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Produced water is a high salinity by-product resulting from oil and gas production. Disposal methods include surface water discharge. The current field method used to determine its fate in estuarine systems involves extending a compass oriented transect (COT) from the point source discharge--a method designed for a uniformly dispersing effluent discharged into a uniform offshore environment that may be inappropriate for the hydrologic and geomorphologic complexities found in estuarine systems. Prior research established the viability of the salinity stratification transect (SST) method. Both COT and SST methods were used in a small open bay to determine which more accurately detected effluent dispersion. Determination was based on sediment contaminant indicators (SCIs), including interstitial salinity, hydrocarbons, metals, and radium concentrations. Additionally, SCIs were evaluated for their ability to serve as indicators of effluent dispersion. The data revealed that SST stations exhibited higher contaminant concentrations and that this approach was more accurate in tracking the produced water plume. The data also suggested that SCIs varied in their ability to serve as indicators. Good indicators included interstitial salinity, total targeted aromatic hydrocarbons substantiated with a modified fossil fuel pollution index value, certain metals, and radium-228.  相似文献   

In modern hydrological practice large confidence is placed on modelling results that are used for planning and design. This is especially the case where the modelling results have been carefully verified against independent data. An underlying assumption of the calibration/verification process is that the whole data series is stationarity. Standard parametric and non-parametric tests are available for examining the stationary of hydrologic time series but it has been shown here that these may be inadequate for that purpose unless applied with care. Annual, seasonal, monthly and daily time series of precipitation and climate data were examined considering parts of the series formed using sequential windows. Seven standard parametric and non-parametric tests were applied to these relatively long series and while it was shown that some tests suggested that all series were stationary, most series were shown to be non-stationary in more than one of the tests, some of them at very high levels of significance. This apparently hidden non-stationarity could have very large effects on water resources modelling. These effects would have considerable influence in calibration and verification of models and in simulation of long series of water resources characteristics and could be especially important as the effects of climate change become more pervasive.  相似文献   

The collection of 152 samples from the upper sublittoral zone along the rocky coasts of Catalonia (Northwestern Mediterranean) was carried out in 1999 in order to test the suitability of littoral communities to be used as indicators of water quality in the frame of the European Water Framework Directive. Detrended correspondence analysis were performed to distinguish between different communities and to relate communities composition to water quality. Samples collected in reference sites were included in the analysis. Mediterranean rocky shore communities situated in the upper sublittoral zone can be used as indicators of the water quality: there is a gradient from high to bad status that comprises from dense Cystoseira mediterranea forests to green algae dominated communities. The geographical patterns in the distribution of these communities show that the best areas are situated in the Northern coast, where tourism is the main economic resource of the area, and the worst area is situated close to the metropolitan zone of Barcelona with high population and industrial development. Thus, Mediterranean sublittoral rocky shore communities are useful indicators of water quality and multivariate analysis are a suitable statistical tool for the assessment of the ecological status.  相似文献   

A new method for obtaining from volcanic surface features the orientations of the principal tectonic stresses is applied to Aleutian and Alaskan volcanoes. The underlying concept for this method is that flank eruptions for polygenetic volcanoes can be regarded as the result of a large-scale natural magmafracturing experiment. The method essentially relies on the recognition of the preferred orientation of radial and parallel dike swarms, primarily using the distribution of monogenetic craters including flank volcanoes. Since dikes tend to propagate in a direction normal to the minimum principal stress (T-axis), the method primarily yields the direction of the maximum horizontal compression (MHC) of regional origin. The direction of the MHC may correspond to either the maximum (P-axis) or intermediate (B-axis) principal stress.The direction of MHC obtained at 20 volcanoes in the Aleutian arc coincides well with the direction of convergence between the Pacific and North American plates. This result provides evidence that in the island arc the inferred direction of MHC is parallel to the maximum principal tectonic stress. In the back-arc region, general E-W trends of MHC are obtained from seven volcanic fields on islands on the Bering Sea shelf and the mainland coast of Alaska. These volcanic fields consist mostly of clusters of monogenetic volcanoes of alkali basalt. In the back-arc region, the trends of MHC may correspond to an E-W intermediate, a vertical maximum, and a N-S minimum principal stress.Implications for the tectonics of island arcs and back-arc regions are: (1) volcanic belts of some island arcs, including the Aleutian arc, are under compressional deviatoric stress in the direction of plate convergence. It is improbable that such arcs would split along the volcanic axis to form actively spreading marginal basins. (2) This compressional stress at the arc, probably generated by underthrusting, appears to be transmitted across the entire arc structure, but is apparently replaced within several hundred kilometers by a stress system characterized by horizontal extension (tensional deviatoric stress) in the back-arc region. (3) The volcanoes associated with these two stress systems differ in type (polygenetic vs. monogenetic) and in the chemistry of their magmas (andesitic vs. basaltic). These differences and the regional differences in orientation of the principal tectonic stresses suggest that the back-arc stress system has its own source at considerable depth beneath the crust.Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Contribution No. 2503.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for determining the orientation of average tectonic stress, using surface features indicating radial dike patterns of volcanoes. The approximate pattern of radial dikes is revealed by the distribution of sites of flank eruptions on the slope of polygenetic volcanoes. This conclusion is deduced from the understanding that flank eruptions are caused by the magma that laterally offshoots from the main polygenetic pipe conduit and that conduits of flank volcanoes are most probably fissure-shaped because most of them are monogenetic volcanoes. Radial dikes are more likely to develop in a direction normal to the minimum horizontal compression of the regional stress. Thus, the distribution of flank craters will be elongate in the direction of the maximum horizontal compression of the regional stress.The regional stress can sometimes be ascribed solely to the effect of the gravity rather than tectonic stress. When a number of independent polygenetic volcanoes dotted with more than several flank volcanoes, are distributed in a belt or over a broad area, it is possible to distinguish the tectonic stress from the direct gravitational effect by the regional uniformity in orientation of the zones of flank volcanoes. When the maximum compression of tectonic stress is horizontal, the trends of the zones of flank eruptions on polygenetic volcanoes are more or less linear and parallel, and at a high angle to the trend of the main volcanic belt.  相似文献   

Phytosociological and habitat studies were conducted on the water and swamp vegetation of astatic water bodies within north-eastern Poland. The phytocoenoses were selected on the basis of dominance of species forming the particular communities. The analysis of 147 relevés showed the existence of 10 vegetation types: Lemnetum minoris, Spirodeletum polyrrhizae, Riccietum fluitantis, Elodeetum canadensis, Polygonetum natantis, Typhetum latifoliae, Caricetum elatae, Calletum palustris, Potentilletum palustris, Menyanthetum trifoliatae. Among the properties of water analysed water depth, , pH, total and carbonate hardness, PO43−, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ were found to be most important in differentiating the habitats of the vegetation types studied. Substrate properties, which best differentiated the habitats of the associations studied were NO3, Na+, water content, pH and total N. In spite of the wide variability of habitat conditions occurring in astatic water bodies, particular phytocoenoses distinguished on the basis of dominance of one species were associated with specific habitats. The particular phytocoenoses or groups of phytocoenoses could be good indicators of various habitat conditions that occur within astatic water bodies or changes taking place in these habitats.  相似文献   

Stygobionts are aquatic troglobionts, i.e., organisms that are specialized for living in subterranean environment. It has been demonstrated that the epikarst above caves harbors a stygobiont fauna that is as rich as that in deeper caves. The abiotic parameters affecting the aquatic fauna in drip water have been relatively well explored, while aquatic troglobionts alone are not frequently the focus of such studies; consequently, many crucial questions remain insufficiently studied. We hypothesized that the epikarst stygobiont fauna may occur locally in deeper zones of the epikarst, since environmental conditions are more stable there. For this purpose, we studied the composition and annual dynamics of the epikarst stygobiont community from ten water drips in the cave Zguba jama in Slovenia. Copepoda predominated among eight stygobiont taxa. The high total and between-sites dissimilarity of stygobiont communities among the drips was mainly the consequence of species turnover. We found that the greater the distance from the entrance and the ceiling thickness, and the higher the water temperature, the greater was the chance of finding aquatic troglobionts and the higher thier diversity. Our study suggests that locally, owing to specific lithology and geomorphology, epikarst stygobionts can extend from the shallow layers into deeper epikarst layers, where voids with more suitable environmental conditions exists.  相似文献   

A technique for modeling contaminant transport based on Markov process theory is developed. Transport is quantified by summing the first two moments of independent random displacements and applying the central limit theorem (CLT) to obtain solute distributions of a Gaussian nature. For non-uniform flow fields the CLT is applied in a streamfunction/equi-travel time space and transforms are used to give concentrations in Cartesian coordinates. Simulations in uniform, radially converging and circular flow fields show the method to be two to three orders of magnitude faster than modeling with the advection-dispersion equation, using a control volume technique.  相似文献   

Community-scale simulations were performed to investigate the risk to groundwater and indoor air receptors downgradient of a contaminated site following the remediation of a long-term source. Six suites of Monte Carlo simulations were performed using a numerical model that accounted for groundwater flow, reactive solute transport, soil gas flow, and vapour intrusion in buildings. The model was applied to a three-dimensional, community-scale (250 m × 1000 m × 14 m) domain containing heterogeneous, spatially correlated distributions of the hydraulic conductivity, fraction of organic carbon, and biodegradation rate constant, which were varied between realizations. Analysis considered results from both individual realizations as well as the suite of Monte Carlo simulations expressed through several novel, integrated parameters, such as the probability of exceeding a regulatory standard in either groundwater or indoor air. Results showed that exceedance probabilities varied considerably with the consideration of biodegradation in the saturated zone, and were less sensitive to changes in the variance of hydraulic conductivity or the incorporation of heterogeneous distributions of organic carbon at this spatial scale. A sharp gradient in exceedance probability existed at the lateral edges of the plumes due to variability in lateral dispersion, which defined a narrow region of exceedance uncertainty. Differences in exceedance probability between realizations (i.e., due to heterogeneity uncertainty) were similar to differences attributed to changes in the variance of hydraulic conductivity or fraction of organic carbon. Simulated clean-up times, defined by reaching an acceptable exceedance probability, were found to be on the order of decades to centuries in these community-scale domains. Results also showed that the choice of the acceptable exceedance probability level (e.g., 1 vs. 5 %) would likely affect clean up times on the order of decades. Moreover, in the scenarios examined here, the risk of exceeding indoor air standards was greater than that of exceeding groundwater standards at all times and places. Overall, simulations of coupled transport processes combined with novel spatial and temporal quantification metrics for Monte Carlo analyses, provide practical tools for assessing risk in wider communities when considering site remediation.  相似文献   

The ecology of phytoplankton reservoir communities plays a pivotal role in their management and in the development of inland fisheries in the water scarce semi-arid regions of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. The hydrological conditions characterizing these reservoirs include infrequent rainfall and high evaporative loses. The phytoplankton assemblages in tropical climate are structured primarily on dry and wet cycles, not the annual temperature and light regime. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the ecological aspects of phytoplankton communities from three reservoirs during the period of July 2003–June 2004, which include atypical summer rainfall and reservoir overflow. The environmental data broadly divided into two categories, stress factors and disturbance factors. The stress factors deals with the impact of high particulate organic matter and low dissolved oxygen concentrations and disturbance factors, linked to water level fluctuation through flushing and reservoir drawdown, and these events are associated with the phytoplankton assemblages. Results indicated that the three distinct hydroperiods determined the structure of phytoplankton and chlorophyll levels and limited the presence and relative abundance of cyanobacterial species. Phytoplankton succession accompanied changes in clear and turbid water phase represented by the alternate dominance between diatoms and chlorophytes. Inundation and complete filling of reservoir stimulated “s” and “r” strategists species (<20 um) of unicellular and some colonial members of chlorophytes and cryptomonads in highly turbid water environment, and “c” strategist species in rest of the wet period following disturbance gradients. Statistical analysis elicited a significant relationship between particulate organic matter and relative abundance of smaller chlorophytes, which was deemed as stress factor. The flushing and reservoir drawdown indicate disturbance gradient and as a consequence high diversity. Furthermore, a substantial reduction in chlorophyll levels was registered in turbid water phase is related to the reduction of light penetration and re-suspension of sediments. Considering these results, it can be suggested that the well-managed reservoir drawdown can possibly maintain an environment free of eutrophication and cyanobacterial dominance.  相似文献   

The rate of biodegradation in contaminated aquifers depends to a large extent on dispersive mixing processes that are now generally accepted to result from spatial variations in the velocity field. It has been shown, however, that transient flow fields can also contribute to dispersive mixing. The influence of transient flow on biodegrading contaminants is particularly important since it can enhance mixing with electron acceptors, further promoting the reactive process. Using numerical simulations, the effect of transient flow on the behavior of a biodegradable contaminant is evaluated here both with respect to the development of apparently large horizontal transverse dispersion and also with respect to enhanced mixing between the substrate (electron donor) and electron acceptor. The numerical model BIO3D, which solves for advective-dispersive transport coupled with Monod-type biodegradation of substrates in the presence of an electron acceptor, was used for the simulations. The model was applied in a two-dimensional plan view mode considering a single substrate. Transient flow fields were found to yield larger apparent transverse dispersion because the longitudinal dispersivity also acts transverse to the mean flow direction. In the reactive case, the transient flow field increases substrate-oxygen mixing, which in turn enhances the overall rate of biodegradation. The results suggest that in the case of moderate changes of flow directions, a steady-state flow field can be justified, thereby avoiding the higher computational costs of a fully transient simulation. The use of a higher transverse horizontal dispersivity in a steady flow field can, under these conditions, adequately forecast plume development.  相似文献   

Characterization of groundwater contaminant source using Bayesian method   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Contaminant source identification in groundwater system is critical for remediation strategy implementation, including gathering further samples and analysis, as well as implementing and evaluating different remediation plans. Such problem is usually solved with the aid of groundwater modeling with lots of uncertainty, e.g. existing uncertainty in hydraulic conductivity, measurement variance and the model structure error. Monte Carlo simulation of flow model allows the input uncertainty onto the model predictions of concentration measurements at monitoring sites. Bayesian approach provides the advantage to update estimation. This paper presents an application of a dynamic framework coupling with a three dimensional groundwater modeling scheme in contamination source identification of groundwater. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is being applied to infer the possible location and magnitude of contamination source. Uncertainty existing in heterogonous hydraulic conductivity field is explicitly considered in evaluating the likelihood function. Unlike other inverse-problem approaches to provide single but maybe untrue solution, the MCMC algorithm provides probability distributions over estimated parameters. Results from this algorithm offer a probabilistic inference of the location and concentration of released contamination. The convergence analysis of MCMC reveals the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Further investigation to extend this study is also discussed.  相似文献   

The Henry formulation, which couples subsurface flow and salt transport via a variable-density flow formulation, can be used to evaluate the extent of sea water intrusion into coastal aquifers. The coupling gives rise to nontrivial flow patterns that are very different from those observed in inland aquifers. We investigate the influence of these flow patterns on the transport of conservative contaminants in a coastal aquifer. The flow is characterized by two dimensionless parameters: the Péclet number, which compares the relative effects of advective and dispersive transport mechanisms, and a coupling parameter, which describes the importance of the salt water boundary on the flow. We focus our attention on two regimes – low and intermediate Péclet number flows. Two transport scenarios are solved analytically by means of a perturbation analysis. The first, a natural attenuation scenario, describes the flushing of a contaminant from a coastal aquifer by clean fresh water, while the second, a contaminant spill scenario, considers an isolated point source.  相似文献   

Wang F  Bright J 《Ground water》2004,42(5):760-766
The influence on solute transport of the small-scale spatial variation of aquifer hydraulic conductivity (K) was analyzed by comparing results from fine-grid (2 m by 2 m) simulations of a synthetic heterogeneous aquifer to those from coarse-grid (8 m by 4 m) simulations of an equivalent homogeneous aquifer. Realizations of the K field of the heterogeneous aquifer were generated, using the Monte Carlo approach, from a lognormal distribution with mean log K of 2 (K in m/d) and three levels of log K variance of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0. Numerical simulation results show that the average standard deviation of point concentrations increased from 1.21 to 5.78 when the value of log K variance was increased from 0.1 to 1.0. The average discrepancy between modeled concentrations (obtained from a coarse-grid deterministic numerical simulation) and the actual mean point concentrations (obtained from fine-grid Monte Carlo numerical simulations) increased from 0.91 to 4.23 with the increase in log K variance. The results from this study illustrate the uncertainty in predictions from contaminant transport models due to their inability to simulate the effects of heterogeneities at scales smaller than the model grid.  相似文献   

Despite marked gradients in nutrient availability that control the abundance and species composition of seagrasses in south Florida, and the importance of nutrient availability in controlling abundance and composition of epiphytes on seagrasses in other locations, we did not find that epiphyte load on the dominant seagrass, Thalassia testudinum, or that the relative contribution of algal epiphytes to the epiphyte community, was positively correlated with nutrient availability in the water column or the sediment in oligotrophic seagrass beds. Further, the abundance of microphytobenthos, as indicated by Chlorophyll-a concentration in the sediments, was not directly correlated with concentrations of nutrients in the sediments. Our results suggest that epiphyte and microphytobenthos abundance are not unambiguous indicators of nutrient availability in relatively pristine seagrass environments, and therefore would make poor candidates for indicators of the status and trends of seagrass ecosystems in relatively low-nutrient environments like the Florida Keys.  相似文献   

Puerto Galera Bay is a coastal lagoon with a variety of marine habitats and high species diversity. It is an area in the Phillippines where the growing influence of human activities is affecting the quality of its marine resources. This study examined the distribution and behaviour of nutrients and the physical hydrography of Puerto Galera Bay and determined how its physico-chemical nature affected the condition of biotic components in the bay. The relative importance of the nitrogen and phosphorus signals were used as indicators to implicate the influence of sewage and run-off into the bay. A nutrient pool accumulated in the bay as a result of low flushing rates. The interaction of hydrodynamic forcing with the biota have implications on the phytoplankton production and coral communities in the area.  相似文献   

Brood pouches of periwinkles belonging to the Littorina ‘saxatilis’ species complex usually contain, in addition to the five normal stages in development, a proportion of embryos that are morphologically abnormal. The frequency of adults with a high percentage of abnormals in their brood pouches reflects to a great extent the degree of environmental stress, natural and anthropogenic, to which the adult population has been exposed.Collections of this gastropod from coastal populations along the Gower coast, in South Wales, disclosed higher frequencies of abnormal embryos from sites exposed to pollutant-laden, residual water currents in Swansea Bay, than was recorded from a clean, coastal population at Rhossili, 26 km west of Swansea, where frequencies were similar to those recorded from other unpolluted, coastal populations elsewhere in the British Isles.While environmental water quality is probably a dominating factor in determining this effect, the presence of a low frequency of high scoring individuals in clean environments points to this phenomenon having a complex aetiology. It is suggested that the underlying causal factor may be one of disease, which is present in all L. ‘saxatilis’ populations, and which is triggered by factors related to reduced environmental water quality.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to evaluate microbial-mediated contaminant reactions in an aquifer comprised of spatially variable microbial biomass concentrations, aquifer hydraulic conductivities, and initial electron donor/acceptor concentrations. A finite element simulation model is used that incorporates advection, dispersion, and Monod kinetic expressions to describe biological processes. Comparisons between Monte Carlo simulations of heterogeneous systems and simulations using homogeneous formulation of the same two-dimensional transport problem are presented. For the assumed set of parameters, physical aquifer heterogeneity is found to have a minor effect on the mass of contaminant biodegraded/transformed when compared to a homogeneous system; however, it noticeably changes the dispersion, skewness, and peakness of contaminant concentration distributions. Similarly, for low microbial growth rate, given favorable microbial growth characteristics, biological heterogeneity has minor effect on the mass of contaminant biodegraded/transformed when compared to a homogeneous system. On the other hand, when higher effective growth rates are assumed, biological heterogeneity and spatial heterogeneities in essential electron donor/acceptors reduce the efficiency of biotic contaminant reactions; consequently, model simulations derived from heterogeneous biomass distributions predict remediation time scales that are longer than those simulated for homogeneous systems. When correlations between physical aquifer and biological heterogeneities are considered, the assumed correlation affects predicted mean and variance of contaminant concentration and biomass distributions. For example, an assumed negative correlation between hydraulic conductivity and the initial biomass distribution produces a plume where less efficient biotic contaminant reactions occur at the leading edge of the plume; this is consistent with less degradation/transformation occurring over regions of higher groundwater velocities. However, the presence and absence of these correlations do not appear to affect the efficiency of microbial-mediated contaminant attenuation.  相似文献   

Close M  Bright J  Wang F  Pang L  Manning M 《Ground water》2008,46(6):814-828
Two large-scale (9.5 m long, 4.7 m wide, 2.6 m deep), three-dimensional artificial aquifers were constructed to investigate the influence of spatial variations in aquifer properties on contaminant transport. One aquifer was uniformly filled with coarse sand media (0.6 to 2.0 mm) and the other was constructed as a heterogeneous aquifer using blocks of fine, medium, and coarse sands. The key features of these artificial aquifers are described. An innovative deaeration tower was constructed to overcome a problem of the aquifers becoming blocked with excess air from the ground water source. A series of tracer injection experiments were conducted to test the homogeneity of the first aquifer that was purposely built as a homogeneous aquifer and to calculate values of aquifer parameters. Experimental data show that the aquifer is slightly heterogeneous, and hydraulic conductivity values are significantly higher down one side of the aquifer compared to the mean value. There was very good agreement in estimated dispersivity values between the plume area ratio methods and the curve fitting of tracer breakthrough curves. Dispersivity estimates from a full areal source injection (12.2 m2) experiment using a 1D analytical model were higher than estimates from a limited source injection (0.2 m2) experiment using a 3D model, possibly because the 1D model does not take account of the heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity in the aquifer, thus overestimating dispersivity. Transverse and vertical dispersivity values were about five times less than the longitudinal dispersivity. There was slight sorption of Rhodamine WT onto the aquifer media.  相似文献   

Six reef sites were chosen along the west coast of the southern islands of Singapore, at an increasing distance from the densely populated metropolitan area, to study the spatial patterns of coral reef communities on the upper reef slope ( approximately 4m) and the associated environmental conditions. Chronic exposure to high sediment load was the most obvious form of anthropogenic stress. Recruitment rates on ceramic tiles were low (1.4+/-1.0-20+/-14.7 recruits m(-2) yr(-1)) but decreased towards the main island of Singapore as did hard coral cover and coral density. Coral fauna consisted of genera generally found in deeper waters (e.g., fungiids, foliose Oxypora, Leptoseris, and Echinopora) or those well-adapted to turbid waters (e.g., Porites, Pectinia, Leptastrea, Montipora). Light extinction coefficient (K) and % live coral cover (%LCC) showed a strong and inverse curvilinear relationship (%LCC=13.60 *K(-3.40)). Similarly, the rate of sediment deposition (DFSPM) (RR=1.51-0.17 *DFSPM) and water clarity (RR=3.56-2.92 *K) exhibited strong and inverse relationships with recruitment rates (RR). Although measured levels of the downward flux of suspended particulate matter and suspended solids were well within "normal" levels recorded in the literature, it was the proportion of benthic space, generic coral composition, and site history that offered compelling evidence of chronic exposure to increased sediment load. Clearly a reduction in both water clarity and live-coral cover has taken place since monitoring efforts began in the early 1970s, in fact coral cover has more than halved at all sites examined since the 1980s and benthic space was predominantly occupied by dead corals covered with sediment and filamentous algae.  相似文献   

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