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The relationships among cytochrome P450 induction in marine wildlife species, levels of fluorescent aromatic compounds (FAC) in their bile, the chemical composition of the inducing compounds, the significance of the exposure pathway, and any resulting injury, as a consequence of exposure to crude oil following a spill, are reviewed. Fish collected after oil spills often show increases in cytochrome P450 system activity, cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) and bile fluorescent aromatic compounds (FAC), that are correlated with exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the oil. There is also some evidence for increases in bile FAC and induction of cytochrome P450 in marine birds and mammals after oil spills. However, when observed, increases in these exposure indicators are transitory and generally decrease to background levels within one year after the exposure. Laboratory studies have shown induction of cytochrome P450 systems occurs after exposure of fish to crude oil in water, sediment or food. Most of the PAH found in crude oil (dominantly 2- and 3-ring PAH) are not strong inducers of cytochrome P450. Exposure to the 4-ring chrysenes or the photooxidized products of the PAH may account for the cytochrome P450 responses in fish collected from oil-spill sites. The contribution of non-spill background PAH, particularly combustion-derived (pyrogenic) PAH, to bile FAC and cytochrome P450 system responses can be confounding and needs to be considered when evaluating oil spill effects. The ubiquity of pyrogenic PAH makes it important to fully characterize all sources of PAH, including PAH from natural resources, e.g. retene, in oil spill studies. In addition, such parameters as species, sex, age, ambient temperature and season need to be taken into account. While increases in fish bile FAC and cytochrome P450 system responses, can together, be sensitive general indicators of PAH exposure after an oil spill, there is little unequivocal evidence to suggest a linkage to higher order biological effects, e.g. toxicity, lesions, reproductive failure.  相似文献   

We previously described the genomic structure of the cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) gene from the hermaphroditic fish Rivulus marmoratus [Kim, I.-C., Kim, Y.J., Yoon, Y.-D, Kawamura, S., Lee, Y.-S., Lee, J.-S., 2004a. Cloning of cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) genes from the hermaphroditic fish Rivulus marmoratus and the Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes. Mar. Environ. Res. 58, 125–129]. To further characterize R. marmoratus CYP1A, we cloned the cDNA sequence of a CYP1A gene from this species and also expressed its recombinant protein in an E. coli system. We exposed R. marmoratus to 4-nonylphenol, and found a small induction of CYP1A mRNA in the treated animals. In this paper, we discuss the characteristics of R. marmoratus CYP1A gene as well as its potential use in a biomonitoring assay.  相似文献   


实际海面受风浪的影响是个随机起伏的复杂曲面.一个随机起伏的自由表面对地震波形成相当复杂的散射,进而影响波场在靶区的二次照明与成像结果;此外,起伏海面具有小尺度随机起伏的特性,难以用贴体网格等处理大尺度起伏地表的常规方法和技术对其进行逼近和处理.鉴于此,利用不等距有限差分法实现小尺度起伏海面的波场自由表面边界条件,以此进行正演、波场照明分析;利用逆时偏移(Reverse Time Migration,RTM)进行起伏海面下的成像并对成像结果进行分析.不同模型的试算结果表明:起伏海面引起的复杂散射使靶区地下照明不均匀、成像界面发生弯曲和畸变,从而降低成像结果的分辨率和信噪比.


基于新的末次冰期冰川均衡调整(GIA)模型,利用有限元算法模拟了盛冰期以来东亚相对海平面的变化,并与观测数据进行比较分析.研究表明,早期相对海平面上升由盛冰期后全球冰盖消融控制,后期的变化则由地壳黏性均衡调整控制;每个时期的结果均具有显著的区域性差异,与地壳均衡作用及远场均衡效应的区域性差异有关;模拟的不确定性主要来自冰盖消融模型差异的影响,量级在观测误差范围内.此外,利用本文的GIA模拟结果,对东亚海岸历史相对海平面观测进行改正,揭示了华南全新世以来不同阶段的地壳垂直运动,其中3—8 kaBP地壳以较稳定的速率(1~4 mm/a)下沉,之后则以较小速率下降或隆升,推测可能与东南部菲律宾板块的俯冲有关;揭示近千年来粤东海岸和珠江三角洲地壳垂直运动有长期隆升趋势,而近三十年的观测结果则显示下沉,推测该差异与人类活动导致的沉降有关.  相似文献   

The concentration levels of Cd (25 ng l?1), Cu (0.45 μg l?1), Ni (0.48 μg l?1), Fe (0.2–7.0 μg l?1), Pb (40 ng l?1) and Zn (0.80 μg l?1) have been determined in the Danish Sounds and in the Kattegat. Different sampling techniques have been used and analyses have been carried out separately by two different investigators, both using freon-extraction followed by determination by atomic absorption spectrometry (a.a.s.). Except for iron, found mainly in the particulate phase, the metals are found predominantly in a dissolved and labile (extractable) form. The results are compared with trace metal levels found in the two main water masses entering the Kattegat—the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The role of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in effecting changes in winter extreme high and low waters and storm surges in UK waters has been investigated with the use of a depth-averaged tide+surge numerical model. Spatial patterns of correlation of extreme high and low waters (extreme still water sea levels) with the NAO index are similar to those of median or mean sea level studied previously. Explanations for the similarities, and for differences where they occur, are proposed. Spatial patterns of correlations of extreme high and low and median surge with the NAO index are similar to the corresponding extreme sea-level patterns. Suggestions are made as to which properties of surges (frequency, duration, magnitude) are linked most closely to NAO variability. Several climate models suggest higher (more positive) average values of NAO index during the next 100 years. However, the impact on the UK coastline in terms of increased flood risk should be low (aside from other consequences of climate change such as a global sea-level rise) if the existing relationships between extreme high waters and NAO index are maintained.  相似文献   

The chemistry of bulk precipitation and stream water was monitored in an acidic afforested catchment at Llyn Brianne in upland Wales between 1985 and 1990. Throughfall, stemflow and soil water chemistry were also monitored between 1988 and 1989. Marine-derived solutes dominated the ionic composition of precipitation and stream water, which had mean Cl concentrations of 113 μequiv. 1?1 and 245 μequiv. 1?1, respectively. The higher concentrations in stream water reflect occult and dry deposition on the forest canopy and the effect of interception and transpiration losses. Chloride variations in stream water (112-454μequiv. 1?1) were damped compared with bulk precipitation (28-762μequiv. 1?1) due to the mixing of event (‘new’) water with pre-event (‘old’) water in the catchment soils. A storm episode monitored in the catchment in April 1989 was associated with high sea salt inputs and Cl concentrations in throughfall (1466μequiv. 1?1) and storm runoff were exceptionally high (392μequiv. 1?1). The Cl signal in stream water during the episode was consistent with an event (‘new’) water contribution to the storm response. However, a short-term hydrochemical budget estimated that although Cl outputs from the catchment during the event (1.17 kg ha?1) were equivalent to 8% of inputs in throughfall and stemflow, the storm runoff was equivalent to 32% of effective precipitation. This indicates that pre-event (‘old’) water was the dominant source (> 75%) of storm runoff. Although sea salt inputs during the event had a marked impact on stream water chemistry, the anomalously high levels of acidity sometimes associated with sea salt events were not observed in this particular study.  相似文献   


蒸发波导在海洋低空的发生概率高达90%,对舰船雷达、通信等电磁系统具有重要影响.为了分析利用GNSS卫星海面反射信号的时延-相关功率波形反演蒸发波导的可行性,本文提出了GNSS卫星海面反射信号的有效散射区域的概念,并将有效散射区域内的GNSS反射信号区分为GNSS标准反射信号和GNSS波导反射信号;然后,利用射线追踪方法,仿真分析了GNSS卫星海面反射信号的有效散射区域大小对蒸发波导的关键参数——波导高度的敏感性,并分析了在时延-相关功率波形上利用反射信号的传播时延将二者分离开的可行性.结果表明,GNSS卫星海面反射信号的有效散射区域对蒸发波导高度非常敏感,对于2~25 m高的GNSS反射信号接收天线,当蒸发波导的高度由0 m增加至20 m时,GNSS反射信号有效散射区域半径的均值可由约14 km迅速扩展至约160 km;采用高度角足够大的GNSS卫星可以将有效散射区内的GNSS标准反射信号与GNSS波导反射信号在时延-相关功率波形上分离开.


In recent years, there has been a decline in the wild populations of river pufferfish, Takifugu obscurus. Besides overexploitation for commercial purposes, environmental pollution is believed to have contributed to its decline. However, almost no information exists about genes involved in metabolism of xenobiotics by this species. Nevertheless, there is interest in fugu fishes, since they possess the smallest genome among vertebrates. We cloned and characterized the full-length cDNA sequence of a cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) gene from T. obscurus. Phylogenic relationship of T. obscurus CYP1A was also compared to other fish species. The tissue distribution and time-dependant induction of CYP1A mRNA were studied by real-time PCR in T. obscurus exposed to an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) agonist, beta-naphthoflavone (BNF). The greatest basal expression in livers of control as well as BNF-treated individuals. However, brain, gill, gonad, intestine, and kidney also expressed CYP1A. Muscles expressed the least CYP1A. The results of the time-course study revealed induction in brain and gills after 6h and at 12h in most tissues. Except for gills, all other organs retained induced expression of CYP1A mRNA up to 96h.  相似文献   

Reproductively active ghost crabs appear to be more susceptible to oil pollution than non-active individuals, probably as a consequence of lowered energy reserves. Uptake of hydrocarbons over the 96-h exposure periods was more or less limited to the gill tissue. A relative measure—the ‘aromatic ratio’ — is suggested as a possible means of assessing bioaccumulation.  相似文献   

Biochemical markers and ovarian histology were investigated in prespawning females of grass goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus) and grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) collected, respectively, in late spring and summer 2000 in four sites of a highly eutrophic brackish ecosystem of central Italy, the Orbetello Lagoon. Exposure to chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons was evaluated in fish livers by the somatic liver index (SLI) and by measuring 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and benzo(a)pyrene monooxygenase (BaPMO) activities. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was measured in brain and gills to evaluate exposure to organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates (CBs). The gonad somatic index (GSI) was used to confirm ovarian maturation and ovarian histology was investigated as a potential biomarker for environmental effects. Samples from the Western Basin, near a sewage treatment plant (STP) off the town of Orbetello, showed higher SLI values and higher EROD and BaPMO activities than those collected from the Ansedonia Canal (AC) in the Eastern Basin (p<0.05) and respect to those from reference sites: the Albegna River (AR) Delta for grass goby and the Nassa Canal (NC), connected with the sea, for grey mullet both located in the Western Basin as well. Low brain AChE activity was observed in both species from the reference sites (AR and NC) in association with the presence of anomalies in developing oocytes: unexpectedly small in grass goby and irregular disintegrated cytoplasm in grey mullet. The results indicate that the Western Basin is more polluted than the Eastern Basin particularly in the Orbetello where the sewage treatment plant may be a source of aromatic and chlorinated compounds while the Albegna River and the Nassa Canal may be sources of OPs and CBs.  相似文献   

The study describes cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYPA1) expression in the skin of different cetacean species (Megaptera novaeangliae, n = 15; Stenella attenuata, n = 7 and Stenella longirostris, n = 24) from the Mozambique Channel island of Mayotte. Immunohistochemical examination was performed with a monoclonal antibody against scup cytochrome CYPA1. The sex was determined using a molecular approach consisting in the genotyping sex-specific genes. CYPA1 was detected at the junction between epidermis and blubber on dolphins only, mostly in the endothelial cells. Similar observation was obtained in the dermis of one M. novaeangliae. Immunohistochemical slides were scored to evaluate the expression of the CYPA1 and a higher expression was observed in S. longirostris, suggesting a higher exposure to pollutants for this species. The difference of expression between sexes was not significant.  相似文献   

It is well known that the 630-nm nightglow emission intensity in midlatitudes increases by more than a factor of 2 during a sunspot maximum. It has been assumed that the phenomenon is caused by variations in solar UV radiation during a solar cycle (Fishkova, 1983). We present the results of photometric measurements of the nightglow 630.0 nm emission intensity at a latitude of 63° E and longitude of 130° E (Yakutsk) in 1990–2007. The dependence of the 630-nm emission intensity on solar activity on magnetically quiet days in the 22nd and 23rd solar cycles is shown. The close relationship between the 630-nm nightglow intensity and the intensity of extreme UV (EUV) with a correlation coefficient of 0.8–0.9 in 1997–2007 is ascertained from the SOHO/SEM data. The dominance of solar EUV in the excitation of nightglow 630-nm emission has thus been experimentally proved.  相似文献   

基于应用透射人工边界条件的显式有限元法计算断层破碎带宽度及力学参数变化、地震动入射角变化时二维断层场地模型P波入射下地表地震动场的分布。结果表明:(1)低速度破碎带的存在导致整个场地都有P波转换为SV波的分量,且在断层破碎带的区域出现断层陷波;(2)低速度破碎带的存在使输入场地恒定的能量向破碎带集聚放大,随着破碎带宽度增大或其介质波速降低集聚放大效应增大;(3)场地放大效应是频率相关的,宽度较宽或介质波速较低的断层破碎带对输入地震动中较低的频率成份放大显著;(4)竖向断层破碎带能阻隔斜入射地震P波,随着入射角增加隔震效应更显著。  相似文献   

The extensive sea grass meadows in Torres Strait enable it to be a globally important habitat for the dugong, Dugong dugon, a marine mammal of cultural and dietary significance to Torres Strait Islanders and the basis for the substantial island-based fishery in the Torres Strait Protected Zone. Torres Strait sea grass communities are subjected to episodic diebacks which are now believed to be largely natural events. Information on dugong life history was obtained from specimens obtained from female dugongs as they were butchered for food by Indigenous hunters at two major dugong hunting communities in Torres Strait: Daru (9.04°S, 143.21°E) in 1978–1982 (a time of sea grass dieback and recovery) and Mabuiag Island (9.95°S, 142.15°E) in 1997–1999 (when sea grasses were abundant). Dugongs sampled in 1997–1999 had their first calf at younger ages (minimum of 6 cf. 10 years), and more frequently (interbirth interval based on all possible pregnancies 2.6±0.4 (S.E.) yr cf. 5.8±1.0 yr) than the dugongs sampled in 1978–1982. Pregnancy rates increased monotonically during 1978–1982, coincident with sea grass recovery. The age distribution of the female dugongs collected in 1997–1999 also suggested a low birth rate between 1973 and 1983 and/or or a high level of mortality for animals born during this period. These results add to the evidence from other regions that the life history and reproductive rate of female dugongs are adversely affected by sea grass loss, the effect of which cannot be separated from a possible density-dependent response to changes in dugong population size. Many green turtles in Torres Strait were also in poor body condition coincident with the 1970s sea grass dieback. The impacts of future sea grass diebacks need to be anticipated when management options for the traditional Torres Strait fisheries for dugongs and green turtles are evaluated.  相似文献   

Xiao  Kai  Chen  Meixiang  Wang  Qiang  Wang  Xuezhu  Zhang  Wenhao 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(6):787-802
Ocean Dynamics - The Arctic Ocean is undergoing significant changes, with rapid sea ice decline, unprecedented freshwater accumulation, and pronounced regional sea level rise. In this paper, we...  相似文献   

Histological examination of gonads as well as chemical analysis of organotin compounds in tissues of the giant abalone, Haliotis madaka, was conducted to evaluate continuing endocrine disruption in abalone populations in Japan. Abalone specimens were collected from two different areas, Tsushima as a reference site and Jogashima as a site representative of declining abalone populations where serious organotin contamination had been observed, each month from January 1998 to March 1999. Scores were given to the development stages of reproductive cells in the ovary and testis. The degree of sexual maturation was evaluated by calculating the mean value of a histogram of these scores for the reproductive cells of each abalone. The temporal variations in degree of sexual maturation showed that female and male abalone from Tsushima matured synchronously, while those from Jogashima did not, which were similar to results of the previous study during September 1995–November 1996. Approximately 19% of the female abalone from Jogashima were masculinized with an ovo-testis, which was also similar to the result of the previous study. The masculinization of female abalone is reported to be induced by tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPhT) from antifouling paints. Concentrations of the sum of butyltins (TBT, dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT): ΣBTs) and the sum of phenyltins (TPhT, diphenyltin (DPhT) and monophenyltin (MPhT): ΣPhTs) in the muscle of abalone from Jogashima (n = 73) of 7.8 ± 9.0 ng/g wet wt. and 4.5 ± 6.8 ng/g wet wt., respectively, were significantly higher than those from Tsushima (n = 87) of 4.7 ± 4.9 ng/g wet wt. and 0.8 ± 1.7 ng/g wet wt., respectively (p < 0.05 for ΣBTs; p < 0.001 for ΣPhTs), although concentrations of TBT and TPhT in the muscle of abalone from Jogashima (n = 73) of 2.2 ± 2.5 ng/g wet wt. and 5.8 ± 5.1 ng/g wet wt., respectively, were insignificantly and significantly higher than those from Tsushima (n = 87) of 0.4 ± 0.6 ng/g wet wt. and 0.5 ± 0.9 ng/g wet wt., respectively, (p > 0.05 for TBT; p < 0.001 for TPhT). Thus, endocrine disruption as well as contamination by organotins in the giant abalone from Jogashima is still persisting.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations and contents in gills, gonad, kidneys, mantle, muscle and remainder during the reproductive cycle of female and male spiny and Pacific scallops, from the Strait of Georgia, BC, Canada, were quantified by using ICPMS. The elements investigated were chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, selenium, molybdenum, cadmium, tin and mercury. For all ten elements, the tissue distribution was to some extent influenced by species, sex and reproductive status. The implications of the present study in relation to the design of biomonitoring programmes are: (1) care should be taken to ensure an equal/constant sex composition when making interannual comparisons of pooled samples. Preferably the sexes should be monitored separately. (2) the practice of obtaining pooled samples in the interspawn phase is applicable only to monitoring long-term trends in contaminant levels, while the reproductive status should be heeded when studying short-term changes. (3) the present study confirms that direct temporal or spatial comparisons of absolute accumulated element concentrations are only valid intraspecifically.  相似文献   

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