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Contour maps showing variations in carbon and oxygen isotope ratios may be useful as a guide to ore. Previous literature suggests that the isotopic composition of carbon is related to the environment in which it is deposited. Sedimentary syngenetic ore deposits are also related to the depositional environment in which they occur and should therefore be related to the isotopic composition of the carbon deposited along with the ore. Although metamorphism may obscure palaeontological and stratigraphic indicators of environment, the isotopic composition of organic carbon appears to be unaffected by it. Previous literature suggests that variations in oxygen isotopes can be used also as a guide to certain epigenetic ore deposits.
Zusammenfassung Isotopenverteilungskarten sind nützliche Hilfsmittel bei der Erzprospektion. In der Literature wird auf die Abhängigkeit der Isotopen-Zusammensetzung vom Ablagerungsmilieu aufmerksam gemacht. Sedimentäre syngenetische Erzlagerstätten sind ohne Zweifel vom Ablagerungsmilieu abhängig. Es liegt deshalb nahe, die Isotopen-Zusammensetzung des darin enthaltenen Kohlenstoffs mit derjenigen der erzbildenden chemischen Elemente zu vergleichen. Obwohl metamorphe Prozesse paläontologische und stratigraphische Prozesse verwischen können, scheint die Isotopen-Zusammensetzung davon unbeeinflußt zu bleiben. Als Hilfsmittel können weiterhin die in der Literatur beschriebenen Isotopenverhältnisse des Sauerstoffs herangezogen werden.

本文根据河北平原地下水锶同位素比值等测试结果讨论了其演变特征:除个别水点外,地下水锶同位素比值均大于现代海水的均值(0.709073),第四系地下水的锶同位素比值均大于热水点值,且随着埋深的增大、沿迳流途径从补给区到排泄区系统增大,这同锶同位素比值与碳-14年龄呈正相关关系是一致的.本文根据锶同位素比值及锶离子浓度特点将该区地下水分三类进行了分析.在平原中部,呈NE-SW方向,出现了一个锶同位素比值的高值带,大致与子牙河的流向一致,即献县一青县一线.该资料为河北平原第四系地下水演化提供了新的证据.  相似文献   

Dissolution of fluoride in groundwater: a water-rock interaction study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We present whole rock Li and Mg isotope analyses of 33 ultramafic xenoliths from the terrestrial mantle, which we compare with analyses of 30 (mostly chondritic) meteorites. The accuracy of our new Mg isotope ratio measurement protocol is substantiated by a combination of standard addition experiments, the absence of mass independent effects in terrestrial samples and our obtaining identical values for rock standards using two different separation chemistries and three different mass-spectrometric introduction systems. Carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondrites have irresolvable mean stable Mg isotopic compositions (δ25Mg = −0.14 ± 0.06; δ26Mg = −0.27 ± 0.12‰, 2SD), but our enstatite chondrite samples have lighter δ7Li (by up to ∼3‰) than our mean carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites (3.0 ± 1.5‰, 2SD), possibly as a result of spallation in the early solar system. Measurements of equilibrated, fertile peridotites give mean values of δ7Li = 3.5 ± 0.5‰, δ25Mg = −0.10 ± 0.03‰ and δ26Mg = −0.21 ± 0.07‰. We believe these values provide a useful estimate of the primitive mantle and they are within error of our average of bulk carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. A fuller range of fresh, terrestrial, ultramafic samples, covering a variety of geological histories, show a broad positive correlation between bulk δ7Li and δ26Mg, which vary from −3.7‰ to +14.5‰, and −0.36‰ to + 0.06‰, respectively. Values of δ7Li and δ26Mg lower than our estimate of primitive mantle are strongly linked to kinetic isotope fractionation, occurring during transport of the mantle xenoliths. We suggest Mg and Li diffusion into the xenoliths is coupled to H loss from nominally anhydrous minerals following degassing. Diffusion models suggest that the co-variation of Mg and Li isotopes requires comparable diffusivities of Li and Mg in olivine. The isotopically lightest samples require ∼5-10 years of diffusive ingress, which we interpret as a time since volatile loss in the host magma. Xenoliths erupted in pyroclastic flows appear to have retained their mantle isotope ratios, likely as a result of little prior degassing in these explosive events. High δ7Li, coupled with high [Li], in rapidly cooled arc peridotites may indicate that these samples represent fragments of mantle wedge that has been metasomatised by heavy, slab-derived fluids. If such material is typically stirred back into the convecting mantle, it may account for the heavy δ7Li seen in some oceanic basalts.  相似文献   

We found thirty compound chondrules in two CV3 carbonaceous chondrites. The abundance in each meteorite relative to single chondrules is 29/1846 (1.6%) in Allende and 1/230 (0.4%) in Axtell. We examined petrologic features, major element concentrations and oxygen isotopic compositions. Textural, compositional and isotopic evidence suggests that multiple, different mechanisms are responsible for the formation of compound chondrules.Seven compound chondrules are composed of two conjoined porphyritic chondrules with a blurred boundary. At the boundary region of this type of compounds, a poikilitic texture is commonly observed. This suggests that the two chondrules were melted when they came to be in contact. On the other hand, seventeen compound chondrules consist of two conjoined chondrules with a discrete boundary. The preservation of spherical boundary planes of an earlier-formed chondrule of this type implies that it already solidified before fusing with a later-formed chondrule that was still melted. Six samples out of 17 compound chondrules of this type are composed of two BO chondrules. The BO-BO compound chondrules have a unique textural feature in common: the directions of the barred olivines are mostly parallel between two chondrules. This cannot be explained by a simple collision process and forces another mechanism to be taken into consideration.The remaining six compound chondrules differ from the others; they consist of an earlier-formed chondrule enclosed by a later-formed chondrule. A large FeO enrichment was observed in the later-formed chondrules and the enrichment was much greater than that in the later-formed chondrules of other types of compounds. This is consistent with the relict chondrule model, which envisages that the later-formed chondrule was made by a flash melting of a porous FeO-rich dust clump on an earlier-formed chondrule. The textural evidence of this type of compound shows that the earlier-formed chondrule has melted again to varying degrees at the second heating event. This implies that FeO concentrations in bulk chondrules increases during the second heating event if an earlier-formed chondrule was totally melted together with the FeO-rich dust aggregates.Silicate minerals such as olivine and low-Ca pyroxene in compound chondrules have oxygen isotope compositions similar to those in single chondrules from CV3 chondrites. The oxygen isotope composition of each part of the compound chondrule is basically similar to their chondrule pair, but silicates in some chondrules show varying degrees of 16O-enrichment down to −15‰ in δ18O, while those in their partners have 16O-poor invariable compositions near 0 ‰ in δ18O. This implies that the two chondrules in individual compounds formed in the same environments before they became conjoined and the heterogeneous oxygen isotope compositions in some chondrules resulted from incomplete exchange of oxygen atoms between 16O-rich chondrule melts and 16O-poor nebular gas.  相似文献   

矿区深部含水层水-岩作用的同位素与水化学示踪分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈陆望  殷晓曦  桂和荣  王茜 《地质学报》2013,87(7):1021-1030
为了有效揭示华北隐伏型煤矿区煤炭开采进程中深部含水层水-岩作用机制,本文以淮北煤田宿县-临涣矿区为研究示范,收集与采集1985~2011年期间矿区松散层第四含水层、煤系砂岩裂隙含水层、石炭系太原组岩溶含水层与奥陶系岩溶含水层深部地下水样166个,分析与测试87Sr/86Sr、34S、13C同位素以及Na++K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO-3、Cl-、SO2-4、CO2-3等常规组分,并开展基于同位素与水化学的水-岩作用示踪与分析。研究成果表明:在矿区主要充水含水层中,煤系砂岩裂隙含水层脱硫酸与阳离子交替吸附作用最为显著,而松散层第四含水层、石炭系太原组岩溶含水层与奥陶系岩溶含水层黄铁矿氧化或地下水硬化最为显著;受煤炭开采影响,煤系砂岩裂隙含水层、奥陶系岩溶含水层主要水-岩作用逐渐减弱,松散层第四含水层、石炭系太原组岩溶含水层主要水-岩作用或增强、或减弱,增强或减弱的程度取决于井田基岩面标高、主要断层的展布形态与隔水性能以及煤层开采扰动范围等。  相似文献   

Major and trace element concentrations, as well as Sr and U isotope ratios, were measured in rainwater samples collected in three different locations in Alsace (East of France) and Luxembourg: a mid-altitude mountain site (Aubure Environment HydroGeochemical Observatory), an urban site (Strasbourg) and a peri-urban site located in an area of well developed industrial activity (Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg). Results highlight the quite high spatial and temporal variability of the chemical and isotopic characteristics of rainwater at the regional scale. They also suggest a quite systematic contribution of a local component in the chemical composition of rainwater. In urban and peri-urban sites, the local component is certainly linked to human activities, as it is well illustrated in this study with the Esch-sur-Alzette samples. On the other hand, for the Aubure site, i.e. a small forested watershed of mid-altitude mountain, data presented in this study demonstrate the influence of the vegetation on the chemical composition of rainwater for alkali and calc-alkali elements, as well as for the Sr isotope ratios. Such a result questions the reliability of the method classically used to estimate the rainwater contribution on the river chemical budget. In addition, data of the present study confirm the very low content of uranium in rainwater and demonstrate, especially through the U isotope analysis of Aubure rainwater, the negligible effect of rainwater on U budget of river waters. This work thus outlines the property of U to be a geochemical tracer specific of weathering fluxes carried by rivers. To cite this article: F. Chabaux et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Precise measurements of 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria in lavas erupted within the last 100 yr on Mt. Cameroon are presented, together with major and trace elements, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope ratios, to unravel the source and processes of basaltic magmatism at intraplate tectonic settings. All samples possess 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria with 230Th (18-24%) and 226Ra (9-21%) excesses, and there exists a positive correlation in a (226Ra/230Th)-(230Th/238U) diagram. The extent of 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria is markedly different in lavas of individual eruption ages, although the (230Th/232Th) ratio is constant irrespective of eruption age. When U-series results are combined with Pb isotope ratios, negative correlations are observed in the (230Th/238U)-(206Pb/204Pb) and (226Ra/230Th)-(206Pb/204Pb) diagrams. Shallow magma chamber processes like magma mixing, fractional crystallization and wall rock assimilation do not account for the correlations. Crustal contamination is not the cause of the observed isotopic variations because continental crust is considered to have extremely different Pb isotope compositions and U/Th ratios. Melting of a chemically heterogeneous mantle might explain the Mt. Cameroon data, but dynamic melting under conditions of high DU and DU/DTh, long magma ascent time, or disequilibrium mineral/melt partitioning, is required. The most plausible scenario to produce the geochemical characteristics of Mt. Cameroon samples is the interaction of melt derived from the asthenospheric mantle with overlying sub-continental lithospheric mantle which has elevated U/Pb (>0.75) and Pb isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb > 20.47) due to late Mesozoic metasomatism.  相似文献   

A supernova explosion in a close binary system in which one of the components is a compact magnetized object (neutron star or white dwarf) can form a narrow “tail” with length l t ~109 cm, width h t ~108 cm, and magnetic field B t ~106, due to the resulting shock wave flowing around the magnetosphere of the compact object. The energy released by the reconnection of magnetic field lines in this tail can accelerate electrons to relativistic speeds (γ≈104), creating the conditions required for powerful synchrotron radiation at energies from hundreds of keV to several MeV, i.e., for a gamma-ray burst (GRB). The duration of this radiation will depend on the power of the shock that forms during the supernova. If the shock is not sufficiently powerful to tear off the magnetosphere tail from the compact object, the duration of the GRB will not exceed l t /V A ≤1 s, and the conditions necessary for an “afterglow” at softer energies will not arise. If the shock is more powerful, the tail can be torn from the magnetosphere, forming a narrow ejection, which is perceived in its relativistic motion toward the observer(Γ~104) as an afterglow whose duration grows from tens of seconds at gamma-ray energies to tens of days in the optical. This may explain why afterglows are observed only in association with long GRBs (T 90>10 s). Very short GRBs (T 90<0.1 s) may be local, i.e., low-power, phenomena occurring in close pairs containing compact, magnetized objects, in which there is again an interaction between the magnetosphere of the compact object and a shock wave, but the shock is initiated by a flare on the companion, which is a red-dwarf cataclysmic variable, rather than by a supernova.  相似文献   

This study aims to constrain the factors controlling the calcium isotopic compositions in surface waters, especially the respective role of vegetation and water-rock interactions on Ca isotope fractionation in a continental forested ecosystem. The approach is to follow changes in space and time of the isotopic composition and concentration of Ca along its pathway through the hydro-geochemical reservoirs from atmospheric deposits to the outlet of the watershed via throughfalls, percolating soil solutions and springs. The study is focused on the Strengbach catchment, a small forested watershed located in the northeast of France in the Vosges mountains. The δ44/40Ca values of springs, brooks and stream waters from the catchment are comparable to those of continental rivers and fluctuate between 0.17 and 0.87‰. Soil solutions, however, are significantly depleted in lighter isotopes (δ44/40Ca: 1.00-1.47‰), whereas vegetation is strongly enriched (δ44/40Ca: −0.48‰ to +0.19‰). These results highlight that vegetation is a major factor controlling the calcium isotopic composition of soil solutions, with depletion in “light” calcium in the soil solutions from deeper parts of the soil compartments due to preferential 40Ca uptake by the plants rootsystem. However, mass balance calculations require the contribution of an additional Ca flux into the soil solutions most probably associated with water-rock interactions. The stream waters are marked by a seasonal variation of their δ44/40Ca, with low δ44/40Ca in winter and high δ44/40Ca in spring, summer and autumn. For some springs, nourishing the streamlet, a decrease of the δ44/40Ca value is observed when the discharge of the spring increases, with, in addition, a clear covariation between the δ44/40Ca and corresponding H4SiO4 concentrations: high δ44/40Ca values and low H4SiO4 concentrations at high discharge; low δ44/40Ca values and high H4SiO4 concentrations at low discharge. These data imply that during dry periods and low water flow rate the source waters carry a Ca isotopic signature from alteration of soil minerals, whereas during wet periods and high flow rates admixture of significant quantities of 40Ca depleted waters (vegetation induced signal) from uppermost soil horizons controls the isotopic composition of the source waters. This study clearly emphasizes the potential of Ca isotopes as tracers of biogeochemical processes at the water-rock-vegetation interface in a small forested catchment.  相似文献   

The Gil-Marquez Complex is an exceptional outcrop of plutonic rocks ranging in composition from diorites to granites emplaced into Devonian terrigenous metasediments of the southernmost part of the Hercynian basement of Iberia. A combined study of this complex, including field geology, petrology, structural geology and geochemistry, reveals that it represents an ancient conduit of magma transport through the continental crust. This conduit allowed the intrusion of magmas of contrasted compositions. Two end-members and several hybrids are identified. The first end-member is a biotite granite and the second is a basaltic magma generated by partial melting of a depletedmantle source. Both magmas rose through a common channel in which favorable conditions for unstable flow and magma mixing occurred. The observed relations in the Gil-Márquez Complex show that mixing in conduits may be an important mechanism for producing homogeneous hybrid magmas.  相似文献   

研究目的】承德地处京津冀水源涵养功能区,矿泉水资源丰富,研究其赋存分布与形成机制对矿泉水可持续利用与水源涵养优化具有重要意义。【研究方法】采用岩石地球化学和水化学分析、化学风化指数、矿物表面微观形态分析,同位素示踪等方法系统梳理了研究区地下水偏硅酸空间分异的影响因素,从岩石风化与水化学耦合角度探讨了偏硅酸矿泉水的成藏机制。【研究结果】结果表明:研究区常温水体偏硅酸含量达30 mg/L以上样品占比达5.16%,地热水偏硅酸平均含量达61.76 mg/L。偏硅酸矿泉水成藏受岩石风化和地质构造控制,风化酸性介质影响,水化学形成作用制约。风化敏感程度愈高,易风化矿物含量愈高的含水介质赋存地下水偏硅酸含量愈高。研究区硅酸盐岩总体处于初等化学风化——长石类矿物和辉石等镁铁质矿物风化形成高岭石、蒙脱石和伊利石阶段。构造深部幔源CO2、工矿活动和人类生产生活输入的外源硫酸和硝酸共同参与岩石风化脱硅过程,偏硅酸矿泉水、地热水温泉出露处多为构造复合部位或主干断裂与次级断裂的交汇部位。【结论】承德市偏硅酸矿泉水成因模式可概化为构造断裂深循环淋溶型、风化裂隙浅循环淋溶型和层间孔隙裂隙-补给富集埋藏型3类。植被覆盖较好的玄武岩、火山碎屑岩、陆源碎屑岩流域山前宽缓沟谷与导水断裂交汇带,侵入岩导水导热断裂带、侵入岩与围岩接触带,花岗岩、片麻岩和陆源碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩接触带为偏硅酸矿泉水开采潜力区。创新点:(1)从岩石风化与水岩作用水化学耦合角度探讨了偏硅酸矿泉水的成藏机制;(2)系统总结了承德市偏硅酸矿泉水空间分布的影响因素与成因模式。  相似文献   

“钉合岩体”与新疆北部主要缝合带的形成时限   总被引:27,自引:15,他引:27  
韩宝福  郭召杰  何国琦 《岩石学报》2010,26(8):2233-2246
本文介绍了钉合岩体的概念,强调钉合岩体在造山带研究中具有重要的大地构造意义。在科迪勒拉增生造山带中,钉合岩体是在增生事件之后形成的;而在喜马拉雅碰撞造山带中,钉合岩体是在碰撞事件之后形成的。因此可以区分后增生和后碰撞两类钉合岩体,它们可以为限定增生或碰撞事件的时间上限提供年代学约束。特别是在缝合带被钉合岩体侵入的情况下,缝合带的形成时限(即增生或碰撞事件的起止时间)可以根据缝合带中最年轻的蛇绿岩质岩石和最老的钉合岩体给予严格限定。应用这种方法,能够限定新疆北部的主要缝合带(如额尔齐斯-斋桑缝合带、北天山缝合带和南天山缝合带等,东准噶尔和西准噶尔的蛇绿岩带)最晚是在晚石炭世形成的。西准噶尔增生杂岩也是在在晚石炭世形成的,但当时是否存在洋壳俯冲还需要进一步研究。目前的资料显示,虽然新疆北部各主要缝合带的形成时限存在一定差异,但没有三叠纪形成的缝合带。特别是南天山缝合带内发育的钉合岩体不但有效地限定了缝合带的时间上限,而且还从地质上约束了受到质疑的晚二叠世放射虫化石的可靠性和高压-超高压变质岩中三叠纪锆石U-Pb年龄的解释的合理性。  相似文献   

To understand reaction pathways and isotope systematics during mineral-catalyzed abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons under hydrothermal conditions, experiments involving magnetite and CO2 and H2-bearing aqueous fluids were conducted at 400 °C and 500 bars. A robust technique for sample storage and transfer from experimental apparatus to stable isotope mass spectrometer provides a methodology for integration of both carbon and hydrogen isotope characterization of reactants and products generated during abiogenic synthesis experiments. Experiments were performed with and without pretreatment of magnetite to remove background carbon associated with the mineral catalyst. Prior to experiments, the abundance and carbon isotope composition of all carbon-bearing components were determined. Time-series samples of the fluid from all experiments indicated significant concentrations of dissolved CO and C1-C3 hydrocarbons and relatively large changes in dissolved CO2 and H2 concentrations, consistent with formation of additional hydrocarbon components beyond C3. The existence of relatively high dissolved alkanes in the experiment involving non-pretreated magnetite in particular, suggests a complex catalytic process, likely involving reinforcing effects of mineral-derived carbon with newly synthesized hydrocarbons at the magnetite surface. Similar reactions may be important mechanisms for carbon reduction in chemically complex natural hydrothermal systems. In spite of evidence supporting abiotic hydrocarbon formation in all experiments, an “isotopic reversal” trend was not observed for 13C values of dissolved alkanes with increasing carbon number. This may relate to the specific mechanism of carbon reduction and hydrocarbon chain growth under hydrothermal conditions at elevated temperatures and pressures. Over time, significant 13C depletion in CH4 suggests either depolymerization reactions occurring in addition to synthesis, or reactions between the C1-C3 hydrocarbons and carbon species absorbed on mineral surfaces and in solution.  相似文献   

邓格庄金矿地处华北克拉通胶东半岛东部苏鲁超高压带内,黄金储量已超过50t,是胶东牟平-乳山成矿带第二大石英脉型金矿床。矿体产于昆嵛山岩体和荆山群变质岩接触带附近的昆嵛山岩体中,金矿体受控于金牛山断裂带西侧的次级断裂。矿石中的硫-铅-氢-氧同位素值表明成矿流体主要来源于岩浆,具有以地壳为主兼具地幔混合特征,通过深渊断裂发生迁移,在成矿晚期遭受天水混染。围岩昆嵛山二长花岗岩高精度的锆石U-Pb年龄为155. 8Ma,成矿前期蚀变岩中蚀变矿物钾长石和绢云母~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar精确测年结果分别为123Ma和104Ma。结合近年来前人的研究资料,我们建立了胶东金矿集区中生代岩浆岩演化序列,将其划分为160~150Ma、130~110Ma、110~100Ma三个阶段,并给出了大规模爆发式成矿的年龄峰值(120±10Ma)。认为邓格庄金矿既非以变质流体为特征的典型造山型金矿,也非浅成低温热液型金矿,而是伴随华北克拉通岩石圈减薄、软流圈物质上涌、地壳拉张而使壳幔混合流体在浅部以大纵深脉状集中成矿为基本特征的中温岩浆热液型金矿。  相似文献   

Strata-bound sulfide deposits associated with clastic, marine sedimentary rocks, and not associated with volcanic rocks, display distributions of S34 values gradational between two extreme types: 1. a flat distribution ranging from S34 of seawater sulfate to values about 25 lower; and 2. a narrow distribution around value S34 (sulfide)=S34 (seawater sulfate) –50, and skewed to heavier values. S34 (seawater sulfate) is estimated from contemporaneous evaporites. There is a systematic relation between the type of S34 distribution and the type of depositional environment. Type 1 occurs in shallow marine or brackish-water environments; type 2 occurs characteristically in deep, euxinic basins. These distributions can be accounted for by a model involving bacterial reduction of seawater sulfate in systems which range from fully-closed batches of sulfate (type 1) to fully open systems in which fresh sulfate is introduced as reduction proceeds (type 2). The difference in the characteristic distributions requires that the magnitude of the sulfate-sulfide kinetic isotope effect on reduction be different in the two cases. This difference has already been suggested by the conflict between S34 data for modern marine sediments and laboratory experiments. The difference in isotope effects can be accounted for by Rees' (1973) model of steady-state sulfate reduction: low nutrient supply and undisturbed, stationary bacterial populations in the open system settings tend to generate larger fractionations.
Zusammenfassung Schichtgebundene Sulfid-Lagerstätten in Begleitung von klastischen, marinen Sedimentgesteinen ohne Beteiligung vulkanischer Gesteine zeigen kontinuierliche Verteilungen der S34-Werte zwischen zwei Extremtypen: 1. Eine flache Verteilung im Bereich von S34-Werten des Seewasser-Sulfats bis zu Werten, die etwa 25 niedriger liegen. 2. Eine eng begrenzte Verteilung um den S34 (Sulfid)-Wert=S34 (Seewasser-Sulfat) –50 und asymmetrischer Verteilungskurve mit stärkerer Besetzung bei den schwereren Werten. Das S34 (Seewasser-Sulfat) wird von gleichaltrigen Evaporiten abgeleitet. Es besteht eine systematische Beziehung zwischen der Art der S34-Verteilung und dem Milieu des Ablagerungsraumes. Typ 1 tritt im marinen Flachwasser oder in brackischer Umgebung auf. Typ 2 ist charakteristisch für tiefe euxinische Becken. Diese Verteilungen können erklärt werden mit Hilfe eines Modells mit bakterieller Reduktion von Meerwasser-Sulfat in Systemen, die von völlig abgeschlossenen Sulfat-Mengen (Typ 1) bis zu völlig offenen Systemen reichen, in die bei fortschreitender Reduktion frisches Sulfat zugeführt wird (Typ 2). Der Unterschied in den charakteristischen Verteilungen setzt voraus, daß die Stärke der kinetischen Sulfat-Sulfid-Isotopen-Wirkung auf die Reduktion in beiden Fällen verschieden ist. Dieser Unterschied wurde bereits wegen der Widersprüche zwischen den verschiedenen S34-Werten heutiger mariner Sedimente und Laborexperimente vermutet. Der Unterschied in der Isotopen-Wirkung kann durch das Modell von Rees (1973) für kontinuierlich ablaufende Sulfat-Reduktion erklärt werden. Geringes Nahrungsangebot und ungestörte, gleichbleibende Bakterien-Populationen in offenen Systemen neigen zur Erzeugung stärkerer Fraktionierungen.

本文系统总结了东北亚陆缘晚古生代和中生代增生杂岩的构成与形成时代,并结合同时代火成岩组合及其时空变异以及沉积建造组合,重塑了西太平洋板块俯冲带的演变历史.结果表明:①位于佳木斯地块东缘的跃进山杂岩代表了二叠纪俯冲带,它是古亚洲洋构造体制的产物;②侏罗纪增生杂岩代表了侏罗纪俯冲带,与陆缘同期钙碱性火成岩组合以及含煤建造一...  相似文献   

许文良  王旖旎  王枫  唐杰  龙欣雨  董玉  李宇  张兴洲 《地质论评》2021,67(6):67112005-67112005
本文系统总结了东北亚陆缘晚古生代和中生代增生杂岩的构成与形成时代,并结合同时代火成岩组合及其时空变异以及沉积建造组合,重塑了西太平洋板块俯冲带的演变历史。结果表明: ① 位于佳木斯地块东缘的跃进山杂岩代表了二叠纪俯冲带,它是古亚洲洋构造体制的产物;② 侏罗纪增生杂岩代表了侏罗纪俯冲带,与陆缘同期钙碱性火成岩组合以及含煤建造一起,共同揭示了古太平洋板块西向俯冲的开始;③ 侏罗纪增生杂岩中—晚侏罗世和早白垩世早期陆源碎屑岩物源的变化,与古地磁和生物学证据一起,共同揭示了古太平洋板块小角度斜向俯冲和东北亚陆缘走滑的构造属性,导致了低纬度侏罗纪增生杂岩向高纬度的推移;④ 白垩纪—古近纪增生杂岩与陆缘白垩纪—古近纪岩浆作用一起代表了该期俯冲带的存在,自早白垩世到晚白垩世再到古近纪岩浆作用范围向海沟方向的收缩,揭示了古太平洋板块西向俯冲以及俯冲板片后撤(rollback)过程的发生,同时标志着东亚大地幔楔的形成;⑤古近纪晚期—新近纪早期日本海的打开,标志着现今太平洋板块俯冲带以及东北亚大地幔楔的形成。  相似文献   

Ion microprobe analysis of magnetites from the Adirondack Mountains, NY, yields oxygen isotope ratios with spatial resolution of 2–8 m and precision in the range of 1 (1 sigma). These analyses represent 11 orders of magnitude reduction in sample size compared to conventional analyses on this material and they are the first report of routinely reproducible precision in the 1 per mil range for analysis of 18O at this scale. High precision micro-analyses of this sort will permit wide-ranging new applications in stable isotope geochemistry. The analyzed magnetites form nearly spherical grains in a calcite matrix with diopside and monticellite. Textures are characteristic of granulite facies marbles and show no evidence for retrograde recrystallization of magnetite. Magnetites are near to Fe3O4 in composition, and optically and chemically homogeneous. A combination of ion probe plus conventional BrF5 analysis shows that individual grains are homogeneous with 18O=8.9±1 SMOW from the core to near the rim of 0.1–1.2 mm diameter grains. Depth profiling into crystal growth faces of magnetites shows that rims are 9 depleted in 18O. These low 18O values increase in smooth gradients across the outer 10 m of magnetite rims in contact with calcite. These are the sharpest intracrystalline gradients measured to date in geological materials. This discovery is confirmed by bulk analysis of 150–350 m diameter magnetites which average 1.2 lower in 18O than coarse magnetites due to low 18O rims. Conventional analysis of coexisting calcite yields °18O=18.19, suggesting that bulk 18O (Cc-Mt)=9.3 and yielding an apparent equilibration temperature of 525° C, over 200° C below the temperature of regional metamorphism. Consideration of experimental diffusion data and grain size distribution for magnetite and calcite suggests two contrasting cooling histories. The data for oxygen in calcite under hydrothermal conditions at high P(H2O) indicates that diffusion is faster in magnetite and modelling of the low 18O rims on magnetite would suggest that the Adirondacks experienced slow cooling after Grenville metamorphism, followed by a brief period of rapid cooling, possibly related to uplift. Conversely, the data for calcite at low P(H2O) show slower oxygen diffusion than in magnetite. Modelling based on these data is consistent with geochronology that shows slow cooling through the blocking temperature of both minerals, suggesting that the low 18O rims form by exchange with late, low temperature fluids similar to those that infiltrated the rock to serpentinize monticellite and which infiltrated adjacent anorthosite to form late calcite veinlets. In either case, the ion microprobe results indicate that two distinct events are recorded in the post-metamorphic exchange history of these magnetites. Recognition of these events is only possible through microanalysis and has important implications for geothermometry.  相似文献   

The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of Eocene and Miocene freshwater cherts in the western United States records regional climatic variation in the Cenozoic. Here, we present isotopic measurements of 47 freshwater cherts of Eocene and Miocene age from the Great Basin of the western United States at two different sites and interpret them in light of regional climatic and tectonic history. The large range of δ18O of terrestrial cherts measured in this study, from 11.2‰ to 31.2‰ (SMOW: Standard Mean Ocean), is shown to be primarily the result of variations in δ18O of surface water. The following trends and patterns are recognized within this range of δ18O values. First, in Cenozoic rocks of northern Nevada, chert δ18O records the same shift observed in authigenic calcite between the Eocene and Miocene that has been attributed to regional surface uplift. The consistent covariation of proxies suggests that chert reliably records and retains a signal of ancient meteoric water isotopic composition, even though our analyses show that chert formed from warmer waters (40°C) than coexisting calcite (20°C). Second, there is a strong positive correlation between δ18O and δD in Eocene age chert from Elko, Nevada and Salina, Utah that suggests large changes in lake water isotopic composition due to evaporation. Evaporative effects on lake water isotopic composition, rather than surface temperature, exert the primary control on the isotopic composition of chert, accounting for 10‰ of the 16‰ range in δ18O measured in Eocene cherts. From authigenic mineral data, we calculate a range in isotopic composition of Eocene precipitation in the north-central Great Basin of −10 to −14‰ for δ18O and −70 to −100‰ for δD, which is in agreement with previous estimates for Eocene basins of the western United States. Due to its resistance to alteration and record of variations in both δ18O and δD of water, chert has the potential to corroborate and constrain the cause of variations in isotope stratigraphies.  相似文献   

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