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Core SG120 recovered 3.65 m of Quaternary sediment from a northern, shallow-water environment of Spencer Gulf, a marine embayment into the southern continental margin of Australia. Previous investigations had revealed that the upper interval 0 – 148 cm is Holocene marine bioclastic sediment, and that the lower Late Pleistocene interval 250 – 365 cm, with its carbonate palaeosol, had a similar marine origin. However, the age and origin of the interval 148 – 250 cm remained subject to ambiguous interpretation. Re-examination of core SG120, employing detailed foraminiferal analysis, has revealed that this middle unit records the earliest sedimentation associated with the postglacial marine transgression into the northern gulf. These basal Holocene sediments, which incorporated broken, corroded and carbonate-encrusted tests from the underlying palaeosol, together with tests of more pristine appearance, were deposited in a shallow-water, seagrass sandflat environment similar to those in coastal settings of the modern gulf. The lithological change at 148 cm has therefore been reinterpreted as a facies change related to increasing water depth. Radiocarbon analyses of fossil molluscs support this interpretation and reveal that marine transgression, at the site of SG120, was initiated prior to 8600 y cal BP. Selected species of foraminifers ( Nubecularia lucifuga, Massilina milletti, Peneroplis planatus, Discorbis dimidiatus, Elphidium crispum and E. macelliforme) together reveal a consistent record of the final stages of the transgression with maximum water depth indicated at a core depth of 90 cm. Subsequent regression, which has been attributed to the combined effects of hydroisostatic uplift and sediment aggradation, is equally recorded by the foraminiferal assemblages. 相似文献
通过分别对辽东半岛东侧大洋河平原中部的D65孔岩心做连续的硅藻分析,以及对辽东半岛西侧的长兴岛八岔沟古泻湖平原B3孔、下辽河平原的机械钻孔X33及手动钻孔X11和X21等钻孔岩心做连续的粘土混浊水电导率测定,得到各岩心的硅藻图谱/或粘土混浊水电导率图谱。显示出在这些海岸平原均有厚度在6m以上的海相层存在。表明全新世海侵时海水达到并长期占据这些海岸平原。同时还显示在这些海相地层的5~7m深处,普遍存在一层陆相或海陆交互相地层,通过对各地点已有的14C年代数据分析,推测这层陆相层或海陆交互相地层应该形成于全新世海面上升的早全新世—中全新世时期。表明全新世海进期当中,辽宁沿海普遍存在一次海退地质事件。从下辽河平原样品的14C测年数据,推测这次海退时期大致在9300~8000aB.P.(校正年)。 相似文献
A thin, regionally extensive, laterally persistent sand layer identified within the Holocene coastal sequences of eastern Scotland, dated to 7000 years BP, is suggested to be a tsunami deposit. The likely source of the tsunami wave is the earthquake induced second Storegga Slide on the Norwegian continental slope at least 750 km northeast of the deposit. 相似文献
A pronouaced raised reck platform and cliff that occur on part of the west coast of Scotland ale generally considered to have been formed before the last glaciation. It is argued in this paper that they were formed in late-glacial times, mainly during the Loch Lomond (Upper Dryas) Readvance. The features arc correlated with an extensive buried and/or submerged marine erosion feature in South-East Scotland. It is also suggested that the Scottish features correlate with the 'Main line' (P 12 shoreline) of northern Norway. 相似文献
全新世大暖期的最大海侵对沿海地区具有深刻影响,但是海南岛北部全新世的最大海侵范围研究较少。本研究利用高精度DEM数据解译以及野外钻探验证,发现海南岛北部全新世精确的最大海侵古岸线空间展布位置,其总面积约260 km 2,其中约115 km 2属于现今的江东新区规划建设范围内,占整个江东新区规划面积的38%。海南岛北部全新世最大海侵古海岸线的发现,不仅对理解南海全新世高海平面特征及规律提供琼北地区新证据,并且对海南自贸区(江东新区)应对未来海平面升高问题提供背景参照。 相似文献
This paper tests two assumptions fundamental to the use of fine-grained silicic tephras from Iceland for creating chronological frameworks in northwest Europe. It is shown firstly, that glass shards can retain their overall chemical integrity on at least a four millennial time-scale in contrasting depositional environments in Iceland and Scotland, and secondly, that an acid digestion process, the most practical method for extracting tephra from peat, does not significantly bias the results of major element analysis by electron microprobe. The implication is that there is great potential and an appropriate method for developing both the resolution and the spatial coverage of chronologies based on silicic Icelandic tephras in northwest Europe. 相似文献
The shallow groundwater in Hangzhou area has the characteristics of high mineralization, high salinity and high contents of iron and manganese. Statistical analyses and the experiments of simulation show that the Holocene transgressive strata has a crucial effect on the formation of chemical composition of the shallow groundwater in the plain area of Hanghzhou. The degree of transgression is in consonance with the variation tendency of the thickness of the transgressive strata. The chemical compositions of the subsurface water in the hilly area depend on the lithology of the aquifers. 相似文献
Detailed sedimentological, micropalaeontological, mineralogical and geochemical investigations as well as 14C datings were carried out on a core from the southern part of the Kattegat Sea. According to the micropalaeontological interpretations, sea level rose by approximately 20 m in the period c. 9610 BP to 8200 BP. The core therefore provides evidence of the hydrographical conditions in the southern Kattegat during the early Holocene transgression. In the sediment there is geochemical evidence of strong stratification in the water column possibly related to inflow of saline water around 9080 BP. After the sediments dated to 8200 BP there is a hiatus followed by very young (<300 BP?) sediments. It is suggested that this hiatus might be associated with the opening of the Danish Straits. 相似文献
Sedimentological and petrographic study of Holocene deposits in the Eastern Bahamas shows that sedimentation occurred episodically during this period of continually rising sea-level. The Holocene stratigraphic record exposed on the islands of San Salvador, Lee Stocking and Cat consists of two distinctive units separated by a paleosol: (1) 5000 year-old oolitic eolianites deposited when sea-level was lower than today, and (2) 3000 to 500 year-old bioclastic paleo-beaches and dunes that are congruent with the present stand of sea-level. A five-stage model that reconciles intermittent sedimentation pattern with continuous sea-level rise is presented. Pre-Holocene topography and changes in the rate of the transgression seem to regulate local4 hydrodynamic conditions, which in turn control onset and offset of sedimentary processes. This Holocene example of episodic sedimentation during an uninterrupted transgression should be considered when studying ancient discontinuities that are systematically interpreted in terms of relative sea-level fall. 相似文献
Groundwater in the Hang-Jia-Hu Plain, eastern China, is a drinking water source for local residents. Groundwater samples were
collected from large-diameter hand-dug wells and boreholes for comparison of their iron and manganese concentrations, as well
as other ions. The results show that iron and manganese concentrations are relatively high, exceeding drinking water standards
by several times. Aquifer sediment samples contain abundant iron (30,790 mg kg −1) and manganese (602 mg kg −1). The results of correspondence factor analysis of the hydrochemistry data and the liberation experiments (using seawater
and rainwater as leachants) suggest that iron and manganese in shallow groundwater come from the sediment in the Holocene
aquifer. A reductive environment involving relatively high total dissolved solids and organic carbon in the aquifer system
is favorable to iron and manganese transferring from the sediment to groundwater and stabilizes these ions. Shallow, large-diameter
hand-dug wells provide oxic conditions that decrease the concentrations of dissolved iron and manganese in the well water.
Résumé Dans la Plaine de Hang-Jia-Hu, à l’Est de la Chine, les eaux souterraines constituent une ressource en eau potable pour les
autochtones. Des échantillons d’eau souterraine ont été prélevés dans des puits de large diamètre creusés manuellement et
dans des forages, afin de confronter leurs concentrations en fer, manganèse et autres ions. Les résultats montrent des concentrations
en fer et manganèse relativement hautes, souvent au-delà des limites de potabilité. Les échantillons de sédiments de l’aquifère
contiennent des quantités abondantes de fer (30,790 mg kg−1) et de manganèse (602 mg kg−1). Les résultats de l’analyse factorielle de correspondance des données hydrochimiques et des tests de libération (utilisant
l’eau de mer et l’eau de pluie comme vecteurs) suggèrent que le fer et le manganèse contenus dans les aquifères superficiels
proviennent des sédiments de l’aquifère holocène. Un environnement réducteur, impliquant une quantité élevée de solides dissous
et de carbone organique dans le système aquifère, est favorable à un transfert du fer et du manganèse depuis les sédiments
vers les eaux souterraines, et stabilise les ions considérés. Les puits peu profonds, de large diamètre et creusés à la main
créent des conditions oxydantes qui abaissent les concentrations en fer et manganèse dissous dans l’eau du puits.
Resumen El agua subterránea en la Llanura de Hang-Jia-Hu, al este de China, es una fuente de agua potable para los residentes locales.
Las muestras de agua subterránea fueron recogidas en pozos de gran diámetro excavados a mano y en pozos barrenados con el
objeto de comparar las concentraciones de hierro y manganeso, y también las de otros iones. Los resultados muestran que las
concentraciones de hierro y manganeso son relativamente altas, excediendo varias veces los límites para agua potable. Las
muestras de sedimentos tomadas del acuífero contienen abundante hierro (30,790 mg kg−1) y manganeso (602 mg kg−1). Los resultados del análisis de correspondencia de los datos hidroquímicos y experimentos de liberación (usando agua de
mar y agua de lluvia como lixiviantes) sugieren que los iones hierro y manganeso en las aguas subterráneas someras provienen
de los sedimentos acuíferos del Holoceno. Un ambiente reductor que contiene relativamente alta cantidad de sólidos totales
disueltos y carbono orgánico en el sistema acuífero es favorable para la transferencia de hierro y manganeso desde los sedimentos
al agua subterránea y para estabilizar estos iones. Los pozos poco profundos, de gran diámetro, excavados a mano, suministran
condiciones de oxidación que disminuyen las concentraciones de hierro y manganeso disueltos en el agua del pozo.
Continuous palaeoenvironmental sequences from three peat bogs located in north-west Scotland are presented which reveal palaeoclimatic changes during the Holocene, Peat cores were analysed lor humification. pollen and a range of other physical and palaeoecological data, and chronologies were constructed by radiocarbon dating. Reconstruction of past changes in bog hydrology formed the basis for palaeoclimatic interpretation. Four regional shifts to wetter bog conditions and two regional shifts to drier conditions are inferred. Best estimated aye ranges for the wet shifts span c . 5120 to 5070, 4020 to 3630, 3340 to 3270 and 940 to 800 cal BP, arid dry shifts are estimated at c . 4330 to 4120 and 1480 to 1340 cal BP. The most distinctive feature of the record is the oscillation from wetter to drier conditions around 4300 cal BP, followed by a return to wetter conditions after 4000 cal BP. This oscillation was probably caused by climatic changes which also had an inHuence on the dynamics of Scots pine within the region prior to, and during, its mid-Holocene phase of decline. Later shifts probably also reflect climatic changes, although evidence for human land-use complicates interpretation at c . 3300 cal BP. Potential causes are considered, including changes in the circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean during the mid-Holocene. 相似文献
Neogene strata of the northern part of the Pegu (Bago) Yoma Range, Central Myanmar, contain a series of shallow marine clastic sediments with stratigraphic ages ranging from the Early to Late Miocene. The studied succession (around 750 m thick) is composed of three major stratigraphic units deposited during a major regression and four major transgressive cycles in the Early to Late Miocene. The transgressive deposits consist of elongate sand-bars and broad sand-sheets that pass headward into mixed-flats of tidal environments. Marine flooding in transgressive deposits is associated with coquina beds and allochthonous coral-bearing sandy limestone bands. Major marine regressions are associated with lowstand progradation of thick estuary point-bars passing up into upper sand-flat sand bodies encased within the tidal flat sequences and lower shoreface deposits with local unconformities. The succession initially formed in a large scale incised-valley system, and was later interrupted by two major marine transgressions in the generally regressive or basinward-stepping stratigraphic sequences. Successive sandbodies were formed during a sea-level lowstand and early stage of the subsequent relative rise of sea level in a tide-dominated estuary system in the eastern part of the Central Myanmar Tertiary Basin during Early to Late Miocene times. 相似文献
Many coastal lakes were inundated by both the Storegga tsunami (7000 14C yr BP) and the mid-Holocene sea-level rise (the Tapes transgression) in western Norway. The tsunami eroded lake bottoms and deposited graded and/or massive beds of sand, rip-up clasts, and coarse plant material. By contrast, when the rising sea entered the lakes, it deposited only gyttja, silt and fine sand, without causing much erosion of the underlying lake sediments. Storegga tsunami deposits in some coastal lakes were interpreted previously as ordinary marine sediments from the Tapes transgression. Our reinterpretation of these deposits shows that the transgression maximum phase was reached after 6500 yr BP, more than 1000 yr later than previously inferred for the coast of Sunnmøre. The new data cannot be combined in a shoreline diagram without showing the 6000 yr BP and 7000 yr BP shorelines as slightly warped. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
高台车站断裂属于河西走廊内次级隆起——榆木山隆起北侧断裂系的组成部分,它位于榆木山北缘断裂北侧6km、是与榆木山隆起有成生联系、活动时间比北缘断裂更新的现代活动断裂。高台车站断裂呈向北北东略微凸出的弧形,走向总体为北西向,倾向南西,自南东向北西走向由北西向渐变为北西西、甚至近东西向,倾角自中等变化为低角度。高台车站断裂的活动性质在剖面上表现为南西盘向上逆冲为主、水平位移不明显,在近两万年以来的晚更新世晚期—全新世期间,该断裂可能发生过5期明显的新构造活动,活动时间具有自东向西逐渐变新的迁移性特点,最新一次在2.0~3.0ka左右,与高台地震时间是吻合的,它是高台地震的发震构造。 相似文献
在研究了陆表海盆地聚煤作用特点的基础上,提出了海侵事件成煤作用观点,分析了其机理。海侵导致了陆表海盆地沼泽环境的形成,进而形成泥炭沼泽,而随后的海侵事件导致了先形成的泥炭迅速处于深水环境最终成煤。海侵事件成煤作用形成的重要层位如煤层、海相层均具有较好的等时性。 相似文献
Franchthi Cave, bordering Kiladha Bay, in Greece, is a key archaeological site, due to its long occupation time, from?~?40,000 to?~?5000 year BP. To date, no clear evidence of Neolithic human dwellings in the cave was found, supporting the assumption that Neolithic people may have built a village where there is now Kiladha Bay. During the Neolithic period/Early Holocene, wide areas of the bay were indeed emerged above sea level. Bathymetric and seismic data identified a terrace incised by a valley in?~?1 to 2 m sediment depth. Eight sediment cores, up to 6.3-m-long, were retrieved and analysed using petrophysical, sedimentological, geochemical, and chronostratigraphic methods. The longest core extends into the exposure surface, consisting of a layer of carbonate rubble in a finer matrix, representing weathering processes. Dated organic remains place this unit at?~?8500 cal year BP. It is overlain by stiff silty mud representing an estuarine environment. This mud is capped by reduced sediments with roots marking an exposure surface. A shell-layer, dated to?~?6300 cal year BP, overlies this terrestrial sequence, reflecting the marine transgression. This layer occurs at 10.8 mbsl, 7.7 m deeper than the global sea level at that time, suggesting tectonic subsidence in the area. It is overlain by finer-grained marine carbonate-rich sediments. The top of the core shows traces of eutrophication, pebbles and marine shells, all likely a result of modern anthropogenic processes. These results are interpreted in the context of human occupation: the exposed surface contains pottery sherds, one dating to the Early to Middle Neolithic period, indicating that Neolithic people were present in this dynamic landscape interacting with a migrating coastline. Even if the artefacts are isolated, future investigations of the submerged landscape off Franchthi Cave might lead to the discovery of a Neolithic village, which eventually became buried under marine sediments. 相似文献
This study presents a detailed reconstruction of the palaeogeography of the Rhine valley (western Netherlands) during the Holocene transgression with systems tracts placed in a precise sea‐level context. This approach permits comparison of actual versus conceptual boundaries of the lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The inland position of the highstand Rhine river mouth on a wide, low‐gradient continental shelf meant that base‐level changes were the dominant control on sedimentation for a relatively short period of the last glacial cycle. Systems in such inland positions predominantly record changes in the balance between river discharge and sediment load, and preserve excellent records of climatic changes or other catchment‐induced forcing. It is shown here that the transgressive systems tract‐part of the coastal prism formed in three stages: (i) the millennium before 8·45 ka bp , when the area was dominated by fluvial environments with extensive wetlands; (ii) the millennium after 8·45 ka, characterized by strong erosion, increasing tidal amplitudes and bay‐head delta development; and (iii) the period between 7·5 and 6·3 ka bp when the Rhine avulsed multiple times and the maximum flooding surface formed. The diachroneity of the transgressive surface is strongly suppressed because of a pulse of accelerated sea‐level rise at 8·45 ka bp . That event not only had a strong effect on preservation, but has circum‐oceanic stratigraphical relevance as it divides the early and middle Holocene parts of coastal successions worldwide. The palaeogeographical reconstruction offers a unique full spatial–temporal view on the coastal and fluvial dynamics of a major river mouth under brief rapid forced transgression. This reconstruction is of relevance for Holocene and ancient transgressive systems worldwide, and for next‐century natural coasts that are predicted to experience a 1 m sea‐level rise. 相似文献
用泥炭纹泥计年与14C测年相结合的新方法,首次在青藏高原东北部的若尔盖高原建立了系列完整、可信度佳和年尺度的高分辨率更新世末及全新世泥炭沉积年代谱,时间跨度为 13 6 5 5年至现在;阐明了若尔盖高原不同类型全新世泥炭沉积的时序和空间分异规律;从沉积学上证实了各期仙女木事件的存在和发生时间;划定全新世大暖期为距今 95 0 0~ 2 0 0 0年,是泥炭沉积高速期;计算了泥炭沉积率。上述结果对青藏高原也有一定代表意义. 相似文献