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Correlations among the trace and minor element pairs Cl and Br, Cl and P2O5, and Ru and Os, present in parent igneous rocks, generally survived the processes of boulder breccia formation. Fractions of the Cl, Br, and Hg that are mobilized by water leaching and/or volatilization at moderate temperatures (?450°C) place constraints on the thermal history of Boulder 1 and its component breccias. Since, and possibly during, consolidation, the boulder has probably not been subjected to temperatures of ?450°C. The parent rocks of the Apollo 17 boulder and breccia samples studied could have been derived from two initial magmas. Boulder 1, Station 2 gray competent breccias 72255 and 72275 Clast #2 appear to be genetically unrelated to gray competent breccia and anorthositic material 72215, or to light friable breccia 72275; they do appear to be related to samples 72395 (Boulder 2) and 76315 (Station 6 boulder). Vapor clouds from apparently external sources permeated the source regions of the boulders.  相似文献   

It appears possible to establish a preliminary geological model for the origin and evolution of the breccias of Boulder 1 at Station 2 in the Valley of Taurus-Littrow based on firm and probable geological constraints. The crystallization of plagioclase and other ANT-suite phases now present as clasts appears to have occurred in the lunar crust about 4.5 b.y. ago during the ‘melted shell stage’ of lunar history as that history is presently modeled. The original rocks containing these phases, which now make up the gray competent breccias of Boulder 1, were greatly modified by impact processes during the ‘cratered highland stage’ and the early part of the ‘large basin stage’, up to about 4.0 b.y. ago. About 4.0 b.y. ago, pigeonite basalts with KREEP affinities appear to have been intruded into the pre-Serenitatis crust from which the light friable breccias of Boulder 1 were later derived. During the large basin stage, three major dynamic events profoundly influenced the present character of the Boulder 1 materials. These events probably occurred as follows: (1) formation of gray competent breccia containing ANT-suite clasts in the hot ejecta blanket of an old large basin event, such as Tranquillitatis, that took place about 4.0 b.y. ago; (2) rebrecciation and redeposition of the gray competent breccia, mixed with light friable breccia and pigeonite basalt, in a relatively cool ejecta deposit, possibly produced by the northern Serenitatis event; (3) uplift and exposure of the Boulder 1 materials in the South Massif by the southern Serenitatis event about 3.90 b.y. ago.  相似文献   

Our survey of type 4–6 ordinary chondrites indicates that gas-poor, melt-rock and/or exotic clast-bearing fragmental breccias constitute 5%, 22% and 23%, respectively, of H, L and LL chondrites. These abundances contrast with the percentages of solar-gas-rich regolith breccias among ordinary chondrites: H (14%), L (3%) and LL (8%) (Crabb and Schultz, 1981). Petrologic study of several melt-rock-clast-bearing fragmental breccias indicates that some acquired their clasts prior to breccia metamorphism and others acquired them after metamorphism of host material. In general, the melt-rock clasts in gas-poor H chondrite fragmental breccias were acquired after breccia metamorphism and were probably formed by impacts into boulders or exposed outcrops of H4-6 material in the H chondrite parent body regolith. In contrast, most of the melt-rock clasts in gas-poor L and LL fragmental breccias were acquired prior to breccia metamorphism. The low abundance of regolith breccias among L chondrites and evidence that at least two-thirds of the L chondrites suffered a major shock event 0.5 Gyr ago, suggest that the L parent body may have been disrupted by a major collision at that time and that the remaining parent body fragments were too small to develop substantial regoliths (e.g., Heymann, 1967; Crabb and Schultz, 1981). Such a disruption would have exposed a large amount of L chondrite bedrock, some of which would consist of fragmental breccias that acquired melt-rock clasts very early in solar system history, prior to metamorphism. The exposed bedrock would serve as a potential target for sporadic meteoroid impacts to produce a few fragmental breccias with unmetamorphosed melt-rock clasts. The high proportion of genomict brecciated LL chondrites reflects a complex collisional history, probably including several episodes of parent body disruption and gravitational reassembly. Differences in the abundances of different kinds of breccias among the ordinary chondrite groups are probably due to the stochastic nature of major asteroidal collisions.  相似文献   

Abstract Two types of texturally and compositionally similar breccias that consist largely of fragmental debris from meteorite impacts occur at the Apollo 16 lunar site: Feldspathic fragmental breccias (FFBs) and ancient regolith breccias (ARBs). Both types of breccia are composed of a suite of mostly feldspathic components derived from the early crust of the Moon and mafic impact-melt breccias produced during the time of basin formation. The ARBs also contain components, such as agglutinates and glass spherules, indicating that the material of which they are composed occurred at the surface of the Moon as fine-grained regolith prior to lithification of the breccias. These components are absent from the FFBs, suggesting that the FFBs might be the protolith of the ARBs. However, several compositional differences exist between the two types of breccia, making any simple genetic relationship implausible. First, clasts of mafic impact-melt breccia occurring in the FFBs are of a different composition than those in the ARBs. Also the feldspathic “prebasin” components of the FFBs have a lower average Mg/Fe ratio than the corresponding components of the ARBs; the average composition of the plagioclase in the FFBs is more sodic than that of the ARBs; and there are differences in relative abundances of rare earth elements. The two breccia types also have different provenances: the FFBs occur primarily in ejecta from North Ray crater and presumably derive from the Descartes Formation, while the ARBs are restricted to the Cayley plains. Together these observations suggest that although some type of fragmental breccia may have been a precursor to the ARBs, the FFBs of North Ray crater are not a significant component of the ARBs and, by inference, the Cayley plains. The average compositions of the prebasin components of the two types of fragmental breccia are generally similar to the composition of the feldspathic lunar meteorites. With 30–31% Al2O3, however, they are slightly richer in plagioclase than the most feldspathic lunar meteorites (~29% Al2O3), implying that the crust of the early central nearside of the Moon contained a higher abundance of highly feldspathic anorthosite than typical lunar highlands, as inferred from the lunar meteorites. The ancient regolith breccias, as well as the current surface regolith of the Cayley plains, are more mafic than (1) prebasin regoliths in the Central Highlands and (2) regions of highlands presently distant from nearside basins because they contain a high abundance (~30%) of mafic impact-melt breccias produced during the time of basin formation that is absent from other regoliths.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have analyzed a suite of lunar regolith breccias in order to assess how well space weathering products can be preserved through the lithification process and therefore whether or not it is appropriate to search for space weathering products in asteroidal regolith breccia meteorites. It was found that space weathering products, vapor/sputter deposited nanophase‐iron‐bearing rims in particular, are easily identified in even heavily shocked/compacted lunar regolith breccias. Such rims, if created on asteroids, should thus be preserved in asteroidal regolith breccia meteorites. Two additional rim types, glass rims and vesicular rims, identified in regolith breccias, are also described. These rims are common in lunar regolith breccias but rare to absent in lunar soils, which suggests that they are created in the breccia‐forming process itself. While not “space weathering products” in the strictest sense, these additional rims give us insight into the regolith breccia formation process. The presence or absence of glass and/or vesicular rims in asteroidal regolith breccias will likewise tell us about environmental conditions on the surface of the asteroid body on which the breccia was created.  相似文献   

Abstract— Six ordinary chondrite breccias from the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid (Spain), are described and classified as follows: the solar gas-rich regolith breccia Oviedo (H5); the pre-metamorphic fragmental breccias Cabezo de Mayo (type 6, L-LL), and Sevilla (LL4); the fragmental breccias Cañellas (H4) and Gerona (H5); and the impact melt breccia, Madrid (L6). We confirm that chondrites with typical light-dark structures and petrographic properties typical of regolith breccias may (Oviedo) or may not (Cañellas) be solar gas-rich. Cabezo de Mayo and Sevilla show convincing evidence that they were assembled prior to peak metamorphism and were equilibrated during subsequent reheating. These meteorites contain small melt rock clasts that were incorporated into the host chondrite while still molten and/or plastic and cooled rapidly and, yet, are totally equilibrated with their hosts. Compositions of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene in host chondrite and breccia clasts in Cabezo de Mayo are transitional between groups L and LL. It is suggested, based on mineralogic and oxygen isotopic compositions of host and clasts, that the rock formed on the L parent body by mixing, prior to peak metamorphism. This was followed by partial equilibration of two different materials: the indigenous L chondrite host and exotic LL melt rock clasts.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic Dhala structure with an estimated diameter of ~11 km is a confirmed complex impact structure located in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh in predominantly granitic basement (2.65 Ga), in the northwestern part of the Archean Bundelkhand craton. The target lithology is granitic in composition but includes a variety of meta‐supracrustal rock types. The impactites and target rocks are overlain by ~1.7 Ga sediments of the Dhala Group and the Vindhyan Supergroup. The area was cored in more than 70 locations and the subsurface lithology shows pseudotachylitic breccia, impact melt breccia, suevite, lithic breccias, and postimpact sediments. Despite extensive erosion, the Dhala structure is well preserved and displays nearly all the diagnostic microscopic shock metamorphic features. This study is aimed at identifying the presence of an impactor component in impact melt rock by analyzing the siderophile element concentrations and rhenium‐osmium isotopic compositions of four samples of impactites (three melt breccias and one lithic breccia) and two samples of target rock (a biotite granite and a mafic intrusive rock). The impact melt breccias are of granitic composition. In some samples, the siderophile elements and HREE enrichment observed are comparable to the target rock abundances. The Cr versus Ir concentrations indicate the probable admixture of approximately 0.3 wt.% of an extraterrestrial component to the impact melt breccia. The Re and Os abundances and the 187Os/188Os ratio of 0.133 of one melt breccia specimen confirm the presence of an extraterrestrial component, although the impactor type characterization still remains inconclusive.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lunar meteorite QUE 93069 found in Antarctica is a mature, anorthitic regolith breccia with highland affinities that was ejected from the Moon <0.3 Ma ago. The frequency distribution of mineral and lithic clasts gives information about the nature of the regolith and subregolith basement near the ejection site as well as about the abundances of rock types shocked to different degrees prior to the breccia formation. Thin section QUE 93069,37 consists of 67.5 vol% fine-grained (<~130 μm) constituents and 32.5 vol% mineral and lithic clasts and an impact melt vein. The most abundant types of these clasts are intragranularly recrystallized anorthosites and plagioclases (together 26.3 vol%) and feldspathic fine-grained to microporphyritic crystalline melt breccias (21.9 vol%). Mafic crystalline melt breccias are extremely rare (1.3 vol%). Granulitic lithologies are 10.4 vol%, recrystallized feldspathic melt breccias are 15.0 vol%, and glasses are 3.5 vol%. The impact melt vein cutting across the entire thin section was probably formed subsequent to the lithification process of the bulk rock at pressures below 20 GPa, because the bulk rock never experienced a higher peak shock pressure. Lunar meteorite QUE 93069 has a higher abundance of clear glass, occurring within melt spherules, glassy fragments, and an impact melt vein than lunar meteorites ALHA81005, Y-791197, Y-82192/3, Y-86032, or MAC 88104/5. The high abundance of melt spherules indicates that this lunar meteorite contains the highest content of typical regolith components. Mafic crystalline melt breccias are much rarer in QUE 93069 than in all other lunar highland regolith breccias. The extremely low abundance of mafic components may constrain possible areas of the Moon, from which the breccia was derived. The source area of QUE 93069 must be a highland terrain lacking significant mafic impact melts or mare components.  相似文献   

Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17 is a stratified boulder containing dark clasts and dark-rimmed light clasts set in a light-gray friable matrix. The gray to black clasts (GCBx and BCBx) are multigenerational, competent, high-grade metamorphic, and partially melted breccias. They contain a diverse suite of lithic clasts which are mainly ANT varieties, but include granites, basaltic-textured olivine basalts, troctolitic and spinel troctolitic basalts, and unusual lithologies such as KREEP norite, ilmenite (KREEP) microgabbro, and the Civet Cat norite, which is believed to be a plutonic differentiate. The GCBxs and BCBxs are variable in composition, averaging a moderately KREEPy olivine norite. The matrix consists of mineral fragments derived from the observed lithologies plus variable amounts of a component, unobserved as a clast-type, that approximates a KREEP basalt in composition, as well as mineral fragments of unknown derivation. The high-temperature GCBxs cooled substantially before their incorporation into the friable matrix of Boulder 1. The light friable matrix (LFBx) is texturally distinct from the competent breccia clasts and, apart from the abundant ANT clasts, contains clasts of a KREEPy basalt that is not observed in the competent breccias. The LFBx lacks such lithologies as the granites and the Civet Cat norite observed in the competent breccias and in detail is a distinct chemical as well as textural entity. We interpret the LFBx matrix as Serenitatis ejecta deposited in the South Massif, and the GCBx clasts as remnants of an ejecta blanket produced by an earlier impact. The source terrain for the Serenitatis impact consisted of the competent breccias, crustal ANT lithologies, and the KREEPy basalts, attesting to substantial lunar activity prior to the impact. The age of the older breccias suggests that the Serenitatis event is younger than 4.01±0.03 b.y.  相似文献   

Particle track measurements have been reported for 25 (5%) of the regolith breccias in the collection; they have been reported for 16 breccias (30%) in the reference suite. The most frequently reported measurement for these 25 breccias is the maximum surface exposure age of the compacted rock (48% of the published breccia measurements). Information on the nature of the precompaction regolith is given for 9 rocks (36%) and on the nature of the compaction event for 6 rocks (24%). Most of the breccias appear to have simple post-compaction surface exposure histories (89%). From the few track density frequency distributions (7) that are available and inferring from the low exposure ages of these rocks (75% < 106 yr), it appears that most of these breccias are amenable to studies which separate the contemporary surface exposure age from information about the precompaction regolith. If the number of immature-submature precompaction soils (6 out of 10 of the breccias for which appropriate data are available) represents many regolith breccias, then we can infer that regolith breccias may sample the deeper, less reworked materials in the lunar soil and compliment the samples available from the returned cores.  相似文献   

Abstract— Through analysis by instrumental neutron activation (INAA) of 789 individual lithic fragments from the 2 mm–4 mm grain-size fractions of five Apollo 17 soil samples (72443, 72503, 73243, 76283, and 76503) and petrographic examination of a subset, we have determined the diversity and proportions of rock types recorded within soils from the highland massifs. The distribution of rock types at the site, as recorded by lithic fragments in the soils, is an alternative to the distribution inferred from the limited number of large rock samples. The compositions and proportions of 2 mm–4 mm fragments provide a bridge between compositions of <1 mm fines, and types and proportions of rocks observed in large collected breccias and their clasts. The 2 mm–4 mm fraction of soil from South Massif, represented by an unbiased set of lithic fragments from station-2 samples 72443 and 72503, consists of 71% noritic impact-melt breccia, 7% incompatible-trace-element-(ITE)-poor highland rock types (mainly granulitic breccias), 19% agglutinates and regolith breccias, 1% high-Ti mare basalt, and 2% others (very-low-Ti (VLT) basalt, monzogabbro breccia, and metal). In contrast, the 2 mm–4 mm fraction of a soil from the North Massif, represented by an unbiased set of lithic fragments from station-6 sample 76503, has a greater proportion of ITE-poor highland rock types and mare-basalt fragments: it consists of 29% ITE-poor highland rock types (mainly granulitic breccias and troctolitic anorthosite), 25% impact-melt breccia, 13% high-Ti mare basalt, 31% agglutinates and regolith breccias, 1% orange glass and related breccia, and 1% others. Based on a comparison of mass-weighted mean compositions of the lithic fragments with compositions of soil fines from all Apollo 17 highland stations, differences between the station-2 and station-6 samples are representative of differences between available samples from the two massifs. From the distribution of different rock types and their compositions, we conclude the following: (1) North-Massif and South-Massif soil samples differ significantly in types and proportions of ITE-poor highland components and ITE-rich impact-melt-breccia components. These differences reflect crudely layered massifs and known local geology. The greater percentage of impact-melt breccia in the South-Massif light-mantle soil stems from derivation of the light mantle from the top of the massif, which apparently is richer in noritic impact-melt breccia than are lower parts of the massifs. (2) At station 2, the 2 mm–4 mm grain-size fraction is enriched in impact-melt breccias compared to the <1 mm fraction, suggesting that the <1 mm fraction within the light mantle has a greater proportion of lithologies such as granulitic breccias which are more prevalent lower in the massifs and which we infer to be older (pre-basin) highland components. (3) Soil from station 6, North Massif, contains magnesian troctolitic anorthosite, which is a component that is rare in station-2 South-Massif soils. (4) Compositional differences between poikilitic impact-melt breccias from the two massifs suggest broad-scale heterogeneity in impact-melt breccia interpreted by most investigators to be ejecta from the Serenitatis basin. We have found rock types not previously recognized or uncommon at the Apollo 17 site. These include (1) ITE-rich impact-melt breccias that are compositionally distinct from previously recognized “aphanitic” and “poikilitic” groups at Apollo 17; (2) regolith breccias that are free of mare components and poor in impact melt of the types associated with the main melt-breccia groups, and that, if those groups derive from the Serenitatis impact, may represent the pre-Serenitatis surface; (3) several VLT basalts, including an unusual very-high-K basaltic breccia; (4) orange-glass regolith breccias; (5) aphanitic-matrix melt breccias at station 6; (6) fragments of alkali-rich composition, including alkali anorthosite, and monzogabbro; (7) one fragment of 72275-type KREEP basalt from station 3; (8) seven lithic fragments of ferroan-anorthositic-suite rocks; and (9) a fragment of metal, possibly from an L chondrite. Some of these lithologies have been found only as lithic fragments in the soils and not among the large rock samples. In contrast, we have not found among the 2 mm–4 mm lithic fragments individual samples of certain lithologies that have been recognized as clasts in breccias (e.g., dunite and spinel troctolite). The diversity of lithologic information contained in the lithic fragments of these soils nearly equals that found among large rock samples, and most information bearing on petrographic relationships is maintained, even in such small samples. Given a small number of large samples for “petrologic ground truth,” small lithic fragments contained in soil “scoop” samples can provide the basis for interpreting the diversity of rock types and their proportions in remotely sensed geologic units. They should be considered essential targets for future automated sample-analysis and sample-return missions.  相似文献   

Abstract— –Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 169 is a composite lunar meteorite from Oman that consists of polymict regolith breccia (8.44 ppm Th), adhering to impact‐melt breccia (IMB; 32.7 ppm Th). In this contribution we consider the regolith breccia portion of SaU 169, and demonstrate that it is composed of two generations representing two formation stages, labeled II and III. The regolith breccia also contains the following clasts: Ti‐poor to Ti‐rich basalts, gabbros to granulites, and incorporated regolith breccias. The average SaU 169 regolith breccia bulk composition lies within the range of Apollo 12 and 14 soil and regolith breccias, with the closest correspondence being with that of Apollo 14, but Sc contents indicate a higher portion of mare basalts. This is supported by relations between Sm‐Al2O3, FeO‐Cr2O3‐TiO2, Sm/Eu and Th‐K2O. The composition can best be modeled as a mixture of high‐K KREEP, mare basalt and norite/troctolite, consistent with the rareness of anorthositic rocks. The largest KREEP breccia clast in the regolith is identical in its chemical composition and total REE content to the incompatible trace‐element (ITE)‐ rich high‐K KREEP rocks of the Apollo 14 landing site, pointing to a similar source. In contrast to Apollo 14 soil, SaU 169 IMB and SaU 169 KREEP breccia clast, the SaU 169 regolith is not depleted in K/Th, indicating a low contribution of high‐Th IMB such as the SaU 169 main lithology in the regolith. The data presented here indicate the SaU 169 regolith breccia is from the lunar front side, and has a strong Procellarum KREEP Terrane signature.  相似文献   

The process of breccia formation by viscous sintering in the absence of pressure, advanced forcefully by Simonds (1973), is examined in detail. The limitations on the standard model for such sintering are considered. The competing process of crystallization is analyzed kinetically in terms of time-temperature-transformation curves corresponding to various degrees of crystallinity. The analysis is applied to Lunar Composition 15418 to illustrate the approach. The results indicate that close constraints can be placed on the thermal histories of lunar breccias, particularly breccias with modest degrees of crystallinity, from microstructural observations and kinetic measurements.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mafic, Th-rich impact-melt breccias, most of which are identified with the composition known as low-K Fra Mauro (LKFM), are the most common rock type in the nonmare regoliths of the Apollo lunar landing sites. The origin of mafic impact-melt breccias bears on many lunar problems: the nature of the late meteoroid bombardment (cataclysm); the spatial distribution of KREEP, both near the surface and at depth; the ages of the major basins; and the composition of the early crust of the nearside lunar highlands. Thus, it is crucial that the origin of mafic impact-melt breccias be accurately understood. Because of both intra- and intersite differences in compositions of mafic impact-melt breccia samples, apparent differences in crystallization age, and differences in siderophile-element ratios, previous studies have argued that either (1) most mafic impact-melt breccias are the products of several large craters local to the site at which they were found but that some are of basin origin or that (2) they are all from the Imbrium (Apollos 14 and 15), Nectaris (Apollo 16), and Serenitatis (Apollo 17) basins. Here, we reconsider the hypothesis that virtually all of the Th-rich, mafic impact-melt breccias from the Apollo missions are products of the Imbrium impact. Ejecta deposit modeling based on modern crater scaling indicates that the Imbrium event produced ejecta deposits that average hundreds of meters thick or more at all Apollo highland sites, which is thicker than some previous estimates. Substantial amounts of Imbrium ejecta should have been sampled at every Apollo highland site. We suggest that the mafic impact-melt breccias may be the principal form of those ejecta. The Imbrium projectile impacted into Th-rich material that we regard as part of a unique, mafic, lunar geochemical province we call the High-Th Oval Region. Based on the surface distribution of Th, only basins within the High-Th Oval Region excavated Th-rich material; the Th concentrations of the highlands as observed by the Apollo orbiting γ-ray experiments are consistent with the estimates from ejecta modeling. Of the younger basin-forming impacts, only Imbrium was large enough to produce the copious amount of melt required by the ubiquitous presence of mafic impact-melt breccias in the Apollo-sampled regolith. The High-Th Oval Region still may have been molten or hot at shallow depths ~4 Ga ago when the Imbrium projectile struck. We reason that compositional heterogeneity of ejected melt breccia is to be expected under these circumstances. We argue that siderophile-element “fingerprints” of mafic impact-melt breccias are not inconsistent with production of all common types by a single projectile. We suggest that the narrow range of ages of 3.7–4.0 Ga for all successfully dated mafic impact-melt breccias may reflect a single event whose age is difficult to measure precisely, rather than a number of discrete impact events closely spaced in time, such that reported age variations among mafic impact-melt breccias reflect the ability to measure 40Ar/39Ar ages with greater precision than the accuracy with which measured portions of mafic impact-melt breccias have recorded the time of their formation.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven samples of matrix and clast materials from Boulder 1 at Station 2, Apollo 17 have been analyzed for major and trace elements as part of the study of this boulder by Consortium Indomitabile. Both unusual and common types of material have been characterized. Gray and black competent breccia (GCBx and BCBx) and anorthositic breccia (AnBx) have compositions which are common at the Apollo 17 site and were common at the site of boulder formation. Light friable breccias (LFBx) have compositions which are not found at the Apollo 17 site other than in the boulder. Pigeonite basalt is a new type of lunar rock and has characteristics that would be expected of a highland volcanic rock. It is associated with LFBx material, and like LFBx material it is exotic to the Apollo 17 site. Coarse norite is an old primitive rock which is no longer (if ever) found as millimeter fragments at the Apollo 17 site. It was, however, present as millimeter fragments associated with GCBx and BCBx materials at the site and time of boulder formation. Therefore the boulder-forming process combined materials from at least two different localities or vertical strata; at least one of these (LFBx) has not been previously sampled and analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the U‐Pb zircon age distribution pattern of sample 14311 from the Apollo 14 landing site with those from other breccias collected at the same landing site. Zircons in breccia 14311 show major age peaks at 4340 and 4240 Ma and small peaks at 4110, 4030, and 3960 Ma. The zircon age patterns of breccia 14311 and other Apollo 14 breccias are statistically different suggesting a separate provenance and transportation history for these breccias. This interpretation is supported by different U‐Pb Ca‐phosphate and exposure ages for breccia 14311 (Ca‐phosphate age: 3938 ± 4 Ma, exposure age: ~550–660 Ma) from the other Apollo 14 breccias (Ca‐phosphate age: 3927 ± 2 Ma, compatible with the Imbrium impact, exposure age: ~25–30 Ma). Based on these observations, we consider two hypotheses for the origin and transportation history of sample 14311. (1) Breccia 14311 was formed in the Procellarum KREEP terrane by a 3938 Ma‐old impact and deposited near the future site of the Imbrium basin. The breccia was integrated into the Fra Mauro Formation during the deposition of the Imbrium impact ejecta at 3927 Ma. The zircons were annealed by mare basalt flooding at 3400 Ma at Apollo 14 landing site. Eventually, at approximately 660 Ma, a small and local impact event excavated this sample and it has been at the surface of the Moon since this time. (2) Breccia 14311 was formed by a 3938 Ma‐old impact. The location of the sample is not known at that time but at 3400 Ma, it was located nearby or buried by hot basaltic flows. It was transported from where it was deposited to the Apollo 14 landing site by an impact at approximately 660 Ma, possibly related to the formation of the Copernicus crater and has remained at the surface of the Moon since this event. This latter hypothesis is the simplest scenario for the formation and transportation history of the 14311 breccia.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lunar meteorite Dar al Gani 262 (DG 262)—found in the Libyan part of the Sahara—is a mature, anorthositic regolith breccia with highland affinities. The origin from the Moon is undoubtedly indicated by its bulk chemical composition; radionuclide concentrations; noble gas, N, and O isotopic compositions; and petrographic features. Dar al Gani 262 is a typical anorthositic highland breccia similar in mineralogy and chemical composition to Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069. About 52 vol% of the studied thin sections of Dar al Gani 262 consist of fine-grained(100 μm) constituents, and 48 vol% is mineral and lithic clasts and impact-melt veins. The most abundant clast types are feldspathic fine-grained to microporphyritic crystalline melt breccias (50.2 vol%; includes recrystallized melt breccias), whereas mafic crystalline melt breccias are extremely rare (1.4 vol%). Granulitic lithologies are 12.8 vol%, intragranularly recrystallized anorthosites and cataclastic anorthosites are 8.8 and 8.2 vol%, respectively, and (devitrified) glasses are 2.7 vol%. Impact-melt veins (5.5 vol% of the whole thin sections) cutting across the entire thin section were probably formed subsequent to the lithification process of the bulk rock at pressures below 20 GPa, because the bulk rock never experienced a higher peak shock pressure. Mafic crystalline melt breccias are very rare in Dar al Gani 262 and are similar in abundance to those in QUE 93069. The extremely low abundance of mafic components and the bulk composition may constrain possible areas of the Moon from which the breccia was derived. The source area of Dar al Gani 262 must be a highland terrain lacking significant mafic impact melts or mare components. On the basis of radionuclide activities, an irradiation position of DG 262 on the Moon at a depth of 55–85 g/cm3and a maximum transit time to Earth <0.15 Ma is suggested. Dar al Gani 262 contains high concentrations of solar-wind-implanted noble gases. The isotopic abundance ratio 40Ar/36Ar < 3 is characteristic of lunar soils. The terrestrial weathering of DG 262 is reflected by the occurrence of fractures filled with calcite and by high concentrations of Ca, Ba, Cs, Br, and As. There is also a large amount of terrestrial C and some N in the sample, which was released at low temperatures during stepped heating. High concentrations of Ni, Co, and Ir indicate a significant meteoritic component in the lunar surface regolith from which DG 262 was derived.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Kärdla crater is a 4 km‐wide impact structure of Late Ordovician age located on Hiiumaa Island, Estonia. The 455 Ma‐old buried crater was formed in shallow seawater in Precambrian crystalline target rocks that were covered with sedimentary rocks. Basement and breccia samples from 13 drill cores were studied mineralogically, petrographically, and geochemically. Geochemical analyses of major and trace elements were performed on 90 samples from allochthonous breccias, sub‐crater and surrounding basement rocks. The breccia units do not include any melt rocks or suevites. The remarkably poorly mixed sedimentary and crystalline rocks were deposited separately within the allochthonous breccia suites of the crater. The most intensely shockmetamorphosed allochthonous granitoid crystalline‐derived breccia layers contain planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz, indicating shock pressures of 20–35 GPa. An apparent K‐enrichment and Ca‐Na‐depletion of feldspar‐ and hornblende‐bearing rocks in the allochthonous breccia units and sub‐crater basement is interpreted to be the result of early stage alteration in an impact‐induced hydrothermal system. The chemical composition of the breccias shows no definite sign of an extraterrestrial contamination. By modeling of the different breccia units with HMX‐mixing, the indigenous component was determined. From the abundances of the siderophile elements (Cr, Co, Ni, Ir, and Au) in the breccia samples, no unambiguous evidence for the incorporation of a meteoritic component above about 0.1 wt% chondrite‐equivalent was found.  相似文献   

This study presents the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk composition of lunar regolith breccia meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 7948. We identify a range of lunar lithologies including basaltic clasts (very low-titanium and low-titanium basalts), feldspathic lithologies (ferroan anorthosite, magnesian-suite rock, and alkali suite), granulites, impact melt breccias (including crystalline impact melt breccias, clast-bearing impact melt breccias, and glassy melt breccias), as well as regolith components (volcanic glass and impact glass). A compositionally unusual metal-rich clast was also identified, which may represent an impact melt lithology sourced from a unique Mg-suite parent rock. NWA 7948 has a mingled bulk rock composition (Al2O3 = 21.6 wt% and FeO = 9.4 wt%) and relatively low concentrations of incompatible trace elements (e.g., Th = 1.07 ppm and Sm = 2.99 ppm) compared with Apollo regolith breccias. Comparing the bulk composition of the meteorite with remotely sensed geochemical data sets suggests that the sample was derived from a region of the lunar surface distal from the nearside Th-rich Procellarum KREEP Terrane. Our investigations suggest that it may have been ejected from a nearside highlands-mare boundary (e.g., around Mare Crisium or Orientale) or a cryptomare region (e.g., Schickard-Schiller or Mare smythii) or a farside highlands-mare boundary (e.g., Mare Australe, Apollo basin in the South Pole–Aitken basin). The distinctive mineralogical and geochemical features of NWA 7948 suggest that the meteorite may represent lunar material that has not been reported before, and indicate that the lunar highlands exhibit wide geological diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract– Six chondritic clasts in the Cumberland Falls polymict breccia were examined: four texturally resemble ordinary chondrites (OCs) and two are impact melt breccias containing shocked OC clasts adjacent to a melt matrix. The six chondritic clasts are probably remnants of a single OC projectile that was heterogeneously shocked when it collided with the Cumberland Falls host. Mayo Belwa is the first known aubrite impact melt breccia. It contains coarse enstatite grains exhibiting mosaic extinction; the enstatite grains are surrounded by a melt matrix composed of 3–16 μm‐size euhedral and subhedral enstatite grains embedded in sodic plagioclase. Numerous vugs, ranging from a few micrometers to a few millimeters in size, constitute ~5 vol% of the meteorite. They occur nearly exclusively within the Mayo Belwa matrix; literature data show that some vugs are lined with bundles of acicular grains of the amphibole fluor‐richterite. This phase has been reported previously in only two other enstatite meteorites (Abee and St. Sauveur), both of which are EH‐chondrite impact melt breccias. It seems likely that in Mayo Belwa, volatiles were vaporized during an impact event and formed bubbles in the melt. As the melt solidified, the bubbles became cavities; plagioclase and fluor‐richterite crystallized at the margins of these cavities via reaction of the melt with the vapor.  相似文献   

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