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Geodetic VLBI correlation in software   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Correlation algorithms for geodetic very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) can now be effectively implemented on parallel computers of modest size. We have undertaken a detailed comparison of the output from a trusted geodetic correlator, one that has supported global geodetic VLBI observations for many years, with the output of a software correlator implemented on a small parallel computing cluster. We show that the correlator outputs agree closely, within expected error bounds, after accounting for the differences in the adopted geometric delay models, and therefore that use of the software correlator is feasible for geodetic VLBI processing, as a first step toward routine geodetic data processing. Recent developments in software correlation for geodesy are discussed, including the possibility of real-time processing options.  相似文献   

新的潮汐分析软件VAV不但可以处理带有间断的数据,还可以采用迭代的方法不断地检测和去除扰动数据,提高潮汐参数的求解精度。介绍VAV软件的迭代原理,并利用VAV软件对武汉国际重力潮汐基准台和布鲁塞尔台站超导重力仪记录的重力潮汐数据进行分析处理,潮汐参数的标准偏差可减小30%以上。  相似文献   

This paper discusses an altimeter data processing technique designed to compute time series of the mesoscale dynamic sea surface and to produce mean sea surfaces and surface variability. The technique has been applied to Geosat data collected over the North and South Atlantic and the South Indian Ocean. The computed mean sea surfaces show a high correlation with ocean bottom topography, whereas the variability is found to be associated with mesoscale ocean currents. High variability levels are spotted near the Gulfstream Extension and the Agulhas Return Current.Detailed examination of the sea surface and related flow field time series made it possible to identify a large number of eddies and to keep track of them in both the nort-west and south-east Atlantic. Additionally, some of the eddy characteristics have been resolved such as translation and swirl velocity. It is found that the eddy motion is affected by ocean bottom slopes.  相似文献   

Stellite Remote Sensing is an emerging technique for observation of oceans. The important oceanic parameters, wave heights and wind speeds derived fron GEOSAT Altimeter data, are analysed in the present paper. Relation between wind speed and height of ‘sea waves’ are obtained for southwest monsoon, northeast monsoon and nonmonsoon seasons, and regression equations are arrived at for each case. Good correlation and high accuracy are observed for all the seasons. This assures the usage of remotely sensed data for oceanic studies.  相似文献   

We have used Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data to compute the site coordinates and constant velocity components for 29 fixed antenna sites and 25 mobile sites. The three singularities which occur in the adjustment with respect to the rotation of the system have been resolved by a constraint holding the net rotation of seven fixed antennas, distributed on the stable portions of four of the geologic plates, to the net rotation for these sites as defined by the NNR-NUVEL1 no net rotation model. In order to achieve a minimally constrained adjustment of this type we have found it necessary to use a new adjustment procedure in which we solve for the coordinates of each site at the weighted mean epoch of all the observations involving that site.Using the results of the above solution we have computed the departure for each site from the NNR-NUVEL1 rigid plate model. These departures show that the transition zone in western North America from the region of rigidity to the plate boundary is at least 400 km wide, in general agreement with Ward (1988,1990).  相似文献   

针对甚长基线干涉测量天文观测、深空探测和空间阵列项目对高精度理论时延计算的需求,该文进行了高精度理论时延计算软件的具体实现。首先介绍了河外射电源和探测器理论时延计算模型;然后详细阐述了理论时延计算软件的系统架构及其具体实现;最后将该软件与DiFX软件和嫦娥工程甚长基线干涉测量软件的计算结果进行对比分析。比对结果显示:对于河外射电源,理论时延差最大为几百个皮秒;对于探测器,理论时延差小于2ns,这表明该软件能够用于地面验证试验。  相似文献   

Summary The domain of the possible values of the mantle's anelasticity parameters and Love numbers based on modern VLBI-data is found. A new method of the joint analysis of VLBI- and tidal data is suggested, which gives possibility to obtain better estimations of the Q-factor of the free core nutation.  相似文献   

The meaning to research the potential of VLBI for geodetic applications is summarized. And the observation models and their related parameters of geodetic interest are investigated. Then, the principle and method of using the random model in VLBI data processing are investigated. With the world wide VLBI data from 2000-2004, the conditions to compute the parameters of geodetic interest are introduced, and so are the computing methods and processes. And the computed results of the parameters of geodetic interest are analyzed.  相似文献   

A sparse matrix method is developed for computing variance factors for block-diagonal, bordered systems of equations using MINQUE (Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimation). This method greatly reduces the computational effort required to apply MINQUE, thus making it practical to compute variance factors for some very large systems of equations. The computer implementation of the method is described and applied to the computation of variance factors for a combination of 1609 VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) observing sessions. The purpose of this test was to compute a variance factor for each of the data sets and, perhaps, to obtain more realistic variance estimates to replace those in common use for the analysis of VLBI data. It was found that the method is satisfactory for use with such large problems, and the test served to verify that the variances in current use in VLBI data adjustments are adequate. Received: 26 November 1996 / Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

Modeling path delays in the neutral atmosphere for the analysis of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations has been improved significantly in recent years by the use of elevation-dependent mapping functions based on data from numerical weather models. In this paper, we present a fast way of extracting both, hydrostatic and wet, linear horizontal gradients for the troposphere from data of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model, as it is realized at the Vienna University of Technology on a routine basis for all stations of the International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) and International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) stations. This approach only uses information about the refractivity gradients at the site vertical, but no information from the line-of-sight. VLBI analysis of the CONT02 and CONT05 campaigns, as well as all IVS-R1 and IVS-R4 sessions in the first half of 2006, shows that fixing these a priori gradients improves the repeatability for 74% (40 out of 54) of the VLBI baseline lengths compared to fixing zero or constant a priori gradients, and improves the repeatability for the majority of baselines compared to estimating 24-h offsets for the gradients. Only if 6-h offsets are estimated, the baseline length repeatabilities significantly improve, no matter which a priori gradients are used.  相似文献   

The source position time-series for many of the frequently observed radio sources in the NASA geodetic very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) program show systematic linear and non-linear variations of as much as 0.5 mas (milli-arc-seconds) to 1.0 mas, due mainly to source structure changes. In standard terrestrial reference frame (TRF) geodetic solutions, it is a common practice to only estimate a global source position for each source over the entire history of VLBI observing sessions. If apparent source position variations are not modeled, they produce corresponding systematic variations in estimated Earth orientation parameters (EOPs) at the level of 0.02–0.04 mas in nutation and 0.01–0.02 mas in polar motion. We examine the stability of position time-series of the 107 radio sources in the current NASA geodetic source catalog since these sources have relatively dense observing histories from which it is possible to detect systematic variations. We consider different strategies for handling source instabilities where we (1) estimate the positions of unstable sources for each session they are observed, or (2) estimate spline parameters or rate parameters for sources chosen to fit the specific variation seen in the position-time series. We found that some strategies improve VLBI EOP accuracy by reducing the biases and weighted root mean square differences between measurements from independent VLBI networks operating simultaneously. We discuss the problem of identifying frequently observed unstable sources and how to identify new sources to replace these unstable sources in the NASA VLBI geodetic source catalog.  相似文献   

The impact of signal path variations (SPVs) caused by antenna gravitational deformations on geodetic very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) results is evaluated for the first time. Elevation-dependent models of SPV for Medicina and Noto (Italy) telescopes were derived from a combination of terrestrial surveying methods to account for gravitational deformations. After applying these models in geodetic VLBI data analysis, estimates of the antenna reference point positions are shifted upward by 8.9 and 6.7 mm, respectively. The impact on other parameters is negligible. To simulate the impact of antenna gravitational deformations on the entire VLBI network, lacking measurements for other telescopes, we rescaled the SPV models of Medicina and Noto for other antennas according to their size. The effects of the simulations are changes in VLBI heights in the range [−3, 73] mm and a net scale increase of 0.3–0.8 ppb. The height bias is larger than random errors of VLBI position estimates, implying the possibility of significant scale distortions related to antenna gravitational deformations. This demonstrates the need to precisely measure gravitational deformations of other VLBI telescopes, to derive their precise SPV models and to apply them in routine geodetic data analysis.  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)观测数据质量直接影响GNSS定位的准确性与可靠性.为获取良好的观测数据,用户一般利用由美国卫星导航系统与地壳变形观测研究大学联合体(UNAVCO Facility)开发的TEQC软件进行数据预处理.由于TEQC是基于DOS系统的命令行软件,存在交互性差、可视化功能薄弱等缺陷.目前虽有QCVI...  相似文献   

VLBI,SVLBI技术用于月球探测器定位的理论模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"嫦娥一号"为我国的深空探测拉开了序幕,高端的VLBI以及SVLBI技术在我国探测器定位领域中的地位是其他技术无可取代的.以VLBI技术为基础,分别列出利用地而VLBI和空间VLBI观测量两种观测确定月球探测器位置的理论模型,并整理得到间接平差的误差方程.  相似文献   

Analysis of the EUREF-89 GPS data from the SLR/VLBI sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In May 1989, the IAG Subcommission for the European Reference Frame organized a GPS measurement campaign, called EUREF-89, to establish a common European Reference Frame. During a 2-week period various types of GPS receivers were deployed at about 100 different locations in Europe, which included many national geodetic first order points and most of the well-known SLR and VLBI sites. In this study, the measurements from those SLR and VLBI sites, and three additional points in The Netherlands, have been analyzed adopting a fiducial network approach. In the first place, the study provided valuable experience in the use of the GIPSY software for the analysis of GPS data from large networks equipped with a mixture of receiver types. Furthermore, this analysis represents an independent check of the SLR/VLBI network, used as the reference frame for the official EUREF solution. Daily solutions of baselines up to 2500 km in length have been obtained with a repeatability of 0.5–2.0 parts in 108, while the agreement with SLR results is at about the same level. The accuracy of the estimated coordinates is at a level of about 4.0 cm in the horizontal and 6.0 cm in the vertical direction. Of particular interest are the results for some baselines in Greece, which have also been measured by mobile SLR in the framework of the WEGENER/MEDLAS project. The GPS results seem to confirm the trends in the baseline length changes emerging from those SLR studies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether in very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) analysis atmospheric loading corrections should be applied a priori at the observation level or whether it is sufficient to correct for atmospheric loading effects a posteriori by adding constant values per session to the estimated station coordinates. Simulated observations at single stations corresponding to the precise point positioning approach of global navigation satellite systems show that the atmospheric loading effect can be fully recovered by a posteriori corrections, i.e., the height differences between both approaches stay well below 1 mm. However, real global VLBI network solutions with sessions from 1984 to 2008 reveal that the effect of neglected atmospheric loading corrections at the stations is distributed to the other stations in the network, thus resulting in station height differences between solutions with observation level and with a posteriori corrections which can be as large as 10 mm and a ‘damping’ effect of the corrections. As soon as the terrestrial reference frame and the corresponding coordinate time series are determined, it would be conceptually wrong to apply atmospheric loading corrections at the VLBI stations. We recommend the rigorous application of atmospheric loading corrections at the observation level to all stations of a VLBI network because the seven parameters for translation, rotation, and in particular the network-scale of VLBI networks are significantly affected.  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)观测值的数据质量是保证GNSS高精度定位的前提,为提高数据质量需要对GNSS观测值进行数据预处理,目前应用较为广泛的是UNAVCO Facility机构开发的TEQC软件.由于TEQC是DOS环境下的命令式,没有图形操作界面,人机交互性较差,生成的绘图结果文件需要借助QCVIEW等可视化软件处理,但这些软件尚无法对TEQC 2013.3.15以上版本生成的compact 3格式文件进行图形分析.因此,本文基于MATLAB GUI开发了一套适用于compact 3结果文件的可视化界面软件(TEQCplot View),实验测试结果表明:该软件性能稳定,可实现对不同结果文件的可视化分析.   相似文献   

A lunar gravity field model up to degree and order 100 in spherical harmonics, named SGM100i, has been determined from SELENE and historical tracking data, with an emphasis on using same-beam S-band differential VLBI data obtained in the SELENE mission between January 2008 and February 2009. Orbit consistency throughout the entire mission period of SELENE as determined from orbit overlaps for the two sub-satellites of SELENE involved in the VLBI tracking improved consistently from several hundreds of metres to several tens of metres by including differential VLBI data. Through orbits that are better determined, the gravity field model is also improved by including these data. Orbit determination performance for the new model shows improvements over earlier 100th degree and order models, especially for edge-on orbits over the deep far side. Lunar Prospector orbit determination shows an improvement of orbit consistency from 1-day predictions for 2-day arcs of 6 m in a total sense, with most improvement in the along and cross-track directions. Data fit for the types and satellites involved is also improved. Formal errors for the lower degrees are smaller, and the new model also shows increased correlations with topography over the far side. The estimated value for the lunar GM for this model equals 4902.80080±0.0009 km3/s2 (10 sigma). The lunar degree 2 potential Love number k 2 was also estimated, and has a value of 0.0255 ± 0.0016 (10 sigma as well).  相似文献   

The very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) Intensive sessions are typically 1-h and single-baseline VLBI sessions, specifically designed to yield low-latency estimates of UT1-UTC. In this work, we investigate what accuracy is obtained from these sessions and how it can be improved. In particular, we study the modeling of the troposphere in the data analysis. The impact of including external information on the zenith wet delays (ZWD) and tropospheric gradients from GPS or numerical weather prediction models is studied. Additionally, we test estimating tropospheric gradients in the data analysis, which is normally not done. To evaluate the results, we compared the UT1-UTC values from the Intensives to those from simultaneous 24-h VLBI session. Furthermore, we calculated length of day (LOD) estimates using the UT1-UTC values from consecutive Intensives and compared these to the LOD estimated by GPS. We find that there is not much benefit in using external ZWD; however, including external information on the gradients improves the agreement with the reference data. If gradients are estimated in the data analysis, and appropriate constraints are applied, the WRMS difference w.r.t. UT1-UTC from 24-h sessions is reduced by 5% and the WRMS difference w.r.t. the LOD from GPS by up to 12%. The best agreement between Intensives and the reference time series is obtained when using both external gradients from GPS and additionally estimating gradients in the data analysis.  相似文献   

Missing or incorrect consideration of azimuthal asymmetry of troposphere delays is a considerable error source in space geodetic techniques such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) or Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). So-called horizontal troposphere gradients are generally utilized for modeling such azimuthal variations and are particularly required for observations at low elevation angles. Apart from estimating the gradients within the data analysis, which has become common practice in space geodetic techniques, there is also the possibility to determine the gradients beforehand from different data sources than the actual observations. Using ray-tracing through Numerical Weather Models (NWMs), we determined discrete gradient values referred to as GRAD for VLBI observations, based on the standard gradient model by Chen and Herring (J Geophys Res 102(B9):20489–20502, 1997.  https://doi.org/10.1029/97JB01739) and also for new, higher-order gradient models. These gradients are produced on the same data basis as the Vienna Mapping Functions 3 (VMF3) (Landskron and Böhm in J Geod, 2017.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-017-1066-2), so they can also be regarded as the VMF3 gradients as they are fully consistent with each other. From VLBI analyses of the Vienna VLBI and Satellite Software (VieVS), it becomes evident that baseline length repeatabilities (BLRs) are improved on average by 5% when using a priori gradients GRAD instead of estimating the gradients. The reason for this improvement is that the gradient estimation yields poor results for VLBI sessions with a small number of observations, while the GRAD a priori gradients are unaffected from this. We also developed a new empirical gradient model applicable for any time and location on Earth, which is included in the Global Pressure and Temperature 3 (GPT3) model. Although being able to describe only the systematic component of azimuthal asymmetry and no short-term variations at all, even these empirical a priori gradients slightly reduce (improve) the BLRs with respect to the estimation of gradients. In general, this paper addresses that a priori horizontal gradients are actually more important for VLBI analysis than previously assumed, as particularly the discrete model GRAD as well as the empirical model GPT3 are indeed able to refine and improve the results.  相似文献   

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