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Lake Zürich occupies a glacially overdeepened perialpine trough in the northern Middlelands of Switzerland. A total of 154.4 m of Quaternary sediments and 47.3 m of Tertiary Molasse bedrock has been cored from the deepest part of the lake, some 10 km south of the city of Zürich. Some 16.8 m of gravels and sands directly overlying the bedrock include basal till and probably earliest subglacial fluvial and lacustrine deposits. These are overlain by 98.6 m of fine-grained, glacial-aged sediments comprising completely deformed proglacial and/or subglacial lacustrine muds, separated by four basal mud tills. The lack of interglacial sediments, fossils, and other datable material, and the presence of severe sediment deformation and unknown amounts of erosion prevent the establishment of an exact chronostratigraphy for sediments older than the upper mud till. Above it some 8.6 m of lacustrine muds were deposited, folded, faulted, and tilted during the final opening of the lake at about 17,500–17,000 years ago. Superimposed are 30.4 m of final Würm and post-glacial sediments comprising (from oldest): cyclic proglacial mud, thick-bedded and laminated mud, a complex transition zone, laminated carbonate, laminated marl, and diatom-calcite varves. These sediments reflect changing catchment and lacustrine conditions including: glacial proximity, catchment stability, lake inflow characteristics, thermal structure, chemistry, and bed stability. Average sedimentation rates ranged from 11 cm yr−1 immediately after glacier withdrawal, to as low as 0.4 mm yr−1 as the environment stabilized. The lack of coarse outwash deposits separating the fine-grained glaciolacustrine sediments from a corresponding underlying basal till suggests that deglaciation of the deep northern basin of Lake Zürich was by stagnation-zone retreat rather than by retreat of an active ice-front.  相似文献   

The biomarker composition and stable isotope (C, O) ratio values of organic matter (OM) and carbonate from sediment cores from the oligotrophic Lake Brienz and the eutrophic Lake Lugano (both in Switzerland) are compared, in order to obtain information about OM sources and transformation processes. Eutrophic conditions at Lake Lugano are reflected in elevated total organic carbon (TOC) content and hydrogen index (HI) values, as well as higher lipid concentrations. Parallel down core trends in δ13C values of TOC and calcite in the Lake Lugano sediments reflect bioproductivity cycles. Variations in δ18O values of calcite are consistent with changes in mean summer temperature over the time interval covered by the core. In contrast, such a correlation does not exist for Lake Brienz and there the stable isotope composition of calcite reflects its allochthonous origin. In the sediments of both lakes, fatty acid (FA) distributions and the composition of n-alkanols and n-alkanes indicate highly variable proportions of autochthonous OM sources (algae, zooplankton, bacteria) and OM from land plants. Enhanced in situ microbial synthesis during sediment deposition in Lake Lugano is suggested by the higher TOC-normalised concentrations of branched chain FAs (C15–C17), hopanoic acids and triterpenoid alcohols (i.e. tetrahymanol, diplopterol). Variations in the concentrations of cholesterol are related to contributions from zooplankton and/or green algae, while sitosterol concentrations reflect the input of vascular plants. Periods of increased input of OM from diatoms are evidenced by high 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (either epibrassicasterol or brassicasterol) and/or highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkenes concentrations. High relative concentrations of diplopterol in Lake Lugano sediments are consistent with the predominance of cyanobacteria commonly observed in eutrophic lakes. The presence of archeol and hydroxyarcheol in very low concentrations in the Lugano sediments argues for the activity of methanogens and/or anaerobic methanotrophs.Differences in OM degradation processes are reflected in higher chlorin index values in the Brienz sediments but higher saturated vs. unsaturated n-FAs in the core from Lugano. Higher concentrations of branched chain FAs and 16:1ω7 n-FA, as well as enhanced 18:1ω7/18:1ω9 n-FA, are consistent with enhanced bacterial biomass in the Lugano water column or sediments. The preservation of phytol seems to be enhanced in sediments with a high relative contribution of land plant OM. Major factors affecting OM accumulation in the lakes are differences in OM sources (i.e. terrestrial OM vs. autochthonous production), extent of bacterial activity and most likely oxygen availability in the water column.  相似文献   

The sediment from an acid mine drainage affected reservoir of Guizhou province of China has the iron and arsenic concentration of about 400 and 2.6 g/kg, respectively. Sediment cores were collected, and were used to study the arsenic behavior in the seriously acidified reservoir from the viewpoint of chemical thermodynamics. The limestone neutralization and ferric iron hydrolysis regulated the porewater pH from about 2.9–5.8. The reductive dissolution of As–Fe-rich (hydr)oxides under the mild acidic conditions was the main mechanism for the release of absorbed arsenic into porewater. The maximum concentrations of iron, sulfate and arsenic reached to about 2,800, 9,000 and 1 mg/l, respectively. Arsenic speciation transformation and hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) crystallization enhanced the arsenic mobility in sediment. In addition, the iron sulfide minerals diagenesis could play a role in removing the dissolved arsenic from porewater. The actual distribution of arsenic concentration in porewater was well simulated using the model of surface complexation of arsenic to HFO. Although arsenic concentration in porewater could be above 100 times higher than that of reservoir water, it was not easy to release into the reservoir water through diffusion, because the shallow sediment had relatively strong arsenic adsorption capacity, and new HFO could be generated continuously at the sediment water interface.  相似文献   

段毅  夏嘉  何金先  张晓丽  徐丽  吴保祥 《地质学报》2011,85(12):2084-2092
为了认识盐湖典型沉积环境中沉积和生物中正构烷烃及其氢同位素特征,应用GC-MS和GC-TC-IRMS同位素分析技术,首次对茶卡盐湖沉积物和周围地区陆生植物中正构烷烃及其氢同位素进行了测定,研究了正构烷烃及其氢同位素组成.结果表明,茶卡盐湖周围地区植物中正构烷烃呈单峰型分布,主峰碳数为C25和C27;存在强的奇偶优势,并...  相似文献   

The fractionation of the isotopes of Mo between different geological environments has recently been determined to high accuracy using mass spectrometry (Barling et al., 2001). Fractionation is observed between Mo in seawater, where it exists primarily in the form of the Mo(VI) anion molybdate, MoO4−2, and in oxic sediments, where the Mo is isotopically lighter than in sea water by ∼1.8‰ (in terms of the 97Mo, 95Mo isotope pair). EXAFS evidence exists for a five- or six-coordinate Mo environment in the Fe,Mn oxyhydroxides of ferromanganese nodules (Kuhn et al., 2003). In sediment regimes which are anoxic and sulfidic (sometimes referred to as euxinic), where the Mo(VI) is expected to exist as a sulfide, no fractionation is observed compared to seawater. This is presumably because of the stoichiometric conversion of the Mo from MoO4−2 to MoS4−2 (Erickson and Helz, 2000) and then to other sulfides. If the conversion is stoichiometrically complete, mass balance requires the same isotopic distribution in reactant and product. This is a result of the very high equilibrium constant for this reaction. Thus, to understand isotopic fractionation processes both the equilibrium constants for the isotopic fractionation reactions and the equilbrium constants for transformation of one chemical compound to another must be considered.We here present quantum mechanical calculations of the isotopic fractionation equilibrium constants for the isotopes 92Mo and 100Mo between MoO4−2, MoO3(OH), MoO2(OH)2, MoO3, MoO3(OH2)3, MoS4−2 and a number of other oxidic and sulfidic complexes of Mo. The fractionation equilibrium constants are calculated directly from the computed vibrational, rotational and translational contributions to the free energy in the gas-phase using quantum methods. Calculated vibrational frequencies and ratios of frequencies for different isotopomers are first obtained using a number of different quantum methods and compared with available experimental data to establish the most reliable methodology.We have also calculated free energy changes in aqueous solution for a range of reactions of MoO4−2 and MoO2(OH)2 with H2O and H2S. We present evidence for the instability of the monomeric octahedral species Mo(OH)6 commonly assumed to exist in acid solution and suggest highly distorted six-coordinate MoO3(OH2)3 or three-coordinate MoO3 as better representations of the species present. We have also calculated visible-UV absorption spectra to support our interpretation of the speciation. MoO3 is calculated to be isotopically lighter than MoO4−2 by 1.6‰, consistent with the experimentally observed difference between sea water and oxic sediments. We explain the isotopic lightness of oxic sediments as arising from an intermediate step in which a three coordinate MoO3 species is formed in aqueous solution, and subsequently attaches to the surface of a Fe,Mn oxyhydroxide mineral.  相似文献   

Twenty-four brine samples from the Heletz-Kokhav oilfield, Israel, have been analyzed for chemical composition and Li isotope ratios. The chemical composition of the brines, together with geological evidence, suggests derivation from (Messinian) seawater by evaporation that proceeded well into the gypsum stability field but failed to reach the stage of halite crystallization. The present salinity of the samples (18-47 g Cl/L) was achieved by dilution of the original evaporitic brine by local fresh waters. Like brines from other sedimentary basins, the Li/Cl ratios in the Heletz-Kokhav samples show a prominent Li enrichment (five-fold to eight-fold) relative to modern seawater. The isotopic ratios of Li, expressed in the δ 6Li notation, vary from −26.3 to −17.9‰, all values being significantly higher than that of modern seawater (−32‰) irrespective of their corresponding Li concentration (1.0-2.3 mg/L). The isotopic composition of Li and the Li/Cl ratio in the oilfield brines were acquired in two stages: (a) The original evaporated seawater gained isotopically light Li during the diagenetic interaction between the interstitial Messinian brine and the basin sediments. A parent brine with an elevated Li/Cl ratio was formed. The brine was later diluted in the oilfields. (b) The δ 6Li values of the final brines were determined during epigenetic interaction with the Heletz-Kokhav aquifer rocks. At the same time, the Li/Cl ratio inherited from stage (a) remained largely unchanged. This work represents the first use of lithium isotopic composition to elucidate the origin and evolution of formation waters in sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

The southern slopes of Rossberg mountain, Central Switzerland, on which one of the largest historic landslides of the Alpine region was released in 1806 ad (Goldauer Bergsturz), are prone to large-scale mass wasting processes. This has led to numerous sliding events, which are well-recognizable in the modern topography but lack accurate dating. In order to provide new insights into the timing and the processes associated with past landslides as well as into the frequency of exceptional flood events, long sediment cores were retrieved from the subsurface of Lake Lauerz that lies in the pathway of these landslides and that records strong runoff events with typical flood layers. Analyses of the recovered cores display a sedimentologic succession with variable fingerprints of past landslides and flood events, depending on the coring location within the lake. The landslide signature can be calibrated using the 1806 ad event: An organic-rich peaty unit, which is found in two cores located close to the rockmass impact, points towards a sudden, gravity spreading-induced lateral displacement of the swampy plain where parts of the rock mass were accumulating. This rapid lateral mobilization of soft sediments, and not the rock masses, acted as ultimate trigger for the reported ~15 m-high impulse waves on the lake. In the more distal areas, the 1806 ad event led to the deposition of a thick, organic-rich redeposited layer. The 10 m-long core from the distal basin covers a radiocarbon-dated ~2,000 years sedimentation history and contains a highly similar event layer that was deposited in 810 ± 60 ad. This layer is most likely the product of a major historic landslide, known as Röthener Bergsturz, which, based on scarce historical reports, was commonly dated to 1222 ad. In the 2,000 years record, we identify three periods with enhanced occurrence of flood turbidites dated to 580–850 ad, 990–1420 ad, and 1630–1940 ad. Among the 54 detected flood layers, 6 probably mark exceptionally heavy rainfall events that are dated to ~610, ~1160, ~1290, ~1660, ~1850, and ~1876 ad, the latter being associated to one of the most intense rainfall events ever recorded instrumentally in the region.  相似文献   

Pollen and mollusc deposits in a sedimentation series laid down in the Dattnau valley during the Late Glacial and early Post-glacial were studied. For the first time δ13C and δ18O in land-snail shells were measured. It was possible to reconstruct vegetational and climatic developments from the Bölling ( c . 12,500 B.P.) until well into the early Boreal ( c . 9,000 B.P.). The two sets of findings agree well. The Late Glacial is seen to comprise two intervals: the continuous, locally rather moist, warm Bölling/Alleröd period, and the subsequent dry . cold Younger Dryas. The profile ceases after the changeover from the Late Glacial to the Post-glacial. The transitions from the Alleröd to the Younger Dryas and hence to the Preboreal and Boreal are both clearly identifiable in the pollen diagram; the mollusc record, however, ceases to be interpretable shortly before the climatic change to the Post-glacial. The δ18O curve shows a clear distinction between the AllerÖd and the Younger Dryas. The Gerzensee fluctuation, immediately before this transition. is evident as a negative deviation.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(9):1497-1506
Sedimentation and benthic release of As was determined in Baldeggersee, a eutrophic lake in central Switzerland. Sediment traps recorded As sedimentation during 1994, including a flood event in spring. Diagenetic processes were studied using porewater profiles at the sediment–water interface and in deeper sediment strata deposited in the mesotrophic lake (before 1885). Sediment cores were used to calculate the accumulation and to construct the balance of sedimentation and remobilisation. The results showed that the lake sediment acts as an efficient sink for As. Only 22% of the particulate As flux reaching the sediment surface was remobilised at the sediment–water interface. The As accumulation in the recent varved section of the eutrophic lake was 40 mg As m−2 a−1. Iron reduction in older sediment caused a remobilisation of 1.2 mg As m−2 a−1. This upward flux from the deeper sediment was quantitatively immobilised in the recent sulfidic sediments. The flood event in spring contributed about 34% of the yearly sediment load and led to distinct peak profiles of dissolved As in the porewater. This evidence for rapid remobilisation disappeared within months.  相似文献   

We measured δ13C values of free and sulfur-bound lipids and framboidal pyrite-size distributions in three sediment cores from the southern margins of the Black Sea. The margin cores show a marked difference in the occurrence of biomarkers from green sulfur bacteria compared with the deep-basin cores, as a result of deepening of the chemocline resulting from enhanced mixing and/or decreased light-penetration as a consequence of high turbidity and productivity in shelf waters. Quantitation of biomarkers suggests that photic-zone anoxia along the shelf margin was generally absent during the deposition of unit I, although occurred during the deposition of Unit IIb at two sites.  相似文献   

As one of the lakes on the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, Lake Chenghai, which is a typical closed lake with the precipitation accounting for one-third or more of the annual water input, has a high total salinity (almost like a saline lake). The inorganic C, O isotopic composition of lake sediments bears much sensitive information about environmental change in the catchment, while their correlations revealed the hydrological conditions under which the lake was closed. Their compositional variations are controlled by temperature, precipitation, photosynthesis, dissolving equilibrium of the carbonate system and hydrological condition. According to our research on inorganic C, O isotopic composition of Lake Chenghai sediments, we investigated the environmental change of this catchment several decades ago. The results showed that Lake Chenghai has kept good hydrological closing conditions in the past several decades, as indicated by the good correlation of inorganic C, O isotopic composition of sediments; and that the environmental change in this catchment shows a tendency of periodical evolution on a 10−11-years scale, although the signal noise is relatively high at the bottom of the sediment core. And we also can extend C, O isotopes, a sensitive environmental indicator, to nearly saline lake environments with a high degree of mineralization.  相似文献   

The record of historic earthquakes in lake sediments of Central Switzerland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deformation structures in lake sediments in Central Switzerland can be attributed to strong historic earthquakes. The type and spatial distribution of the deformation structures reflect the historically documented macroseismic intensities thus providing a useful calibration tool for paleoseismic investigations in prehistoric lake sediments.The Swiss historical earthquake catalogue shows four moderate to strong earthquakes with moment magnitudes of Mw=5.7 to Mw=6.9 and epicentral intensities of I0=VII to I0=IX that affected the area of Central Switzerland during the last 1000 years. These are the 1964 Alpnach, 1774 Altdorf, 1601 Unterwalden, and 1356 Basel earthquakes. In order to understand the effect of these earthquakes on lacustrine sediments, four lakes in Central Switzerland (Sarner See, Lungerer See, Baldegger See, and Seelisberg Seeli) were investigated using high-resolution seismic data and sediment cores. The sediments consist of organic- and carbonate-rich clayey to sandy silts that display fine bedding on the centimeter to millimeter scale. The sediments are dated by historic climate and environmental records, 137Cs activity, and radiocarbon ages. Deformation structures occur within distinct zones and include large-scale slumps and rockfalls, as well as small-scale features like disturbed and contorted lamination and liquefaction structures. These deformations are attributed to three of the abovementioned earthquakes. The spatial distribution of deformation structures in the different lakes clearly reflects the historical macroseismic dataset: Lake sediments are only affected if they are situated within an area that underwent groundshaking not smaller than intensity VI to VII. We estimate earthquake size by relating the epicentral distance of the farthest liquefaction structure to earthquake magnitude. This relationship is in agreement with earthquake size estimations based on the historical dataset.  相似文献   

In many arid and semiarid areas, dry lake beds (saline playa) represent a tremendous source of unconsolidated salt-rich sediments that are available for aeolian transport. Severe salt-dust storms caused by the erosion of such landforms have become very harmful natural phenomena. In this study, sample analysis and field erosion monitoring of Ebinur Lake was conducted to investigate the salt content, chemical composition, and wind erosion intensity of surface salt-rich sediments. The effects of salt-dust rising from the playa on the growth and physiological health of plants were also evaluated in this study through a leaf dustfall test. The results indicate that water-soluble salts assemble densely on the dry lake bed surface. At a depth of 0–2 cm, the highest salt contents can exceed 40%, with sulfate and chloride being the main anions present and Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ being the primary cations. The annual wind erosion rate ranged from 0.48 to 5.6 cm in the northwest portion of the lake and from 0.24 to 0.96 cm in the southeast portion. Salt-dust storms caused by wind erosion of saline playa sediments seriously influenced the normal absorption of minerals by plant leaves. Under the influence of salt-dust storms, plant leaves absorb more Na+, but far less K+.  相似文献   

Uranium and thorium isotopes in an 81-m long sediment core (HDP-04) of Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia, were measured to investigate their downcore distributions and to explore potential linkage to paleoenvironmental changes. Three-dimensional isochron techniques using isotope-ratio diagrams in 238U–234U–230Th–232Th system presented by Ludwig and Titterington were applied to age date the lake sediments at the depths of 11.42, 14.71 and 14.83 m in the HDP-04 section, the estimated ages of these horizons are 66 ± 8, 122 ± 11 and 128 ± 22 ka, respectively. The 238U concentration throughout the entire section fluctuated by a factor of 12, ranging from 19.9 to 232.1 mBq/g with anomalously high 238U peak at 23.8 m in depth, while the 232Th concentration varied only by a factor of about two between 24.3 and 54.0 mBq/g. The discrimination of the bulk 238U into authigenic and terrigenous 238U fractions was attempted, based on the measured 232Th as a correction index for terrigenous materials. In the upper 24 m corresponding to the last 250 ka, the authigenic 238U was higher in interglacials and lower in glacials. This depth profile of authigenic 238U contents was almost identical pattern with that found in a sediment core (VER98-1-6) from the Academician Ridge, Lake Baikal. Further, this profile can be correlated well with that of photosynthetic pigment contents, one of proxies of paleoproductivity, suggesting that the variation of authigenic 238U contents were associated with the environmental change around Lake Hovsgol.  相似文献   

太湖全新世沉积物的古盐度指标及其环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沉积物中的Ca/(Fe+Ca)比值和硼含量随水体含盐度的高低而相应增减,它们都是较好的古盐度指标。本文对太湖全新世的沉积物进行了古盐度指标的分析。并与现代湖泊和海洋沉积物作了对比,结果反映东太湖为陆相沉积环境,而西太湖则主要为海相沉积环境。此结论与古生物化石的结论一致,从而证明了太湖地区于全新世期间经历了大规模的海侵,并形成海湾-湖环境。同时也证明了这些古盐度指标是行之有效的。  相似文献   

使用AGMP-1氯化物型阴离子交换树脂(100--200目)对夏季贵州阿哈湖流域水体悬浮颗粒物等样品进行了化学分离,并在多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS)上进行了铁同位素分析.分析结果表明,夏季阿哈湖湖水分层期间湖水悬浮颗粒物及各端员环境样品的铁同位素组成变化较大:湖水悬浮颗粒物的δ56Fe为负值,分布范围为-1.36‰~-0.10‰之间;各支流河水悬浮颗粒物的铁同位素组成在-0.88‰~-0.16‰之间;大气颗粒物的平均铁同位素组成为 0.06‰±0.02‰;而未经化学清洗的浮游藻类的铁同位素组成为 0.08‰.对比研究表明,湖水悬浮颗粒物的铁同位素组成不仅受各输入端员的影响,湖泊内部复杂的生物地球化学过程也对颗粒物的铁同位素组成产生了重要影响.陆源输入的颗粒有机结合态铁使得湖泊表层悬浮颗粒物的铁同位素组成偏低,而大气沉降颗粒物和湖泊表层的浮游藻类整体上对铁同位素组成的影响并不显著."ferrous wheel"铁循环对于氧化还原界面附近水层中铁同位素的重分配起到了主要的控制和影响作用.δ56Fe值与Fe/A1呈现良好的负相关关系,也显示出活性铁的循环迁移是造成氧化还原界面附近水层中悬浮颗粒物的铁同位素组成变化的重要原因,表明铁同位素与Fe/A1可能可以作为表征水体生物地球化学环境的良好指标.  相似文献   

The concentrations of authigenic phases of Cd, Re, U, and Mo increase with depth in four 45-cm-long sediment box cores collected along the axis of the Laurentian Trough, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Average authigenic accumulation rates, estimated from element inventories, are similar to rates in other continental margin environments. Strong regional variations in sediment accumulation rate and sulfide concentration have little influence on the accumulation rates of Cd and Re. This suggests that slow precipitation kinetics controls the accumulation of Cd and Re in these sediments. The accumulation rate of authigenic U is more variable; it may be tied to the kinetics of microbially mediated U reduction and be controlled by the availability of reactive organic matter. Authigenic Mo is distinguished by a sharp subsurface concentration minimum, above which Mo cycles with manganese. Mo released to pore water upon reduction of Mn oxides diffuses downward and enriches the subsurface sediment. Mo accumulates most rapidly in the sediment with the highest sulfide content. Slow conversion of molybdate to thiomolybdate may explain the much slower Mo accumulation rate in the less sulfidic sediments. A component of authigenic Mo accumulates with pyrite in an approximately constant Mo:Fe ratio. The accumulation rate of pyrite and associated Mo is insensitive to AVS abundance. Pyrite formation may be limited by the reactivity of iron oxide minerals.  相似文献   

鹿鸣超大型钼矿(钼金属量89万吨,平均品位0.084%)产于小兴安岭-张广才岭成矿带北段,矿体呈细脉浸染状赋存于二长花岗斑岩和二长花岗岩体内,围岩蚀变有钾化、绢云母化、硅化、绿泥石化、碳酸盐化等,矿化类型主要为斑岩型矿化。鹿鸣矿区含矿岩体二长花岗斑岩和二长花岗岩的锆石U-Pb定年、Hf同位素及辉钼矿Re-Os同位素定年研究表明:二长花岗岩和二长花岗斑岩锆石的U-Pb年龄分别为186.8±2.1Ma和183.2±1.9Ma,形成于燕山早期,二长花岗斑岩晚于二长花岗岩。6个样品辉钼矿Re-Os等时线年龄为176.7±4.4Ma(MSWD=0.92),Re含量变化于30×10-6~49×10-6。二长花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)值变化于1.1~3.8,Hf单阶段模式年龄为729Ma,两阶段模式年龄为1055Ma;二长花岗斑岩的锆石εHf(t)值变化于0.4~5.9,Hf单阶段模式年龄为741Ma,两阶段模式年龄为1075Ma。研究表明成矿与二长花岗斑岩有关,并且二长花岗岩和二长花岗斑岩岩浆为中新元古代新生的地壳物质熔融的产物,成岩成矿作用与古太平洋板块俯冲作用(或佳木斯与松嫩地块的拼合)有关。  相似文献   

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