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The formation of mantle phlogopite in subduction zone hybridization   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
Extrapolation and extension of phase equilibria in the model system KAlSiO4-Mg2SiO4-SiO2-H2O suggests that at depths greater than 100 km (deeper than amphibole stability), hybridism between cool hydrous siliceous magma, rising from subducted oceanic crust, and the hotter overlying mantle peridotite produces a series of discrete masses composed largely of phlogopite, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene (enriched in Jadeite). Quartz (or coesite) may occur with phlogopite in the lowest part of the masses. The heterogeneous layer thus produced above the subducted oceanic crust provides: (1) aqueous fluids expelled during hybridization and solidification, which rise to generate in overlying mantle (given suitable thermal structure) H2O-undersaturated basic magma, which is the parent of the calc-alkalic rock series erupted at the volcanic front; (2) masses of phlogopite-pyroxenites which melt when they cross a deeper, high-temperature solidus, yielding the parents of alkalic magmas erupted behind the volcanic front; and (3) blocks of phlogopite-pyroxenites which may rise diapirically for long-term residence in continental lithosphere, and later contribute to the potassium (and geochemically-related elements) involved in some of the continental magmatism with geochemistry ascribed to mantle metasomatism.  相似文献   

俯冲带蛇纹岩的变质过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
申婷婷  张立飞  陈晶 《岩石学报》2016,32(4):1206-1218
俯冲带蛇纹岩是俯冲带流体的重要来源,特别是其深部脱水作用对地幔动力学影响深远,是研究俯冲带约80~200km深度范围的地球动力学的关键,因此研究蛇纹岩的变质作用过程及其相关特征矿物(组合)的温压稳定范围具有重要意义。蛇纹岩具有简单的矿物(组合):蛇纹石类、硅镁石类、磁铁矿、氢氧镁石、绿泥石、橄榄石、透辉石、角闪石、滑石等,并且这些矿物(组合)对温压变化不敏感从而很难用来判定蛇纹岩所经历的变质演化轨迹。近几十年来,研究者通过实验岩石学和野外地质观察,主要研究了蛇纹石类矿物和硅镁石类矿物的温压稳定范围,并且试图使用这些特征矿物(组合)来判定俯冲带蛇纹岩的峰期变质条件。本文总结了蛇纹岩中这些主要矿物的温压稳定范围和相关变质反应,并且以中国西南天山蛇纹岩为例,展示使用特征矿物(组合)和叶蛇纹石Al等值线判定蛇纹岩峰期温压条件在实际岩石中的应用。另外,早期对叶蛇纹石的研究表明:随着温压条件的变化,叶蛇纹石的晶体结构会发生相应的调整。表现为单位晶胞内硅氧四面体的个数(m值)发生变化:温度升高,m值变小;压力升高,m值变大,这个发现在高压实验和天然样品中得到了一定程度的验证。本文利用已知峰期温压范围的叶蛇纹石样品分别采用粉末制样法和离子减薄制样法,进行透射电镜测试(TEM)样品的m值,并通过统计的方法获得叶蛇纹石的m值的峰值。结果显示叶蛇纹石的m值的峰值在一定程度上可以用以指示温压条件。本文提出可以用矿物组合、叶蛇纹石Al等值线和叶蛇纹石m值峰值相结合的方法确定蛇纹岩的变质温压条件和P-T轨迹。  相似文献   

近年来,由于分析手段的不断改进,锂同位素的精确测试才得以实现。锂以其分馏大、中度不相容、易随流体迁移、地表环境与地幔锂同位素特征差异明显等优势,被认为是极具潜力的示踪元素。目前,锂同位素在壳幔物质循环、风化作用、岩浆作用、流体(热液)活动等方面研究中已得到广泛的应用,其中又以俯冲带锂同位素的研究程度最高。本文主要从锂同位素分馏机理、俯冲带锂的行为特征、岛弧岩浆的锂同位素研究以及深俯冲作用过程中锂的行为等方面总结了当前国内外锂同位素的研究进展。  相似文献   

Phase relations of natural aphyric high-alumina basalts and their intrusive equivalents were determined through rock-melting experiments at 2 kb, H2O-saturated with fO2 buffered at NNO. Experimental liquids are low-MgO high-alumina basalt or basaltic andesite, and most are saturated with olivine, calcic plagioclase, and either high-calcium pyroxene or hornblende (±magnetite). Cr-spinel or magnetite appear near the liquidus of wet high-alumina basalts because H2O lowers the appearance temperature of crystalline silicates but has a lesser effect on spinel. As a consequence, experimental liquids follow calcalkaline differentiation trends. Hornblende stability is sensitive to the Na2O content of the bulk composition as well as to H2O content, with the result that hornblende can form as a near liquidus mineral in wet sodic basalts, but does not appear until liquids reach andesitic compositions in moderate Na2O basalts. Therefore, the absence of hornblende in basalts with low-to-moderate Na2O contents is not evidence that those basalts are nearly dry. Very calcic plagioclase (>An90) forms from basaltic melts with high H2O contents but cannot form from dry melts with normal are Na2O and CaO abundances. The presence of anorthite-rich plagioclase in high-alumina basalts indicates high magmatic H2O contents. In sum, moderate pressure H2O-saturated phase relations show that magmatic H2O leads to the early crystallization of spinel, produces calcic plagioclase, and reduces the total proportion of plagioclase in the crystallizing assemblage, thereby promoting the development of the calc-alkaline differentiation trend.  相似文献   

The collected GPS/GLONASS data allow us to reveal new information on the recent geodynamics of the Kuril Island arc. The maximum deformation stress accumulates in the southern and northern parts of the study area, while a long fading transition process of postseismic motions is observed in the central segment of the Kuril arc as a result of the 2006–2007 great Simushir earthquakes of M w = 8.3 and M w = 8.1. We have succeeded in revealing the recent interplate coupling geometry of the Pacific and the North American lithospheric plates and also in estimating the seismic potential of different segments of the Kuril subduction zone.  相似文献   

俯冲带作为联系地表和地球深部系统的纽带,不仅是将地表碳带入地球深部的主要通道,也是地表物质和地球深部物质发生交换的重要场所.俯冲作用可以将地表碳以有机碳或无机碳酸盐矿物等形式带入地球深部,再通过火山作用或去气作用返回到地表系统.俯冲带深部碳循环控制着地表碳通量变化,对于研究全球气候变化和地球宜居环境具有重要意义.本文结...  相似文献   

Metamorphic and magmatic rocks are present in the northwestern part of the Schwaner Mountains of West Kalimantan. This area was previously assigned to SW Borneo (SWB) and interpreted as an Australian-origin block. Predominantly Cretaceous U-Pb zircon ages (c. 80–130 Ma) have been obtained from metapelites and I-type granitoids in the North Schwaner Zone of the SWB but a Triassic metatonalite discovered in West Kalimantan near Pontianak is inconsistent with a SWB origin. The distribution and significance of Triassic rocks was not known so the few exposures in the Pontianak area were sampled and geochemical analyses and zircon U-Pb ages were obtained from two meta-igneous rocks and three granitoids and diorites. Triassic and Jurassic magmatic and metamorphic zircons obtained from the meta-igneous rocks are interpreted to have formed at the Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific margin where there was subduction beneath the Indochina–East Malaya block. Geochemically similar rocks of Triassic age exposed in the Embuoi Complex to the north and the Jagoi Granodiorite in West Sarawak are suggested to have formed part of the southeastern margin of Triassic Sundaland. One granitoid (118.6 ± 1.1 Ma) has an S-type character and contains inherited Carboniferous, Triassic and Jurassic zircons which indicate that it intruded Sundaland basement. Two I-type granitoids and diorites yielded latest Early and Late Cretaceous weighted mean ages of 101.5 ± 0.6 and 81.1 ± 1.1 Ma. All three magmatic rocks are in close proximity to the meta-igneous rocks and are interpreted to record Cretaceous magmatism at the Paleo-Pacific subduction margin. Cretaceous zircons of metamorphic origin indicate recrystallisation at c. 90 Ma possibly related to the collision of the Argo block with Sundaland. Subduction ceased at that time, followed by post-collisional magmatism in the Pueh (77.2 ± 0.8 Ma) and Gading Intrusions (79.7 ± 1.0 Ma) of West Sarawak.  相似文献   

The revealed regularities in the behavior of the electric conductivity of the geological medium on the Shipunskii Peninsula are in qualitative agreement with the seismicity variations in the Kamchatka region. The possible nature of variations in deep conductivity is considered.  相似文献   

New major and trace element abundances, and Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic ratios of Quaternary lavas from two adjacent volcanoes (South Pagan and the Central Volcanic Region, or CVR) located on Pagan Island allow us to investigate the mantle source (i.e., slab components) and melting dynamics within the Mariana intra-oceanic arc. Geologic mapping reveals a pre-caldera (780–9.4 ka) and post-caldera (<9.4 ka) eruptive stage for South Pagan, whereas the eruptive history of the older CVR is poorly constrained. Crystal fractionation and magma mixing were important crustal processes for lavas from both volcanoes. Geochemical and isotopic variations indicate that South Pagan and CVR lavas, and lavas from the northern volcano on the island, Mt. Pagan, originated from compositionally distinct parental magmas due to variations in slab contributions (sediment and aqueous fluid) to the mantle wedge and the extent of mantle partial melting. A mixing model based on Pb and Nd isotopic ratios suggests that the average amount of sediment in the source of CVR (~2.1%) and South Pagan (~1.8%) lavas is slightly higher than Mt. Pagan (~1.4%) lavas. These estimates span the range of sediment-poor Guguan (~1.3%) and sediment-rich Agrigan (~2.0%) lavas for the Mariana arc. Melt modeling demonstrates that the saucer-shaped normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns observed in Pagan lavas can arise from partial melting of a mixed source of depleted mantle and enriched sediment, and do not require amphibole interaction or fractionation to depress the middle REE abundances of the lavas. The modeled degree of mantle partial melting for Agrigan (2–5%), Pagan (3–7%), and Guguan (9–15%) lavas correlates with indicators of fluid addition (e.g., Ba/Th). This relationship suggests that the fluid flux to the mantle wedge is the dominant control on the extent of partial melting beneath Mariana arc volcanoes. A decrease in the amount of fluid addition (lower Ba/Th) and extent of melting (higher Sm/Yb), and an increase in the sediment contribution (higher Th/Nb, La/Sm, and Pb isotopic ratios) from Mt. Pagan to South Pagan could reflect systematic cross-arc or irregular along-arc melting variations. These observations indicate that the length scale of compositional heterogeneity in the mantle wedge beneath Mariana arc volcanoes is small (~10 km).  相似文献   

In many areas of the world, slopes covered by shallow unsaturated non-plastic soil layers experience rainfall-induced landslides causing heavy damage and casualties every year. Landslide occurrence depends on the amount of water infiltrated and stored. Among the contributing factors are the hydraulic conditions at the lowermost boundary, a feature that is often disregarded. The paper focuses on this topic, presenting the results of some laboratory and numerical experiments on ash-pumice interfaces. A strategy is then proposed for selecting the lowermost boundary condition, and some studies are carried out to compare the results obtained with the proposed solution and other more popular ones.  相似文献   

Structure and seismicity of the Aegean subduction zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tomographic results show the presence of a high-velocity anomaly dipping north beneath the Aegean Sea (Hellenic arc), down to a depth of at least 600 km. This anomaly is interpreted as the image of the subducting lithosphere of the African plate. No deep seismicity, however, is associated with this downgoing slab, although this would be expected on the basis of the age of the downbending lithosphere (approximately 100 Myr) and the inferred duration of the present ongoing episode of subduction. Using a thermo-mechanical model for the subduction zone we find that the non-stationary input of the subduction zone-both in convergence rate and in thermal structure of the downgoing lithosphere - adequately accounts for both the presence of a velocity anomaly associated with a slab and the absence of deep seismicity. The non-stationarity follows from the large-scale tectonic setting of the Eastern Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

硼的地球化学性质及其在俯冲带的循环与成矿初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
硼是广泛应用于化工、农业、材料科学及核工业领域的重要元素。硼与氢的核聚变反应是未来具备运用潜力的清洁能源。硼作为典型的亲石元素,是高度不相容元素。硼元素容易富集于蚀变洋壳及蛇纹石化地幔橄榄岩中。而在板块俯冲过程中,由于硼具有强的流体活动性,会优先赋存于流体中。因此,当蛇纹石化的大洋岩石圈及覆于其上的沉积物在俯冲过程中发生脱水,这使得弧前地幔楔发生大规模的蛇纹石化。此时大量硼元素很可能随俯冲流体释放并封存于弧前地幔楔中。目前已发现的超大型硼矿床主要位于聚合型板块边缘,尤其土耳其拥有世界上最大的硼酸盐储量。我们推测这些矿床的形成基础条件之一可能与弧前高度蛇纹石化的地幔楔有关。尤其是在洋 陆俯冲环境,弧前蛇纹岩或蛇绿混杂岩首先通过俯冲侵蚀再循环到火山弧岩浆中,使得岩浆更富集硼。随后弧火山喷发大量富硼的火山岩、岩浆热液及水气。在岩浆冷却过程中,硼元素析出、沉淀于火山表面,并伴随风化、侵蚀过程汇聚至碰撞造山带的封闭湖盆之中。此外,干冷的气候条件下也进一步促进了硼的成矿。我国具有形成大型、超大型硼矿的地质条件,应加大研究及探勘力度,并适当购买硼作为战略储备。  相似文献   

丁望 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):366-374
近年来,深海大洋钻探已证实在洋陆俯冲带的浅部,板块边界断裂高度集中在特征性岩层中,然而对于这种断裂高度集中化现象是否发生在俯冲带深部仍然缺乏充分的认识,因此对日本中部侏罗纪燧石-碎屑岩杂岩体中一个露头宽度约50 m的断裂带进行了调查。该断裂带沿古俯冲带深部的板块边界延伸而出的逆冲断层发育,断裂带中的剪切变形集中在数层黑色有机质黏土岩中,表现为沿交织鳞片状叶理的分散剪切,剪切方向分为左行走滑和逆冲走滑,可能形成于俯冲带中的滑动分异或左行斜俯冲过程。体现滑动集中化的拆离面切割了黑色有机质黏土岩层,拆离面表现为左行滑动。利用碳物质拉曼光谱测量了拆离面上及黑色有机质黏土岩层中的碳物质。结果表明,相对于黑色有机质黏土岩,拆离面中的碳物质具有更高的成熟度,表明在左行滑动过程中产生了快速的摩擦升温。野外观测和实验结果表明,这一古断裂带记录的俯冲带深部板块边界断裂高度集中在黑色有机质黏土岩层中,发育于其中的拆离面的左行剪切可能产生于深部地震性滑动。  相似文献   

东亚大陆边缘的俯冲带构造   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
东亚大陆边缘自北向南发育了琉球海沟和马尼拉海沟等俯冲带。简要论述了这些俯冲带的构造特征、演化历史和一些科学前缘问题 ;认为愈来愈多的地球科学问题 ,如地震的发生机制、俯冲板块动力学等 ,集中在俯冲板块边界 ;解决弧后盆地成因和中国大陆边缘张裂过程等许多地质科学问题 ,有待于对俯冲带构造演化的深入了解。同时 ,在这些俯冲带发现了丰富的天然气水合物 ,具有良好的资源前景 ,因而 ,俯冲带的构造研究成为科学研究的前沿热点  相似文献   

为了定量获取防洪保护区在多洪源和复杂边界条件下的溃堤洪水风险信息,以非恒定流控制方程为理论基础,建立了多洪源一维河网水动力学模型和防洪保护区二维洪水演进模型,利用溃坝模型实现河道与保护区的耦联,并采用局部网格加密和相似建筑物模拟等方法处理保护区内道路等复杂边界的导阻水作用。利用所建模型模拟了长江、汉江和东荆河3种不同洪水来源, 在4种不同位置溃堤情况下汉南至白庙长江干堤防洪保护区的洪水淹没情景,采用基于淹没水深的损失率关系法对比分析了4种计算方案的淹没面积、经济损失和受灾人口。结果表明:模型构建合理、稳定性和适应性好,复杂边界对洪水演进过程影响明显,不同洪源溃堤情形的风险信息差异较大;在计算条件下,以长江发生1954年型300年一遇洪水向新溃口情形下的淹没损失最严重,其淹没面积达3 790 km2,受灾人口为196.8万人,经济损失约802亿元。研究成果可为洪水风险管理与避洪转移决策提供有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

The Himalayas form an ideal natural laboratory to study the deformation processes of continental crust during collision orogeny. New information is presented concerning the structural evolution of the Main Mantle thrust zone in the Himalayas of N Pakistan, in the region around Nanga Parbat. The hanging-wall lies at relatively high levels within the Kohistan arc terrane which has been emplaced onto Indian continental rocks. This thrust probably originated as a breakback structure in the hanging-wall to the pre-collisional (oceanic) subduction zone. The present hanging-wall contains a shear zone of about 1 km width developed under amphibolite facies conditions. Simple shear dominant strains have developed new fabrics parallel to the main thrust zone. However, these structures are redeformed by discrete extensional and compressional shears within about 100 m of the thrust contact, again developed under amphibolite facies conditions. The footwall consists of an old basement complex (the Nanga Parbat gneisses) overlain by a distinct suite of metasediments now at amphibolite facies. This cover assemblage of psammites, pelites and marbles with local metabasites consistently lies directly against rocks derived from the Kohistan arc along the MMT. The absence of structures suggestive of consistent rheological contrasts within the cover assemblages suggests that the vast majority of the deformation features they contain were developed only once they experienced substantial tectonic overburdens. Prior to this the Indian cover rocks will have been »passively« subducted beneath the Kohistan arc until into amphibolite facies. We discuss these inferences in terms of evolving shear zone width with time and comment on the implications for predicting the character of mid-deep crustal shear zones, particularly from seismic reflection profiles.
Zusammenfassung Der Himalaya bildet ein ideales, natrliches Laboratorium für Untersuchungen von Deformationsprozessen in kontinentalen Krustengesteinen während der Kollision bzw. Orogenese. Hier werden neue Daten vorgelegt, die sich mit der strukturellen Entwicklung der Hauptmantelüberschiebung im Himalaya von Nordpakistan im Gebiet um den Nanga Parbat befassen. Die Hangendeinheiten oberhalb der Störung liegen in einem relativ hohen Niveau innerhalb des »Kohistan arc terrane«, das auf die indischen Kontinentalgesteine überschoben wurde. Diese Überschiebung entstand wahrscheinlich als Rücküberschiebungsstruktur im Hangenden der Subduktionszone vor der Kollision. Im Hangenden befindet sich eine ca. 1 km breite Scherzone, die sich unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen gebildet hat. Die durch »simple shear« erzeugten Deformationen sind mit ihren neuen Gefügen parallel zur Hauptüberschiebungszone ausgerichtet. Die Gefüge wurden nachfolgend von Extensionsund Kompressionsbewegungen im Bereich von ca. 100 m um den Überschiebungskontakt erneut unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen erfaßt und deformiert. Das Liegende der Hauptüberschiebung besteht aus einem alten Basementkomplex (den Nanga Parbat Gneisen), die von deutlich abgesetzten, amphibolitfaziellen Metasedimenten überlagert werden. Diese Sedimenthülle bestehend aus Psammiten, Peliten und Marmoren mit lokalen Metabasiten stößt entlang der MMT direkt gegen die Gesteine des Kohistanbogens. Das Fehlen von Strukturen, die auf gleichbleibende rheologische Unterschiede hinweisen würde, läßt vermuten, daß der Großteil der in ihnen enthaltenen Deformationsgefüge auf einmal während beträchtlicher tektonischer Auflast entstanden ist. Vorher wurden die indischen Hüllgesteine »passiv« unter den Kohistanbogen bis in den Bereich der Amphibolitfazies subduziert. Die Folgerungen aus der sich über die Zeit entwickelnden Breite dieser Scherzone werden diskutiert und die Bedeutung für die Vorhersage der Charakteristik von mitteltiefen krustalen Scherzonen, insbesondere in Verbindung mit seismischen Reflektionsprofilen betont.

Résumé L'Himalaya constitue un laboratoire naturel idéal pour l'étude des processus de déformation de la croûte continentale au cours d'une orogenèse de collision. Les auteurs présentent des informations nouvelles relatives à l'évolution structurale de la zone du Main Mantle Thrust dans la région du Nanga Parbat au nord du Pakistan. Le toit de cet accident occupe un niveau assez élevé dans le «Kohistan arc Terrane» qui a été charrié sur les roches du continent indien. Le charriage doit probablement son origine à une structure en retour apparue au-dessus de la zone de subduction pré-collisionnelle (océanique). Le toit actuel de l'accident contient une zone de glissement (shear zone) épaisse d'environ 1 km et formée dans les conditions du facies des amphibolites. Les déformations engendrées par glissement simple (simple shear) ont développé de nouvelles fabriques parallèles à la surface de charriage. Cependant, dans une tranche d'une centaine de mètres à partir du contact du charriage, ces structures ont été reprises par des cisaillements extensionnels ou compressionnels, toujours dans les conditions du facies des amphibolites.Le mur de l'accident est formé d'un complexe ancien (le gneiss du Nanga Parbat) surmonté d'une série de métasédiments distincts qui présentent aujourd'hui le facies des amphibolites. Cette couverture de psammites, de pélites, de marbres et de métabasites locales est directement en contact le long du MMT avec l'arc du Kohistan. L'absence, dans cette couverture, de structures témoignant de contrastes rhéologiques marqués, suggère que la grande majorité des structures déformatives n'y ont été développées qu'après un enfouissement tectonique important. Avant cela, les roches de la couverture indienne ont dû être subductées passivement sous l'arc du Kohistan, jusqu'au facies des amphibolites. Les auteurs discutent ces conclusions en termes d'évolution temporelle d'une shear zone et en commentant les implications dans le domaine de la prédiction du caractère des shear zones de profondeur crustale moyenne, en particulier à partir des profils de sismique réflexion.

, , . -. Kohistan arc terrane —, . , , . 1 , . , , . 100 . — - —, . , , , . , , , , , . . .

聂治豹  郑宏  万涛  林姗 《岩土力学》2020,41(4):1429-1436
传统的数值流形法(NMM)一般均采用区域积分形式。结合边界单元法(BEM),提出了一种边界积分形式的数值流形法。该方法既能发挥NMM的可以灵活选取局部基的优势,又具有BEM降低问题求解维数的特点。针对二维的弹性静力学问题,对3个具有解析解的不同基准算例进行了数值应用,验证了所提方法的有效性和效率。计算结果表明,提高局部基的阶次可有效提高方法的计算精度。  相似文献   

Subduction erosion, which occurs at all convergent plate boundaries associated with magmatic arcs formed on crystalline forearc basement, is an important process for chemical recycling, responsible globally for the transport of ~1.7 Armstrong Units (1 AU = 1 km3/yr) of continental crust back into the mantle. Along the central Andean convergent plate margin, where there is very little terrigenous sediment being supplied to the trench as a result of the arid conditions, the occurrence of mantle-derived olivine basalts with distinctive crustal isotopic characteristics (87Sr/86Sr ≥ 0.7050; εNd ≤ −2; εHf ≤ +2) correlates spatially and/or temporally with regions and/or episodes of high rates of subduction erosion, and a strong case can be made for the formation of these basalts to be due to incorporation into the subarc mantle wedge of tectonically eroded and subducted forearc continental crust. In other convergent plate boundary magmatic arcs, such as the South Sandwich and Aleutian Islands intra-oceanic arcs and the Central American and Trans-Mexican continental margin volcanic arcs, similar correlations have been demonstrated between regions and/or episodes of relatively rapid subduction erosion and the genesis of mafic arc magmas containing enhanced proportions of tectonically eroded and subducted crustal components that are chemically distinct from pelagic and/or terrigenous trench sediments. It has also been suggested that larger amounts of melts derived from tectonically eroded and subducted continental crust, rising as diapirs of buoyant low density subduction mélanges, react with mantle peridotite to form pyroxenite metasomatites that than melt to form andesites. The process of subduction erosion and mantle source region contamination with crustal components, which is supported by both isotopic and U-Pb zircon age data implying a fast and efficient connectivity between subduction inputs and magmatic outputs, is a powerful alternative to intra-crustal assimilation in the generation of andesites, and it negates the need for large amounts of mafic cumulates to form within and then be delaminated from the lower crust, as required by the basalt-input model of continental crustal growth. However, overall, some significant amount of subducted crust and sediment is neither underplated below the forearc wedge nor incorporated into convergent plate boundary arc magmas, but instead transported deeper into the mantle where it plays a role in the formation of isotopically enriched mantle reservoirs. To ignore or underestimate the significance of the recycling of tectonically eroded and subducted continental crust in the genesis of convergent plate boundary arc magmas, including andesites, and for the evolution of both the continental crust and mantle, is to be on the wrong side of history in the understanding of these topics.  相似文献   

在气候变暖背景下,北半球多年冻土呈现不同程度的退化趋势,冻土升温、活动层增厚、地下冰消融改变了区域工程地质条件、地形地貌,不仅对寒区环境和工程稳定性造成潜在的威胁,还影响着这些地区的气候、水文和生态过程.因此,准确评估和预估多年冻土热状况的变化具有重要科学和实践意义.现有用于模拟多年冻土热状况的各类模式重点考虑了近地表...  相似文献   

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