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Surface mass redistribution within the Earth system, especially in the atmosphere, oceans, continents and ice sheets, causes the position of the centre of mass to vary in a reference frame attached to the solid Earth. Space techniques are now precise enough to measure the centre of mass motion. Here we present a determination of the centre of mass coordinates at regular monthly intervals using DORIS data on SPOT‐2, SPOT‐3 and Topex–Poseidon (1993–1997) and laser data on Lageos‐1 and Lageos‐2 (1993–1996). The amplitude and phase of the space‐geodesy‐derived annual cycle for each coordinate are further compared to estimates based on surface mass redistribution at the Earth surface derived from various climatic data sources: surface pressure, soil moisture, snow depth and ocean mass variations.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of laterally varying earth structure on centroid moment tensor inversions using fundamental mode mantle waves. Theoretical seismograms are calculated using a full formulation of surface wave ray theory. Calculations are made using a variety of global tomographic earth models. Results are compared with those obtained using the so-called great-circle approximation, which assumes that phase corrections are given in terms of mean phase slowness along the great circle, and which neglects amplitude effects of heterogeneity. Synthetic tests suggest that even source parameters which fit the data very well may have large errors due to incomplete knowledge of lateral heterogeneity. The method is applied to 31 shallow, large earthquakes. For a given earthquake, the focal mechanisms calculated using different earth models and different forward modelling techniques can significantly vary. We provide a range of selected solutions based on the fit to the data, rather than one single solution. Difficulties in constraining the dip-slip components of the seismic moment tensor often produce overestimates of seismic moment, leading to near vertical dip-slip mechanisms. This happens more commonly for earth models not fitting the data well, confirming that more accurate modelling of lateral heterogeneity can help to constrain the dip-slip components of the seismic moment tensor.  相似文献   

Ray perturbation theory for interfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A tomographic inversion technique that inverts traveltimes to obtain a model of the subsurface in terms of velocities and interfaces is presented. It uses a combination of refraction, wide-angle reflection and normal-incidence data, it simultaneously inverts for velocities and interface depths, and it is able to quantify the errors and trade-offs in the final model. The technique uses an iterative linearized approach to the non-linear traveltime inversion problem. The subsurface is represented as a set of layers separated by interfaces, across which the velocity may be discontinuous. Within each layer the velocity varies in two dimensions and has a continuous first derivative. Rays are traced in this medium using a technique based on ray perturbation theory, and two-point ray tracing is avoided by interpolating the traveltimes to the receivers from a roughly equidistant fan of rays. The calculated traveltimes are inverted by simultaneously minimizing the misfit between the data and calculated traveltimes, and the roughness of the model. This 'smoothing regularization' stabilizes the solution of the inverse problem. In practice, the first iterations are performed with a high level of smoothing. As the inversion proceeds, the level of smoothing is gradually reduced until the traveltime residual is at the estimated level of noise in the data. At this point, a minimum-feature solution is obtained, which should contain only those features discernible over the noise.
The technique is tested on a synthetic data set, demonstrating its accuracy and stability and also illustrating the desirability of including a large number of different ray types in an inversion.  相似文献   

Wave propagation in weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous media is studied by the quasi-isotropic approximation of ray theory. The approach is based on the ray-tracing and dynamic ray-tracing differential equations for an isotropic background medium. In addition, it requires the integration of a system of two complex coupled differential equations along the isotropic ray.
The interference of the qS waves is described by traveltime and polarization corrections of interacting isotropic S waves. For qP waves the approach leads to a correction of the traveltime of the P wave in the isotropic background medium.
Seismograms and particle-motion diagrams obtained from numerical computations are presented for models with different strengths of anisotropy.
The equivalence of the quasi-isotropic approximation and the quasi-shear-wave coupling theory is demonstrated. The quasi-isotropic approximation allows for a consideration of the limit from weak anisotropy to isotropy, especially in the case of qS waves, where the usual ray theory for anisotropic media fails.  相似文献   

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