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The concentrations of Rh, Au and other highly siderophile elements (HSE: Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Rh, Pd and Au), and 187Os/188Os isotope ratios have been determined for samples from peridotite massifs and xenoliths in order to further constrain HSE abundances in the Earth's mantle and to place constraints on the distributions processes accounting for observed HSE variations between fertile and depleted mantle lithologies. Concentrations of Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were determined by isotope dilution ICP-MS and N-TIMS. The monoisotopic elements Rh and Au were quantified by standardization relative to the concentrations of Ru and Ir, respectively, and were determined from the same digestion aliquot as other HSE. The measurement precision of the concentration data under intermediate precision conditions, as inferred from repeated analyses of 2 g test portions of powdered samples, is estimated to be better than 10% for Rh and better than 15% for Au (1 s).Fertile lherzolites display non-systematic variation of Rh concentrations and constant Rh/Ir of 0.34 ± 0.03 (1 s, n = 57), indicating a Rh abundance for the primitive mantle of 1.2 ± 0.2 ng/g. The data also suggest that Rh behaves as a compatible element during low to moderate degrees of partial melting in the mantle or melt–mantle interaction, but may be depleted at higher degrees of melting. In contrast, Au concentrations and Au/Ir correlate with peridotite fertility, indicating incompatible behaviour of Au during magmatic processes in the mantle. Fertile lherzolites display Au/Ir ranging from 0.20 to 0.65, whereas residual harzburgites have Au/Ir < 0.20. Concentrations of Au and Re are correlated with each other and suggest similar compatibility of both elements. The primitive mantle abundance of Au calculated from correlations displayed by Au/Ir with Al2O3 and Au with Re is 1.7 ± 0.5 ng/g (1 s).The depletion of Pt, Pd, Re and Au relative to Os, Ir, Ru and Rh displayed by residual harzburgites, suggests HSE fractionation during partial melting. However, the HSE abundance variations of fertile and depleted peridotites cannot be explained by a simple fractionation process. Correlations displayed by Pd/Ir, Re/Ir and Au/Ir with Al2O3 may reflect refertilization of previously melt depleted mantle rocks due to reactive infiltration of silicate melts.Relative concentrations of Rh and Au inferred for the primitive mantle model composition are similar to values of ordinary and enstatite chondrites, but distinct from carbonaceous chondrites. The HSE pattern of the primitive mantle is inconsistent with compositions of known chondrite groups. The primitive mantle composition may be explained by late accretion of a mixture of chondritic with slightly suprachondritic materials, or alternatively, by meteoritic materials mixed into mantle with a HSE signature inherited from core formation.  相似文献   

Rare-earth abundances in chondritic meteorites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen chondrites, including eight carbonaceous chondrites, have been analyzed for rare earth element (REE) abundances by isotope dilution. These analyses complement and extend earlier isotope dilution REE determinations in chondrites, performed in other laboratories, so that coverage of major chondrite classes is now complete. An examination of this body of precise and comparable REE data from individual chondrites reveals that only a small proportion of the analyses have flat, unfractionated REE patterns within experimental error. A statistical procedure is used to derive revised chondritic abundances of REE by selection of unfractionated patterns. A number of the remaining analyses show Eu anomalies and fractionated patterns consistent with magmatic fractionation as encountered in the products of planetary differentiation. However, many patterns exhibit features not readily explicable by known magmatic processes; in particular, positive Ce anomalies are often encountered. Abundance anomalies can be quantitatively determined by the use of a least-squares curve fitting procedure. The wide variety of anomalous patterns and the uncertainties in model parameters preclude detailed modeling of the origin of anomalies, but it is probable that at least some arise from fractional condensation in the solar nebula, as has been demonstrated for Allende inclusions. Elemental abundance anomalies are found in all major chondrite classes. If these anomalies are ignored, the range and nature of variation within chondrite classes are consistent with a parent body model, in which solid-liquid or solid-solid equilibria induce variations from an unfractionated bulk composition. Absolute abundances in the H, L and LL parent bodies are almost twice those of the E parent body.The persistence of anomalies in chondritic materials relatively removed from direct condensational processes implies that anomalous components are resistant to equilibration or were introduced at a late stage of chondrite formation. Large scale segregation of gas and condensate is also implied, and raises the possibility of bulk variations in REE abundances between planetary bodies.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(13-14):2105-2122
We present new bulk compositional data for 6 martian meteorites, including highly siderophile elements Ni, Re, Os, Ir and Au. These and literature data are utilized for comparison versus the siderophile systematics of igneous rocks from Earth, the Moon, and the HED asteroid. The siderophile composition of ALH84001 is clearly anomalous. Whether this reflects a more reducing environment on primordial Mars when this ancient rock first crystallized, or secondary alteration, is unclear. QUE94201 shows remarkable similarity with EET79001-B for siderophile as well as lithophile elements; both are extraordinarily depleted in the “noblest” siderophiles (Os and Ir), to roughly 0.00001 × CI chondrites. As in terrestrial igneous rocks, among martian rocks Ni, Os and Ir show strong correlations vs. MgO. In the case of MgO vs. Ni, the martian trend is displaced toward lower Ni by a large factor (5), but the Os and Ir trends are not significantly displaced from their terrestrial counterparts. For Mars, Re shows a rough correlation with MgO, indicating compatible behavior, in contrast to its mildly incompatible behavior on Earth. Among martian MgO-rich rocks, Au shows a weak anticorrelation vs. MgO, resembling the terrestrial distribution except for a displacement toward 2–3 times lower Au. The same elements (Ni, Re, Os, Ir and Au) show similar correlations with Cr substituted for MgO. Data for lunar and HED rocks generally show less clear-cut trends (relatively few MgO-rich samples are available). These trends are exploited to infer the compositions of the primitive Earth, Mars, Moon and HED mantles, by assuming that the trend intercepts the bulk MgO or Cr content of the primitive mantle at the approximate primitive mantle concentration of the siderophile element. Results for Earth show good agreement with earlier estimates. For Mars, the implied primitive mantle composition is remarkably similar to the Earth’s, except for 5 times lower Ni. The best constrained of the extremely siderophile elements, Os and Ir, are present in the martian mantle at 0.005 times CI, in comparison to 0.007 times CI in Earth’s mantle. This similarity constitutes a key constraint on the style of core-mantle differentiation in both Mars and Earth. Successful models should predict similarly high concentrations of noble siderophile elements in both the martian and terrestrial mantles (“high” compared to the lunar and HED mantles, and to models of simple partitioning at typical low-pressure magmatic temperatures), but only predict high Ni for the Earth’s mantle. Models that engender the noble siderophile excess in Earth’s mantle through a uniquely terrestrial process, such as a Moon-forming giant impact, have difficulty explaining the similarity of outcome (except for Ni) on Mars. The high Ni content of the terrestrial mantle is probably an effect traceable to Earth’s size. For the more highly siderophile elements like Os and Ir, the simplest model consistent with available constraints is the veneer hypothesis. Core-mantle differentiation was notably inefficient on the largest terrestrial planets, because during the final ∼ 1% of accretion these bodies acquired sufficient H2O to oxidize most of the later-accreting Fe-metal, thus eliminating the carrier phase for segregation of siderophile elements into the core.  相似文献   

The absolute isotope abundance of Ti has been determined in Ca-Al-rich inclusions from the Allende and Leoville meteorites and in samples of whole meteorites. The absolute Ti isotope abundances differ by a significant mass dependent isotope fractionation transformation from the previously reported abundances, which were normalized for fractionation using 46Ti48Ti. Therefore, the absolute compositions define distinct nucleosynthetic components from those previously identified or reflect the existence of significant mass dependent isotope fractionation in nature. We provide a general formalism for determining the possible isotope compositions of the exotic Ti from the measured composition, for different values of isotope fractionation in nature and for different mixing ratios of the exotic and normal components. The absolute Ti and Ca isotopic compositions still support the correlation of 50Ti and 48Ca effects in the FUN inclusions and imply contributions from neutron-rich equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium nucleosynthesis. The present identification of endemic effects at 46Ti, for the absolute composition, implies a shortfall of an explosive-oxygen component or reflects significant isotope fractionation. Additional nucleosynthetic components are required by 47Ti and 49Ti effects. Components are also defined in which 48Ti is enhanced.Bulk samples of carbonaceous meteorites (C2 and C3 types) show distinct excesses at 50Ti but no nonlinear effects at the other Ti isotopes. Other chondrites, including Orgueil (Cl), show no nonlinear effects. Relative to terrestrial Ti, a small isotope fractionation is found for only an enstatite chondrite. The Ti absolute compositions in Ca-Al-rich inclusions show significant isotope fractionation effects corresponding to an enhancement in the heavier isotopes relative to the lighter isotopes as compared to Ti in a TiO2 standard and in chondrites. The absence of a correlation of Ti isotope fractionation effects with those for Ca and Mg is indicative of multiple processes of condensation, volatilization and recondensation; however, the mechanisms causing the isotope fractionation are not well understood.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Ti, Zr and Hf have been determined, by a stable isotope dilution method, in 27 chondrites, seven achondrites and standard rock samples BCR-1 and W-1.Among all chondrites investigated, enstatite chondrite Abee is lowest in Ti atomic ratio compared with Si while all carbonaceous chondrites show higher values. The Zr contents are higher in CII and CIII chondrites, relative to the other groups of chondrites. There is a clustering of Ti and Zr within each group. The ZrHf ratios in CII, CIII. E and H chondrites are essentially the same, while that in the CI chondrite is lower and in L, LL and unequilibrated chondrites are higher.The concentrations of Ti, Zr, Hf and TiZr, ZrHf ratios in achondrites are variable, even among members of the same group.Based on these results, condensation models for these elements are discussed. The variable results for Ti, Zr and Hf in achondrites may be due to the reheating recrystallization and metamorphic processes.‘Cosmic atomic abundances’ of Ti, Zr and Hf are calculated as 2470, 11.2 and 0.185. respectively for Si = 106 atoms.  相似文献   

The ion microprobe was used to measure Ti and Mg isotopes as well as rare earth and other trace elements in ten hibonites from the CM carbonaceous chondrites Murchison, Murray, and Cold Bokkeveld and in two hibonites and Ti-rich pyroxene from the CV chondrite Allende. In hibonites from Murchison and Murray fission track densities were also measured, as were Th and U concentrations. Eight of the hibonites, from all four meteorites, exhibit large Ti isotopic anomalies, particularly in 50Ti. Two grains from Murray have 50Ti excesses of ~ 10%. At least four nucleosynthetic components are required to account for all the Ti isotopic data. Neutron-rich nuclear statistical equilibrium nucleosynthesis is the most likely process to account for a 50Ti-rich component (with 50Ti49Ti$̆20). The ion probe Ti isotopic measurements confirm that the solar nebula was isotopically heterogeneous on a small spatial scale and argue for a chemical memory origin of the Ti isotopic anomalies which were probably carried into the solar system in the form of refractory dust grains. However, there is no experimental evidence that such interstellar grains survived the formation of the hibonites. The REE and trace element patterns of the hibonites are similar to those seen in CAIs and can be interpreted in terms of fractionation effects during condensation from a gas of solar composition, thus arguing for a solar system origin of the hibonites. Additional evidence for such an origin is provided by the PuTh ratios, which are ~ 10−4, and by the Mg isotopic compositions which are normal except for 26Mg1 due to 26Al.Only three out of ten hibonites exhibit 26Mg1, consistent with previous studies which demonstrated the paucity of 26Mg1 in hibonites. Because of the refractory nature of hibonite and the presence of large Ti isotopic effects, we conclude that a heterogeneous distribution of 26Al in the early solar system is the most likely reason. In particular, our observations of δ50Ti = 15%. and of an isochron with (26Al27Al)0 = 5 × 10−8 in the FUN inclusion HAL are evidence against both late formation and Mg redistribution to explain the lack of 26Al in hibonites.There are no obvious correlations between the Ti isotopic compositions, the presence of 26Mg1, the presence of 244Pu, and the REE and trace element patterns in individual hibonites. This indicates that the anomalous 50Ti, as well as 26A1 and 244Pu, were not co-produced in a single astrophysical source, and/or that these nuclides were introduced into the solar nebula by different carriers before being incorporated into the hibonites.  相似文献   

Microgram quantities of lead were volatilized from the chondrites Richardton, Holbrook, Beardsley and Plainview and purified for mass spectrometric analysis. Aliquots of approximately 1 μg were surface-ionized by use of the boric acid technique. The isotopic compositions found range from highly radiogenic lead in the case of Richardton to leads in the other three chondrites which are substantially less radiogenic than average lead in the crust of the earth. p]From our recent concentration determinations by the isotopic dilution method, it seems that the amount of lead in Beardsley is about 0·13 p.p.m. and that in Richardton about 0·06 p.p.m. The leads in these meteorites are consistent within a factor of approximately two with the lead-lead ages and the independently measured uranium and thorium concentrations. The lead—lead age for Richardton is the same as that found by (1955) for Nuevo Laredo, being 4·6 Æ. The lead concentration measured for Forest City is 0·09 p.p.m., while that for Holbrook is 0·28 p.p.m. Holbrook is quite anomalous in containing 2·5 times the amount of radiogenic lead that can be explained by the accumulation of decay products in situ with a primeval lead which had the isotopic composition of the lead from the troilite in the Canyon Diablo and Henbury iron meteorites. p]The total amount of lead on the surface of a meteorite appears to be comparable to the total amount inside. The isotopic composition of this surface lead indicates that it is principally terrestrial lead.  相似文献   

Osmium isotopic compositions, abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE: platinum group elements, Re and Au), the chalcogen elements S, Se and Te and major and minor elements were analysed in physically separated size fractions and components of the ordinary chondrites WSG 95300 (H3.3, meteorite find) and Parnallee (LL3.6, meteorite fall). Fine grained magnetic fractions are 268-65 times enriched in HSE compared to the non-magnetic fractions. A significant deviation of some fractions of WSG 95300 from the 4.568 Ga 187Re-187Os isochron was caused by redistribution of Re due to weathering of metal. HSE abundance patterns show that at least four different types of HSE carriers are present in WSG 95300 and Parnallee. The HSE carriers display (i) CI chondritic HSE ratios, (ii) variable Re/Os ratios, (iii) lower than CI chondritic Pd/Ir and Au/Ir and (iv) higher Pt/Ir and Pt/Ru than in CI chondrites. These differences between components clearly indicate the loss of refractory HSE carrier phases before accretion of the components. Tellurium abundances correlate with Pd and are decoupled from S, suggesting that most Te partitioned into metal during the last high-temperature event. Tellurium is depleted in all fractions compared to CI chondrite normalized Se abundances. The depletion of Te is likely associated with the high temperature history of the metal precursors of H and LL chondrites and occurred independent of the metal loss event that depleted LL chondrites in siderophile elements. Most non-magnetic and slightly magnetic fractions have S/Se close to CI chondrites. In contrast, the decoupling of Te and Se from S in magnetic fractions suggests the influence of volatility and metal-silicate partitioning on the abundances of the chalcogen elements. The influence of terrestrial weathering on chalcogen element systematics of these meteorites appears to be negligible.  相似文献   

Mineralogic study of black inclusions in the Cumberland Falls enstatite achondrite revealed that they constitute a highly unequilibrated chondritic suite distinct from other chondrite groups. This highly shocked suite, the forsterite (F) chondrites, exhibits mineralogic trends apparently produced during primary nebular condensation and accretion over a broad redox range. We analyzed these samples and possibly related meteorites for Ag, As, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, U and Zn, trace elements known to yield important genetic information. The results demonstrate the compositional coherence and distinctiveness of the F chondrite suite relative to other chondrites. The Antarctic aubrite, ALH A78113, may include more F chondrite material. Trace element contents do not vary with mineral compositions hence do not reflect redox variations during formation of F chondrite parental matter. Trace element mobilization—during secondary heating episodes in the F chondrite parent or during its disruptive collision with the enstatite meteorite parent body—is not detectable. Chemical trends in F chondrites apparently reflect primary nebular processes. Cosmochemical fractionation of lithophiles from siderophiles and chalcophiles occurred at moderately high temperatures, certainly higher than those existing during formation of primitive carbonaceous, enstatite and ordinary chondrites of petrologic type ≤3.  相似文献   

Pyroxenes of pigeonitic and augitic bulk compositions in H3–4 chondritic meteorites commonly exhibit sigmoidal precipitates, rather than the elsewhere common lamellar associations. Most often, submicrometric sigmoids with calcic clinopyroxene composition occur within clinoenstatite; more rarely, clinoenstatite sigmoids occur within calcic clinopyroxene. The sigmoids appear as 001 terminated lamellae, with terminations rotated in opposite directions towards the 100 orientation. Pre-exsolution pigeonite and augite formed at temperatures higher than 980 °C, whereas sigmoidal exsolution occurred between 990 and 830 °C. Local anomalous lattice parameters determined by electron diffraction suggest that lattice parameters are most strained where the exsolution texture is most poorly defined. Shear strain occurs during exsolution due to mismatching lattice parameters and variable angles. In response to shear stress, the lamellae relax and assume sigmoidal strained morphologies. Sigmoidal exsolution is strongly controlled by (100) orthoenstatite stacking faults that possibly trigger exsolution.  相似文献   

铂族元素在地壳、岩石和沉积物中的分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
迟清华  鄢明才 《地球化学》2006,35(5):461-471
随着20世纪90年代铂族元素分析测试技术的突破性进展以及大量可靠的岩石和沉积物铂族元素含量分析数据的积累,引用20世纪80年代前发表的有关铂族元素的地壳丰度和岩石、沉积物中的平均含量作为衡量标准已不适宜。根据近15年来获得的大量的有关铂族元素含量的可靠数据,综合给出了铂族元素在地壳、岩石、土壤和沉积物中的丰度。这种对地壳、岩石和沉积物中铂族元素丰度值的新认识,对理论地球化学、勘查地球化学甚至铂族元素矿产勘查工作都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Abundance data for Cs, Rb, Tl, Ba, Pb, Sr, the rare earths, Th, U, Zr, Hf, Sn, Nb, Mo, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni, Sc, V, Cr, Ag, Sb and the major elements are reported for two andesites and a dacite from Saipan, nine andesites and a dacite from Bougainville and two andesites from Fiji. The Saipan rocks are low-K varieties and contain notably low abundances of Rb, Ba, Th and U and have rare earth patterns subparallel to chondritic patterns. The Bougainville andesites include low-Si and high-K varieties which have higher concentrations of the large cations. The Fijian samples are close to the average circum-Pacific andesite and have rareearth patterns sub-parallel to those of sedimentary rocks.All the andesites contain characteristically low (< 20 ppm) values for Ni and have Ni/Co ratios < 1, and V/Ni ratios > 10.These data preclude derivation of calc-alkaline rocks by mixing of upper crustal material or by fractional crystallisation from basaltic parents. A two stage model is proposed involving sea-floor spreading and transportation of the oceanic crust down the dipping seismic plane into the mantle where it is remelted to form andesites.  相似文献   

Six specimens of unusual chondritic materials were analyzed by neutron activation for 30 elements in order to assess their degree of chondritic compositional pristinity and to search for evidence of genetic links to other chondrites. Five have highly recrystallized textures; the other, the Cumberland Falls chondrite, has suffered minor metamorphic recrystallization. Acapulco and Allan Hills A77081, are closely related and have subpristine compositions; they are more distantly related to Enon which has an altered composition. Udei Station appears to be a IAB meteorite even though its FeO(FeO + MgO) ratio is slightly above the IAB field. The highly weathered meteorite Tierra Bianca is closely related to IAB but has a δ18O value 5 standard deviations higher than the IAB mean and is designated ungrouped. Udei Station and Tierra Bianca have altered compositions; rare earth element patterns indicate loss of a phosphate phase. The elemental composition of the Cumberland Falls chondrite is virtually identical to that of LL chondrites and its O-isotope composition is closely similar to those of some unequilibrated ordinary chondrites including LL Semarkona. The FeO(FeO + MgO) ratios in its olivine are generally much lower than those in pyroxene, a relationship we show to be indicative of in situ reduction resulting from exchange with the aubritic host. The names winonaites and forsterite chondrites have no taxonomic utility.  相似文献   

Small, 1–3 millimeter-sized, black xenoliths containing chondrules and chondrule fragments embedded in a fine-grained matrix are present in the Kapoeta howardite. Forsteritic olivine, pentlandite and a nickel-rich (0.3–2.8 wt. %) matrix indicate that these xenoliths are carbonaceous ohondrite material.  相似文献   

王道德 《地球化学》2000,29(5):495-499
测定了两个铁陨石及两个中铁陨石的稀有气体同位素丰度和^10Be、^26Al和^36Cl的放射性核素活度。在所研究的4个陨石中,东乌珠穆沁旗(类型Ⅰ)、渭源(类型Ⅲ)中铁陨石及宁波铁陨石(ⅣA)是在中国回收的,另一个无结构铁陨石Rafruti是于1886年在瑞士发现的。根据^10Be-^21Ne、^26Al-^21Ne和^36Cl-^36Ar计算了两个铁陨石的产率及宇宙射线暴露年龄。其中Rafrut  相似文献   

Study of 10 volatile elements (and non-volatile Co) in co-existing light and dark portions of 5 gas-rich chondrites indicates patterns of distinct but non-uniform enrichment of volatile elements. Only Cs is enriched in all samples; Hi and Tl enrichments covary. The observed enrichments are inconsistent with prior suggestions of admixture of C1 or C2 chondritic matter, whether pristine or partly devolatilized, but suggest that both light and dark portions of each chondrite represents a compositionally more extended sampling of parental nebular material than hitherto known.  相似文献   

Abundances of O, Si, Al and Mn have been determined in Luna 20 fines sample 22001,9 by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The abundances of O, Si and Al are among the highest we have observed in lunar samples and reflect a highlands origin for much of this regolith sample. The Luna 20 abundances reported here most closely resemble those we have determined in four samples of two Apollo 16 fines, rock 14310, and a clast from breccia 15459. The Luna 20 OSi ratio of 1.96 ± 0.05 is similar to that in most other lunar samples, but the AlSi ratio of 0.532 ± 0.024 is exceeded only by our data on the Apollo 16 fines. This AlSi ratio is in agreement with the value of 0.55 ± 0.06 determined by the remote X-ray fluorescence experiment for the highlands between Mare Crisium and Mare Smythii which lie near the Luna 20 site (Adleret al., 1972).  相似文献   

New analyses of highly siderophile elements (HSE; Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, and Pd) obtained by Carius tube digestion isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ID-ICPMS) technique are reported for 187Os-enriched 2.8 Ga komatiites from the Kostomuksha greenstone belt. As a result of a significant improvement in the yield over our previous digestions by the NiS fire-assay technique, these komatiites have now been shown to contain 22 to 25% more Os, Ir, and Pt and 34% more Ru. The emplaced komatiite lavas at Kostomuksha thus had siderophile element abundances comparable to those of the Abitibi belt. The discrepancies observed between the two techniques are interpreted to be the result of incomplete digestion of HSE carriers (particularly chromite) during the NiS fire-assay procedure. Our results for UB-N peridotite reference material agree well with those obtained by the high-pressure ashing digestion ID-ICPMS technique reported in the literature. Two types of komatiite lavas have been distinguished in this study based on the IPGE (Os, Ir, and Ru) behavior during lava differentiation. The Kostomuksha type is unique and is characterized by an incompatible behavior of IPGEs, with bulk solid-liquid partition coefficients for IPGEs being close to those for olivine. Cumulate zones in this type of komatiite lava occupy <20% of the total thickness of the flows. The Munro type exhibits a compatible behavior of IPGEs during lava differentiation. The cumulate zone in this type of komatiite occupies >20% of the total thickness of the flows. The calculated bulk partition coefficients indicate that, as with the other Munro-type komatiite lavas, the bulk cumulate contained an IPGE-rich minor phase(s) in addition to olivine. The non-CI chondritic HSE pattern for the source of the Kostomuksha komatiites calculated here is similar to that of Abitibi komatiites and to average depleted spinel lherzolite (ADSL) and supports the hypothesis of a non-CI chondritic HSE composition of the Earth’s mantle. The absolute HSE abundances in the source of the Kostomuksha komatiite have been demonstrated to be comparable to those of the source of Abitibi komatiites, even though the two komatiites contrast in their Os isotopic compositions. This supports the earlier hypothesis that if core-mantle interaction produced the 187Os/188Os radiogenic signature in the Kostomuksha source, it must have occurred in the form of isotope exchange at the core-mantle boundary. Other explanations of the radiogenic Os signature are similarly constrained to conserve the elemental abundance pattern in the mantle source of Kostomuksha komatiites.  相似文献   

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