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Polymerizations of organic monomers including amino acids, nucleotides and monosaccharides are essential processes for chemical evolution of life. Since these reactions proceed with “dehydration” reactions, they are possibly promoted if combined with thermodynamically favorable “hydration” reactions of minerals and salts. To test the possibility, we conducted heating experiments of the simplest amino acid “glycine (Gly)” mixed with four simple anhydrous salts (MgSO4, SrCl2, BaCl2 and Li2SO4) at 140 °C up to 20 days. Gly polymerization was strongly promoted by mixing with the salts in the order of MgSO4 > SrCl2 > BaCl2 > Li2SO4. Up to 6-mer of Gly polymers were synthesized in the Gly-MgSO4 mixture, and a total yield of Gly polymers attained about 7% of the initial amount of Gly by the 20 days heating. The total yield was about 200 times larger than that from the heating of Gly alone. XRD measurements of the Gly-MgSO4 mixture revealed the generation of MgSO4 monohydrate during Gly polymerization. These observations indicate that Gly polymerization was promoted by the salt hydrations through the hydration-dehydration interactions. Based on the observations, we tried to find a relationship between thermodynamic characteristics of the interactions and the promotion effects of each salt on Gly polymerization. It was found that the salts having lower hydration ΔrG0 (easier to hydrate) promote Gly polymerization more strongly. The relationship was used to estimate promotion effects of simple oxide minerals on Gly polymerization. The estimations were consistent with previous observations about the effects of these minerals on Gly polymerization. The fact suggests that the hydration-dehydration interactions between amino acids and minerals are an important mechanism for amino acids’ polymerizations on minerals.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to propose a new rate law describing the combined effect of pH (1 to 4.5) and temperature (25 to 70 °C) on smectite dissolution rate, under far from equilibrium conditions, as a step towards establishing the full rate law of smectite dissolution under acidic conditions. Dissolution experiments were carried out using non-stirred flow-through reactors fully immersed in a thermostatic water bath held at a constant temperature of 25.0°C, 50.0°C or 70.0°C ± 0.1°C. Smectite dissolution rates were obtained based on the release of silicon and aluminum at steady state. The results show good agreement between these two estimates of smectite dissolution rate. Low Al/Si ratios were obtained in experiments that were conducted at pH ≥4. These low Al/Si ratios are explained by precipitation of gibbsite and/or diaspore.Dissolution rate increases with temperature and decreases with increasing pH. Dissolution rates of experiments in which ΔGr ≤ −21 kcal mol −1, are not affected by deviation from equilibrium. Dissolution rates in most experiments are not affected by the addition of up to 0.3 M NaNO3 to the input solution.A simple model is used to describe the combined effect of pH and temperature on smectite dissolution rate. According to this model, dissolution rate is linearly proportional to the concentration of adsorbed protons on the mineral surface, and proton adsorption is described using a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. All experimental results at pH <4 were fitted to the model using a multiple non-linear regression. The resulting rate law is:
(A1)  相似文献   

Estuarine fish populations are exposed to a variety of environmental conditions that cause both short-term variability and long-term trends in abundance. We analyzed an extensive data set for striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the San Francisco Estuary to refine our understanding of how environmental variability influences recruitment. We examined the effects of environmental variability during early life stages on subsequent recruitment (age 3 yr), and the degree to which conditions in early life may have contributed to a long-term decline in abundance of adult striped bass in the San Francisco Estuary. Survival from egg to young-of-the-year varied strongly with freshwater flow; this effect apparently occurred within the first week or two of life, a time period that encompasses transport of eggs and larvae from the rivers to rearing areas and the onset of feeding. The rate of freshwater flow to pumping facilities that export freshwater from the system had small or sporadic effects on survival during the first month or two of life. Although many young striped bass between ages 2 and 8 mo were entrained in export pumping facilities, the resulting high mortality was unrelated to total mortality rates determined from field data on young striped bass. This lack of effect was apparently due to strong density-dependent mortality occurring between ages 1 mo and 3 yr (Kimmerer et al. 2000). The available data do not support previously suggested relationships between recruitment and freshwater flow during early life, or between gross estimates of pesticide input and survival of early life stages. We used a simple life-cycle model to show that various combined factors could have led to a decline in adult abundance, particularly a large and increasing adult mortality, but that events early in life probably did not contribute substantially to the decline. These results demonstrate that several decades of monitoring data from numerous life stages are needed to distinguish among alternative hypotheses about environmental influences on populations of estuarine fish.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen isotopic fractionation during inorganic calcite precipitation was experimentally studied by spontaneous precipitation at various pH (8.3 < pH < 10.5), precipitation rates (1.8 < log R < 4.4 μmol m− 2 h− 1) and temperatures (5, 25, and 40 °C) using the CO2 diffusion technique.The results show that the apparent stable oxygen isotopic fractionation factor between calcite and water (αcalcite–water) is affected by temperature, the pH of the solution, and the precipitation rate of calcite. Isotopic equilibrium is not maintained during spontaneous precipitation from the solution. Under isotopic non-equilibrium conditions, at a constant temperature and precipitation rate, apparent 1000lnαcalcite–water decreases with increasing pH of the solution. If the temperature and pH are held constant, apparent 1000lnαcalcite–water values decrease with elevated precipitation rates of calcite. At pH = 8.3, oxygen isotopic fractionation between inorganically precipitated calcite and water as a function of the precipitation rate (R) can be described by the expressions
at 5, 25, and 40 °C, respectively.The impact of precipitation rate on 1000lnαcalcite–water value in our experiments clearly indicates a kinetic effect on oxygen isotopic fractionation during calcite precipitation from aqueous solution, even if calcite precipitated slowly from aqueous solution at the given temperature range. Our results support Coplen's work [Coplen T. B. (2007) Calibration of the calcite–water oxygen isotope geothermometer at Devils Hole, Nevada, a natural laboratory. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71, 3948–3957], which indicates that the equilibrium oxygen isotopic fractionation factor might be greater than the commonly accepted value.  相似文献   

To understand the effects of temperature, pH and mechanical stress on the pressure dissolution of quartz, two experiments using monocrystalline quartz samples were conducted. The first was a closed-fluid experiment to investigate the effect of pH, and the second was a flow-through experiment to investigate stress and temperature effects. To initiate the pressure dissolution, a pair of samples was immersed in a solution with a prescribed pH. The samples were stressed mechanically by pressing one sample against the other. In the closed-fluid experiments, the pH of the solution was fixed to 7, 9, 11 and 13, the applied stress was approximately 200 MPa and temperature 25°C. The flow-through experiments were conducted at three different temperatures (35, 50 and 75°C) at the same pH 11.7. The value of the applied stress was 7.32, 13.72, 21.42 or 25.27 MPa. During each of these dissolution tests, the solution was regularly sampled and analyzed by an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry technique to measure Si-concentration. With the measured Si-concentration, a dissolution rate constant was computed the different pH, stress and temperature conditions. The rate constant is proportional to pH, stress and temperature, as indicated in the literature. It should be noted that the rate constant for the highest stress (200 MPa) was considerably greater than for the other cases. In addition, island-channel patterns characterized by micro-cracks a few nanometers in length were seen on the dissolved parts of the samples. The findings and the measured data in this paper may be useful for the future development of theoretical models for pressure dissolution and its validation.  相似文献   

This study links direct measurement of Mg-calcite growth kinetics with high-spatial-resolution analysis of Mg contents in experimental crystals, with particular attention to the effects of temperature on growth rate and reactant transport conditions on Mg distribution. In contrast to previous experiments on Mg partitioning into calcite, here the layer-growth mechanism was observed in situ and step speeds precisely measured with fluid cell atomic force microscopy over a range of temperatures, degrees of supersaturation, and solution Mg concentrations. Data collected from 15° to 30°C yield an activation energy for calcite precipitation of 33 kJ/mol for solutions with [Mg] = 5 × 10−5 molal. Electron microprobe analyses of large hillocks grown at corresponding conditions demonstrate that Mg has a strong preference for incorporation at negative (acute) step edges, rather than at positive (obtuse) edges when growth rate is limited by surface reactions. This preference is reversed when growth is instead limited by diffusion of reactants through a boundary layer at the mineral-solution interface. These findings show that temperature is not the only strong control on the extent of Mg incorporation and distribution in calcite; transport conditions during mineral growth may also be a first-order factor governing the compositions of natural calcite samples.  相似文献   

不同酸度淋溶条件下石煤中Cd、Pb释放速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟天然降雨成分在三种酸度(pH 3.5、5.5和7.5)下对浙江省下寒武统荷塘组含钒石煤进行了淋溶作用实验,利用ICP-OES、ICP-MS等技术分析了滤出液中的Cd、Pb含量,研究了它们在不同酸碱度的淋溶条件下的释放特征.结果表明,石煤滤出液中Cd含量高低与淋滤液pH值的大小呈反比关系,在强酸性淋滤条件下滤出率为1...  相似文献   

基于环境扩散条件的河流宽度分类判别准则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在河流排污引起的污染物扩散计算中,不同河流宽度类别对应不同的移流扩散解析解算式,但缺少具体的河流宽度分类判别准则,给实际应用带来很大困难。按照河流污染物扩散受边界反射影响程度的不同,从移流扩散解析解算式的简化条件出发,提出了宽阔、中宽、窄小的分类方法和定义;根据二维可忽略边界反射的条件和达到全断面均匀混合距离小于等于河流宽度的条件,分别求解了河流宽阔与中宽窄小的分区临界关系线和中宽与窄小的分区临界关系线,提出了相应判据的数学表达式;给出了河流宽阔、中宽、窄小的分类判别准则以及各类别河流移流扩散解析解算式的对应关系。最后指出基于环境扩散条件的河流宽阔、中宽、窄小分区是相对的,对于同一河流在不同水力要素、扩散系数、排污强度和允许浓度升高值等条件下,可以得到不同的分区结果。  相似文献   

通过对准噶尔盆地南缘泥页岩分布情况、厚度、面积、总有机碳含量、热演化程度、有机质类型、矿物岩石成分等因素的分析,确定了准噶尔盆地南缘侏罗系八道湾组、三工河组和西山窑组、二叠系芦草沟组、红雁池组以及石炭系是页岩气发育的有利层位。经过对有利层位的页岩气富集条件分析,并利用镜质体反射率(Ro)等值线、泥岩厚度等值线和总有机碳含量(TOC)等值线进行叠加的分析方法,最终确定霍玛吐背斜带西北缘、沙湾凹陷和莫南凸起三者过渡区域的侏罗纪地层,阜康凹陷与阜康断裂带过渡区域的侏罗纪地层,柴窝堡坳陷达坂城凹陷和永丰凹陷二叠纪地层埋藏较浅处,以及齐古断褶带石炭纪地层埋藏较浅处等4处为页岩的有利发育区。  相似文献   

Two microbial fuel cells with different oxygen supplies in the cathodic chamber were constructed. Electrogenic capabilities of both cells were compared under the same operational conditions. Results showed that binary quadratic equations can express the relationships between chemical oxygen demand degradation rate and chemical oxygen demand loading and between chemical oxygen demand removal rate and chemical oxygen demand loading in both cells. Good linear relationships between power output (voltage or power density) and flow rate and between power output and chemical oxygen demand degradation rate were only found on the cell with mechanical aeration in the cathodic chamber, but not on the cell with algal photosynthesis in the cathodic chamber. The relationships between power output and chemical oxygen demand removal rate and between power output and effluent chemical oxygen demand concentration on both cells can be expressed as binary quadratic equations. The optimum flow rates to obtain higher power density and higher Coulombic efficiency in the cell with mechanical aeration in the cathodic chamber (=0.85?mW/m2 and 0.063%) and in the cell with algal photosynthesis in the cathodic chamber (=0.65?mW/m2 and 0.05%) are about 1000 and 1460???L/min, respectively. The optimum chemical oxygen demand removal rates to obtain higher power density and higher Coulombic efficiency in the cell with mechanical aeration in the cathodic chamber (=1.2?mW/m2 and 0.064%) and in the cell with algal photosynthesis in the cathodic chamber (=0.81?mW/m2 and 0.051%) are about 40.5 and 36.5%, respectively.  相似文献   

Experimental research on the chemical weathering of alkaline-olivine basalt from Huangyi Mountain,Kuandain County,Liaoning.Province and olivine basalt from Dayangke,Mingxi County,Fujian Province has shown that the acidity of the solution tends to become neutral regardless of what the acidity of the starting solution would be during basalt0-water interaction.We call this phenome-non“pH neutralized Effect”.The dissolved species in the solution were determined and unreacted and reacted sample-surface chemical components involved or uninvolved in reaction were analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).The results revealed two different mechanisms of dissolution of basalt in acidic and basic solutions.  相似文献   

在构造-沉积-成矿背景、铀源地质体配置研究的基础上,选择滇西腾冲地块龙川江盆地南部团田地区老矿床外围部署验证工程,获得了重要找矿发现。本文以第一手钻探资料为素材,通过分析上新世龙川江盆地演化过程,建立含矿层系芒棒组的沉积体系和圈定有利赋矿微相组合,重建赋矿古冲积扇体的岩相古地理格局,为该地区和同类盆地砂岩型铀矿勘查提供科学依据。芒棒组沉积期,龙川江盆地演化经历了断陷成盆期、火山沉积期及盆地回返期3个阶段,其中断陷成盆期沉积了砂岩型铀矿主力发育层段-芒棒组下段,此时未形成具规模的湖盆,具备汇水盆地的古地理模式。盆地东、南部分布多个潜在赋矿的古冲积扇体,本文的研究重点团田地矿区位于旱坝寨扇体。团田矿区芒棒组下段识别出3种沉积相和6种亚相,根据其沉积演化序列显示,在冲积扇扇中/扇端沼泽的纵向序列转换面附近,形成“沼泽相炭质泥岩层-煤层/扇中砾质辫状河道”的有利控矿微相组合。分析团田矿区主矿层、矿层顶板层沉积期底古地理格局可发现,在扇中-扇端沉积转换期的湖泛(相对水位上升)控制下,受晚期扇端(沼泽)覆盖的早期扇中沉积相区是最有利的赋矿相区和部位。基于上述认识,提出砂岩型铀矿勘查应加强沉积微相和岩相古地理研究,建立赋矿有利相带的空间分布模式;结合铀源和成矿作用类型的分析,可更准确地定位潜在的铀矿体。  相似文献   

沈立建  刘成林 《岩石学报》2018,34(6):1819-1834
通过搜集显生宙以来不同地质时期内海相碳酸盐岩鲕粒及胶结物矿物成分、钾盐矿床矿物种类及组合特征、蒸发岩盆地中石盐流体包裹体成分,并利用这些资料与人工海水模拟实验得到的石盐中Br分配特征的对比,得出海水成分在5.5亿年以来的显生宙期间,经历了五个阶段:其中晚元古代至寒武纪早期、二叠纪早期至中生代早期、新生代早期至现今,这些时期的原始海水组成特征系数m(SO_4~(2-))+m(HCO_3~-)/2m(Ca~(2+)),为Na-Mg-K-SO_4-Cl型海水,此期间沉积的钾盐矿床的钾镁盐矿物主要为钾盐镁矾、无水钾镁矾、杂卤石、硫酸镁石等含MgSO_4矿物,海相鲕粒和碳酸盐胶结物矿物成分为文石;而寒武纪早期至石炭纪、中生代早期至新生代早期,原始海水组成特征系数m(Ca~(2+))m(SO_4~(2-))+m(HCO_3~-)/2,为Na-Mg-KCa-Cl型海水,此期间沉积的钾镁盐矿物主要为光卤石和钾石盐,甚至含有溢晶石,海相鲕粒和碳酸盐胶结物矿物成分为方解石。根据石盐流体包裹体成分计算得出:显生宙期间,海水K+含量大部分时间变化幅度较小,为9.3~11.5mmol/kg H_2O(除了石炭纪和晚元古代),平均为10.55mmol/kg H_2O。Mg~(2+)含量在早寒武世≥67mmol/kg H_2O、晚志留世至中泥盆世31~41mmol/kg H_2O、晚古生代≥48mmol/kg H22O、晚白垩世34mmol/kg H_2O和现代55.1mmol/kg H_2O。Ca~+含量在晚元古代至古生代早期≤11mmol/kg H_2O、古生代早期至石炭纪22~35mmol/kg H_2O、石炭纪至中生代早期≤17mmol/kg H_2O、中生代早期至新生代早期19~39mmol/kg H_2O及新生代早期至今7~21mmol/kg H_2O。SO_4~(2-)含量在晚元古代至古生代早期≥23mmol/kg H_2O、古生代早期至石炭纪5~17mmol/kg H_2O、石炭纪至中生代早期13~22mmol/kg H_2O、中生代早期至新生代早期5~19mmol/kg H_2O及新生代早期至今12~29.2mmol/kg H_2O。海水Ca~(2+)与SO_4~(2-)含量的相对变化是控制海相钾盐矿床钾镁盐矿物类型的基本因素。同时,利用以上数据计算得到的显生宙各时期海水[m(Mg~(2+))+m(SO_4~(2-))]/[m(K~+)+m(Ca~(2+))]的变化与各时期海相蒸发岩系石盐层底部的Br含量变化具有同步性,进一步验证了显生宙期间海水成分是不断变化的,是约束海相蒸发岩钾盐矿物类型的主要因素。海水成分变化的控制因素为洋中脊热液和陆地水,其中洋中脊热液起主要作用,而控制这些因素变化的根本原因为板块构造运动。  相似文献   

Mineral dissolution and precipitation reactions actively participate in controlling fluid chemistry during water–rock interaction. In this study, the changes in the biotite and muscovite basal surface nano-morphology were evaluated during interaction with fluids of different pH (pH = 1.1, 3.3 and 5.7) at different temperatures (T = 25°, 120°, and 200 °C). Results show that at the nanometre scale resolution of the atomic force microscope (AFM), dissolution generates etch pits with a stair-shaped pattern over the (0 0 1) surface. The flux of dissolved elements decreases when pH increases. However, at pH 5.7, a change was found in the flux after 42 h of reaction when abundant gibbsite and kaolinite coat the dissolving mineral surface. This phenomenon was widely observed at edges of the etch pits by AFM. It was also found that an increase in temperature produces an enhancement in the elemental flux in both micas. Dissolution regime changes after less than one day of interaction at high temperature because of abundant coating formation over the etch pits and edges. The results demonstrate the key role of nanometre size neogenic phases in the control of elemental flux from mica surfaces to solution. The formation of nanometre size coatings, blocking the sites active for dissolution, appears to control the alteration of phyllosilicates even at the early stage of the interaction.  相似文献   

We investigate the glacial climate conditions in the southeastern Carpathian Basin (Vojvodina, Serbia) based on the reconstruction of malacological palaeotemperatures and results from a high-resolution regional climate simulation. Land snail assemblages from eight loess profiles are used to reconstruct July temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The malacological reconstructed temperatures are in good agreement with the simulated LGM July temperatures by the Weather Research and Forecast model. Both methods indicate increasing temperatures from the northwestern towards the southeastern parts of the study area. LGM aridity indices calculated based on the regional climate model data suggest more arid conditions in the southeastern parts compared with more humid conditions in the northwestern parts. However, for present-day conditions, the moisture gradient is reversed, exhibiting more humid (arid) conditions in the southeast (northwest). An explanation for the reversed LGM aridity pattern is provided by an analysis of the prevailing wind directions over the South Banat district (Serbia). The prevailing moist northwesterly winds during summer are not able to compensate for the annual lack of moisture induced by the dry winds from the southeast that are more frequent during the LGM for the other seasons.  相似文献   

A detailed mineralogical and geochemical study of basic volcanic rocks from the modern edifices of the Gorely (Q34-Q44) and Mutnovsky (Q32-Q4) volcanoes, as well as the results of numerical modeling with the COMAGMAT program, made it possible to estimate the role of fractional crystallization, the fluid regime, and geodynamic conditions in the petrogenesis of the studied basaltoids. The specific features of the evolution of magmas of the two volcanoes give grounds to suggest that beginning from the Late Pleistocene (Q34), all of the considered territory experienced a change in geodynamic regime, with an increasing role of extending strains in its evolution.  相似文献   

The Archaean craton of southern India is characterized by a highly complicated and not yet fully understood geological history comprizing several cycles of sedimentation and volcanism, deformation and metamorphism in the span between about 3400 and 2500 m. y. The large scale regional variation in metamorphic grade observed today is essentially related to a metamorphic event at about 2600 m. y. ago which affected an older migmatite, gneiss-greenstone terrain (2900–3400 m. y.).The southern area is characterized by granulite facies (700–750° C/8–10 kb). An extensive charnockite-khondalite belt has been generated by atectonic transformation of the migmatite-gneiss terrain through the influx of a CO2-rich fluid. Towards the north of the terrain the metamorphic grade decreases to amphibolite facies (600° C/6–8 kb) and to greenschist facies (400° C) which is restricted to the Dharwar greenstone belts. Metamorphism related to younger shear zones in the southern part of the craton led to retrogression of the charnockite-khondalite series under conditions of amphibolite to greenschist facies.The P-T conditions of metamorphism have been evaluated applying mineral stability data and methods of geothermometry and geobarometry in an area between Shimoga-Chitradurga (North) and Coimbatore-Karur (South).
Zusammenfassung Der archaische Kraton Südindiens ist durch eine komplexe, noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärte geologische Entwicklungsgeschichte gekennzeichnet. Sie umfaßt mehrere Zyklen von Sedimentation und Vulkanismus, Deformation und Metamorphose in der Zeitspanne von etwa 3400 bis 2500 Ma. Die großregionale metamorphe Zonierung wird im wesentlichen als das Ergebnis eines Metamorphose-Ereignisses vor ca. 2600 Ma angesehen, das den gesamten archaischen Komplex aus granitoiden Gneisen, Migmatiten und Greenstone-Serien erfaßte.Das südliche Gebiet ist durch Bedingungen der Granulitfazies (700–750° C/8–10 kb) charakterisiert. Hier entstand eine ausgedehnte Charnockit-Khondalit-Zone durch post-tektonische Umwandlung der Migmatit-Gneisserien infolge Zufuhr einer CO2-reichen fluiden Phase. Nach Norden zu nimmt der Metamorphosegrad bis zur niedrigtemperierten Amphibolitfazies (600° C/6–8 kb) und in den Dharwar-Greenstone Belts sogar bis zur Grünschieferfazies (400° C) ab.Eine jüngere Metamorphose von Amphibolit-bis Grünschieferfazies ist auf proterozoische Scherzonen beschränkt. Im südlichen Gebiet führte sie zu einer örtlich unterschiedlich intensiven retrograden Überprägung der Charnockit-Khondalit-Serie.Die P-, T-Bedingungen der Regionalmetamorphose wurden anhand von Mineralstabilitätsdaten und mit Methoden der Geothermometrie und Geobarometrie für das Gebiet zwischen Shimoga-Chitradurga (Norden) und Coimbatore-Karur (Süden) abgeleitet.

Résumé Le craton archéen de l'Inde méridionale est caractérisé par une évolution géologique complexe et mal connue. Elle comprend plusieurs cycles de sédimentation et de volcanisme, de déformation et métamorphisme d'une durée d'environ 3400 jusqu'à 2500 Ma.La variation du degré de métamorphisme observée aujourd'hui est considérée comme le résultat d'un épisode de métamorphisme datant d'environ 2600 Ma, qui a affecté l'ensemble du domaine archéen composé de granitoïdes et de ceintures de roches vertes.La région méridionale de craton est caractérisée par le faciès granulite (700–750 °C/ 8–10 kb). Une zone étendue de charnockites et khondalites est le produit d'une transformation postdéformative résultant de l'apport d'une phase fluide riche en CO2. Vers le nord le degré de métamorphisme décroit jusqu'au faciès amphibolites (600 °C/6–8 kb) et même jusqu'au faciès schistes verts (400 °C) dans les ceintures dharwariennes de roches vertes.Un épisode tardif de métamorphisme de faciès amphibolites et schistes verts est limité aux zones à décollement intense d'âge protérozoïque. Dans la région méridionale il s'est produit un rétromorphisme des roches granulitiques dans la zone des charnockites et khondalites.Les conditions de pression et température ont été déduites de l'application de données sur la stabilité des minéraux et de méthodes de géothermométrie et de géobarométrie pour la région entre Shimoga-Chitradurga (nord) et Coimbatore-Karur (sud).

, . , , 3400 2500 . , , 2600 , , , . (700–750 °, 8–10 ). / - , 2. (600 °, 6–8 ) Dharwar (400 °). . / , . , Shimoga-Chitradurga () Coimbatore-Karur ().

The present study is part of a joint project of Benaras Hindu University at Varanasi and University of Kiel. Financial Support by the Deustche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged.

We especially thank M. N. Viswanatha, Geological Survey of India, for his cooperation during the field work.  相似文献   

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