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Based on the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) II and the Halogen Occultation Ex-periment (HALOE) ozone profiles and the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) total ozone data sets,the characteristics and variations of the vertical distribution of stratospheric ozone covering the latitude bands of 50oN±5oN,40oN±5oN,30oN±5oN,and 20oN±5oN and the longitude range of 75-135oE are investigated.The results indicate that the ozone distribution pattern over China not only has general behaviors,but also has particular char-acteristics.In view of the situation that ozone distribu-tions have substantial deviation from zonal symmetry in northern China,the differences of the vertical ozone dis-tribution between the east and the west part of northern China are studied.The results indicate that during winter,spring,and autumn,in the latitude bands of 50oN±5oN,40oN±5oN,ozone concentrations in the eastern part (105 -135oE) are obviously higher than those of the west (75-105oE) at the altitudes of ozone density maximum and below;during summer,in the latitude band of 50oN±5oN,the east-west ozone profile difference is small,but in the latitude band of 40oN±5oN,the east-west total ozone difference becomes as large as 14.0 DU,and the east-west ozone profile difference mainly exists in the lowermost stratosphere and troposphere.  相似文献   

1990~2002年北京地区大气臭氧垂直分布Umkehr观测反演研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于标准Umkehr反演算法, 利用北京地区Dobson仪器逆转观测资料, 反演计算出臭氧垂直分布.在反演过程中加入气溶胶订正因子, 使反演结果更加合理.利用臭氧垂直分布反演结果, 研究1990~2002年北京地区臭氧垂直分布特征和变化情况.结果表明在1992年秋季和1993年春季期间, 在10.3~23.5 km范围内臭氧浓度有较大幅度降低, 造成了这个期间月平均臭氧总量的明显偏低; 1990年到2002年期间, 臭氧总量的变化呈现出缓慢下降趋势, 但不同高度臭氧含量的变化趋势有所不同.  相似文献   

为了揭示乌鲁木齐冬季边界层O_3垂直分布特征,利用系留气艇于2008年1月11-13日在乌鲁木齐市区进行了边界层O_3观测试验。利用本次观测试验的数据并结合相关气象资料,对观测期间边界层O_3的垂直分布特征及其影响因子进行了分析。结果表明:白天近地面500~800 m高度以下O_3浓度较低,该高度以上存在O_3高浓度分布区,夜间整个观测高度范围内O_3浓度均较低;O_3浓度分布与太阳辐射、温度层结、风、相对湿度等因子密切相关,O_3高浓度分布区出现在逆温层底以上,且O_3浓度与相对湿度呈显著的反相关分布;近地面的NO_x对O_3浓度有着重要影响。由此表明乌鲁木齐冬季低层大气O_3的分布在各种因素的影响下具有明显的时空变化。  相似文献   

拉萨地区1998年夏季臭氧总量及垂直廓线的观测研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
该文根据1998年6~10月上旬在拉萨地区进行的臭氧总量及臭氧垂直廓线的观测结果, 并结合同期同纬度其他两个臭氧站数据资料, 证实了以拉萨地区为代表的青藏高原在夏季存在“臭氧低谷”的现象.分析表明, 地基和卫星观测的臭氧总量有一定误差. Umkehr观测反演结果表明夏季拉萨地区平流层臭氧分布和同纬度其他地区相比略有不同; 在对流层, 探空资料显示了该地区对流层臭氧有低值分布的特征.  相似文献   

Stratospheric aerosol extinction profiles are retrieved from Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrome- ter for Atmospheric Cartography (SCIAMACHY) limb scatter measurements. In the process of retrieval, the SCIATRAN radiative transfer model is used to simulate the limb scattering radiation received by the SCIAMACHY instrument, and an optimal estimation algorithm is used to calculate the aerosol extinction profiles. Sensitivity analy- ses are performed to investigate the impact of the surface albedo on the accuracy of the retrieved aerosol extinction profiles in the northern midlatitudes. It is found that the errors resulting from the bias of the assumed surface albedo in the retrieval are generally below 6%. The retrieved SCIAMACHY aerosol extinction profiles are compared with corresponding Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experi- ment (SAGE) II measurements, and the results indicate that for the zonal mean profiles, the SCIAMACHY retrievals show good agreement with SAGE II measurements, with the absolute differences being less than 2.3 × 10-5 km-1 from 14-25 km, and less than 5.9×10-6 km-1 from 25-35 km; and the relative differences being within 20% over the lati- tude range of 14-35 km.  相似文献   

Brewer 分光光度计遥感大气臭氧垂直廓线的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用建立的球面分层大气散射模式,研究了Brewer仪器工作波长进行Umkehr短法反演所包含的信息量,给出Brewer仪器探测大气臭氧垂直廓线方法。同时,用气溶胶光学厚度计算得到气溶胶订正系数,建立了Umkehr反演的程序。用此程序对Table Mountain资料进行气溶胶修正,得到了较好的结果。对北京测站1991年1—3月资料进行由气溶胶造成的臭氧反演廓线的误差计算,结果表明,用常规反演方法得到的各层臭氧含量的误差与平流层气溶胶光学厚度有一近似线性的关系;进行气溶胶修正后,与国外的臭氧反演廓线的误差修  相似文献   

石家庄地区反射率因子垂直廓线特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用自动雨量计数据整理成的10 min一次的雨量资料和s波段多普勒天气雷达体积扫描强度数据,对石家庄地区2004~2007年4次天气过程的实时雷达反射率因子垂直廓线的特征进行了分析.结果表明:层状云和混合性降水反射率因子垂直廓线有明显的零度层亮带;短时强降水过程的反射率因子垂直廓线不存在零度层亮带.冰雹过程中反射率凼子垂直廓线变化较大,降雹前反射率因子的极大值在中上层,降雹发生时反射率因子的极大值高度下降,降雹后反射率因子的极大值减弱.降雪过程的反射率因子垂直廓线零度层亮带不明显.在石家庄西部山区,由于零度层亮带的影响.对层状云和混合性降水回波强度和降水量估计偏高.对短时强降水过程的地面降水估计用反射率因子垂直廓线的方法比最低仰角法更加准确,在均匀性降水中可较好地改善地面雨量估算结果,有利于在山区和无雨量计的地区判断强对流天气的发生、发展和估算降水量的大小.  相似文献   

紫外差分吸收激光雷达测量平流层臭氧   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
我们研制了一台紫外差分吸收(UV-DIAL)激光雷达,用于18~45 km高度的平流层臭氧垂直廓线的长期监测。位于合肥的这一激光雷达于1996年8月全面建成并投入常规运行。本文将给出该激光雷达系统的结构和平流层臭氧测量数据处理。给出的一些测量结果和与其他手段测量结果的对比表明,该激光雷达对平流层臭氧能够进行可靠的测量。  相似文献   

A Study on Retrieving Atmospheric Profiles from EOS/AIRS Observations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. IntroductionThe development of global climate and weathermodels requires accurate monitoring of atmospherictemperature and moisture profiles, as well as the con-tents of trace gases and aerosols. It is quite difficultto monitor continuously these parameters on a globalscale.Until recently. AIRS (Atmospheric InfraredSounder) offers a new opportunity to improve globalmonitoring of temperature, moisture, and ozone distri-butions and changes therein. The high spectral resolu-tion (v/Δv ? 12…  相似文献   


The influence of variations in atmospheric temperature and ozone profiles on the total ozone column (TOC) derived from a Brewer MKII spectrophotometer operating in Thessaloniki, Greece, is investigated using three different sets of ozone absorption cross-sections. The standard Brewer total ozone retrieval algorithm uses the Bass and Paur (1985) cross-sections without accounting for the temperature dependence of the ozone cross-sections which produces a seasonally dependent bias in the measured TOC. The magnitude of this temperature effect depends on the altitude where the bulk of the ozone absorption occurs. Radiosonde measurements for the period 2000 to 2010 combined with climatological ozone profiles were used to calculate the effective temperature of ozone absorption and investigate its effect on the retrieved ozone column. Three different ozone absorption cross-section spectra convolved with the instrument's slit function were used: those of Bass and Paur (hereafter BP), currently used in the standard Brewer retrieval algorithm; those of Brion, Daumont, and Malicet (Malicet et al., 1985; hereafter BDM); and the recently published set by Serdyuchenko et al. (2013 hereafter S13). The temperature dependence of the differential ozone absorption coefficient ranges between 0.09 and 0.13% per degree Celsius for BP, between ?0.11 and ?0.06% per degree Celsius for BDM, and between 0.018 to 0.022% per degree Celsius for S13, resulting in a seasonal bias in the derived TOC of up to 2%, 1.8%, and 0.4%, respectively. The temperature sensitivity of the differential ozone absorption coefficient for the Brewer spectrophotometer at Thessaloniki for the BP and BDM cross-sections is found to be within the range reported for other Brewer instruments in earlier studies, whereas the seasonal bias in TOC is minimized when using the new S13 cross-sections because of their small temperature dependence.  相似文献   

利用ACTIVE(aerosol and chemical transport in tropical convection)试验资料,取2006年1月20日澳大利亚北部达尔文岛附近发生的一次飑线强对流天气的AE17航次和2006年1月27日无对流天气的AE21航次飞行路径中的探测资料,对澳大利亚达尔文地区夏季风盛行期间发生的有无强对流发生时O3和CO浓度垂直分布变化进行对比,考察强对流性天气发生对O3和CO浓度垂直输送作用。深对流云内强烈的垂直上升运动将O3和CO等化学气体携带输送至对流层上部并在对流层顶堆积,从而在对流层上部产生浓度峰值。当有强对流发生,飞机进入对流云上层时,O3浓度和CO浓度升高,O3和CO浓度变率增大,在对流层上部浓度出现峰值;当飞机飞出对流云时,O3和CO浓度相对较低,在对流云外出现谷值。在无对流发生的条件下O3和CO浓度相对较小,浓度变率也较小,无峰值产生。分析表明:O3和CO浓度分布不仅与强对流的垂直输送作用关系密切,且与气象要素垂直和水平分布以及动力输送过程密切相关。  相似文献   

将雷达50 km探测半径的可视范围分为4个区域,分别获取平均反射率因子垂直廓线,确定与对应区域的雨量计匹配最佳的平均反射率因子廓线上的Z值;同时获取雷达波束被阻挡地区各雨量计高空平均反射率因子垂直廓线,并寻找该廓线与可视区域内的平均反射率因子垂直廓线相关性最好的廓线,以及被阻挡区域的Z值对应的最佳匹配高度上的Z值,对其进行降水估计。采用安徽合肥雷达站和雨量计站点资料进行试验,并进行误差分析,结果表明:利用最佳匹配方法得出的平均反射率因子垂直廓线上的Z值对雷达波束被阻挡区域的降水估计效果有一定改进。  相似文献   

The CloudSat satellite data from June 2006 to April 2011 are used to investigate the characteristics of cloud vertical profiles over East Asia(20°-50°N,80°-120°E),with particular emphasis on the profiles of precipitative clouds in comparison with those of nonprecipitative clouds,as well as the seasonal variations of these profiles.There are some obvious differences between the precipitative and nonprecipitative cloud profiles.Generally,precipitative clouds mainly locate below 8 km with radar reflectivity in the range of-20 to 15 dBZ and maximum values appearing within 2-4-km height,and the clouds usually reach the ground;while nonprecipitative clouds locate in the layers of 4-12 km with radar reflectivity between-28 and 0 dBZ and maximum values within 8-10-km height.There are also some differences among the liquid precipitative,solid precipitative,and possible drizzle precipitative cloud profiles.In precipitative clouds,radar reflectivity increases rapidly from 11 to 7 km in vertical,implying that condensation and collision-coalescence processes play a crucial role in the formation of large-size drops.The frequency distribution of temperature at-15℃ is consistent with the highest frequency of radar reflectivity in solid precipitative clouds,which suggests that the temperatures near-15℃ are conductive to deposition and accretion processes.The vertical profiles of liquid precipitative clouds show almost the same distributions in spring,summer,and autumn but with differences in winter at mainly lower levels.In contrast,the vertical profiles of solid precipitative clouds change from spring to winter with an alternate double and single high-frequency core,which is consistent with variations of the frequency distribution of temperature at-15℃.The vertical profiles of nonprecipitative clouds show a little change with season.The observations also show that the precipitation events over East Asia are mostly related to deep convective clouds and nimbostratus clouds.These results are expected to be useful for evaluation of weather and climate models and for improvement of microphysical parameterizations in numerical models.  相似文献   

本文选取多个臭氧总量观测站点,采用"三重制约法"分别对下列3组仪器观测臭氧总量数据进行统计分析,解算出不同观测资料的误差标准差,进而对比研究各种仪器的精度特征:1)1996~2003年期间地基WOUDC(World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre)观测网络仪器(包括Brewer、Dobson和Filter臭氧测量仪)与星载TOMS(Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer)和GOME(The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment)仪器;2)2004~2013年期间WOUDC与星载OMI(ozone monitoring instrument)和SCIAMACHY(scanning imaging absorption spectrometer for atmospheric chartography)仪器;3)2004~2013年期间地基SAOZ(Système D’Analyse par Observations Zénithales)与星载OMI和SCIAMACHY仪器。结果表明,1996~2003年期间TOMS V8和GOME观测精度相当,分别为7.6±2.8 DU/46(其中,7.6±2.8 DU为所分析站点观测资料的平均精度及其标准差,46为站点数目)和7.6±1.5 DU/46。TOMS V8观测精度优于TOMS V7(8.5±3.0 DU/46),验证了前者对后者有所改进。2004~2013年期间OMI和SCIAMACHY在WOUDC地基站点观测精度接近,分别为6.6±1.4 DU/21和6.0±1.6 DU/21。SAOZ地基仪器精度为8.4±3.6 DU/8。对于3类WOUDC地基仪器,Brewer站点观测资料的平均精度最优(7.9±3.3 DU/12),Dobson次之(8.7±2.3 DU/19),Filter最差(14.7±4.0 DU/15)。相比于卫星,3种地面仪器观测平均精度较差(10.5±4.3 DU/46),这主要是由于Filter精度较差引起。中国境内的瓦里关(Brewer)、香河(Dobson)和昆明(Dobson)3个地基站点仪器观测精度均较优,分别为7.8 DU、6.7 DU和6.6 DU。尽管不同站点之间存在一定差异,但整体来说,地基与卫星仪器在中国境内3个站点观测臭氧总量吻合较好。  相似文献   

Ozone throughout the troposphere is subject of significant temporal and spatial variability due to photochemical production in the planetary boundary layer and free troposphere, stratospheric intrusions, convective events and long range transport. However, high resolving observations of ozone in the troposphere are generally rare today. That is of special disadvantage for limited area models, which represent mathematically a differential equation system with an initial and boundary problem. As ozone concentrations usually increase from the earth surface to the stratosphere, a proper choice of the background ozone concentrations is necessary to reproduce or even predict the amount and distribution of ozone in a specific region of interest.In this paper the impact of background concentrations of ozone on regional scale model results is analysed during a summer smog episode over Europe. For this purpose ozone is artificially partitioned into individual categories. For each category, transport and chemical transformation is calculated separately. Initial and boundary concentrations of ozone dominate total ozone concentrations increasingly with height. But also in the planetary boundary layer they contribute with more than 30% to thetotal ozone changes and are therefore far from being negligible. Moderately modified assumptions of background ozone concentrations reveal an uncertainty of near surface ozone concentrations of 5–15%depending on the weather situation.  相似文献   

利用2010年阳江高精度探空仪国际比对试验中观测的探空测风资料、CINRAD-SA型多普勒天气雷达体扫资料及基于PUP-VAD方法反演的垂直风廓线产品资料,使用三种不同复杂程度的分层VVP方法(VVP1、VVP2和VVP3)反演了阳江雷达站上空的垂直风廓线,以探空测风为参考,以平均风向、风速均方差和相关系数作为评估因子,将雷达站周围降水回波分布分为较均匀和不均匀两种情况,对比分析了基于分层VVP方法和PUP-VAD方法反演的垂直风廓线。结果表明,相比PUPVAD方法,分层VVP方法都能提供更实用、质量更好的垂直风廓线,特别是在雷达周围降水回波分布不太均匀的情况下。主要原因是在某一高度,相比PUP-VAD方法只分析某仰角某距离圈上的径向速度资料来说,分层VVP方法是通过对该高度层10~100 km范围内的所有有效径向速度资料进行多元线性回归来求解该高度层的平均水平风向、风速,受资料覆盖率的影响程度要小于PUP-VAD方法。  相似文献   

基于CloudSat卫星资料分析青藏高原东部夏季云的垂直结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张晓  段克勤  石培宏 《大气科学》2015,39(6):1073-1080
本文利用CloudSat卫星资料,对青藏高原东部2006~2010年6~8月云垂直结构的空间分布进行分析,结果表明:(1)夏季青藏高原东部云发展可达到平流层,且高原东部云在5km以下以水云存在,5~10km以液相和固相共存的混态存在,在垂直高度10km以上以冰云存在。由于CloudSat卫星资料云相的反演问题,可能会造成水云和混态云的发展上限偏低,冰云的发展下限抬升。(2)研究区整层水汽输送和云水平均路径空间分布存在一定的差异性,云水含量纬向分布表现为在26.5°~30.5°N附近存在一个明显的峰值区,经向分布表现为95°E以西云水含量低于以东。(3)研究区以单云层为主,尤其在青藏高原主体。单云层平均云层厚度4182 m,云顶高度、云厚限于水汽的输送,表现为由南向北波动下降。多层云发生频率在27°N以北明显减少,说明强烈的对流运动更容易激发多层云的产生。  相似文献   

大气臭氧变化在全球气候和环境中具有重要作用,是当今大气科学领域的重要研究对象之一。对比分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所河北香河大气综合观测试验站2014~2016年Dobson和Brewer两种臭氧总量观测仪器探测结果的一致性,并使用1979~2016年Dobson观测数据分析了香河地区臭氧总量的长期变化趋势。结果表明:进行有效温度修正后,两种臭氧总量仪器观测结果一致性较好,平均偏差仅为-0.14DU(多布森单位),平均绝对偏差为8.00 DU,标准差为36.09 DU,相关系数达0.964。整体来说,两类仪器观测臭氧总量吻合较好。SO2浓度对Dobson仪器数据精度有一定影响,两组仪器数据在SO2浓度为0~0.2DU、0.2~0.4DU和0.4DU大气条件情况下的平均偏差分别为4.8 DU、7.0 DU和8.0 DU,平均偏差随SO2浓度升高而增大。过去38年香河地区的臭氧总量季节差异性强,春、冬两季臭氧总量高,夏、秋两季臭氧总量相对低,季节变化趋势差异明显。从长期变化上看,臭氧总量变化波动有不同的周期,在4个大的时间段变化趋势不同,2000~2010年臭氧层有显著恢复,但最近几年又有变薄的趋势。  相似文献   

卫星遥感地面紫外辐射的参数化方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
提出了一个从卫星观测推算地面UVB辐射通量密度和红斑生物紫外辐射剂量的新的参数化方法。该方法基于一个简单的模式:大气辐射传输介质被简化成三个等效层:臭氧单独构成的吸收层,空气分子、云和气溶胶粒子组成的散射层,以及地面反射层。地面紫外辐射通量密度和生物紫外辐射剂量可以由臭氧层的等效透过率、散射层和地面的联合反射率计算。臭氧层的等效透过率可由大气臭氧总量计算。散射层和地面的联合反射率可由不存在臭氧吸收的紫外或可见光通道的反射辐射强度测量得到。该反演算法形式简单,只包含很少几个可从卫星测量获得的参数。它通过了一个可靠而相对复杂的基于DISORT的紫外辐射传输模式的检验。在广泛的计算条件下,包括晴天、云天、以及混浊大气,用这个简单算法计算的地面紫外辐射通量密度和红斑生物紫外辐射剂量与精确算法的结果相差无几。另外,还实际运用这个算法利用卫星观测资料反演地面紫外辐射通量密度,与地面实际观测资料做了比较,符合较好。  相似文献   

Hyperspectral data have important research and application value in the fields of meteorology and remote sensing.With the goal of improving retrievals of atmospheric temperature profiles, this paper outlines a novel temperature channel selection method based on singular spectrum analysis(SSA) for the Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder(GIIRS), which is the first infrared sounder operating in geostationary orbit. The method possesses not only the simplicity and rapidity of the principa...  相似文献   

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