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A Quaternary stratigraphic stacking pattern on the Faro-Albufeira drift system has been determined by analysing a dense network of high-resolution single-channel seismic reflection profiles. In the northern sector of the system an upslope migrating depositional sequence (elongate separated mounded drift) parallel to the margin has been observed associated with a flanking boundary channel (Alvarez Cabral moat) that depicts the zone of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) acceleration and/or focussing. A consequent erosion along the right hand border and deposition on the left hand flank is produced in this sector. The sheeted aggrading drift is the basinward prolongation of the elongate separated mounded drift, and developed where the MOW is more widely spread out. The overall sheeted contourite system is separated into two sectors due to the Diego Cao deep. This is a recent erosional deep that has steep erosional walls cut into Quaternary sediments. Two major high-order depositional sequences have been recognised in the Quaternary sedimentary record, Q-I and Q-II, composed of eight minor high-order depositional sequences (from A to H). The same trend in every major and minor depositional sequence is observed, especially in the elongate mounded drift within Q-II formed of: A) Transparent units at the base; B) Smooth, parallel reflectors of moderate-high amplitude units in the upper part; and C) An erosional continuous surface of high amplitude on the top of reflective units. This cyclicity in the acoustic response most likely represents cyclic lithological changes showing coarsening- upward sequences. A total of ten minor units has been distinguished within Q-II where the more representative facies in volume are always the more reflective and are prograding upslope with respect to the transparent ones. There is an important change in the overall architectural stacking of the mounded contourite deposits from a more aggrading depositional sequence (Q-I) to a clear progradational body (Q-II). We suggest that Q-I and Q-II constitute high-order depositional sequences related to a 3rd-order cycle at 800 ky separated by the most prominent sea-level fall at the Mid Pleistocene Revolution (MPR), 900–920 ky ago. In more detail the major high-order depositional sequences (from A to H) can be associated with asymmetric 4th-order climatic and sea-level cycles. In the middle slope, the contourite system has a syn-tectonic development with diapiric intrusions and the Guadalquivir Bank uplift. This syn-tectonic evolution affected the overall southern sheeted drift from the A to F depositional sequences, but G and H are not affected. These last two depositional sequences are less affected by these structures with an aggrading stacking pattern that overlaps the older depositional sequences of the Guadalquivir Bank uplift and diapiric intrusions.  相似文献   

High resolution seafloor images in the Gulf of Cadiz, Iberian margin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Gulf of Cadiz, the hydrodynamic process acting on particle transport and deposition is a strong density-driven bottom current caused by the outflow of the saline deep Mediterranean water at the Strait of Gibraltar: the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). New high resolution acoustic data including EM300 multibeam echo-sounder, deep-towed acoustic system SAR and very high resolution seismic, completed by piston cores collected during the CADISAR cruise allow to improve the understanding of the hydrodynamics of the MOW in the eastern part of the Gulf of Cadiz. Interpretation of data corrects the previous model established in this area and allows, for the first time, the accurate characterization of various bedforms and erosive structures along the MOW pathway and the precise identification of numerous gravity instabilities. The interaction between the MOW, the seafloor morphology and the Coriolis force is presently the driving force of the sedimentary distribution pattern observed on the Gulf of Cadiz continental slope.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary study in the Gulf of Cadiz is revisited, using additional diagnostic modelling tools. The dissolved trace metal (Cu, Ni, Zn, Co) distributions in the Gulf of Cadiz are analysed using modelled tracer evolutions, field observations and the concept of tracer ages. This study shows that a significant part of the observed metal distributions can be explained by the metal inputs of three river systems (Guadiana, Rio Tinto and Odiel, Guadalquivir) discharging into the Gulf of Cadiz, while the remainder of the signal is most likely associated with the benthic metal remobilisation along the shelf of this coastal region.  相似文献   

Heat flow anomalies provide critical information in active tectonic environments. The Gulf of Cadiz and adjacent areas are affected by the plate convergence between Africa and Europe, causing widespread deformation and faulting. Active thrust faults cause lateral movement and advection of heat that produces systematic variations in surface heat flow. In December 2003 new heat flow data were collected during the research vessel Sonne cruise SO175 in the Gulf of Cadiz over two sites of recent focused research activity: (i) the Gulf of Cadiz sedimentary prism and (ii) the Marques de Pombal escarpment. Both features have also been discussed as potential source areas of the Great Lisbon earthquake and tsunami of 1755. Background heat flow at the eastern terminus of the Horseshoe abyssal plain is about 52–59 mW/m2. Over the Gulf of Cadiz prism, heat flow decreases from ∼57 mW/m2 to unusually low values of 45 mW/m2 roughly 120 km eastward. Such low values and the heat flow trend are typical for active thrusting, supporting the idea of an east-dipping thrust fault. Slip rates are 10 ± 5 mm per year, assuming that the fault dips at 2°. A fault dipping at 5°, however, would result into slip rates of 1.5–5 mm per year, suggesting that subduction has largely ceased. Based on seismic data, the Marques de Pombal fault is interpreted as part of an active fault system located ∼100 km westward of Cape San Vincente. Heat flow over the fault is affected by refraction of heat caused by the 1 km high escarpment. Thermal models suggest that the slip rate along the fault must either be small or shear stresses acting on the fault are rather high. With respect to other fault zones, however, it is reasonable to assume that the fault's slip rate is small.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computational model for mapping the regional 3D distribution in which seafloor gas hydrates would be stable, that is carried out in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment. The construction of the model is comprised of three primary steps, namely: (1) the construction of surfaces for the various variables based on available 3D data (seafloor temperature, geothermal gradient and depth-pressure); (2) the calculation of the gas function equilibrium functions for the various hydrocarbon compositions reported from hydrate and sediment samples; and (3) the calculation of the thickness of the hydrate stability zone. The solution is based on a transcendental function, which is solved iteratively in a GIS environment.The model has been applied in the northernmost continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, an area where an abundant supply for hydrate formation, such as extensive hydrocarbon seeps, diapirs and fault structures, is combined with deep undercurrents and a complex seafloor morphology. In the Gulf of Cadiz, the model depicts the distribution of the base of the gas hydrate stability zone for both biogenic and thermogenic gas compositions, and explains the geometry and distribution of geological structures derived from gas venting in the Tasyo Field (Gulf of Cadiz) and the generation of BSR levels on the upper continental slope.  相似文献   

The present study describes the temporal variability of the water fCO2 as well as the different driving forces controlling this variability, on time scales from daily to seasonal, in the Rio San Pedro, a tidal creek located in a salt marsh area in the Bay of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula). This shallow tidal creek system is affected by effluents of organic matter and nutrients from the surrounding marine fish farms. Continuous pCO2, salinity and temperature were recorded for four periods of approximately one month, between February and September in 2004.Major processes controlling the CO2 variability are related to three different time scales. Daily variations in fCO2 are controlled by tidal advection and mixing of the water from within the creek and the seawater that enters from the Bay of Cadiz. Significant cyclical variations of the fCO2 have been observed with the maximum values occurring at low tide. On a fortnightly time scale, the amplitude of the daily variability of fCO2 is modulated by the variations in the residence time of the water within the creek, which are related to the spring–neap tide sequence.On a third time scale, high seasonal variability is observed for the temperature, salinity and fCO2. Maximum and minimum values for fCO2 were 380 µatm and 3760 µatm for February and July respectively. Data suggest that seasonal variability is related to the seasonal variability in discharges from the fish farm and to the increase with temperature of organic matter respiratory processes in the tidal creek. The fCO2 values observed are in the same range as several highly polluted European estuaries or waters surrounding mangrove forests. From the air–water CO2 flux computed, it can be concluded that the Rio San Pedro acts as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere throughout the year, with the summer accounting for the higher average monthly flux.  相似文献   

The margin of the Gulf of Cadiz is swept by the deep current formed by the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) flowing from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. On the northern margin of the Gulf (Algarve Margin, South Portugal), the MOW intensity is low and fine-grained contourite drifts are built up with an alongslope development. From new sedimentological data, this study emphasizes the presence of two types of contourite drifts separated only by a deep submarine canyon incising the slope with a north-south orientation (Portimão Canyon). High-resolution seismic and bathymetry interpretation shows that on the eastern side of the canyon, the MOW forms a thick and large detached drift (Albufeira Drift) prograding toward both north and west, as shown in seismic profiles, with a high sedimentation rate. On this side of the canyon, the MOW intensity is high enough to erode the slope forming a moat channel (Alvarez Cabral). On the western side of Portimão Canyon, the MOW energy is lower, preventing moat channel erosion. Only flat and thin drift develops (Portimão and Lagos Drifts) with slow aggradation and a low sedimentation rate. This difference in drift development is due to the presence of the canyon which generates an important change in hydrodynamic of the MOW, confirmed by temperature-density measurements showing that MOW flows down Portimão Canyon. The canyon is responsible for the deviation of the direction of the MOW as it partly catches the deep-sea current flowing westward (i.e. capture phenomenon). It creates, thus, a decrease of the flow energy, competency and capacity between the east and west sides of the canyon. Through this phenomenon of MOW deep-sea current capture, the canyon constitutes a morphologic feature generating an important change in the contourite deposition pattern.In addition to already known climatic and oceanographic influences, our results show the role of canyons on contourite drift building. This study provides new elements on autocyclic factors influencing the contourite sedimentation, which are important to consider in future sedimentary paleo-reconstruction interpretations.  相似文献   

An autumnal upwelling event was observed in the Ria of Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula) on 15th November 2001. This event was analyzed by means of thermohaline variables measured at CTD stations located in the study area, satellite sea surface temperature and wind data provided by QuikSCAT. Salinity and temperature distributions revealed that the upwelled water mass was Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW), typically observed during summer upwelling events. However, previous to the upwelling event, the characteristic autumnal body of water was recorded on 31st October 2001. Subsequent sea surface temperature and upwelling index corroborated the presence of an autumnal upwelling event of approximately 15 days duration. The probability of upwelling-favorable winds (from 1999 to 2004) was lower during autumn–winter than during spring–summer, although they may occur at any time of the year. Probabilities of 45% were calculated for February and November, with the highest probability (65%) corresponding to July.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,42(2):143-153
Beach erosion problems have been solved by adding sand to the beaches along the Gulf of Cadiz. The Gulf is located in SW Spain between the Portuguese border and the Strait of Gibraltar. During the last decade, more than 12×106 m3 of sand have been nourished in 38 restoration operations carried out on 28 beaches. The main characteristics of the nourishment campaigns (year, volume, budget, transport method, sand data, etc.) are presented. Location of sand borrow sites and distance to the beaches are also shown. Monitoring programs have been performed in order to calculate sediment loss rates. These results have been related to the beach length, the berm width and the budget in order to obtain a variety of relationships for maintenance cost as, for example, the total annual cost for each beach. This information is very useful when developing a strategy in coastal zone management. Furthermore, at least in reef-protected beaches, small yearly renourishments similar to the yearly losses, instead of greater nourishments performed with a periodicity of many years, lead to an economical saving, as well as to a better use of the natural resources.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Mn and Co were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry both in recent sediments from different locations of the Huelva littoral (SW Iberian Peninsula) and in their humic acid (HA) fractions in order to evaluate distribution and binding capacity of those trace elements to HAs. In addition, elemental composition (C, N, S) and δ13C values were determined to appraise the sources of organic matter in the area. This study involved the comparison of selected samples taken from different environments including the estuary of the Guadiana River, the main fluvial system of the region, the Tinto and Odiel estuary system and the proximal shelf. Significant positive correlations were found among Cu, Zn, As and Pb in bulk sediments, suggesting a common origin of all of those elements: the mining activities and pyrite deposits located hinterland. On the other hand, results for Cr, Co and Ni pointed to the basic rocks from the low basin of the Guadiana River as their main source. Elemental (C, N) and isotopic (δ13C) composition of sediments indicated a significant contribution of autochthonous plankton in coastal shelf sediments, whereas estuarine and riverine sediments showed a major contribution of terrestrial biomass. Geochemical values for their corresponding HAs suggested a greater terrestrial contribution in the sedimentary OM of the coastal shelf sediments than in bulk sediments, which evidenced the influence of coastal currents and sediment fluxes. Humic acids sequester considerable amounts of Cu and Zn contributing to reduce the bioavailability of these contaminants.  相似文献   

This work reveals the usefulness of the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) mapping techniques to show the distribution of pollutants along an estuarine environment, as the final stage of a thorough study. In the case of study, the environmental quality of the sediments in the Guadiana river estuary was determined by means of a complete geochemical characterization consisting on the calculation of enrichment factors for the most important metals and metalloids (compared with the local background of non-contaminated sediments). The obtained results were depicted in “enrichment distribution maps” which evidenced a distribution of the elements in two groups: Group-I, elements with natural origin (Al, Fe, Mn, Co, and Cr) distributed homogeneously along the basin, and Group-II, elements associated to anthropic origin (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn) with clear punctual sources besides a high concentration all over the estuary. The enrichment factors for the elements of Group-II are indicative of the existence of a noticeable diffuse historical mining pollution associated with the acid mine drainage generated in the internal zones of the basin, which could overlap minor pollution inputs from other human activities. The obtained results lead us to a reconsideration of the traditionally thought “unpolluted” environment when it was compared to nearby estuaries.  相似文献   

Contourite deposits in the central sector of the middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz have been studied using a comprehensive acoustic, seismic and core database. Buried, mounded, elongated and separated drifts developed under the influence of the lower core of the Mediterranean Outflow Water are preserved in the sedimentary record. These are characterised by depositional features in an area where strong tectonic and erosive processes are now dominant. The general stacking pattern of the depositional system is mainly influenced by climatic changes through the Quaternary, whereas changes in the depositional style observed in two, buried, mounded drifts, the Guadalquivir and Huelva Drifts, are evidence of a tectonic control. In the western Guadalquivir Drift, the onset of the sheeted drift construction (aggrading QII unit) above a mounded drift (prograding QI unit) resulted from a new Lower Mediterranean Core Water hydrodynamic regime. This change is correlated with a tectonic event coeval with the Mid Pleistocene Revolution (MPR) discontinuity that produced new irregularities of the seafloor during the Mid- to Late-Pleistocene. Changes in the Huelva Drift from a mounded to a sheeted drift geometry during the Late-Pleistocene, and from a prograding drift (QI and most part of QII) to an aggrading one (upper seismic unit of QII), highlight a new change in oceanographic conditions. This depositional and then oceanographic change is associated with a tectonic event, coeval with the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 discontinuity, in which a redistribution of the diapiric ridges led to the development of new local gateways, three principal branches of the Mediterranean Lower Core Water, and associated contourite channels. As a result, these buried contourite drifts hold a key palaeoceanographic record of the evolution of Mediterranean Lower Core Water, influenced by both neotectonic activity and climatic changes during the Quaternary. This study is an example of how contourite deposits and erosive elements in the marine environment can provide evidence for the reconstruction of palaeoceanographic and recent tectonic changes.  相似文献   

The first oceanographic research (hydrography, nutrient salts, chlorophyll, primary production and phytoplankton assemblages) in a Middle Galician Ria was carried out in Corme-Laxe during 2001, just a year before the Prestige oil spill, being the only reference to evaluate eventual changes in the phytoplankton community. Due to the small size of this ria (6.5 km2), oceanographic processes were driven by the continental water supplied by Anllons River during the wet season (20–30 m3 s−1 in winter), and the strong oceanic influence from the nearby shelf during the dry season. The annual cycle showed a spring bloom with high levels of chlorophyll (up to 14 μg Chl-a L−1) and primary production (3 g C m−2 d−1) and a summer upwelling bloom (up to 8 μg Chl-a L−1 and 10 g C m−2 d−1) where the proximity of the Galician upwelling core (<13.5 °C at sea surface) favors the input of upwelled seawater (up to 9 μM of nitrate and silicate) to the bottom ria layer, even during summer stratification events (primary production around 2 g C m−2 d−1). Thus, phytoplankton assemblages form a “continuum” from spring to autumn with a predominance of diatoms and overlapping species between consecutive periods; only in autumn dinoflagellates and flagellates characterized the phytoplankton community. In the Middle Rias as Corme-Laxe, the nutrient values, Chl-a, primary production and phytoplankton abundance for productive periods were higher than those reported for the Northern (Ria of A Coruña) and Southern Rias (Ria of Arousa) for year 2001; this suggests the importance of the hydrographic events occurring in the zone of maximum upwelling intensity of the Western Iberian Shelf, where a lack of annual cycles studies exists.  相似文献   

Deep seismic sounding measurements were performed in the continent-ocean transition zone of the northern Svalbard continental margin in 1985 and 1999. Data from seismic profile AWI-99200 and from additional crossing profiles were used to model the seismic crustal structure of the study area. Seismic energy (airgun and TNT shots) was recorded by land (onshore) seismic stations, ocean bottom seismometers (OBS), and hydrophone systems (OBH). 3-D tomographic inversion methods were applied to test the previous 2-D modelling results. The results are similar to the earlier 2-D modelling, supplemented by new off-line information. The continental crust thins to the west and north. A minimum depth of about 6 km to the Moho discontinuity was found east of the Molloy Deep. The continent-ocean transition zone to the east is characterized by a complex seismic velocity structure according to the 2-D model and consists of several different crustal blocks. The zone is covered by deep sedimentary basins. Sediment thicknesses reach a maximum of 5 km. The Moho interface deepens to 28 km depth beneath the continental crust of Svalbard.  相似文献   

A large set of new data concerning dissolved metal concentrations has been acquired in the Gulf of Cadiz and in the Strait of Gibraltar from 1996 to 1999. These data, associated with models (hydrodynamic, tracer advection–dispersion and mixing), have been used to assess the influence of rivers draining the South Iberian Pyrite Belt on the Gulf of Cadiz and on the Atlantic inflow in the Strait of Gibraltar.Metal concentrations in surface waters from the Gulf of Cadiz are maximal near the mouth of the Tinto/Odiel rivers with values exceeding 50 nmol/kg (Mn), 5 nmol/kg (Ni), 30 nmol/kg (Cu), 100 nmol/kg (Zn), 0.9 nmol/kg (Cd) and 45 nmol/kg (As). From the Tinto/Odiel river, a plume of contamination follows the coast in the direction of the Strait of Gibraltar. The computation of a tracer advection–dispersion model confirms that the coastal currents carry the metals discharged from the Tinto and Odiel to the Strait of Gibraltar.From temperature–salinity and metal–salinity plots, four water masses can be recognised in the Gulf of Cadiz and in the Strait of Gibraltar: North Atlantic Surface Water (NASW), North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) and metal-enriched Spanish Shelf Waters from the Gulf of Cadiz (SSW). The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is also clearly seen at depths greater than 300 m.The chemical characteristics of these various water masses have been used in a mixing model to evaluate their relative contribution to the Atlantic inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar. These contributions are seasonally variable. In June 1997, the contribution was: 80±20%, 5±5% and 15±10% for NASW, NACW and SSW, respectively. In September, the SSW contribution was apparently negligible.Finally, these relative contributions allow the evaluation of the metal fluxes in the Strait of Gibraltar. The presence of SSW in the Strait increases the metal flux to the Mediterranean Sea by a factor of 2.3 (Cu), 2.4 (Cd), 3 (Zn) and 7 (Mn). It does not modify significantly As and Ni fluxes.  相似文献   

High resolution (HR – sparker) and very high resolution (VHR – boomer) seismic reflection data acquired in shallow water environments of the Roussillon coastal area are integrated to provide an accurate image of the stratigraphic architecture of the Quaternary deposits. The complementary use of the two systems is shown to be of benefit for studies of shallow water environments. The HR sparker data improved the landward part of a general model of Quaternary stratigraphy previously established offshore. They document an incised valley complex interpreted as the record of successive late Quaternary relative sea-level cycles. The complex is capped by a polygenetic erosional surface developed during the last glacial period (>18 ky) and variably reworked by wave ravinement during the subsequent post-glacial transgression. The overlying transgressive systems tract is partly preserved and presents a varying configuration along the Roussillon coastal plain. The VHR boomer data provide information on the architecture of the uppermost deposits, both in the near-shore area and in the lagoon. These deposits overlie a maximum flooding surface at the top of the transgressive systems tract and constitute a highstand systems tract composed of two different architectural elements. In the near-shore area, a sandy coastal wedge is subdivided into a lower unit and an upper unit in equilibrium with present day dynamics. In the Salses-Leucate lagoon area, the sedimentary architecture is highly complex due to the closure of a former embayment and the formation of the present beach barrier.  相似文献   

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