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Abstract— Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 300 comprises a microcrystalline igneous matrix (grain size <10 μm), dominated by plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. Pyroxene geothermometry indicates that the matrix crystallized at ?1100 °C. The matrix encloses mineral and lithic clasts that record the effects of variable levels of shock. Mineral clasts include plagioclase, low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxene, pigeonite, and olivine. Minor amounts of ilmenite, FeNi metal, chromite, and a silica phase are also present. A variety of lithic clast types are observed, including glassy impact melts, impact‐melt breccias, and metamorphosed impact melts. One clast of granulitic breccia was also noted. A lunar origin for SaU 300 is supported by the composition of the plagioclase (average An95), the high Cr content in olivine, the lack of hydrous phases, and the Fe/Mn ratio of mafic minerals. Both matrix and clasts have been locally overprinted by shock veins and melt pockets. SaU 300 has previously been described as an anorthositic regolith breccia with basaltic components and a granulitic matrix, but we here interpret it to be a polymict crystalline impact‐melt breccia with an olivine‐rich anorthositic norite bulk composition. The varying shock states of the mineral and lithic clasts suggest that they were shocked to between 5–28 GPa (shock stages S1–S2) by impact events in target rocks prior to their inclusion in the matrix. Formation of the igneous matrix requires a minimum shock pressure of 60 GPa (shock stage >S4). The association of maskelynite with melt pockets and shock veins indicates a subsequent, local 28–45 GPa (shock stage S2–S3) excursion, which was probably responsible for lofting the sample from the lunar surface. Subsequent fracturing is attributed to atmospheric entry and probable breakup of the parent meteor.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrology, major and trace element geochemistry, and Nd‐Ar‐Sr isotopic compositions of a ferroan noritic anorthosite clast from lunar breccia 67215 have been studied in order to improve our understanding of the composition, age, structure, and impact history of the lunar crust. The clast (designated 67215c) has an unusually well preserved igneous texture. Mineral compositions are consistent with classification of 67215c as a member of the ferroan anorthositic suite of lunar highlands rocks, but the texture and mineralogy show that it cooled more rapidly and at shallower depths than did more typical ferroan anorthosites (FANs). Incompatible trace element concentrations are enriched in 67215c relative to typical FANs, but diagnostic signatures such as Ti/Sm, Sc/Sm, plagiophile element ratios, and the lack of Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta fractionation show that this cannot be due to the addition of KREEP. Alternatively, 67215c may contain a greater fraction of trapped liquid than is commonly present in lunar FANs. 147Sm‐143Nd isotopic compositions of mineral separates from 67215c define an isochron age of 4.40 ± 0.11 Gyr with a near‐chondritic initial ε143Nd of +0.85 ± 0.53. The 40Ar‐39Ar composition of plagioclase from this clast records a post‐crystallization thermal event at 3.93 ± 0.08 Gyr, with the greatest contribution to the uncertainty in this age deriving from a poorly constrained correction for lunar atmosphere 40Ar. Rb‐Sr isotopic compositions are disturbed, probably by the same event recorded by the Ar isotopic compositions. Trace element compositions of FANs are consistent with crystallization from a moderately evolved magma ocean and do not support a highly depleted source composition such as that implied by the positive initial ε143Nd of the ferroan noritic anorthosite 62236. Alternatively, the Nd isotopic systematics of lunar FANs may have been subject to variable degrees of modification by impact metamorphism, with the plagioclase fraction being more strongly affected than the mafic phases. 147Sm‐143Nd isotopic compositions of mafic fractions from the 4 ferroan noritic anorthosites for which isotopic data exist (60025, 62236, 67016c, 67215c) define an age of 4.46 ± 0.04 Gyr, which may provide a robust estimate for the crystallization age of lunar ferroan anorthosites.  相似文献   

Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17 is a stratified boulder containing dark clasts and dark-rimmed light clasts set in a light-gray friable matrix. The gray to black clasts (GCBx and BCBx) are multigenerational, competent, high-grade metamorphic, and partially melted breccias. They contain a diverse suite of lithic clasts which are mainly ANT varieties, but include granites, basaltic-textured olivine basalts, troctolitic and spinel troctolitic basalts, and unusual lithologies such as KREEP norite, ilmenite (KREEP) microgabbro, and the Civet Cat norite, which is believed to be a plutonic differentiate. The GCBxs and BCBxs are variable in composition, averaging a moderately KREEPy olivine norite. The matrix consists of mineral fragments derived from the observed lithologies plus variable amounts of a component, unobserved as a clast-type, that approximates a KREEP basalt in composition, as well as mineral fragments of unknown derivation. The high-temperature GCBxs cooled substantially before their incorporation into the friable matrix of Boulder 1. The light friable matrix (LFBx) is texturally distinct from the competent breccia clasts and, apart from the abundant ANT clasts, contains clasts of a KREEPy basalt that is not observed in the competent breccias. The LFBx lacks such lithologies as the granites and the Civet Cat norite observed in the competent breccias and in detail is a distinct chemical as well as textural entity. We interpret the LFBx matrix as Serenitatis ejecta deposited in the South Massif, and the GCBx clasts as remnants of an ejecta blanket produced by an earlier impact. The source terrain for the Serenitatis impact consisted of the competent breccias, crustal ANT lithologies, and the KREEPy basalts, attesting to substantial lunar activity prior to the impact. The age of the older breccias suggests that the Serenitatis event is younger than 4.01±0.03 b.y.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated 10 new specimens of the Millbillillie eucrite to study its textures and mineral compositions by electron probe microanalyser and scanning electron microscope. Although originally described as having fine-grained texture, the new specimens show diversity of texture. The compositions (Mg/Fe ratios) of the host pigeonites and augite lamellae are homogeneous, respectively, in spite of the textural variation. In addition to their chemical homogeneity, pyroxenes in coarse and fine-grained clasts are partly inverted to orthopyroxene. Chemical zoning of plagioclase during crystal growth is preserved. This eucrite includes areas of granulitic breccias and impact melts. Large scale textures show a subparallel layering suggesting incomplete mixing and deposition of impact melt and lithic fragments. An 39Ar-40Ar age determination for a coarse-grained clast indicates a strong degassing event at 3.55 ± 0.02 Ga. We conclude that Millbillillie is among the most equilibrated eucrites produced by thermal annealing after impact brecciation. According to the classification of impact breccias, Millbillillie can be classified as a mixture of granulitic breccias and impact melts. The last significant thermal event is characterized by network-like glassy veins that run through clasts and matrices. Consideration of textural observations and requirements for Ar-degassing suggests that the 39Ar-40Ar age could in principle date either the earilier brecciation and annealing event or the event which produced the veins.  相似文献   

Abstract– Northwest Africa (NWA) 869 consists of thousands of individual stones with an estimated total weight of about 7 metric tons. It is an L3–6 chondrite and probably represents the largest sample of the rare regolith breccias from the L–chondrite asteroid. It contains unequilibrated and equilibrated chondrite clasts, some of which display shock‐darkening. Impact melt rocks (IMRs), both clast‐free and clast‐poor, are strongly depleted in Fe,Ni metal, and sulfides. An unequilibrated microbreccia, two different light inclusions and two different SiO2‐bearing objects were found. Although the matrix of this breccia appears partly clastic, it is not a simple mixture of fine‐grained debris formed from the above lithologies, but mainly represents an additional specific lithology of low petrologic type. We speculate that this material stems from a region of the parent body that was only weakly consolidated. One IMR clast and one SiO2‐bearing object show Δ17O values similar to bulk NWA 869, suggesting that both are related to the host rock. In contrast, one light inclusion and one IMR clast appear to be unrelated to NWA 869, suggesting that the IMR clast is contaminated with impactor material. 40Ar‐39Ar analyses of a type 4 chondrite clast yield a plateau age of 4402 ± 7 Ma, which is interpreted to be the result of impact heating. Other impact events are recorded by an IMR clast at 1790 ± 36 Ma and a shock‐darkened clast at 2216 ± 40 Ma, demonstrating that NWA 869 escaped major reset in the course of the event at approximately 470 Ma that affected many L–chondrites.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa 7533, a polymict Martian breccia, consists of fine‐grained clast‐laden melt particles and microcrystalline matrix. While both melt and matrix contain medium‐grained noritic‐monzonitic material and crystal clasts, the matrix also contains lithic clasts with zoned pigeonite and augite plus two feldspars, microbasaltic clasts, vitrophyric and microcrystalline spherules, and shards. The clast‐laden melt rocks contain clump‐like aggregates of orthopyroxene surrounded by aureoles of plagioclase. Some shards of vesicular melt rocks resemble the pyroxene‐plagioclase clump‐aureole structures. Submicron size matrix grains show some triple junctions, but most are irregular with high intergranular porosity. The noritic‐monzonitic rocks contain exsolved pyroxenes and perthitic intergrowths, and cooled more slowly than rocks with zoned‐pyroxene or fine grain size. Noritic material contains orthopyroxene or inverted pigeonite, augite, calcic to intermediate plagioclase, and chromite to Cr‐bearing magnetite; monzonitic clasts contain augite, sodic plagioclase, K feldspar, Ti‐bearing magnetite, ilmenite, chlorapatite, and zircon. These feldspathic rocks show similarities to some rocks at Gale Crater like Black Trout, Mara, and Jake M. The most magnesian orthopyroxene clasts are close to ALH 84001 orthopyroxene in composition. All these materials are enriched in siderophile elements, indicating impact melting and incorporation of a projectile component, except for Ni‐poor pyroxene clasts which are from pristine rocks. Clast‐laden melt rocks, spherules, shards, and siderophile element contents indicate formation of NWA 7533 as a regolith breccia. The zircons, mainly derived from monzonitic (melt) rocks, crystallized at 4.43 ± 0.03 Ga (Humayun et al. 2013 ) and a 147Sm‐143Nd isochron for NWA 7034 yielding 4.42 ± 0.07 Ga (Nyquist et al. 2016 ) defines the crystallization age of all its igneous portions. The zircon from the monzonitic rocks has a higher Δ17O than other Martian meteorites explained in part by assimilation of regolith materials enriched during surface alteration (Nemchin et al. 2014 ). This record of protolith interaction with atmosphere‐hydrosphere during regolith formation before melting demonstrates a thin atmosphere, a wet early surface environment on Mars, and an evolved crust likely to have contaminated younger extrusive rocks. The latest events recorded when the breccia was on Mars are resetting of apatite, much feldspar and some zircons at 1.35–1.4 Ga (Bellucci et al. 2015 ), and formation of Ni‐bearing pyrite veins during or shortly after this disturbance (Lorand et al. 2015 ).  相似文献   

Nine U-Th-Pb whole-rock analyses of selected brecciated materials from sample 72215 and one analysis of a pigeonite basalt clast from 72275 are presented. Both samples are from Boulder 1, Apollo 17. These data supplement previous Boulder 1 U-Th-Pb analyses of samples 72275 and 72255. U and Th concentrations indicate that most of the samples contain a moderate to large KREEP component. Samples containing the least KREEP are a noritic clast (72255,49; Civet Cat clast) and an anorthositic clast (72275,117). Evidence for the migration of Pb from Pb-rich matrix material into relatively Pb-poor clasts is presented for two clasts. Most of the Boulder 1 data define a linear trend that intersects concordia at ~ 3.9 and 4.4 b.y. when plotted on a U-Pb concordia diagram. The presence of one anorthositic clast distinctly off this trend indicates that a simple two-stage U-Pb evolution history is inadequate to explain all the data. Accordingly physical significance is only attached to the lower concordia intercept age of 3.9–4.0 b.y. The older concordia intercept age of ~ 4.4 b.y. is interpreted to reflect an averaging of events both older and younger than 4.4 b.y. The data suggest that significant differentiation and/or metamorphism occurred ~ 4.2 b.y. ago. The age of this event, however, is not accurately defined by these data.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large hand sample and numerous polished thin sections, made from the hand sample, of the Kapoeta howardite and its many diverse lithic clasts were studied in detail by optical microscopy and electron microprobe techniques in an attempt to understand the surface processes that operated on the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) parent body (most likely the asteroid 4 Vesta). Four unique, unusually large clasts, designated A (mafic breccia), B (granoblastic eucrite), D (howardite) and H (melt-coated breccia), were selected for detailed study (modal analysis, mineral microprobe analysis, and noble gas measurements). Petrographic studies reveal that Kapoeta consists of a fine-grained matrix made mostly of minute pyroxene and plagioclase fragments, into which are embedded numerous different lithic and mineral clasts of highly variable sizes. The lithic clasts include pyroxene-plagioclase (eucrite), orthopyroxenite (diogenite), howardite, impact-melt, metal-sulfide-rich, and carbonaceous chondrite clasts. The howardite clasts include examples of lithic clasts that constitute breccias-within-breccias, suggesting that at least two regolith generations are represented in the Kapoeta sample we studied. The clast assemblage suggests that repeated shock lithification was an important process during regolith evolution. Noble gas analyses of clast samples fall into two populations: (a) solar-gas-rich clasts H (rim only) and D and (b) clasts A and B, which are essentially free of solar gases. The concentrations of solar noble gases in the two matrix samples differ by a factor of ~40. It appears that clast D is a true regolith breccia within the Kapoeta howardite (breccia-within-breccia), while clast H is a regolith breccia that has been significantly impact reworked. Our data indicate that the Kapoeta howardite is an extraordinarily heterogeneous rock in modal mineral and lithic clast abundances, grain size distributions, solar-wind noble gas concentrations and cosmic-ray exposure ages. These results illustrate the repetitive nature of impact comminution and lithification in the regolith of the HED parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Polymict ureilites contain various mineral and lithic clasts not observed in monomict ureilites, including plagioclase, enstatite, feldspathic melt clasts and dark inclusions. This paper investigates the microdistributions and petrogenetic implications of rare earth elements (REEs) in three polymict ureilites (Elephant Moraine (EET) 83309, EET 87720 and North Haig), focusing particularly on the mineral and lithic clasts not found in monomict ureilites. As in monomict ureilites, olivine and pyroxene are the major heavy (H)REE carriers in polymict ureilites. They have light (L)REE‐depleted patterns with little variation in REE abundances, despite large differences in major element compositions. The textural and REE characteristics of feldspathic melt clasts in the three polymict ureilites indicate that they are most likely shocked melt that sampled the basaltic components associated with ureilites on their parent body. Simple REE modeling shows that the most common melt clasts in polymict ureilites can be produced by 20–30% partial melting of chondritic material, leaving behind a ureilitic residue. The plagioclase clasts, as well as some of the high‐Ca pyroxene grains, probably represent plagioclase‐pyroxene rock types on the ureilite parent body. However, the variety of REE patterns in both plagioclase and melt clasts cannot be the result of a single igneous differentiation event. Multiple processes, probably including shock melting and different sources, are required to account for all the REE characteristics observed in lithic and mineral clasts. The C‐rich matrix in polymict ureilites is LREE‐enriched, like that in monomict ureilites. The occurrence of Ce anomalies in C‐rich matrix, dark inclusions and the presence of the hydration product, iddingsite, imply significant terrestrial weathering. A search for 26Mg excesses, from the radioactive decay of 26Al, in the polymict ureilite EET 83309 was negative.  相似文献   

A total of seven lithic clasts from the polymict eucrites ALHA76005 and ALHA77302 have been studied petrographically and analyzed with the electron microprobe. All clasts are composed predominantly of pyroxene and plagioclase, ± ilmenite, troilite, Fe-Ni metal, mesostasis, and silica. Pyroxene compositions in unequilibrated clasts and clast bulk compositions, calculated by modal recombination, indicate that the clasts originally crystallized under similar conditions and that they may be genetically related to each other by fractionation of pigeonite and plagioclase.  相似文献   

Abar al' Uj (AaU) 012 is a clast‐rich, vesicular impact‐melt (IM) breccia, composed of lithic and mineral clasts set in a very fine‐grained and well‐crystallized matrix. It is a typical feldspathic lunar meteorite, most likely originating from the lunar farside. Bulk composition (31.0 wt% Al2O3, 3.85 wt% FeO) is close to the mean of feldspathic lunar meteorites and Apollo FAN‐suite rocks. The low concentration of incompatible trace elements (0.39 ppm Th, 0.13 ppm U) reflects the absence of a significant KREEP component. Plagioclase is highly anorthitic with a mean of An96.9Ab3.0Or0.1. Bulk rock Mg# is 63 and molar FeO/MnO is 76. The terrestrial age of the meteorite is 33.4 ± 5.2 kyr. AaU 012 contains a ~1.4 × 1.5 mm2 exotic clast different from the lithic clast population which is dominated by clasts of anorthosite breccias. Bulk composition and presence of relatively large vesicles indicate that the clast was most probably formed by an impact into a precursor having nonmare igneous origin most likely related to the rare alkali‐suite rocks. The IM clast is mainly composed of clinopyroxenes, contains a significant amount of cristobalite (9.0 vol%), and has a microcrystalline mesostasis. Although the clast shows similarities in texture and modal mineral abundances with some Apollo pigeonite basalts, it has lower FeO and higher SiO2 than any mare basalt. It also has higher FeO and lower Al2O3 than rocks from the FAN‐ or Mg‐suite. Its lower Mg# (59) compared to Mg‐suite rocks also excludes a relationship with these types of lunar material.  相似文献   

Abstract— We performed high‐resolution 40Ar‐39Ar dating of mineral separates and whole‐rock samples from the desert meteorites Dhofar 300, Dhofar 007, and Northwest Africa (NWA) 011. The chronological information of all samples is dominated by plagioclase of varying grain size. The last total reset age of the eucrites Dhofar 300 and Dhofar 007 is 3.9 ± 0.1 Ga, coeval with the intense cratering period on the Moon. Some large plagioclase grains of Dhofar 007 possibly inherited Ar from a 4.5 Ga event characteristic for other cumulate eucrites. Due to disturbances of the age spectrum of NWA 011, only an estimate of 3.2–3.9 Ga can be given for its last total reset age. Secondary events causing partial 40Ar loss ≤3.4 Ga ago are indicated by all age spectra. Furthermore, Ar extractions from distinct low temperature phases define apparent isochrons for all samples. These isochron ages are chronologically irrelevant and most probably caused by desert alterations, in which radiogenic 40Ar and K from the meteorite and occasionally K induced by weathering are mixed, accompanied by incorporation of atmospheric Ar. Additional uptake of atmospheric Ar by the alteration phase(s) was observed during mineral separation (i.e., crushing and cleaning in ultrasonic baths). Consistent cosmic‐ray exposure ages were obtained from plagioclase and pyroxene exposure age spectra of Dhofar 300 (25 ± 1 Ma) and Dhofar 007 (13 ± 1 Ma) using the mineral's specific target element chemistry and corresponding 38Ar production rates.  相似文献   

Abstract— Magmatic inclusions occur in type II ureilite clasts (olivine‐orthopyroxene‐augite assemblages with essentially no carbon) and in a large isolated plagioclase clast in the Dar al Gani (DaG) 319 polymict ureilite. Type I ureilite clasts (olivine‐pigeonite assemblages with carbon), as well as other lithic and mineral clasts in this meteorite, are described in Ikeda et al.(2000). The magmatic inclusions in the type II ureilite clasts consist mainly of magnesian augite and glass. They metastably crystallized euhedral pyroxenes, resulting in feldspar component‐enriched glass. On the other hand, the magmatic inclusions in the large plagioclase clast consist mainly of pyroxene and plagioclase, with a mesostasis. They crystallized with a composition along the cotectic line between the pyroxene and plagioclase liquidus fields. DaG 319 also contains felsic lithic clasts that represent various types of igneous lithologies. These are the rare components not found in the common monomict ureilites. Porphyritic felsic clasts, the main type, contain phenocrysts of plagioclase and pyroxene, and their groundmass consists mainly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and minor phosphate, ilmenite, chromite, and/or glass. Crystallization of these porphyritic clasts took place along the cotectic line between the pyroxene and plagioclase fields. Pilotaxitic felsic clasts crystallized plagioclase laths and minor interstitial pyroxene under metastable conditions, and the mesostasis is extremely enriched in plagioclase component in spite of the ubiquitous crystallization of plagioclase laths in the clasts. We suggest that there are two crystallization trends, pyroxene‐metal and pyroxene‐plagioclase trends, for the magmatic inclusions and felsic lithic clasts in DaG 319. The pyroxene‐metal crystallization trend corresponds to the magmatic inclusions in the type II ureilite clasts and the pilotaxitic felsic clasts, where crystallization took place under reducing and metastable conditions, suppressing precipitation of plagioclase. The pyroxene‐plagioclase crystallization trend corresponds to the magmatic inclusions in the isolated plagioclase clast and the porphyritic felsic clasts. This trend developed under oxidizing conditions in magma chambers within the ureilite parent body. The felsic clasts may have formed mainly from albite component‐rich silicate melts produced by fractional partial melting of chondritic precursors. The common monomict ureilites, type I ureilites, may have formed by the fractional partial melting of alkali‐bearing chondritic precursors. However, type II ureilites may have formed as cumulates from a basaltic melt.  相似文献   

The Almahata Sitta (AhS) meteorite consists of disaggregated clasts from the impact of the polymict asteroid 2008 TC3, including ureilitic (70%–80%) and diverse non-ureilitic materials. We determined the 40Ar/39Ar release patterns for 16 AhS samples (3–1500 μg) taken from three chondritic clasts, AhS 100 (L4), AhS 25 (H5), and MS-D (EL6), as well as a clast of ureilitic trachyandesite MS-MU-011, also known as ALM-A, which is probably a sample of the crust of the ureilite parent body (UPB). Based on our analyses, best estimates of the 40Ar/39Ar ages (Ma) of the chondritic clasts are 4535 ± 10 (L4), 4537–4555 with a younger age preferred (H5), and 4513 ± 17 (EL6). The ages for the L4 and the H5 clasts are older than the most published 40Ar/39Ar ages for L4 and H5 meteorites, respectively. The age for the EL6 clast is typical of older EL6 chondrites. These ages indicate times of argon closure ranging up to 50 Ma after the main constituents of the host breccia, that is, the ureilitic components of AhS, reached the >800°C blocking temperatures of pyroxene and olivine thermometers. We suggest that these ages record the times at which the clasts cooled to the Ar closure temperatures on their respective parent bodies. This interpretation is consistent with the recent proposal that the majority of xenolithic materials in polymict ureilites were implanted into regolith 40–60 Ma after calcium–aluminum-rich inclusion and is consistent with the interpretation that 2008 TC3 was a polymict ureilite. With allowance for its 10-Ma uncertainty, the 4549-Ma 40Ar/39Ar age of ALM-A is consistent with closure within a few Ma of the time recorded by its Pb/Pb age either on the UPB or as part of a rapidly cooling fragment. Plots of age versus cumulative 39Ar release for 10 of 15 samples with ≥5 heating steps indicate minor losses of 40Ar over the last 4.5 Ga. The other five such samples lost some 40Ar at estimated times no earlier than 3800–4500 Ma bp . Clustering of ages in the low-temperature data for these five samples suggests that an impact caused localized heating of the AhS progenitor ~2.7 Ga ago. In agreement with the published work, 10 estimates of cosmic-ray exposure ages based on 38Ar concentrations average 17 ± 5 Ma but may include some early irradiation.  相似文献   

Rare gas isotopic analyses have been performed on both pile-irradiated and unirradiated samples from Boulder 1, Station 2. Two samples from rock 72255, the Civet Cat clast and a sample of adjacent breccia, have concordant40Ar-39 Ar ages of 3.99±0.03 b.y. and 4.01±0.03 b.y., respectively. Several samples from rock 72275 have complex thermal release patterns with no datable features, but an intermediate-temperature plateau from the dark rim material of the Marble Cake clast yields an age of 3.99±0.03 b.y. - indistinguishable from the age of rock 72255. We regard these ages as upper limits on the time of the Serenitatis basin-forming event. The absence of fossil solar-wind trapped gases in the breccia samples implies that a prior existence for the boulder as near-surface regolith material can be regarded as extremely unlikely. Instead, the small trapped rare-gas components have isotopic and elemental compositions diagnostic of the terrestrial-type trapped component which has previously been identified in several Apollo 16 breccias and in rock 14321. Excess fission Xe is found in all Boulder 1 samples in approximately 1:1 proportions with Xe from spontaneous fission of238U. This excess fission Xe is attributed to spontaneous fission of244Puin situ. Cosmic-ray exposure ages for samples from rocks 72215 and 72255 are concordant, with mean81Kr-Kr exposure ages of 41.4±1.4 m.y. and 44.1±3.3 m.y., respectively. However a distinctly different81Kr-Kr exposure age of 52.5±1.4 m.y. is obtained for samples from rock 72275. A two-stage exposure model is developed to account for this discordance and for the remaining cosmogenic rare-gas data. The first stage was initiated at least 55 m.y. ago, probably as a result of the excavation of the boulder source-crop. A discrete change in shielding depths ~ 35 m.y. ago probably corresponds to the dislodgement of Boulder 1 from the South Massif and emplacement in its present position.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments on whole‐rock lunar samples commonly provide evidence of varying degrees of radiogenic 40Ar (40Ar*) loss. However, these experiments provide limited information about whether or not 40Ar* is preferentially lost from specific glasses, minerals, or polyphase domains. Ultraviolet laser ablation microprobe (UVLAMP) 40Ar/39Ar dating and electron probe microanalysis of mineral clasts and polyphase melt assemblages in Apollo 17 poikilitic impact melt rock 77135 show evidence of geochemical controls on 40Ar/39Ar dates. Potassium‐rich glass and K‐feldspar in the mesostasis are the dominant sources for Ar released during low‐temperature steps of published 40Ar/39Ar release spectra for this rock, while pyroxene oikocrysts with enclosed plagioclase chadacrysts contribute Ar predominantly to intermediate‐ to high‐temperature steps. Additionally, UVLAMP analysis of a mm‐scale plagioclase clast demonstrates the potential to use stranded 40Ar* diffusive loss profiles to constrain the thermal evolution of lunar impact melt deposits and indicates that the melt component of 77135 cooled quickly. While some submillimeter clasts of plagioclase are distinctly older than the melt, other small clasts yield dates younger than the oldest melt components in 77135, plausibly due to subgrain fast diffusion pathways and/or 40Ar* loss during brief episodes of reheating at high temperatures. Our data suggest that integrated petrologic and microanalytical geochronologic studies are necessary complements to bulk sample geochronologic studies in order to fully evaluate competing models for the impactor flux during the first billion years of the Moon's evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract– A metamorphosed lithic clast was discovered in the CM chondrite Grove Mountains 021536, which was collected in the Antarctica by the Chinese Antarctic Research Exploration team. The lithic clast is composed mainly of Fe‐rich olivine (Fo62) with minor diopside (Fs9.7–11.1Wo48.3–51.6), plagioclase (An43–46.5), nepheline, merrillite, Al‐rich chromite (21.8 wt% Al2O3; 4.43 wt% TiO2), and pentlandite. Δ17O values of olivine in the lithic clast vary from ?3.9‰ to ?0.8‰. Mineral compositions and oxygen isotopic compositions of olivine suggest that the lithic clast has an exotic source different from the CM chondrite parent body. The clast could be derived from strong thermal metamorphism of pre‐existing chondrule that has experienced low‐temperature anhydrous alteration. The lithic clast is similar in mineral assemblage and chemistry to a few clasts observed in oxidized CV3 chondrites (Mokoia and Yamato‐86009) and might have been derived from the interior of the primitive CV asteroid. The apparent lack of hydration in the lithic clast indicates that the clast accreted into the CM chondrite after hydration of the CM components.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 65 Ma Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico, with a diameter of ~180 km is the focus of geoscientific research because of its link to the mass extinction event at the Cretaceous‐Tertiary (K/T) boundary. Chicxulub, now buried beneath thick post‐impact sediments, is probably one of the best‐preserved terrestrial impact structures known. Because of its inaccessibility, only limited samples on the impact lithologies from a few drill cores are available. We report major element and Sr‐, Nd‐, O‐, and C‐isotopic data for Chicxulub impact‐melt lithologies and basement clasts in impact breccias of drill cores C‐1 and Y‐6, and for melt particles in the Chicxulub ejecta horizon at the K/T boundary in Beloc, Haiti. The melt lithologies with SiO2 ranging from 58 to ~63 wt% show significant variations in the content of Al, Ca, and the alkalies. In the melt matrix samples, δ13C of the calcite is about ?3%o. The δ18O values for the siliceous melt matrices of Y‐6 samples range from 9.9 to 12.4%o. Melt lithologies and the black Haitian glass have rather uniform 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7079 to 0.7094); only one lithic fragment displays 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7141. The Sr model ages TSrUR for most lithologies range from 830 to 1833 Ma; unrealistic negative model ages point to an open Rb‐Sr system with loss of Rb in a hydrothermal process. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios for all samples, except one basement clast with 143Nd/144Nd of 0.5121, cluster at 0.5123 to 0.5124. In an ?Nd‐?Sr diagram, impactites plot in a field delimited by ?Nd of ?2 to ?6, and ?Sr of 55 to 69. This field is not defined by the basement lithologies described to occur as lithic clasts in impact breccias and Cretaceous sediments. At least one additional intermediate to mafic precursor component is required to explain the data.  相似文献   

In a histogram of lunar impact ages from the Apollo 16 site, there is a spike circa 3.9 Ga that has been interpreted to represent either a large number of nearly synchronous events or an abundance of samples that were affected slightly differently by the event that produced the Imbrium basin. To further scrutinize those age relationships, we extracted six centimeter‐sized clasts of impact melt from ancient regolith breccia 60016 and performed petrological and geochronological (40Ar‐39Ar) analyses. Three clasts have similar poikilitic textures, while others have porphyritic, aphanitic, or intergranular textures. Compositions and abundances of relict minerals are different in all six clasts and variously imply Mg‐suite and ferroan anorthosite target sequences. Estimated bulk compositions of four clasts are similar to previously defined group 1 Apollo 16 impact melt rocks, while the other two have higher Al2O3 and lower FeO+MgO compositions. All six clasts have similar K2O and P2O5 concentrations, which could have been derived from a KREEP‐bearing component among target sequences. Eighteen 40Ar/39Ar analyses of the six clasts produced an age range from 3823 ± 75 to 4000 ± 23 Ma, consistent with estimates for the proposed late heavy bombardment. Four clasts have multiple temperature steps that define plateau ages. These ages are distinct, so they cannot be explained by a single impact event, such as the one that produced the Imbrium impact basin. The conclusion that these represent distinct ages remains after considering the possibility of artifacts in defining plateaus.  相似文献   

We observed metamorphosed clasts in the CV3 chondrite breccias Graves Nunataks 06101, Vigarano, Roberts Massif 04143, and Yamato‐86009. These clasts are coarse‐grained polymineralic rocks composed of Ca‐bearing ferroan olivine (Fa24–40, up to 0.6 wt% CaO), diopside (Fs7–12Wo44–50), plagioclase (An52–75), Cr‐spinel (Cr/[Cr + Al] = 0.4, Fe/[Fe + Mg] = 0.7), sulfide and rare grains of Fe‐Ni metal, phosphate, and Ca‐poor pyroxene (Fs24Wo4). Most clasts have triple junctions between silicate grains. The rare earth element (REE) abundances are high in diopside (REE ~3.80–13.83 × CI) and plagioclase (Eu ~12.31–14.67 × CI) but are low in olivine (REE ~0.01–1.44 × CI) and spinel (REE ~0.25–0.49 × CI). These REE abundances are different from those of metamorphosed chondrites, primitive achondrites, and achondrites, suggesting that the clasts are not fragments of these meteorites. Similar mineralogical characteristics of the clasts with those in the Mokoia and Yamato‐86009 breccias (Jogo et al. 2012 ) suggest that the clasts observed in this study would also form inside the CV3 chondrite parent body. Thermal modeling suggests that in order to reach the metamorphosed temperatures of the clasts of >800 °C, the clast parent body should have accreted by ~2.5–2.6 Ma after CAIs formation. The consistency of the accretion age of the clast parent body and the CV3 chondrule formation age suggests that the clasts and CV3 chondrites could be originated from the same parent body with a peak temperature of 800–1100 °C. If the body has a peak temperature of >1100 °C, the accretion age of the body becomes older than the CV3 chondrule formation age and multiple CV3 parent bodies are likely.  相似文献   

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