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Spatial Autocorrelation and Localization of Urban Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A nonlinear analysis of urban evolution is made by using of spatial autocorrelation theory. A first-order nonlinear autoregression model based on Clark’s negative exponential model is proposed to show urban population density. The new method and model are applied to Hangzhou City, China, as an example. The average distance of population activities, the auto-correlation coefficient of urban population density, and the auto-regressive function values all show trends of gradual increase from 1964 to 2000, but there always is a sharp first-order cutoff in the partial auto- correlations. These results indicate that urban development is a process of localization. The discovery of urban locality is significant to improve the cellular-automata-based urban simulation of modeling spatial complexity.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTION oppeople’s commune,peasants were asked tojolnpro-ductlon cooperation bydonatingthelrla侣e possessedBefore 1949,private land ownership existed and assets such asland and la吧e production materialsthatland transactions were quite active.A household’s had been distributed Inlandreform.The members ofawealth Is directly correlated with the amount of land It production cooperation collectlvelyown all its propeftlespossesses.Af…  相似文献   

With a technique of GIS(Geographical Information System) and a method of multiple linear regression analysis, the spatial distribution of Shanghai land values and its relationship with some location factors are examined in this paper. The database of land values consists of 166 land parcels leased during 1993–1994. The land value map shows that the spatial distribution of Shanghai land values has some distinct spatial features. Firstly, the highest land value areas are located along Nanjing Road, Huaihai Road and the Bund. Secondly, there is no conspicuous peak land value intersection within the CBD(Central Business District). Finally, The land values of Pudong are much lower than those of Puxi. The regression model between Shanghai land values and the selected location factors shows that Nanjing Road is the first important location factor affecting the spatial distribution of the land values, the city center is the second one and Huaihai Road is the third one. The Bund, the regional shopping centers and the transportation nodes have little influence on the land values. This relationship between Shanghai land values and the location factors is determined by the distribution of commercial activities, the characteristics of the CBD and the spatial form of the city.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONThereisaclosecorelationbetweenthelocationofalandparcelanditsvalue.Arealestateexpertoncestatedthatthefactorsdete...  相似文献   

旅游产业的空间分布及关联性分析对于区域旅游产业的发展具有重要意义,而目前大多旅游产业空间格局分析的对象局限于A级景区,忽略了旅游产业综合性的特点。以"吃、住、行、游、购、娱"6种旅游要素为研究对象,从旅游产业空间分布特征、空间分布格局、空间关联性3个方面构建了旅游产业空间分布及关联性分析的方法体系。并以常州市旅游产业为例,进行方法验证。结果表明,当前常州市旅游产业呈集聚型分布,形成了"一主核两次核"的空间分布格局,各旅游产业之间空间关联程度较高。较好的数据基础以及合适的空间分析尺度提高了方法的应用效果,分析结果与《常州市"十三五"旅游业发展规划》中相关内容匹配,验证了本文提出方法的可行性。  相似文献   

For almost three decades, China has been undergoing significant transition from a planned economy to a market economy. Fast-paced economic growth and urbanization, interacting with market-oriented reforms in land re- sources allocation, have caused profound spatial restructuring of Chinese cities. This paper examines urban expansion and land use reconfiguration in Shanghai’s central city from 1979 to 2002, with a special focus on the effect of the adoption of the land-leasing system in 1988. The empirical research, which employs GIS-based spatial analysis tech- niques to explore land use data for multiple years, indicates fundamental changes in the spatial characteristics of urban development in Shanghai after this important land policy reform.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAgglomeration economies have played important rolesin the growth of regional economies in developed coun-tries, which has been a hot topic of empirical studies fora couple of decades (GLAESER etal., 1992). However,the researches on the relati…  相似文献   

Urban heat environmental quality(UHEQ) is affected by the interacting of weather condition and underlying surface framework of urban area .In the last two decades,many researchers from domestic and overseas have studied many problems at the aspect of urban heat environment such as urban heat islands ,urban air temperature and their rela-tion with urban land cover,city population,air pollution etc,In the recent years,Hangzhou,acting as a center city of Zhejiang Province in China,its urbanization quantum and quantity have both changed greatly,in particular ,representing as business affairs building,resident real property and all kins of specialty market having arisen in built-up zone,Based on Landsat TM images data in 1991 and 1999,urban underlying surface temperature value and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were calculated using image interpreting and supervised classification technique by remote sensing software ERDAS image 8.4,The relation model between urban underlying surface temperature (UUST )and urban air temperature was setup according to the certain correlation patten .Reference to the relational standard of assessing human comfort and other meteorology data of Hangzhou City in summer,the spatial distribution characteristic and the spatial varia-tion degree of human comfort of heat environmental quality are estimated and mapped on a middle scale,that is ,in six districts of Hangzhou City .Then the paper reveals the main characteristic of spatial variation from 1991 to 1999.Lastly,the change mechanism is analyzed and discussed from the viewpoint of city planning,construction and environmental protec-tion.  相似文献   

We used the maps of urban land-use in 1978, 1991, 1994, 2000 and 2004, and softwares such as ArcGIS, Fragstats to analyze the spatio-temporal process of urban residential space quantitatively. Some methods, such as di- rection analysis and landscape pattern analysis, were employed. The results show that: 1) the residential land grew very rapidly in Hefei from 1978 to 2004, and the increased land was distributed mainly in the central city zone surrounded by a moat; however, after 1994, it was distributed mainly outside the 1th Ring Road; 2) the expansion speeds were very different in different directions: there exists a fastest expansion of residential land in the directions of NE-NNE, SW and SSE, and a slowest one in the directions of E and SEE; 3) the residential land growth went through four stages: slow circular expansion in 1978-1991, 'axes fan wings' expansion in 1991-1994, more rapid circular expansion in 1994-2000 and 'fan-wings' expansion in 2000-2004; 4) the expansion intensity was also different in all directions in the period of 1978 to 1994, and the most was in SW and then NW; and 5) there were more and more residential land area, and the spatial agglomeration was improved increasingly.  相似文献   

Based on Tupu theory, this paper studied the dynamic changes, conversion modes, expansion intensity and landscape attributes of the saline-alkali lands in Changling County, Zhenlai County and Da'an City of the western Jilin Province in 1980-2000 with the help of GIS. The results show that the saline-alkali land rather sharply increased in Da'an during 1995-2000; the main conversion processes in the three counties were from grassland to saline-alkali land and from saline-alkali land to grassland; and the typical shapes, spatial expansion speed and mode, and landscape attributes of the saline-alkali land were different in the three counties, which were closely related to local topography, predominant wind orientation, water resources distribution, etc. The corresponding spatial expansion mode was marginality in Changling, random in Zhenlai and more kernels in Da'an, respectively. Landscape attributes also responded to the spatial-temporal dynamic changes of the saline-alkali land and the landscape indices of Da'an fluctuated greatly. The frame of this research may provide fundamental reference for landscape analysis and give some suggestions for regional sustainable development.  相似文献   

评价土地变更调查数据库质量,研究数据库错误产生的原因是变更调查工作中的关键问题。本文采用对比分析法定量分析3年间数据库质量变化,并运用全局Moran's I系数、局部Moran's I系数,从县域尺度分析数据库错误的空间自相关格局,揭示数据库错误空间分布变化和局部异常特征。研究结果表明:(1)从错误数量、缺陷等级、错误分布图层和空间分布方面进行评估,河北省2012年数据库质量相较于2010年和2011年得到明显改善;(2)河北省各区县错误分布保持高度自相关,聚集程度波动变化,而局部显著性异常区域的出现主要源于人为误操作。通过研究数据库质量3年间变化情况及空间分布格局,能客观地评价数据库质量状况,有效地分析错误产生的原因,为新一轮土地变更调查工作提供建设性意见。  相似文献   

采用PS-InSAR时序技术对常州市2018-01~2019-12的24期Sentinel-1A影像数据进行处理,获取常州市地面形变信息。所得结果与同期水准监测数据有较好的一致性,两者较差最大值为6.1 mm、平均值为2.7 mm、均方根误差(RMSE)为1.7 mm。结果显示,抬升区域主要位于城镇,累积抬升量平均值约为7.3 mm;沉降区域主要位于农村,累积沉降量平均值约为7.6 mm;武进区南部等地局部沉降严重,累积沉降量平均值超过15 mm。分析第Ⅱ承压水水位变化对地面沉降的影响显示,两者相关系数为0.55;同时分析某分层基岩标各地层回弹情况发现,深部地层多数处于反弹阶段,而浅部地层是目前土层压缩(沉降)的主要层段。说明近2 a第Ⅱ承压水对常州市地面沉降具有一定的影响,但已不是主要影响因素,浅部地层土层压缩已成为常州市地面沉降的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

Daqing is a mining city that was set up on wetland by exploiting and processing petroleum.This paper points out that net-group urban system is the optimization mode for Daqing urban spatial structure through analyzing and appraising the present situation,characteristics,advantages and disadvantages of Daqing spatial structure.And the best way of optimizing Daqing urban spatial structure is to adopt sustainable development strategy,establish the coordinated grade structure of urban system,construct developed towns net system,prefect the function structure of the towns at all levels,make full use of resources and strengthen environmental protection.Spatial structure of Daqing must be according-ly adjusted in order to adapt to the transformation of future economy types and functions.Bsded on the foundation of keep-ing net group,the development should be from disperse to moderate centralization in order to give prominence to the multi-function of the central city.Constructing ruralizing city should be the future goal of Daqing City.  相似文献   

In China, the land resource per person is poor withregard to the huge number of population. According tothe recent data from the National Land Bureau, theaverage land per person is 0. 11 ha, much less than0. 25 ha, the average land per person in the world(FAN, 1997). On the other hand, a large scale ofrural land is to be transmitted into urban land upon thefast proceeding of urbanization. At present, the urbanpopulation occupies about 30% of the total in China. Ifthe percent become 50% (th…  相似文献   

降水的时空变异分析是认识区域水资源形成与演变的重要方法。时空变异特征分析不仅可以系统地对降水的时间序列进行分析,而且能从空间上把握降水的分布格局。本文将河南省近51年雨季降水资料,结合数字高程模型(DEM),利用回归分析、空间自相关分析、空间插值模拟及交叉验证等,对河南省降水时空变异特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)河南省雨季降水整体来看呈增加趋势,近年来尤为明显;但9月份表现异常,呈下降趋势。(2)月降水量差异明显,最大降水量在7月份,平均达到178.3 mm;(3)在空间上降水呈现出明显的南多北少,东多西少的格局;有明显的集聚特点,在南部以罗山、潢川为中心形成降水丰沛聚集区,北部以辉县为中心形成降水稀少聚集区;林县、栾川和西峡表现为空间例外,明显高于相邻区域的降水量。  相似文献   

Remote sensing technique has played an important role in land use dynamic monitoring, but as for the land use dynamic monitoring at county level, traditional remote sensing methods such as satellite imagery visual interpretation and computer classification can not meet its demand for accuracy. The result of 1: 10 000 land use investigation map has high accuracy, but this method can not be used to dynamically monitor the land use because of its big expenses, long period and difficulty in updating data. In this paper, the characteristics of physiognomy, climate and the status of land use in Dehui County are taken into consideration and a set of method, which takes use of 3S techniques and applies to Northeast China Plain, is come up with. When the land use type of a land parcel changed as a whole, the date updating can be make by changing its land type ID in the attribute table in a GIS. When the land use type of an irregular area changed, GPS receivers are used to position its border. This set of method is characteristic of high accuracy and low expenses. It gets the information of land use change timely and can be used to dynamically monitor the land use. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the key project of the National Ninth Five-year Plan (96-B02-01-07). Biography: LI Lin-yi (1968 —), female, a native of Jilin, Ph. D. candidate of Changchun Institute of Geography, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research interest includes land use change monitoring and crop yield estimation using “3S” techniques.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal evolution of urban land uses in modern urbanization of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking social statistic data as basic data,this paper extended the meaning of urban land uses,highlighted the meaning of urban land uses in modern urbanization,which includes direct,indirect and induced land uses,quantitatively simulated the indirect and induced land uses by the substitution method of agricultural consumption and urban carbon emission and then,analyzed the spatiotemporal evolution of urban land uses in China during 1952–2005 by spatial analysis tool of Geographic Information System. The results indicate that the area of urban land use in China had been increasing since 1952,showing an inversed pyramid structure,i.e.,the directthe indirectthe induced. Specifically,Chinese urban land use has changed from concentrated distribution in Northwest China to balanced spatial distribution,and the eastern coastal area is under great pressure. Moreover,the northeastern region has moved into the induced dominant stage,while the western region remains at the indirect dominant stage. Finally,it is proposed that in order to guarantee the future demand of urban land use in China,ensuring the induced land use in the eastern region should be taken as a priority goal of Chinese developing policy.  相似文献   

According to the historical changes of coastal lines, seven soil sampling districts, from land to sea, were arranged in Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province to sample soils from surface and profile. Concentrations of seven major heavy metals (HMs), granularity, pH, organic matters and C/N of the soil samples were analyzed. Results show that concentrations of heavy metals in agricultural land present a certain spatial variance, decreasing from land to sea. Pollution assessment indicates that the agricultural soils were not polluted by HMs, but the potential pollution of Cu and Hg needs to be alerted. Different HMs accumulate in the surface and sub-surface of the soil profiles, and concentrations of Hg and Pb decrease significantly with the increment of soil depth. Concentrations of HMs exhibit a significantly negative correlation to pH, but have no significant relation with organic matters in soil. Principle component analysis show that the concentrations of HMs relate to the land use history. Concentrations of Hg, Ni and Cr in soil are closely related with land use history, and concentrations of Pb, Cu and Cr are affected by land use history as well as other factors. However, there is no significant relation between concentration of As and land use history.  相似文献   

研究一种基于路网约束空间格局方法在交通事故分析中的应用,以武汉市13个区交通事故为研究对象,将交通事故抽象成道路网上的点要素,采用路网约束下的核密度估计方法,讨论其空间分布格局并与平面空间点聚类分析的结果进行对比分析,最后采用局部Moran's Ⅰ方法对道路基本单元网络核密度估计结果值进行判别,揭示0.01显著性水平下的武汉交通事故易发路段。实验结果表明,网络核密度估计算法可直观体现事故沿城市道路网的聚类模式,对核密度结果进行的局部Moran's Ⅰ统计方法能够有效地应用于易发路段的鉴别。  相似文献   

江浙典型茶园土壤有机质空间异质性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶园土壤有机质分布有明显的空间性,如何凭借有限的采样点数据预测研究区的有机质分布,对了解茶叶种植区土壤状况、指导茶园经营管理、提高茶叶品质和产量有重要意义。本文对江浙4种名茶种植区,利用描述性统计,以及地统计学中的半方差函数模型、空间插值等方法对比分析了茶园土壤有机质的空间异质性。研究结果表明:(1)4个研究区的土壤有机质平均水平均较高,适合茶叶生长,且浙江省2个茶叶种植区的有机质平均水平高于江苏省2个茶叶种植区的有机质水平;(2)半方差函数模型拟合表明,溪龙乡种植区有机质含量表现出中等空间相关性,而其他3个种植区表现出强烈的空间相关性;(3)各种植区土壤有机质的空间分布以结构性因子(土壤理化性质、地形地貌)为基础,受人类活动、经营模式、茶园管理等随机性因子影响,整体趋势上表现出局部变异的特征。  相似文献   

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