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单生卵囊藻对DIC的利用及其对CaCO3沉积影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以生长在钙华池中的单生卵囊藻(Oocystis solitaria Wittr)为研究对象,利用pH漂移方法,探讨了封闭系统中单生卵囊藻在岩溶水和非岩溶水环境下对溶解无机碳(DIC)利用及其对水体Ca^2+沉积影响的差异。结果表明,单生卵囊藻在低CO2浓度时,通过胞外碳酸酐酶的催化,以HCO3^-作为无机碳源进行光合作用。在岩溶水环境下单生卵囊藻DIC利用能力要高于非岩溶水环境(4.78倍),而在此过程中对水体中Ca^2+沉积的影响也更高(2.13倍)。在岩溶水(非岩溶水)环境下,有42.6%(8.9%)的Ca^2+通过物理化学效应以CaCO3形式沉积,其余Ca^2+可能被藻体生长而吸收利用..  相似文献   

Kinetic isotope fractionation of 13C during precipitation of CaCO3 under open system conditions has been investigated. The isotope enrichment factor ?HCO3?-CaCO3 varies between ?0.35 ± 0.23 and ?3.37 ± 0.36%. at 25°C depending on the rate of precipitation and mineralogy, the enrichment of 13C in the solid carbonate phase decreasing with increasing precipitation rate. An estimate of equilibrium ?HCO3-Calcite of between ?1.83 ± 0.32 and ?2.26 ± 0.31%. is calculated from slow precipitation runs. A surface diffusion crystal growth model is used to describe the combination of kinetic isotope effects on thermodynamic isotope fractionation during rapid diffusion controlled crystal growth. Under slow precipitation conditions ?Calcite-Aragonite was estimated as ?1.4%.; however, during rapid precipitation this fractionation appears to diminish and aragonite becomes less enriched in 13C.  相似文献   

A significant portion of calcium carbonate is deposited in lake sediments as a result of biological processes related to the photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton in the pelagic realm and, in addition, macrophytes in the littoral zone. Lake Wigry, one of the largest lakes in Poland (north‐east Poland), is characterized by: (i) carbonate sediments with a CaCO3 content exceeding 80% within the littoral zone; and (ii) large areas of submerged vegetation dominated by charophytes (macroscopic green algae, Characeae family). It is claimed that charophytes are highly effective in utilizing HCO3? and forming thick CaCO3 encrustations. Thus, this study was aimed at evaluating the CaCO3 production by dense Chara stands overgrowing the lake bottom reaching a depth of 4 m. In late July 2009, the fresh and dry mass of plants, the percentage contribution of calcium carbonate and the production of CaCO3 per 1 m2 were investigated along three transects at three depths (1 m, 2 m and 3 m, with each sample area equal to 0·0625 m2) per transect. The composition and structure of phytoplankton and the physico‐chemical properties of the water analysed in both the littoral and pelagic zones served as the environmental background and demonstrated moderately low fertility in the lake. The greatest dry plant mass exceeded 1000 g m?2 and CaCO3 encrustations constituted from 59% to over 76% of the charophyte dry weight. Thus, the maximum and average values of carbonates precipitated by charophytes were 685·5 and 438 g m?2, respectively, which exceeded previously reported results. A correlation of carbonate production with the depth of Chara stands was detected, and intermediate depths offered the most favourable conditions for carbonate precipitation (589 g m?2 on average). As precipitated carbonates are ultimately stored in bottom deposits, the results highlight the significance of charophytes in lacustrine CaCO3 sedimentation.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1988,3(5):549-556
Understanding the factors which affect the precipitation of calcium carbonate is important to the study of most natural waters. The effect of blends of precipitation inhibitors on calcium carbonate nucleation is investigated via a new test apparatus. Results indicate that the behavior of mixed inhibitors at minimum concentration levels is strictly additive, as predicted theoretically. The potential existence of a “super effective” inhibitor in nature or in industry is therefore precluded; this may have significant consequences for water-processing industries. The possibility of extending the upper limit of inhibitor effectiveness, imposed by the solubility of the calcium-inhibitor salts, through the use of mixed inhibitors is discussed. It is also possible that the notion of additive effects of mixed inhibitors may be valid in other systems, such as geochemical environments, potable water treatment systems, and industrial waters in which naturally occurring calcium carbonate inhibitors exist.  相似文献   

基于微生物或脲酶诱导碳酸钙沉淀(MICP/EICP)的土体固化技术是近年来岩土和地质工程领域的研究热点之一。在系统回顾基于生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀的土体固化技术发展历程的基础上,重点阐述了MICP/EICP固化机制、土体孔隙结构、菌液和脲酶性质、胶凝液性质和固化方式等方面对碳酸钙特性影响的研究进展。研究结果表明:土体孔隙越小,越不利于微生物或脲酶入渗,固化均匀性越差;土颗粒接触点越多,可为碳酸钙提供的沉积点位越多,碳酸钙与土颗粒间的黏结和桥接作用越强,固化效果越好;一定菌液或脲酶浓度或脲酶活性范围内,碳酸钙的生成速率和生成总量随浓度及活性的增大而增大,但过高的浓度或活性易导致碳酸钙生成速率过快,从而在土体注入端发生堵塞;低浓度胶凝液得到的碳酸钙晶体更小,在土体中的分布更均匀;采用合适的注浆饱和度可提高具有黏结作用的碳酸钙的占比;采用多层交替注入或单相低pH值注入可提高碳酸钙在试样中分布的均匀性。基于碳酸钙沉淀特性的影响因素,提高固化土体的均匀性,验证其耐久性,室内试验结果在现场尺度的适应性和改进方案应该成为以后研究的重点。  相似文献   

Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the interactions between proteins and mineral surfaces, among them a combination of electrostatic, stereochemical interactions and molecular recognition between the protein and the crystal surface. To identify the mechanisms of interaction in the lysozyme-calcium carbonate model system, the effect of this protein on the precipitation kinetics and morphology of calcite crystals was examined. The solution chemistry and morphology of the solid were monitored over time in a set of time-series free-drift experiments in which CaCO3 was precipitated from solution in a closed system at 25°C and 1 atm total pressure, in the presence and absence of lysozyme. The precipitation of calcite was preceded by the precipitation of a metastable phase that later dissolved and gave rise to calcite as the sole phase. With increasing lysozyme concentration, the nucleation of both the metastable phase and calcite occurred at lower Ωcalcite, indicating that lysozyme favored the nucleation of both phases. Calcite growth rate was not affected by the presence of lysozyme, at least at protein concentrations ranging from 0 mg/mL to 10 mg/mL.Lysozyme modified the habit of calcite crystals. The degree of habit modification changed with protein concentration. At lower concentrations of lysozyme, the typical rhombohedral habit of calcite crystals was modified by the expression of {110} faces, which resulted from the preferential adsorption of protein on these faces. With increasing lysozyme concentration, the growth of {110}, {100}, and finally {001} faces was sequentially inhibited. This adsorption sequence may be explained by an electrostatic interaction between lysozyme and calcite, in which the inhibition of the growth of {110}, {100}, and {001} faces could be explained by a combined effect of the density of carbonate groups in the calcite face and the specific orientation (perpendicular) of these carbonate groups with respect to the calcite surface. Overgrowth of calcite in the presence of lysozyme demonstrated that the protein favored and controlled the nucleation on the calcite substrate. Overgrowth crystals nucleated epitaxially in lines which run diagonal to rhombohedral {104} faces.  相似文献   

Ureolytically-driven calcium carbonate precipitation is the basis for a promising in-situ remediation method for sequestration of divalent radionuclide and trace metal ions. It has also been proposed for use in geotechnical engineering for soil strengthening applications. Monitoring the occurrence, spatial distribution, and temporal evolution of calcium carbonate precipitation in the subsurface is critical for evaluating the performance of this technology and for developing the predictive models needed for engineering application. In this study, we conducted laboratory column experiments using natural sediment and groundwater to evaluate the utility of geophysical (complex resistivity and seismic) sensing methods, dynamic synchrotron x-ray computed tomography (micro-CT), and reactive transport modeling for tracking ureolytically-driven calcium carbonate precipitation processes under site relevant conditions. Reactive transport modeling with TOUGHREACT successfully simulated the changes of the major chemical components during urea hydrolysis. Even at the relatively low level of urea hydrolysis observed in the experiments, the simulations predicted an enhanced calcium carbonate precipitation rate that was 3-4 times greater than the baseline level. Reactive transport modeling results, geophysical monitoring data and micro-CT imaging correlated well with reaction processes validated by geochemical data. In particular, increases in ionic strength of the pore fluid during urea hydrolysis predicted by geochemical modeling were successfully captured by electrical conductivity measurements and confirmed by geochemical data. The low level of urea hydrolysis and calcium carbonate precipitation suggested by the model and geochemical data was corroborated by minor changes in seismic P-wave velocity measurements and micro-CT imaging; the latter provided direct evidence of sparsely distributed calcium carbonate precipitation. Ion exchange processes promoted through NH4+ production during urea hydrolysis were incorporated in the model and captured critical changes in the major metal species. The electrical phase increases were potentially due to ion exchange processes that modified charge structure at mineral/water interfaces. Our study revealed the potential of geophysical monitoring for geochemical changes during urea hydrolysis and the advantages of combining multiple approaches to understand complex biogeochemical processes in the subsurface.  相似文献   

砂土固化对增加砂土强度、减小渗透性极为有利,可提高和改善砂土的力学特性。通过培养基L进行菌种繁殖,研究了不同条件下的细菌生长特性;分析流出液的pH值和Ca~(2+)浓度的内在关系,揭示了固化砂柱的渗透性、无侧限抗压强度变化规律;通过微观结构阐释微生物固化效果,并研究了Ca~(2+)浓度与试样强度的关系。结果表明:2mL细菌母液加入100mL培养液并在30℃、pH为6,150rpm振动速度的条件下最适宜菌种生长;固化过程中,pH值逐渐降低,而Ca~(2+)浓度则增大;采用0.5mol/L胶凝液固化效果较好且固化周期短;固化后砂土颗粒间孔隙被生成的碳酸钙填充;试样渗透性最终降低3~4个数量级;流速越小,固化时间越长,固化效果越好;且固化试样破坏模式都是脆性破坏;采用尿素和醋酸钙混合溶液作为胶凝液,更能提高Ca~(2+)利用率。  相似文献   

Carbonate cementation in the surface layer of reefs and beachrock eliminates porosity and partially replaces detrital quartz grains. The uptake and release of CO2 by photosynthesis and respiration in reef communities cause a shift in the carbonate buffer system of seawater. Field studies and experimentation simulating the natural settings show minimum values of CO2 (1.9 mmoles 1?1) and HCO3? (2.4 meq 1?1) in association with maximum values of pH (9.8) and O2 (> 100% oxygen saturation) in waters covering corals and algae prior to sunset. The converse is true for these variables prior to sunrise, when minimum values of pH (7.6) and O2 (<66% oxygen saturation) occur with maximum values of CO2 (2.7 mmoles 1?1) and HCO3? (2.7 meq 1?1). Experimental tanks containing plain seawater showed almost no diurnal variability in pH (a constant 7.5–7.6) or O2 (80–90% oxygen saturation) measurements. Seawater adjacent to reef biomass, with elevated pH and supersaturated with calcium carbonate, is periodically pumped into the underlying reef and beach sediments due to pressure-buildups between the reef framework or algal zones and open waters. Carbonate precipitation and quartz dissolution follow. As the system equilibrates, pH values progressively decrease.  相似文献   

Silica diagenesis and carbonate diagenesis are interrelated. This is confirmed by observations of DSDP Sites 462, 463, 465, 466, and 577. Carbonate sediments containing chert (1) tend to be more indurated and display more advanced diagenetic alterations, regardless of sub-bottom depth; and (2) microfossil components are more strongly affected (overgrown and/or dissolved), while the amount of micritic particles and larger, euhedral calcite crystals is greater. In addition, mass physical properties, porosity in particular, vary more widely in sediment sections containing chert. Furthermore, in the studied similarly composed sediments recrystallization of biogenic opal is indicated by a significant reduction of the specific surface area, reaching a minimum value when quartz is formed.One possible mechanism involved is the production of «surplus« dissolved carbonate created by the replacement of carbonate material by silica during the process of chert formation and silicification. The «extra« carbonate is then available for precipitation as overgrowths and cement outside the chert nodules and silicified zones. Hence silica diagenesis, if it occurs early enough in the sediment, bears some influence on carbonate diagenesis. It is therefore suggested that silica diagenesis be added to the list of factors included in the «diagenetic potential« equation ofSchlanger &Douglas (1974).
Zusammenfassung Die Diagenese von biogenem Silikat und Karbonat steht in engem Zusammenhang, wie Beobachtungen an Sedimenten der DSDP Sites 462, 463, 465, 466 und 577 zeigen. Karbonatische Sedimente, die biogenes SiO2 enthalten, zeichnen sich aus durch (1) größere Verfestigung und stärkere diagenetische Veränderungen — unabhängig von der Tiefe im Sediment, (2) mehr Lösung und Überwuchs an Mikrofossil-Komponenten, (3) höheren Anteil mikritischer Partikel wie auch größerer idiomorpher Kalzitkristalle, (4) stärkere Variation der sedimentphysikalischen Eigenschaften, speziell der Porosität und damit zusammenhängender Parameter.Die Umkristallisation des biogenen SiO2 führt in ähnlich Zusammengesetzen Sedimenten zu einer drastischen Abnahme der spezifischen Oberfläche. Minimalwerte werden erreicht, wenn sich Quarz bildet.Diagenetisch wichtig ist die Produktion von zusätzlichem Karbonat durch die Silizifizierung von Karbonatschalen. Dieses »Überschuß«-Karbonat wird dann als Überwuchs, Zement oder außen an den »Hornstein«-Aggregaten gefällt. Demzufolge beeinflußt die Diagenese von biogenem SiO2 auch die Karbonatdiagenese. Daher ist es sinnvoll, die Diagenese von biogenem SiO2 mit zu den Faktoren zu rechnen, die das »diagenetische Potential« — wie esSchlanger &Douglas (1974) definierten — ausmachen.

Résumé L'étude de sédiments provenant des sites DSDP 462, 463, 465, 466 et 577 montre qu'il existe une relation entre la diagenèse de la silice et celle du carbonate biogéniques. Les sédiments carbonatés qui renferment de la silice biogémque présentent: 1) une induration plus marquée et des modifications diagénétiques plus poussées — et ce indépendamment de la profondeur sous la surface du fond; 2) une dissolution et/ou un accroissement plus développés des micro-fossiles; 3) une plus grande teneur en particules micritiques et une plus grande taille des calcites idiomorphes; 4) un éventail plus large de leurs propriétés physiques, particulièrement de la porosité et des paramètres qui en dépendent.La cristallisation de l'opale biogénique, dans des sédiments de compositions semblables, se traduit par une réduction drastique de la surface spécifique, qui atteint une valeur minimale lorsque du quartz est formé.Un rôle diagénétique important est joué par l'excès de carbonate dissous engendré par la silicification de coquilles carbonatées; cet excès de carbonate est dès lors disponible pour la précipitation des auréoles d'accroissement et du ciment hors des nodules de chert et des zones silicifiées. Il s'ensuit que la diagenèse du SiO2 biogénique influence la diagenèse du carbonate. Il conviendrait dès lors d'ajouter la diagenèse de la silice à la liste des facteurs qui interviennent dans l'équation du «potentiel diagénétique» deSchlanger etDouglas (1974).

462, 463, 465, 466 577, . , , : 1) , ; 2) ; 3) , 4) , . SiO2 . . . »« , , « ». , .. «, 1974 Schlanger & Douglas.

Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) is a sustainable technique to transform or improve physical and mechanical properties of soils. This paper aims to study the effect of activated carbon (AC) on the property of bio-treated China Standard sand. Six sample groups were prepared considering various dosages of cementation solutions and bacterial suspensions. In each group, samples were prepared at six different AC ratios (0%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 3% by weight of sand). Bacterial retention ability, calcium carbonate mass, unconfined compression strength (UCS), and microstructures of bio-treated samples were examined and evaluated in the presence of AC. It was found that the improved yield of calcium carbonate crystals and increased UCS were correlated to the enhanced bacterial retention ability attributed to AC. In addition, the test results showed that the amount of cementation solution played an important role in the MICP process, but volume variation of the bacterial suspension had a little effect on the bio-treated samples.  相似文献   

Cui  Ming-Juan  Zheng  Jun-Jie  Chu  Jian  Wu  Chao-Chuan  Lai  Han-Jiang 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(5):1377-1389

Calcareous sands have abundant intraparticle pores and are prone to particle breakage. This often leads to poor engineering properties, which poses a challenge to coastal infrastructure construction. A study using bio-cementation to improve the engineering properties of calcareous sand is presented in this paper. The macro- and microscopic properties of bio-cemented calcareous sand were characterized by drained triaxial tests and scanning electron microscopy observations. Experimental results show that the precipitated calcium carbonate can effectively fill the intra- and interparticle pores and bond adjacent particles, thus enhancing the shear strength of calcareous sand. The special structures (e.g. abundant intraparticle pores and rough surface) and mineral components (i.e. calcium carbonate) of calcareous sand are beneficial for improving bacterial retention in soil, which leads to a relatively uniform and dense calcium carbonate distribution on the sand particle surface, exhibiting a layer-by-layer growth pattern. This growth pattern and the abundant interparticle pores would result in less effective calcium carbonate. The strength enhancement of bio-cemented calcareous sand is significantly lower than that of bio-cemented silica sand at the same calcium carbonate content, which may be caused by the differences in the following: (a) soil skeleton strength; (b) the amount of effective calcium carbonate; and (c) interparticle pore-filling of calcium carbonate.


微生物沉积碳酸钙固化珊瑚砂的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方祥位  申春妮  楚剑  吴仕帆  李依珊 《岩土力学》2015,36(10):2773-2779
向珊瑚砂中注入巴斯德芽孢杆菌菌液、氯化钙和尿素的混合液,利用微生物沉积碳酸钙固化珊瑚砂;并对珊瑚砂固化体进行了渗透、强度及微观结构等试验。试验结果表明,巴斯德芽孢杆菌的活性随时间呈衰减趋势,但衰减速度缓慢,能较好地满足珊瑚砂固化的需要。随着菌液、氯化钙和尿素的混合液注入次数的增加,珊瑚砂柱渗透性逐步降低,最终渗透性降低了1~2个数量级。微生物固化后的珊瑚砂柱应力-应变曲线大致可分为3段,即应力随应变缓慢增加段、快速增加段以及突降段。试样发生压裂脆性破坏,无侧限抗压强度最高达到14 MPa左右。抗压强度随干密度增加而增大,随渗透性降低而增大。微生物固化后珊瑚砂颗粒被生成的碳酸钙完整的包裹,孔隙间极少见生成的碳酸钙,与普通硅砂微生物固化后的微观结构不同,较好地解释了渗透性降低不多的原因。  相似文献   

Nitrogenous organic compounds in sorbed surface layers and in calcified organic matter associated with calcium carbonate sediment particles consist of 40–50% amino acids, 2% amino sugars and 25% ammonia. In grain size classes > 20 μm these compounds are mainly contained in the calcified protein of carbonate secreting organisms but with smaller grain sizes—and consequently increased specific surface area—they are contained in sorbed layers at the mineral surface. The composition of the sorbed layer is characterized by a predominance of neutral amino acids, a relative enrichment of basic and weakly polar amino acids, and a deficiency of acidic amino acids in comparison with the proteinaceous matter of calcifying organisms. The respective abundances for sorbed and calcified matter are: 505 and 380 Res./ of neutral amino acids, 262 and 450 Res./1000 of acidic amino acids, 92 and 51 Res./l000 of basic amino acids, and 141 and 129 Res./1000 of weakly polar amino acids.The composition of the sorbed layer appears to be the result of sorption of proteinaceous matter from solution since it reflects the free and peptide-bound amino acid composition of seawater. The characteristic amino acid assemblage could also be the result of preferential decomposition of protein and subsequent enrichment of neutral and basic amino acids; however, sorption from solution appears more likely since the total amount of amino acids sorbed to calcium carbonate (0.58 mg m ?2) corresponds closely to the amount of protein known to cover one m2 of aqueous substrate in monolayer arrangement. Sorption from solution is further supported by the low arginine/ornithine ratios in both the sorbed layer and the natural dissolved organic matter. This process might lead to a characteristic amino acid spectrum in fine grained calcareous sediments that reflects the composition of the dissolved organic matter in seawater rather than that of the carbonate secreting proteinaceous matter.  相似文献   

原鹏博  朱磊  钟秀梅  董兰凤  谌文武 《岩土力学》2022,43(12):3385-3392
中国西北地区地震频发,土遗址长期受到地震活动的不利影响。为了研究酶诱导碳酸钙沉淀技术(EICP)加固遗址土的动力特性,对1.55、1.65、1.75 g/cm3这3种初始干密度的遗址土进行EICP处理,并设置未经EICP处理的对照组。开展了不同围压、振动频率下的动三轴试验。结果表明:在相同动应力作用下,相比对照组,试验组的动应变更小,耗散的能量更少,阻尼比更小;在EICP加固后,随着干密度、围压、振动频率增大,可以降低动应变的产生,但这种效果依次减弱。动本构关系符合Hardin模型,干密度、围压、振动频率对模型参数a(动弹性模量)的影响程度逐渐减小;微观分析发现,EICP加固后,碳酸钙沉淀在土颗粒表面附着,填充孔隙,并与土颗粒相互胶结成致密结构,土体结构强度增强。  相似文献   

Fabrics of phosphatized calcium carbonate particles in various phosphorites have been studied using scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray dispersive microanalysis. Replacement of calcium carbonate by apatite has been observed in bivalve shell fragments and in foraminiferal tests; replacement proceeds at constant volume with excellent preservation of the original microtextures. In some deposits, replacement of carbonate by apatite is the main phosphogenic process. However, in general, the process seems to be far less important than might be believed purely on the basis of thin section observations. In many phosphorites, internal or external apatite moulds of bioclasts are common, including very small particles such as coccoliths in phosphatized chalks. Apatite precipitation was typically followed by carbonate dissolution. Later apatite precipitation within the dissolution voids may produce partial or total phosphate pseudomorphs of the original carbonate grain. In these examples direct replacement of carbonate by phosphate cannot be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Processes of carbonate precipitation in modern microbial mats   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Microbial mats are ecosystems that arguably greatly affected the conditions of the biosphere on Earth through geological time. These laminated organosedimentary systems, which date back to > 3.4 Ga bp, are characterized by high metabolic rates, and coupled to this, rapid cycling of major elements on very small (mm-µm) scales. The activity of the mat communities has changed Earth's redox conditions (i.e. oxidation state) through oxygen and hydrogen production. Interpretation of fossil microbial mats and their potential role in alteration of the Earth's geochemical environment is challenging because these mats are generally not well preserved.Preservation of microbial mats in the fossil record can be enhanced through carbonate precipitation, resulting in the formation of lithified mats, or microbialites. Several types of microbially-mediated mineralization can be distinguished, including biologically-induced and biologically influenced mineralization. Biologically-induced mineralization results from the interaction between biological activity and the environment. Biologically-influenced mineralization is defined as passive mineralization of organic matter (biogenic or abiogenic in origin), whose properties influence crystal morphology and composition. We propose to use the term organomineralization sensu lato as an umbrella term encompassing biologically influenced and biologically induced mineralization. Key components of organomineralization sensu lato are the “alkalinity” engine (microbial metabolism and environmental conditions impacting the calcium carbonate saturation index) and an organic matrix comprised of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which may provide a template for carbonate nucleation. Here we review the specific role of microbes and the EPS matrix in various mineralization processes and discuss examples of modern aquatic (freshwater, marine and hypersaline) and terrestrial microbialites.  相似文献   

微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀(microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation, MICP)是一种在自然界中广泛存在的生物矿化过程。由于MICP具有反应速度快、环境条件要求低、应用范围广、温室气体减排效应显著等特点,在地质、土木、水利、环境多个领域中广泛推广应用。文章在分析国内外相关研究成果的基础上,归纳整理出反硝化过程、硫酸盐还原作用、尿素分解作用等多种微生物诱导下碳酸钙矿化途径和作用机制。以尿素分解菌为代表,重点讨论微生物诱导碳酸盐沉淀过程中pH、温度、离子浓度等环境因素对生成矿物晶型晶貌等方面的影响,总结了MICP的环境应用机制,即环境中的重金属元素通过替换作用替换矿化矿物中的Ca2+或CO32−从而被固定。MICP作为一种简单高效的地质环境过程,在生态环境修复领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The diffusion coefficient of dissolved silica at 25.5 ± .5°C was determined as a function of concentration using a non-steady-state method whereby agar-gelled solutions containing dissolved silica from 0.09 to 1.50 mM (pH = 5.5) were placed in contact with distilled water in glass cells. Diffusion coefficients were obtained by measuring the dissolved silica content of the distilled water after a given length of time. The measured diffusion coefficients decreased as a function of increasing dissolved silica concentration, which is thought to reflect an increase in dimeric silica according to the equilibrium: 2Si(OH)4 = Si2O(OH)6 + H2O. The tracer diffusion coefficients for Si(OH)4 and Si2O(OH)6 and an association constant for the above reaction were determined by fitting the following equation to the experimental data: Dobs = αDmonomer + (1 − α)Ddimer where α is the fraction of total dissolved silica which is Si(OH)4. The best fit yielded tracer D's for Si(OH)4 and Si2O(OH)6 of 2.2 and 1.0 (in units of 10−5 cm2 sec−1), respectively, and an association constant of 330.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental results of the mechanical production of silica and carbonate colloidal particles below 100 nm using two types of stirred bead mills (i.e., DCP Superflow 12 and PML H/V). It is shown that the stirred bead mill with very small beads can be used as an efficient equipment for the production of the colloidal particles in nanoscale from the feed materials of several microns in sizes at high energy consumptions. The DCP Superflow mill with high power densities is superior for the effective size reduction and production rate, compared to the conventional PML H/V mill with lower power densities. The smaller particles could be produced by the DCP Superflow mill at the same level of high energy inputs as from the PML H/V mill. The “grinding limit” for the processes in the mills has been discussed.  相似文献   

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