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Six samples of a single carbonate-rich unit of the Swiss Préalpes, progressively metamorphosed from diagenesis to deep anchizone, yield 40Ar/39Ar spectra with variably developed staircase patterns, consistent with mixtures of detrital mica and neocrystallized mixed-layer illite/smectite. The lowest temperature heating steps for different size fractions (2–6?μm and 6–20?μm) converge to ~40?Ma providing an imprecise, maximum age of regional metamorphism. A method is described for distinguishing and quantifying the amount of pre-existing detrital mica versus neoformed illite layer in the illite/smectite formed during Tertiary Alpine metamorphism by comparison of X-ray diffraction patterns with Newmod© simulations. In the least metamorphosed samples the illite/smectite contains ~65% neoformed illite, and this illite accounts for approximately 17% of all dioctahedral phyllosilicate minerals in the rock (e.g., detrital mica and illite/smectite). In contrast, the illite/smectite from the more strongly metamorphosed samples contains >97% neoformed illite, which accounts for ~70% to >90% of all dioctahedral phyllosilicate minerals. Phyllosilicate morphologies viewed by scanning electron microscopy are consistent with these estimates. A process of dissolution/reprecipitation is inferred as a mechanism for the growth of the neoformed phyllosilicates. A plot of neoformed illite content versus 40Ar/39Ar total fusion age yields a near-linear curve with an extrapolated age of 27?Ma for 100% neoformed dioctahedral phyllosilicates. This age is interpreted as the time of incipient metamorphism and is consistent with independent biostratigraphic constraints. Model 40Ar/39Ar age spectra constructed with the XRD simulation results correspond well to the experimental data and illustrate the changes in degassing properties of progressively metamorphosed mixtures of detrital mica and neoformed illite.  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar method with stepwise heating was used to date phengite and glaucophane in the contact zone of garnet glaucophanite an omphacite-garnet rock (eclogite) from the lower unit of the Maksyutov metamorphic complex. The correlation of the measured age and the sizes of the phengite flakes indicates that the behavior of radiogenic Ar in them was controlled by the mechanisms of volumetric diffusion. Taking into account the fact that all of the rocks have the same thermal history, the dates most close to the age of metamorphism are those of the largest phengite flakes from garnet glaucophanite: 392 Ma. The age values obtained on phengite from an omphacite-garnet rock sampled at the maximum distance from the contact are equal to 378 Ma and correspond to the time when the rocks cooled to temperatures below 350°C. The results of numerical simulations indicate that the metamorphic age is no younger than 400 Ma, and the linear cooling rate can be estimated at 3.40 ?0.75/+1.24°C/m.y. The maximum values of the phengite ages are consistent with the dates of glaucophane from three rock samples: 389–411 Ma.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary, post-shield lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes on the Big Island of Hawaii have been dated using the 40Ar/39Ar and U-Th/He methods. The objective of the study is to compare the recently demonstrated U-Th/He age method, which uses basaltic olivine phenocrysts, with 40Ar/39Ar ages measured on groundmass from the same samples. As a corollary, the age data also increase the precision of the chronology of volcanism on the Big Island. For the U-Th/He ages, U, Th and He concentrations and isotopes were measured to account for U-series disequilibrium and initial He. Single analyses U-Th/He ages for Hamakua lavas from Mauna Kea are 87 ± 40 to 119 ± 23 ka (2σ uncertainties), which are in general equal to or younger than 40Ar/39Ar ages. Basalt from the Polulu sequence on Kohala gives a U-Th/He age of 354 ± 54 ka and a 40Ar/39Ar age of 450 ± 40 ka. All of the U-Th/He ages, and all but one spurious 40Ar/39Ar ages conform to the previously proposed stratigraphy and published 14C and K-Ar ages. The ages also compare favorably to U-Th whole rock-olivine ages calculated from 238U-230Th disequilibria. The U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar results agree best where there is a relatively large amount of radiogenic 40Ar (>10%), and where the 40Ar/36Ar intercept calculated from the Ar isochron diagram is close to the atmospheric value. In two cases, it is not clear why U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar ages do not agree within uncertainty. U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar results diverge the most on a low-K transitional tholeiitic basalt with abundant olivine. For the most alkalic basalts with negligible olivine phenocrysts, U-Th/He ages were unattainable while 40Ar/39Ar results provide good precision even on ages as low as 19 ± 4 ka. Hence, the strengths and weaknesses of the U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar methods are complimentary for basalts with ages of order 100-500 ka.  相似文献   

M.A. Cosca  R. Caby  F. Bussy   《Tectonophysics》2005,402(1-4):93
In situ UV-laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar geochronological and geochemical data, together with rock and mineral compositional data, have been determined from pseudotachylyte and surrounding mylonitic gneiss associated with the UHP whiteschists of the Dora Maira Massif, Italy. Several generations of fresh pseudotachylyte occur as irregular veins up to a few cm thick both parallel and at high angles to the foliation. Whole rock XRF data collected from representative lithologies of mylonitic gneiss are uniformly consistent with a mildly alkalic granitic protolith. Minimal compositional variation is observed between the pseudotachylyte and its surrounding mylonitic gneiss. The pseudotachylyte contains newly crystallized grains of biotite and K-feldspar in a matrix of glass with partially fused grains of quartz, zircon, apatite, and titanite. Electron microprobe analyses of the glass show significant compositional variation that is probably strongly influenced by micrometer-scale changes in mineralogy. UV-laser ablation ICP-MS traverses across the mylonitic gneiss–pseudotachylyte contact are consistent with cataclastic communition of REE carriers such as epidote, monazite, allanite, zircon, and apatite before melting as an efficient mechanism of REE homogenization in the pseudotachylyte. The 40Ar/39Ar data from one band of pseudotachylyte indicate formation at 20.1 ± 0.5 Ma, when the mylonitic gneisses were already in a near surface position. The variable effects of top-to-the-west shear deformation within outcrops of the coesite-bearing unit are reflected in localized zones of protomylonite, cataclasite, ultracataclasite, and pseudotachylyte. Preservation of several generations of pseudotachylyte suggests that seismic events may have played a significant role in triggering late unroofing of the UHP rocks. It is speculated that deeper crustal seismic events potentially played a role in the unroofing of the UHP rocks at earlier stages in their exhumation history.  相似文献   

The predominant 1480 Ma granites and rhyolites of the St. Francois Mountains, southeastern Missouri, are intruded by mafic rocks. A 40Ar—39Ar study of some of these, the Skrainka Mafic Group, indicates an age of ~ 1240 Ma, significantly younger than the host rocks, significantly older than Grenville/Keweenawan age, and close to the age of similar rocks in Labrador.  相似文献   

沿大型断裂带出露的深成岩体记录并保存了形成时的大地构造活动及后期演化和变形的重要信息。为了更好地理解羌塘西部花岗岩的成因机制和演化历史,本文选取了龙木错断裂南部的泽错岩体进行地球化学、SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年代学及云母和钾长石~(40)Ar/~(39)热年代学分析。全岩地球化学判别图显示花岗岩样品为高钾钙碱性系列至钙碱性系列和过铝质。矿物组合表明无角闪石且含白云母。以上特征均显示出明显的S型花岗岩趋势。锆石U-Pb年龄为123±1. 7Ma至107±1. 4Ma,表明岩浆侵位的时代为早白垩世,此时班公-怒江洋仍在向北俯冲。云母和钾长石~(40)Ar/~(39)年龄及前人低温热年代学数据显示,侵位后岩体至少有四个阶段的冷却,包括120~90Ma、90~38Ma、38~26Ma和26~0Ma。第一阶段在侵位后10Myr内快速冷却至低于~320℃,而随后以相对较慢的速率冷却至~220℃。从90Ma到38Ma期间经历了较长时期极为缓慢的冷却,该阶段构造活动趋于静止,表明羌塘地体-拉萨地体碰撞应发生在90Ma之前。中新世受控于龙木错断裂左旋走滑的影响,最后一期的构造变形以东西向伸展为主,深成岩逐渐剥露至地表。龙木错断裂可能作为中新世以来高原物质向东运移西部边界的一条新的应力释放途径。  相似文献   

The island of Seram, eastern Indonesia, experienced a complex Neogene history of multiple metamorphic and deformational events driven by Australia–SE Asia collision. Geological mapping, and structural and petrographic analysis has identified two main phases in the island's tectonic, metamorphic, and magmatic evolution: (1) an initial episode of extreme extension that exhumed hot lherzolites from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle and drove ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism and melting of adjacent continental crust; and (2) subsequent episodes of extensional detachment faulting and strike-slip faulting that further exhumed granulites and mantle rocks across Seram and Ambon. Here we present the results of sixteen 40Ar/39Ar furnace step heating experiments on white mica, biotite, and phlogopite for a suite of twelve rocks that were targeted to further unravel Seram's tectonic and metamorphic history. Despite a wide lithological and structural diversity among the samples, there is a remarkable degree of correlation between the 40Ar/39Ar ages recorded by different rock types situated in different structural settings, recording thermal events at 16 Ma, 5.7 Ma, 4.5 Ma, and 3.4 Ma. These frequently measured ages are defined, in most instances, by two or more 40Ar/39Ar ages that are identical within error. At 16 Ma, a major kyanite-grade metamorphic event affected the Tehoru Formation across western and central Seram, coincident with ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism and melting of granulite-facies rocks comprising the Kobipoto Complex, and the intrusion of lamprophyres. Later, at 5.7 Ma, Kobipoto Complex rocks were exhumed beneath extensional detachment faults on the Kaibobo Peninsula of western Seram, heating and shearing adjacent Tehoru Formation schists to form Taunusa Complex gneisses. Then, at 4.5 Ma, 40Ar/39Ar ages record deformation within the Kawa Shear Zone (central Seram) and overprinting of detachment faults in western Seram. Finally, at 3.4 Ma, Kobipoto Complex migmatites were exhumed on Ambon, at the same time as deformation within the Kawa Shear Zone and further overprinting of detachments in western Seram. These ages support there having been multiple synchronised episodes of high-temperature extension and strike-slip faulting, interpreted to be the result of Western Seram having been ripped off from SE Sulawesi, extended, and dragged east by subduction rollback of the Banda Slab.  相似文献   

Whole rock, electron microprobe analyses and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of certain ophioliterelated metamorphic rocks from beneath the Pindos, Vourinos, Othris and Euboea ophiolites of Greece show that they were formed mainly from ocean-type basalts, in part under P-T conditions of the upper mantle and that they have ages between 170–180 m.y. The evidence presented is inconsistent with the view that these sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks were produced by the obduction of ocean-type crust onto a continental margin, or that they are remnant slices of Palaeozoic ‘basement’, but is consistent with their formation by thrusting and related metamorphism occurring within ocean lithosphere during the Lower to Middle Jurassic. It is proposed that this intraoceanic metamorphism was caused by the inception of a fault zone which subsequently became the transport surface for the main phase of ophiolite emplacement that occurred in the Hellenides from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of biotite, plagioclase, K-feldspar and hornblende from the Biluoxueshan and Lincang plutons in the three-river area of Yunnan and the Quxu pluton in the Gandise belt of Xizang indicate that the three plutons were emplaced at 420, 234 and 43.4 Ma, respectively. Based on the study of closure temperatures and thermal histories, it is shown that the Lincang and Biluoxueshan plutons experienced the same thermodynamic event during 85–90 Ma, temporally representing the collision between the Sundaland and Eurasian plates, and that the Quxu pluton was uplifted at a much faster rate during 40–44 Ma(2.6 mm/a), marking the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates.  相似文献   

以喜马拉雅山系为典型实例,究竟是气候作用还是构造作用引起山体隆升的问题已经成为地球系统科学研究中的重要前沿问题.无论是气候因素还是构造因素引起山体隆升,二者都与一个共同的地表过程--剥蚀作用相关,剥蚀作用对山体中地质体的影响可以用岩石矿物经历的热史演化来描述,所以,在造山作用研究中,山体或山脉的热史演化是揭开地质体经历地质过程、山体隆升研究的重要途径.利用河砂组成矿物来研究流域的地质过程和构造演化已经成为现代地质科学的重要手段.本文采集了雅鲁藏布江下游墨脱县以南约50 km处地东河段内的现代河砂,对其中的角闪石、白云母、黑云母及钾长石等四种矿物进行了高精度单颗粒激光40Ar/39Ar年代学测试,并进行了概率统计.地东河段河砂中富钾矿物40Ar/39Ar年代学统计结果显示,大峡谷流域的热史演化可以确定有多个阶段,分别可以识别出70~69、61~60、43~42、35~34、26~25、25~23、22~20、20~18、17~14、12~11、8~6、5~4及<2Ma等13个热史演化阶段.通过将上述热史信息与印度大陆与欧亚大陆碰撞角度和碰撞速率变化曲线的对比,可以确定70~69、61~60、43~42、35~34、22~20和12~11Ma等6个阶段的年代学信息是两大陆碰撞角度和碰撞速率变化事件在东喜马拉雅构造结热史上的记录;通过与全球深海氧、碳同位素记录曲线的对比,可以认为26~25、25~23、17~14、8~6、5~4和<2Ma等6个阶段的年代学信息是气候变化在东喜马拉雅构造结热史上的记录.东喜马拉雅构造结地质体热史演化是构造与气候相互作用的结果.  相似文献   

杨静  郑德文  陈文  武颖  李洁  张彦 《地质通报》2015,34(203):579-586
由于40Ar/39Ar定年方法在技术上极具复杂性,目前,国内在开展干旱区研究中很少使用风化矿物定年研究手段。重点介绍黄钾铁矾矿物40Ar/39Ar定年法的基本流程,并针对该方法的技术问题初步探讨了解决办法。研究表明,科学的野外采集样品、仔细的挑选矿物并综合采用多种测试手段(X衍射、扫描电镜、电子探针)进行监测可以获得纯净的风化矿物,并结合精细的40Ar/39Ar阶段加热技术,能够获得比较可靠的风化矿物40Ar/39Ar年龄。  相似文献   

The geochronology and genesis of the Qingyang batholith were investigated using40Ar/39Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic techniques. The Qingyang is a composite batholith consisting of two major rock types granodiorite and granite in the Yangtze fold belt.40Ar/39Ar spectra for biotite and amphibole separates are internally concordant. The concordance of the minerals and spectra indicate no thermal disturbance of the ages, and rapid cooling of the rocks. The granodiorite has an age of 137.6±1.4 m.y. and the granite 122.7±1.2 m.y. Whole-rock Rb-Sr analysis yields ages consistent with the40Ar/39Ar dates. Thus, the Qingyang batholith was formed in two major stages in the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous. The batholith is not Triassic as was previously proposed. Special40Ar/39Ar analysis of two granodiorite samples has precisely documented a 1.0 m.y. apparent age difference between these samples. Several factors could account for this difference, but different emplacement times seem most convincible. The granodiorite and granite show little variation in initial87Sr/86Sr ratio (about 0.7085). The high initial Sr ratios suggest that the magmas were formed by anatexis of older crustal materials.  相似文献   

Hornblende incremental heating 40Ar/39Ar data were obtained from augen gneiss and amphibolite of the Sveconorwegian Province of S. Norway. In the Rogaland-Vest Agder and Telemark terranes, four pyroxene-rich samples, located close (≤ 10 km) to the anorthosite-charnockite Rogaland Igneous Complex, define an age group at 916 + 12/ − 14 Ma and six samples distributed in the two terranes yield another group at 871 + 8/ − 10 Ma. The first age group is close to the reported zircon U---Pb intrusion age of the igneous complex (931 ± 2 Ma) and the regional titanite U---Pb age (918 ± 2 Ma), whereas the second group overlaps reported regional mineral Rb---Sr ages (895-853 Ma) as well as biotite K---Ar ages (878-853 Ma). In the first group, the comparatively dry parageneses of low-P thermal metamorphism (M2) associated with the intrusion of the igneous complex are well developed, and hornblende 40Ar/39Ar ages probably record a drop in temperature shortly after this phase. In other hornblende + biotite-rich samples, with presumably a higher fluid content, the hornblende ages are probably a response to hornblende-fluid interaction during a late Sveconorwegian metamorphic or hydrothermal event. A ca 220 m.y. diachronism in hornblende 40Ar/39Ar ages is documented between S. Telemark (ca 870 Ma) and Bamble (ca 1090 Ma). Differential uplift between these terranes was mostly accommodated by shearing along the Kristiansand-Porsgrunn shear zone. The final stage of extension along this zone occurred after intrusion of the Herefoss post-kinematic granite at 926 ± 8 Ma. On the contrary, the southern part of the Rogaland-Vest Agder and Telemark terranes share a common cooling evolution as mineral ages are similar on both sides of the Mandal-Ustaoset Line the tectonic zone between them. The succession within 20 m.y. of a voluminous pulse of post-tectonic magmatism at 0.93 Ga, a phase of high-T-low-P metamorphism at 0.93-0.92 Ga, and fast cooling at a regional scale ca 0.92 Ga, suggests that the southern parts of Rogaland-Vest Agder and Telemark were affected by an event of post-thickening extension collapse at that time. This event is not recorded in Bamble.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of geochronological studies of the Tomtor alkaline-ultramafic pluton, one of the largest Nb, Y, Sc, and TR deposits. A new scheme of its magmatism is given. The current K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages of different igneous rocks of the Tomtor pluton range from 800 to 250 Ma [Zaitsev et al., 1992; Frolov et al., 2003]. Such dispersion is probably related to the intense carbonatization of the rocks. The U-Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar mica ages indicate two stages of the formation of the pluton (700 and 400 Ma), which agrees well with the age of cycles of rift-related tectonogenesis of the Siberian platform.  相似文献   

New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology places time constraints on several stages of the evolution of the Penninic realm in the Eastern Alps. A 186±2 Ma age for seafloor hydrothermal metamorphic biotite from the Reckner Ophiolite Complex of the Pennine–Austroalpine transition suggests that Penninic ocean spreading occurred in the Eastern Alps as early as the Toarcian (late Early Jurassic). A 57±3 Ma amphibole from the Penninic subduction–accretion Rechnitz Complex dates high-pressure metamorphism and records a snapshot in the evolution of the Penninic accretionary wedge. High-pressure amphibole, phengite, and phengite+paragonite mixtures from the Penninic Eclogite Zone of the Tauern Window document exhumation through ≤15 kbar and >500 °C at 42 Ma to 10 kbar and 400 °C at 39 Ma. The Tauern Eclogite Zone pressure–temperature path shows isothermal decompression at mantle depths and rapid cooling in the crust, suggesting rapid exhumation. Assuming exhumation rates slower or equal to high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure terrains in the Western Alps, Tauern Eclogite Zone peak pressures were reached not long before our high-pressure amphibole age, probably at ≤45 Ma, in accordance with dates from the Western Alps. A late-stage thermal overprint, common to the entire Penninic thrust system, occurred within the Tauern Eclogite Zone rocks at 35 Ma. The high-pressure peak and switch from burial to exhumation of the Tauern Eclogite Zone is likely to date slab breakoff in the Alpine orogen. This is in contrast to the long-lasting and foreland-propagating Franciscan-style subduction–accretion processes that are recorded in the Rechnitz Complex.  相似文献   

The effects of deformation on radiogenic argon (40Ar) retentivity in mica are described from high pressure experiments performed on rock samples of peraluminous granite containing euhedral muscovite and biotite. Cylindrical cores, ∼15 mm in length and 6.25 mm in diameter, were drilled from granite collected from the South Armorican Massif in northwestern France, loaded into gold capsules, and weld-sealed in the presence of excess water. The samples were deformed at a pressure of 10 kb and a temperature of 600 °C over a period 29 of hours within a solid medium assembly in a Griggs-type triaxial hydraulic deformation apparatus. Overall shortening in the experiments was approximately 10%. Transmitted light and secondary and backscattered electron imaging of the deformed granite samples reveals evidence of induced defects and for significant physical grain size reduction by kinking, cracking, and grain segmentation of the micas.Infrared (IR) laser (CO2) heating of individual 1.5-2.5 mm diameter grains of muscovite and biotite separated from the undeformed granite yield well-defined 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 311 ± 2 Ma (2σ). Identical experiments on single grains separated from the experimentally deformed granite yield results indicating 40Ar loss of 0-35% in muscovite and 2-3% 40Ar loss in biotite. Intragrain in situ ultraviolet (UV) laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages (±4-10%, 1σ) of deformed muscovites range from 309 ± 13 to 264 ± 7 Ma, consistent with 0-16% 40Ar loss relative to the undeformed muscovite. The in situ UV laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages of deformed biotite vary from 301 to 217 Ma, consistent with up to 32% 40Ar loss. No spatial correlation is observed between in situ40Ar/39Ar age and position within individual grains. Using available argon diffusion data for muscovite the observed 40Ar loss in the experimentally treated muscovite can be utilized to predict average 40Ar diffusion dimensions. Maximum 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained by UV laser ablation overlap those of the undeformed muscovite, indicating argon loss of <1% and an average effective grain radius for 40Ar diffusion ?700 μm. The UV laser ablation and IR laser incremental 40Ar/39Ar ages indicating 40Ar loss of 16% and 35%, respectively, are consistent with an average diffusion radius ?100 μm. These results support a hypothesis of grain-scale 40Ar diffusion distances in undeformed mica and a heterogeneous mechanical reduction in the intragrain effective diffusion length scale for 40Ar in deformed mica. Reduction in the effective diffusion length scale in naturally deformed samples occurs most probably through production of mesoscopic and submicroscopic defects such as, e.g., stacking faults. A network of interconnected defects, continuously forming and annealing during dynamic deformation likely plays an important role in controlling both 40Ar retention and intragrain distribution in deformed mica. Intragrain 40Ar/39Ar ages, when combined with estimates of diffusion kinetics and distances, may provide a means of establishing thermochronological histories from individual micas.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar年代学数据处理软件ArArCALC简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ArArCALC是40Ar/39Ar法数据处理专业软件,A.A.P. Koppers以Visual Basic编写的Microsoft Excel"宏",在Windows 95-Vista系统上均可运行.经过不断改进,ArArCALC已经发展成为一种功能强大且使用方便的软件,可全面进行40Ar/39Ar数据计算,包括回归时间零点值、坪年龄、全熔年龄和等时线年龄计算并自动作图,给出分析误差、内部误差和外部误差.更重要的是,ArArCALC能将原始数据、各种参数、计算结果和图件以可编辑的Excel格式给出.ArArCALC交互性强,用户可随时对有关参数进行修改,重新计算,提高了数据处理效率.鉴于上述优点,特此引荐ArArCALC.  相似文献   

对江西中西部两处中生代玄武质岩石进行了^40Ar/^39Ar年代学和元素一同位素地球化学研究,赣西北上高和赣中螺丝山地区玄武质岩石分别给出了137Ma和90Ma的全岩^40Ar/^39Ar年龄。赣西北上高为亚碱性的玄武安山岩,而赣中螺丝山为碱性玄武岩/粗玄岩,两者均以富集LREE和LILE、无明显HFSE亏损为特征。前者初始^86Sr=0.70492~0.70575,εxd(t)=0.61~3.36,落在Samoa-OIB同位素组成范围;后者初始ε=0.70323~0.70350,εxd(t)=6.19~6.93,与Hawaii-OIB的Sr-Nd同位素组成相似。与赣南早中生代(约173Ma)EMⅡ型玄武岩一起暗示该地区中生代岩浆源区有着自岩石圈向软流圈属性演化的时序迁移规律,表明该区自早中生代以来处于软流圈上隆的岩石圈伸展构造背景。  相似文献   

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