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Recent lifetime measurements on excited electronic states of neutral silicon (Beckeret al., Phys. Lett. In press, 1980) lead to a reassessment of widely used experimental transition probabilities Garz, Astron. Astrophys., 26, 471–477, 1973 of Si I lines. This translates into a 25% downward revision of the Si abundance determined from the solar spectrum.A solar atomic ratio, Si/Ca = 15.5 is inferred. This value coincides with that found in carbonaceous chondrites, but contrasts with ordinary and enstatite chondrites.  相似文献   

The Bencubbin meteorite is a polymict breccia consisting of a host fraction of ~60% metal and ~40% ferromagnesian silicates and a selection of carbonaceous, ordinary and ‘enstatite’ chondritic clasts. Concentrations of 27 elements were determined by neutron activation in replicate samples of the host silicates and the ordinary and carbonaceous chondritic clasts; 12 elements were determined in the host metal. Compositional data for the ordinary chondrite clast indicate a classification of LL4 ± 1. Refractory element data for the carbonaceous chondrite clast indicate that it belongs to the CI-CM-CO clan; its volatile element abundances are intermediate between those of CM and CO chondrites. Abundances of nonvolatile elements in the silicate host are similar to those in the carbonaceous chondrite clast and in CM chondrites; the rare earths are unfractionated. We conclude that it is not achondritic as previously designated, but chondritic and that it is probably related to the CI-CM-CO clan; its volatile abundances are lower than those in CO chondrites. Oxygen isotope data are consistent with these classifications. Host metal in Bencubbin and in the closely related Weatherford meteorite has low abundances of moderately volatile siderophiles; among iron meteorite groups its nearest relative is group IIIF.We suggest that Bencubbin and Weatherford formed as a result of an impact event on a carbonaceous chondrite regolith. The impact generated an ‘instant magma’ that trapped and surrounded regolithic clasts to form the polymict breccia. The parent of this ‘magma’ was probably the regolith itself, perhaps mainly consisting of the so-called ‘enstatite’ chondrite materials. Accretion of such a variety of materials to a small parent body was probably only possible in the asteroid belt.  相似文献   

Taenite fields when etched develop a cloudy brown rim with approximate compositional limits of 25 and 40 per cent Ni. In iron meteorites this cloudy zone is only a few microns wide, with a sharp, high-Ni edge about 1 μm from the kamaciteinterface and a diffuse edge several microns from the central plessite. It is always present in irons unless the meteorite has been cosmically or terrestrially reheated.X-Ray and electron diffraction of grains scratched from exceptionally large areas of cloudy taenite in the mesosiderite Estherville show that this etching zone contains a fine exsolution of kamacite. Electron microscopy reveals a cellular structure with kamacite walls surrounding taenite volumes about 1000 Å in diameter; about one-third of the total volume is kamacite. Electron diffraction from a thin foil of Tazewell indicates that for several microns the cloudy border consists of a single crystal of kamacite interpenetrating a single crystal of taenite.Detailed electron-probe investigations of taenite in Estherville show that there is a step in the M-shaped Ni profile at the sharp, high-Ni edge of the cloudy region, the Ni dropping suddenly from approximately 45 to 42 per cent. It is proposed that exsolution in the cloudy region effectively froze in the Ni profile at that temperature. On subsequent cooling only the clear outer taenite continued to equilibrate with the kamacite matrix producing the kink in the M profile.Cloudy taenite is therefore a variety of plessite differing from the usual varieties in that it forms at lower temperatures in areas much richer in Ni, and the morphology is not crystallographically oriented. Its absence can provide a sensitive indication of reheating.  相似文献   

Howardites and polymict eucrites are fragments of regolith breccias ejected from the surface of a differentiated (eucritic) parent body, perhaps, of the asteroid Vesta. The first data are presented demonstrating that howardites contain, along with foreign fragments of carbonaceous chondrites, also fragments of ordinary chondrites, enstatite meteorites, ureilites, and mesosiderites. The proportions of these types of foreign meteoritic fragments in howardites and polymict eucrites are the same as in the population of cosmic dust particles obtained from Antarctic and Greenland ice. The concentrations of siderophile elements in howardites and polymict eucrites are not correlated with the contents of foreign meteoritic particles. It is reasonable to believe that cosmogenic siderophile elements are concentrated in howardites and polymict eucrites mostly in submicrometer-sized particles that cannot be examined mineralogically. The analysis of the crater population of the asteroid Vesta indicates that the flux of chondritic material to the surface of this asteroid should have been three orders of magnitude higher than the modern meteoritic flux and have been comparable with the flux to the moon’s surface during its intense meteoritic bombardment. This provides support for the earlier idea about a higher meteoritic activity in the solar system as a whole at approximately 4 Ga. The lithification of the regolith (into regolith breccia) of the asteroid Vesta occurred then under the effect of thermal metamorphism in the blanket of crater ejecta. Thus, meteorite fragments included in howardites provide record of the qualitative composition of the ancient meteorite flux, which was analogous to that of the modern flux at the Earth surface.  相似文献   

The Eaton ‘meteorite’ contains roughly 66 per cent Cu, 33 per cent Zn and <0.1 per cent Ni. In contrast, native Cu from other meteorites contains >90 per cent Cu, <5 per cent Zn and in those samples in which it could be measured, 0.4–2.4 per cent Ni. The major phases and inclusions of Eaton closely resemble those in commercial yellow brass. Eaton contains α and β Cu-Zn, small Pb inclusions around the Cu-Zn crystals and larger Ca aluminosilicate inclusions similar to those from sand casting molds. Based on these data Eaton does not appear to be a meteorite.Both meteoritic and terrestrial native copper are striking for their relatively high purity. Meteoritic Cu appears to be distinguishable from terrestrial material by its higher Ni contents.  相似文献   

Minerals of the schreibersite–nickelphosphide series (Fe,Ni)3P crystallize in the non-centrosymmetric space group . As a consequence, they can possess two different spatial arrangements of the constituting atoms within the unit cell, related by the inversion symmetry operation. Here, we present the crystal structure refinements from single crystal X-ray diffraction data for schreibersite grains from iron meteorites Acuña, Carlton, Hex River Mts. (three different crystals), Odessa (two different crystals), Sikhote Alin, and Toluca aiming for the determination of the absolute structure of the examined crystals. The crystals studied cover the composition range from ~58 mol% to ~80 mol% Fe3P end-member. Unit-cell parameter a and volume of the unit cell V, as well as certain topological structural parameters tightly correlate with Fe3P content. Unit-cell parameter c, on the other hand, does not show such strong correlation. Eight of the nine crystal structure refinements allowed unambiguous absolute structure assignment. The single crystal extracted from Toluca is, however, of poor quality and consequently the structure refinement did not provide as good results as the rest of the materials. Also, this crystal has only weak inversion distinguishing power to provide unequivocal absolute structure determination. Six of the eight unambiguous absolute structure determinations indicated inverted atomic arrangement compared to that reported in earlier structure refinements (here called standard). Only two grains, one taken from Odessa iron and the other from the Hex River Mts. meteorite, reveal the dominance of standard crystal structure setting.  相似文献   

Bencubbin is a breccia containing metal and silicate clasts, along with occasional chondritic fragments. The breccia is cemented together by a small amount of shock-melted metal-silicate matrix. There is no evidence, however, for complete melting of either metal or silicate clasts after their incorporation within the breccia. The main metal phase occurs as rounded and angular clasts of Fe-Ni. Each clast is chemically homogeneous, but systematic chemical variations between clasts are observed with Ni concentrations varying from ? 5.3 wt% in some clasts up to 7.5 wt% in others. Cobalt concentrations vary between clasts from 0.25 to 0.35 wt% and are positively correlated with Ni. The Co and Ni concentrations are consistent with the metal condensation path (pressure ? 10-3 atm) predicted by Grossman and Olsen (1974, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta38, 173–187). The P vs Ni concentrations are consistent with the metal condensation path (pressure ? 10?4atm) predicted by Wai et al. (1978, Lunar and Planetary Science IX, pp. 1193–1195). Thus we believe that Bencubbin metal clasts may record chemical information imparted during condensation of the metal from the nebula. Chromium concentrations in Bencubbin metal (0.05–0.30 wt%) greatly exceed concentrations observed in iron meteorites as predicted by Grossman and Olsen (1974, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta38, 173–187) for metal condensates from the solar nebula. The Cr-Ni trend in Bencubbin, however, is positively correlated with Ni, in contrast to the predicted condensation trend. This unexpected correlation may be the result of subsequent redistribution of Cr between metal and micron-sized troilite blebs. The incorporation of these troilite blebs within the metal clasts is difficult to explain in terms of low temperature (? 700 K) condensation of troilite. The possible explanations for the presence of the troilite may or may not be consistent with an unaltered primitive composition for the metal clasts. High temperature equilibrium condensation of Bencubbin metal, however, is also supported by the low Ga and Ge contents reported by Kallemeynet al. (1978, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta42, 507–515). Three of the metal clasts were found to contain ?2.3wt% Si in alloy with the metal. The compositions of these clasts are consistent with equilibrium condensation at a pressure of ? 1 atm from a gas of cosmic composition. The Si-rich clasts could also have condensed at lower pressures from a gas with a fractionated CO ratio relative to cosmic abundances.  相似文献   

We conducted fluid-absent partial melting experiments, at 0.5 and 1.0?GPa in the temperature range 750 to 1000?°C, to investigate the influence of bulk rock Mg ? [100Mg/(Mg+Fe)] and the effects of additional TiO2 on the granulite-grade anatectic evolution of relatively magnesian metapelites and metagreywackes. In these experiments, melting began between 780 and 830?°C by the incongruent breakdown of biotite to produce quartz-saturated, granulite-facies residual mineral assemblages in equilibrium with H2O-undersaturated granitic melt. The glass (quenched melt) compositions produced in this study vary little. Generally, the glasses have compositions similar to those of many natural strongly peraluminous leucogranites. The solidus temperatures in both rock types increase with increasing Mg ?, but are unaffected by the presence or absence of a TiO2 component. At 0.5?GPa the metapelites melted at temperatures up to 50?°C lower than the equivalent metagreywackes, but at 1?GPa there was no discernible difference. This study suggests that the fluid-absent solidus has a steep positive dP/dT slope in metapelites and steep negative dP/dT slope in metagreywackes. The pattern of melt production with increasing temperature is strongly controlled by the upper limit of biotite stability. In TiO2-free compositions this was found to increase by 15 to 20?°C in the metapelites and by 30 to 40?°C in the metagreywackes, as a function of increasing Mg ? from 49 to 81. The presence of a TiO2 component increases the upper limit of biotite stability by ~50?°C in the metapelites and by ~80?°C in the metagreywackes, over that observed in the equivalent TiO2-free compositions. In consequence, in the TiO2-free samples large pulses of melt (up to 35 wt%) are produced over narrow temperature ranges (as little as 15?°C in these experiments) between 830 and 875?°C. In the TiO2-bearing samples the major pulse of melt production occurs more gradually between 830 and >900?°C.  相似文献   

The first cold plasma ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer) Fe isotope study is described. Application of this technique to the analyses of Fe isotopes in a number of meteorites is also reported. The measurement technique relies on reduced temperature operation of the ICP source to eliminate pervasive molecular interferences from Ar complexes associated with conventional ICP-MS. Instrumental mass bias corrections are performed by sample-standard bracketing and using Cu as an external mass bias drift monitor. Repeated measurements of a terrestrial basalt reference sample indicate an external reproducibility of ± 0.06 ‰ for δ56Fe and ± 0.25 ‰ for δ58Fe (1 σ). The measured iron isotopic compositions of various bulk meteorites, including irons, chondrites and pallasites are identical, within error, to the composition of our terrestrial basalt reference sample suggesting that iron mass fractionation during planet formation and differentiation was non-existent. Iron isotope compositions measured for eight chondrules from the unequilibrated ordinary chondrite Tieschitz range from −0.5 ‰ < δ56Fechondrules < 0.0 ‰ relative to the terrestrial/meteorite average. Mechanisms for fractionating iron in these chondrules are discussed.  相似文献   

Sb- Li组合:罕见的矿化组合及锂的赋存状态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北柘坪锑矿勘查区发现有具一定规模的断裂破碎带型共伴生锂矿,锂主要以锂绿泥石的方式充填在断层破碎带的石英颗粒之间,属于低温热液充填成因。锂与锑的成矿作用均受到断裂破碎带的控制,二者之间在总体上是正相关关系,成矿物质可能均来自于南侧的幕阜山大岩基。这一发现,不但丰富了我国锂矿的类型,而且开拓了找矿思路,为我国新类型锂矿的勘查提供了新的切入点。今后既要注意在锑矿区综合评价锂及其他稀有金属成矿的可能性,也要注意在柘坪锑矿深部及邻区方山锑矿等地对断裂破碎带控制的热液型稀有金属矿化带进行普查勘探,同时还要注意矿化的垂向分带和侧向分带。不排除深部存在隐伏花岗伟晶岩型锂矿的可能性,也不排除柘坪的热液型锑矿与断峰山的伟晶岩型锑矿属于同一成矿系列的可能性。柘坪Sb-Li矿床本身位于幕阜山锂铍铌钽稀有金属矿集区的外围,与断峰山伟晶岩型铌钽锂矿床相隔仅12 km,区域充分的成矿物质来源为多种类型锂矿的形成创造了条件。  相似文献   

Processes of thermal metamorphism of carboniferous rocks have been studied experimentally. The conditions of high-temperature interaction of shungite carbon with components of the contained rocks, leading to formation of carbide compounds, have been determined. The results of this investigation contribute to the works on searching for new raw material for prospective material production.  相似文献   

High-temperature infrared properties of forsterite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polarized emittance measurements were acquired for synthetic forsterite, the pure magnesium end member of the olivines group, on the whole infrared spectral range and up to the melting point by using CO2 laser heating. The experimental data, fitted with a semi-quantum dielectric function model, allowed the retrieval of the temperature dependence of the absorption coefficient of forsterite both in the opaque and semi-transparent regions. The analysis of the phonon parameters indicates that the lattice dynamics evolve drastically with increasing temperature. The normal modes involving motions of the magnesium cations located in site 1 are the more impacted, and some of them vanish around 1,200 K. The results confirm that the enhancement of the lattice anharmonicity and the increasing mobility of the magnesium cations are closely linked and are at the origin of the anomalies observed in the evolution of the thermophysical properties. This complete set of spectroscopic data may be a step toward a more precise evaluation of the impact of thermal radiation heat transfer inside systems involving forsterite and quantification of their heat budget.  相似文献   

The elastic moduli of magnesioferrite spinel, MgFe2O4, and their temperature dependence have been determined for the first time by ultrasonic measurements on a polycrystalline specimen. The measurements were carried out at 300 MPa and to 700°C in a gas-medium high-pressure apparatus. On heating, both the elastic bulk (K S) and shear (G) moduli decrease linearly to 350°C. By combining with extant thermal-expansion data, the values for the room-temperature K S and G, and their temperature derivatives are as follows: K 0 = 176.3(7) GPa, G 0 = 80.1(2) GPa, (∂K S/∂T) P = −0.032(3) GPa K−1 and (∂G/∂T) P = −0.012(1) GPa K−1. Between 350 and 400°C, there are abrupt increases of 1.4% in both of the elastic moduli; these closely coincide with the magnetic Curie transition that was observed by thermal analyses at about 360°C.  相似文献   

Metal segregation and silicate melting on asteroids are the most incisive differentiation events in the early evolution of planetary bodies. The timing of these events can be constrained using the short-lived 182Hf-182W radionuclide system. Here we present new 182Hf-182W data for major types of primitive achondrites including acapulcoites, winonaites and one lodranite. These meteorites are of particular interest because they show only limited evidence for partial melting of silicates and are therefore intermediate between chondrites and achondrites.For acapulcoites we derived a 182Hf-182W age of ΔtCAI = 4.1 +1.2/−1.1 Ma. A model age for winonaite separates calculated from the intercept of the isochron defines an age of ΔtCAI = 4.8 +3.1/−2.6 Ma (assuming a bulk Hf/W ratio of ∼1.2). Both ages most likely define primary magmatic events on the respective parent bodies, such as melting of metal, although metal stayed in place and did not segregate to form a core. A later thermal event is responsible for resetting of the winonaite isochron, yielding an age of ΔtCAI = 14.3 +2.7/−2.2 Ma, significantly younger than the model age. Assuming a co-genetic relationship between winonaites and silicates present in IAB iron meteorites (based on oxygen isotope composition) and including data by Schulz et al. (2009), a common parent body chronology can be established. Magmatic activity occurred between ∼1.5 and 5 Ma after CAIs. More than 5 Ma later, intensive thermal metamorphism has redistributed Hf-W. Average cooling rates calculated for the winonaite/IAB parent asteroid range between ∼35 and ∼4 K/Ma, most likely reflecting different burial depths. Cooling rates obtained for acapulcoites were ∼40 K/Ma to ∼720 K and then ∼3 K/Ma to ∼550 K.Accretion and subsequent magmatism on the acapulcoite parent body occurred slightly later if compared to most achondrite parent bodies (e.g., angrites, ureilites and eucrites), in this case supporting the concept of an inverse correlation between accretion-age of asteroids and intensity of heating in their interiors as expected from heating by 26Al and 60Fe decay. However, the early accretion of the parent asteroid of primitive IAB silicates (∼1.0 Ma after CAIs; Schulz et al., 2009) and the possibly impact-induced melting-history of winonaites show that this concept is too simplistic. Parent body size, impact-driven melting as well as heat-insulating regolith cover also need to be considered in the early history of asteroid differentiation.  相似文献   

We report the development of a new analytical system allowing the fully automated measurement of isotopic ratios in micrometer-sized particles by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in a Cameca ims-6f ion microprobe. Scanning ion images and image processing algorithms are used to locate individual particles dispersed on sample substrates. The primary ion beam is electrostatically deflected to and focused onto each particle in turn, followed by a peak-jumping isotopic measurement. Automatic measurements of terrestrial standards indicate similar analytical uncertainties to traditional manual particle analyses (e.g., ∼3‰/amu for Si isotopic ratios). We also present an initial application of the measurement system to obtain Si and C isotopic ratios for ∼3300 presolar SiC grains from the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite. Three rare presolar Si3N4 grains were also identified and analyzed. Most of the analyzed grains were extracted from the host meteorite using a new chemical dissolution procedure. The isotopic data are broadly consistent with previous observations of presolar SiC in the same size range (∼0.5-4 μm). Members of the previously identified SiC AB, X, Y, and Z subgroups were identified, as was a highly unusual grain with an extreme 30Si enrichment, a modest 29Si enrichment, and isotopically light C. The stellar source responsible for this grain is likely to have been a supernova. Minor differences in isotopic distributions between the present work and prior data can be partially explained by terrestrial contamination and grain aggregation on sample mounts, though some of the differences are probably intrinsic to the samples. We use the large new SiC database to explore the relationships between three previously identified isotopic subgroups—mainstream, Y, and Z grains—all believed to originate in asymptotic giant branch stars. The isotopic data for Z grains suggest that their parent stars experienced strong CNO-cycle nucleosynthesis during the early asymptotic giant branch phase, consistent with either cool bottom processing in low-mass (M < 2.3M) parent stars or hot-bottom burning in intermediate-mass stars (M > 4M). The data provide evidence for a sharp threshold in metallicity, above which SiC grains form with much higher 12C/13C ratios than below. Above this threshold, the fraction of grains with relatively high 12C/13C decreases exponentially with increasing 29Si/28Si ratio. This result indicates a sharp increase in the maximum mass of SiC parent stars with decreasing metallicity, in contrast to expectations from Galactic chemical evolution theory.  相似文献   

Analysis of noble gas proportions and their release kinetics during stepped pyrolysis and oxidation of meteoritic nanodiamonds, as well as their core-shell structure led to the following conclusions: (1) Noble gases of HL component with anomalous isotopic composition were presumably formed prior to implantation in the nanodiamonds owing to mixing of nucleosynthetic products of p- and r- process associated with explosion of type-II supernova with noble gases having “normal” isotopic composition; (2) isotopically normal P3 noble gases in the nanodiamonds grains are confined to the nondiamond (for instance, graphite-like) phase in the surface layer. The “layer” structure of nanodiamonds grains resulted from heating up to 800–900°C. Observed increase in contents of P3 noble gases with increasing grain sizes of meteoritic nanodiamonds is caused by the dependence of the degree of graphitization of the superfical layer at given temperature on the grain size and surface defect density; (3) bimodal release of noble gases during pyrolysis of the meteoritic nanodiamonds from weakly metamorphosed meteorites was caused by P3 and HL components, which are comparable in abundance but sharply differ in their release temperature.  相似文献   

The sub-solidus fields of crystallization of a spectrum of synthetic aluminous basic compositions (high-alumina basalt, anorthite-enriched high-alumina basalt, kyanite eclogite, grosspydite and gabbroic anorthosite) have been investigated at pressures of up to 36 kb. At low pressures the assemblages are characterized by abundant plagioclase, clinopyroxene and possibly minor olivine and orthopyroxene. These correspond to natural gabbroic and pyroxene granulite assemblages. As pressure is increased garnet appears and increases gradually in amount at the expense of other ferromagnesian minerals and plagioclase, until finally at pressures of >23 kb at 1,100° C, plagioclase disappears and high pressure clinopyroxene+garnet+kyanite±quartz assemblages equivalent to eclogite are obtained. In the eclogite stability field, with further rise in pressure, the ratio ga/cpx and the grossular content of the garnet increase.In the high-alumina basalt composition the transitional garnet granulite assemblage (clinopyroxene+plagioclase+garnet±quartz) is spread over a pressure interval of 11 kb at 1,100° C. This is a greater interval than observed for other basalt compositions and is important in considering the hypothesis that the Mohorovicic Discontinuity is a phase change from basalt to eclogite. It indicates that the change in V p would be spread over a significant depth range, and no sharp seismic velocity discontinuity could result.The first experimental synthesis of kyanite eclogite from both high-alumina basalt and kyanite eclogite compositions has been obtained, as well as synthesis of unusual grossular-clinopyroxene-kyanite assemblages (grosspydite) from grosspydite and gabbroic anorthosite compositions. The pressures needed to synthesize these assemblages are somewhat greater than the pressures needed to synthesize eclogite from basic compositions of lower alumina content at the same temperature. Experimental confirmation of the observation that there is a direct relation between Gross/Alm + Py ratio of garnet and the Jd/Di ratio of co-existing pyroxene in grosspydite and kyanite eclogite assemblages found in kimberlite pipes has also been obtained.  相似文献   

Experiments have been conducted in a peralkaline Ti-KNCMASH system representative of MARID-type bulk compositions to delimit the stability field of K-richterite in a Ti-rich hydrous mantle assemblage, to assess the compositional variation of amphibole and coexisting phases as a function of P and T, and to characterise the composition of partial melts derived from the hydrous assemblage. K-richterite is stable in experiments from 0.5 to 8.0 GPa coexisting with phlogopite, clinopyroxene and a Ti-phase (titanite, rutile or rutile + perovskite). At 8.0 GPa, garnet appears as an additional phase. The upper T stability limit of K-richterite is 1200–1250 °C at 4.0 GPa and 1300–1400 °C at 8.0 GPa. In the presence of phlogopite, K-richterite shows a systematic increase in K with increasing P to 1.03 pfu (per formula unit) at 8.0 GPa/1100 °C. In the absence of phlogopite, K-richterite attains a maximum of 1.14 K pfu at 8.0 GPa/1200 °C. Titanium in both amphibole and mica decreases continuously towards high P with a nearly constant partitioning while Ti in clinopyroxene remains more or less constant. In all experiments below 6.0 GPa ΣSi + Al in K-richterite is less than 8.0 when normalised to 23 oxygens+stoichiometric OH. Rutiles in the Ti-KNCMASH system are characterised by minor Al and Mg contents that show a systematic variation in concentration with P(T) and the coexisting assemblage. Partial melts produced in the Ti-KNCMASH system are extremely peralkaline [(K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3 = 1.7–3.7], Si-poor (40–45 wt% SiO2), and Ti-rich (5.6–9.2 wt% TiO2) and are very similar to certain Ti-rich lamproite glasses. At 4.0 GPa, the solidus is thought to coincide with the K-richterite-out reaction, the first melt is saturated in a phlogopite-rutile-lherzolite assemblage. Both phlogopite and rutile disappear ca. 150 °C above the solidus. At 8.0 GPa, the solidus must be located at T≤1400 °C. At this temperature, a melt is in equilibrium with a garnet- rutile-lherzolite assemblage. As opposed to 4.0 GPa, phlogopite does not buffer the melt composition at 8.0 GPa. The experimental results suggest that partial melting of MARID-type assemblages at pressures ≥4.0 GPa can generate Si-poor and partly ultrapotassic melts similar in composition to that of olivine lamproites. Received: 23 December 1996 / Accepted: 20 March 1997  相似文献   

A suite of heat-treatment experiments have been performed to test the high-temperature stability of San Carlos olivine within the theoretical stability field at one atmosphere total pressure. Exsolution or contamination products did not form on the surfaces of samples which were surrounded by olivine, magnesia, or alumina. In contrast, silica-rich phases developed on the surfaces of samples which were in line-of-sight contact with silica or platinum. These silica-rich phases result from interaction of the olivine with silica or platinum in the furnace environment via vapor phase transport or surface diffusion, rather than from diffusion of excess silica from the bulk to the surface as suggested by Jaoul et al. (1984, 1985). This conclusion is consistent with the reported slow rate of diffusion of silicon in olivine and with the lack of internal precipitation of silica-rich phases. Consequently, it is concluded that San Carlos olivine does not contain silica in excess of the solubility limit under conditions which are within the -T stability field for this (Mg,Fe,Ni)-olivine.  相似文献   

 Torsional forced-oscillation and microcreep methods have been employed in a study of the viscoelastic behaviour of fine-grained polycrystalline olivine at high temperatures (to 1300 °C), seismic frequencies and low strain amplitudes. The Fo90 specimens are of low porosity and low dislocation density. They vary in mean grain size from 8 to 150 μm and contain only trace amounts (≪0.1 vol%) of quenched melt glass. For T ≤ 900 °C, their behaviour is essentially elastic and the shear modulus G closely approaches that expected for a dense polycrystal from single-crystal elasticity data – confirming the suppression of thermal microcracking in␣this study. At higher temperatures, pronounced absorption-band dissipation and associated dispersion␣of the shear modulus provide evidence of linear viscoelastic behaviour. Both recoverable (anelastic) and permanent (viscous) strains are involved and the proportion of the latter increases with increasing temperature and decreasing frequency. Comparison of the results for the three specimens provides a clear indication that the viscoelastic behaviour, attributed to diffusional processes, is grain-size-sensitive with the dissipation and associated dispersion increasing with decreasing grain size. Both elastically accommodated and diffusionally accommodated grain-boundary sliding appear to be implicated. Received: 29 September 2000 / Accepted: 7 May 2001  相似文献   

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