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This paper examines the importance of national-level institutional arrangements for promoting the EU’s Protected Geographic Indication scheme (PGI). Taking the example of Ireland, for which PGI designations remain comparatively low, it explores whether the approach to providing institutional supports to the PGI scheme is influenced by top-down technocratic governance structures that pertain to food safety and quality certification that encompass the broader operating environment for food production in Ireland. Although the regulation of food safety and quality certification are distinct remits to the administration of the PGI scheme, in the Irish context the same institutional bodies are involved in governance of both. Using a discourse analysis interpretative framework, this paper draws on interviews with Irish producer group members and institutional representatives to examine how governance of the PGI scheme reflects management perspectives and practices more in keeping with a regulatory environment for food safety and quality than with development of place-based food product links. It suggests that incentives to avail of the PGI scheme as a means of realising value-added for producers are not well established because they require the development of more subjective, context-dependent processes and practices linked to geographical place and place identity. These are not easily accommodated under current institutional arrangements that also incorporate food safety and quality remits because these are in turn strongly established through nationally and internationally recognised systems of regulation and benchmarking. The findings point to the benefits to be gained from a more layered governance structure for PGI; devolving operation of the scheme to relevant regional and local development organisations that possess the expertise and relevant local knowledge to (a) incentivise the formation of producer groups, and (b) prioritise mentoring and support for PGI concept development as a clearer reflection of bottom-up rural sustainability policy.  相似文献   

The devolution and regionalisation of political and administrative structures following the election of New Labour in 1997 have changed the nature of the state and territorial development and governance in the UK. A regional and sub-national tier has opened up within the existing multi-layered governance system operating at the supra-national, national and local scales. This ‘new institutional space’ is increasingly open to the participation of social institutions--including trade unions--in economic and social governance. Drawing upon empirical analysis of the experience of the Northern Trade Union Congress (NTUC) in the North East region of England, the paper argues that the NTUC--in contrast to its national organisation--is beginning to engage with the emergent institutional structures but its role is inhibited by the centralised strategy and structure of the TUC nationally, its own need for upgrading, capacity building and greater financial resources and the interaction between the North East’s particular legacy of tripartite corporatism and the more pluralist modes of regional development governance emerging in the English regions. Unless such issues are addressed regional trade union centres--such as the NTUC--risk remaining relatively junior partners in the emergent regional governance structures.  相似文献   

Ivan J. Townshend 《GeoJournal》2006,66(1-2):103-120
The privatization of urban space, as represented in the trend towards a wide variety of common interest developments and increasing prevalence of gated communities, is an international phenomenon. Recent research has not systematically explored the ways in which these types of developments are collectively re-shaping the public and private realms of the city at large. This empirical study of community areas in a Canadian city describes a number of historical private neighbourhood development trends and their convergence in space and time. Based on the empirical generalizations, a conceptual model is developed to illustrate how the trends may have combined to produce a new geography or ecology of space privatization within the city, one in which the older public city is being circumscribed and bounded by new territories of multi-tiered privatization.  相似文献   

This paper explores the powerful and mediating role of celebrity chefs over audience relationships with food through analysis of Jamie Oliver and his recent series Save with Jamie. The paper firstly situates the role of celebrity chefs theoretically, defining them as ‘talking labels’ who may act both as knowledge intermediaries and boundary objects to connect audiences with food in multiple ways. Here chefs actively construct and mediate discourses around ‘good food’. As trusted, credible, well-liked public figures, chefs step into out private home spaces through our televisions to convey food information in a charismatic, entertaining and accessible way. Like traditional food labels, chef’s words can be ‘sticky’ and take hold in public imaginations in a way that goes far beyond the capacity of food products labels. Yet the relationship between chefs and audiences is far from straightforward and so the paper secondly aims to explore how these talking labels are understood and ‘used’ by audiences in their everyday food practices. Drawing selectively from a large scale audience survey (n = 600) as well as the series, Save with Jamie, this paper reveals the different ways that audiences ‘talk back’ to chefs both positively and negatively to create moments of simultaneous possibility and resistance for audience relations with food. This revealed complex relationships between audiences, chefs and food. It also suggests that the powerful work on celebrity chefs functions as part of a new mediated mechanism within today’s food governance.  相似文献   

This paper details the author’s experiments with accessing the visceral realm in research on the food-based social movement, Slow Food (SF). “Visceral” is defined as the bodily realm where feelings, sensations, moods and so on are experienced. Fieldwork methods aimed at participatory co-creation of data through verbal communications in the form of in-depth conversations and group discussions, as well as non-verbal communications in the form of “intentionally designed experiences” and other forms of sensory involvement. Communications centered on understanding how foods and food-based settings elicit feelings and sensations that move and power bodies differently, and specifically how SF guides bodies to be affected by specific foods and environments. The paper details how data were created and recorded, specifically exploring how sensory-based research events were translated to data through the creation of imagined bodily empathies. The paper also discusses the emergence of change-oriented communications that pushed for transformation in SF’s (in)attention to visceral differences, thus demonstrating how visceral research can challenge researchers and participants to critically reflect upon, and perhaps transform, how their own bodies feel (and respond to) the world.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a particular group of food commodities, associated with the wider turn to ‘alternative food networks’, that are described as ‘naturally embedded food products’ (NEFPs). These are commodities (specifically meats and cheeses) that utilise grassland biodiversity as an input into production to positively influence, in various ways, the final qualities of the commodity. Building on the geographical literature on commodity circuits and analysing data derived from NEFP promotional materials and focus groups with urban and rural residents in the UK, the paper interrogates the geographical knowledges that are deployed by producers in the promotion of NEFPs and how these knowledges are accommodated and contested by consumers as they bring their own geographical knowledges to the interpretation of these commodities. The paper undertakes this task in order to problematise the extent to which alternative food networks in general and NEFPs in particular are bringing about a reconnection of producers and consumers and, concomitantly, a defetishisation of food, as is claimed for them by many of their policy and academic proponents. In the process the paper reveals how the food commodities associated with alternative food networks entail the creation of new and rival fetishes paradoxically as a result of efforts to ‘thicken connections’ between the production and consumption of food.  相似文献   

Extreme temperature events and global climatic changes may put human health at risk. Urban centers are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change. Japan is a densely populated and highly urbanized island frequently exposed to natural hazards and heat episodes. Japanese governments and practitioners design heat adaptation strategies to protect health and reduce risks. Are these strategies implemented at the local level? How do policymakers and researchers perceive heat and climate change adaptation measures? How are these strategies evaluated? In short: what is happening in Japan “on the ground”? This critical review briefly outlines heat adaptation solutions and challenges from three Japanese prefectures. It draws attention to implementation and evaluation barriers, and highlights creative approaches to adaptation, such as involving civil society volunteers.  相似文献   

In the course of the last 50 years, the landscape in Israel has undergone major changes, due to accelerated urbanization following population growth. These processes had increased the pressure on the open land, especially in areas of urban expansion. Recognizing that Governments and local Municipalities had failed to stop the consequent loss of public open spaces, not only in Israel but worldwide, had lead recently many communities to adopt new solutions in the form of private open spaces. In this article we present a “step ahead of time”: a case of privately owned land, set aside as public green area during the 1920s in a neighborhood called “Ahuza Herbert Samuel” (Herbert Samuel, the first High Commissioner of Palestine under the British Mandate), located in the City of Haifa, in Northern Israel. The roots of this unique phenomenon during the 1920s could be linked to several sources of influence: Colonial town planning concepts, the emergence of garden cities and garden suburbs and most importantly to concepts brought in by the leaders of the immigrant community coming from Rumania. Photogrammetric and GIS analysis of this phenomenon had revealed that it had prevailed throughout 75 years of constant and massive increase in the demand for built-up areas in Israel in general and in Ahuza neighborhood in particular. The success in preserving these open areas gains current relevance in view of recent trends in the Western world of allocating privately owned green areas for public use.  相似文献   

Groundwater is crucial for the livelihoods and food security of millions of people, and yet, knowledge formation in the field of groundwater has remained asymmetrical. While, scientific knowledge in the discipline (hydrology and hydrogeology) has advanced remarkably, relatively little is known about the socio-economic impacts and institutions that govern groundwater use. This paper therefore has two objectives. The first is to provide a balanced view of the plus and the down side of groundwater use, especially in agriculture. In doing so, examples are drawn from countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Spain and Mexico—all of which make very intensive use of groundwater. Second, institutions and policies that influence groundwater use are analyzed in order to understand how groundwater is governed in these countries and whether successful models of governance could be replicated elsewhere. Finally, the authors argue that there is a need for a paradigm shift in the way groundwater is presently perceived and managed—from management to governance mode. In this attempt, a number of instruments such as direct regulation, indirect policy levers, livelihood adaptation and peoples participation will have to be deployed simultaneously in a quest for better governance.
Tushaar ShahEmail:

The article describes the food insecurity situation in three villages in northern Ghana. A livelihood approach is used emphasising the vulnerability of the peasants’ adaptation to a marginal and remote area. The peasant households are grouped according to level of food insecurity. It is argued that multiple income sources including non-farm activities are necessary to reduce food insecurity for all but a small part of the peasant households.  相似文献   

The article examines some of the main trends of the modernisation of agribusiness and raises some questions about geographical transformations taking place in the centre and north of Brazil. The country represents an emblematic case of neo-liberalised agriculture in need of further investigation. It is discussed in the text how corporate, industrial-scale agribusiness practices in Brazil bring back some spectral elements of capitalism, which never disappeared and in which the invisible becomes visible again. It is a phenomenon of multiple dialectics that needs further theoretical, methodological and investigative elaboration. The most dramatic circumstances, and most interesting for academics to study, are at the frontier of the expansion of agribusiness, where spatially and temporally patterns are heterogeneous and largely unpredictable. Agribusiness is especially promoted at the agriculture frontier in Brazil because it is in itself an economic, ecological and ethical frontier. Therefore, critical research into the complexity of contemporary agribusiness should really be about the political economy of alternatives to the highly vulnerable and unsatisfactory approaches to food and agriculture that prevail today and continue to expand unabated.  相似文献   

By engaging with ‘pro-anorexia’ and ‘food porn’ on the Internet, this paper explores eating in cyberspace. Reflecting on the ways in which virtual, but affective, consumption is central to both food porn and pro-anorexia websites, the paper asks what the act of eating ‘triggers’ and produces, connects and displaces. It traces how eating in, and through, cyberspace shapes the biological materialities of bodies whilst also collapsing neat distinctions between offline and online worlds. Virtual vectors of spectating, salivating and digesting are disembodied and yet corporeal. Eating is seen to take place beyond and among bodies and to be dissipated both spatially and temporally. As such, cyberspace is outside and other to lived corporeality, and yet also folded into and productive of the intimate geographies and embodied subjectivities of everyday lives. As eating takes myriad forms across the de-materialised viscerality of the Internet, it also emerges as central to the production and ‘matter(ing)’ of cyberspace itself; this is (an) eating space in which what is eaten, by whom and with what bodies, perpetually shifts. Thus, seeking to contribute to geographical scholarship on affect and food, this paper engages with eating as both the subject of enquiry and also as a productive pathway into an interrogation of cyberspace and its place within the affective productions of the everyday. It suggests that this is a key site in which to explore the intimate socialities, materialities and biopolitics of food.  相似文献   

Ian Bailey  Susanne Rupp 《Geoforum》2005,36(3):387-401
New environmental policy instruments (NEPIs) (market-based instruments and environmental agreements) have moved to the forefront of environmental policy in recent years. From an economic theory perspective, NEPIs offer substantial benefits over ‘command-and-control’ regulation, yet empirical evaluations of their deployment and performance remain rare. This paper argues for a strong geographical contribution to this research agenda, utilising cross-national comparisons and actor-oriented perspectives to provide critical assessment and refinement of established NEPI theory. To illustrate this potential, this paper examines United Kingdom and German climate policy, using postal surveys and semi-structured interviews to assess corporate, industry association and policy-maker views on the effectiveness of eco-taxes, tradable permits and agreements in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions. Divergences between theoretical and practitioner perspectives on NEPIs are discussed, leading to suggested strategies for enhancing the environmental effectiveness of market-based instruments. The influence of national policy styles on NEPI design and industry reactions to these instruments was also identified as severely under-represented within economic theories of environmental regulation. Whilst industry assessments of environmental policy are unavoidably coloured by vested interests, cross-national and actor-oriented analyses nevertheless provide important insights into processes of policy diffusion and the strengths and weaknesses of different NEPIs.  相似文献   

In a 2004 special issue of Geoforum, McCarthy and Prudham argued that the connections between neoliberalism and the environment had been underexplored in critical scholarship. In an attempt to address this gap, the special issue reflected on a number of different case studies and set the stage for a decade of analysis and critique. This paper aims to contribute to the increasing body of literature by presenting a detailed theoretical analysis of neoliberal environmentalism and its role in modern society. Specifically, the paper focuses on one particular environmental issue – climate change – and uses it to categorise six discourses that either conform to the principles of neoliberalism (reformist) or reject neoliberal ideas (revolutionary). Drawing on interviews with designated ‘climate champions’ (individuals who are given responsibility for promoting climate protecting behaviour) in large corporations, the paper then demonstrates how this kind of typological framework might be applied to the analysis of neoliberal environmentalism in the ‘real world’. The paper finds that neoliberalism played a very influential role in the promotion of climate protecting behaviour in the workplace. However, there was also some limited evidence of resistance in the form of revolutionary discourses and ideas. Going forwards, the typological framework may provide a valuable analytical tool to assess the dominance and resistance of neoliberal environmentalism in the modern world.  相似文献   

We develop the outlines of a new approach to study the role of nonhumans in constituting ‘implementation’ and calculative–discursive practices in development projects and programs. Developing a framework around the concept of friction (material resistance or recalcitrance encountered in processes of transformation), we analyze an Energy Self-sufficient Village program in Indonesia. Focusing on specific projects and episodes within this program, we identify multiple distinctive instances of friction. These were driven by nonhumans’ (and humans’) resistance, as remolding of development beneficiaries’ practices was attempted by project administrators, government officials, entrepreneurs and by the (scientific) calculations embedded in their policies, strategies and models. In concluding, we distill four ways in which nonhumans relationally shape development practices: (a) by resisting representations and calculations produced by human actors, (b) by re-directing planned/expected courses of action, (c) through biophysical change to their weight or textures as they move in space and time, and (d) by mediating competition for resources. Overall, nonhumans play a central role in making and unmaking asymmetric relations of power in practice and by constituting practices that diverge from prior expectations, problematize linear understandings of ‘policy implementation’. Their material and discursive agency is multiple, manifesting differently in different relational settings, which highlights the importance of broadening the range of spokespersons who speak on behalf of nonhumans and whose voices can be considered reliable and true. Our study thus provides support to calls for pluralizing and democratizing development ‘expertise’ beyond the usual suspects in science, government and civil society.  相似文献   

The origin of life on Earth remains enigmatic with diverse models and debates.Here we discuss essential requirements for the first emergence of life on our planet and propose the following nine requirements:(1)an energy source(ionizing radiation and thermal energy);(2)a supply of nutrients(P.K.REE.etc.);(3)a supply of life-constituting major elements;(4)a high concentration of reduced gases such as CH_4,HCN and NH_3;(5)dry-wet cycles to create membranes and polymerize RNA;(6)a non-toxic aqueous environment;(7)Na-poor water;(8)highly diversified environments,and(9)cyclic conditions,such as dayto-night,hot-to-cold etc.Based on these nine requirements,we evaluate previously proposed locations for the origin of Earth's life,including:(1)Darwin's "warm little pond",leading to a "prebiotic soup" for life;(2)panspermia or Neo-panspermia(succession model of panspermia);(3)transportation from/through Mars;(4)a deepsea hydrothermal system;(5)an on-land subduct ion-zone hot spring,and(6)a geyser systems driven by a natural nuclear reactor.We conclude that location(6)is the most ideal candidate for the o rigin point for Earth's life because of its efficiency in continuously supplying both the energy and the necessary materials for life,thereby maintaining the essential "cradle" for its initial development.We also emphasize that falsifiable working hypothesis provides an important tool to evaluate one of the biggest mysteries of the universe-the origin of life.  相似文献   

Abstract. Determinations of SO3 and Cl contents of igneous accessory apatite were carried out on Late Cenozoic intermediate to silicic intrusive and volcanic rocks in the Japanese island arcs of the western Pacific rim including the southwestern Kuril arc (eastern Hokkaido), Northeast Japan arc (southwestern Hokkaido through northeastern Honshu to central Honshu), Izu‐Bonin arc, Kyushu‐Palau ridge, Southwest Japan arc (northern Kyushu) and northern Ryukyu arc (southern Kyushu). These were compared to those from the Western Luzon arc, Philippines, to better understand the metallogenesis of porphyry Cu deposits in the western Pacific island arcs. In addition, SO3 and Cl contents of accessory apatite in the Cretaceous magnetite‐series granitic rocks in the Kitakami belt (northeastern Honshu) and the Miocene ilmenite‐series granitic rocks in the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan (southern Kyushu) were also examined. Microphenocrystic apatites in shallow intrusions associated with porphyry Cu deposits in the Western Luzon arc contain >0.1 wt% S as SO3. Such high SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite are a common characteristic of hydrous mag‐matism in the Western Luzon arc, from 15 Ma old tonalitic plutonic rocks of the Luzon Central Cordillera to present‐day volcanism at Mount Pinatubo. The accessory apatite in intrusive rocks associated with porphyry Cu deposits, especially those at the Santo Tomas II deposit, show significantly high Cl contents (>2 wt%). The SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite in most of the hydrous silicic rocks along the volcanic front, in andesites related to native sulfur deposits, and in Miocene and younger shallow granitic intrusions in northeastern Honshu, are generally <0.1 wt%. On the other hand, the SO3 contents of apatite in such rocks from eastern Hokkaido, southwestern Hokkaido, Izu, northern Kyushu and southern Kyushu are similar to those from the Western Luzon arc. The SO3 contents of accessory apatite in the Cretaceous magnetite‐series granitic rocks in the Kitakami belt are variable, whereas those of the Miocene ilmenite‐series granitic rocks in southern Kyushu are extremely low. The Cl contents of accessory apatite in some rocks of the Northeast Japan arc, Izu‐Bonin arc and Southwest Japan arc are significantly high. In terms of the Cl and SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite, Cenozoic Japanese arc magmatism show similarities with arc magmatism associated elsewhere with porphyry Cu mineralization, except for the most of northeastern Honshu of the Northeast Japan arc. Apatite commonly occurs as inclusions in other phenocrystic phases. Thus the variation in SO3 contents of apatite is a feature of early stage magmatic differentiation. The SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite are considered to reflect the redox state of the magma source region or fluids encountered during magma generation.  相似文献   

A steady state groundwater flow simulation model was developed using available well data and general hydrogeological and geological information, for the Afram Plains area, Ghana. The hydrochemistry of groundwater from wells in the area was then evaluated to determine its suitability for irrigation and domestic uses. The assessment of the irrigation quality of groundwater from this area was based on salinity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratios (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), and permeability indices (PI). The simulation model reveals that groundwater in the Afram Plains area generally flows from the midsections in the neighborhood of Tease and surrounding areas, where significant recharge takes place, to the outer regions and discharges into the Volta Lake in the southern and eastern sections of the area. Flow magnitude and piezometric maps suggest that there is probably of less potential for groundwater extraction for sustainable irrigation in the central regions of the area, when compared to the other discharge areas. This study reveals that more than 70% of the samples analyzed fall within the C2–S1 category, referring to the medium level salinity and low sodium. Medium salinity waters may be used for irrigation on coarse textured soils with good permeability. About 15% of the data fall within the C3–S2 category, referring to water of high salinity and medium sodicity. High salinity, medium sodicity irrigation water cannot be used on fine-grained soils where drainage is restricted. This is because restricted flow is likely to result in the accumulation of salts in the root zones of crops, leading to salinity and soil clogging crisis. About 3% falls within the C3–S3 (high salinity, high sodicity) category. This category requires special soil management including improved drainage, heavy leaching and the use of chemical amendments on the water. Only one point plots within the extreme salinity–sodicity range. Concentrations of fluoride, arsenic and other natural elements in the area generally fall well within the world health standards for domestic water.  相似文献   

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