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StudyoftheanomalyofseismicfractalspectrumbeforestrongearthquakesLINGRENZHU1)(朱令人)SHIYONGZHOU1)(周仕勇)MALINGYANG1)(杨马陵)HAIT...  相似文献   

Introduction Geoelectrical field is a kind of intrinsic geophysical field of the earth, affected by kinds of current systems in outer space and electric properties of media underground, so it carries abundant interior information of the earth. Since 1981 when the group of “VAN” in Greece carried out the study of electric field observation by multi-polar distances (Varotsos and Alexopoulous, 1984a, b), more and more scientists in the world paid extensive attention to it due to its better re…  相似文献   

Introduction The behavior of ground water is influenced by many factors, such as rainfall, exploitation ofground water, atmospheric pressure, tidal gravitation, ground stress variation, effect of surfacewater-body loads (or other loads) and other unknown factors. These factors change the dynamicstate of ground water to different extents and result in the diversification of ground water behavior.As for their mechanism, our knowledge is still superficial. Based on various images of water le…  相似文献   

Electromagnetic radiation anomalies before moderate and strong earthquakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Electromagneticradiationanomaliesbeforemoderateandstrongearthquakes关华平,刘桂萍Hua-PingGUANandGui-PingLIU(CenterforAnalysisandPred...  相似文献   

ThepatterncharacteristicsofthetendencyvariationsofearthresistivityanditsrelationtoearthquakesHe-YunZHAO(赵和云)(EarthquakeResear...  相似文献   

Introduction In the development of seismic science,the improvement of observational instruments is prone to produce new parameters and promote rapid growth of seismology.For example,after the global digital seismograph network is established,some studies that could not be made or easily made in the past are now being carried out successively.As a result,analytical studies based on digital data have been made one after another and digital seismology has formed.Up to now,Harvard University has …  相似文献   

~~Preliminary study on variation characteristics of ocean tide dynamic stress in crust and its relationship with earthquakes@陆明勇$China Center for Earthquake Disaster Emergency and SAR,Beijing 100049,China @郑文衡$Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China①Strong earthquake catalogues in China. Earthquake catalogues reported monthly by Center for Analysis and Prediction, CEA. ①YI Zhi-gang. Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administrati…  相似文献   

Introduction There are many researches on modulating and triggering seismic activities by tidal force in China and abroad. Heaton (1975) studied the tidal triggering of seismic activity and discovered that the tidal stress did have an obvious triggering action on the dip-slip or oblique slip great earthquakes. Tidal triggering of earthquakes has been studied for a long time in China, especially in recent years. For example, LI et al (2001) provided the relationship between the solar and luna…  相似文献   

Introduction For a long time, the seismologists have paid great attentions to the research on the spatio- temporal distribution of earthquake intensity, which provide us with significant information for the researches on crustal stress variation, tectonic activity and earthquake risk prediction in a certain spatio-temporal region. The existing results have shown consistently that the intensity of earth- quakes is characterized by non-stability, non-linearity in temporal domain and non-uniformi…  相似文献   

IntroductionMigration and inhomogeneity are important two of the characteristics in the temporal-spatial distribution of earthquake precursors, which have been dealt with by MEI, et al (1993) comprehensively with their proposed explanation. The obvious quadrant feature in spatial distribution of earthquake precursors has been drawn with the explanation for its mechanism developed in some case studies in recent years. This paper deals mainly with the quadrant features derived from the analysis…  相似文献   

Many observations and researches show that abundant and intense ultra low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic anomalies appeare before local earthquakes. In order to understand this phenomenon systematically, the transmission property and the formation of the seismic-electric dipole are discussed in this paper. The results show that the vertical component of the ULF electric anomaly before earthquake has the properties of better penetration, less disturbance and high signal-to-noise ratio. The signal can be easily extracted and received. The anomaly should be an important way to seek for reliable short-term and imminent earthquake precursors. After the spectrum analysis of the (ULF) electric field anomalies, we found that the periods of the anomaly related to local earthquakes are from a few minutes to a dozens minutes. There is a relation between the spectrum of the anomaly and the epicentral distance. The ULF electric field anomalies strongly rely on the orientation of the seismogenic zone. The percolation electric field anomaly and its spectrum amplitude do not have obvious relation with the size of local earthquakes. Contribution No. 94A0097, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China. The English version is improved by Prof. Guo-Hua FAN, Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   

本文对都江堰地震台2类电磁波仪的震前记录进行分析,震前仪器记录到了电磁波异常现象:2006年6月21日甘肃文县5.0级、2006年7月22日和2006年8月25日云南盐津2次5.1级地震,这些说明电磁波监测在地震短临预报中有参考意义。  相似文献   

岫岩5.4和5.1级地震前波谱异常特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张萍  王安东 《地震》2006,26(1):57-65
使用辽宁数字地震台网1999年11月9日至2000年1月10日记录的52次地震共360余条数字化波形事件, 采用PITSA软件, 对发生在岫岩5.4级地震的27个前震和5.4级地震后的5.1级地震(最大余震)前25个余震的纵、 横波拐角频率比值fcp/fcs进行了研究。 结果表明: 在岫岩5.4级和5.1级地震前的纵波和横波拐角频率比值fcp/fcs, 在2次较大地震前均出现较明显的下降异常, 此异常可作为今后地震预测可能的参考与临震判断的依据。  相似文献   

Three experiments are carried out for earthquake monitoring using electromagnetic (EM) methods in recent years. Some earthquakes occurred in chance of the measurement time period for each experiment and the anomalies were recorded before the shocks. The observation at a site 20 km away from the epicenter of Zhangbei MS6.2 earthquake in 1998 shows that the apparent resistivity decreases in the strike direction before and/or during the earthquake and the resistivity increases in the de-cline direction. This a...  相似文献   

江苏及邻近地区地震电磁辐射异常与地震关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对这20多年来江苏及其邻区的地震前的电磁波观测资料进行了整理,对出现的异常信息和地震的对应关系进行了统计分析,分析结果表明,电磁波异常信息与地震三要素有一定的对应关系,并对电磁波的性质从电磁波产生的机制和传播方式两个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

云南地区强震电磁波异常特征及其预报意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
李吾先  金明培  马骏康 《地震》2003,23(2):77-84
从1992年11月开始实施了中日地震电磁波观测和研究项目,该电磁波观测资料真实完整地观测记录到丽江等29次近震电磁波异常的发展过程;对29个地震的特征作了对比观测研究,表明地震电磁波异常有3种发展类型,与之对应建立了3种地震电磁波预报规则;初步提出利用地震电磁波预报地震的模式;分析、讨论TOA电磁波监泅系统的优越性,并在一定程度上对发展地震电磁波观测找到了有效的前兆信息观测方法和监泅系统。这将对地震电磁波的观测和研究以及对地震短临预报起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

处理北京地区2009-2012年5个高采样率数字CNEM08-Ⅰ型电扰动台站数据,通过频谱分析,研究数字电磁波正常本底信号,地铁、地电供电、电磁感应等于扰信号,以及地震异常信号的频谱特征.结果表明:在时间域,数字电磁波的持续型干扰信号与震前电磁波信号表现相似,为连续高值脉冲信号;而在频域,数字电磁波干扰信号往往影响频带较窄,优势频率能量突出,优势频率频带窄到近乎以谱线的形式出现,谱线具有离散性、谐波性、衰减性特征;而震前信号具有连续的较宽频带,衰减较慢.  相似文献   

3 Conclusions The research of some theoretical Contor models of multi-scale and the numerical model of seismic spatial distribution show that the physical property of anomalies in seismic fractal spectrums is due to an increment of nonuniformity in the point set (earthquakes), in another word, the complexity increases. It is exactly the general precursory that the distribution pattern becomes complex from simple or nonuiform from uniform. So seismic multi-fractal spectrums is one of the best methods or tools for describing the complexity of seismic temporal-spatial distribution patterns. According to this view of point, taking the anomalies of the seismic multi-fractal spectrum as the earthquake prediction criterion is very valuable and worth while further studying. This project is supported by Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

山东及邻区中强震前地下流体异常演化特征及检验性预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用19口井(泉)33个测项的地下流体观测资料,采用地下流体异常的演化的多层次跟踪预报方法,分别对1983年菏泽5.9级和1995年苍山5.2级地震进行了中期、短期和短临3个时间尺度的震情预测。结果表明,地震前地下流以体异常的群体演化显示增长趋势,异常与地震具有“增长-地震”或“加速-地震”的关系。具有统一物理力学机制成因的水化学多组分同步变化是源兆异常的重要标志,其出现预示在井孔所处的同一条断裂  相似文献   

曹新来  许向科  孙佩卿  冯向东 《地震》2007,27(3):111-116
通过多个震例研究认为, 不同的井在几次强地震前记录了形态相同的水位下降过程, 数量虽然不多, 却表明地下水地震前兆异常的变化形态在短期到临震阶段具有重复出现的特征。 这类异常出现转折后距地震发生时间一般较稳定, 通常在20天左右或更短, 是预报地震发生时间的重要指标。 因此, 研究此类异常的基本特征及其在分析预报中的应用就显得极为重要。  相似文献   

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