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Silicate weathering of soil-mantled slopes in an active Alpine landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite being located on high, steep, actively uplifting, and formerly glaciated slopes of the Swiss Central Alps, soils in the upper Rhone Valley are depleted by up to 50% in cations relative to their parent bedrock. This depletion was determined by a mass loss balance based on Zr as a refractory element. Both Holocene weathering rates and physical erosion rates of these slopes are unexpectedly low, as measured by cosmogenic 10Be-derived denudation rates. Chemical depletion fractions, CDF, range from 0.12 to 0.48, while the average soil chemical weathering rate is 33 ± 15 t km−2 yr−1. Both the cosmogenic nuclide-derived denudation rates and model calculations suggest that these soils have reached a weathering steady-state since deglaciation 15 ky ago. The weathering signal varies with elevation and hillslope morphology. In addition, the chemical weathering rates decrease with elevation indicating that temperature may be a dominant controlling factor on weathering in these high Alpine basins. Model calculations suggest that chemical weathering rates are limited by reaction kinetics and not the supply rate of fresh material. We compare hillslope and catchment-wide weathering fluxes with modern stream cation flux, and show that high relief, bare-rock slopes exhibit much lower chemical weathering rates despite higher physical erosion rates. The low weathering fluxes from rocky, rapidly eroding slopes allow for the broader implication that mountain building, while elevating overall denudation rates, may not cause increased chemical weathering rates on hillslopes. In order for this sediment to be weathered, intermediate storage, for instance in floodplains, is required.  相似文献   

Transformation of vermiculite to hydroxy-interlayered vermiculites (HIV) significantly modifies the physicochemical properties of the original mineral. HIV is a common phase in acid soils, nevertheless its formation remains poorly understood. The main goal of this paper was to clarify the kinetics and process of interlayer aluminization of pure vermiculite using an experimental design. For this purpose, we monitored the dissolution of Na-saturated vermiculite in dilute HCL at pH 2.7, at 50 °C for 672 h in stirred flow-through reactors. Both reacted samples at different dissolution steps, and the leaching of elements, were investigated. The main result was a rapid change to hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite, with a decrease in CEC and a progressive displacement of d(0 0 1) reflection near 1.4 nm after K saturation, resulting from formation of hydroxy-interlayer material. Vermiculite was found to dissolve non-stoichiometrically for 500 h; after that, the release rate for Si, Mg and Al became stoichiometric with respect to vermiculite chemistry. By contrast, Fe sustained non-stoichiometric release throughout the whole experiment. At the steady state, i.e., after 500 h, a dissolution rate of 8.8 ± 0.1 × 10−11 mol vermiculite m−2 s−1 was found with respect to Si. Both Al and Fe precipitated in the interlayer space, and their amounts calculated at the end of the experiment were 3.74 × 10−4 mol g−1 of vermiculite for Al and 8.74 × 10−5 for Fe. The rate of interlayer aluminization increased for 60 h and then regularly decreased. Al-interlayering stopped after 288 h, but Fe still precipitated in the interlayer space.A comparison with the same mineral incubated for three years in acid soils revealed that the reaction was proton-promoted. The same pattern of CEC decrease and interlayer aluminization was observed, but the kinetics were slower due to soil environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to propose a method to assess the long-term chemical weathering mass balance for a regolith developed on a heterogeneous silicate substratum at the small experimental watershed scale by adopting a combined approach of geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. We initiated in 2003 a study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India. In the transition sub-humid zone of this climatic gradient we have studied the pristine forested small watershed of Mule Hole (4.3 km2) mainly developed on gneissic substratum. Mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical investigations were carried out (i) in characteristic red soil profiles and (ii) in boreholes up to 60 m deep in order to take into account the effect of the weathering mantle roots. In addition, 12 Electrical Resistivity Tomography profiles (ERT), with an investigation depth of 30 m, were generated at the watershed scale to spatially characterize the information gathered in boreholes and soil profiles. The location of the ERT profiles is based on a previous electromagnetic survey, with an investigation depth of about 6 m. The soil cover thickness was inferred from the electromagnetic survey combined with a geological/pedological survey.Taking into account the parent rock heterogeneity, the degree of weathering of each of the regolith samples has been defined using both the mineralogical composition and the geochemical indices (Loss on Ignition, Weathering Index of Parker, Chemical Index of Alteration). Comparing these indices with electrical resistivity logs, it has been found that a value of 400 Ohm m delineates clearly the parent rocks and the weathered materials. Then the 12 inverted ERT profiles were constrained with this value after verifying the uncertainty due to the inversion procedure. Synthetic models based on the field data were used for this purpose. The estimated average regolith thickness at the watershed scale is 17.2 m, including 15.2 m of saprolite and 2 m of soil cover.Finally, using these estimations of the thicknesses, the long-term mass balance is calculated for the average gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. In the saprolite, the open-system mass-transport function τ indicates that all the major elements except Ca are depleted. The chlorite and biotite crystals, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only), are the first to undergo weathering and the oligoclase crystals are relatively intact within the saprolite with a loss of only 18%. The Ca accumulation can be attributed to the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to the current and/or the paleoclimatic conditions. Overall, the most important losses occur for Si, Mg and Na with −286 × 106 mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), −67 × 106 mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and −39 × 106 mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. In the red soil profiles, the open-system mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted. Most of the oligoclase crystals have broken down with a loss of 90%. The most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with −55 × 106 mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), −22 × 106 mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and −16 × 106 mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al, K and Fe account for 8%, 6%, 4% and 2% of the total mass loss, respectively.Overall these findings confirm the immaturity of the saprolite at the watershed scale. The soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals that can further undergo weathering and hence consume atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Chronologically well-constrained loess-palaeosols(recorded glacial and inter-glacial climate) revealed pedogenesis induced ionic substitutions,caused end-member compositional deviations in illite and chlorite,linked to widespread climatic changes occurred during Late Pleistocene.Further,micro-level climatic resolution is yet to be resolved.Thus,layer-wise X-ray diffraction analyses of clay separates,followed by Rietveld refinement revealed varied cell parameters and interatomic distances.Obtained values for detrital and pedogenic illite and chlorite when plotted against stratigraphic succession show notable changes in the crystallographic axes.The illite lattices associated with inadequately pedogenized palaeosols have been altered into illite/smectite mixed layers,but,the chlorite lattices represent expansion of a-,b-and contraction of c-axes with much greater amount of distortions,suggestive of warm-humid and acidic environment.The detrital 48,44 and 83,74 bonded illite and chlorite with2 sub-types each,when pedogenized retained 48,44 and 34;and 83 and 74 bonds(in their neo-formed 3 and 2 sub-types),respectively.The Al-O bond shows expansion,but,unchanged Si-O and decreased Si-K and K-O bonds show loss of Al and retention of Si and K ions in the illite lattices.The illite with 32 atoms and 48 bonds represent contraction of K-O,Si-K,Al-O and Si-O bonds caused bond reinforcement;however,loss of Al~(3+)reflects all-out illite alteration.Owing to Al-O and K-O bond expansion,major K~+ and Al~(3+) ionic loss occurred during the LGM,however,further ionic loss depends upon the magnitude of the loess-palaeosol weathering that they have suffered.The clilate sensitive Fe,Mg and Al ionic losses for Fe-O,Mg-O and Al_(11)-O_9 bond length expansions were recognized in the chlorite lattices.Such ionic losses are common,but,complete distortion is attributed to Al,Si,Fe and Mg ionic losses,followed by weakening of Al-O,Si-O,Fe-O and Mg-O bonds.Though,Si-O_4 and Fe_1-O_4 bonds,and Si and Fe_(1 st) ions remain intact.Thus,three major glacial episodes of ~5 ka each occurred under alkaline environment,but,intervened by two successive cycles of 55 ka each,encompassing three alternate warm and cold climatic sub-cycles of 12-15 ka.But,the coldness increases with each warm-cold sub-cycle that attained the glacial maxima.Further,these events correlate well with the deep-sea records of the North Atlantic(MIS-1 to MIS-5 e) and CLP loess-palaeosols(~127 ka).  相似文献   

Two sediment cores retrieved at the northern slope of Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk, were analyzed for biogenic opal, organic carbon, carbonate, sulfur, major element concentrations, mineral contents, and dissolved substances including nutrients, sulfate, methane, major cations, humic substances, and total alkalinity. Down-core trends in mineral abundance suggest that plagioclase feldspars and other reactive silicate phases (olivine, pyroxene, volcanic ash) are transformed into smectite in the methanogenic sediment sections. The element ratios Na/Al, Mg/Al, and Ca/Al in the solid phase decrease with sediment depth indicating a loss of mobile cations with depth and producing a significant down-core increase in the chemical index of alteration. Pore waters separated from the sediment cores are highly enriched in dissolved magnesium, total alkalinity, humic substances, and boron. The high contents of dissolved organic carbon in the deeper methanogenic sediment sections (50-150 mg dm−3) may promote the dissolution of silicate phases through complexation of Al3+ and other structure-building cations. A non-steady state transport-reaction model was developed and applied to evaluate the down-core trends observed in the solid and dissolved phases. Dissolved Mg and total alkalinity were used to track the in-situ rates of marine silicate weathering since thermodynamic equilibrium calculations showed that these tracers are not affected by ion exchange processes with sediment surfaces. The modeling showed that silicate weathering is limited to the deeper methanogenic sediment section whereas reverse weathering was the dominant process in the overlying surface sediments. Depth-integrated rates of marine silicate weathering in methanogenic sediments derived from the model (81.4-99.2 mmol CO2 m−2 year−1) are lower than the marine weathering rates calculated from the solid phase data (198-245 mmol CO2 m−2 year−1) suggesting a decrease in marine weathering over time. The production of CO2 through reverse weathering in surface sediments (4.22-15.0 mmol CO2 m−2 year−1) is about one order of magnitude smaller than the weathering-induced CO2 consumption in the underlying sediments. The evaluation of pore water data from other continental margin sites shows that silicate weathering is a common process in methanogenic sediments. The global rate of CO2 consumption through marine silicate weathering estimated here as 5-20 Tmol CO2 year−1 is as high as the global rate of continental silicate weathering.  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out in order to evaluate the impact of nitrogen fertiliser-induced acidification in carbonated soils. Undisturbed soil columns containing different carbonate content were sampled in the field. Fertiliser spreading was simulated by NH4Cl addition on top of the soil column. Soil solution composition (mainly nitrate and base cations) was studied at the soil column’s base. Nitrification occurred to a different extent depending on soil type. Higher nitrification rates were observed in calcareous soils. In all the soil types, strong correlations between leached base cation and nitrate concentrations were observed. Regression coefficients between base cations, nitrate and chloride were used to determine the dominant processes occurring following NH4Cl spreading. In non-carbonated soils, nitrogen nitrification induced base cation leaching and soil acidification. In carbonated soils, no change of soil pH was observed. However, fertilisers induced a huge cation leaching. Carbonate mineral weathering led to the release of base cations, which replenished the soil exchangeable complex. Carbonated mineral weathering buffered acidification. Since direct weathering might have occurred without atmospheric CO2 consumption, the use of nitrogen fertiliser on carbonated soil induces a change in the cation and carbon budgets. When the results of these experiments are extrapolated on a global scale to the surface of fertilised areas lying on carbonate, carbonated reactions with N fertilisers would imply an additional flux of 5.7 × 1012 mol yr−1 of Ca + Mg. The modifications of weathering reactions in cultivated catchments and the ability of nitrogen fertilisers to significantly modify the CO2 budget should be included in carbon global cycle assessment.  相似文献   

In soils, silicon released by mineral weathering can be retrieved from soil solution through clay formation, Si adsorption onto secondary oxides and plant uptake, thereby impacting the Si-isotopic signature and Ge/Si ratio of dissolved Si (DSi) exported to rivers. Here we use these proxies to study the contribution of biogenic Si (BSi) in a soil-plant system involving basaltic ash soils differing in weathering degree under intensive banana cropping. δ30Si and Ge/Si ratios were determined in bulk soils (<2 mm), sand (50-2000 μm), silt (2-50 μm), amorphous Si (ASi, 2-50 μm) and clay (<2 μm) fractions: δ30Si by MC-ICP-MS Nu Plasma in medium resolution, operating in dry plasma with Mg doping (δ30Si vs. NBS28 ± 0.12‰ ± 2σSD), Ge/Si computed after determination of Ge and Si concentrations by HR-ICP-MS and ICP-AES, respectively. Components of the ASi fraction were quantified by microscopic counting (phytoliths, diatoms, ashes). Compared to fresh ash (δ30Si = −0.38‰; Ge/Si = 2.21 μmol mol−1), soil clay fractions (<2 μm) were enriched in light Si isotopes and Ge: with increasing weathering degree, δ30Si decreased from −1.19 to −2.37‰ and Ge/Si increased from 4.10 to 5.25 μmol mol−1. Sand and silt fractions displayed δ30Si values close to fresh ash (−0.33‰) or higher due to saharian dust quartz deposition, whose contribution was evaluated by isotopic mass balance calculation. Si-isotopic signatures of bulk soils (<2 mm) were strongly governed by the relative proportions of primary and secondary minerals: the bulk soil Si-isotopic budget could be closed indicating that all the phases involved were identified. Microscopic counting highlighted a surface accumulation of banana phytoliths and a stable phytolith pool from previous forested vegetation. δ30Si and Ge/Si values of clay fractions in poorly developed volcanic soils, isotopically heavier and Ge-depleted in surface horizons, support the occurrence of a DSi source from banana phytolith dissolution, available for Si sequestration in clay-sized secondary minerals (clay minerals formation and Si adsorption onto Fe-oxide). In the soil-plant system, δ30Si and Ge/Si are thus highly relevant to trace weathering and input of DSi from phytoliths in secondary minerals, although not quantifying the net input of BSi to DSi.  相似文献   

In the mountainous Rio Icacos watershed in northeastern Puerto Rico, quartz diorite bedrock weathers spheroidally, producing a 0.2-2 m thick zone of partially weathered rock layers (∼2.5 cm thickness each) called rindlets, which form concentric layers around corestones. Spheroidal fracturing has been modeled to occur when a weathering reaction with a positive ΔV of reaction builds up elastic strain energy. The rates of spheroidal fracturing and saprolite formation are therefore controlled by the rate of the weathering reaction.Chemical, petrographic, and spectroscopic evidence demonstrates that biotite oxidation is the most likely fracture-inducing reaction. This reaction occurs with an expansion in d (0 0 1) from 10.0 to 10.5 Å, forming “altered biotite”. Progressive biotite oxidation across the rindlet zone was inferred from thin sections and gradients in K and Fe(II). Using the gradient in Fe(II) and constraints based on cosmogenic age dates, we calculated a biotite oxidation reaction rate of 8.2 × 10−14 mol biotite m−2 s−1. Biotite oxidation was documented within the bedrock corestone by synchrotron X-ray microprobe fluorescence imaging and XANES. X-ray microprobe images of Fe(II) and Fe(III) at 2 μm resolution revealed that oxidized zones within individual biotite crystals are the first evidence of alteration of the otherwise unaltered corestone.Fluids entering along fractures lead to the dissolution of plagioclase within the rindlet zone. Within 7 cm surrounding the rindlet-saprolite interface, hornblende dissolves to completion at a rate of 6.3 × 10−13 mol hornblende m−2 s−1: the fastest reported rate of hornblende weathering in the field. This rate is consistent with laboratory-derived hornblende dissolution rates. By revealing the coupling of these mineral weathering reactions to fracturing and porosity formation we are able to describe the process by which the quartz diorite bedrock disaggregates and forms saprolite. In the corestone, biotite oxidation induces spheroidal fracturing, facilitating the influx of fluids that react with other minerals, dissolving plagioclase and chlorite, creating additional porosity, and eventually dissolving hornblende and precipitating secondary minerals. The thickness of the resultant saprolite is maintained at steady state by a positive feedback between the denudation rate and the weathering advance rate driven by the concentration of pore water O2 at the bedrock-saprolite interface.  相似文献   

The soils of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile have long been known to contain large quantities of unusual salts, yet the processes that form these soils are not yet fully understood. We examined the morphology and geochemistry of soils on post-Miocene fans and stream terraces along a south-to-north (27° to 24° S) rainfall transect that spans the arid to hyperarid transition (21 to ∼2 mm rain y−1). Landform ages are ? 2 My based on cosmogenic radionuclide concentrations in surface boulders, and Ar isotopes in interbedded volcanic ash deposits near the driest site indicate a maximum age of 2.1 My. A chemical mass balance analysis that explicitly accounts for atmospheric additions was used to quantify net changes in mass and volume as a function of rainfall. In the arid (21 mm rain y−1) soil, total mass loss to weathering of silicate alluvium and dust (−1030 kg m−2) is offset by net addition of salts (+170 kg m−2). The most hyperarid soil has accumulated 830 kg m−2 of atmospheric salts (including 260 kg sulfate m−2 and 90 kg chloride m−2), resulting in unusually high volumetric expansion (120%) for a soil of this age. The composition of both airborne particles and atmospheric deposition in passive traps indicates that the geochemistry of the driest soil reflects accumulated atmospheric influxes coupled with limited in-soil chemical transformation and loss. Long-term rates of atmospheric solute addition were derived from the ion inventories in the driest soil, divided by the landform age, and compared to measured contemporary rates. With decreasing rainfall, the soil salt inventories increase, and the retained salts are both more soluble and present at shallower depths. All soils generally exhibit vertical variation in their chemistry, suggesting slow and stochastic downward water movement, and greater climate variability over the past 2 My than is reflected in recent (∼100 y) rainfall averages. The geochemistry of these soils shows that the transition from arid to hyperarid rainfall levels marks a fundamental geochemical threshold: in wetter soils, the rate and character of chemical weathering results in net mass loss and associated volumetric collapse after 105 to 106 years, while continuous accumulation of atmospheric solutes in hyperarid soils over similar timescales results in dramatic volumetric expansion. The specific geochemistry of hyperarid soils is a function of atmospheric sources, and is expected to vary accordingly at other hyperarid sites. This work identifies key processes in hyperarid soil formation that are likely to be independent of location, and suggests that analogous processes may occur on Mars.  相似文献   

Copper stable isotope ratios are fractionated during various biogeochemical processes and may trace the fate of Cu during long-term pedogenetic processes. We assessed the effects of oxic weathering (formation of Cambisols) and podzolization on Cu isotope ratios (δ65Cu). Two Cambisols (oxic weathered soils without strong vertical translocations of soil constituents) and two Podzols (soils showing vertical translocation of organic matter, Fe and Al) were analyzed for Cu concentrations, partitioning of Cu in seven fractions of a sequential extraction and δ65Cu values in bulk soil. Cu concentrations in the studied soils were low (1.4-27.6 μg g−1) and Cu was mainly associated with strongly bound Fe oxide- and silicate-associated forms. Bulk δ65Cu values varied between −0.57‰ and 0.44‰ in all studied horizons. The O horizons had on average significantly lighter Cu isotope compositions (−0.21‰) than the A horizons (0.13‰) which can either be explained by Cu isotope fractionation during cycling through the plants or deposition of isotopically light Cu from the atmosphere. Oxic weathering without pronounced podzolization in both Cambisols and a weakly developed Podzol (Haplic Podzol 2) caused no significant isotope fractionation in the single profiles, while a slight tendency to lower δ65Cu values with depth was visible in all four profiles. This is the opposite depth distribution of δ65Cu values to that we observed in hydromorphic soils (soils which show indication of redox changes because of the influence of water saturation) in a previous study. In a more pronounced Podzol (Haplic Podzol 1), δ65Cu values and Cu concentrations decreased from Ah to E horizons and increased again deeper in the soil. Humus-rich sections of the Bhs horizon had higher Cu concentrations (2.8 μg g−1) and a higher δ65Cu value (−0.18‰) than oxide-rich sections (1.9 μg g−1, −0.35‰) suggesting Cu translocation between E and B horizons as organo-Cu complexes. The different depth distributions in oxic weathered and hydromorphic soils and the pronounced vertical differences in δ65Cu values in Haplic Podzol 1 indicate a promising potential of δ65Cu values to improve our knowledge of the fate of Cu during long-term pedogenetic processes.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical patterns resulting from differing bedrock geochemistry were ascertained by concurrent streamwater sampling in three small catchments, each underlain by geochemically contrasting silicate rock types in the western Czech Republic, Central Europe in 2001–2010. The catchments are situated 5–7 km apart in the Slavkov Forest and are occupied by Norway spruce (Picea abies) plantations. They have similar altitude, area, topography, mean annual air temperature, and atmospheric deposition fluxes. The amount of base cations oxides (Ca + Mg + Na + K) is markedly different among the three studied rocks (leucogranite 8%, amphibolite 22%, serpentinite 36%). The leucogranite contains a very small amount of MgO, while the serpentinite contains extremely large amounts of MgO. The amphibolite contains an intermediate amount of MgO and elevated CaO. The Lysina, on leucogranite, exhibited very small concentrations of Mg (median 0.4 mg L−1) in streamwater; Pluh?v Bor, on serpentinite, contained extremely high concentrations of streamwater Mg (18 mg L−1). Streamwater in the Na Zeleném catchment, on amphibolite, contained an intermediate amount of Mg and an elevated Ca. Very low pH (4.2), negative alkalinity (−60 μeq L−1) and high inorganic monomeric Al concentrations (0.3 mg L−1) were found in the stream draining leucogranite. Serpentinite streamwater exhibited the highest pH (7.6), alkalinity (+940 μeq L−1) and Ni concentrations (100 μg L−1). Aquatic chemistry reflected the composition of the underlying rocks within the studied catchments. Contrasting streamwater compositions of the studied catchments were generated according to the MAGIC model simulations mainly by differences in chemical weathering rates of base cations (65 meq m−2 a−1 at Lysina, 198 meq m−2 a−1 at Na Zeleném, and 241 meq m−2 a−1 at Pluh?v Bor).  相似文献   

The dissolution rate of illite, a common clay mineral in Australian soils, was studied in saline-acidic solutions under far from equilibrium conditions. The clay fraction of Na-saturated Silver Hill illite (K1.38Na0.05)(Al2.87Mg0.46Fe3+0.39Fe2+0.28Ti0.07)[Si7.02Al0.98]O20(OH)4 was used for this study. The dissolution rates were measured using flow-through reactors at 25 ± 1 °C, solution pH range of 1.0-4.25 (H2SO4) and at two ionic strengths (0.01 and 0.25 M) maintained using NaCl solution. Illite dissolution rates were calculated from the steady state release rates of Al and Si. The dissolution stoichiometry was determined from Al/Si, K/Si, Mg/Si and Fe/Si ratios. The release rates of cations were highly incongruent during the initial stage of experiments, with a preferential release of Al and K over Si in majority of the experiments. An Al/Si ratio >1 was observed at pH 2 and 3 while a ratio close to the stoichiometric composition was observed at pH 1 and 4 at the higher ionic strength. A relatively higher K+ release rate was observed at I = 0.25 in 2-4 pH range than at I = 0.01, possibly due to ion exchange reaction between Na+ from the solution and K+ from interlayer sites of illite. The steady state release rates of K, Fe and Mg were higher than Si over the entire pH range investigated in the study. From the point of view of the dominant structural cations (Si and Al), stoichiometric dissolution of illite occurred at pH 1-4 in the higher ionic strength experiments and at pH ?3 for the lower ionic strength experiments. The experiment at pH 4.25 and at the lower ionic strength exhibited lower RAl (dissolution rate calculated from steady state Al release) than RSi (dissolution rate calculated from steady state Si release), possibly due to the adsorption of dissolved Al as the output solutions were undersaturated with respect to gibbsite. The dissolution of illite appears to proceed with the removal of interlayer K followed by the dissolution of octahedral cations (Fe, Mg and Al), the dissolution of Si is the limiting step in the illite dissolution process. A dissolution rate law showing the dependence of illite dissolution rate on proton concentration in the acid-sulfate solutions was derived from the steady state dissolution rates and can be used in predicting the impact of illite dissolution in saline acid-sulfate environments. The fractional reaction orders of 0.32 (I = 0.25) and 0.36 (I = 0.01) obtained in the study for illite dissolution are similar to the values reported for smectite. The dissolution rate of illite is mainly controlled by solution pH and no effect of ionic strength was observed on the dissolution rates.  相似文献   

The heat capacities of the international reference clay mineral chlorite CCa-2 from Flagstaff Hill, California, were measured by low temperature adiabatic calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry, from 5 to 520 K (at 1 bar). The studied chlorite is a Fe-bearing trioctahedral chlorite with an intermediary composition between ideal clinochlore (Si3Al)(Mg5Al)O10(OH)8 and chamosite (Si3Al)(Fe5Al)O10(OH)8. Only few TiO2 impurities were detected in the natural chlorite sample CCa-2. Its structural formula, obtained after subtracting the remaining TiO2 impurities, is (Si2.633Al1.367)(Al1.116Mg2.952Mn0.012Ca0.011)O10(OH)8. From the heat capacity results, the entropy, standard entropy of formation and heat content of the chlorite were deduced. At 298.15 K, the heat capacity of the chlorite is 547.02 (±0.27) J mol−1 K−1 and the molar entropy is 469.4 (±2.9) J mol−1 K−1. The standard molar entropy of formation of the clay mineral from the elements is −2169.4 (±4.0) J mol−1 K−1.  相似文献   

The concentrations of twenty four chemical elements in the surface layer of natural desert soils and the cultivated farmland soils were measured at a desert-oasis ecotone in the middle of Heihe river basin, north-west China. Background values were estimated for (a) major elements (Si 335.3 g kg− 1, Al 49.4 g kg− 1, Fe 19.1 g kg− 1, Ca 29.4 g kg− 1, Mg 8.9 g kg− 1, K 20.1 g kg− 1, Na 17.5 g kg− 1 and P 0.338 g kg− 1), (b) heavy metals and non-metals (Cr 55.8 mg kg− 1, Mn 404.8 mg kg− 1, Ni 17.7 mg kg− 1, Cu 5.1 mg kg− 1, Zn 33.7 mg kg− 1, Pb 15.5 mg kg− 1 and As 5.2 mg kg− 1) and (c) other trace elements (Ti 2.0 mg kg− 1, V 55.3 mg kg− 1, Co 5.7 mg kg− 1, Rb 82.4 mg kg− 1, Sr 232.9 mg kg− 1, Y 14.7 mg kg− 1, Zr 194.9 mg kg− 1, Nb 7.8 mg kg− 1 and Ba 720.6 mg kg− 1). After natural desert soil was cultivated for agricultural use, significant changes in element concentrations occurred under tillage, irrigation and fertilisation management. Compared to natural soil, the for the levels of Si, K, Na, Sr, Zr and Ba decreased, and no changes were observed for Rb, while the values of the other 17 elements increase in agricultural soil from 1.2 to 3.5 times. However, their absolute concentrations are still low, suggesting that the arable soil in this region remains comparatively a clean soil. The increased silt, clay and organic carbon content, under long-term irrigation, enriched the fine-grained materials, and application of fertilisers and manure contributed to the accumulation of most elements in arable soil. The accumulation of elements in agricultural soil increased with increasing cultivation years and extent of soil development.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
High-precision Mg isotopic data are reported for ∼100 well-characterized samples (granites, loess, shales and upper crustal composites) that were previously used to estimate the upper continental crust composition. Magnesium isotopic compositions display limited variation in eight I-type granites from southeastern Australia (δ26Mg = −0.25 to −0.15) and in 15 granitoid composites from eastern China (δ26Mg = −0.35 to −0.16) and do not correlate with SiO2 contents, indicating the absence of significant Mg isotope fractionation during differentiation of granitic magma. Similarly, the two S-type granites, which represent the two end-members of the S-type granite spectrum from southeastern Australia, have Mg isotopic composition (δ26Mg = −0.23 and −0.14) within the range of their potential source rocks (δ26Mg = −0.20 and +0.15) and I-type granites, suggesting that Mg isotope fractionation during crustal anatexis is also insignificant. By contrast, δ26Mg varies significantly in 19 A-type granites from northeastern China (−0.28 to +0.34) and may reflect source heterogeneity.Compared to I-type and S-type granites, sedimentary rocks have highly heterogeneous and, in most cases, heavier Mg isotopic compositions, with δ26Mg ranging from −0.32 to +0.05 in nine loess from New Zealand and the USA, from −0.27 to +0.49 in 20 post-Archean Australian shales (PAAS), and from −0.52 to +0.92 in 20 sedimentary composites from eastern China. With increasing chemical weathering, as measured by the chemical index of alternation (CIA), δ26Mg values show a larger dispersion in shales than loess. Furthermore, δ26Mg correlates negatively with δ7Li in loess. These characteristics suggest that chemical weathering significantly fractionates Mg isotopes and plays an important role in producing the highly variable Mg isotopic composition of sedimentary rocks.Based on the estimated proportions of major rock units within the upper continental crust and their average MgO contents, a weighted average δ26Mg value of −0.22 is derived for the average upper continental crust. Our studies indicate that Mg isotopic composition of the upper crust is, on average, mantle-like but highly heterogeneous, with δ26Mg ranging from −0.52 to +0.92. Such large isotopic variation mainly results from chemical weathering, during which light Mg isotopes are lost to the hydrosphere, leaving weathered products (e.g., sedimentary rocks) with heavy Mg isotopes.  相似文献   

Hyperalkaline and saline radioactive waste fluids with elevated temperatures from S-SX high-level waste tank farm at Hanford, WA, USA accidentally leaked into sediments beneath the tanks, initiating a series of geochemical processes and reactions whose significance and extent was unknown. Among the most important processes was the dissolution of soil minerals and precipitation of stable secondary phases. The objective of this investigation was to study the release of Fe into the aqueous phase upon dissolution of Fe-bearing soil minerals, and the subsequent formation of Fe-rich precipitates. Batch reactors were used to conduct experiments at 50 °C using solutions similar in composition to the waste fluids. Results clearly showed that, similarly to Si and Al, Fe was released from the dissolution of soil minerals (most likely phyllosilicates such as biotite, smectite and chlorite). The extent of Fe release increased with base concentration and decreased with Al concentration in the contacting solution. The maximum apparent rate of Fe release (0.566 × 10−13 mol m−2 s−1) was measured in the treatment with no Al and a concentration of 4.32 mol L−1 NaOH in the contact solution. Results from electron microscopy indicated that while Si and Al precipitated together to form feldspathoids in the groups of cancrinite and/or sodalite, Fe precipitation followed a different pathway leading to the formation of hematite and goethite. The newly formed Fe oxy-hydroxides may increase the sorption capacity of the sediments, promote surface mediated reactions such as precipitation and heterogeneous redox reactions, and affect the phase distribution of contaminants and radionuclides.  相似文献   

The chemical and isotopic composition of speleothem calcite and particularly that of stalagmites and flowstones is increasingly exploited as an archive of past environmental change in continental settings. Despite intensive research, including modelling and novel approaches, speleothem data remain difficult to interpret. A possible way foreword is to apply a multi-proxy approach including non-conventional isotope systems. For the first time, we here present a complete analytical dataset of magnesium isotopes (δ26Mg) from a monitored cave in NW Germany (Bunker Cave). The data set includes δ26Mg values of loess-derived soil above the cave (−1.0 ± 0.5‰), soil water (−1.2 ± 0.5‰), the carbonate hostrock (−3.8 ± 0.5‰), dripwater in the cave (−1.8 ± 0.2‰), speleothem low-Mg calcite (stalactites, stalagmites; −4.3 ± 0.6‰), cave loam (−0.6 ± 0.1‰) and runoff water (−1.8 ± 0.1‰) in the cave, respectively. Magnesium-isotope fractionation processes during weathering and interaction between soil cover, hostrock and solute-bearing soil water are non-trivial and depend on a number of variables including solution residence times, dissolution rates, adsorption effects and potential neo-formation of solids in the regolith and the carbonate aquifer. Apparent Mg-isotope fractionation between dripwater and speleothem low-Mg calcite is about 1000lnαMg-cc-Mg(aq) = −2.4‰. A similar Mg-isotope fractionation (1000lnαMg-cc-Mg(aq) ≈ −2.1‰) is obtained by abiogenic precipitation experiments carried out at aqueous Mg/Ca ratios and temperatures close to cave conditions. Accordingly, 26Mg discrimination during low-Mg calcite formation in caves is highly related to inorganic fractionation effects, which may comprise dehydration of Mg2+ prior to incorporation into calcite, surface entrapment of light isotopes and reaction kinetics. Relevance of kinetics is supported by a significant negative correlation of Mg-isotope fractionation with the precipitation rate for inorganic precipitation experiments.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal changes in hydrology and pore water elemental and 87Sr/86Sr compositions are used to determine contemporary weathering rates in a 65- to 226-kyr-old soil chronosequence formed from granitic sediments deposited on marine terraces along coastal California. Soil moisture, tension and saturation exhibit large seasonal variations in shallow soils in response to a Mediterranean climate. These climate effects are dampened in underlying argillic horizons that progressively developed in older soils, and reached steady-state conditions in unsaturated horizons extending to depths in excess of 15 m. Hydraulic fluxes (qh), based on Cl mass balances, vary from 0.06 to 0.22 m yr−1, resulting in fluid residence times in the terraces of 10-24 yrs.As expected for a coastal environment, the order of cation abundances in soil pore waters is comparable to sea water, i.e., Na > Mg > Ca > K > Sr, while the anion sequence Cl > NO3 > HCO3 > SO4 reflects modifying effects of nutrient cycling in the grassland vegetation. Net Cl-corrected solute Na, K and Si increase with depth, denoting inputs from feldspar weathering. Solute 87Sr/86Sr ratios exhibit progressive mixing of sea water-dominated precipitation with inputs from less radiogenic plagioclase. While net Sr and Ca concentrations are anomalously high in shallow soils due to biological cycling, they decline with depth to low and/or negative net concentrations. Ca/Mg, Sr/Mg and 87Sr/86Sr solute and exchange ratios are similar in all the terraces, denoting active exchange equilibration with selectivities close to unity for both detrital smectite and secondary kaolinite. Large differences in the magnitudes of the pore waters and exchange reservoirs result in short-term buffering of the solute Ca, Sr, and Mg. Such buffering over geologic time scales can not be sustained due to declining inputs from residual plagioclase and smectite, implying periodic resetting of the exchange reservoir such as by past vegetational changes and/or climate.Pore waters approach thermodynamic saturation with respect to albite at depth in the younger terraces, indicating that weathering rates ultimately become transport-limited and dependent on hydrologic flux. Contemporary rates Rsolute are estimated from linear Na and Si pore weathering gradients bsolute such that

Waters from abandoned Sb-Au mining areas have higher Sb (up to 2138 μg L−1), As (up to 1252 μg L−1) and lower Al, Zn, Li, Ni and Co concentrations than those of waters from the As-Au mining area of Banjas, which only contain up to 64 μg L−1 As. In general, Sb occurs mainly as SbO3 and As H2AsO4. In general, waters from old Sb-Au mining areas are contaminated in Sb, As, Al, Fe, Cd, Mn, Ni and NO2, whereas those from the abandoned As-Au mining area are contaminated in Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cd and rarely in NO2. Waters from the latter area, immediately downstream of mine dumps are also contaminated in As. In stream sediments from Sb-Au and As-Au mining areas, Sb (up to 5488 mg kg−1) and As (up to 235 mg kg−1) show a similar behaviour and are mainly associated with the residual fraction. In most stream sediments, the As and Sb are not associated with the oxidizable fraction, while Fe is associated with organic matter, indicating that sulphides (mainly arsenopyrite and pyrite) and sulphosalts containing those metalloids and metal are weathered. Arsenic and Sb are mainly associated with clay minerals (chlorite and mica; vermiculite in stream sediments from old Sb-Au mining areas) and probably also with insoluble Sb phases of stream sediments. In the most contaminated stream sediments, metalloids are also associated with Fe phases (hematite and goethite, and also lepidocrocite in stream sediments from Banjas). Moreover, the most contaminated stream sediments correspond to the most contaminated waters, reflecting the limited capacity of stream sediments to retain metals and metalloids.  相似文献   

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