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The contribution of terrigenous organic matter (TOM) to high molecular weight dissolved and particulate organic matter (POM) was examined along the salinity gradient of the Delaware Estuary. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was fractionated by ultrafiltration into 1–30 kDa (HDOM) and 30 kDa–0.2 μm (VHDOM) nominal molecular weight fractions. Thermochemolysis with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) was used to release and quantify lipids and lignin phenols. Stable carbon isotopes, fatty acids and lignin content indicated shifts in sources with terrigenous material in the river and turbid region and a predominantly algal/planktonic signal in the lower estuary and coastal ocean. Thermochemolysis with TMAH released significant amounts of short chain fatty acids (C9–C13), not seen by traditional alkaline hydrolysis, which appear to be associated with the macromolecular matrix. Lignin phenol distributions in HDOM, VHDOM and particles followed predicted sources with higher concentrations in the river and turbid region of the estuary and lower concentrations in the coastal ocean. TOM comprised 12% of HDOM within the coastal ocean and up to 73% of HDOM within the turbid region of the estuary. In the coastal ocean, TOM from high molecular weight DOM comprised 4% of total DOC. The annual flux of TOM from the Delaware Estuary to the coastal ocean was estimated at 2.0×1010 g OC year−1 and suggests that temperate estuaries such as Delaware Bay can be significant sources of TOM on a regional scale.  相似文献   

A multi-method approach was applied to study changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) at three estuarine sites with varying salinity, as well as changes resulting from experimental photodegradation. Following measurement of ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra of bulk samples, DOM was isolated using C18 solid phase extraction. The extract was characterized using high performance size exclusion chromatography (HP-SEC) and molecular level characterization was conducted via direct temperature-resolved mass spectrometry (DT-MS) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The molecular weight distribution of DOM as determined from HP-SEC and ESI-MS varied between techniques, but generally decreased down estuary and with photodegradation for both approaches. Relative differences in molecular weight were significantly correlated with the ratio of absorption coefficients at 254/365 nm. Additionally, photobleaching was significantly correlated with mass spectral characteristics from both DT-MS and ESI-MS. Principal component analysis of DT-MS spectra showed that photoexposure removed different mass spectral characteristics depending on sampling site; however, upon photodegradation, the mass spectral characteristics of both marine DOM and terrestrially dominated DOM approached a common spectrum. We interpret this spectrum, characterized by fragments from aromatic and carbohydrate-like precursors, as photochemically refractory DOM. Our results show that multiple approaches that characterize different aspects of DOM can provide complementary information about its sources and transformation. More specifically, photobleaching results in decreased light absorbance, decreased molecular weight and shifts in the relative abundance of classes of compounds (and broad shifts in m/z values); moreover, these transformations result in photodegraded samples from a low-salinity site which are compositionally similar to samples collected from a mid-salinity site further downstream.  相似文献   

Although rates and mechanisms of early diagenesis have been well studied, the effects of microbial metabolism on the molecular composition of the sedimentary organic matter (SOM) over long periods of time need more investigation. In this study, we characterize the early diagenesis of marine SOM from organic rich sediments of the Ocean Drilling Program site 1082 located off Namibia, in the vicinity of the Benguela coastal upwelling system. We used both Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C NMR) to assess the quantitative partitioning of the organic carbon into major compound classes (aliphatic, aromatic, ester, carboxylic, amide and carbons from carbohydrates). Then, we calculate the SOM composition in the main biomolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and lignin) on the basis of previous 13C NMR based estimates of the molecular composition of the organic mixtures. Results show that the SOM is still labile at 7 m below the seafloor (mbsf) and composed of about 25% proteins and 15% carbohydrates. With increasing depth, the protein content exponentially decreases to 13% at 367 mbsf, whereas the carbohydrate content decreases linearly to 11%. The lignin and lipid content consistently represent around 10% and 40% of the SOM, respectively, and show an increase with depth, due mostly to selective enrichment as the more labile components are lost by degradation. Thus, these components of the SOM are considered refractory at the depth scale considered. The calculated remineralization rates are extremely slow ranging from 5.6 mol C m−3 ky−1 at the top of the core to 0.2 mol C m−3 ky−1 according to the organic carbon flux to the seafloor. Knowing the labile carbon losses, we propose a method to calculate the initial TOC before the diagenesis took place.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate the C loss from forest soils due to the production of dissolved organic C (DOC) along a north–south European transect. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was extracted from the forest soils incubated at a controlled temperature and water content. Soils were sampled from forest plots from Sweden to Italy. The plots represent monocultures of spruce, pine and beech and three selected chronosequences of spruce and beech spanning a range of mean annual temperature from 2 to 14 °C. The DOM was characterized by its DOC/DON ratio and the C isotope composition δ13C. The DOC/DON ratio of DOM varied from 25 to 15 after 16 days of incubation and it decreased to between 16 and 10 after 126 days. At the beginning of incubation the δ13C values of DOC were 1‰ or 2‰ less negative than incubated soils. At the end of the experiment δ13C of DOC were the same as soil values. In addition to DOC production heterotrophic respiration and N mineralization were measured on the incubated soils. The DON production rates decreased from 30 to 5 μgN gC−1 d−1 after 16 days of incubation to constant values from 5 to 2 μgN gC−1 d−1 after 126 days at the end of experiment. The DIN production rates were nearly constant during the experiments with values ranging from 20 to 4 μgN gC−1 d−1. DOC production followed first-order reaction kinetics and heterotrophic respiration followed zero-order reaction kinetics. Kinetic analysis of the experimental data yielded mean annual DOC and respiration productions with respect to sites. Mean annual estimates of DOC flux varied from 3 to 29 g of C m−2 (1–19 mg C g−1 of available C), corresponding to mean DOC concentrations from 2 to 85 mg C L−1.  相似文献   

We present a new stable isotope mass balance method for measuring the enhanced aqueous solubility of specific organic compounds in the presence of natural dissolved organic matter (DOM). It involves interfacing a standard dissolved organic carbon (DOC) analyzer with a stable isotope ratio monitoring system, is applicable to a wide range of model organic compounds and can be tuned to provide maximum precision for a given range of compound solubility and initial natural DOC concentration. Using 13C-labeled styrene as a model compound, we applied the method to investigate the reactivity of Dismal Swamp DOM as a function of season, nominal molecular size and chemical composition as determined using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The solubility enhancement of styrene ranged from 23% to 118% relative to deionized water, while DOC-normalized enhancements varied from about 0.04 to 0.35 μM styrene/μM DOC as a function of season and nominal molecular weight. Statistical analysis of FTIR spectra reveals a strong positive correlation between the styrene concentration and the carboxyl content of the natural DOM. Reactivity differences between high molecular weight (HMW), low molecular weight (LMW) and total DOM samples are consistent with potential variations in their higher order structures.  相似文献   

Fluorescence characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and measurements of Cr-reducible sulfide (CRS) are presented for 72 coastal marine and estuarine water samples obtained from the USA and Canada. Each sample is identified according to source: terrigenous, autochthonous, wastewater or mixed. Fluorescence data are resolved into contributions from humic, fulvic, tyrosine and tryptophan-like fluorophores. Humic and fulvic-like fluorophores correlate well with dissolved organic C (DOC) (r2 = 0.73 and 0.71, respectively) but tyrosine and tryptophan-like fluorophores show no correlation with DOC. Quality factors are identified by normalization of fluorescence contributions to DOC. Humic and fulvic components show no statistical differences between sources but the amino acid-like fluorescence quality factors show significant variations between source, with highest values for autochthonous sources (0.07 ± 0.01 arbitrary fluorescence units per mg of C) versus low values (0.015 ± 0.005) for terrigenous source waters. CRS concentrations are highly variable from 0.07 ± 0.01 to 7703 ± 98 nM and do no correlate with DOC except when terrigenous source waters (n = 13) are separated out from the total sample set (r2 = 0.55). There is an open question in the literature; does DOC source matter in terms of protective effects towards metal toxicity? Here is shown that DOC molecular-level quality does vary and that this variation is mostly in terms of the contributions of amino acids to total fluorescence.  相似文献   

A transect of the St Marys River estuary from above the point of maximum salt wedge penetration to coastal salinities was conducted in July 1999. None of the parameters examined—dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, UV light absorbance at 254 nm, and Total Luminescence spectra—follow the rule of conservative mixing. The characteristics of the different molecular size fractions of the St Marys River natural organic matter (NOM), as well as the results of a laboratory mixing experiment, provided evidence that loss of larger molecular size compounds from riverine NOM may occur by coagulation at salinities up to 10. An apparent gain of carbon in the lower estuary was attributed to exports from abundant coastal marshes in this area. The Total Luminescence spectra of the riverine NOM can be described by two peaks, centered respectively around 340/445 nm, and 230/430 nm Excitation/Emission Wavelength Pair (EEWP), which are characteristic of humic materials of aquatic origin. The samples from the high salinity stations exhibit peaks at lower emission wavelength EEWP 320/424 nm, which can be considered as marine humic-like material. The presence of amino acid-tryptophan like peaks were observed, with EEWP 300/350 nm in some of the high salinity samples. This peak was of high relative fluorescence intensity. It is hypothesized that the intense biological activity of the salt marsh and near coastal area is responsible for the carbon addition as well as the appearance of the highly fluorescence amino acid-protein like material.  相似文献   

The reduction of sulfate by sulfate reducing bacteria in the anoxic zone is an extremely important process during early diagenesis of marine sediments. Our data from Great Bay, NH reinforce the proposal that the rate of sulfate reduction is directly proportional to the reactivity of the organic matter or the amount of readily metabolizable organic matter present in the sediment and, hence, the source of the organic material in the anoxic zone. It appears that organic matter rich in marine organic remains is more easily degraded in the anoxic zone and that sulfate reduction rates can vary considerably in an estuarine system where many types of organic material may be deposited.  相似文献   

系统评述了水体中溶解有机物的特性及测量方法。介绍了水体中溶解有机物的研究概况,指出了开展水体中溶解有机物定量监测的必要性;详述了水体中溶解有机物的激光诱导荧光测量方法、对水体中有机物荧光光谱进行分析的特征光谱荧光标记技术和荧光强度归一化处理技术,以及利用激光诱导荧光方法测量水体中溶解有机物浓度的标定方法;综述了多种因素对利用激光诱导荧光方法测量的影响。  相似文献   

Properties of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the Gironde Estuary   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The isolation, characterization and study of the properties of aquatic dissolved organic matter (DOM) still represent a challenge because of the heterogeneity, complexity and low concentration of organic material in natural waters. Based on its ability to interact with contaminants and thus to modify their transport and bioavailability, DOM is of interest for environmental purposes. The objective of this work was to better characterize DOM in the Gironde Estuary (southwestern France). The estuary represents an exchange zone between the continent and the Atlantic Ocean and conditions the transfer of organic and inorganic substances from the continental to the oceanic environment. Several samples were collected along the estuary during three cruises in 2002 and 2006. They were analysed using excitation–emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy, a sensitive technique that allows direct analysis of water samples. Fluorescent DOM and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) did not behave conservatively in this estuarine system, i.e. the organic material did not undergo simple dilution from the upstream to the downstream part of the estuary. A seasonal variability in DOC content was pointed out, whereas few seasonal variations in DOM fluorescence were observed. DOM sources and processing in the estuary were further evaluated by determining two fluorescence indices – the humification index (HIX) and the index of recent autochthonous contribution (BIX). By applying these indices, the relative degree of humification (HIX) and autotrophic productivity (BIX) could be assessed. Based on the fluorescence and DOC results, the estuary was divided into three zones depending on salinity (S) and characterized by specific DOM: (i) A turbid zone of low salinity (S < 5) and high suspended particulate matter concentration with increase in the intensities of the α′ and α fluorophores, characteristic of humic-like compounds. (ii) A mid-estuarine zone (5 < S < 25) characterized by low autotrophic productivity and containing strongly degraded organic material, as shown by the low values of BIX and high values of HIX. (iii) A higher salinity area (S > 25) characterized by increased autotrophic productivity and a marked marine influence, and associated with high and low values of BIX and HIX, respectively. The HIX and BIX indices were shown as useful tools for readily defining and classifying DOM characteristics in estuarine waters.  相似文献   

卤水中溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)会对盐田日晒工艺和产品质量产生不利影响,如盐田卤水的蒸发速率减缓、蒸发度减小以及提取的矿物产品带有刺鼻的气味、浓重的颜色等。因此,对具有资源开发利用价值的卤水体系中DOM结构和性质的研究可以为后续DOM的有效去除或在DOM共存体系中调控无机盐结晶工艺路线提供有效的指导意见。本文以自然界中广泛存在的两种不同类型的卤水体系,即盐湖卤水DOM(SLDOM)和油田卤水DOM(OFDOM)为研究对象,采用溶解性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)分析、光谱学分析和平行因子分析等手段对DOM的含量、分子量分布特征、光谱学结构和光降解行为开展了研究。DOC和荧光分析表明SLDOM和OFDOM的DOC含量和生物指数(BIX)值相似;与OFDOM相比,SLDOM的腐质化指数(HIX)值和高分子量组分(HMW)比例偏高;特别吸收光谱(SUVA254)和糖类化合物含量检测结果表明,SLDOM和OFDOM的HMW组分中含有的芳香类和糖类化合物所占比例比低分子量组分(LMW)高;三维荧光谱图分析(EEM)结果表明,SLDOM主要以腐殖质类物质为主,而OFDOM以蛋白质类组分为主。此外,DOM的荧光组分在不同分子量中的分布也存在明显差异:对于SLDOM,富里酸主要分布在HMW DOM中,而腐殖酸主要在LMW DOM中;对于OFDOM,芳香胺类蛋白组分主要分布在HMW DOM中,色氨酸和酪氨酸类蛋白组分主要分布在LMM DOM中。在光降解实验中,SLDOM和OFDOM的DOC含量随光照时间增加而逐渐减少,分别下降了29.32%和15.11%。进一步的分析表明,光照过程中两种卤水中糖类化合物均减少,小分子量的DOM优先分解。此外,在光照过程中SLDOM芳香类化合物增加,腐质化程度基本不变;OFDOM芳香类化合物减少,腐质化程度增加。EEM平行因子分析(PARAFAC)结果表明,SLDOM荧光组分在光降解过程中荧光强度增加,而OFDOM荧光强度减少。  相似文献   

The coupled reverse osmosis-electrodialysis (RO/ED) method was used to isolate dissolved organic matter (DOM) from 16 seawater samples. The average yield of organic carbon was 75 ± 12%, which is consistently greater than the yields of organic carbon that have been commonly achieved using XAD resins, C18 adsorbents, and cross-flow ultrafiltration. UV-visible absorbance spectra and molar C/N ratios of isolated samples were consistent with the corresponding properties of DOM in the original seawater samples, indicating that DOM samples can be isolated using the coupled RO/ED method without any bias for/against these two properties. Five of the samples were desalted sufficiently that reliable measurements of their 13C and 1HNMR spectra and their Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectra could be obtained. The 13C and 1HNMR spectra of RO/ED samples differed distinctly from those of samples that have been isolated in much lower yields by other methods. In particular, RO/ED samples contained a relatively lower proportion of carbohydrate carbon and a relatively greater proportion of alkyl carbon than samples that have been isolated using cross-flow ultrafiltration. From the FTICR mass spectra of RO/ED samples, samples from the open ocean contained a much lower proportion of unsaturated compounds and a much higher proportion of fatty acids than coastal samples.  相似文献   

Fractionation by ultra-filtration of the dissolved organic material (DOM) in the River Beaulieu, with typical concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of 7–8 mg C/l, showed it to be mainly in the nominal molecular weight range of 103–105, with 16–23% of the total DOC in the fraction > 105. The molecular weight distribution of DOM in the more alkaline River Test (average DOC, 2 mg C/l) was similar. In the River Beaulieu water, containing 136–314 βg Fe/l in ‘dissolved’ forms, 90% or more of this Fe was in the nominal molecular weight fraction > 105. Experiments showed that DOM of nominal molecular weight <105 could stabilize Fe(III) in ‘dissolved’ forms. The concentrations of ‘dissolved’ Fe in the river water probably reflect the presence of colloidal Fe stabilized by organic material and this process may influence the apparent molecular weight of the DOM. Dissolved. Mn (100–136 βg/l) in the River Beaulieu was mainly in true solution, probably as Mn(II), with some 30% in forms of molecular weight greater than ca 104.During mi xing in the Beaulieu Estuary, DOC and dissolved Mn behave essentially conservatively. This contrasts with the removal of a large fraction of the dissolved Fe (Holliday and LISS, 1976, Est. Coastal Mar. Sci. 4, 349–353). Concentrations of lattice-held Fe and Mn in suspended particulate material were essentially uniform in the estuary, at 3.2 and 0.012%, respectively, whereas the non-lattice held fractions decreased markedly with increase in salinity. For Mn the decrease was linear and could be most simply accounted for by the physical mixing of riverborne and marine participates, although the possibility that some desorption occurs is not excluded. The non-linear decrease in the concentration of non-lattice held Fe in particulates reflected the more complex situation in which physical mixing is accompanied by removal of material from the ‘dissolved’ fraction.  相似文献   

Water samples from Narragansett Bay and the Providence River, and fulvic acid/ saline water solutions were examined for their ability to solubilize n-alkane (n-C16 and n-C20), isoprenoid (pristane) and aromatic (phenanthrene and anthracene) hydrocarbons and dibutyl phthalate. Removal of the dissolved organic matter (D.O.M.) from the natural samples by activated charcoal and by ultra-violet oxidation resulted in a 50–99 per cent decrease in the amounts of n-alkanes and isoprenoid hydrocarbons solubilized. This decrease was directly related to the amount of D.O.M. removed. The solubilities of the aromatic hydrocarbons were unaffected by the D.O.M. Fulvic acid from a marine sediment, surface active organic material isolated at a chloroform/sea water interface, organic material extracted from a marine sediment by sea water, and organic matter contributed by a municipal sewage effluent, promote n-alkane solubility when added to NaCl solutions and re-enhance solubility when added to organic depleted sea water. The solubility of No. 2 fuel oil increased 2.5 times in the presence of fulvic acid (3.7 mg C/l.) with most of the increase seen in the alkane and isoprenoid components.N-Alkane solubility increases in fulvic acid/saline water solutions with increasing pH and reaches a maximum with respect to ionic strength at I = 0.3. There is evidence to suggest that the mode of solubilization of the hydrocarbons is by incorporation into micelles formed by intermolecular association of the surface active humic-type monomers. The presence of ionic species is a prerequisite for micelle formation.  相似文献   

A variety of fungal melanins with natural 15N abundance are characterized by solid-state 13C and 15N NMR spectroscopy and are compared to solid-state 13C and 15N NMR spectra of organic matter from representative soils. In all solid-state 15N NMR spectra the peptide/amide region (−220 to −285 ppm) dominates with more than 70% of the total intensity. The region between −285 and −375 ppm, assigned to amino and ammonium groups, always contains more than half of the remaining intensity. The area in the region from −30 to −220 ppm, where aromatic heterocycles would show signals, makes up less than 10% of the total intensity. These findings call into question common structural models for melanins. The solid-state 13C NMR spectra, on the other hand, reveal large differences when the melanins are compared to each other, and to composts and soils. The concentration of the aromatic carbon varies from 5 to 40% in the melanin series. The ratio Caro/Ntot and Cali/Ntot were calculated, and confirm that nitrogen in these samples is bound in Ca-groups rather than in aromatic heterocyclic structures.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a very important environmental constituent due to its role in controlling factors for soil formation, mineral weathering and pollutant transport in the environment. Prediction of DOM physical-chemical properties is achieved by studying its chemical structure and spatial conformation. In the present study, dissolved organic matter extracted from compost obtained from the organic fraction of urban wastes (DOM-P) has been analysed by FT-IR, CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy and 1H T1 NMR relaxometry with fast field cycling (FFC) setup. While the first two spectroscopic techniques revealed the chemical changes of dissolved organic matter after adsorption either on kaolinite (DOM-K) or montmorillonite (DOM-S), the latter permitted the evaluation of the conformational variations as assessed by longitudinal relaxation time (T1) distribution at the fixed magnetic field of 500 mT. Alterations of T1 distributions from DOM-P to DOM-K and DOM-S were attributed to a decreasing molecular complexity following DOM-P adsorption on the clay minerals. This study applied for the first time solid state 1H T1 NMR relaxometry to dissolved organic matter from compost obtained from the organic fraction of urban wastes and revealed that this technique is very promising for studying environmentally relevant natural organic systems.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been shown to be an integral component in biogeochemical electron transfer reactions due to its demonstrated ability to facilitate redox reactions. While the role of DOM as a facilitator of electron transfer processes has been demonstrated, greater knowledge would lead to better understanding of the structural components responsible for redox behavior, such as quinones and nitrogen and sulfur (N/S) functional groups. This investigation uses direct scan voltammetry (DSV) coupled with fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy as well as thermochemolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to elucidate the organic moieties responsible for facilitating electron transfer reactions. We contrast electrochemical properties and structural details of three organic matter isolates from diverse sources; Great Dismal Swamp DOM (terrestrially derived, highly aromatic), Pony Lake DOM (microbially derived, highly aliphatic) and Toolik Lake (terrestrially derived, photochemically and microbially altered) with juglone (a redox-active model quinone). Aromatic and phenolic constituents were detected (by 13C NMR) and recovered (by thermochemolysis GC-MS) from all three fulvic acid samples, highlighting the ubiquity of these compounds and suggesting that the quinone-phenol redox couple is not limited to DOM derived from lignin precursors. The range of hydroxy-benzene and benzoic acid derivatives may explain the lack of a single pair of well-defined oxidation and reduction peaks in the DSV scans. The presence of a wide-range of hydroxylated benzoic acid isomers and other redox-active aromatic residues implies that native DOM possesses overlapping redox potentials analogous to their characteristic range of pKa values.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in groundwater and surface water samples from the Florida coastal Everglades were studied using excitation–emission matrix fluorescence modeled through parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC). DOM in both surface and groundwater from the eastern Everglades S332 basin reflected a terrestrial-derived fingerprint through dominantly higher abundances of humic-like PARAFAC components. In contrast, surface water DOM from northeastern Florida Bay featured a microbial-derived DOM signature based on the higher abundance of microbial humic-like and protein-like components consistent with its marine source. Surprisingly, groundwater DOM from northeastern Florida Bay reflected a terrestrial-derived source except for samples from central Florida Bay well, which mirrored a combination of terrestrial and marine end-member origin. Furthermore, surface water and groundwater displayed effects of different degradation pathways such as photodegradation and biodegradation as exemplified by two PARAFAC components seemingly indicative of such degradation processes. Finally, Principal Component Analysis of the EEM-PARAFAC data was able to distinguish and classify most of the samples according to DOM origins and degradation processes experienced, except for a small overlap of S332 surface water and groundwater, implying rather active surface-to-ground water interaction in some sites particularly during the rainy season. This study highlights that EEM-PARAFAC could be used successfully to trace and differentiate DOM from diverse sources across both horizontal and vertical flow profiles, and as such could be a convenient and useful tool for the better understanding of hydrological interactions and carbon biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   

Both the concentrations and the stocks of soil organic carbon vary across the landscape. Do the amounts of recalcitrant components of soil organic matter (SOM) vary with landscape position? To address this question, we studied four Mollisols in central Iowa, two developed in till and two developed in loess. Two of the soils were well drained and two were poorly drained. We collected surface-horizon samples and studied organic matter in the particulate organic matter (POM) fraction, the clay fractions, and the whole, unfractionated samples. We treated the soil samples with 5 M HF at ambient temperature or at 60 °C for 30 min to concentrate the SOM. To assess the composition of the SOM, we used solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, in particular, quantitative 13C DP/MAS (direct-polarization/magic-angle spinning), with and without recoupled dipolar dephasing. Spin counting by correlation of the integral NMR intensity with the C concentration by elemental analysis showed that NMR was ?85% quantitative for the majority of the samples studied. For untreated whole-soil samples with <2.5 wt.% C, which is considerably less than in most previous quantitative NMR analyses of SOM, useful spectra that reflected ?65% of all C were obtained. The NMR analyses allowed us to conclude (1) that the HF treatment (with or without heat) had low impact on the organic C composition in the samples, except for protonating carboxylate anions to carboxylic acids, (2) that most organic C was observable by NMR even in untreated soil materials, (3) that esters were likely to compose only a minor fraction of SOM in these Mollisols, and (4) that the aromatic components of SOM were enriched to ∼53% in the poorly drained soils, compared with ∼48% in the well drained soils; in plant tissue and particulate organic matter (POM) the aromaticities were ∼18% and ∼32%, respectively. Nonpolar, nonprotonated aromatic C, interpreted as a proxy for charcoal C, dominated the aromatic C in all soil samples, composing 69-78% of aromatic C and 27-36% of total organic C in the whole-soil and clay-fraction samples.  相似文献   

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