We calculated that a weak microseepage spread over a few tens of km2, as frequently occurs on Earth, may be sufficient to generate the lower estimate of methane emission in the martian atmosphere.At least 65% of Earth’s degassing is provided by kerogen thermogenesis. A similar process may exist on Mars, where kerogen might include abiogenic organics (delivered by meteorites and comets) and remnants of possible, past martian life. The remainder of terrestrial degassed methane is attributed to fossil microbial gas (~25%) and geothermal-volcanic emissions (~10%). Global abiogenic emissions from serpentinization are negligible on Earth, but, on Mars, individual seeps from serpentinization could be significant. Gas discharge from clathrate-permafrost destabilization should also be considered.Finally, we have shown examples of potential degassing pathways on Mars, including mud volcano-like structures, fault and fracture systems, and major volcanic edifices. All these types of structures could provide avenues for extensive gas expulsion, as on Earth. Future investigations of martian methane should be focused on such potential pathways.  相似文献   

Complex organic materials may exist as haze layers in the atmosphere of Titan and as dark coloring agents on icy satellite surfaces. Laboratory measurements of optical constants of plausible complex organic materials are necessary for quantitative evaluation from remote sensing observations, and to document the existence of complex organic materials in the extraterrestrial environments. The recent Cassini VIMS and CIRS observations provide new constraints on Titan’s haze properties in the mid-infrared wavelength region. Here, we present the optical constants (2.5–25 μm) of Titan tholins generated with cold plasma irradiation of a N2/CH4 (90/10) gas mixture at pressures of 0.26 mbar, 1.6 mbar, and 23 mbar. Our new optical constants of three types of Titan tholins suggest that no single Titan tholin in this study fulfills all the observational constraints of the Titan haze material. The discrepancy remains a challenge for future modeling and laboratory efforts that aim toward a better understanding of Titan’s haze material.  相似文献   

Conditions on the surface of Mars would appear to be too hostile for life as we know it. But the subsurface is another matter. If liquid water is present, even intermittently, life forms present would at least be protected from the lethal radiation bombarding the surface. However, life would have to contend with variations in pressure and possibly extended periods of desiccation. The research reported here involves both active metabolism (methanogenesis) at 400 and 50 mbar of pressure, pressures that would be found in the near subsurface of Mars, and survival following desiccation at both 1 bar (a pressure that would be found in the Martian subsurface) and 6 mbar (the lowest pressure at the surface and very near subsurface). The three methanogens tested for active metabolism, Methanothermobacter wolfeii, Methanosarcina barkeri and Methanobacterium formicicum, all demonstrated methane production at both 400 and 50 mbar on JSC Mars-1, a Mars soil simulant. Methane production at 50 mbar was much reduced compared to that at 400 mbar, most likely due to the greater stress at the lower pressure. In desiccation survival experiments, M. barkeri had survived 330 days of desiccation at 1 bar, while M. wolfeii and M. formicicum survived 180 and 120 days, respectively. Methanococcus maripaludis did not survive desiccation at all at 1 bar. At 6 mbar, M. wolfeii, M. barkeri and M. formicicum survived 120 days of desiccation while M. maripaludis survived 60 days. These results along with results from previous research would seem to indicate that there is no reason that methanogens could not inhabit the subsurface of Mars.  相似文献   

The equilibrium suggested as a buffer for CO2 in the Venus atmosphere, CaCO3 + SiO2 = CaSiO3 + CO2, cannot act as a buffer at the Venus surface/troposphere – the pressure–temperature slope of the equilibrium and that of the atmosphere (dry adiabat with significant greenhouse heating) do not provide buffering capacity (if indeed CaCO3 were present). Instead, perturbations to T or P(CO2) can produce catastrophic expansion or collapse of the atmosphere. This instability can be generalized to all devolatilization reactions that produce a radiatively active gas in a planetary atmosphere dominated by such gases, and gives a simple thermochemical criterion for whether a reaction could buffer such an atmosphere. Simple decarbonation reactions fail this criterion, suggesting that the abundance of CO2 in a CO2-dominated atmosphere cannot be buffered by chemical reactions with the surface; a similar conclusion holds for the abundance of H2O in an H2O-dominated (steam) atmosphere. Buffering of minor gases is more likely; a mineral buffer equilibrium for SO2 proposed for Venus, FeS2 + CO2 = Fe3O4 + SO2 + CO, passes the thermochemical criterion, as does a reaction involving Ca sulfate. These inferences can be generalized to atmospheres in ‘moist’ adiabatic equilibria, and to extrasolar Venus-like planets, and will help in interpreting the compositions of their atmospheres.  相似文献   

Titan’s moment of inertia (MoI), estimated from the quadrupole gravity field measured by the Cassini spacecraft, is 0.342, which has been interpreted as evidence of a partially differentiated internal mass distribution. It is shown here that the observed MoI is equally consistent with a fully differentiated internal structure comprising a shell of water ice overlying a low-density silicate core; depending on the chemistry of Titan’s subsurface ocean, the core radius is between 1980 and 2120 km, and its uncompressed density is 2570–2460 kg m?3, suggestive of a hydrated CI carbonaceous chondrite mineralogy. Both the partially differentiated and fully differentiated hydrated core models constrain the deep interior to be several hundred degrees cooler than previously thought. I propose that Titan has a warm wet core below, or buffered at, the high-pressure dehydration temperature of its hydrous constituents, and that many of the gases evolved by thermochemical and radiogenic processes in the core (such as CH4 and 40Ar, respectively) diffuse into the icy mantle to form clathrate hydrates, which in turn may provide a comparatively impermeable barrier to further diffusion. Hence we should not necessarily expect to see a strong isotopic signature of serpentinization in Titan’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

Water is not currently stable in liquid form on the martian surface due to the present mean atmospheric pressure of ~7 mbar and mean global temperature of ~220 K. However, geomorphic features and hydrated mineral assemblages suggest that Mars’ climate was once warmer and liquid water flowed on the surface. These observations may indicate a substantially more massive atmosphere in the past, but there have been few observational constraints on paleoatmospheric pressures. Here we show how the 40Ar/36Ar ratios of trapped gases within martian meteorite ALH 84001 constrain paleoatmospheric pressure on Mars during the Noachian era [~4.56–3.8 billion years (Ga)]. Our model indicates that atmospheric pressures did not exceed ~1.5 bar during the first 400 million years (Ma) of the Noachian era, and were <400 mbar by 4.16 Ga. Such pressures of CO2 are only sufficient to stabilize liquid water on Mars’ surface at low latitudes during seasonally warm periods. Other greenhouse gases like SO2 and water vapor may have played an important role in intermittently stabilizing liquid water at higher latitudes following major volcanic eruptions or impact events.  相似文献   

Methane is key to sustaining Titan's thick nitrogen atmosphere. However, methane is destroyed and converted to heavier hydrocarbons irreversibly on a relatively short timescale of approximately 10-100 million years. Without the warming provided by CH4-generated hydrocarbon hazes in the stratosphere and the pressure induced opacity in the infrared, particularly by CH4-N2 and H2-N2 collisions in the troposphere, the atmosphere could be gradually reduced to as low as tens of millibar pressure. An understanding of the source-sink cycle of methane is thus crucial to the evolutionary history of Titan and its atmosphere. In this paper we propose that a complex photochemical-meteorological-hydrogeochemical cycle of methane operates on Titan. We further suggest that although photochemistry leads to the loss of methane from the atmosphere, conversion to a global ocean of ethane is unlikely. The behavior of methane in the troposphere and the surface, as measured by the Cassini-Huygens gas chromatograph mass spectrometer, together with evidence of cryovolcanism reported by the Cassini visual and infrared mapping spectrometer, represents a “methalogical” cycle on Titan, somewhat akin to the hydrological cycle on Earth. In the absence of net loss to the interior, it would represent a closed cycle. However, a source is still needed to replenish the methane lost to photolysis. A hydrogeochemical source deep in the interior of Titan holds promise. It is well known that in serpentinization, hydration of ultramafic silicates in terrestrial oceans produces H2(aq), whose reaction with carbon grains or carbon dioxide in the crustal pores produces methane gas. Appropriate geological, thermal, and pressure conditions could have existed in and below Titan's purported water-ammonia ocean for “low-temperature” serpentinization to occur in Titan's accretionary heating phase. On the other hand, impacts could trigger the process at high temperatures. In either instance, storage of methane as a stable clathrate-hydrate in Titan's interior for later release to the atmosphere is quite plausible. There is also some likelihood that the production of methane on Titan by serpentinization is a gradual and continuous on-going process.  相似文献   

Recent observations have evidenced traces of methane (CH4) heterogeneously distributed in the martian atmosphere. However, because the lifetime of CH4 in the atmosphere of Mars is estimated to be around 300-600 years on the basis of photochemistry, its release from a subsurface reservoir or an active primary source of methane have been invoked in the recent literature. Among the existing scenarios, it has been proposed that clathrate hydrates located in the near subsurface of Mars could be at the origin of the small quantities of the detected CH4. Here, we accurately determine the composition of these clathrate hydrates, as a function of temperature and gas phase composition, by using a hybrid statistical thermodynamic model based on experimental data. Compared to the other recent works, our model allows us to calculate the composition of clathrate hydrates formed from a more plausible composition of the martian atmosphere by considering its main compounds, i.e. carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon, together with methane. Besides, because there is no low temperature restriction in our model, we are able to determine the composition of clathrate hydrates formed at temperatures corresponding to the extreme ones measured in the polar caps. Our results show that methane enriched clathrate hydrates could be stable in the subsurface of Mars only if a primitive CH4-rich atmosphere has existed or if a subsurface source of CH4 has been (or is still) present.  相似文献   

This work deals with the optical constant characterization of Titan aerosol analogues or “tholins” produced with the PAMPRE experimental setup and deposited as thin films onto a silicon substrate. Tholins were produced in different N2–CH4 gaseous mixtures to study the effect of the initial methane concentration on their optical constants. The real (n) and imaginary (k) parts of the complex refractive index were determined using the spectroscopic ellipsometry technique in the 370–1000 nm wavelength range. We found that optical constants depend strongly on the methane concentrations of the gas phase in which tholins are produced: imaginary optical index (k) decreases with initial CH4 concentration from 2.3 × 10?2 down to 2.7 × 10?3 at 1000 nm wavelength, while the real optical index (n) increases from 1.48 up to 1.58 at 1000 nm wavelength. The larger absorption in the visible range of tholins produced at lower methane percentage is explained by an increase of the secondary and primary amines signature in the mid-IR absorption. Comparison with results of other tholins and data from Titan observations are presented. We found an agreement between our values obtained with 10% methane concentration, and Imanaka et al. (Imanaka, H., Khare, B.N., Elsila, J.E., Bakes, E.L.O., McKay, C.P., Cruikshank, D.P., Sugita, S., Matsui, T., Zare, R.N. [2004]. Icarus, 168, 344–366) values, in spite of the difference in the analytical method. This confirms a reliability of the optical properties of tholins prepared with various setups but with similar plasma conditions. Our comparison with Titan’s observations also raises a possible inconsistency between the mid-IR aerosol signature by VIMS and CIRS Cassini instruments and the visible Huygens-DISR derived data. The mid-IR VIMS and CIRS signatures are in agreement with an aerosol dominated by an aliphatic carbon content, whereas the important visible absorption derived from the DISR measurement seems to be incompatible with such an important aliphatic content, but more compatible with an amine-rich aerosol.  相似文献   

We observed the products C4H5, C4H4, C3H3 and CH3 of the C(3P) + C3H6 reaction using product time-of-flight spectroscopy and selective photoionization. The identified species arise from the product channels C4H5 + H, C4H4 + 2H and C3H3 + CH3. Product isomers were identified via measurements of photoionization spectra and calculations of adiabatic ionization energy. Product C4H5 probably involves three isomers HCCCHCH3, H2CCCCH3 and H2CCCHCH2. In contrast, products C4H4 and C3H3 involve exclusively HCCCHCH2 and H2CCCH, respectively. Reaction mechanisms are unraveled with crossed-beam experiments and quantum-chemical calculations. The 3P carbon atom attacks the π orbital of propene (C3H6) to form a cyclic complex c-H2C(C)CHCH3 that rapidly opens the ring to form H2CCCHCH3 followed by decomposition to HCCCHCH3/H2CCCCH3/H2CCCHCH2 + H and H2CCCH + CH3; the corresponding branching ratios are 7:5:10:78 predicted with RRKM calculations at collision energy 4 kcal mol?1. Nascent C4H5 with enough internal energy further decomposes to HCCCHCH2 + H. Ratios of products C4H5, C4H4 and C3H3 are experimentally evaluated to be 17:8:75. This work provides a comprehensive look at product channels of the title reaction and gives implications for the formation of hydrocarbons in extra-terrestrial environments such as Titan and carbon-rich interstellar media. We suggest that the title reaction, hitherto excluded in any chemical networks, needs to be taken into account at least in the atmosphere of Titan and carbon-rich molecular clouds where rapid neutral–neutral reactions are dominant and carbon atoms and propene are abundant.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the relevant literature and investigate conditions likely to lead to melting of H2O ice, methanol (CH3OH) ice, ethane (C2H6) ice and other volatile ices in cometary nuclei. On the basis of a heat balance model which takes account of volatiles loss, we predict the formation of occasional aqueous and hydrocarbon liquid phases in subsurface regions at heliocentric distances, rh of 1–3 AU, and 5–12 AU, respectively. Low triple-point temperatures and low vapour pressures of C2H6, C3H8, and some higher-order alkanes and alkenes, favour liquid phase formation in cometary bodies at high rh. Microporosity and the formation of a stabilization crust occluding the escape of volatiles facilitate liquid-phase formation. Characteristics of the near-surface which favour subsurface melting include; low effective surface emissivity (at low rh), high amorphous carbon content, average pore sizes of ~10 μm or less, presence of solutes (e.g. CH3OH), mixtures of C2–C6 hydrocarbons (for melting at high rh), diurnal thermal cycling, and slow rotation rate. Applying the principles of soil mechanics, capillary forces are shown to initiate pre-melting phenomena and subsequent melting, which is expected to impart considerable strength of ~104 Pa in partially saturated layers, reducing porosity and permeability, enhancing thermal conductivity and heat transfer. Diurnal thermal cycling is expected to have a marked effect on the composition and distribution of H2O ice in the near-surface leading to frost heave-type phenomena even where little if any true melting occurs. Where melting does take place, capillary suction in the wetted zone has the potential to enhance heat transfer via capillary wetting in a low-gravity environment, and to modify surface topography creating relatively smooth flat-bottomed features, which have a tendency to be located within small depressions. An important aspect of the “wetted layer” model is the prediction that diurnal melt–freeze cycles alter the mixing ratio vs. depth of solutes present, or of other miscible components, largely through a process of fractional crystallization, but also potentially involving frost heave. Wetted layers are potentially durable and can involve significant mass transport of volatile materials in the near-surface, increasing in extent over many rotations of the nucleus prior to and just after perihelion passage, and causing stratification and trapping of the lowest-melting mixtures at depths of several metres. A possible mechanism for cometary outbursts is proposed involving a heat pulse reaching the liquid phase in the deepest wetted zone, leading to supersaturation and triggering the sudden release under pressure of dissolved gases, in particular CO2, CO, CH4 or N2, contained beneath a consolidated near-surface layer. This study indicates that liquid water can persist for long periods of time in the near-surface of some intermediate-sized bodies (102–103 km radius) within protoplanetary discs.  相似文献   

The IRTF/CSHELL observations in February 2006 at LS = 10° and 63–93°W show ~10 ppb of methane at 45°S to 7°N and ~3 ppb outside this region that covers the deepest canyon Valles Marineris. Observations in December 2009 at LS = 20° and 0–30°W included spectra of the Moon at a similar airmass as a telluric calibrator. A technique for extraction of the martian methane line from a combination of the Mars and Moon spectra has been developed. The observations reveal no methane with an upper limit of 8 ppb. The results of both sessions agree with the observations by Mumma et al. (Mumma, M.J. et al. [2009]. Science 323, 1041–1045) at the same season in February 2006 and are smaller than those in the PFS and TES maps. Production and removal of the biological methane on Mars do not significantly change the redox state of the atmosphere and the balance of hydrogen. A search for ethane at 2977 cm?1 results in an upper limit of 0.2 ppb. However, this limit does not help to establish the origin of methane on Mars. Reanalysis of our search for SO2 using TEXES confirms the recently established upper limit of 0.3 ppb. Along with the lack of hot spots and gas vents with endogenic heat sources in the THEMIS observations, the very low upper limit to SO2 on Mars does not favor geological methane that is less abundant than SO2 in the outgassing from the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

The model is intended to respond to the recent findings in the Venus atmosphere from the Venus Express and ground-based submillimeter and infrared observations. It extends down to 47 km for comparison with the kinetic model for the lower atmosphere (Krasnopolsky, V.A. [2007]. Icarus 191, 25–37) and to use its results as the boundary conditions. The model numerical accuracy is significantly improved by reduction of the altitude step from 2 km in the previous models to 0.5 km. Effects of the NUV absorber are approximated using the detailed photometric observations at 365 nm from Venera 14. The H2O profile is not fixed but calculated in the model. The model involves odd nitrogen and OCS chemistries based on the detected NO and OCS abundances. The number of the reactions is significantly reduced by removing of unimportant processes. Column rates for all reactions are given, and balances of production and loss may be analyzed in detail for each species.The calculated vertical profiles of CO, H2O, HCl, SO2, SO, OCS and of the O2 dayglow at 1.27 μm generally agree with the existing observational data; some differences are briefly discussed. The OH dayglow is ~30 kR, brighter than the OH nightglow by a factor of 4. The H + O3 process dominates in the nightglow excitation and O + HO2 in the dayglow, because of the reduction of ozone by photolysis. A key feature of Venus’ photochemistry is the formation of sulfuric acid in a narrow layer near the cloud tops that greatly reduces abundances of SO2 and H2O above the clouds. Delivery of SO2 and H2O through this bottleneck determines the chemistry and its variations above the clouds. Small variations of eddy diffusion near 60 km result in variations of SO2, SO, and OCS at and above 70 km within a factor of ~30. Variations of the SO2/H2O ratio at the lower boundary have similar but weaker effect: the variations within a factor of ~4 are induced by changes of SO2/H2O by ±5%. Therefore the observed variations of the mesospheric composition originate from minor variations of the atmospheric dynamics near the cloud layer and do not require volcanism. NO cycles are responsible for production of a quarter of O2, SO2, and Cl2 in the atmosphere. A net effect of photochemistry in the middle atmosphere is the consumption of CO2, SO2, and HCl from and return of CO, H2SO4, and SO2Cl2 to the lower atmosphere. These processes may be balanced by thermochemistry in the lower atmosphere even without outgassing from the interior, though the latter is not ruled out by our models. Some differences between the model and observations and the previous models are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The two orders of magnitude drop between the measured atmospheric abundances of non-radiogenic argon, krypton and xenon in Earth versus Mars is striking. Here, in order to account for this difference, we explore the hypothesis that clathrate deposits incorporated into the current martian cryosphere have sequestered significant amounts of these noble gases assuming they were initially present in the paleoatmosphere in quantities similar to those measured on Earth (in mass of noble gas per unit mass of the planet). To do so, we use a statistical-thermodynamic model that predicts the clathrate composition formed from a carbon dioxide-dominated paleoatmosphere whose surface pressure ranges up to 3 bars. The influence of the presence of atmospheric sulfur dioxide on clathrate composition is investigated and we find that it does not alter the trapping efficiencies of other minor species. Assuming nominal structural parameters for the clathrate cages, we find that a carbon dioxide equivalent pressure of 0.03 and 0.9 bar is sufficient to trap masses of xenon and krypton, respectively, equivalent to those found on Earth in the clathrate deposits of the cryosphere. In this case, the amount of trapped argon is not sufficient to explain the measured Earth/Mars argon abundance ratio in the considered pressure range. In contrast, with a 2% contraction of the clathrate cages, masses of xenon, krypton and argon at least equivalent to those found on Earth can be incorporated into clathrates if one assumes the trapping of carbon dioxide at equivalent atmospheric pressures of ~2.3 bar. The proposed clathrate trapping mechanism could have then played an important role in the shaping of the current martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

Abstract– A model is presented in which the aqueous conditions needed to generate phyllosilicate minerals in the absence of carbonates found in the ancient Noachian crust are maintained by an early CO2‐rich atmosphere, that, together with iron (II) oxidation, would prevent carbonate formation at the surface. After cessation of the internal magnetic dynamo, a CO2‐rich primordial atmosphere was stripped by interactions with the solar wind and surface conditions evolved from humid to arid, with ground waters partially dissolving subsurface carbonate and sulfide minerals to produce acid‐sulfate evaporitic deposits in areas with upwelling ground water. In a subsequent geochemical state (Late Noachian to Hesperian), surface and subsurface acidic solutions were neutralized in the subsurface through interaction with basaltic crust, allowing the precipitation of secondary carbonates. This model suggests that, in the early Noachian, the surface waters of Mars maintained acidity because of a drop in temperature. This would have favored increased dissolution of CO2 and a reduction in atmospheric pressure. In this scenario, physicochemical conditions precluded the formation of surface carbonates, but induced the precipitation of carbonates in the subsurface.  相似文献   

The planet-encircling springtime storm in Saturn’s troposphere (December 2010–July 2011, Fletcher, L.N. et al. [2011]. Science 332, 1413–1414; Sánchez-Lavega, A. et al. [2011]. Nature 475, 71–74; Fischer, G. et al. [2011]. Nature 475, 75–77) produced dramatic perturbations to stratospheric temperatures, winds and composition at mbar pressures that persisted long after the tropospheric disturbance had abated. Thermal infrared (IR) spectroscopy from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS), supported by ground-based IR imaging from the VISIR instrument on the Very Large Telescope and the MIRSI instrument on NASA’s IRTF, is used to track the evolution of a large, hot stratospheric anticyclone between January 2011 and March 2012. The evolutionary sequence can be divided into three phases: (I) the formation and intensification of two distinct warm airmasses near 0.5 mbar between 25 and 35°N (B1 and B2) between January–April 2011, moving westward with different zonal velocities, B1 residing directly above the convective tropospheric storm head; (II) the merging of the warm airmasses to form the large single ‘stratospheric beacon’ near 40°N (B0) between April and June 2011, disassociated from the storm head and at a higher pressure (2 mbar) than the original beacons, a downward shift of 1.4 scale heights (approximately 85 km) post-merger; and (III) the mature phase characterised by slow cooling (0.11 ± 0.01 K/day) and longitudinal shrinkage of the anticyclone since July 2011. Peak temperatures of 221.6 ± 1.4 K at 2 mbar were measured on May 5th 2011 immediately after the merger, some 80 K warmer than the quiescent surroundings. From July 2011 to the time of writing, B0 remained as a long-lived stable stratospheric phenomenon at 2 mbar, moving west with a near-constant velocity of 2.70 ± 0.04 deg/day (?24.5 ± 0.4 m/s at 40°N relative to System III longitudes). No perturbations to visible clouds and hazes were detected during this period.With no direct tracers of motion in the stratosphere, we use thermal windshear calculations to estimate clockwise peripheral velocities of 200–400 m/s at 2 mbar around B0. The peripheral velocities of the two original airmasses were smaller (70–140 m/s). In August 2011, the size of the vortex as defined by the peripheral collar was 65° longitude (50,000 km in diameter) and 25° latitude. Stratospheric acetylene (C2H2) was uniformly enhanced by a factor of three within the vortex, whereas ethane (C2H6) remained unaffected. The passage of B0 generated a new band of warm stratospheric emission at 0.5 mbar at its northern edge, and there are hints of warm stratospheric structures associated with the beacons at higher altitudes (p < 0.1 mbar) than can be reliably observed by CIRS nadir spectroscopy. Analysis of the zonal windshear suggests that Rossby wave perturbations from the convective storm could have propagated vertically into the stratosphere at this point in Saturn’s seasonal cycle, one possible source of energy for the formation of these stratospheric anticyclones.  相似文献   

Titan’s optical and near-IR spectra result primarily from the scattering of sunlight by haze and its absorption by methane. With a column abundance of 92 km amagat (11 times that of Earth), Titan’s atmosphere is optically thick and only ~10% of the incident solar radiation reaches the surface, compared to 57% on Earth. Such a formidable atmosphere obstructs investigations of the moon’s lower troposphere and surface, which are highly sensitive to the radiative transfer treatment of methane absorption and haze scattering. The absorption and scattering characteristics of Titan’s atmosphere have been constrained by the Huygens Probe Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) experiment for conditions at the probe landing site (Tomasko, M.G., Bézard, B., Doose, L., Engel, S., Karkoschka, E. [2008a]. Planet. Space Sci. 56, 624–247; Tomasko, M.G. et al. [2008b]. Planet. Space Sci. 56, 669–707). Cassini’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) data indicate that the rest of the atmosphere (except for the polar regions) can be understood with small perturbations in the high haze structure determined at the landing site (Penteado, P.F., Griffith, C.A., Tomasko, M.G., Engel, S., See, C., Doose, L., Baines, K.H., Brown, R.H., Buratti, B.J., Clark, R., Nicholson, P., Sotin, C. [2010]. Icarus 206, 352–365). However the in situ measurements were analyzed with a doubling and adding radiative transfer calculation that differs considerably from the discrete ordinates codes used to interpret remote data from Cassini and ground-based measurements. In addition, the calibration of the VIMS data with respect to the DISR data has not yet been tested. Here, VIMS data of the probe landing site are analyzed with the DISR radiative transfer method and the faster discrete ordinates radiative transfer calculation; both models are consistent (to within 0.3%) and reproduce the scattering and absorption characteristics derived from in situ measurements. Constraints on the atmospheric opacity at wavelengths outside those measured by DISR, that is from 1.6 to 5.0 μm, are derived using clouds as diffuse reflectors in order to derive Titan’s surface albedo to within a few percent error and cloud altitudes to within 5 km error. VIMS spectra of Titan at 2.6–3.2 μm indicate not only spectral features due to CH4 and CH3D (Rannou, P., Cours, T., Le Mouélic, S., Rodriguez, S., Sotin, C., Drossart, P., Brown, R. [2010]. Icarus 208, 850–867), but also a fairly uniform absorption of unknown source, equivalent to the effects of a darkening of the haze to a single scattering albedo of 0.63 ± 0.05. Titan’s 4.8 μm spectrum point to a haze optical depth of 0.2 at that wavelength. Cloud spectra at 2 μm indicate that the far wings of the Voigt profile extend 460 cm?1 from methane line centers. This paper releases the doubling and adding radiative transfer code developed by the DISR team, so that future studies of Titan’s atmosphere and surface are consistent with the findings by the Huygens Probe. We derive the surface albedo at eight spectral regions of the 8 × 12 km2 area surrounding the Huygens landing site. Within the 0.4–1.6 μm spectral region our surface albedos match DISR measurements, indicating that DISR and VIMS measurements are consistently calibrated. These values together with albedos at longer 1.9–5.0 μm wavelengths, not sampled by DISR, resemble a dark version of the spectrum of Ganymede’s icy leading hemisphere. The eight surface albedos of the landing site are consistent with, but not deterministic of, exposed water ice with dark impurities.  相似文献   

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