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Low-level katabatic wind profiles, which have shapes similar to those of the low-level jet (LLJ) wind profiles, are often observed during strong winds in the summer period at Mizuho Station, which is located at 70°42 S, 44°20 E in East Antarctica. The profiles may be classified according to the height of the maximum wind speed, z m , found below 30 m height. The behavior of z m and of conditions in the layer above z mare explained well by the normalized frequency, f N = Nz/U at 30 m, whose value can be used to predict the existence of a LLJ wind profile. Subsidence and inertial oscillations above z m are related closely to the height and time variations of z m. Thus, not only effects emanating upward from surface but also momentum and heat transported downward from above are significant for the evolution of z m.  相似文献   

Surface-layer features with different prevailing wind directions for two distinct seasons (Southwest Monsoon and Northeast Monsoon) on the west coast of India are studied using data obtained from tower-based sensors at a site located about 500 m from the coast. Only daytime runs have been used for the present analysis. The surface boundary-layer fluxes have been estimated using the eddy correlation method. The surface roughnessz 0 obtained using the stability-corrected wind profiles (Paulson, 1970) has been found to be low for the Southwest monsson season. For the other season,z 0 is relatively high. The drag coefficientC D varies with height in the NE monsoon season but not in the season with lowz 0. This aspect is reflected in the wind profiles for the two seasons and is discussed in detail. The scaling behaviour of friction velocityu * and the turbulence intensity of longitudinal, lateral and vertical winds u, v and w, respectively) are further examined to study their dependence on fetch. Our study shows that for the non-dimensional case, u/u* and v/u* do not show any surface roughness dependence in either season. On the other hand, for w/u* for the season with lowz 0, the values are seen to agree well with that of Panofskyet al. (1977) for homogeneous terrain whereas for the other season with highz 0, the results seem to conform more to the values observed by Smedman and Högström (1983) for coastal terrain. The results are discussed in the light of observations by other investigators.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, we evaluate the applicability of flux-gradient relationships for momentum and heat for urban boundary layers within the Monin-Obukhov similarity (MOS) theory framework. Although the theory is widely used for smooth wall boundary layers, it is not known how well the theory works for urban layers. To address this problem, we measured the vertical profiles of wind velocity, air temperature, and fluxes of heat and momentum over a residential area and compared the results to theory. The measurements were done above an urban canopy whose mean height zh is 7.3 m. 3-D sonic anemometers and fine wire thermocouples were installed at 4 heights in the region 1.5zh < z < 4zh. We found the following: (1) The non-dimensional horizontal wind speed has good agreement with the stratified logarithmic profile predicted using the semi-empirical Monin-Obukov similarity (MOS) function, when it was scaled by the surface friction velocity that is derived from the shear stress extrapolated to the roof-top level. (2) The scaled gradient of horizontal wind speed followed a conventional semi-empirical function for a flat surface at a level (z/zh = 2.9), whereas, in the vicinity of the canopy height was larger than the commonly-used empirical relationship. (3) The potential temperature profile above the canopy shows dependency on the atmospheric stability and the scaled gradient of temperature is in good agreement with a conventional shear function for heat. In the case of heat, the dependency on height was not found. (4) The flux-gradient relationship for momentum and heat in the region 1.5zh < z < 4zh was rather similar to that for flat surfaces than that for vegetated canopies.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of wind speed, temperature and humidity were used to estimate the roughness lengths for momentum (z 0), heat (z H ) and moisture (z Q) over smooth ice and snow surfaces. The profile-measurements were performed in the vicinity of a blue ice field in Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica. The values ofz 0 over ice (3·10–6 m) seem to be the smallest ever obtained over permanent, natural surfaces. The settling of snow on the ice and the loss of momentum at saltating snow particles serve as momentum dissipating processes during snow-drift events, expressed as a strong dependence ofz 0 on u#.The scalar roughness lengths and surface temperature can be evaluated from the temperature and humidity profile measurements if the ratioz H /z Q is specified. This new method circumvents the difficult measurement of surface temperature. The scalar roughness lengths seem to be approximately equal toz0 for a large range of low roughness Reynolds numbers, despite the frequent occurrence of drifting snow. Possible reasons for this agreement with theory of non-saltating flow are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes some measurements of high-frequency turbulence made at Cardington during the years 1968, 1969 and 1970 at heights up to 900 m. It discusses the statistical distribution of the data which appears to be closely log-normal. Also it is shown how the mean profiles of the derived dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy () can be rationalized to some extent in terms of atmospheric stability and low-level wind speed. A close correlation between and the mean wind and temperature profiles up to 900 m is illustrated and some discussion of the turbulent energy budget throughout the boundary layer is presented. The use and limitations of the constant flux layer relations in calculatingz 0 andL from the estimates of, at the lower heights, is brought out.  相似文献   

The winter-time arctic atmospheric boundary layer was investigated with micrometeorological and SF6 tracer measurements collected in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The flat, snow-covered tundra surface at this site generates a very small (0.03 cm) surface roughness. The relatively warm maritime air mass originating over the nearby, partially frozen Beaufort Sea is cooled at the tundra surface resulting in strong (4 to 30 °C · (100 m)-1) temperature inversions with light winds and a persistent weak (1 to 2 °C · (100 m)-1) surface inversion with wind speeds up to 17 m s-1. The absence of any diurnal atmospheric stability pattern during the study was due to the very limited solar insolation. Vertical profiles were measured with a multi-level mast from 1 to 17 m and with a Doppler acoustic sounder from 60 to 450 m. With high wind speeds, stable layers below 17 m and above 300 m were typically separated by a layer of neutral stability. Turbulence statistics and spectra calculated at a height of 33 m are similar to measurements reported for non-arctic, open terrain sites and indicate that the production of turbulence is primarily due to wind shear. The distribution of wind direction recorded at 1 Hz was frequently non-Gaussian for 1-hr periods but was always Gaussian for 5-min periods. We also observed non-Gaussian hourly averaged crosswind concentration profiles and assume that they can be modeled by calculating sequential short-term concentrations, using the 5-min standard deviation of horizontal wind direction fluctuations () to estimate a horizontal dispersion coefficient ( y ), and constructing hourly concentrations by averaging the short-term results. Non-Gaussian hourly crosswind distributions are not unique to the arctic and can be observed at most field sites. A weak correlation between horizontal ( v ) and vertical ( w ) turbulence observed for both 1-hr and 5-min periods indicates that a single stability classification method is not sufficient to determine both vertical and horizontal dispersion at this site. An estimate of the vertical dispersion coefficient, z , could be based on or a stability classification parameter which includes vertical thermal and wind shear effects (e.g., Monin-Obukhov length, L).  相似文献   

Potential temperature, specific humidity and wind profiles measured by radiosondes under unstable but windy conditions during FIFE in northeastern Kansas were analyzed within the framework of Monin-Obukhov similarity. Around 86% of these profiles were found to have a height range over which the similarity, formulated in terms of the Businger-Dyer functions, is valid and for which the resulting surface fluxes are in good agreement with independent measurements at ground stations. When scaled with the surface roughness z 0 = 1.05 m and the displacement height d 0 = 26.9 m, for the potential temperature this height range was 45 (±31) (z – d 0 )/z 0 104 (±54) and the comparison of the profile-derived surface fluxes with the independent measurements gave a correlation coefficient of r = 0.96. For the specific humidity these values are 42 (±29) (z – d 0 )/z 0 96 (±38) and r = 0.94. In terms of the height of the bottom of the inversion H i , in the morning hours the upper limit of (z – d 0 ) in the Monin-Obukhov layer is approximately 0.3H i , whereas for a fully developed ABL it is closer to 0.1H i . Probably, as a result of the short sampling times and perhaps also of the small gradients under the windy conditions, the exact height range of validity was difficult to establish from a mere inspection of these profiles.  相似文献   

Mesoscale models using a non-local K-scheme for parameterization of boundary-layer processes require an estimate of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) height z i at all times. In this paper, two-dimensional sea-breeze experiments are carried out to evaluate three different formulations for the advective contribution in the z i prognostic equation of Deardorff (1974).Poor representation of the thermal internal boundary layer in the sea breeze is obtained when z i is advected by the wind at level z i . However, significantly better results are produced if the mean PBL wind is used for the advecting velocity, or if z i is determined simply by checking for the first sufficiently stable layer above the ground.A Lagrangian particle model is used to demonstrate the effect of each formulation on plume dispersion by the sea breeze.  相似文献   

An easily-evaluated expression for the dimensionless concentration profile (z/z 0,/z 0, z 0/L) = = cu */kQ (or z 0cu*/kQ) downwind of a continuous ground-level area (or line) source in the stable surface layer is obtained by integrating the diffusion equation using the Shwetz approximation method (c = concentration, Q = source strength, k = von Kárman's constant). The analytical solution compares closely with concentration profiles obtained using a trajectory-simulation model over a useful range of heights, the important discrepancies occurring at the upper edge of the plume. The analytical solution is used to generate predictions of ground-level concentration for the Project Prairie Grass experiments; good agreement with the observations is obtained at all downwind distances (50 to 800 m).  相似文献   

The estimation of the surface-layer parameters u * (friction velocity), * and q * (temperature and humidity scales), r and q r (temperature and humidity reference values), z o (roughness length) and d (zero-displacement) from vertical profiles of wind velocity, temperature and humidity by least-squares methods is described. The estimation is based on the flux-gradient relationships and the constant flux assumption for the transfer of momentum, sensible heat and matter near the Earth's surface.Test calculations were carried out with the vertical profile data from the GREIV I 1974 experiment and the Great Plains Turbulence Project.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse diabatic wind profiles observed at the 213 m meteorological tower at Cabauw, the Netherlands. It is shown that the wind speed profiles agree with the well-known similarity functions of the atmospheric surface layer, when we substitute an effective roughness length. For very unstable conditions, the agreement is good up to at least 200 m or z/L–7(z is height, L is Obukhov length scale). For stable conditions, the agreement is good up to z/L1. For stronger stability, a semi-empirical extension is given of the log-linear profile, which gives acceptable estimates up to ~ 100 m. A scheme is used for the derivation of the Obukhov length scale from single wind speed, total cloud cover and air temperature. With the latter scheme and the similarity functions, wind speed profiles can be estimated from near-surface weather data only. The results for wind speed depend on height and stability. Up to 80 m, the rms difference with observations is on average 1.1 m s–1. At 200 m, 0.8 m s–1 for very unstable conditions increasing to 2.1 m s–1 for very stable conditions. The proposed methods simulate the diurnal variation of the 80 m wind speed very well. Also the simulated frequency distribution of the 80 m wind speed agrees well with the observed one. It is concluded that the proposed methods are applicable up to at least 100 m in generally level terrain.  相似文献   

Several formulations and proposals to determine the value of the radiometric scalar roughness for sensible heatz 0h,r are tested with respect to their performance in the estimation of the sensible heat flux by means of the profile equations derived from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. The equations are applied to the data set of spatially averaged surface skin temperature and profiles of wind speed and temperature observed in a pasture field during a growing season. The use of a physical model developed for a dense canopy to estimate scalar roughness for sensible heatz 0h,r produced sensible heat fluxH with a correlation coefficientr=0.884, the ratio of means being H s /H=1.19 in a comparison with reference values ofH s . In comparison, a proposal for a fixed value ofz 0h yieldedr=0.887, H s /H=0.879. In both cases, the validity ofz 0h =z 0h,r was assumed. All expressions derived to estimatez 0h,r from a multiple linear regression with such predictors as leaf area index, solar radiation and the ratio of solar radiation to extraterrestrial radiation, were found to produce a better result, withr better than 0.90 and H s /H around 1.0. However, when the constantsc andf of a linear regression equationHs=cH+f are used to evaluate the equations, a marked difference in performance of each formulation appeared. In general, equations with smaller numbers of predictors tend to produce a biased result, i.e., an overestimation ofH at largeH s . These values ofH are used in conjunction with the energy balance equation to derive values of the latent heat fluxLE, which are shown to be in good agreement with the reference valuesLE s , withr greater than 0.97.  相似文献   

Résumé On détermine analytiquement les températures absoluesT (z, t) etT (z, t) dans l'air et dans le substrat terrestre, au voisinage de la surface de séparation de ces milieux, sous la condition que le rayonnement global varie dans le temps selon une fonction périodique simple ou quelconque. A cette fin, on s'attache à résoudre le système des deux équations de la chaleur dans l'air et dans le substrat terrestre en tenant compte de toutes les conditions physiques déterminantes du problème. Celles-ci interviennent dans l'équation énergétique aux limites pour le plan de séparationz=0. Un minimum d'hypothèses simplificatrices confère une plus haute valeur pratique aux résultats. Leur limitation principale réside dans le fait que les diffusivités turbulentesK etK w de l'air et de l'Océan sont supposées constantes. On retrouve le résultat classique selon lequel l'onde thermique est déphasée sur le rayonnement global et jouit d'une amplitude proportionnelle à celle de ce rayonnement. Toutefois, l'amortissement thermique et le déphasage dépendent cette fois de la somme + des «propriétés thermiques» du substrat et de l'air, et étant alternativement dominant selon qu'il s'agit des Continents ou des Océans. Dans ce dernier cas, la théorie des oscillations thermiques est traitée d'abord en admettant l'existence d'une couche d'eau isothermique. On établit ensuite la théorie plus réaliste qui considère à la fois la diffusivité thermique turbulenteK w et le coefficient d'extinctionq du rayonnement global dans l'Océan. Le point de départ de la théorie est l'équation de la chaleur dans un milieu semi-transparent. Les résultats montrent que l'onde thermique de surface subit un amortissement complémentaire dû au facteurq, le déphasage sur le rayonnement global pouvant atteindre 91 jours alors que cette limite n'est que de 45 jours pour les Continents. La discussion des résultats théoriques montre leur bon accord quantitatif avec les faits observés. On termine par quelques applications de la théorie; on montre notamment que celle-ci valide rationnellement la théorie astronomique des phases climatiques quaternaires.
Summary Absolute temperaturesT (z, t) andT (z, t) near the interface of air and terrestrial substratum are analytically determined, under the condition that the total radiation varies with time according to a simple or to any other periodic function. To achieve this, the system of two equations of heat in air and terrestrial substratum is resolved in taking into account all the determining physical conditions of the problem. These conditions are considered in the energy boundary equation for the surface of separationz=0. A minimum number of simplifying hypotheses give a higher practical value to the results whose principal limitation lies in the fact that eddy conductivitiesK andK w of air and ocean water are supposed to be constant. The classical result that the thermal wave differs in phase from the total radiation and gives an amplitude proportional to that radiation is confirmed. However, the thermal damping and the lag in phase depend here of the sum + of the thermal properties of the substratum and the air, and being preponderant for continents and oceans respectively. In the last case, the theory of thermal oscillations is first studied with the aid of the hypothesis of an isothermal water layer. Then a more realistic theory is established which considers in addition the eddy diffusivityK w and the extinction coefficientq of the total radiation in the ocean. The basis of the theory is the heat equation for a semi-transparent medium. The results show that the surface thermal wave suffers a further damping due toq. In addition, the maximum temperature may lag behind the maximum radiation by as much as 91 days as against a maximum of 45 days for the continents. The discussion of the theoretical results shows their good quantitative agreement with the observations. Some practical applications of the theory are given. For example the validity of the astronomical theory of the climatic changes during the Quaternary period is rationally justified.

Zusammenfassung Die absoluten TemperatureT (z, t) undT (z, t) von Luft und terrestrischer Unterlage in der Nähe der Trennschicht der beiden Medien werden analytisch bestimmt mit der Bedingung, daß die Globalstrahlung nach einer einfachen oder einer beliebigen periodischen Funktion mit der Zeit variiert. Zu diesem Zweck wird versucht, under Berücksichtigung aller bestimmenden physikalischen Bedingungen des Problems das System der beiden Wärmegleichungen für Luft und für das terrestrische Substrat zu lösen. Diese gehen in der Energiegleichung für die Grenzbédingungen der Trennflächez=0 ineinander über. Ein Minimum an vereinfachenden Hypothesen erhöht den praktischen Wert der Resultate; die Annahme der Konstanz des AustauschkoeffizientenA=K undA w = w A w der Luft und des Ozeans bildet die wichtigste Einschränkung. Das klassische Resultat, nach dem die Wärmewelle zur Globalstrahlung in Phase verschoben und ihre Amplitude proportional zur Strahlungsamplitude ist, wird bestätigt. Die Abschwächung der thermischen Amplitude sowie die Phasenverschiebung hängen aber von der Summe + der thermischen Eigenschaften der Unterlage und der Luft ab; wobei oder überwiegt, je nachdem es sich um die Kontinente oder die Ozeane handelt. Für den letzteren Fall Wird die Theorie der Wärmeschwankungen zuerst unter der Annahme der Existenz einer isothermen Wasserschicht behandelt. Hernach wird die allgemeiner gültige Theorie entwickelt, welche gleichzeitig den TurbulenzaustauschA w und den Extinktionskoeffizientenq der Globalstrahlung im Ozean in Betracht zieht. Den Ausgangspunkt für die Theorie bildet die Wärmegleichung für ein Strahlungsdurchlässiges Medium. Die Resultate zeigen, daß die Oberflächenwärmewelle eine Abschwächung entsprechend dem Faktorq erfährt; dabei kann die Phasenverschiebung gegenüber der Globalstrahlung 91 Tage erreichen, während die maximale Verschiebung für die Kontinente nur 45 Tage beträgt. Die Vergleichung der theoretischen Resultate ergibt deren gute quantitative Übereinstimmung mit den Beobachtungstatsachen. Zum Schluß werden einige Anwendungen der Theorie gebracht; so wird z. B. gezeigt, daß diese eine sinngemäße Rechtfertigung der Gültigkeit der astronomischen Theorie der quaternären klimatischen Phasen gestattet.

Institut belge pour l'Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique Outre-Mer (IBERSOM), 3, rue Montoyer, Bruxelles, Belgique.  相似文献   

Atmospheric measurements from several field experiments have been combined to develop a better understanding of the turbulence structure of the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Fast response wind velocity and temperature data have been recorded using 3-dimensional sonic anemometers, placed at severalheights (1 m to 4.3 m) above the ground. The measurements wereused to calculate the standard deviations of the three components of the windvelocity, temperature, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation andtemperature variance dissipation. These data were normalized and plottedaccording to Monin–Obukhov similarity theory. The non-dimensional turbulencestatistics have been computed, in part, to investigate the generalapplicability of the concept of z-less stratification for stable conditions. From the analysis of a data set covering almost five orders ofmagnitude in the stability parameter = z/L (from near-neutral tovery stable atmospheric stability), it was found that this concept does nothold in general. It was only for the non-dimensional standard deviation oftemperature and the average dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energythat z-less behaviour has been found. The other variables studied here(non-dimensional standard deviations of u, v, and w velocity components and dissipation of temperature variance) did not follow the concept of z-less stratification for the very stable atmospheric boundary layer. An imbalance between production and dissipation of TKE was found for the near-neutral limit approached from the stable regime, which matches with previous results for near-neutral stability approached from the unstable regime.  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements above a pine forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eddy fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat, and turbulence spectra measured over the Thetford Forest during 10 days in the Spring of 1973 are described. The measured total heat flux (H + E) for 122 20-min periods agreed closely on average with independent estimates from an energy balance method. There was evidence that the energy balance data gave small systematic overestimates of available energy during the hours before noon, compensated by slight underestimates for the remainder of the day. A comparison of measured wind speeds and friction velocities in neutral stability confirmed the validity of the aerodynamic method for estimating momentum fluxes at heights of a few roughness lengths above the canopy. In stable conditions the log-linear wind profileU = (u */k)(ln ((z -d)/z o) + (z -d -z o)/L) with = 3.4 ± 0.4 provided a good fit to the data. Spectra in unstable conditions were generally more sharply peaked than those measured by other workers over smoother terrain: differences were less marked in the case of vertical velocity in stable conditions. Temperature spectra in these stable conditions showed high energy at relatively low wavenumbers, andwT cospectra showed a cospectral gap; both of these results were associated with an intermittent sawtooth structure in the temperature fluctuations.Now at the Meteorological Office, Bracknell  相似文献   

Dispersion from a line source into a stable boundary layer of thickness l is analysed through solution of the diffusion equation assuming an exchange coefficient K(z) (1 – z/l) 2 and wind profiles u(z) z n, with n = 0,1. Estimates of ground-level concentrations are made by developing analytic formulae where this is possible. A general method of solution using Laplace transformation and Green's function techniques is developed as an alternative to the eigenfunction expansion method discussed previously (Robson, 1983).  相似文献   

Wind statistics were measured within a square plot (sidelengthD = 20 m) that was sheltered on all four sides by a porous plasticwindbreak fence (height h=1.25 m, resistance coefficient kr0 = 2.4, porosity p = 0.45), standing on otherwise uniform land (sparse stubble, roughness length z0 0.015 m). At any given point within the plot, short term wind statistics were extremely sensitive to the mean wind direction relative to thefences. Whereas the entire plot was sheltered from a wind blowingnormal to any side of the plot, whenever the wind was oriented soas to blow over a corner, wind reduction was observed onlyover a small fraction of the plot, in the near lee of the upwindfences.  相似文献   

The presence of a low-level, capping inversion layer will affect the height and structure of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Results from models of varying levels of sophistication, including analytical, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), second-order closure (SOC), large-eddy simulation (LES) and direct numerical simulation (DNS) models, are used to investigate this influence for the neutral, barotropic PBL. Predicted and observed profiles of stress and geostrophic departure components, and integral measures, such as the parameters of Rossby-number similarity theory, are compared for the KONTUR, Marine Stratocumulus, JASIN, Leipzig, Pre-Wangara and Upavon field experiments.Analytical models of the equilibrium value of inversion height zi, which depend on the surface friction velocity u*, and both the Coriolis parameter f and the free-flow Brunt-Väisälä frequency N, are found to give reasonable estimates of the PBL height. They also indicate that only the KONTUR and Marine Stratocumulus experiments were strongly influenced by N. More quantitative comparisons would require larger, more comprehensive datasets. The effects of the presence of a capping inversion on the profile structure were found to be insignificant for h* = |f|zi/u* > 0.15.The simple analytical model performed quite well over all values of h*; it predicted the profiles of the longitudinal stress component (in the direction of the surface stress) better than the lateral component. The more advanced models performed well for small values of h* (for flow over the sea), but systematically underestimated the cross-isobaric angle for flow over land. These models predicted the profiles of the lateral stress component better than the longitudinal component. The profiles of the analytical model agreed with those of the advanced models when the constant eddy viscosity of the outer layer was increased.Agreement with DNS was achieved by increasing the eddyviscosity of the analytical model by a factor of 5.Zilitinkevich and Esau(2002, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 104, 371–379)suggest that the neutral, barotropic values of A and B of Rossby-numbersimilarity theory are not universal constants, but depend on the ratio N/|f|. The dependence for A and B is calculated using the analytical model and TKE models. Over the sea (h* 0.1; N/|f| 100, where we have used the Zilitinkevich-Esau relation to convert between h* and N/|f|) there is agreement between the model predictions and observations; however over land where the equilibrium boundary-layer height is greater (h* 0.35; N/|f| 10) the inconsistency between the advanced model predictions (TKE, SOC, LES, and DNS) and observations, as noted previously by Hess and Garratt, still exists. We attribute this disagreement to violations of the strict assumptions of steady, horizontally homogeneous, neutral, barotropic conditions implicit in the observations. At small values of zi and a strongly stable background stratification (h* 0.04; N/|f| 1000) both the TKE and analytical models predict that A and B depend significantly on h*, however observations are unavailable to confirm these predictions. Zilitinkevich and Esau call this case the `long-lived near-neutral PBL', and state that it is found in cold weather at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Summary This paper investigates the influence of the planetary boundary-layer (PBL) parameterization and the vertical distribution of model layers on simulations of an Alpine foehn case that was observed during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP) in autumn 1999. The study is based on the PSU/NCAR MM5 modelling system and combines five different PBL schemes with three model layer settings, which mainly differ in the height above ground of the lowest model level (z 1). Specifically, z 1 takes values of about 7 m, 22 m and 36 m, and the experiments with z 1 = 7 m are set up such that the second model level is located at z = 36 m. To assess if the different model setups have a systematic impact on the model performance, the simulation results are compared against wind lidar, radiosonde and surface measurements gathered along the Austrian Wipp Valley. Moreover, the dependence of the simulated wind and temperature fields at a given height (36 m above ground) on z 1 is examined for several different regions. Our validation results show that at least over the Wipp Valley, the dependence of the model skill on z 1 tends to be larger and more systematic than the impact of the PBL scheme. The agreement of the simulated wind field with observations tends to benefit from moving the lowest model layer closer to the ground, which appears to be related to the dependence of lee-side flow separation on z 1. However, the simulated 2 m-temperatures are closest to observations for the intermediate z 1 of 22 m. This is mainly related to the fact that the simulated low-level temperatures decrease systematically with decreasing z 1 for all PBL schemes, turning a positive bias at z 1 = 36 m into a negative bias at z 1 = 7 m. The systematic z 1-dependence is also observed for the temperatures at a fixed height of 36 m, indicating a deficiency in the self-consistency of the model results that is not related to a specific PBL formulation. Possible reasons for this deficiency are discussed in the paper. On the other hand, a systematic z 1-dependence of the 36-m wind speed is encountered only for one out of the five PBL schemes. This turns out to be related to an unrealistic profile of the vertical mixing coefficient. Correspondence: Günther Z?ngl, Meteorologisches Institut der Universitat München, 80333 München, Germany  相似文献   

Flux parameters, zero-plane displancement height and roughness length of a forest canopy are determined taking into consideration a transition layer and atmospheric diabatic influences. The present study, unlike previous studies by DeBruin and Moore (1985) and Lo (1990) that accounted for the velocity profile alone, make use of information from both wind and temperature profiles in formulating the governing equations. However, only the top level measurement is assumed to be within the logarithmic regime. In addition to the mass conservation principle (e.g., Lo, 1990; DeBruin and Moore, 1985), an analytic relationship between the Monin-Obukhov length and the bulk Richardson number is employed as the closure equation for the governing system.The present method is applied to profile measurements taken at Camp Borden (den Hartog and Neumann, 1984) in and above a forest canopy with mean crown height of about 18.5 m. Profile data under neutral or near-neutral conditions yieldedd=12.69 m andz 0=0.97 m, which are realistic values. In general,z 0 increases slightly with increasing wind yet remains relatively constant with respect to small variation of stabilities. On the other hand, increases of wind speed reduced values of displacement height,d, by as much as 50%. The influence, if any, of stability ond, however, is not clear from the results of the present study. The validity of using profile data of limited height is also carefully examined. At least for neutral or near-neutral stabilities, the present method can yield realistic results even though the profile heights are substantially below the transition layer height suggested by Garratt (1978).  相似文献   

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