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Group B metals, such as Hg, Cu, Ag, Pb and Cd bind strongly to reduced inorganic and organic S(II−) ligands. These S(II−) ligands, stable in oxic waters for significant periods of time, occur at the <1–100 s nM concentrations. It is hypothesized that S(II−) ligands are stabilized as Cu–S molecules associated with organic matter by multi-ligand binding or in nano-pore encapsulations in organic matter. S(II−) ligands are estimated by two methods: purge/trap analysis as Cr-reducible sulfide (CRS), and strong ligand (SLT) from a competitive ligand titration with Ag(I). The CRS/SLT ratio is nearly one for selected samples. CRS correlates reasonably well (r2 ∼ 0.5) with organic C with a slope of 14.6 nM per mg C. The conditional binding constant of Ag–SL is 11.3 for effluent associated with waste-water and decreases for river waters from about 12–8.8 as the strong sites are occupied with Ag(I).  相似文献   

Dissolved mercury in estuarine waters from the Mississippi Delta and Florida Everglades is associated with dissolved organic matter which has the properties of fulvic matter found in soils. Ultrafiltration of water samples demonstrated that mercury and dissolved organic carbon are selectively enriched in the < 500 molecular size cut-off fraction. A decrease in high molecular weight dissolved organic matter with increasing salinity in the Everglades exerts a partial control on the mercury content of these estuarine waters.  相似文献   

Copper biogeochemistry is largely controlled by its bonding to natural organic matter (NOM) for reasons not well understood. Using XANES and EXAFS spectroscopy, along with supporting thermodynamic equilibrium calculations and structural and steric considerations, we show evidence at pH 4.5 and 5.5 for a five-membered Cu(malate)2-like ring chelate at 100-300 ppm Cu concentration, and a six-membered Cu(malonate))1-2-like ring chelate at higher concentration. A “structure fingerprint” is defined for the 5.0-7.0 Å−1 EXAFS region which is indicative of the ring size and number (i.e., mono- vs. bis-chelate), and the distance and bonding of axial oxygens (Oax) perpendicular to the chelate plane formed by the four equatorial oxygens (Oeq) at 1.94 Å. The stronger malate-type chelate is a C4 dicarboxylate, and the weaker malonate-type chelate a C3 dicarboxylate. The malate-type chelate owes its superior binding strength to an -OH for -H substitution on the α carbon, thus offering additional binding possibilities. The two new model structures are consistent with the majority of carboxyl groups being clustered and α-OH substitutions common in NOM, as shown by recent infrared and NMR studies. The high affinity of NOM for Cu(II) is explained by the abundance and geometrical fit of the two types of structures to the size of the equatorial plane of Cu(II). The weaker binding abilities of functionalized aromatic rings also is explained, as malate-type and malonate-type structures are present only on aliphatic chains. For example, salicylate is a monocarboxylate which forms an unfavorable six-membered chelate, because the OH substitution is in the β position. Similarly, phthalate is a dicarboxylate forming a highly strained seven-membered chelate.Five-membered Cu(II) chelates can be anchored by a thiol α-SH substituent instead of an alcohol α-OH, as in thio-carboxylic acids. This type of chelate is seldom present in NOM, but forms rapidly when Cu(II) is photoreduced to Cu(I) at room temperature under the X-ray beam. When the sample is wet, exposure to the beam can reduce Cu(II) to Cu(0). Chelates with an α-amino substituent were not detected, suggesting that malate-like α-OH dicarboxylates are stronger ligands than amino acids at acidic pH, in agreement with the strong electronegativity of the COOH clusters. However, aminocarboxylate Cu(II) chelates may form after saturation of the strongest sites or at circumneutral pH, and could be observed in NOM fractions enriched in proteinaceous material. Overall, our results support the following propositions:
The most stable Cu-NOM chelates at acidic pH are formed with closely-spaced carboxyl groups and hydroxyl donors in the α-position; oxalate-type ring chelates are not observed.
Cu(II) bonds the four equatorial oxygens to the heuristic distance of 1.94 ± 0.01 Å, compared to 1.97 Å in water. This shortening increases the ligand field strength, and hence the covalency of the Cu-Oeq bond and stability of the chelate.
The chelate is further stabilized by the bonding of axial oxygens with intra- or inter-molecular carboxyl groups.
Steric hindrances in NOM are the main reason for the absence of Cu-Cu interactions, which otherwise are common in carboxylate coordination complexes.

《Organic Geochemistry》1999,30(8):911-927
Adsorption of organic contaminants onto soils, sediments and other particulates has the potential to be a major controlling factor in their bioavailability, fate and behavior in the environment. Models for estimating the amount and stability of sorbed organic contaminants based on the fraction of organic carbon in a soil or sediment can oversimplify the process of sorption in the environment. In order to help understand sorption of organic contaminants in soils and sediments, we modeled various components of natural organic matter (NOM) that are possible substrates for sorption. These substrates include soot particles, lignin, humic and fulvic acids. The molecular scale interactions of selected aromatic hydrocarbons with different substrates were also simulated. Results of the simulations include the 3-D structures of the NOM components, changes in structure with protonation state and solvation and the sorption energy between PAH and substrate. This last parameter is an indicator of the amount of contaminant that will sorb and the energy required to free the contaminant from the substrate. Although the simulation results presented in this paper represent a first-order examination of NOM and contaminant interactions, the findings highlight a number of essential features that should be included in future molecular models of NOM and contaminant sorption.  相似文献   

Information on the particle size and reactive surface area of natural samples and its interaction with natural organic matter (NOM) is essential for the understanding bioavailability, toxicity, and transport of elements in the natural environment. In part I of this series (Hiemstra et al., 2010), a method is presented that allows the determination of the effective reactive surface area (A, m2/g soil) of the oxide particles of natural samples which uses a native probe ion (phosphate) and a model oxide (goethite) as proxy. In soils, the natural oxide particles are generally embedded in a matrix of natural organic matter (NOM) and this will affect the ion binding properties of the oxide fraction. A remarkably high variation in the natural phosphate loading of the oxide surfaces (Γ, μmol/m2) is observed in our soils and the present paper shows that it is due to surface complexation of NOM, acting as a competitor via site competition and electrostatic interaction. The competitive interaction of NOM can be described with the charge distribution (CD) model by defining a ≡NOM surface species. The interfacial charge distribution of this ≡NOM surface species can be rationalized based on calculations done with an evolved surface complexation model, known as the ligand and charge distribution (LCD) model. An adequate choice is the presence of a charge of −1 v.u. at the 1-plane and −0.5 v.u. at the 2-plane of the electrical double layer used (Extended Stern layer model).The effective interfacial NOM adsorption can be quantified by comparing the experimental phosphate concentration, measured under standardized field conditions (e.g. 0.01 M CaCl2), with a prediction that uses the experimentally derived surface area (A) and the reversibly bound phosphate loading (Γ, μmol/m2) of the sample (part I) as input in the CD model. Ignoring the competitive action of adsorbed NOM leads to a severe under-prediction of the phosphate concentration by a factor ∼10 to 1000. The calculated effective loading of NOM is low at a high phosphate loading (Γ) and vice versa, showing the mutual competition of both constituents. Both constituents in combination usually dominate the surface loading of natural oxide fraction of samples and form the backbone in modeling the fate of other (minor) ions in the natural environment.Empirically, the effective NOM adsorption is found to correlate well to the organic carbon content (OC) of the samples. The effective NOM adsorption can also be linked to DOC. For this, a Non-Ideal Competitive adsorption (NICA) model is used. DOC is found to be a major explaining factor for the interfacial loading of NOM as well as phosphate. The empirical NOM-OC relation or the parameterized NICA model can be used as an alternative for estimating the effective NOM adsorption to be implemented in the CD model for calculation of the surface complexation of field samples. The biogeochemical impact of the NOM-PO4 interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of siderite distribution,occurrence,chemical compositionk,structureal characteristics,carbon-oxygen isotopic characteristics and relationship between siderite and hematite,this paper presents a systematic study of siderite in the region studied.suggesting that the siderite in the Xuanlong area genetically resulted from organically reduced primary hematite during the diagenesis.The ferric and ferrous relations directly depend on organic contents.In the presence of organic matter ferrous iron can be converted to ferric iron through or ganic reduction.The above conclusion has also been proved by organic geochemistry.data.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(11):1900-1912
This study addresses the physical geochemical aspects of the relationship between Hg and organic matter in recent sediment from eutrophic lakes in central Alberta, Canada. The types of organic matter in the sediment are classified based on their degree of thermal degradation and their petrographical characteristics. This study uniquely applies the methods conventionally used in petroleum geosciences (Rock-Eval® analyses and organic petrology) to investigate the relationship between various types of organic matter and the concentration of Hg in sediment.The results show that the total organic carbon (TOC) in sediment represents the sum of various organic compounds, which may play a completely different role in the distribution and accumulation of Hg. Strong correlations between TOC and the concentration of Hg in the studied sediment arise mainly from the thermally labile portion of organic matter released during pyrolysis under 300 °C. These compounds primarily consist of easily degradable algal-derived lipids and various pigments, which are petrographically described as soluble organic matter (SOM). The preserved SOM in sediment is commonly entrapped within the cell walls of phytoplankton and also appear as surface coating on sediment particles. The strong affinity between Hg and SOM is due not only to its chemical reactivity, but also to the physical characteristic of these labile compounds. The SOM may provide a substrate with enormous surface area by concentrating on the finer sediment size fractions and potentially acting as a “concentrator” for Hg and other organic-associated elements. Lastly, the quantity of the SOM has been calculated as an “elemental concentrator” portion of the TOC, which plays the most important role in the distribution of Hg in sediment.  相似文献   

沉积型铀矿的形成与有机质存在密切联系。实验模拟研究表明:芳香有机酸在弱酸到弱碱性条件下很容易和铀酰根离子发生配位反应,它能通过羧基上的氧原子以多种配位形式和铀形成配位键。此结果验证了前人的一些结论,并直观地展现了有机质的主要官能团与铀离子在溶液中的一些迁移形式。模拟实验结果也显示了烃类在水热条件下对铀成矿的还原作用,它能将六价铀还原成四价铀而沉淀下来。  相似文献   

Methylmercury can accumulate in fish to concentrations unhealthy for humans and other predatory mammals. Most sources of mercury (Hg) emit inorganic species to the environment. Therefore, ecological harm occurs when inorganic Hg is converted to methylmercury. Sulfate- and iron-reducing bacteria (SRB and FeRB) methylate Hg, but the effects of processes involving oxidized and reduced forms of sulfur and iron on the reactivity of Hg, including the propensity of inorganic Hg to be methylated, are poorly understood. Under abiotic conditions, using a laboratory flow reactor, bisulfide (HS) was added at 40 to 250 μM h−1 to 5 g L−1 goethite (α-FeOOH) suspensions to which Hg(II) was adsorbed (30-100 nmol m−2) at pH 7.5. Dissolved Hg initially decreased from 103 or 104 nM (depending on initial conditions) to 10−1 nM, during which the concentration of Hg(II) adsorbed to goethite decreased by 80% and metacinnabar (β-HgS(s)) formed, based on identification using Hg LIII-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopic analysis. The apparent coordination of oxygens surrounding Hg(II), measured with EXAFS spectroscopy, increased during one flow experiment, suggesting desorption of monodentate-bound Hg(II) while bidentate-bound Hg(II) persisted on the goethite surface. Further sulfidation increased dissolved Hg concentrations by one to two orders of magnitude (0.5 to 10 nM or 30 nM), suggesting that byproducts of bisulfide oxidation and Fe(III) reduction, primarily polysulfide and potentially Fe(II), enhanced the dissolution of β-HgS(s) and/or desorption of Hg(II). Rapid accumulation of Fe(II) in the solid phase (up to 40 μmol g−1) coincided with faster elevation of dissolved Hg concentrations. Fe(II) served as a proxy for elemental sulfur [S(0)], as S(0) was the dominant bisulfide oxidation product coupled to Fe(III) reduction, based on sulfur K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. In one experiment, dissolved Hg concentrations tracked those of all sulfide species [S(-II)]. These results suggest that S(-II) reacted with S(0) to form polysulfide, which then caused the dissolution of β-HgS(s). A secondary Fe-bearing phase resembling poorly formed green rust was observed in sulfidized solids with scanning electron microscopy, although there was no clear evidence that either surface-bound or mineralized Fe(II) strongly affected Hg speciation. Examination of interrelated processes involving S(-II) and Fe(III) revealed new modes of Hg solubilization previously not considered in Hg reactivity models.  相似文献   

Natural organic matter (NOM) is an important ingredient in soil which can improve physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils and nutrient supplies. In this study, we investigated the spectral features and potential availability of phosphorus (P) in the IHSS Elliott Soil humic acid standard (EHa), Elliott soil fulvic acid standard Ⅱ (EFa), Waskish peat humic acid reference (WHa), and Waskish peat fulvic acid reference (WFa) by fluorescence spectroscopy, FT-IR, solution 31P NMR, 3-phytase incubation and UV irradiation. We observed more similar spectral features between EHa and EFa as well as between WHa and WFa than between the two humic acids or two fulvic acids themselves. Phosphorus in WHa and WFa was mainly present in the orthophosphate form. However, only about 5% was water soluble. After treatment by both UV irradiation and enzymatic hydrolysis, soluble orthophosphate increased to 17% of WHa P, and 10%o of WFa P. Thus, it appears that a large portion of P in Waskish peat humic substances was not labile for plant uptake. On the other hand, both orthophosphate and organic phosphate were present in EHa and EFa. Treatment by both UV irradiation and enzymatic hydrolysis increased soluble orthophosphate to 67% of EHa P and 52% of EFa P, indicating that more P in Elliott soil humic substances was potentially bioavailable. Our results demonstrated that source (soil vs. peat) was a more important factor than organic matter fraction (humic acid vs. fulvic acid) with respect to the forms and lability of P in these humic substances.  相似文献   

The adsorption behavior and solution speciation of Cu(II) and Cd(II) were studied in model systems containing colloidal alumina particles and dissolved natural organic matter. At equilibrium a significant fraction of the alumina surface was covered by adsorbed organic matter. Cu(II) was partitioned primarily between the surface-bound organic matter and dissolved Cu-organic complexes in the aqueous phase. Complexation of Cu2+ with the functional groups of adsorbed organic matter was stronger than complexation with uncovered alumina surface hydroxyls. It is shown that the complexation of Cu(II) by adsorbed organic matter can be described by an apparent stability constant approximately equal to the value found for solution phase equilibria. In contrast, Cd(II) adsorption was not significantly affected by the presence of organic matter at the surface, due to weak complex formation with the organic ligands. The results demonstrate that general models of trace element partitioning in natural waters must consider the presence of adsorbed organic matter.  相似文献   

Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy has been used extensively to characterize natural organic matter (NOM). Absorption bands at 1100-1000 cm^-1 in the FT-IR spectra of NOM have been frequently assigned to alcoholic and polysaccharide C-O stretching or to vibrations of SiO2-related impurities. However, these interpretations do not consider that a strong band associated with P-O bonds of phosphate also appears in the same region. We evaluated the correlation between absorbance in this region and P content of 19 NOM samples from terrestrial, aquatic and plant shoot sources. In the spectra of 10 humic and fulvic acid samples, shoulder to minor bands appeared around 1050 cm^-1. Absorbance intensity at 1050 cm^-1 (Y) was linearly related to P content (X) by the following: Y=4.38X+0.3 l, with R2=0.90. We did not observe such a close correlation between absorbance and P content in two aquatic NOM samples. Apparently, this is because the aquatic NOM samples were concentrated by reverse osmosis, which would have concentrated not only humic and fulvic acids but also other soluble organic solutes present in natural waters. In the FT-IR spectra of seven dissolved organic matter (DOM) samples obtained from dried plant shoots, broad and/or multiple bands around 1075 cm^-1 were observed with a shoulder at 977 cm^-1. These characteristics were more like those of organic phosphate compounds (such as inositol hexaphosphate). However, solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis showed no significant amount of organic phosphate present in these samples.  相似文献   

Microbial and photochemical decomposition are two major processes regulating organic matter (OM) transformation in the global carbon cycle. However, photo-oxidation is not as well understood as biodegradation in terms of its impact on OM alteration in terrigenous environments. We examined microbial and photochemical transformation of OM and lignin derived phenols in two plant litters (corn leaves and pine needles). Plant litter was incubated in the laboratory over 3 months and compositional changes to OM were measured using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We also examined the susceptibility of soil organic matter (SOM) to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Solid-state 13C NMR spectra showed that O-alkyl type structures (mainly from carbohydrates) decreased during biodegradation and the loss of small carbohydrates and aliphatic molecules was observed by solution-state 1H NMR spectra of water extractable OM from biodegraded litters. Photochemical products were detected in the aliphatic regions of NaOH extracts from both litter samples by solution-state 1H NMR. Photo-oxidation also increased the solubility of SOM, which was attributed to the enhanced oxidation of lignin derived phenols and photochemical degradation of macromolecular SOM species (as observed by diffusion edited 1H NMR). Overall, our data collectively suggests that while biodegradation predominates in litter decomposition, photo-oxidation alters litter OM chemistry and plays a role in destabilizing SOM in soils exposed to UV radiation.  相似文献   

Abiotic interactions between natural dissolved organic matter (NDOM) and carbonate aquifer rock may be controlling factors of biogeochemical processes and contaminant fate in carbonate aquifer systems. The importance and effects of these interactions were examined using batch adsorption experiments of soil NDOM and representative carbonate sorbents from the Floridan Aquifer. Adsorption of NDOM carbon to aquifer rocks was well-described using a modified linear model and was mostly reversible. Significant adsorption was observed at higher NDOM concentrations, while the release of indigenous organic matter from the rocks occurred at lower concentrations. Longer interaction periods led to more adsorption, indicating that adsorption equilibrium was not achieved. For relatively pure carbonate rock samples, sorbent surface area was found to be the most important controlling factor of adsorption, whereas the presence of indigenous organic matter and subdominant mineral phases were more important, when they occurred. Preferential adsorption of a high over low molecular weight and humic over fulvic components of NDOM onto carbonate sorbents was detected using liquid size exclusion chromatography and excitation–emission fluorometry, respectively. The presence of NDOM inhibited mineral dissolution, though this inhibition was not proportional to NDOM concentration as surface area and mineralogy of carbonate sorbents played additional roles. Though the NDOM–carbonate rock adsorption mechanism could not be completely determined due to the heterogeneity and complexity of NDOM and sorbent surfaces, it is speculated that both rapid and weak outer-sphere bonding and stronger but slower hydrophobic interaction occur. These results have important implications for groundwater quality and hydrogeologic projects such as aquifer storage and recovery.  相似文献   

The hypothesized reaction mechanisms for U reduction by the dehydrogenation of hydroxyl groups and aliphatic hydrocarbonaceous moieties of lignite were verified by kinetic U reduction experiments using simple alcohols (1-octadecanol and 2-propanol) and aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-octacosane). The rate constants and activation energies for U reduction by these alcohols are similar to those obtained for U reduction by lignite. The rate-determining step for U reduction by both simple and natural organic matter is hypothesized to be controlled by oxygen diffusion through U oxides. The equilibria of the system lignite-aqueous uranyl have been used to calculate standard free energy changes ΔG° for lignite dehydrogenation. Their comparison with those for the dehydrogenation of simple organic molecules supports the proposed reactions thermodynamically.  相似文献   

Humic Ion-Binding Model V, which focuses on metal complexation with humic and fulvic acids, was modified to assess the role of dissolved natural organic matter in the speciation of rare earth elements (REEs) in natural terrestrial waters. Intrinsic equilibrium constants for cation-proton exchange with humic substances (i.e., pKMHA for type A sites, consisting mainly of carboxylic acids), required by the model for each REE, were initially estimated using linear free-energy relationships between the first hydrolysis constants and stability constants for REE metal complexation with lactic and acetic acid. pKMHA values were further refined by comparison of calculated Model V “fits” to published data sets describing complexation of Eu, Tb, and Dy with humic substances. A subroutine that allows for the simultaneous evaluation of REE complexation with inorganic ligands (e.g., Cl, F, OH, SO42−, CO32−, PO43−), incorporating recently determined stability constants for REE complexes with these ligands, was also linked to Model V. Humic Ion-Binding Model V’s ability to predict REE speciation with natural organic matter in natural waters was evaluated by comparing model results to “speciation” data determined previously with ultrafiltration techniques (i.e., organic acid-rich waters of the Nsimi-Zoetele catchment, Cameroon; dilute, circumneutral-pH waters of the Tamagawa River, Japan, and the Kalix River, northern Sweden). The model predictions compare well with the ultrafiltration studies, especially for the heavy REEs in circumneutral-pH river waters. Subsequent application of the model to world average river water predicts that organic matter complexes are the dominant form of dissolved REEs in bulk river waters draining the continents. Holding major solute, minor solute, and REE concentrations of world average river water constant while varying pH, the model suggests that organic matter complexes would dominate La, Eu, and Lu speciation within the pH ranges of 5.4 to 7.9, 4.8 to 7.3, and 4.9 to 6.9, respectively. For acidic waters, the model predicts that the free metal ion (Ln3+) and sulfate complexes (LnSO4+) dominate, whereas in alkaline waters, carbonate complexes (LnCO3+ + Ln[CO3]2) are predicted to out-compete humic substances for dissolved REEs. Application of the modified Model V to a “model” groundwater suggests that natural organic matter complexes of REEs are insignificant. However, groundwaters with higher dissolved organic carbon concentrations than the “model” groundwater (i.e., >0.7 mg/L) would exhibit greater fractions of each REE complexed with organic matter. Sensitively analysis indicates that increasing ionic strength can weaken humate-REE interactions, and increasing the concentration of competitive cations such as Fe(III) and Al can lead to a decrease in the amount of REEs bound to dissolved organic matter.  相似文献   

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