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The Li isotopic composition of the upper continental crust is estimated from the analyses of well-characterized shales, loess, granites and upper crustal composites (51 samples in total) from North America, China, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Correlations between Li, δ7Li, and chemical weathering (as measured by the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA)), and δ7Li and the clay content of shales (as measured by Al2O3/SiO2), reflect uptake of heavy Li from the hydrosphere by clays. S-type granites from the Lachlan fold belt (-1.1 to -1.4‰) have δ7Li indistinguishable from their associated sedimentary rocks (-0.7 to 1.2‰), and show no variation in δ7Li throughout the differentiation sequence, suggesting that isotopic fractionation during crustal anatexis and subsequent differentiation is less than analytical uncertainty (±1‰, 2σ). The isotopically light compositions for both I- and S-type granites from the Lachlan fold belt (-2.5 to + 2.7 ‰) and loess from around the world (-3.1 to + 4.5‰) reflect the influence of weathering in their source regions. Collectively, these lithologies possess a limited range of Li isotopic compositions (δ7Li of −5‰ to + 5‰), with an average (δ7Li of 0 ± 2‰ at 1σ) that is representative of the average upper continental crust. Thus, the Li isotopic composition of the upper continental crust is lighter than the average upper mantle (δ7Li of + 4 ± 2‰), reflecting the influence of weathering on the upper crustal composition. The concentration of Li in the upper continental crust is estimated to be 35 ± 11 ppm (2σ), based on the average loess composition and correlations between insoluble elements (Ti, Nb, Ta, Ga and Al2O3, Th and HREE) and Li in shales. This value is somewhat higher than previous estimates (∼20 ppm), but is probably indistinguishable when uncertainties in the latter are accounted for.  相似文献   

Chemical composition and fractionation of the continental crust   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A new estimate of the bulk continental crust is reported consisting of 57 percent lower crust (60% felsic and 40% mafic granulites) and 43 percent upper crust. The proportions of crustal units are based on petrological observations (Bohlen &Mezger, 1989). The estimate of a bulk composition is intermediate between andesite and tonalite and is higher in Si, K, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ba, LREE, Pb, Th concentrations and lower in Mg, Ca, Sc, Mn, Fe than the crustal abundances reported byTaylor &McLennan (1985). Equal chemical composition between the upper crust and the felsic part of the lower crust is attained in balance computations if one restores a fraction of 12.5 percent S-type granite from the upper into the lower crust. An example of water-undersaturated partial melting and separation of a fraction of about 35 percent granitic magma at the conversion from amphibolite-into granulite-facies metasediments has been balanced bySchnetger (1988) in the Ivrea area (N. Italy). The worldwide observed discrepancy between a larger negative Eu anomaly in the upper crust compared with the half as large positive anomaly of the lower crust increasing from the early Precambrian to present has been explained by recycling of Ca-rich restite into the upper mantle. The composition of the Archean crust (example: Greenland) does not differ systematically from the post-Archean crust.
Zusammenfassung Die chemische Zusammensetzung der gesamten kontinentalen Kruste, die zu 57% aus der Unterkruste (60% felsische und 40% mafische Granulite) und zu 43% aus Oberkruste besteht, wurde neu ermittelt. Die Proportionen der Krusteneinheiten beruhen auf petrologischen Beobachtungen (Bohlen &Mezger, 1989). Die geschätzte Zusammensetzung der Gesamtkruste liegt zwischen Andesit und Tonalit. Sie ist höher in den Gehalten an Si, K, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ba, LREE, Pb, Th und niedriger im Mg, Ca, Sc, Mn, Fe als die vonTaylor &McLennan (1985) mitgeteilten mittleren Krustenwerte. Die chemischen Unterschiede zwischen Ober- und Unterkruste werden ausgeglichen, wenn man die Substanz von 12,5% S-Typ-Granit von der Oberkruste abzieht und zur Unterkruste hinzufügt. Als typisches Beispiel der Abtrennung granitischer Partialschmelzen im wasseruntersättigten System wird das der variskischen Metamorphose von Metasedimenten in der Ivreazone (Nord-Italien) angesehen.Schnetger (1988) konnte hier mit einer chemischen Bilanz zeigen, daß die Umwandlung von amphibolitfaziellen zu granulitfaziellen Gesteinen mit dem Verlust von etwa 35% granitischer Schmelze verbunden war. Die negative Eu-Anomalie der Oberkruste ist weltweit doppelt so groß wie die positive Anomalie der Unterkruste. Diese in der Zeit vom Archaikum bis heute vergrößerte Diskrepanz läßt sich nur mit dem Verlust von Ca-reichen Restiten aus der Kruste an den Mantel erklären. Die chemische Zusammensetzung der kontinentalen Kruste hat sich sonst seit dem Archaikum nicht systematisch geändert, wie am Beispiel Grönlands gezeigt wird.

Résumé Cette note propose une nouvelle estimation de la composition chimique d'ensemble de la croûte continentale, constituée pour 57% de croûte inférieure (60% de granulites felsiques et 40% de granulites mafiques) et pour 43% de croûte supérieure. Les proportions de ces unités crustales sont basées sur les observations pétrologiques (Bohlen etMezger 1989). La composition d'ensemble proposée est intermédiaire entre celles d'une andésite et d'une tonalite; par rapport aux abondances crustales données parTaylor etMcLennan (1985), les teneurs sont plus élevées en Si, K, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ba, LEE, Pb, Th et moins élevées en Mg, Ca, Sc, Mn, Fe. Si on tranfère de la croûte supérieure à la croûte inférieure la matière correspondant à 12,5% de granite de type S, la différence de composition entre ces deux croûtes disparaît. Un exemple typique de fusion partielle granitique en système sous-saturé en eau est fourni par le métamorphisme varisque de métasédiments dans la zone d'Ivrée (Italie du Nord). D'après ce bilan chimique établi parSchnetger (1988), le passage des roches du faciès des amphibolites à celui des granulites s'accompagne de la production d'environ 35% de magma granitique. L'anomalie négative en Eu de la croûte supérieure est partout le double de l'anomalie positive de la coûte inférieure. Cette différence, qui s'est accrue depuis l'Archéen jusqu'aujourd'hui, s'explique par le passage de restites riches en Ca dans le manteau supérieur. La composition d'ensemble de la croûte continentale ne s'est toutefois pas modifiée depuis l'Archéen, comme le montre l'exemple du Groenland.

, 57% (60% 40% ), -43%. , (Bohlen & Mezger, 1989). . Taylor & McLennan (1985) Si, K, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ba, LREE, Pb, Th Mg, Ca, Sc, Mn, Fe. , 12,5% S, , . — , , . Schnetger (1988) , 35%. , . , , , , , . , .

The thallium (Tl) concentrations and isotope compositions of various river and estuarine waters, suspended riverine particulates and loess have been determined. These data are used to evaluate whether weathering reactions are associated with significant Tl isotope fractionation and to estimate the average Tl isotope composition of the upper continental crust as well as the mean Tl concentration and isotope composition of river water. Such parameters provide key constraints on the dissolved Tl fluxes to the oceans from rivers and mineral aerosols.The Tl isotope data for loess and suspended riverine detritus are relatively uniform with a mean of ε205Tl = −2.0 ± 0.3 (ε205Tl represents the deviation of the 205Tl/203Tl isotope ratio of a sample from NIST SRM 997 Tl in parts per 104). For waters from four major and eight smaller rivers, the majority were found to have Tl concentrations between 1 and 7 ng/kg. Most have Tl isotope compositions very similar (within ±1.5 ε205Tl) to that deduced for the upper continental crust, which indicates that no significant Tl isotope fractionation occurs during weathering. Based on these results, it is estimated that rivers have a mean natural Tl concentration and isotope composition of 6 ± 4 ng/kg and ε205Tl = −2.5 ± 1.0, respectively.In the Amazon estuary, both additions and losses of Tl were observed, and these correlate with variations in Fe and Mn contents. The changes in Tl concentrations have much lower amplitudes, however, and are not associated with significant Tl isotope effects. In the Kalix estuary, the Tl concentrations and isotope compositions can be explained by two-component mixing between river water and a high-salinity end member that is enriched in Tl relative to seawater. These results indicate that Tl can display variable behavior in estuarine systems but large additions and losses of Tl were not observed in the present study.  相似文献   

A rheological model of the Indian shield has been constructed using the thermal structure derived from available surface heat flow and heat generation data and the flow properties of characteristic minerals and rocks like quartz, diabase and olivine which respectively represent the upper crust, lower crust and upper mantle. Lateral variations in the thicknesses of the brittle and ductile crust and of the brittle upper mantle have thus been obtained for different tectonic environments. Implications of these results to interpretation of the seismic structure of the Indian shield have been pointed out.  相似文献   

China’s continental crust (CCC) has an average thickness of 47km, with the upper continental crust (CUCC) being 31 km and the sedimentary layer(CSL) 5 km in thickness. The CCC, CUCC and CSL measure 12.437 × 10−17, 8.005 × 10−17 and 1.146 × 1017 metric tons in mass, respectively. The mass ratio of the upper continental crust to the lower one is 1.8:1. The element abundances were calculated for the CCC, CUCC and CSL respectively in terms of the chemical compositions of 2246 samples of various types and some complementary trace element data. The total abundance of 13 major elements accounts for 99.6% of the CCC mass while the other minor elements only account for 0.4%. REE characteristics, the abundance ratios of element pairs and the amounts of ore-forming elements are also discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

A new approach to the investigation of the Sm/Nd evolution of the upper mantle directly from the data on lherzolite xenoliths is described in this paper.It is demonstrated that the model age TCHUR of an unmetasomatic iherzolite zenolith ca represent the mean depletion age of its mantle source, thus presenting a correlation trend between f^Sm/Nd and the mean depletion age of the upper mantle from the data on xenoliths.This correlation trend can also be derived from the data on river suspended loads as well as from granitoids.Based on the correlation trend mentioned above and mean depletion ages of the upper mantle at various geological times, an evolution curve for the mean f^Sm/Nd value of the upper mantle through geological time has been established.It is suggested that the upwilling of lower mantle material into the upper mantle and the recycling of continental crust material during the Archean were more active ,thus maintaining fairly constantf^Sm/Nd and εNd values during this time period. Similarly ,an evolution curve for the mean f^Sm/Nd value of the continental crust through geological time has also been established from the data of continental crust material.In the light of both evolution curves for the upper mantle and continental crust ,a growth curve for the continental crust has been worked out ,suggesting that :(1)about 30%(in volume )of the present crust was present as the continental crust at 3.8 Ga ago ;(2)the growth rate was much lower during the Archean ;and (3)the Proterozoic is another major period of time during which the continental crust wsa built up .  相似文献   

The terrestrial surface, the “skin of the earth”, is an important interface for global (geochemical) material fluxes between major reservoirs of the Earth system: continental and oceanic crust, ocean and atmosphere. Because of a lack in knowledge of the geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface, it is not well understood how the geochemical evolution of the Earth’s crust is impacted by its properties. Therefore, here a first estimate of the geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface is provided, which can be used for further analysis. The geochemical average compositions of distinct lithological classes are calculated based on a literature review and applied to a global lithological map. Comparison with the bulk composition of the upper continental crust shows that the geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface (below the soil horizons) is significantly different from the assumed average of the upper continental crust. Specifically, the elements Ca, S, C, Cl and Mg are enriched at the terrestrial surface, while Na is depleted (and probably K). Analysis of these results provide further evidence that chemical weathering, chemical alteration of minerals in marine settings, biogeochemical processes (e.g. sulphate reduction in sediments and biomineralization) and evaporite deposition are important for the geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface on geological time scales. The movement of significant amounts of carbonate to the terrestrial surface is identified as the major process for observed Ca-differences. Because abrupt and significant changes of the carbonate abundance on the terrestrial surface are likely influencing CO2-consumption rates by chemical weathering on geological time scales and thus the carbon cycle, refined, spatially resolved analysis is suggested. This should include the recognition of the geochemical composition of the shelf areas, now being below sea level.  相似文献   

In orogenic zones it is often considered appropriate to use a continuum rheology to model the deformation of the upper continental crust. In this paper we derive an applicable rheology utilizing fiber-bundle and continuum-damage models. We show that the results are identical and yield a power relation between stress σ and strain rate of the form σ= ρ−1. We constrain the applicable values of ρ utilizing Omori's law for the decay of aftershocks and conclude that ρ−1 is in the range of 5–15. With this strong nonlinear viscous rheology the behavior of the deforming upper crust approaches that of a perfect-plastic material.  相似文献   

We have determined U-Pb ages, trace element abundances and Hf isotopic compositions of approximately 1000 detrital zircon grains from the Mississippi, Congo, Yangtze and Amazon Rivers. The U-Pb isotopic data reveal the lack of >3.3 Ga zircons in the river sands, and distinct peaks at 2.7-2.5, 2.2-1.9, 1.7-1.6, 1.2-1.0, 0.9-0.4, and <0.3 Ga in the accumulated age distribution. These peaks correspond well with the timing of supercontinent assembly. The Hf isotopic data indicate that many zircons, even those having Archean U-Pb ages, crystallized from magmas involving an older crustal component, suggesting that granitoid magmatism has been the primary agent of differentiation of the continental crust since the Archean era. We calculated Hf isotopic model ages for the zircons to estimate the mean mantle-extraction ages of their source materials. The oldest zircon Hf model ages of about 3.7 Ga for the river sands suggest that some crust generation had taken place by 3.7 Ga, and that it was subsequently reworked into <3.3 Ga granitoid continental crust. The accumulated model age distribution shows peaks at 3.3-3.0, 2.9-2.4, and 2.0-0.9 Ga.The striking attribute of our new data set is the non-uniformitarian secular change in Hf isotopes of granitoid crusts; Hf isotopic compositions of granitoid crusts deviate from the mantle evolution line from about 3.3 to 2.0 Ga, the deviation declines between 2.0 and 1.3 Ga and again increases afterwards. Consideration of mantle-crust mixing models for granitoid genesis suggests that the noted isotopic trends are best explained if the rate of crust generation globally increased in two stages at around (or before) 3.3 and 1.3 Ga, whereas crustal differentiation was important in the evolution of the continental crust at 2.3-2.2 Ga and after 0.6 Ga. Reconciling the isotopic secular change in granitoid crust with that in sedimentary rocks suggests that sedimentary recycling has essentially taken place in continental settings rather than active margin settings and that the sedimentary mass significantly grew through addition of first-cycle sediments from young igneous basements, until after ∼1.3 Ga when sedimentary recycling became the dominant feature of sedimentary evolution. These findings, coupled with the lack of zircons older than 3.3 Ga in river sands, imply the emergence of large-scale continents at about 3.3 Ga with further rapid growth at around 1.3 Ga. This resulted in the major growth of the sedimentary mass between 3.3 and 1.3 Ga and the predominance of its cannibalistic recycling later.  相似文献   

汪洋 《中国地质》2006,33(4):920-927
根据能量守恒原理和中国大陆实测热流数据,给出中国大陆地壳生热率上限值为1.3μWm-3。根据热流值和地下流体氦同位素组成资料,估算出中国大陆地壳生热率为0.58~1.12μWm-3,中位数为0.85μWm-3,相应的铀、钍、钾丰度范围分别是0.83~1.76μg/g、3.16~6.69μg/g和1.0%~2.12%。中国陆壳铀、钍、钾元素整体丰度值明显高于太古宇地壳,反映中国陆壳成分演化程度较高。同时,中国大陆地壳成分具有明显的横向非均匀性特征:东部地壳相对西北部富集铀、钍、钾等强不相容元素,褶皱带相对克拉通地区富集铀、钍、钾元素。基于大陆地壳SiO2含量与地壳生热率之间的正相关关系推断,中国东部地壳较西部富长英质组分,褶皱带地壳成分较克拉通富长英质组分。此区域性变化特征与基于地震波速资料推断的结果相符。基于中国大陆地壳生热率变化范围以及地震波速低于全球平均值的特征,推断Rudnick和Fountain(1995)、Rudnick和Gao(2003)、Weaver和Tarney(1984)、Shaw等(1986)以及Wedepohl(1995)的全球陆壳成分模型均高估了铀、钍、钾等强不相容元素丰度。  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2001,105(2-4):371-383
It has been well established that fluids played an important part in determining chemical characteristics in many crustal terranes. Studies of fluid inclusions in eclogites have established that brines coexisted with the primary mineral assemblages during their metamorphic crystallization. These brines are currently multiply saturated in halide salts, carbonates, oxides, and sulfides. As a first step in quantitatively bounding the composition of the brines during metamorphism, the equilibrium compositions of the brines at room temperature were computed using the aqueous speciation codes EQ3/6. The results demonstrate that the brines are high density solutions (ca. 1.4 g/cm3) that have ionic strengths of approximately 8 mol, and are approximately 40% dissolved solids, by weight. These are predominately Na- and K-rich brines, with subordinate Ca and Mg. The approximate Na:K:Ca:Mg molar ratios are 4:2:0.5:0.2, but are sensitive to the assumed HCO3 concentrations. Charge balance is primarily maintained by the very high Cl concentrations. These brines bear resemblance to brines analyzed from fluid inclusions in metamorphic rocks reported by Roedder (Roedder, E., 1972. Composition of fluid inclusions. US Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 440JJ, p. 164). Although these fluids have the potential of acting as significant metasomatic agents in subduction zones and deep crustal environments, their impact will be mineralogically discernible only if the fluid release and movement is channelized.  相似文献   

There is a correlation between thorium and the light rare earth elements, indicated by La/Th ratios in fine grained sedimentary rocks of various ages from Australia and Greenland. The correlation between Th and the heavy rare earth elements (Th/Yb) is much less significant. Archean sedimentary rocks have a higher La/Th (3.6 ± 0.4) than post-Archean sedimentary rocks (La/Th = 2.7 ± 0.2).The cause of this correlation can be attributed to the coherent behaviour of these elements during most sedimentary processes (weathering, transport, diagenesis, etc.). Since the chondrite-normalized rare earth element distribution of clastic fine grained sedimentary rocks is accepted to be parallel to the distribution of REE in the upper continental crust, an estimate of upper crustal Th abundances can be made. Using reasonable assumptions of certain elemental ratios (K/U, Th/U, K/Rb) in the upper crust, minimum estimates of the abundances of K, U and Rb can also be made for the post-Archean and Archean upper crusts.The post-Archean values (K = 2.9%; Rb = 115 ppm; Th = 11.1 ppm; U = 2.9 ppm) compare favourably to some previous estimates made from direct sampling and theoretical considerations and help confirm a granodiorite present day upper continental crust. The Archean data (K = 0.92%; Rb = 30ppm; Th = 3.5 ppm; U = 0.92 ppm) support models which suggest a significantly more mafic exposed crust at that time.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the Miocene alkali granites of Yemen which emplaced along the Great Escarpment are contemporaneous with the stretching of the southern Red Sea continental crust. There is a gradient of Miocene extension towards the granites as well as a change of the geometry of tilted blocks around them. Geometrically, most of these granites seem to be emplaced passively in the necked areas of a stretched continental crust. These necked areas correspond to previous syn-plume Oligocene NNW–SSE to N–S trending areas of localized extension marked by basaltic dyke swarms. These early extensional areas were associated with the emplacement of the flood basalt volcanic pile and were probably localized over large basement discontinuities.  相似文献   

According to this paper, the juvenile crust of the Chingiz Range Caledonides (Eastern Kazakhstan) was formed due to suprasubduction magmatism within the Early Paleozoic island arcs developed on the oceanic crust during the Cambrian–Early Ordovician and on the transitional crust during the Middle–Late Ordovician, as well as to the attachment to the arcs of accretionary complexes composed of various oceanic structures. Nd isotopic compositions of the rocks in all island-arc complexes are very similar and primitive (εNd(t) from +4.0 to +7.0) and point to a short crustal prehistory. Further increase in the mass and thickness of the crust of the Chingiz Range Caledonides was mainly due to reworking of island-arc complexes in the basement of the Middle and Late Paleozoic volcanoplutonic belts expressed by the emplacement of abundant granitoids. All Middle and Late Paleozoic granitoids have high positive values of εNd(t) (at least +4), which are slightly different from Nd isotopic compositions of the rocks in the Lower Paleozoic island-arc complexes. Granitoids are characterized by uniform Nd isotopic compositions (<2–3 ε units for granites with a similar age), and thus we can consider the Chingiz Range as the region of the Caledonian isotope province with an isotopically uniform structure of the continental crust.  相似文献   

The case for heterogeneous accretion of the Moon is considered in the light of recent studies of lunar internal differentiation. The evidence which was formerly held to favour heterogeneous accretion is no longer compelling.  相似文献   

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