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Copper and iron skarn deposits are economically important types of skarn deposits throughout the world, especially in China, but the differences between Cu and Fe skarn deposits are poorly constrained. The Edong ore district in southeastern Hubei Province, Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt, China, contains numerous Fe and Cu–Fe skarn deposits. In this contribution, variations in skarn mineralogy, mineralization-related intrusions and sulfur isotope values between these Cu–Fe and Fe skarn deposits are discussed.The garnets and pyroxenes of the Cu–Fe and Fe skarn deposits in the Edong ore district share similar compositions, i.e., dominantly andradite (Ad29–100Gr0–68) and diopside (Di54–100Hd0–38), respectively. This feature indicates that the mineral compositions of skarn silicate mineral assemblages were not the critical controlling factors for variations between the Cu–Fe and Fe skarn deposits. Intrusions associated with skarn Fe deposits in the Edong ore district differ from those Cu–Fe skarn deposits in petrology, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope. Intrusions associated with Fe deposits have large variations in their (La/Yb)N ratios (3.84–24.6) and Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.32–1.65), and have relatively low Sr/Y ratios (4.2–44.0) and high Yb contents (1.20–11.8 ppm), as well as radiogenic Sr–Nd isotopes (εNd(t) =  12.5 to − 9.2) and (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7067 to 0.7086. In contrast, intrusions associated with Cu–Fe deposits are characterized by relatively high Sr/Y (35.0–81.3) and (La/Yb)N (15.0–31.6) ratios, low Yb contents (1.00–1.62 ppm) without obvious Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.67–0.97), as well as (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7055 to 0.7068 and εNd(t) =  7.9 to − 3.4. Geochemical evidence indicates a greater contribution from the crust in intrusions associated with Fe skarn deposits than in intrusions associated with Cu–Fe skarn deposits. In the Edong ore district, the sulfides and sulfates in the Cu–Fe skarn deposits have sulfur isotope signatures that differ from those of Fe skarn deposits. The Cu–Fe skarn deposits have a narrow range of δ34S values from − 6.2‰ to + 8.7‰ in sulfides, and + 13.2‰ to + 15.2‰ in anhydrite, while the Fe skarn deposits have a wide range of δ34S values from + 10.3‰ to + 20.0‰ in pyrite and + 18.9‰ to + 30.8‰ in anhydrite. Sulfur isotope data for anhydrite and sedimentary country rocks suggest that the formation of skarns in the Edong district involved the interaction between magmatic fluids and variable amounts of evaporites in host rocks.  相似文献   

The Magushan skarn Cu–Mo deposit is a representative example of the skarn mineralization occurring within the Xuancheng ore district of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt of eastern China. The precise age of an ore deposit is important for understanding the timing of mineralization relative to other geological events in a region and to fully place the formation of a mineral deposit within the geological context of other processes that occur within the study area. Here, we present new molybdenite Re–Os and titanite and andradite garnet U–Pb ages for the Magushan deposit and use these data to outline possible approaches for identifying genetic relationships in geologically complex areas. The spatial and paragenetic relationships between the intrusions, alteration, and mineralization within the study area indicates that the formation of the Magushan deposit is genetically associated with the porphyritic granodiorite. However, this is not always the case, as some areas contain complexly zoned plutons with multiple phases of intrusion or mineralization may be distal from or may not have any clear spatial relationship to a pluton. This means that it may not be possible to determine whether the mineralization formed as a result of single or multiple magmatic/hydrothermal events. As such, the approaches presented in this study provide an approach that allows the identification of any geochronological relationships between mineralization and intrusive events in areas more complex than the study area. Previously published zircon U–Pb data for the mineralization-related porphyritic granodiorite in this area yielded an age of 134.2 ± 1.2 Ma (MSWD = 1.4) whereas the Re–Os dating of molybdenite from the study area yielded an isochron age of 137.7 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.43). The timing of the mineralizing event in the study area was further examined by the dating of magmatic accessory titanite and skarn-related andradite garnet, yielding U–Pb ages of 136.3 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD = 3.2) and 135.9 ± 2.7 Ma (MSWD = 2.5), respectively. The dating of magmatic and hydrothermal activity within the Magushan area yields ages around 136 Ma, strongly suggesting that the mineralization in this area formed as a result of the emplacement of the intrusion. The dates presented in this study also provide the first indication of the timing of mineralization within the Xuancheng district. providing evidence of a close genetic relationship between the formation of the mineralization within the Xuancheng district and the Early Cretaceous magmatism that occurred in this area. This in turn suggests that other Early Cretaceous intrusive rocks within this region are likely to be associated with mineralization and should be considered highly prospective for future mineral exploration. This study also indicates that the dating of garnet and titanite can also provide reliable geochronological data and evidence of the timing of mineralization and magmatism, respectively, in areas lacking other dateable minerals (e.g., molybdenite) or where the relationship between mineralization and magmatism is unclear, for example in areas with multiple stages of magmatism, with complexly zoned plutons, and with distal skarn mineralization.  相似文献   

The Chengchao and Jinshandian deposits in the southeast Hubei Province are the two largest skarn Fe deposits in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley metallogenic belt (MLYRVMB), China. They are characterized by NW-striking orebodies that are developed along the contacts between the Late Mesozoic granitoid and Triassic carbonate and clastic rocks. New sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry zircon U–Pb dating of the mineralization-related quartz diorite and granite at Chengchao yield ages of 129 ± 2 and 127 ± 2 Ma, respectively, and those at Jinshandian of 127 ± 2 and 133 ± 1 Ma, respectively. These results are interpreted as the crystallization age of these intrusions. Hydrothermal phlogopite samples from the skarn ores at Chengchao and Jinshandian have the plateau 40Ar–39Ar ages of 132.6 ± 1.4 and 131.6 ± 1.2 Ma, respectively. These results confirm that both intrusions and associated skarn Fe mineralization were formed contemporaneously in the middle Early Cretaceous time. New zircon U–Pb and phlogopite 40Ar–39Ar ages in this study, when combined with available precise geochronological data, demonstrate that there were two discontinuous igneous events, corresponding to two episodes of skarn Fe-bearing mineralization in the southeast Hubei Province: (1) 140–136 Ma diorites and quartz diorites and 141–137 Ma skarn Cu–Fe or Fe–Cu deposits and (2) 133–127 Ma quartz diorites and granites and 133–132 Ma skarn Fe deposits. This scenario is similar to that proposed for the entire MLYRVMB. The intrusions related to skarn Fe deposits show obviously petrological and geochemical differences from those related to skarn Cu–Fe or Fe–Cu deposits. The former are quartz diorite and diorite in petrology and have similar adakitic geochemical signatures and in equilibrium with a garnet-rich residue, whereas the latter are petrologically granite and quartz diorite that are distinguishable from adakitic rocks and in equilibrium with a plagioclase residue. These features indicated that two episodes of magmatism and the formation of skarn Fe-bearing deposits in the southeast Hubei Province, MLYRVMB, might be associated lithosphere thinning induced by asthenosphere upwelling during the Late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

The Tonglushan Cu–Fe deposit (1.12 Mt at 1.61% Cu, 5.68 Mt at 41% Fe) is located in the westernmost district of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. As a typical polymetal skarn metallogenic region, it consists of 13 skarn orebodies, mainly hosted in the contact zone between the Tonglushan quartz-diorite pluton (140 Ma) and Lower Triassic marine carbonate rocks of the Daye Formation. Four stages of mineralization and alterations can be identified: i.e. prograde skarn formation, retrograde hydrothermal alteration, quartz-sulphide followed by carbonate vein formation. Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) indicates garnets vary from grossular (Ad20.2–41.6Gr49.7–74.1) to pure andradite (Ad47.4–70.7Gr23.9–45.9) in composition, and pyroxenes are represented by diopsides. Fluid inclusions identify three major types of fluids involved during formation of the deposit within the H2O–NaCl system, i.e. liquid-rich inclusions (Type I), halite-bearing inclusions (Type II), and vapour-rich inclusions (Type III). Measurements of fluid inclusions reveal that the prograde skarn minerals formed at high temperatures (>550°C) in equilibrium with high-saline fluids (>66.57 wt.% NaCl equivalent). Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes of fluid inclusions from garnets and pyroxenes indicate that ore-formation fluids are mainly of magmatic-hydrothermal origin (δ18O = 6.68‰ to 9.67‰, δD = –67‰ to –92‰), whereas some meteoric water was incorporated into fluids of the retrograde alteration stage judging from compositions of epidote (δ18O = 2.26‰ to 3.74‰, δD= –31‰ to –73‰). Continuing depressurization and cooling to 405–567°C may have resulted in both a decrease in salinity (to 48.43–55.36 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and the deposition of abundant magnetite. During the quartz-sulphide stage, boiling produced sulphide assemblage precipitated from primary magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (δ18O = 4.98‰, δD = –66‰, δ34S values of sulphides: 0.71–3.8‰) with an extensive range of salinities (4.96–50.75 wt.% NaCl equivalent), temperatures (240–350°C), and pressures (11.6–22.2 MPa). Carbonate veins formed at relatively low temperatures (174–284°C) from fluids of low salinity (1.57–4.03 wt.% NaCl equivalent), possibly reflecting the mixing of early magmatic fluids with abundant meteoric water. Boiling and fluid mixing played important roles for Cu precipitation in the Tonglushan deposit.  相似文献   

The skarn type copper deposits are widespread in the Jiurui district in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. This paper reports a detailed study on mineral chemistry, and H, O, S and Pb isotopic compositions on skarn silicate and sulfide minerals in the three major skarn dominant deposits (Wushan, Dongleiwan and Dengjiashan). The Wushan skarn deposit is characterized with prograde garnet-dominated and clinopyroxene limited skarns with average andradite content of 83% and hedenbergite content of 10%, whereas the Dongleiwan and Dengjiashan deposits are featured with retrograde skarn alteration with abundant hydrous minerals such as epidote and chlorite. The garnet and clinopyroxene compositions show 59% andradite and 15% hedenbergite for the Dongleiwan skarns, and 43% and 22% for the Dengjiashan skarns respectively. The pistacite components (Ps value) defined as Fe3 +/(Fe3 ++ Al) and Fe3 +/Fe2 + value of epidote are 0.12 and 1.63 for the Wushan skarns, 0.30 and 32.73 for the Dongleiwan skarns, and 0.17 and 42.85 for the Dengjiashan skarns. It is suggested that the prograde skarn mineralization in the three deposits was all formed in a relatively oxidizing environment, with the Wushan showing the highest oxidation potential and the Dengjiashan having the least oxidation potential. However, in the retrograde skarns, the Dongleiwan and Dengjiashan deposits show higher oxidation potential than that of Wushan. The three deposits show similar sulfur isotopic compositions of − 2.9 to + 1.4‰ and similar lead isotopic compositions with 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 17.900 to 18.205, 15.538 to 15.649 and 38.170 to 39.025, respectively. All the three deposits should have similar magmatic origin for the ore-forming materials based on their S and Pb isotopes. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the prograde and retrograde fluids in the three deposits show some differences, with δ18OFluid values of + 8.13‰ and + 7.81‰ for the Wushan, + 6.47‰ and + 2.33‰ for the Dongleiwan, and + 8.27‰ and + 4.43‰ for the Dengjiashan. But the hydrogen isotopic compositions are similar for the prograde (− 65 to − 31‰) and retrograde (− 64 to − 33‰) fluids. Therefore, the fluid origins and evolution may be different in each deposit. The hydrothermal fluids for the prograde skarns in all three deposits were likely derived from magmatic–hydrothermal sources, but the Dongleiwan and Dengjiashan show a higher proportion of meteoric water input in the retrograde stage. Considering the similar average prograde temperatures (574 to 560 °C) as calculated from coexisting garnet–clinopyroxene pairs, and similar retrograde temperatures (281 to 246 °C) as calculated from chlorite chemistry for the three deposits, we suggest that the trigger for deposition of sulfide ores in the Wushan garnet-dominated skarn deposit was mainly caused by system cooling with temperature drop along with magmatic intrusion and crystallization process. The Dongleiwan and Dengjiashan skarn deposits constitute a well developed retrograde skarn system with abundant epidote, chlorite, quartz and calcite, which probably caused by fluid mixing of high-temperature saline magmatic–hydrothermal fluids with cooler, oxidizing and dilute meteoric water.  相似文献   

The Tongshan copper deposit in Anhui Province is a typical mid-sized skarn and porphyry type deposit in the Anqing–Guichi district along the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley, eastern China. The Tongshan intrusion is closely related to this mineralization. The intrusion mainly comprises rocks that are quartz diorite porphyry, quartz monzonite porphyry, and granodiorite porphyry. Plagioclase in these rocks is mostly andesine (An = 31.0–42.9), along with minor oligoclase. Biotite is magnesium-rich [Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.52–0.67] and aluminum-poor (Al2O3 = 12.32–14.09 wt.%), and can be classified as magnesio-biotite. Hornblende is TiO2-poor (<1.96 wt.%) and magnesium-rich [Mg/(Mg + Fe) > 0.60], and is magnesio-hornblende or edenite. The SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of the quartz monzonite porphyry is 145.1 ± 1.2 Ma, which corresponds to the middle Yanshanian period. Whole-rock geochemical results show that the rocks are silica-rich (SiO2 = 60.23–66.23 wt.%) and alkali-rich (K2O + Na2O = 4.97–8.72 wt.%), and low in calcium (CaO = 2.61–5.66 wt.%). Trace element results show enrichments in large ion lithophile element (e.g., K, Rb, and Ba) and depletions in some high field strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, P, and Ti). The total rare earth element (REE) content of the rocks is low (ΣREE < 200 μg/g), and they exhibit light REE enrichment [(La/Yb)N > 10] and small positive Eu anomalies (average δEu = 1.16). These mineralogical, geochronological, and geochemical results show that the intrusion has a mixed crust–mantle source. The Tongshan intrusion was formed by multiple emplacements of crustally contaminated basaltic magma generated by varying degrees of partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle and lower crust. Hornblende thermobarometry yielded magmatic crystallization temperatures of 652–788 °C and an average crystallization pressure of 1.4 kbar, which corresponds to a depth of approx. 4.7 km. Biotite thermobarometry yielded similar temperatures and lower pressures of 735–775 °C and 0.6 kbar (depth 2.1 km), respectively. The parental magma had a high oxygen fugacity and was produced in a volcanic arc setting related to subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Porphyry and skarn Cu–Fe–Au–Mo deposits are widespread in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt (MLYMB), eastern China. The Matou deposit has long been regarded as a typical Cu–Mo porphyry deposit within Lower Yangtze part of the belt. Recently, we identified scheelite and wolframite in quartz veins in the Matou deposit, which is uncommon in other porphyry and skarn deposits in the MLYMB. We carried out detailed zircon U–Pb dating and geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic studies of the granodiorite porphyry at Matou to define any differences from other ore-related granitoids. The porphyry shows a SiO2 content ranging from 61.85 wt.% to 65.74 wt.%, K2O from 1.99 wt.% to 3.74 wt.%, and MgO from 1.74 wt.% to 2.19 wt.% (Mg# value ranging from 45 to 55). It is enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, but relatively depleted in Nb, Ta, Y, Yb and compatible trace elements (such as Cr, Ni, and V), with slight negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.88–0.98) and almost no negative Sr anomalies. Results of electron microprobe analysis of rock-forming silicate minerals indicate that the Matou porphyry has been altered by an oxidized fluid that is rich in Mg, Cl, and K. The samples show relatively low εNd(t) values from −7.4 to −7.1, slightly high initial 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.708223 to 0.709088, and low εHf(t) values of zircon from −9.0 to −6.5, when compared with the other Cu–Mo porphyry deposits in the MLYMB. Zircon U–Pb dating suggests the Matou granodiorite porphyry was emplaced at 139.5 ± 1.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.8, n = 15), which is within the age range of the other porphyries in the MLYMB. Although geochemical characteristics of the Matou and other porphyries in the MLYMB are similar and all adakitic, the detrital zircons in the samples from Matou suggest that Archean lower crust (2543 ± 29 Ma, MSWD = 0.25, n = 5) was involved with the generation of Matou magma, which is different from the other porphyries in the belt. Our study suggests that the Matou granodiorite porphyry originated from partial melting of thickened lower crust that was delaminated into the mantle, similar to the other porphyries in the MLYMB, but it has a higher proportion of lower crustal material, including Archean rocks, which contributed to the formation of the porphyry and related W-rich magmatic-hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Abundant iron oxide deposits including banded iron formations, apatite iron oxide ores, and enigmatic marble/skarn-hosted magnetite deposits occur in the Palaeoproterozoic Bergslagen region, southern Sweden. During the last 100 years, the latter deposit class has been interpreted as contact metasomatic skarn deposits, metamorphosed iron formations, or metamorphosed carbonate replacement deposits. Their origin is still incompletely understood. At the Smältarmossen mine, magnetite was mined from a ca. 50-m-thick calcic skarn zone at the contact between rhyolite and stratigraphically overlying limestone. A syn-volcanic dacite porphyry which intruded the footwall has numerous apophyses that extend into the mineralized zone. Whole-rock lithogeochemical and mineral chemical analyses combined with textural analysis suggests that the skarns formed by veining and replacement of the dacite porphyry and rhyolite. These rocks were added substantial Ca and Fe, minor Mg, Mn, and LREE, as well as trace Co, Sn, U, As, and Sr. In contrast, massive magnetite formed by pervasive replacement of limestone. Tectonic fabrics in magnetite and skarn are consistent with ore formation before or early during Svecokarelian ductile deformation. Whereas a syngenetic–exhalative model has previously been suggested, our results are more compatible with magnetite formation at ca. 1.89 Ga in a contact metasomatic skarn setting associated with the dacite porphyry.  相似文献   

P–T conditions during skarn formation in the 75.5 Ma old Ocna de Fier-Dognecea (SW Romania) ore district are assessed in this work using a combination of petrogenetic grids, Berman's TWEEQU programme, and several independent geothermobarometers. These were applied both to hornfelses surrounding the skarn and to the granodiorite which caused the skarn and contact metamorphism. The results are consistent and point to a peak metamorphic temperature of 700 ± 50 °C, decreasing away from the contact, and to a pressure of 2.8 ± 1 kbar, equivalent to ∼10 km depth in the region. These results quantify the qualitative idea that skarn mineralisation normally forms in a high T, low P contact metamorphic environment. Received: 13 February 1998 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

The chemistry of garnet can provide clues to the formation of skarn deposits. The chemical analyses of garnets from the Astamal Fe-LREE distal skarn deposit were completed using an electron probe micro-analyzer. The three types of garnet were identified in the Astamal skarn are: (I) euhedral coarse-grained isotropic garnets (10–30 mm across), which are strongly altered to epidote, calcite and quartz in their rim and core, with intense pervasive retrograde alteration and little variation in the overall composition (Adr94.3–84.4 Grs8.5–2.7 Alm1.9–0.2) (garnet I); (II) anhedral to subhedral brecciated isotropic garnets (5–10 mm across) with minor alteration, a narrow compositional range along the growth lines (Adr82–65.4 Grs21.9–11.7 Alm11.1–2.4) and relatively high Cu (up to 1997 ppm) and Ni (up to 1283 ppm) (garnet II); and (III) subhedral coarser grained garnets (> 30 mm across) with moderate alteration, weak diffusion and irregular zoning of discrete grossular-almandine-rich domains (Adr84.2–48.8 Grs32.4–7.6 Alm19.9–3.5) (garnet III). In the third type, the almandine content increases with increasing grossular/andradite ratio and increasing substitutions of Al for Fe3 +.Almost all three garnet types have been replaced by fine-grained, dark-brown allanite that is typically disseminated and has the same relief as andradite. The Cu content increases while Ni content decreases slightly towards the rim of garnet II and garnet III. Copper in garnet II is positively correlated with increasing almandine content and decreasing andradite content, indicating that the almandine structure, containing relatively more Fe2 +, is more suitable than andradite and grossular to host divalent cations such as Cu2 +. Nickel in garnet II is positively correlated with increasing andradite content, total Fe, and decreasing almandine content. This is because Ni2 + substitutes for Fe3 + in the Y (octahedral) position. There are unusual discrete grossular-almandine rich domains within andraditic garnet III, indicating the low diffusivity of Ca compared to Fe at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Detailed geological observations and analytical studies make it possible to distinguish two groups of fluid-explosion breccias (FEB) in the Vysokogorskoe tin deposit of the Kavalerovo ore district. These breccias are assumed to be related to different stages of geological (geodynamic) evolution and played different roles in ore formation. The earlier breccias (79–69 Ma), which were altered by boron metasomatism and subsequent main tin mineralization, were most probably formed at the Cretaceous subduction stage. The later breccias (55–51 Ma) are syngenetic to the dacite (rhyolite) porphyry dikes of the Paleocene–Eocene transform stage. They were formed after precipitation of the majority of the cassiterite, but prior to the latest quartz–fluorite–carbonate stage of ore formation. According to the Sillitoe classification, the explosion breccias of the Vysokogorskoe deposit correspond to a magmatic–hydrothermal genetic type. They are characterized by multiple brecciation and intersection by small bodies of porphyritic rhyolites.  相似文献   

There are two main types of iron deposits in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Valley district.Both of them underwent post-magmatic hydrothermal processes during ore formation.Iron in the hydrothermal ore bodies was derived largely through mobilization from substantially consolidated diroitic intrusives.Wall-roch alteration zonation indicates that iron-mobilizing hydrothermal fluids evolved in a trend of decreasing alkalinity,which is suggested by regularly distributed wall-rock alterations formed by iron-mobilizing hydrothermal fluids and is in contradiction with the current chloride,chloride complex and bicarbonate models for iron mobilization.The close association of carbonatization with iron ores and the high concentrations of reduced gases such as CO,CH4 and H2 in fluid inclusions suggest that iron is most probably transported in the form of iron carbonyls during post-magmatic hydrothermal processes. In the light of the iron carbonyl mobilization model,explanations are made of the constraints on ores of some geologic factors such as melanocratic alteration,carbonatization,carbonate strata,structural fractures,cyptoexplosive pipes and embryo ores.  相似文献   

The data on the structure, geodynamics, and metallogeny of the Khakandzha ore district in northwestern Okhotsk region are analyzed and the two main factors responsible for the localization of ore deposits are defined. The magmatic factor controls the confinement of the ore district to the tectono-magmatic structure of the central type (source of ore matter), which determines the concentric zoning patterns in the distribution of ore mineralization. The tectonic factor determines the confinement of the ore districts, deposits, and ore occurrences of the region to the meridional left-lateral shear structure, which controls the magma and fluid distribution. Local extension (transtension) in this structure against the background of general lateral compression (transpression) provided tectonic environments most favorable for ore accumulation.  相似文献   


The low Yangtze River metallogenic belt (LYRMB) is one of the most important poly-metal deposit belts in China. The Chuxian, Machang and Shangyaopu intrusions in the LYRMB are intermediate rock series, mainly composed of monzonite and quartz monzonite. In this study, bulk rock major and trace elements, zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotope were analysed. Five ages have been obtained as (1) Chuxian, 121.8 ± 1.9 and 124.0 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively, (2) Machang intrusion, 123.1 ± 2.0 Ma and (3) Shangyaopu, 126.6 ± 1.8 and 123.4 ± 1.9 Ma, indicating that the regional igneous activity was in Early Cretaceous, being consistent with the massive Yanshanian magmatic events in eastern China. These three intrusions are identified as a high-Mg adakite, most of them showing geochemical features of high Si, high Na and low Sr, which can be interpreted as partial melting of subducted oceanic crust. High Mg# characteristics indicate the magmas reacted with the mantle. The negative zircon εHf values of these adakites suggest that the magmas have assimilation of old crustal material, e.g. Archaean continental crust, the basement of the south Tancheng–Lujiang (Tan–Lu) fault. Biotite Ti temperature result (about 700°C) shows that intrusive magma has a relatively low temperature. Petrogenesis and regional Cu–Au mineralization mechanism may be explained by Pacific plate subduction during about 125–180 million years subducted to southwest towards the LYRMB. Magmas formed by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust have systemically high Cu–Au contents, which are conducive to corresponding mineralization.  相似文献   

The Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley is one of the most important metallogenic belts in China, hosting numerous Cu–Fe–Au–Mo deposits. The Taochong deposit is located in the northern part of the Fanchang iron ore district of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. The Fe-orebody is hosted by Middle Carboniferous to Lower Permian limestones. Skarns and Fe-orebodies occur as tabular bodies along interlayer-gliding faults, at some distance from the inferred granitic intrusions. Field evidence and petrographic observations indicate that the three stages of hydrothermal activity—the skarn, iron oxide (main mineralization stage), and carbonate stages—all contributed to the formation of the Taochong iron deposit. The skarn stage is characterized by the formation of garnet and pyroxene, with high-temperature, hypersaline hydrothermal fluids with isotopic compositions similar to those of typical magmatic fluids. These fluids were probably generated by the separation of brine from a silicate melt instead of the product of aqueous fluid immiscibility. The iron oxide stage coincides with the replacement of garnet and pyroxene by actinolite, chlorite, quartz, calcite and hematite. The hydrothermal fluids at this stage are represented by saline fluid inclusions that coexist with vapor-rich inclusions with anomalously low δD values (− 66‰ to − 94‰). The decrease in ore fluid δ18Owater with time and decreasing depth is consistent with the decreases in fluid salinity and temperature. The fluid δD values also show a decreasing trend with decreasing depth. Both fluid inclusion and stable isotopic data suggest that the ore fluid during the main period of mineralization was evolved by the boiling of various mixtures of magmatic brine and meteoric water. This process was probably induced by a drop in pressure from lithostatic to hydrostatic. The carbonate stage is represented by calcite veins that cut across the skarn and orebody, locally producing a dense stockwork. This observation indicates the veins formed during the waning stages of hydrothermal activity. The fluids from this stage are mainly represented by a variety of low-salinity fluid inclusions, as well as fewer high-salinity inclusions. These particular fluids have the lowest δ18Owater values (− 2.2‰ to 0.4‰) and a wide of range of δD values (− 40‰ to − 81‰), which indicate that they were originated from a mixture of residual fluids from the oxide stage, various amounts of meteoric water, and possibly condensed vapor. Low-temperature boiling probably occurred during this stage.We also discuss the reasons behind the anomalously low δD values in fluid inclusion water extracted by thermal decrepitation from quartz at high temperatures, and suggest that calcite data provide a possible benchmark for adjusting low δD values found in quartz intergrown with calcite.  相似文献   

Numerous magnetite–apatite deposits occur in the Ningwu and Luzong sedimentary basins along the Middle and Lower Yangtze River, China. These deposits are located in the contact zone of (gabbro)-dioritic porphyries with surrounding volcanic or sedimentary rocks and are characterized by massive, vein and disseminated magnetite–apatite ± anhydrite mineralization associated with voluminous sodic–calcic alteration. Petrologic and microthermometric studies on multiphase inclusions in pre- to syn-mineralization pyroxene and garnet from the deposits at Meishan (Ningwu basin), Luohe and Nihe (both in Luzong basin) demonstrate that they represent extremely saline brines (~ 90 wt.% NaClequiv) that were trapped at temperatures of about 780 °C. Laser ablation ICP-MS analyses and Raman spectroscopic studies on the natural fluid inclusions and synthetic fluid inclusions manufactured at similar P–T conditions reveal that the brines are composed mainly of Na (13–24 wt.%), K (7–11 wt.%), Ca (~ 7 wt.%), Fe (~ 2 wt.%), Cl (19–47 wt.%) and variable amounts of SO4 (3–39 wt.%). Their Cl/Br, Na/K and Na/B ratios are markedly different from those of seawater evaporation brines and lie between those of magmatic fluids and sedimentary halite, suggesting a significant contribution from halite-bearing evaporites. High S/B and Ca/Na ratios in the fluid inclusions and heavy sulfur isotopic signatures of syn- to post-mineralization anhydrite (δ34SAnh = + 15.2 to + 16.9‰) and pyrite (δ34SPy = + 4.6‰ to + 12.1‰) further suggest a significant contribution from sedimentary anhydrite. These interpretations are in line with the presence of evaporite sequences in the lower parts of the sedimentary basins.The combined evidence thus suggests that the magnetite–apatite deposits along the Middle and Lower Yangtze River formed by fluids that exsolved from magmas that assimilated substantial amounts of Triassic evaporites during their ascent. Due to their Fe-oxide dominated mineralogy, their association with large-scale sodic–calcic alteration and their spatial and temporal associations with subvolcanic intrusions we interpret them as a special type of IOCG deposits that is characterized by unusually high contents of Na, Ca, Cl and SO4 in the ore-forming fluids. Evaporite assimilation apparently led to the production of large amounts of high-salinity brine and thus to an enhanced capacity to extract iron from the (gabbro)-dioritic intrusions and to concentrate it in the form of ore bodies. Hence, we believe that evaporite-bearing sedimentary basins are more prospective for magnetite–apatite deposits than evaporite-free basins.  相似文献   

The Beiya ore deposit is located in the northwestern Yangtze Block, to the southeast of the Tibetan Plateau, SW China. The deposit is hosted by a porphyritic monzogranitic stock that is cross-cut by a porphyritic granite and later lamprophyre dikes. The whole-rock geochemistry of the porphyritic monzogranite and granite intrusions is both potassic and adakite-like, as evidenced by high K2O/Na2O (2.2 to 24.8), Sr/Y (53.2 to 143.2), and (La/Yb)N (4.9 to 28.9) ratios. Both intrusions have comparable zircon U–Pb ages of ca. 36 Ma and εHf(t) values of − 6.8 to + 2.7. Zircons within these intrusions have Hf isotope crustal model ages with a prominent peak at ca. 840 Ma, and both of the intrusions have similar Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions that are comparable to the compositions of amphibolite xenoliths hosted by potassic felsic intrusions in western Yunnan. The contemporaneous lamprophyre dikes show Nb–Ta depletion, enriched (87Sr/86Sr)i and εNd(t), and extremely low Nb/U ratios (1.6–3.6), suggesting that these dikes were formed from magmas generated by partial melting of a metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The geochemistry of the porphyritic intrusions and the lamprophyre dikes suggests that the Beiya porphyries formed as a result of partial melting of a thickened and K-rich region of the lower crust, triggered by melting of metasomatized SCLM. The ca. 840 Ma U–Pb ages and εHf(t) values (− 6.8 to + 2.7) of xenocrystic zircons within the porphyritic intrusions suggest that these zircons were produced in a continental arc setting at ca. 840 Ma. The peak Hf model age of the zircons crystallized from the intrusions and the U–Pb ages of the xenocrystic zircons within the intrusions suggest that these porphyritic intrusions formed from magmas sourced from a juvenile crust that formed at ca. 840 Ma. This juvenile crust is most likely the source for the metals within the porphyry–skarn deposits in the study area, as the SCLM-derived lamprophyre dikes in this area are barren.Massive Fe–Au orebodies (~ 99 million metric tons at an average grade of 2.61 g/t Au) within the study area are generally located within the skarn-altered boundary of the porphyritic monzogranite stock and along the faults in the surrounding Triassic carbonates. The Fe–Au orebodies are spatially and genetically associated with skarn comprising garnet and diopside. Petrographic observations show that the massive Fe–Au orebodies mainly consist of hematite and magnetite with disseminated pyrite that hosts native gold and electrum.The porphyritic granite contains porphyry-style mineralization in the form of disseminated and veinlet-hosted pyrite and chalcopyrite. Pyrite-hosted lattice-bound gold is present within both the massive Fe–Au and the porphyry-type mineralization in the study area, and is present at concentrations up to 10 ppm Au (as determined by in situ LA-ICP-MS analysis). Subsequent weathering altered the primary magnetite–hematite–sulfide assemblage in the Fe–Au orebody into a magnetite–limonite assemblage, and generated laterite-type mineralization in which gold is hosted by limonite.  相似文献   

As a result of structural–geological and metallogenic studies and taking into account earlier works, it is established that the Oka ore district formed mainly in the Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic under conditions of tectonomagmatic reworking of cratonic terranes and allochtonous oceanic (ophiolitic) terranes over them. The reworking was initiated by island-arc, accretionary–collisional, and plume-related igneous complexes, which arose due to opening and subsequent closure of marginal structures pertaining to the Paleoasian Ocean. Active Middle and Late Paleozoic volcanic and plutonic processes gave rise to the redistribution of ore matter and formation of new mineral deposits.  相似文献   

The Hetaoping skarn type Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Baoshan–Narong–Dongzhi block metallogenic belt (BND belt), a belt between the Tengchong terrane and the Lanping basin. The deposit is hosted by marble of the upper Cambrian Hetaoping Formation and there are no outcrops of plutonic rocks present. This deposit is one of two large Pb–Zn deposits recently discovered in the BND belt. The Hetaoping deposit is a high Mn skarn. Four types of fluid inclusions were recognized in quartz from the deposit: vapor-rich inclusions (Type I), liquid-rich inclusions (Type II), pure vapor inclusions (Type III), and pure fluid inclusions (Type IV). The coexistence of Type I and Type III inclusions in Stage I (pre-ore stage) and Stage II (main ore stage) shows evidence of fluid boiling. Quartz-hosted fluid inclusions (Stage I and Stage II) display high homogenization temperatures and salinities (134–315 °C; 3.7–18.6 wt% NaCl equivalent) but calcite-hosted fluid inclusions in Stage III (post-ore stage) record lower homogenization temperatures and salinities (85–214 °C; 0.5–5.4 wt% NaCl equivalent). These data suggest a possible mixing between primary magmatic water and meteoric water. Based on chromatography data, the fluid inclusions in quartz contain abundant CO2 and O2 and subordinate CO, CH4 and C2H2 + C2H4, suggesting an oxidizing environment. Based on their Na/K and Cl/SO4 ratios, fluids contained in fluid inclusions are similar to volcanic spring waters. The low Na/K ratios (0.40–1.34) of the ore-forming fluids may have resulted from interaction with a deep alkaline intermediate-acid intrusion. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope determinations on quartz from different ore stages show low δ18O and δD values relative to VSMOW (−4.3‰ to 2.3‰; −109‰ to −91‰), indicating that the ore-forming fluids were diluted by external fluid sources as the skarn system cooled. Overall, geological and geochemical interpretations suggest that the Hetaoping deposit is a distal manganese skarn Pb–Zn deposit related to concealed intrusions.  相似文献   

The Tongling district is one of the most important non‐ferrous metal producers in China. The origin of Cu–Au deposits in the region is closely related to Late Mesozoic intermediate intrusions, which are mainly high‐K calc‐alkaline and shoshonitic series. Geochemical characteristics indicate that these granitic rocks are mixtures of more than two compositional end‐members, i.e. mantle‐derived melts and crust components incorporated through assimilation. Three important magmatic intrusions related to the Cu–Au deposits in the Tongling region – the Jiguanshi quartz monzodiorite, the Xishizishan quartz diorite and the Miaojia diorite porphyry – were selected for this study. Zircon U–Pb dating by LA ICP‐MS yielded two groups of ages (~130–132 and 138–140 Ma) for these intrusions. Pyrite Re–Os age for the Xinqiao Cu–Fe–S deposit in the Tongling region is 126±11 Ma. Trace elements of zircon grains show that the earlier Cu–Au mineralization event was associated with adakitic rocks characterized by high positive Ce anomalies, produced at an elevated oxygen fugacity range. In contrast, later iron‐sulphur mineralization was closely related to low positive Ce anomalies, reflecting low oxygen fugacities. Considering that Pacific lithospheric subduction was the dominant factor that controlled major tectonic evolution in eastern China during the Early Cretaceous, the geochemical characteristics of these coeval ore‐forming intermediate intrusive rocks in the Tongling district were likely the result of Pacific plate underflow.  相似文献   

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