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Summary Fluid inclusions were investigated in quartz, beryl, apatite and triplite from the border and intermediate zones and core of pegmatites within the Proterozoic Olary Block, South Australia. Three compositionally distinct types of inclusions were recognized including pure CO2 inclusions, mixed H2O-CO2 inclusions, and aqueous inclusions with some of them containing a solid phase. Three fluid events occurred during pegmatite formation and subsolidus alteration. Initial fluids are characterised by a low to intermediate salinity (4.1 to 23.4wt% NaCl equivalent), and a composition of about 10 mole% CO2, 4.2 mole% NaCl equivalent, and 85.6 mole% H2O. Fluids were trapped as homogeneous H2O-CO2 phases. The second pulse of fluids was of intermediate to high salinity at 11 to 33 wt% NaCl equivalent. These fluids were most likely trapped as separated CO2 and H2O phases. Finally, intermediate to high salinity fluids of post-pegmatite origin with approximately 15 to 30 wt % NaCl equivalent were introduced. The P-T regime for the three fluid events has been estimated at 520° to > 650 °C and 2 to 5 kbars, 400° to 650 °C and 1.8 to 3.3 kbars, and 380° to 480°C and 2.0 to 2.6 kbars, respectively. These conditions indicate a declining pressure path implying a tectonic uplift of the Olary Block during successive fluid emplacements.
Petrogenese von Seltenelementpegmatiten im Olary Block, Südaustralien, Teil 2. Untersuchung der Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse
Zusammenfassung Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse wurden in Quarz, Beryll, Apatit und Triplit von Rand-, Zwischen- und Kernzonen in Pegmatiten des proterozoischen Olary Blocks, Südaustralien, untersucht. Drei Typen von Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen mit verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen wurden erkannt: reine CO2 Einschlüsse, gemischte H2O-CO2 Einschlüsse und wässerige Einschlüsse, wobei einige von diesen feste Einschlüsse aufweisen. Drei Fluid Ereignisse sind den Stadien der Pegmatitbildung und Subsolidus-Alteration zuzuordnen. Die erste Fluidgeneration ist durch geringe bis intermediäre Salinität(4.1 bis 23.4 Gewichts% NaCI Äquivalent) und eine Zusammensetzung von ungefähr 10 Mol % CO2, 4.2 Mol% NaCl Äquivalent und 85.6 Mol% H2O charakterisiert. Diese Fluide wurden als homogene H2O-CO2 Phasen eingeschlossen. Der zweite Puls von Fluiden war von intermediärer bis hoher Salinität (11 bis 33 Gewichts.% NaCI Äquivalent). Diese Fluide wurden wahrscheinlich als entmischte H2O und CO2 Phasen eingeschlossen. Zum Schluß wurden Fluide postpegmatitischen Ursprungs mit intermediärer bis hoher Salinität zugeführt (15 bis 30 Gewichts% NaCI Äquivalent). Der P-T Bereich für die drei Fluid-Ereignisse ist mit 520° bis > 650 °C und 2 bis 5 kbar, 400° bis 650 °C und 1.8 bis 3.3 kbar, und 380° bis 480°C und 2.0 bis 2.6 kbar abgeschätzt worden. Dies weist auf abnehmenden Druck hin und deutet damit eine tektonische Hebung des Olary Blocks während sukkzessiver Fluid-Platznahmen an.

Summary Granitic pegmatites characterized by advanced accumulation and fractionation of incompatible rare lithophile elements (Li, Rb, Cs, Be, Ta Nb, B, P and F), often contain mineral assemblages which host lithium-rich micas. Lepidolite and lithian muscovite occur in high-pressure spodumene, low-pressure petalite, phosphorus-enriched amblygonite and fluorine-rich lepidolite subtypes of orogenic affiliated complex type granitic pegmatites and rarely in anorogenic affiliated amazonite-bearingTrace element data determined by X-ray fluorescence for lepidolite of various pegmatite subtypes, morphology (book, scaly, fine-grained), position within the pegmatite (primary zones, replacement units, pockets), mineral assemblages and tectonic affinity (orogenic vs anorogenic) show extreme fractionation of Rb and Cs; modest levels of T1, Ga, Nb, Ta, Sn and Zn; and typically low abundances of Ba, Sr, Ni, Pb, Y, V, W and Zr. Extreme fractionation is indicated by low values of K/Rb, K/Cs and Nb/Ta which are lowest in lepidolite from petalite subtype pegmatites.No systematic differences in trace element content is evident among the different lepidolite morphologies or paragenetic position. Lepidolite from spodumene subtype pegmatites are generally slightly less fractionated than those from petalite or lepidolite subtype pegmatites.
Spurenelement-Chemie von Lithium-reichen Glimmern aus granitischen Pegmatiten
Zusammenfassung Granitische Pegmatite, die durch fortgeschrittene Anreicherung und Fraktionierung von inkompatiblen, seltenen, lithophilen Elementen (Li, Rb, Cs, Be, Ta Nb, B, P und F) charakterisiert sind, enthalten häufig Mineralparagenesen mit Lithium-reichen Glimmern. Lepidolith und Li-Muskowit treten in Hochdruck-Spodumen, in Niedrigdruck-Petalit, in mit Phosphor angereichertem Amblygonit und in Fluor-reichen Lepidolith-Unterarten aus komplexen orogenen granitischen Pegmatiten und selten auch aus anorogenen, Amazonit-führenden Pegmatiten, auf.Spurenelement-Daten aus der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse von Lepidolith aus verschiedenen Pegmatit-Untertypen, die Morphologie (tafelig, schuppig, feinkörnig), die Position innerhalb des Pegmatits (primäre Zonen, verdrängte Einheiten, Taschen), Mineralbestände und tektonische Affinität (orogen gegen anorogen) zeigen eine extreme Fraktionierung von Rb und Cs, bescheidene Gehalte an TI, Ga, Nb, Ta, Sn und Zn; und typischerweise geringe Häufigkeiten von Ba, Sr, Ni, Pb, Y, V, W und Zr. Die extreme Fraktionierung wird durch niedrige Werte von K/Rb, K/Cs und Nb/Ta angezeigt, die in Lepidolith von Pegmatiten des Petalit-Subtyps am niedrigsten sind.Aus den verschiedenen Morphologien oder paragenetischen Positionen von Lepidolith sind keine systematischen Unterschiede im Spurenelementgehalt ersichtlich. Lepidolith aus Pegmatiten des Spodumen-Subtyps sind generell etwas weniger fraktioniert als jene von Pegmatiten des Petalit- oder Lepidolith-Subtyps.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Rare-element pegmatites are widespread in four provinces of the Canadian Shield. The pegmatite population of each province displays typical structural control, igenous affiliation, mineralogy and exonomic potential.In the Superior Province, peraluminous granites and associated pegmatites (2.7–2.55 Ga) are found along deep faults within greenstone belts, at subprovincial boundaries, and in metasedimetary troughs. Many fields attain high fractionation and enrichment in Li, Rb, Cs, Be, Sn>Ti, Ta>Nb, Mn>Fe, B, P, F. Pollucite and the low-pressure Lialuminosilicate petalite are relatively common. Metatonalitic basement and keels of greenstone belts are the probable protoliths of the fertile granites in this polycyclic province. Rareearth pegmatites with U, Th or Mo are subordinate and related to both juvenile and S-type granites.In the Slave Province, parent granites (2.6-2.4 Ga) are emplaced in volcanic-sedimentary sequences along batholithic margins or crossfold axes over remobilized basement faults. High-pressure spodumene-bearing pegmatites are typical, enriched in Li, Rb, Be, TaNb and poor in Cs, Mn, Sn, Ti, B, F. The fertile melts were probably generated at the interface of the basement and metavolcanicmetasedimentary sequence, during re-activation of basement faults.In the Churchill Province, pegmatite fields (1.8-1.7 Ga) are scattered in greenstone belts and metasedimentary fold belts in a variety of tectonic styles. Pegmatites with Be, Nb>Ta are the most common; enrichment in Li, Rb, Cs is scarce. Lithologies generating diverse granite-pegmatite suites include reworked Archean basement, derived sediments, juvenile Aphebian crust or intraoceanic deposits.In the Grenville Province, most pegmatites (1.1-0.9 Ga) are related to syntectonic syenites and largely anorogenic granites emplaced along incipient rifts. Peraluminous to subalkalic granites and pegmatites carry U, Th, Nb, Y, REE, F mineralization; Be is subordinate, Li extremely rare. Derivation from depleted lower crust is indicated for most localities, but a part of the pegmatite population seems to be transitional between muscovite and rare-element clases.Differences in age, crustal components and evolution of individual provinces are reflected in the tectonomagmatic derivation and petrology of their granite-pegmatite systems. Sources, evolution and emplacement of the fertile melts control the geochemistry, phase composition, mineralization and economics of the pegmatites.
Zusammenfassung In vier Bezirken des Kanadischen Schildes sind Pegmatite mit seltenen Elementen eine häufige Erscheinung. Die charakteristischen Pegmatite einer jeden Provinz spiegeln eine typische strukturelle Kontrolle, eine bestimmte magmatische Verwandtschaft, sowie Mineralogie und ökonomisches Potential wider.In der Superior Provinz findet man entlang tiefreichender Störungen in Grünsteingürteln, jeweils an den Grenzen von Subprovinzen und in metasedimentären Trögen, tonerdenreiche Granite und dazugehörige Pegmatite mit einem Alter von 2700-2550 Mio a. Oft ist der Grad der Fraktionierung und eine Anreicherung in Li, Rb, Cs, Be, Sn> Ti, Ta> Nb, Mn> Fe, B, P, F hoch. Pollucit und das Niedrigdruck Li-Aluminiumsilikat Petalit sind recht häufig. Als mögliche Ausgangsgesteine der Stamm-Magmen der Granite in dieser Region kommen einmal metatonalitisches Basement und Kiele von Grünsteingürteln in Frage. Die mit seltenen Erden angereicherten Pegmatite, die U, Th oder Mo führen, spielen eine untergeordnete Rolle und werden auf juvenile und S-Typ Granite zurückgeführt.In der Slave Provinz sind die Granite (2600-2400 Mio a) in Abfolgen von Vulkaniten und Sedimentgesteinen entlang der Grenzen von Plutonitkörpern oder Querfaltungsachsen oberhalb von reaktivierten Basementstörungen zu finden. Typisch sind Hochdruck-Pegmatite, die Spodumen führen und in Li, Rb, Be, TaNb angereichert, aber arm an Cs, Mn, Sn, Ti, B, F sind. Der Aufschmelzvorgang begann wahrscheinlich an der Grenze von Basement zu der Abfolge der Metavulkanite und Metasedimente während der Reaktivierung der Basementstörungen.In der Churchill Provinz liegen die Pegmatite (1800-1700 Mio a) verteilt in Grünsteingürteln und metasedimentären Faltengürteln in einer Vielfalt tektonischer Baustile vor. Am häufigsten sind Pegmatite, die Be und Nb>Ta führen, eine Anreicherung in Li, Rb und Cs ist dagegen selten. Die Lithologie der Ausgangsgesteine verschiedener Granite und Pegmatite beinhaltet aufgearbeitetes archaisches Basement, Sedimentgesteine, juvenile Kruste des Aphebiums oder intraozeanische Ablagerungen.Die meisten Pegmatite der Grenville Provinz (1100-900 Mio a) werden mit syntektonischen Syeniten und anorogenen Graniten in Verbindung gebracht, die entlang junger Riftsysteme gebildet wurden. Tonerdenreiche bis subalkalische Granite und Pegmatite enthalten U, Th, Nb, Y, REE und F, während Be untergeordnet und Li extrem selten vorkommt. Wahrscheinlich ist eine Herleitung der Pegmatite von verarmten unteren Krustenbereichen, allerdings scheint ein Teil in der Klassifikation zwischen einem Muskovit-Typ und einem Typ mit Anreicherung von sonst seltenen Elementen zu liegen.Unterschiede in Alter, Krustenkomponenten und Entwicklung der Provinzen finden sich in der tektonomagmatischen Herleitung und der Petrologie der Granit-Pegmatit-Systeme wieder. Die Geochemie, Zusammensetzung der Phasen und Mineralisierung der Pegmatite werden von den Quellen und der Entwicklung während des Aufstiegs der Schmelzen kontrolliert.

Résumé Des pegmatites à éléments rares sont répandues dans quatre provinces du bouclier canadien. Dans chacune de ces provinces, ces pegmatites présentent une relation spécifique avec la structure, une filiation magmatique, une minéralogie et un protentiel économique caractéristiques.Dans la province du Supérieur, des granites peralumineux et leurs pegmatites associées, datés de 2,7 à 2,55 Ga, se rencontrent le long de failles profondes dans des ceintures de roches vertes, à la limite entre sous-provinces et dans des fossés métasédimentaires. En de nombreux endroits, il existe un degré élevé de fractionnement avec enrichissement en Li, Rb, Cs, Be, Sn>Ti, Ta>Nb, Mn>Fe, B, P, F. La pollucite et la pétalite (alumino-silicate de Li de basse pression) sont relativement communs. Dans cette province polycyclique, le protolithe des granites fertiles peut être représenté par le socle métatonalitique et les racines des ceintures de roches vertes. Des pegmatites à terres rares, contenant U, Th ou Mo existent en quantités subordonnées, en relation avec des granites juvénils et de type S.Dans la province de l'Esclave, les granites, datés de 2,6 à 2,4 Ga se sont mis en place dans des séries volcano-sédimentaires le long de marges batholitiques ou d'axes de plis transverses, au-dessus de failles du socle réactivées. Les pegmatites sont typiquement des pegmatites de haute pression à spodumène, enrichies en Li, Rb, Be, TaNb et pauvres en Cs, Mn, Su, Ti, B, F. Les magmas fertiles ont probablement été engendrés le long du contact entre le socle et la série volcano-sédimentaire, à l'occasion de la réactivation de failles du socle.Dans la province de Churchill, les champs de pegmatites (1,8 à 1,7 Ga) sont répartis dans les ceintures de roches vertes et dans des ensembles plissés métasédimentaires à styles tectoniques variés. Les pegmatites à Be et Nb>Ta sont les plus fréquentes; les enrichissements en Li, Rb, Cs sont rares. Les sources qui ont engendré les diverses séries granito-pegmatitiques comprennent le socle archéen remanié, les sédiments dérivés, la croûte aphébienne juvénile ou des dépôts océaniques.Dans la province de Grenville, la plupart des pegmatites (1,1 à 0,9 Ga) sont en relation avec des syénites syntectoniques et des granites principalement anorogéniques mis en place le long de rifts naissants. Les granites, peralumineux à subalcalins et les pegmatites portent une minéralisation en U, Th, Nb, Y, terres rares et F; le Be est subordonné et le Li extrêmement rare. Dans la plupart des cas, il semble que ces produits soient dérivés de la croûte inférieure appauvrie, mais une partie des pegmatites semble correspondre à une transition entre les types à muscovite et à éléments rares.Les différences d'âge, de composants crustaux et d'évolution qui existent entre les différentes provinces se reflètent dans la filiation tectonomagmatique et la pétrologie de leurs systèmes granito-pegmatitiques. Les sources, l'évolution et la mise en place des magmas fertiles déterminent la géochimie, la nature des phases, la minéralisation et l'importance économique des pegmatites.

4- , . , , . Superior , 2799–2550 , , . : Li, Rb, Cs, Be, Sn > , > Nb, Mn > Fe, B, P, F. , , , . . , , , , S. Slave ( 2600-2400 ) , , . , , Li, Rb, Be, Nb, Cs, Mn, Sn, , , F. , , . Churchill (1899-1700 ) . , >; , . , , , - . Grenville (1100-900 ) , . , , U, Th, Nb, Y, REE F; , . , . - , . , , , , .

Summary A new subtype of complex rare-element granitic pegmatites, the elbaite subtype, is proposed to designate pegmatites in which most of Li is stored in tourmaline. Elbaite pegmatites are widespread in the Bohemian and Moravian parts of the Moldanubicum. Internal structure commonly is simple, progressing from a granitic border unit through a graphic unit to local pods of blocky K-feldspar. Patches of an albitic unit are associated with the blocky pods or pockets developed in the central parts of some dikes. A very low proportion of micas is typical. Tourmaline (schorl to elbaite) is an omnipresent subordinate to accessory phase. Elbaite is found at and within the pockets, or associated with albite ± lepidolite in massive pegmatite. Hambergite, danburite, datolite and boromuscovite have been found at some localities. Elbaite from the elbaite pegmatites is apparently enriched in Mn and F, and shows low vacancies in the X-site, relative to elbaite from the lepidolite subtype. Lepidolite from elbaite pegmatites is close to polylithionite, whereas lithium micas from pegmatites of the lepidolite subtype show highly variable compositions from lithian muscovite to lepidolite with a substantial amount of the trilithionite (up to polylithionite) component.Paragenesis and composition of the elbaite pegmatites indicate conditions of consolidation that are rather different from those of other subtypes of the complex pegmatites: high activity of B, increased alkalinity of the parent medium, and reduced activity of P.
Elbait-Pegmatite im Moldanubikum: Ein neuer Subtyp der Selten-Element Pegmatite
Zusammenfassung Um Pegmatite zu kennzeichen, in denen Li hauptsächlich an Li-führende Turmaline gebunden ist, wird ein Elbait Subtyp komplexer granitischer Selten-Element Pegmatite vorgeschlagen. Zusammen mit dem häufigeren und üblicherweise stärker Li-angereicherten Lepidolith-Subtyp, sind Elbait-Pegmatite im Moldanubikum Böhmens und Mährens weitverbreitet. Die Internstruktur ist allgemein einfach, beginnend mit einer granitischen Randzone, gefolgt von einer schriftgranitischen Zone mit Nestern mit blockigem K-Feldspat. Albit-reiche Zonen die sich im zentralen Teil der Pegmatitgänge entwickelten, sind mit diesen Nestern verbunden. Ein geringer Glimmeranteil ist typisch. Turmalin (Schörl bis Elbait) ist untergeordnet bis akzessorisch allgegenwärtig. Elbait kommt in den Taschen, oder vergesellschaftet mit Albit ± Lepidolith in den massigen Pegmatiten vor. Hambergit, Danburit, Datolith und Boromuscovit sind gelegentlich gefunden worden. Sie stellen späte Drusen-Minerale dar. Der Elbait aus den Elbait-Pegmatiten ist an Mn und F angereichert, und zeigt im Vergleich zum Elbait aus dem Lepidolith-Subtyp, wenig Leerstellen auf den X-Positionen. Lepidolith aus Elbait-Pegmatiten ähnelt Polylithionit, während Li-Glimmer aus Pegmatiten des Lepidolith-Subtyps sehr variable Zusammensetzungen von Li-betontem Muscovit bis Lepidolith mit erheblichen Anteilen von Trilithionit (bis Polylithionit) enthalten.Die Paragenese und Zusammensetzung der Elbait-Pegmatite verweisen auf Bildungsbedingungen, die sich erheblich von denen anderer Subtypen komplexer Pegmatite unterscheiden. hohe B-Aktivität, erhöhte Alkalinität der Fluidphase und niedrige P-Aktivität.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

U-Pb isotopic analyses using TIMS and Laser Ablation-Multi Collector-ICP-MS were carried out on columbite-tantalite minerals from three suites of rare-element (Li, Cs, Ta) pegmatites in the Superior Province of Canada. Conventional TIMS analyses of these columbite-tantalite crystals produce scattered data and reverse discordance even after HF leaching of the grains prior to dissolution, possibly reflecting the incomplete removal of the open-system metamict segments during sample preparation. LA-MC-ICP-MS analyses of unleached, primary columbite free from inclusions and alteration give consistent and precise (<0.5%) Pb-Pb ages, demonstrating the utility of this approach. However, normal and reverse discordance is also observed in U-Pb data from LA-MC-ICP-MS analyses. This discordance represents either U-Pb mobilisation during recent weathering, sample preparation and/or an analytical artefact originating from variable elemental fractionation between U and Pb during ablation and ionisation that itself may have its origin in the contrasting metamictization of the dated columbite and the monazite standard used. Best age estimates of columbite from pegmatites in the Superior Province are; 2670±5 Ma for the Pakeagama Lake pegmatite, 2644±7 Ma for the Separation Rapids group, and 2665±8 Ma for the Mavis Lake group. The ages broadly show that the rare-element pegmatites are temporally synchronous with adjacent peraluminous granites.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

Lithium-rich, rare-element pegmatites are characterized by high concentrations of B, P, and F. The interactions of these components with H2O and rare alkalis lower liquidas and solidus temperatures, enhance silicate liquid-H2O miscibility, and control partitioning and concentration of Group I elements and higher-field-strength cations. Boron, F, and perhaps P may form peralkaline Na- and Li-species that promote early saturation in mica + quartz. Activities of F, P, and especially B are largely unbuffered throughout crystallization. Concentration of these components through fractional crystallization involving muscovite generates a peralkaline, Na-aluminosilicate-rich melt or vapor from which albitites rich in tourmaline, phosphates, F-rich micas, beryl, zircon, and Nb-Ta-Sn oxides crystallize. Phase equilibrium experiments with peraluminous B-P-F-rich rhyolite obsidian (macusanite) simulate many features of rare-element pegmatites, especially at H2O-undersaturated conditions.  相似文献   

Tin and rare metal-bearing granitic pegmatites in the Bastar–Malkangiri pegmatite belt of Central India are hosted by metabasic and metasedimentary country rocks. Fluid inclusion studies were conducted in spatially associated two-mica granite and the staniferous and non-staniferous pegmatites to characterize the physicochemical environment of mineralization, to distinguish different pegmatites in terms of their fluid characteristics and to envisage a possible genetic link between the pegmatites and spatially associated granite. Three different types of primary inclusions were identified. The type-I, aqueous bi-phase (L+V) inclusions are the most abundant and ubiquitous. Type-II polyphase (L+V+S) inclusions are rare. Type-III, monophase (L) and metastable aqueous inclusions, though less abundant than type-I inclusions, are ubiquitous. The fluid evolution trends indicate that mixing of two different fluids of contrasting salinities, one of high salinity (20–30 wt% NaCl equivalent) and another of low salinity (0–10 wt% NaCl equivalent), was responsible for precipitation of the bulk of the cassiterite. This mixing is the single most important characteristic that distinguishes the staniferous pegmatites from their non-staniferous counterparts. The non-staniferous pegmatites, on the other hand, are typified by the presence either of a high saline or a low saline fluid that evolved through simple cooling. The minimum pressure–temperature of entrapment, estimated from the intersections of the halide liquidus with the corresponding inclusion isochores of type-II inclusions, range between 2.1–2.2 kb and 300–325 °C. The similar PT range of fluid entrapment of the staniferous and non-staniferous pegmatites indicates that they were possibly emplaced within a similar physical environment. Type-I inclusions from granite recorded only the high salinity fluid, the salinity of which compares well with that of the highly saline fluid component of type-I inclusions in the pegmatites. This is a possible indication of a genetic link between the pegmatites and spatially associated granite.  相似文献   

Tin and rare metal-bearing granitic pegmatites in the Bastar–Malkangiri pegmatite belt of Central India are hosted by metabasic and metasedimentary country rocks. Fluid inclusion studies were conducted in spatially associated two-mica granite and the staniferous and non-staniferous pegmatites to characterize the physicochemical environment of mineralization, to distinguish different pegmatites in terms of their fluid characteristics and to envisage a possible genetic link between the pegmatites and spatially associated granite. Three different types of primary inclusions were identified. The type-I, aqueous bi-phase (L+V) inclusions are the most abundant and ubiquitous. Type-II polyphase (L+V+S) inclusions are rare. Type-III, monophase (L) and metastable aqueous inclusions, though less abundant than type-I inclusions, are ubiquitous. The fluid evolution trends indicate that mixing of two different fluids of contrasting salinities, one of high salinity (20–30 wt% NaCl equivalent) and another of low salinity (0–10 wt% NaCl equivalent), was responsible for precipitation of the bulk of the cassiterite. This mixing is the single most important characteristic that distinguishes the staniferous pegmatites from their non-staniferous counterparts. The non-staniferous pegmatites, on the other hand, are typified by the presence either of a high saline or a low saline fluid that evolved through simple cooling. The minimum pressure–temperature of entrapment, estimated from the intersections of the halide liquidus with the corresponding inclusion isochores of type-II inclusions, range between 2.1–2.2 kb and 300–325 °C. The similar PT range of fluid entrapment of the staniferous and non-staniferous pegmatites indicates that they were possibly emplaced within a similar physical environment. Type-I inclusions from granite recorded only the high salinity fluid, the salinity of which compares well with that of the highly saline fluid component of type-I inclusions in the pegmatites. This is a possible indication of a genetic link between the pegmatites and spatially associated granite.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions have been studied in three pegmatite fields in Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula. Based on microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy, eight fluid systems have been recognized. The first fluid may be considered to be a pegmatitic fluid which is represented by daughter mineral (silicates)-rich aqueous inclusions. These inclusions are primary and formed above 500 °C (dissolution of daughter minerals). During pegmatite crystallization, this fluid evolved to a low-density, volatile-rich aqueous fluid with low salinity (93% H2O; 5% CO2; 0.5% CH4; 0.2% N2; 1.3% NaCl) at minimum P–T conditions around 3 ± 0.5 kbar and 420 °C. This fluid is related to rare-metal mineralization. The volatile enrichment may be due to mixing of magmatic fluids and fluids equilibrated with the host rock. A drop in pressure from 3 ± 0.5 to 1 kbar at a temperature above 420 °C, which may be due to the transition from predominantly lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure, is recorded by two-phase, water-rich inclusions with a low-density vapour phase (CO2, CH4 and N2). Another inclusion type is represented by two-phase, vapour-rich inclusions with a low-density vapour phase (CO2, CH4 and N2), indicating a last stage of decreasing temperature (360 °C) and pressure (around 0.5 kbar), probably due to progressive exhumation. Finally, volatile (CO2)-rich aqueous inclusions, aqueous inclusions (H2O-NaCl) and mixed-salt aqueous inclusions with low Th, are secondary in charac- ter and represent independent episodes of hydrothermal fluid circulation below 310 °C and 0.5 kbar. Received: 14 October 1999 / Accepted: 5 October 1999  相似文献   

Summary Field, mineralogical, and chemical determinations of biotite from late-tectonic rare-element (U, Th, Mo, Nb, REE) Grenville pegmatites are used to characterize and evaluate their petrogenesis in part of the southwestern Grenville Province. These pegmatites occur within middle to upper amphibolite facies rocks along and adjacent to shear zones and have hybridized margins because of interaction with their host rocks. Endo- and exomorphic biotite forms by the mechanical incorporation or hydrothermal replacement of pre-existing biotite, hornblende, Ca pyroxene and/or feldspar; accompanied by chemical re-equilibration, an increase in grain size, and inherit some of the chemical characteristics of the pegmatite. In general, the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio ranges between 0.22 and 0.86. The most highly fractionated biotites have high Fe/(Fe + Mg), Al, Mn, Rb, Nb, and Zn and low Ba. The chemical compositions of biotite from unzoned, partially-zoned, and zoned pegmatites indicate a trend of increasing chemical fractionation based on LIL enrichment.Overlap in calculated log (3.2 to 4.7) and log (1.3 to 2.8) for biotite (@ 600°C) among the different pegmatites is extensive. Commonly, magnetite and microcline coexist with biotites having an Fe/(Fe + Mg) between 0.54 to 0.65. Volatile enrichment and vapor-phase saturation are probably responsible for the development of zonation in the pegmatites. The diffusive loss of H2 at or near H2O vapor saturation at high H2O/Fe2+ may be responsible for the oxidized nature of some pegmatites.Rare-element enrichment due to pegmatite fractionation combined with partitioning of rare-elements from the pegmatite melt into the volatile phase and subsequent interaction with the host rocks is key to the formation of these rare-element mineral deposits.
Petrogenese und geochemische Zusammensetzung von Biotiten in seltenen Element-führenden granitischen Pegmatiten der südwestlichen Grenville Provinz, Kanada
Zusammenfassung Die Ergebnisse von Geländearbeiten, sowie von mineralogischen und geochemischen Untersuchungen an Biotit aus spättektonischen seltenen Element-Pegmatiten (U, Th, Mo, Nb, REE) von Grenville-Alter bilden die Basis einer Diskussion ihrer Petrogenese in der südwestlichen Grenville Provinz. Diese Pegmatite kommen in Gesteinen der mittleren bis oberen Amphibolit-Fazies längs und in der Nähe von Shearzonen vor und haben hybridisierte Ränder, die auf Interaktion mit ihren Wirtsgesteinen zurückgehen. Endo- und exomorphe Biotite sind durch mechanische Einschließung oder durch hydrathermale Verdrängung von Biotiten, Hornblenden, Kalziumpyroxenen und/oder Feldspäten gebildet worden. Dies wird durch chemische Reequilibrierung, eine Zunahme der Korngröße und durch Übernahme einiger chemischer Charakteristika der Pegmatite begleitet. Im allgemeinen schwanken die Fe/(Fe + Mg) Verhältnisse von 0.22 bis 0.68, die am stärksten fraktionierten Biotite haben hohe Fe/(Fe + Mg), Al, Mn, Rb, Nb und Zn Gehalte und niedrige Ba Gehalte. Die chemische Zusammensetzung von Biotit aus nicht zonierten, teilweise zonierten und zonierten Pegmatiten zeigt einen Trend mit zunehmend chemischer Fraktionierung, die auf einer Anreicherung von LIL-Elementen basiert.Beträchtliche überschneidungen in den berechneten log (3.2 bis 4.7) und log (1.3 bis 2.8) für Biotit (600°C) von verschiedenen Pegmatiten sind zu erkennen. Im allgemeinen koexistiert Magnetit und Mikroklin mit Biotiten von Fe/ (Fe + Mg) Verhältnissen zwischen 0.54 und 0.65. Anreicherung von volatilen Phasen und eine Sättigung der Dampfphase sind wahrscheinlich für die Entwicklung der Zonierung der Pegmatite verantwortlich. Der Verlust von H2 durch Diffusion im Bereich der H2O Dampfsättigung bei hohen H2O/Fe2+ Werten dürfte für die oxidierte Natur einiger Pegmatite verantwortlich sein.Wichtigster Faktor für die Bildung dieser Lagerstätten seltener Elemente ist die Anreicherung von seltenen Elementen durch Pegmatit-Fraktionierung, wobei diese von der Pegmatit-Schmelze in die volatile Phase gehen, und die anschließende Interaktion mit den Nebengesteinen.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Rare-element pegmatites within the Proterozoic Olary Block are of the berylcolumbite-phosphate type and probably related to the crystallisation of syn- to posttectonic peraluminous, S-type granitoids. The pegmatites are typically zoned and possess an inner quartz core, or a series of cores, an asymmetrical intermediate zone of coarse-grained muscovite, quartz, microcline and minor plagioclase, and an outer border zone of fine- to medium-grained microcline, quartz, plagioclase and muscovite. The zones contain abundant beryl and F-apatite, with additional species such as tourmaline, ferrocolumbite, samarskite, Nb-rutile and triplite-zwieselite nodules. These rare-element minerals occur preferentially at the contact between the intermediate zone and the quartz core. Hydrothermal alteration of triplite-zwieselite led to the development of secondary, microcrystalline bermanite, leucophosphite and phosphoferrite-kryzhanovskite. Paragenetic relationships of these phosphates suggest a sequence of hydrothermal transformations in an oxidising, low-temperature environment (< 250°C). A prominent feature of this succession is the decrease in Mg and Ca, and an increase in Fe3+/Fe2+, Mn3+/Mn2+, and H2O. High aHF, low pH and Al mobility occurred during the development of the secondary phosphates as shown by associated fluorite, sellaite and thomsenolite/pachnolite. Increasing Ca activities at a late hydrothermal stage led to the replacement of prexisting triplitezwieselite by additional F-apatite. Finally, weathering-related cyrilovite, lipscombite and crandallite-group minerals were formed by percolating meteoric waters under increasing fo 2
Petrogenese von Seltenelementpegmatiten im Olary Block, Südaustralien, Teil 1. Mineralogie und chemische Entwicklung
Zusammenfassung Seltenelementpegmatite im Proterozoischen Olary Block sind vom Beryl-Columbit-Phosphat Typ und stehen wahrscheinlich mit der Kristallisation von syn- bis spättektonischen, peraluminen, S-Typ Graniten in Verbindung. Die Pegmatite sind zoniert und besitzen einen inneren Quarzkern, oder eine Reihe von Kernen, eine asymmetrische Zwischenzone aus grobkörnigem Muskovit, Quarz, Mikroklin und Plagioklas, und eine äussere Randzone aus fein- bis mittelkörnigem Mikroklin, Quarz, Plagioklas und Muskovit. Die Zonen enthalten häufig Beryll, Fluorapatit, Turmalin, Ferrocolumbit, Samarskit, Niobrutil und Triplit-Zwieselit Nester. Diese Seltenelement Minerale finden sich überweigend am Kontakt der Zwischenzone und dem Quarzkern. Hydrothermale Alteration des Triplit-Zwieselit führte zu der Bildung von sekundärem, mikrokristallinen Bermanit, Leukophosphit und Phosphoferrit-Kryzhanovskit. Paragenetische Beziehungen dieser Phosphate weisen auf eine Abfolge von hydrothermalen Umwandlungen in einem oxidierenden, niedrig-Temperatur Milieu hin. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Abfolge ist eine Abnahme von Mg und Ca und eine Zunahme von Fe3+/Fe2+, Mn3+/Mn2+ und H2O. Die Assoziation mit Fluorit, Sellait und Thomsenolit/Pachnolit zeigt hohen aHF, geringen pH and Al Mobilität während der Bildung der sekundären Phosphate an. Während des hydrothermalen Endstadiums führten erhöhte Ca Aktivitäten zu der Verdrängung von bereits vorhandenem TriplitZwieselit durch zusätzlichen Fluorapatit. Schliesslich wurden während der Verwitterung Cyrilovit, Lipscombit und Crandallit-Minerale durch meteorische Wässer unter erhöhtem fO 2 gebildet.

绿柱石是重要的铍矿石矿物,记录了花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床的成岩成矿过程。东秦岭伟晶岩区是我国重要的稀有金属产地之一。本文调查了东秦岭卢氏伟晶岩区中的南阳山矿区(703号脉锂矿化伟晶岩和302号脉铍矿化伟晶岩)、七里沟-前台矿区(前台锂矿化伟晶岩)、蔡家沟矿区(大西沟和韭菜沟锂矿化伟晶岩)和瓦窑沟矿区(西山沟和瓦窑沟铍矿化伟晶岩)的伟晶岩内部结构分带,认为东秦岭稀有金属伟晶岩主要为过铝质LCT型伟晶岩,属于稀有金属(REL)类REL-Li亚类。其中,703号脉、韭菜沟和大西沟伟晶岩属复杂型锂辉石亚型,前台伟晶岩属钠长石-锂辉石型,302号脉、瓦窑沟和西山沟伟晶岩属绿柱石型绿柱石-铌铁矿亚型。电子探针结果表明绿柱石富碱金属,贫铁和镁。绿柱石元素替代机制包括通道-八面体替代、通道-四面体替代以及通道中碱金属阳离子间的置换。西山沟和瓦窑沟绿柱石的替代机制分别是Na(Fe~(2+),Mg)_(-1)Al_(-1)和NaLi_(-1)Be_(-1)。302号脉、前台、大西沟和韭菜沟绿柱石的替代机制为(Na,Cs) Li_(-1)Be_(-1)。703号脉绿柱石的替代机制包括NaFe~(2+)_(-1)Al_(-1)、NaCs_(-1)和(Na,Cs)Li_(-1)Be_(-1)。绿柱石的Cs2O含量和Na/Cs值揭示伟晶岩分异演化程度序列(由低至高)为瓦窑沟矿区→302号脉铍矿化伟晶岩→蔡家沟矿区→前台→703号脉锂矿化伟晶岩。铍矿化伟晶岩岩浆分异演化程度低于锂矿化伟晶岩岩浆。背散射图像显示绿柱石内部分带多样,包括均一结构、条带状、正/反蚀变边、补丁分带和复杂不规则分带。与铍矿化伟晶岩相比,锂矿化伟晶岩产出的绿柱石内部分带复杂多样,反映更为强烈的液相不混溶和交代作用。随伟晶岩岩浆分异演化程度升高,绿柱石FeO含量降低,内部分带更为复杂,发育蚀变边结构、补丁分带和不规则分带等。绿柱石FeO含量和内部分带特征可作为花岗伟晶岩分异演化程度的潜在指示标志。锂矿化伟晶岩中绿柱石的化学组成和内部分带特征表明岩浆就位时是高度分异演化的稀有金属伟晶岩岩浆。大西沟、韭菜沟和前台锂矿化伟晶岩岩浆就位后未经历明显分异演化过程,而南阳山703号脉伟晶岩岩浆就位后经历了较充分的分异演化,导致稀有金属的进一步富集。锂矿化伟晶岩的稀有金属成矿机制是结晶分异和液相不混溶。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the main petrogenetic models for granitic pegmatites and how these models have evolved over time. We suggest that the present state of knowledge requires that some aspects of these models to be modified, or absorbed into newer ones. Pegmatite formation and internal evolution have long supposed the need for highly water- and flux-enriched magmas to explain the differences between pegmatites and other intrusives of similar major element composition. Compositions and textural characteristics of fluid and melt inclusions in pegmatite minerals provide strong evidence for such magmas. Furthermore, we show that melt inclusion research has increased the number of potential flux components, which may include H2O, OH?, CO2, HCO 3 ? , CO 3 2? , SO 4 2? , PO 4 3? , H3BO3, F , and Cl, as well as the elements Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Be, herein described as melt structure modifiers. In this paper we emphasize that the combined effect which these components have on the properties of pegmatite melts is difficult to deduce from experimental studies using only a limited number of these components. The combination and the amount of the different magmatic species, together with differences in the source region, and variations in pressure and temperature cause the great diversity of the pegmatites observed. Some volatile species, such as CO 3 2? and alkalis, have the capacity to increase the solubility of H2O in silicate melt to an extraordinary degree, to the extent that melt-melt-fluid immiscibility becomes inevitable. It is our view that the formation of pegmatites is connected with the complex interplay of many factors.  相似文献   

Forming the southwestern segment of the Precambrian granulite facies terrain of the Indian shield, the Kerala region largely comprises charnockites, khondalites and migmatitic gneisses. Fluid inclusions in quartz from the charnockites show distinct distribution patterns consistent with three generations of inclusions. The early monophase type records entrapment of high-density CO2-rich fluid (0.95–1.0 g cm−3). A subsequent monophase type with lower-density CO2-rich fluid (0.65–0.75 g cm−3) coexists with CO2H2O inclusions having an average degree of filling of 0.2 (H2O = 20%; CO2 = 80%). Late aqueous biphase inclusions show coexistence with a second category of CO2H2O inclusions showing a degree of filling of 0.6 (H2O = 60%; CO2 = 40%). The CO2-isochores for early carbonic inclusions yield a pressure range of 4.6–6.1 kbar at granulite facies temperatures of 650–800°C, depicting the entrapment of fluids present during or close to the peak metamorphic stage. A definite sequence of fluid evolution is traceable for the subsequent stages. Thus, the coexisting CO2 and CO2H2O inclusions were entrapped at 510°C and 2.2 kbar, marking the waning of carbonic regime and the beginning of aqueous regime. At 330°C and 0.4 kbar, fluid unmixing occurred, leading to the simultaneous entrapment of mixed CO2H2O and H2O inclusions along rehealed microfractures. The data presented indicate that the metamorphic fluids evolved from early high-density carbonic through mixed carbonic-aqueous to late aqueous types. The dry granulite mineral assemblage of charnockites is a result of metamorphic equilibration under water-deficient and high-PCO2 conditions.  相似文献   

The pegmatites of Eastern Connecticut have a mineralogy consistent with a magmatic origin yet occur in a non-igneous environment. Various theories of genesis have been investigated by the Rb-Sr geochronologic method.Rb-Sr measurements on early stage pegmatite minerals indicate an age of 258±1 m.y. with initial Sr87/Sr86=0.734±0.0096. Previously reported K-Ar and U, Th-Pb ages for pegmatite minerals are 249±8 m.y. and 260±3 m.y. respectively. Rb-Sr whole rock data for the host rocks vary between 285±10 m.y. and 472±15 m.y. in age and between 0.705±002 and 0.7167±0.0016 in initial Sr87/Sr86. A direct genetic relationship between the pegmatites and their host rocks is thus precluded. In addition, whole rock samples of the Brimfield schist taken at variable distances from the Strickland Quarry pegmatite have remained essentially closed systems with respect to Rb and Sr and thus an in situ origin for this pegmatite is unlikely. Mixing of pegmatite and country rock systems has occurred only locally, and isotopic studies of these mixed rocks yield a date of 231±4 m.y. with initial Sr87/Sr86=0.7188±0.004, an age not inconsistent with previously reported K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral dates on host rock minerals (approximately 220 to 240 m.y.).Late stage cleavelandites are anomalously enriched in radiogenic Sr-87, the source of which was most probably other zones within the crystallizing pegmatite. This is indicated by analyses of pegmatite whole rocks which show both enrichment and depletion of radiogenic Sr-87 in local systems. The conclusion is drawn that there was widespread movement of radiogenic Sr-87 within each pegmatite system, but that pegmatite-host rock reactions were minimal.  相似文献   

Isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion study of skarns from Vesuvius   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary We present new mineral chemistry, fluid inclusion, stable carbon and oxygen, as well as Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope data of Ca-Mg-silicate-rich ejecta (skarns) and associated cognate and xenolithic nodules from the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex, Italy. The typically zoned skarn ejecta consist mainly of diopsidic and hedenbergitic, sometimes “fassaitic” clinopyroxene, Mg-rich and Ti-poor phlogopite, F-bearing vesuvianite, wollastonite, gehlenite, meionite, forsterite, clinohumite, anorthite and Mg-poor calcite with accessory apatite, spinell, magnetite, perovskite, baddeleyite, and various REE-, U-, Th-, Zr- and Ti-rich minerals. Four major types of fluid inclusions were observed in wollastonite, vesuvianite, gehlenite, clinopyroxene and calcite: a) primary silicate melt inclusions (THOM = 1000–1050 °C), b) CO2 ± H2S-rich fluid inclusions (THOM = 20–31.3 °C into the vapor phase), c) multiphase aqueous brine inclusions (THOM = 720–820 °C) with mainly sylvite and halite daughter minerals, and d) complex chloride-carbonate-sulfate-fluoride-silicate-bearing saline-melt inclusions (THOM = 870–890 °C). The last inclusion type shows evidence for immiscibility between several fluids (silicate melt – aqueous chloride-rich liquid – carbonate/sulfate melt?) during heating and cooling below 870 °C. There is no evidence for fluid circulation below 700 °C and participation of externally derived meteoric fluids in skarn formation. Skarns have considerably variable 206Pb/204Pb (19.047–19.202), 207Pb/204Pb (15.655–15.670), and 208Pb/204Pb (38.915–39.069) and relatively low 143Nd/144Nd (0.51211–0.51244) ratios. The carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of skarn calcites (δ13CV-PDB = −5.4 to −1.1‰; δ18OV-SMOW = 11.7 to 16.4‰) indicate formation from a 18O- and 13C-enriched fluid. The isotope composition of skarns and the presence of silicate melt inclusion-bearing wollastonite nodules suggests assimilation of carbonate wall rocks by the alkaline magma at moderate depths (< 5 km) and consequent exsolution of CO2-rich vapor and complex saline melts from the contaminated magma that reacted with the carbonate rocks to form skarns. Received March 1, 2000; revised version accepted November 2, 2000  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in granite quartz and three generations of veins indicate that three fluids have affected the Caledonian Galway Granite. These fluids were examined by petrography, microthermometry, chlorite thermometry, fluid chemistry and stable isotope studies. The earliest fluid was a H2O-CO2-NaCl fluid of moderate salinity (4–10 wt% NaCl eq.) that deposited late-magmatic molybdenite mineralised quartz veins (V1) and formed the earliest secondary inclusions in granite quartz. This fluid is more abundant in the west of the batholith, corresponding to a decrease in emplacement depth. Within veins, and to the east, this fluid was trapped homogeneously, but in granite quartz in the west it unmixed at 305–390 °C and 0.7–1.8 kbar. Homogeneous quartz δ18O across the batholith (9.5 ± 0.4‰n = 12) suggests V1 precipitation at high temperatures (perhaps 600 °C) and pressures (1–3 kbar) from magmatic fluids. Microthermometric data for V1 indicate lower temperatures, suggesting inclusion volumes re-equilibrated during cooling. The second fluid was a H2O-NaCl-KCl, low-moderate salinity (0–10 wt% NaCl eq.), moderate temperature (270–340 °C), high δD (−18 ± 2‰), low δ18O (0.5–2.0‰) fluid of meteoric origin. This fluid penetrated the batholith via quartz veins (V2) which infill faults active during post-consolidation uplift of the batholith. It forms the most common inclusion type in granite quartz throughout the batholith and is responsible for widespread retrograde alteration involving chloritization of biotite and hornblende, sericitization and saussuritization of plagioclase, and reddening of K-feldspar. The salinity was generated by fluid-rock interactions within the granite. Within granite quartz this fluid was trapped at 0.5–2.3 kbar, having become overpressured. This fluid probably infiltrated the Granite in a meteoric-convection system during cooling after intrusion, but a later age cannot be ruled out. The final fluid to enter the Granite and its host rocks was a H2O-NaCl-CaCl2-KCl fluid with variable salinity (8–28 wt% NaCl eq.), temperature (125–205 °C), δD (−17 to −45‰), δ18O (−3 to + 1.2‰), δ13CCO2 (−19 to 0‰) and δ34Ssulphate (13–23‰) that deposited veins containing quartz, fluorite, calcite, barite, galena, chalcopyrite sphalerite and pyrite (V3). Correlations of salinity, temperature, δD and δ18O are interpreted as the result of mixing of two fluid end-members, one a high-δD (−17 to −8‰), moderate-δ18O (1.2–2.5‰), high-δ13CCO2 (> −4‰), low-δ34Ssulphate (13‰), high-temperature (205–230 °C), moderate-salinity (8–12 wt% NaCl eq.) fluid, the other a low-δD (−61 to −45‰), low-δ18O (−5.4 to −3‰), low-δ13C (<−10‰), high-δ34Ssulphate (20–23‰) low-temperature (80–125 °C), high-salinity (21–28 wt% NaCl eq.) fluid. Geochronological evidence suggests V3 veins are late Triassic; the high-δD end-member is interpreted as a contemporaneous surface fluid, probably mixed meteoric water and evaporated seawater and/or dissolved evaporites, whereas the low-δD end-member is interpreted as a basinal brine derived from the adjacent Carboniferous sequence. This study demonstrates that the Galway Granite was a locus for repeated fluid events for a variety of reasons; from expulsion of magmatic fluids during the final stages of crystallisation, through a meteoric convection system, probably driven by waning magmatic heat, to much later mineralisation, concentrated in its vicinity due to thermal, tectonic and compositional properties of granite batholiths which encourage mineralisation long after magmatic heat has abated. Received: 3 April 1996 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

 Petrologic and oxygen isotope data indicate that water-rich fluids infiltrated metasedimentary rocks of the Waterville and Sangerville (formally Vassalboro) Formations, south-central Maine, during peak metamorphism, and depleted Sangerville rocks in alkalis but not equivalent Waterville rocks. Fluid inclusion data from two outcrops, ∼1 km apart, one of the Waterville and the other of the Sangerville Formations, suggest a cause for the geochemical difference between the two units. Postulated peak metamorphic inclusions, the texturally earliest of aqueous inclusions in the metasediments, approximate the water-rich compositions of peak fluids predicted by mineral-fluid equilibria, and have average salinity in the Sangerville Formation ∼ three times that of equivalent Waterville inclusions. The higher salinity in the Sangerville fluids could explain the greater alkali depletion in these rocks. Probable pre-peak or prograde inclusions are preserved in metasediments as the texturally earliest carbonic inclusions which contain CO2, CH4, N2±H2O, as determined by microthermometry and Raman spectrometry. They may have formed by breakdown of organic matter. Probable retrograde inclusions occur as texturally late aqueous inclusions in healed fractures with salinity ranges indistinguishable between the two formations. Synmetamorphic granitic dikes present in the two outcrops were ruled out as a source for fluids in metasediments because composition and density ranges of inclusions in dikes and metasediments are fundamentally different, and because there is no correlation between the abundance or composition of inclusions in a sample and proximity to dikes. Isochores for many of the inclusions in both metasediments and dikes are not consistent with the inferred PT conditions of their trapping, but intersect at ∼300° to 400° C and 1 to 2 kbar. The intersections probably resulted because inclusion densities continued to equilibrate during uplift and cooling until quartz became rigid. The present densities are those at the last equilibration, not the time of trapping. In contrast, the clear distinctions in inclusion compositions between dikes and between dike and country rock show that the original compositional differences generally have been preserved. Received: 4 February 1994 / Accepted: 22 June 1994  相似文献   

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