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We studied two sections that accumulated during the Paleocene–Eocene transition in shelf waters in the northeastern Tethys. Stable carbon isotopic compositions of marine and terrestrial biomarkers are consistent with a 13C depletion in the oceanic and atmospheric carbon dioxide pools during the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM; Subzone P5b). The 2–3‰ negative δ 13C excursion in planktic foraminifera coincides with minimum δ 18O values, an incursion of transient subtropical planktic foraminiferal fauna, and the occurrence of an organic-rich sapropelite unit in Uzbekistan, which accumulated at the onset of a transgressive event. Biomarker distributions and hydrogen indices indicate that marine algae and bacteria were the major organic matter sources. During the Late Paleocene (Subzones P4 and P5a), the marginal northeastern Tethys experienced a temperate to warm climate with wet and arid seasons. Most likely, warm and humid climate initiated during the LPTM (Subzone P5b) and subsequently extended during the Eocene (Zone P6) onto adjacent land areas of the marginal northeastern Tethys. Received: 18 May 1999 / Accepted: 2 February 2000  相似文献   

A high-resolution dataset of trace element concentrations is presented for the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia, Australia’s most important river system. The data were obtained by solution quadrupole ICP-MS resulting in concentrations for 44 elements. Of these, 21 were determined with a long-term external precision of better than 1% and a further 13 at a precision better than 2%. Trace element maps for the surface sediments constructed from such high precision data reveal small but coherent variations in the four major sub-catchments of the basin, even in ratios of elements with very similar geochemical behaviour, such as Y/Ho, Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf. The origin of these chemical fingerprints of drainage systems are discussed in terms of the geochemical character of the upper continental crust. The potential of trace element maps for palaeo-environmental and climatic reconstruction is then illustrated. First, a sample of dust collected in a trap located in the far southeastern corner of the study area is used to pinpoint the location of the dust source. Next the fine-scale change in down-stream alluvial sediment chemistry is analysed to estimate the importance of sediment contribution from tributaries with a view to reconstructing river flow dynamics. Finally, the chemistry of dune sediments is compared with surrounding floodplain alluvium to estimate relative age of deposition. These examples demonstrate that in low-elevation river systems, such as the Murray–Darling Basin, extended trace element maps of sediment offer substantially more applications than radiogenic isotope data alone.  相似文献   

The Ching-dar syncline is located to the west of the city of Birjand, in the east of han. The ca. 500 m thick studied section at the eastern flank of the syncline contains a sequence of almost continuous shallow- marine limestones that exhibit no major sedimentary breaks or evidence for volcanic activity. Skeletal grains consist of large benthic foraminifera and green algae whereas non-skeletal grains are mostly peloids and intraclasts. They were deposited on a shallow-marine carbonate ramp. The limestones have undergone extensive diagenetic processes with varying intensities, the most important of which are micritization, cementation, compaction (chemical and mechanical), internal filling and stylolitization. Chemical analysis of the limestone samples revealed high calcium and low magnesium content. Major and minor element values were used to determine the original carbonate mineralogy of these lime- stones. Petrographic evidence and elemental values indicate that calcite was the original carbonate mineral in the limestones of the Ching-dar syncline. The elemental composition of the Ching-dar car- bonates also demonstrates that they have stabilized in a meteoric phreatic environment. Variation of Sr/ Ca vs. Mn values suggests that diagenetic alteration occurred in an open geochemical system.  相似文献   

Two distal Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary sections in the Central Apennine region (Italy) have been studied: Bottaccione Gorge and Contessa Highway. Geochemical and carbon isotope analyses on the infilling of trace fossils and on the host sedimentary rocks were performed to determine paleoenvironmental conditions during the Cretaceous–Paleogene transition. Major and trace element contents were measured in a 63 cm-thick interval at Bottaccione Gorge (from 22 cm below to 41 cm above the K/Pg boundary) and in a 72 cm-thick interval at Contessa Highway (from 43 cm below to 29 cm above the K/Pg boundary). Even though the K/Pg ejecta layer is now depleted at these sections due to continuous oversampling, the uppermost Maastrichtian and lowermost Danian deposits record the paleoenvironmental conditions prior to and after the K/Pg event. We used redox-sensitive element ratios (V/Al, Cr/Al, Co/Al, Ni/Al Cu/Al, Zn/Al, Mo/Al Pb/Al and U/Mo) and detrital element ratios (K/Al, Rb/Al, Zr/Al and ƩREE/Al) as proxies of certain environmental parameters, used for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. In general, similar values for elemental ratios are registered within Maastrichtian and Danian deposits, which supports similar paleoenvironmental conditions prior to and after the K/Pg event as well as the rapid reestablishment of the pre-impact conditions (i.e., oxygenation, nutrient availability, and/or sedimentary input). An enrichment in certain redox-sensitive elements above the K/Pg at the Bottaccione Gorge section suggests lower oxygenation, as also evidenced by the tracemaker community. Carbon isotope composition data from the infilling material of trace fossils furthermore reveals values similar to those of the host rocks at the corresponding depth, which supports an active infilling by nearly contemporaneous bioturbation during sediment deposition.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope (δ13C) and rare earth element (REE) concentrations in representative samples of the shallow marine Subathu Formation, explored from the Neelkanth and Dogadda sections of Northwestern Himalaya (India) were determined to infer the palaeo-environmental condition during the late Paleocene and middle Eocene. δ13C values show variation of ~5.0‰ with maximum excursion (?27.34‰) in calcareous sandstone at the basal part and minimum (?22‰) in red shale towards the terminal end. Total REE concentration varies (due to lithology) from 27.23?ppm to 564.35?ppm with an average of 187.60?ppm. The chondrite and PAAS normalized patterns exhibit positive Ce anomaly (0.95–4.45), enriched LREE, and depleted HREE, medium Y/Ho ratio (~30–45) along with positive correlation between Y/Dy and Y/Ho ratio. In addition, calcite veins present in some shale samples indicate redox sensitive trace elements. The overall REE abundance and distribution suggests highly oxygenated environment under the shallow marine regressive phase of deposition. The depositional setting, biostratigraphical constrained age along with δ13C values and lower TOC suggested an intense warm period, that might be coeval with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maxima event (PETM).  相似文献   

A large lower Eocene bentonite deposit at the top of Sinn El-Kaddab plateau, southern Egypt, is investigated. It forms isolated anticlinal hills as mesa and cuesta geomorphic units. The Sinn El-Kaddab plateau (497 m above sea level) with Gebel Abyad in northern Sudan represent the most southern margin of Tethys realm in East Africa. Clay and silt fractions constitute up to 95 % of the bentonite and calcium montmorillonite is the predominant phase (70–87 %). These sediments were deposited during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) event. Grain-size distribution in conjunction with their geologic setting argues in favor of a low energy deep hemipelagic, restricted basin within the outer shelf zone. They suggest sporadic deposition in a basin characterized by relief oscillation, in response to continuous tectonic uplifting. The sediments of the peripheral parts of the basin are more calcareous and were deposited in an arid climatic condition. Calcium montmorillonite was deposited in subtropical warm climate, with alternating wet and dry seasons. Compositionally, the bentonite shales are basic to intermediate and exhibit a rather limited range of K2O/Na2O and SiO2/Al2O3 ratios. They suggest mature polycyclic siliciclastics as the main provenance and within-plate alkali basalts as a main igneous precursor. They are the product of intensive physical weathering process in response to combined effects of both tectonic disturbance and prevailed climatic conditions during the PETM event. Geochemically, they are interpreted in terms of mixing of two end-members: pure clastic terrigenous component (inherited from the source area) and carbonate-rich matrix.  相似文献   

We present a high-resolution sedimentological analysis of Barremian–Aptian shallow-water carbonates from two cores (S. Maria 6 and 4) that were drilled in the central Apennines (central Italy) and one section (Monte Faito) that crops out in the southern Apennines (southern Italy). The aims of this work are (a) to propose a high-resolution correlation of sections that are located approximately 170 km apart in different tectonic units and paleogeographic domains using a microstratigraphic (cm-scale) approach and (b) to reveal global and regional mechanisms that control the stratigraphic architecture of these carbonate platform strata.A composite S. Maria section was assembled by integrating the sedimentologic and biostratigraphic analyses of the two cores, which overlap each other across the Barremian–Aptian boundary. Both the S. Maria and the Monte Faito sections show repetitive facies patterns that are expressed as elementary cycles, which are hierarchically grouped into bundles and superbundles. The elementary cycles are meter-scale sedimentary units that are bounded by subaerial erosion surfaces, which directly overlie subtidal deposits. This implies that they formed under the influence of relative sea-level fluctuations. In both sections, the superbundles are organized into Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends (T/RFTs), which are considered to be expressions of lower-frequency relative sea-level changes.These deposits, like their Cretaceous analogues of other areas of the Apennines, show evidence of astronomically controlled eustatic oscillations, which are reflected in the hierarchical organization of their stacking patterns. They also exhibit a sequence-stratigraphic configuration that is best recognizable in the superbundles and T/RFTs. Based on integrated stratigraphic criteria, a high-resolution regional correlation between S. Maria and Monte Faito was developed and compared with the reference section of Monte Raggeto (M. Maggiore, southern Apennines, Italy), where biostratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic studies have been complemented by magneto- and isotope-stratigraphy.We also propose a chronostratigraphic correlation between our T/RFTs and the Tethyan stratigraphic cycles of Hardenbol et al. (1998). Based on the cyclostratigraphic interpretation and orbital chronostratigraphy of the studied interval, we estimate a minimum duration of 5.2 my for the Barremian interval, which is similar to the 4.5 my duration from the Geological Time Scale of Gradstein et al., (2012).  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1530-1542
In this study, we conducted profile measurements, gravel composition analyses, and U–Pb dating on detrital zircons from a representative glacial marine diamictite in the Gangmaco–Dabure area of the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block, Tibetan Plateau. We conclude that the diamictite was formed in a glacial marine environment from the outer edge of the continental shelf to the continental slope and deep sea, in what is now the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block. Four distinct glacial–interglacial cycles were identified in the diamictite, which record a minimum of four stages of Gondwana glaciation in the area of the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block. Combined with regional geological information, we also conclude that during the Carboniferous–Permian, sediments containing the glacial marine diamictite derived from Gondwana, in the region extending from India to the Tethys Himalaya area, and Lhasa and Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan blocks, recorded the transition from continental, neritic to abyssal environments. Gravel assemblages and U–Pb dating of detrital zircons in the glacial marine diamictite indicate that the provenance of the diamictite was Indian Gondwana. We infer that during the Late Paleozoic, the northern margin of the Indian Gondwana continued to be influenced by the Early Palaeozoic tectonic set-up, when Indian Gondwana was under an erosional regime, and the Tethys Himalaya area, and Lhasa and Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan blocks were deposited on a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(8):1081-1092
Different types of fine-grained chemical precipitates were characterized in the surroundings of the pyrite-chalcopyrite mine of Libiola (Northern Italy). Both water chemistry and sediment composition were used to investigate metal mobility near the mine area. Local drainage waters were very acidic (with a pH as low as 2.5) and were rich in dissolved metals (Fe, Al, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni). Sediments associated with low pH water (pH <4.5) were ochreous mixtures of schwertmannite and goethite with traces of jarosite. Their chemistry was dominated by Fe and they had, compared to other sediments investigated, low concentrations of other metals. When the acidity decreased gradually, other precipitates formed. At a pH of approximately 5, a poorly crystalline, whitish, Al-rich precipitate occurred. At a pH between 6 and 7, a poorly crystalline, blue, Cu (Zn) rich phase was present. These “sequential” precipitation events progressively reduced the metal loading typical of the acidic mine water when there was a gradual mixing with normal water. When a sudden mixing between normal waters (pH ∼8, Ca–HCO3, low metal bearing) and acidic waters took place, a rapid flocculation occurred of mixed precipitates containing Fe, Al and trace elements.  相似文献   

New biostratigraphical, geochemical, and magnetic evidence is synthesized with IODP Expedition 352 shipboard results to understand the sedimentary and tectono-magmatic development of the Izu–Bonin outer forearc region. The oceanic basement of the Izu–Bonin forearc was created by supra-subduction zone seafloor spreading during early Eocene (c. 50–51 Ma). Seafloor spreading created an irregular seafloor topography on which talus locally accumulated. Oxide-rich sediments accumulated above the igneous basement by mixing of hydrothermal and pelagic sediment. Basaltic volcanism was followed by a hiatus of up to 15 million years as a result of topographic isolation or sediment bypassing. Variably tuffaceous deep-sea sediments were deposited during Oligocene to early Miocene and from mid-Miocene to Pleistocene. The sediments ponded into extensional fault-controlled basins, whereas condensed sediments accumulated on a local basement high. Oligocene nannofossil ooze accumulated together with felsic tuff that was mainly derived from the nearby Izu–Bonin arc. Accumulation of radiolarian-bearing mud, silty clay, and hydrogenous metal oxides beneath the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) characterized the early Miocene, followed by middle Miocene–Pleistocene increased carbonate preservation, deepened CCD and tephra input from both the oceanic Izu–Bonin arc and the continental margin Honshu arc. The Izu–Bonin forearc basement formed in a near-equatorial setting, with late Mesozoic arc remnants to the west. Subduction-initiation magmatism is likely to have taken place near a pre-existing continent–oceanic crust boundary. The Izu–Bonin arc migrated northward and clockwise to collide with Honshu by early Miocene, strongly influencing regional sedimentation.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin is located in northwestern China and is the biggest basin in China with huge oil and gas resources. Especially the Lower to Middle Cambrian and Middle to Upper Ordovician possess the major marine source rocks in the Tarim Basin and have large shale gas resource potential. The Cambrian–Ordovician shales were mainly deposited in basin–slope facies with thicknesses between 30–180 m. For shales buried shallower than 4500 m, there is high organic matter abundance with TOC (total organic carbon) mainly between 1.0% and 6.0%, favorable organic matter of Type I and Type II, and high thermal maturity with RoE as 1.3%–2.75%. The mineral composition of these Cambrian–Ordovician shale samples is mainly quartz and carbonate minerals while the clay minerals content is mostly lower than 30%, because these samples include siliceous and calcareous shale and marlstone. The Cambrian and Ordovician shales are compacted with mean porosity of 4% and 3%, permeability of 0.0003×10?3–0.09×10?3 μm2 and 0.0002×10?3–0.11×10?3 μm2, and density of 2.30 g/m3 and 2.55 g/m3, respectively. The pores in the shale samples show good connectivity and are mainly mesopore in size. Different genetic types of pores can be observed such as intercrystal, intergranular, dissolved, organic matter and shrinkage joint. The reservoir bed properties are controlled by mineral composition and diagenesis. The maximum adsorption amount to methane of these shales is 1.15–7.36 cm3/g, with main affecting factors being organic matter abundance, porosity and thermal maturity. The accumulation characteristics of natural gas within these shales are jointly controlled by sedimentation, diagenesis, hydrocarbon generation conditions?, reservoir bed properties and the occurrence process of natural gas. The natural gas underwent short-distance migration and accumulation, in-place accumulation in the early stage, and adjustment and modification in the later stage. Finally, the Yulin (well Y1) and Tazhong (well T1) areas are identified as the targets for shale gas exploration in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   


This article reports the depositional environment and provenance for the Tianquanshan Formation in the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang suture zone, and uses these to better understand the tectonic evolution of this region. Zircons in the andesite of the Tianquanshan Formation yielded concordia ages of 246, 247, and 254 Ma, indicating that the Tianquanshan Formation formed during the late Permian–Early Triassic. The Tianquanshan Formation consists of flysch and ocean island rock assemblages, indicating that the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang Palaeo-Tethys Ocean continued to exist as a mature ocean in the late Permian–Early Triassic. The detrital zircons in the greywackes of the Tianquanshan Formation yielded peak ages of 470–620, 710–830, 910–1080, 1450–1660, and 2400–2650 Ma, indicating the provenance of the Tianquanshan Formation was either Indian Gondwana or terranes that have an affinity with Indian Gondwana in the Tibetan Plateau (i.e. the Southern Qiangtang, Lhasa, and Himalayan terranes). The Ordovician quartzites, Carboniferous sandstones, Carboniferous–Permian diamictites, and the Upper Permian–Lower Triassic greywackes in the Southern Qiangtang, Lhasa, and Himalayan terranes all contain detrital zircons with youngest ages of ca. 470 Ma, indicating their source areas have been in a stable tectonic environment since the Ordovician, and this inference is supported by the continuous deposition in a littoral–neritic passive margin in these regions from the Ordovician to the lower Permian. Combining the present results with regional geological data, we infer that the Southern Qiangtang, Lhasa, and Himalayan terranes were all in a stable passive continental margin along the northern part of Indian Gondwana during the long period from the Ordovician to the early Permian. At early Permian, because of the opening of the Neo-Tethys Ocean, the tectonic framework of this region underwent a marked change to a rifting and active environment.  相似文献   

Summary Mineralogical composition and trace elements distribution in the < 2-m size fraction of Late Cretaceous-Oligocene shales from the Southern Apennines (Italy) are presented.The clay mineral assemblage consists of illite, smectite, kaolinite and minor chlorite. Analytical evidence points to a detrital micaceous precursor for illite and smectite. Accessory phases were also found. Chemical data, normalized with respect to the Post-Archean Australian Shales (PAAS), indicate depletion of Ba, Rb, Y, Zr and enrichment of Nb. PAAS-normalized REE-patterns exhibit a positive Eu anomaly and HREE depletion. A kaolinite-rich sample has high REE contents in contrast to smectite-rich fractions. A REE-pattern without appreciable Eu anomaly is displayed by the illite-rich sample.Statistical data processing indicates a link between Ti, P, Y, Zr, Nb and Yb, suggesting that accessory phases may play a role in controlling HREE and that the observed LREE/HREE fractionation may also be due to hydraulic sorting of these phases. An important La-kaolinite relationship accounts for the capability of this phase to host LREE. Smectite and, thus, adsorption mechanisms, appear to exert a limited role in distributing REE. The Eu anomaly is a source inherited feature, probably not determined solely by clay minerals.
Spurenelement-Verteilung und mineralogische Zusammensetzung der < 2m Fraktion von Schiefern aus dem südlichen Appenin (Italien)
Zusammenfassung Die mineralogische Zusammensetzung und die Verteilung der Spurenelemente in der < 2 m Fraktion von spät-kretazischen-oligozänen Schiefern aus dem südlichen Appenin (Italien) werden in Übersicht gebracht. Die Tonmineral-Vergesellschaftung besteht aus Illit, Smectit, Kaolinit und kleineren Mengen von Chlorit. Analytische Daten weisen darauf hin, daß Illit und Smectit aus einem detritischen Glimmermineral hervorgegangen sein dürften. Auch akzessorische Phasen kommen vor. Chemische Daten zeigen gegenüber post-Archaischen australischen Schiefern (PAAS) eine Verarmung in Ba, Rb, Y, Zr und eine Anreicherung von Nb. PAAS-normalisierte SEE-Verteilungsmuster zeigen eine positive Eu Anomalie und eine Verarmung an HSEE. Eine Kaolinit-reiche Probe zeigt hohe Gehalte an gesamten SEE im Gegensatz zu einer Smectit-reichen. Die Illit-reiche Probe zeigt ein SEE-Verteilungsmuster ohne deutliche Eu Anomalie.Statistische Verarbeitung der Daten läßt eine Verbindung zwischen Ti, P, Y, Zr, Nb und Yb erkennen; dies weist darauf hin, daß akzessorische Phasen einen Einfluß auf die HSEE-Verteilung haben und daß die beobachtete LSEE/HSEE Fraktionierung auch auf hydraulische Sortierung dieser Phasen zurückgehen könnte. Es gibt eine bedeutsame Beziehung zwischen La und Kaolinit und diese unterstreicht die Fähigkeit des Kaolinits für die Aufnahme von LSEE. Smectit und Adsorptionsmechanismen scheinen eine geringe Rolle für die Verteilung der SEE zu spielen. Die Eu Anomalie ist eine Erscheinung, die auf die Quelle der sedimentären Minerale zurückgeht und wahrscheinlich nicht ausschließlich durch Tonminerale bestimmt wird.

The successful exploration and production of shale-gas resources in the United States and Canada sets a new possible solution towards the energy crisis presently affecting most countries of Asia. This study focuses on the use of well log and 2D seismic data for the characterization of the shale oil/gas potential of a Paleocene–Eocene succession — the Meyal area in the Potwar Basin of Pakistan. Two shaly plays are identified in Paleocene–Eocene strata in well logs using ΔLogR and modified ΔLogR cross-plot techniques. The results indicate that Paleocene shale(the Patala Formation) and the lower shaly part of Eocene limestone(Sakesar Formation) can be potentially mature source rocks. However, the thermal maturity modelling proves that only the Paleocene shale is mature. Our results also suggest that the maturity responses on ΔLogR models for the lower shaly part of the Eocene limestone are due to trapped hydrocarbons in the intra-formational fractures. Petroelastic/petrophysical analysis of the Patala Formation reveals two potential shale oil/gas zones on the basis of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, Brittleness index and Total Organic Content at an exploitation depth of 3980–3988 m. This work can provide valuable insight for estimating shale oil/gas potential in highly deformed basins not only in Asia but in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The discoveries of oil and gas reservoirs in the volcanic rocks of the Songliao Basin(SB) have attracted the attention of many researchers. However, the lack of studies on the genesis of the volcanic rocks has led to different opinions being presented for the genesis of the SB. In order to solve this problem, this study selected the volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation in the Southern Songliao Basin(SSB) as the research object, and determined the genesis and tectonic setting of the volcanic rocks by using LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and a geochemical analysis method(major elements, trace elements, and Hf isotopes). The volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation are mainly composed of rhyolites with minor dacites and pyroclastic rocks. Our new zircon U-Pb dating results show that these volcanic rocks were erupted in the Early Cretaceous(113–118 Ma). The primary zircons from the rhyolites have εHf(t) values of +4.70 to +12.46 and twostage model age(TDM2) of 876–374 Ma. The geochemical data presented in this study allow these rhyolites to be divided into I-type rhyolites and A-type rhyolites, both of which were formed by the partial melting of the crust. They have SiO2 contents of 71.62 wt.%–75.76 wt.% and Al2 O3 contentsof 10.88 wt.% to 12.92 wt.%. The rhyolites have distinctively higher REE contents than those of ordinary granites, with obvious negative Eu anomalies. The light to heavy REE fractionation is not obvious, and the LaN/YbN(average value = 9.78) is less than 10. The A-type rhyolites depleted in Ba, Sr, P, and Ti, with relatively low Nb/Ta, indicating that the rocks belong A2 subtype granites formed in an extensional environment. The adakitic dacites are characterized by high Sr contents(624 to 1,082 ppm), low Y contents(10.6 to 12.6 ppm), high Sr/Y and Sr/Yb ratios, and low Mg# values(14.77 to 36.46), indicating that they belong to "C" type adakites. The adakitic dacite with high Sr and low Yb were likely generated by partial melting of the lower crust under high pressure conditions at least 40 km depth. The I-type rhyolites with low Sr and high Yb, and the A-type rhyolites with very low Sr and high Yb, were formed in the middle and upper crust under low pressure conditions, respectively. In addition, the formation depths of the former were approximately 30 km, whereas those of the latter were less than 30 km. The geochemical characteristics reveal that the volcanic rocks of Yingcheng Formation were formed in an extensional environment which was related to the retreat of subducted Paleo-Pacific Plate. At the late Early Cretaceous Period, the upwelling of the asthenosphere mantle and the lithosphere delamination caused by the retreat of the subducted Paleo-Pacific Plate, had resulted in lithosheric extension in the eastern part of China. Subsequently, a large area of volcanic rocks had formed. The SB has also been confirmed to be a product of the tectonic stress field in that region.  相似文献   

Ischia, one active volcano of the Phlegraean Volcanic District, prone to very high risk, is dominated by a caldera formed 55 ka BP, followed by resurgence of the collapsed area. Over the past 3 ka, the activity extruded evolved potassic magmas; only a few low-energy explosive events were fed by less evolved magmas. A geochemical and Sr–Nd–O isotope investigation has been performed on minerals and glass from products of three of such eruptions, Molara, Vateliero, and Cava Nocelle (<2.6 ka BP). Data document strong mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic heterogeneities likely resulting from mingling/mixing processes among mafic and felsic magmas that already fed the Ischia volcanism in the past. Detailed study on the most mafic magma has permitted to investigate its origin. The mantle sector below Ischia underwent subduction processes that modified its pristine chemical, isotopic, and redox conditions by addition of ≤1 % of sediment fluids/melts. Similar processes occurred from Southeast to Northwest along the Apennine compressive margin, with addition of up to 2.5 % of sediment-derived material. This is shown by volcanics with poorly variable, typical δ18O mantle values, and 87Sr/86Sr progressively increasing toward typical continental crust values. Multiple partial melting of this modified mantle generated distinct primary magmas that occasionally assimilated continental crust, acquiring more 18O than 87Sr. At Ischia, 7 % of Hercynian granodiorite assimilation produced isotopically distinct, K-basaltic to latitic magmas. A SW–NE regional tectonic structure gave these magmas coming from large depth the opportunity to mingle/mix with felsic magmas stagnating in shallower reservoirs, eventually triggering explosive eruptions.  相似文献   

Glauconitic siliciclastic rocks and phosphate components from the Pecínov Member of the Peruc–Korycany Formation (Upper Cenomanian), the lower part of the Bílá Hora Formation (Lower Turonian) and the lower part of the Teplice Formation (Upper Turonian) are studied. Geochemical indices suggest that the siliciclasts were derived from the weathering and recycling products of variable rock types of the Bohemian Massif, with a pronounced signature of felsic-derived source lithologies and a minor contribution from the sources of a chemically intermediate nature. Geochemical and mineralogical criteria suggest that the climate in the mid-Cretaceous was generally humid with possible intermittent arid episodes, which resulted in a long-term weathering of source rocks and the development of residual clay minerals in the source area. Several geochemical indications point toward highly reducing marine conditions during deposition of the mudstones, which are composed of quartz, glauconite, kaolinite, smectite, apatite and calcite. The glauconites show a highly mature character with >8 wt. % K2O and bear evidence of long residence time near the sediment–water interface. They are depleted in Fe and rich in Al indicating a mixed layer mica–smectite as a precursor. Carbonate-fluorapatite is the only phosphate phase identified in the phosphate components, with up to 8 wt. % CO32−, excess F and significant amounts of Na+ and SO42− in the apatite structure. A short-lived phosphogenic event(s) took place in the latest Cenomanian and involved large areas of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin in association with the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. The phosphate nodules were initially precipitated under suboxic conditions around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary and were later reworked and emplaced in the earliest Turonian units. Phosphate coprolites mark another phosphogenic event in the early Upper Turonian. The development of the phosphate coprolites took place under variable redox conditions; the release of organically-bound phosphate and subsequent phosphatisation of fecal material took place under suboxic environment, followed by reworking in oxic realms.  相似文献   

The southern Congo Craton is widely overlain by Meso- to Cenozoic sediments of the northern Kalahari Basin, which hamper any correlation of basement units. The latter are represented by the Archaean Angola and Kasai Blocks, while the southern cratonic margin is framed by several Meso- to Neoproterozoic orogenic belts. For provenance analysis of the sedimentary cover and reconstruction of the main zircon-forming events, we studied zircons from recent sediments of the largest rivers at the southern margin of the Congo Craton. U–Pb zircon ages suggest a major amount of the sediments to originate from E Lufilian and Kibaran Belts, while input from the S Damara Belt seems to increase to the W. Ages related to the Angola Block were only noticed in the westernmost parts of the working area, which is not in accordance with the SE-trending drainage pattern, proposed to have been onset during the Cretaceous. Thus, it is assumed that the Meso- to Cenozoic sedimentary cover extended further west than today prior to the Mesozoic to Neogene uplift of the Angola Block and that subsequent erosion exhumed the basement stepwise from west to east. A recurrent destabilisation of the southern margin of the Congo Craton at ~2.7, 1.9, 1.0 and 0.6 Ga is supposed to be represented by major peaks in the age distribution pattern of the total amount of concordant zircons. This is in accordance with similar studies in adjacent areas. Additionally, the obtained data fit well to several hypothesised major events during the supercontinent cycle.  相似文献   

The Montardone mélange (Mm) is a chaotic, block-in-matrix unit outcropping in the Montebaranzone syncline in the northern Apennines. The Mm occurs in the uppermost part of the Termina Fm, the Middle–Late Miocene interval of a succession deposited in a wedge-top slope basin (Epiligurian succession). The Mm is closely associated with bodies of authigenic carbonates, characterized by negative values of δ13C (from ?18.22 to ?39.05 ‰ PDB) and chemosynthetic benthic fauna (lucinid and vesicomyid bivalves). In this paper, we propose that the Mm is a mud volcano originated by the post-depositional reactivation and rising of a stratigraphically lower mud-rich mass transport body (Canossa–Val Tiepido sedimentary mélange or olistostrome) triggered by fluid overpressure. We base our conclusion on (1) the Mm pierces the entire Termina Fm and older Epiligurian units and represents the direct continuation of the underlying Canossa–Val Tiepido mélange; (2) the geometry and facies distribution of the Montebaranzone sandstone body, which are compatible with a confined basin controlled by the rising of the Mm; (3) the systematic presence of large-scale (lateral extension 300–400 m) seep-carbonates associated with the mélange, suggesting a persistent gas-enriched fluid vent from the ascending overpressured mud; (4) blocks and clasts sourced from the Mm, hosted by the authigenic carbonates, conveyed by ascending mud and gas-enriched fluids. The Mm represents one of the few fossil examples of reactivation of a basin-scale sedimentary mélange (olistostrome); a three-stage model showing mechanisms of Mm raising is proposed.  相似文献   

In SW Sardinia, the continental Tertiary successions referred up to now to the Cixerri Fm. (Middle Eocene–Lower Oligocene?) have been investigated. Sedimentological analysis suggests these deposits lied down in fluvial environments and comprised between distal braided streams passing eastward to meandering streams/coastal environments (?) under sub-arid climates. The scrutinization of the Cixerri Fm. westernmost successions allowed one to split locally the upper from the lower part based on sedimentological and mineralogical features and indirect dating. Unfortunately, this separation cannot be set everywhere. The few upper outcrops plainly evidenced and well-constrained have been newly named Flumentepido Fm. and assigned to Late Oligocene–Early Miocene: they figure out alluvial fans and proximal braided rivers. This way, the SW Sardinia Tertiary continental sedimentation extends its persistence, contemporaneously changing its tectostratigraphic meaning: from a molassoid context related to the Pyrenean wedge dismantling (Eocene–Oligocene) to a rift-margin succession connected with the opening of the Algero-Provençal back-arc basin due to the Apennine subduction in Oligocene–Miocene times.  相似文献   

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