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江陵剖面沉积物记录了近9000 a来的气候变化和人类活动历史。根据多环境指标综合分析,重建江陵地区近9000 a来的气候环境演化。研究表明,8900~6300 aB.P.为暖湿气候期;6300~4 700 aB.P.为冷期;4700~3400 aB.P.气候偏暖偏湿;3400~2500 aB.P.是湖沼泥炭堆积期,气候暖湿;2500 aB.P.以来,该地区沉积环境发生了显著变化,由湖泊及湖沼堆积转为洪水漫滩堆积,古云梦泽开始萎缩,气候变干变冷。早期人类活动始于6200 aB.P.,以种植经济作物罂粟及牧草类植物唇形科和车前草等草本花粉的出现及增加为标志;4700 aB.P.开始,人类在定居点附近从事农业、牧业兼少量经济木本的种植;人类大规模活动始于3400 aB.P.,禾本科含量急剧上升与湖周农田耕作范围的扩大有关,阔叶树和杂草花粉的增多与定居点扩大及其周围普遍种植经济阔叶林有关。随着定居点扩大和人类活动的加剧,地表土壤侵蚀严重,入湖陆源粗颗粒物质和有机物质增多;湖泊沉积物表现为粗颗粒含量迅速增加,各粒径波动频繁,TOC、TN和C/N出现高值,δ13C出现低值。  相似文献   

兹格塘错是位于藏北高原腹地的一个封闭型湖泊,流域内没有现代冰川和永久积雪存在,其湖泊的水量平衡主要是大气降水和蒸发之间的平衡,因此其湖泊的变化过程可直接反映区域的气候变化。为了探讨该区域全新世的气候与环境变化过程,在其湖泊中心水深30m处钻取了一支深727cm的沉积岩芯,对沉积岩芯进行了元素地球化学分析,利用主成分分析得出影响沉积物化学组成的三个主要因子,主要受控于流域侵蚀因子和径流因子,区域背景作用因子所占比重很小。结合Mg/Ca的变化,其结果反映了全新世期间湖泊水体退缩与扩张,水质的浓缩与淡化的过程,揭示了兹格塘错流域气候的干湿变化,呈现暖干/冷湿气候组合模式;元素地球化学所反映出的湖面波动与环境变化得到了其他资料较好的支持,同时又显示了区域的差异性。  相似文献   

根据洱海湖泊沉积物有机碳稳定同位素、元素、磁化率记录,近8ka来西南季风区洱海古气候演化可以分为9个阶段,气候变化以暖干-冷湿交替为主,暖干气候阶段西太平洋副热带高压控制西南地区的频率增加,夏季印度季风路径偏向西亚、中亚和青藏高原西部,包括洱海在内在云南高原气候暖干明显;冷湿气候阶段,副热带高压偏弱向东撤退,印度季风路径移向中国西南地区,降水增加,造成气候冷湿.湖泊沉积物记录的洱海流域人类耕作农业历史最早出现在5ka BP左右.  相似文献   

罗宇涵  刘毅  孙立广 《极地研究》2012,24(2):159-167
对东南极拉斯曼丘陵莫愁湖ZH沉积柱进行了生态地质学的研究,通过AMS-14C定年构建年龄框架,采用550℃烧失量、粒度和元素地球化学指标等,恢复了中晚全新世该地区较高分辨率的湖泊生物量记录。结果显示,距今6600-6100年、5400-4800年、4650-3750年和3500年-2850年为莫愁湖生物量高值期,气候相对温暖适宜,湖泊生产力旺盛;距今6100-5400年、4800-4650年和3750-3500年为湖泊生物量低值期,气候相对寒冷,湖泊生产力相对较弱。而且在整体较暖的气候环境下,出现了其它无冰区沉积物中鲜有记录的距今4800-4650年、4400年前后和3750-3500年的气候快速变冷事件。根据莫愁湖湖泊生物量恢复的东南极拉斯曼地区高分辨的气候变化特征,与太阳活动强度和东南极大陆冰芯记录相吻合,为东南极中晚全新世多样的气候格局研究提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

通过对获取的巢湖湖泊沉积岩芯的磁化率与粒度组合特征的分析,结合孢粉及相邻其它区域的环境考古资料,得出该岩芯柱样所反映的环境变化信息。结果表明:(1)巢湖湖泊沉积物磁化率曲线在117 cm以下总体上比较平稳而略有下降,117 cm以上人类活动所导致的侵蚀作用加剧使得磁化率值异常升高;(2)本岩芯柱样117 cm以下样品的磁化率强度与粘土的百分比含量呈正相关,而与粉砂组分的百分比含量成负相关;(3)根据磁化率与粒度组合变化特征,结合孢粉分析及全新世以来区域气候变化背景,9 870 Cal a B.P.以来的巢湖流域古气候环境演变可以划分6个不同的时期:9 870~7 000 Cal a B.P.,气候呈温和略干的特点;7 000~4 750 Cal a B.P.,气候温暖湿润;4 750~2 170 Cal a B.P.,流域气候温和干燥,巢湖湖盆局部地区可能出露水面以上;2 170~1 040 Cal a B.P.,气候总体上温和湿润,但是冷暖波动明显;1 040~2 00 Cal a B.P.流域处在温凉稍湿的时期,人类活动逐渐加强;200 Cal a B.P.至今,流域总体上处于相对温暖湿润阶段。  相似文献   

根据洱海湖泊沉积物有机碳稳定同位素、元素、磁化率记录,近8ka来西南季风区洱海古气候演化可以分为9个阶段,气候变化以暖干-冷湿交替为主,暖干气候阶段西太平洋副热带高压控制西南地区的频率增加,夏季印度季风路径偏向西亚、中亚和青藏高原西部,包括洱海在内在云南高原气候暖干明显;冷湿气候阶段,副热带高压偏弱向东撤退,印度季风路径移向中国西南地区,降水增加,造成气候冷湿.湖泊沉积物记录的洱海流域人类耕作农业历史最早出现在5ka BP左右.  相似文献   

东疆北部全新世气候不稳定性的湖泊沉积记录   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
对新疆东疆北部巴里坤湖2.5 m深的沉积剖面进行了年代学、沉积物粒度、TOC、磁化率和CaCO3含量分析,对比研究确定了巴里坤湖的碳库年龄约为750 a,据此建立了研究剖面的年代序列。研究表明,各气候代用指标序列揭示了巴里坤湖地区全新世期间存在多次干湿气候波动,并伴随着一系列突发气候事件,其中有6次事件可以与全新世北大西洋浮冰碎屑事件及GISP2冰芯氧同位素记录进行良好对比,且呈现出显著约1.6 ka的变化周期,表明高纬度北大西洋地区的气候变化可能通过对西风环流的影响与中国西北干旱区的气候变化密切相关。谱分析揭示出研究区气候变化还具有显著的200 a,133 a,108 a和77 a周期,可能与太阳活动周期有关。6300—5200 cal a BP和4300—3500 cal a BP期间巴里坤湖地区气候较为干旱,结合广泛的区域对比认为,中全新世干旱事件具有普遍性。  相似文献   

全新世巢湖沉积记录及其环境变化意义   总被引:12,自引:13,他引:12  
根据巢湖全新世沉积地层对比及对ACN钻孔沉积物的测年、粒度、营养元素含量分析,认为巢湖在全新世中经历了频繁的河流、湖泊交互作用,是一个受河流影响十分显著的沿江湖泊。中全新世以来,巢湖共发生三次显著的湖泊收缩过程,分别是在沉积纪录的5 887~5 680 a B. P. 时,其后又再度扩张;2 239~2 126 a B. P.时,是在中国历史时期第二温暖期暖干气候条件下形成的,与其同期的河流相冲积层或淤积粘土,正是巢湖周边战国至汉代古文化遗址的基底物质,之后巢湖再度扩张,甚至导致汉代古城成为水下遗址;1 827 a B. P.以来,是巢湖现代淤积过程。  相似文献   

作为洪水灾害研究的延伸学科——古洪水研究,其所取得的大量研究成果基本都是基于河流古洪水水文学的研究。然而随着河流古洪水水文学科的发展,研究材料和方法的缺陷越来越凸显,而作为气候与环境变化信息重要收集器的湖泊沉积物在古洪水水文学上的研究可以弥补上述不足。本文重点综述了湖泊沉积物识别古洪水的方法以及古洪水与环境的耦合机制。主要分为两部分:其一,总结了湖泊洪水识别的4种方法,即湖泊沉积物岩性和粒径、地球化学指标、数学统计分析方法以及洪水与块体运动的甄别;其二,从成因上探讨了古洪水与大陆尺度大气环流变化、区域气候波动的遥相关性。最后,探讨了洪水事件和气候变化的具体物理机制,并对湖泊洪水与同区域河流洪水进行对比研究以及国内湖泊尤其高山地区湖泊洪水领域的研究等方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

全新世浑善达克沙地粒度旋回及其反映的气候变化   总被引:6,自引:13,他引:6  
 利用浑善达克沙地北部锡林浩特风成砂/古土壤剖面的粗颗粒含量、标准偏差、中值粒径、平均粒径和粘粒含量等气候代用指标,对浑善达克沙地10 ka以来的沉积物粒度进行了系统分析研究\.结果表明气候变化存在4个阶段:10.7~9.6 ka BP气候相对干冷;9.6~6 ka BP气候温暖湿润; 6~3.4 ka BP气候干冷暖湿波动频繁;3.4 ka BP以来气候以干旱为主。  相似文献   

This paper reports a first estimate of the Holocene lake sediment carbon pool in Alberta, Canada. The organic matter content of lake sediment does not appear to depend strongly on lake size or other limnological parameters, allowing a simple first estimate in which we assume all Alberta lake sediment to have the same organic matter content. Alberta lake sediments sequester about 15 g C m-2 yr-1, for a provincial total of 0.23 Tg C yr-1, or 2.3 Pg C over the Holocene. Alberta lakes may represent as much as 1/1700 of total global, annual permanent carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The 14 papers in this Special Issue of the Journal of Paleolimnology report new records of Holocene climate and environmental change from Arctic lakes, with emphasis on the last 2000 years. The study sites span the high latitudes of North America and extend into northwestern Europe. The studies rely on multiple proxy indicators to reconstruct past climate, including: varve thicknesses, chironomid, diatom, and pollen assemblages, biogenic-silica and organic-matter content, oxygen-isotope ratios in diatoms, and the frequency of lake-ice-rafted aggregates. These proxies primarily document changes in past summer temperatures, the main control on physical and biological processes in lakes at high latitudes. The records will be integrated into a larger network of paleoclimate sites to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of climate change and to compare the paleoclimate inferences with the output of general circulation models. This is the Introduction to a series of fourteen papers published as a special issue dedicated to reconstructing late Holocene climate change from Arctic lake sediments. The special issue is a contribution to the International Polar Year and was edited by Darrell Kaufman.  相似文献   

青藏高原扎布耶盐湖晚全新世气候环境演化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
青藏高原晚全新世气候变化具有不稳定性.在高原中部扎布耶盐湖边缘取得158.5cm沉积物,通过年代、孢粉、介形虫、粘土矿物、地球化学等多种环境指标,给出了湖区3.8cal. ka BP以来的气候环境演化.孢粉中草本花粉占绝对优势,其中又以蒿属为主,植被类型为水分条件稍好些的半荒漠化草原.粘土矿物主要是伊利石和绿泥石,伊/蒙混层矿物少量,说明湖区风化作用主要是物理风化.(Ca Mg)/CO2-3摩尔比值为0.22~0.96,小于1,CO2-3与Na 结合形成大量钠碳酸盐矿物如单斜钠钙石、氯碳钠镁石、水碱等.硼砂的出现说明湖区沉积环境稳定,但3.8~1.99 cal. ka BP硼等元素和碳酸盐含量变化幅度较大,湖区气候寒冷干燥,但冷暖干湿波动频繁.3.4~3.34 cal. ka BP介形虫壳大多破碎,说明此阶段水动力条件强,水体不稳定.1.99 cal. ka BP至今,气候相对温暖潮湿,波动较少.太阳辐射和西南季风强度的变化是造成气候变化的主要原因,冰川冻土对寒冷气候的放大作用也是湖区气候变化的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope ratios of diatoms (δ18Odiatom), and the oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of lake water (δW) of lakes in south Alaska provide insight into past changes in atmospheric circulation. Lake water was collected from 31 lakes along an elevation transect and diatoms were isolated from lake sediment from one lake (Mica Lake) in south Alaska. In general, δW values from coastal lakes overlap the global meteoric water line (GMWL). δW values from interior lakes do not lie on the GMWL; they fall on a local evaporation line trajectory suggesting source isotopes are depleted with respect to maritime lakes. Sediment cores were recovered from 58 m depth in Mica Lake (60.96° N, 148.15° W; 100 m asl), an evaporation-insensitive lake in the western Prince William Sound. Thirteen calibrated 14C ages on terrestrial macrofossil samples were used to construct an age-depth model for core MC-2, which spans 9910 cal years. Diatoms from 46, 0.5-cm-thick samples were isolated and analyzed for their oxygen isotope ratios. The analyses employed a newly designed, stepwise fluorination technique, which uses a CO2 laser-ablation system, coupled to a mass spectrometer, and has an external reproducibility of ±0.2‰. δ18Odiatom values from Mica Lake sediment range between 25.2 and 29.8‰. δ18Odiatom values are relatively uniform between 9.6 and 2.6 ka, but exhibit a four-fold increase in variability since 2.6 ka. High-resolution sampling and analyses of the top 100 cm of our lake cores suggest large climate variability during the last 2000 years. The 20th century shows a +4.0‰ increase of δ18Odiatom values. Shifts of δ18Odiatom values are likely not related to changes in diatom taxa or dissolution effects. Late Holocene excursions to lower δ18Odiatom values suggest a reduction of south-to-north storm trajectories delivered by meridional flow, which likely corresponds to prolonged intervals when the Aleutian Low pressure system weakened. Comparisons with isotope records of precipitation (δP) from the region support the storm-track hypothesis, and add to evidence for variability in North Pacific atmospheric circulation during the Holocene.
Zachary SharpEmail:

WANG Wei  WU Zheng 《地理学报》2010,20(3):469-480
Coastal dune rocks in China are eolian sands cemented by calcium carbonate under subaerial conditions, widely distributing on the tropical and subtropical coasts of South China. Particular temperature and precipitation as well as local wave and landform conditions are required for the formation of the dune rocks. A correspondence was found between Holocene environmental changes and coastal dune rock development by comparing the features of the sea-level and climate changes in the Holocene period with the ages, scales, and cementation of the dune rocks on the South China coasts. The findings provide well grounded explanation for some problems unresolved in the past researches on the coastal dune rock in South China: (1) There were no dune rocks with ages older than 6000 years in South China because the dune rocks formed before 6000 a BP were covered by the sea water that rose in the later period; (2) the dune rocks with ages of around 3000 a BP were widely found in South China today because the coastal dunes were cumulated on a large scale at that time as a result of temperature falling after the end of Megathermal; (3) Medieval Warm Period was the main period for the eolian dunes to be cemented into the coastal dune rocks in South China; (4) lack of dune rocks of younger than 1000 a BP was accounted for by that the climate conditions in recent one thousand years were not suitable for the cementation.  相似文献   

We analyzed pollen, spores, diatoms, organic carbon, nitrogen, and δ13C of organic matter in lake sediments to infer climate changes and reconstruct the paleo-environment of subtropical Taiwan over the past ∼1300 years. A 31.5-cm sediment core that represents deposition from 650 AD to present was taken from a mountain lake, Duck Pond, located 760 m a.s.l. We differentiated five zones using cluster analysis on pollen and spore assemblages. Fluctuations in the relative abundances of arboreal taxa, herbaceous plants, and ferns reflect changes in the relative amounts of woody versus grassland vegetation. Such shifts are associated with changes in temperature and humidity and are consistent with climatic periods reported for the temperate region of central China. Climate changes inferred from the pollen assemblages are also correlated well with changes in the ratios of fern spores to pollen, with organic carbon to nitrogen, and with the δ13C values in the sediments. Fluctuations in these data throughout the entire core were in good agreement with the changes in pH inferred from diatom assemblages. This study provides evidence of climate change in northern Taiwan over the past 1.3 millennia, assuming that climate can be inferred from the ratio of arboreal to non-arboreal pollen and from the pH of the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Coastal dune rocks in China are eolian sands cemented by calcium carbonate under subaerial conditions,widely distributing on the tropical and subtropical coasts of South China.Particular temperature and precipitation as well as local wave and landform conditions are required for the formation of the dune rocks.A correspondence was found between Holocene environmental changes and coastal dune rock development by comparing the features of the sea-level and climate changes in the Holocene period with the ages,...  相似文献   

Although paleoclimatic research in the Arctic has most often focused on variations in temperature, the Arctic has also experienced changes in hydrologic balance. Changes in Arctic precipitation and evaporation rates affects soils, permafrost, lakes, wetlands, rivers, ice and vegetation. Changes in Arctic soils, permafrost, runoff, and vegetation can influence global climate by changing atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide concentrations, thermohaline circulation, and high latitude albedo. Documenting past variations in Arctic hydrological conditions is important for understanding Arctic climate and the potential response and role of the Arctic in regards to future climate change. Methods for reconstructing past changes in Arctic hydrology from the stratigraphic, isotopic, geochemical and fossil records of lake sediments are being developed, refined and applied in a number of regions. These records suggest that hydrological variations in the Arctic have been regionally asynchronous, reflecting the impacts of different forcing factors including orbitally controlled insolation changes, changes in geography related to coastal emergence, ocean currents, sea ice extent, and atmospheric circulation. Despite considerable progress, much work remains to be done on the development of paleohydrological proxies and their application to the Arctic.  相似文献   

Based on the geochemical elements Rb and Sr in sediments with three different grain size fractions from profile H3 on the northern lacustrine bottomland 13 m above the Huangqihai Lake surface in 1986, the paper investigates the record of palaeolake stand state, sedimentary environmental evolution, and winter monsoon change. First, these samples are separated into three different grain size fractions, i.e., total sediments, 77–20 μm and <20 μm. Second, the chemical elements—Rb and Sr—of the grain size separation were tested and analyzed systematically in this paper. Then the elements compositions of these samples are measured using VP-320 mode fluorescence spectrum instrument, respectively. The magnetic susceptibility of these samples is measured using Kappabridge KLY-3 mode instrument made in Czech AGICO Company. The results showed the elements and the ratios varied regularly with the grain size. But the ratio of Rb/Sr in the sediments <20 μm correlates positively with the magnetic susceptibility of these samples. Therefore, the ratio of Rb/Sr in the fraction <20 μm from the lake sediments reflected the strengthening of the weathering in the deposition sites. It is a good indicator of the summer monsoon-induced weathering and pedogenesis fluctuations and can be used to reconstruct the conditions of the paleoclimate and paleoen-vironment.  相似文献   

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